Hi Lex, I'm following your channel on and off for a little while now, as time allows. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for that teaching. It was really good and solid, and I enjoyed it. Don't worry about the time, too much. Because a good and solid teaching isn't a 3-mins instant soup of words spit out in a hurry. Bottom line, I'm looking forward to next week. My questions about the canon are: - How can we be sure what is and isn't part of it? - Why is the order of books in the hebrew bible different from the Christian bible, and does it even matter?
Those who say the sabbath is a burden are people who have never actually rested on the sabbath. It’s not that the sabbath is physically hard to keep… it’s only burdensome to those who don’t WANT to live set apart.
Not wanting is likely correct, but what drives the want is largely fear of being set apart. It is an odd juxtaposition of faith in HIM and fear of man. This line of discussion has led to many converaations for me over the years. Sabbath and His Holy Days are the root of my best memories growing up. I pray always that eyes and hearts will be opened to how good He is and the freedom of walking after His son did while on the Earth.
Great job Lex. Thanks for doing this work. Paul/Shaul in Romans: Rom 3:31 Do we then G3767 make void G2673 the law G3551 through G1223 faith? G4102 God forbid: G1096 G3361 yea, G235 we establish G2476 the law. G3551 Meaning: “Is the law of God abolished/worthless because of our faith in Jesus as Messiah. God forbid. Because of our faith we establish/set up/continue the Law of God.”
Great job Lex! Sola Scriputra is the reason I believe in Biblical Cosmology, and not the "Helios Centric" sun god model. Read Genesis 1 and draw it out on paper. As yourself "are you going to live according to scripture, not just the Words that are comfortable, but every Word of God".
Do you understand that the belief in the Godless worlds heliocentric cosmology and the Bibles geocentric cosmology are two completely different, 100% opposing religions? The man in this video has the Godless worlds graven image of the 100% fake spinning ball earth there with him. This 100% disqualifies him from being a Christian!
Well done. Can you give some advice for a response back when someone takes the written on our mind and heart and says we don't need the commandments because each of us has a path God wants us on and we must listen to the Spirit, and we know when we are being disobedient. And then says they the Spirit hasn't told them they are wrong for not keeping the Sabbath and the Feast. Or that God knows their heart. Thank you.
@@SGOV86 ,...Actually, I do know you. All actual Christians know who the real Christians are and who the fake christians are. A tree is known by its fruit. When the fake christians of the apostate church are presented with Biblical truth they will react just as you have and will revile the bringer of truth. The truth of the Bible is an offence to those who are outside of the kingdom of God. The commandment of God/Jesus is to NOT keep any laws, commandments, or sabbaths. Is this what you meant when you said,...."Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."?
I’m gonna look into the law and see if I am protected through the law to keep the Sabbath to get a day off from work because the Sabbath sometimes it lands Monday through Friday
@@CanI... The NU text omits "new". In translations, to name a few, καινός (new) is omitted in: NKJVmg RSV NRSV ESV NASB NIV TNIV NEB REB NJB NAB NLT HCSB, and added in: KJV NKJV RSVmg NRSVmg ESVmg TNIVmg NJBmg NLTmg HCSBmg. Robertson's Word Pictures says: "The adjective kainēs in Textus Receptus is not genuine." Cambridge Bible has: "new testament] The word “new” is omitted in the most ancient MSS. here and in Mark." I Hope this helps.
@@Ecc1213 Thanks for clarifying it. From what you told me, seems like it isn't about manuscripts but translations. The Textus Receptus includes kainēs in several passages, such as: Luke 22:20: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood." and 1 Corinthians 11:25: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood." These instances align with the concept of the "new covenant" (kainē diathēkē, καινὴ διαθήκη), which is well-supported in Greek manuscripts and theology. Robertson's own theology likely has influenced him to focus on the few manuscripts from the TR that kainē wasn't present. By the way, I believe we should keep the Law. I'm just trying to help out so that we don do eisegesis when we should be doing exegesis. :)
@@CanI... You're welcome! Given that we have so much more manuscripts available today, some older than the textus receptus, we should not cling to something we are used to but be critical and acknowledge that the textus receptus has plenty of errors (just like the other manuscripts). My experience so far is that if we are honest and critical the spirit guides us into ever more truth, while if we are stubborn and don't want to see translation errors (or even manuscript errors, let's face it, they are all copies of copies), we will be blind to the truth. By the way, I'm convinced we should keep the Torah too, just like Yahusha commanded! Also we need to do good works or else our faith is dead. Be blessed brother.
@@Ecc1213 Thanks brother. The fact we both keep Torah even though we might disagree on that word shows that this word or lack of it in the original manuscript, doesn't alter it's meaning. Even if we pick up something that is agreed to be an insertion from the scribe as Mark 7:19, it doesn't change the meaning of text for those who really seek to understand it. Even the Catholic attempt to alter the Sabbath to "the Lord's day" in Exodus 20 doesn't change the interpretation for those who seek, since the rest of the Torah still makes the case for keeping the Sabbath. Shalom and be blessed!
"The Catholic Church abolished not only the SABBATH, but all the other Jewish FESTIVALS." - (T. Enright CSSR - Bishop of St. Alphonsus Church, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1905.)
Clearly, when Christ said " TILL - heaven and earth pass, not one jot or tittle shall pass from THE LAW - TILL - ALL be fulfilled", He was referring to the decalogue/10 commandments, as obviously, He knew in advance, the "Law of Moses" - contained in statutes/judgments/ordinances, which were but a shadow - would be done away/abolished.
Jesus' sacrifice made it possible for ppl to obey His Father's commandments. Contrary to the false doctrine of traditional Christianity, the Bible itself says that nobody who lives unholy lives will see God. The reason why "Christians" believe that Jesus' sacrifice abolished the authority of the Law is because they believe the false, man made gospels centered around Christ. Christ's gospel is about the Kingdom of God, not Himself.
I think this is the SDA cult, we’re no longer under the law of Moses we are now under the law of Christ. And they’re also wrong about Catholics removing any commandments they just put them together different, and by their logic of having no graven images they better stay consistent and become Amish then because no graven images of anything means everything. No statue of any kind, even though that is not even what God was talking about context is key that was meant for the Jews making golden calves to worship. And as far as to he Sabath were under Gods Sabbath. Not to the Jewish sabbath. The Jewish sabbath is just a shadow of the true sabbath. This mans theology is whacked. He is a perfect example of why not everyone should interpret and teach scripture very dangerous.
@@SGOV86 I am struggling to understand how that plays into judgement? If you either followed the law or didn’t, what exactly is grace? I’m trying so hard to understand 😩
No this is not a SDA channel. SDA do believe in keeping the Sabbath and eating only clean animals but not in keeping the biblical feasts like Passover, feast of Tabernacles etc while this channel also teaches that we should also still keep the biblical feasts besides keeping Sabbath and eating only clean animals
Hey. Hebrews 10:940:02 9Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. -He set aside. You claim he didn't. So you can still point to them (the first) to see the glory in the second. Just like we say the new testament is a reflection of the old testament. That does not mean we discard the old. We use it as a mirror 🪞.
All the days of the week are named after gods. So where is the person who tried to change that?; We should then rename or rearrange them also. Why choose one and leave the rest?
Sola Scriptura and Perseverance of the Saints. Perhaps the only two actually biblical precepts found in the blend of Calvinism and Luther's 5 Solas ... Why are there 5 sola's if each stands alone .... :) Scripture interprets Scripture, but how often is early church doctrine consulted for answers instead of parallel texts for context. Perseverance of the saints ... straight out of Rev 14:12 Those who have faith in Yeshua and keep HIS commandments. How often is the former taught as a replacement for the latter ignoring that very important word "and" ???? Blessings
Sola Scriptura ... and Perseverance of the saints. Perhaps the only two biblical principles of calvinism albeit neither are typically applied. Scripture interprets Scripture but many look to early church fathers instead of scripture for answers. Perseverance of the saints... Rev 14:12 ... Those who have faith in Yeshua and keep HIS commandments. How often is the former put forth as a replacement for the latter?
Lex, i mean this sincerely, how does not eating unclean animals comport with Yeshua saying it's not what enters a man that defilies that man but by what comes out of his mouth.
Look at the context. Jesus was addressing the Pharisees demanding that His disciples ritually wash their hands before eating(Mar. 7:1-5). Jesus was saying "look, a person cannot be defiled by the dirt they ingest by eating with unwashed hands. They are defiled by the words they speak". Even though this incident is misused to argue that Jesus was abolishing the kosher law, we can see that there was no unclean meat involved in this incident.
I have a little note for you. Catholics dont celebrate halloween (at least not in europe), they celebrate on 1 november all saints day and on 2 november all souls day.
Being "under the law" means someone is violating it as a way of life. Disobedience to the law is what put someone under it. Ppl would understand what this phrase means if they would read the entire statement: " *For sin shall not have dominion over you* , for you are not under law but under grace". "Christianity" believes that obeying the law puts a person under it because its adherents don't understand(or will accept) the Bible definition of sin and grace.
Catholics also changed the Sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day and they admit it: " … you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify". James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore - The Faith of Our Fathers, 88th edition, page 89. Also, see Exodus 31:13,16
While I appreciate the emphasis on the resurrection (which is often lacking), I would remind you of the words of Scripture, "I was determined to know nothing among you except Christ and him crucified". I think you'd have a pretty hard time convincing the apostle Paul that it were possible to overemphasize the crucifixion.
Read 1 Cor. 15:1-28 where Paul focused just as much importance on Christ's resurrection. Christ's death didn't make eternal life possible for humanity. His resurrection did. It is because of His resurrection that everybody else has the hope of eternal life. Christ conquered the grave with His resurrection, not His death. Adherents of traditional Christianity place far too much on His death and resurrection without actually understanding their importance.
@theeternalsbeliever1779 Thanks. As I said, I appreciate the emphasis on resurrection, which as I stated has in my experience been lacking. That is not the same thing as saying that Christ's crucifixion is OVER-emphasized, as was stated in the video (perhaps in an off-the-cuff manner). I reject the idea that emphasis on the crucifixion comes at the expense of the resurrection. That would be like blaming a forgetfulness of the role of the Holy Spirit on an overemphasis on the Glory of the Son. That's not how things work. It is in both cases a problem of under-emphasis rather than over-emphasis.
Adventists are mistaken in their belief that there is no New Testament evidence that supports such a change by the Catholic Church. Quite apart from the biblical proof of the apostolic Church’s authority to teach in God’s name (Mt 16:18-19, 18:17-18, Lk 10:16) and of God’s guarantee that this teaching would never fall into error (Mt 28:19-20, Lk 22:32, Jn 16:13), there is an impressive amount of evidence from Scripture that Christ and the apostles changed their day of corporate worship from Saturday to Sunday. The Old Testament Sabbath commandment contains two elements. The primary element, the moral obligation to set aside adequate time for the purpose of divine worship. This could never be abrogated, as it is rooted in the natural law. The secondary element was ceremonial and therefore could be abolished-and was abolished by Jesus’ death on the cross (Col 2:12-17). This secondary, ceremonial element was that the particular day chosen to meet the moral obligation of the law was Saturday, so that the Jews would remember and memorialize the creation of the earth. Jesus, during his earthly ministry, began to prepare the way for changing Sabbath worship from “the letter of the law” to “the spirit of the law.” Remember that one of his greatest arguments with the Pharisees concerned Sabbath worship. He constantly rebuked them for placing the rigid observance of mere details above the spirit of setting aside a day to rest from unnecessary servile work and to worship God. By this Jesus made it clear that the Sabbath may be changed to meet the needs of man. By effecting these changes as “the Son of Man,” Jesus used his human authority to show us that he is “Lord even of the Sabbath” (Mk 2:28). special honor is shown to Sunday throughout the New Testament. Christ rose from the dead on Sunday, and he first appeared to his disciples that Easter Sunday evening (Jn 20:19). One week later-and from the context we can see that this meant the following Sunday-Jesus appeared to them again when Thomas was present (John 20:26). Luke records that Sunday was observed by the Christian community from the very beginning: “On the first day of the week when we gathered to break bread” (Acts 20:7). To “break bread” refers to the celebration of the Eucharist (Mt 26:26, Mk 14:22). Paul ordered the Corinthians to gather their offertory collections on Sunday (1 Cor 16:2); that set the scriptural precedent we follow today of gathering our offerings on Sunday during Mass. John records in Rev. 1:10 that he was granted a vision of heaven’s own worship while he was at worship (“caught up in spirit”) on “the Lord’s day.” John’s disciple Ignatius of Antioch tells us in his Letter to the Magnesians that “the Lord’s day” is not the ancient Sabbath; therefore, “the Lord’s day” must refer to Sunday. Jesus, being God, knew whether or not his Church would apostatize by changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. If Adventists are correct that Christians are still obliged to keep Saturday as their day of corporate worship, isn’t it strange that Jesus underscored exactly the opposite by appearing to his disciples after his Resurrection nearly exclusively on Sunday?
@ first of all I was born an Israeli Jew I think I know how we count our days. And second he died on a Friday As a Jew I think I know what and when my day of preparation is. Your theology is wrong. What are you one of those weird wacky kjv only people, I couldn’t care about your KJV translation, I read my Bible in Hebrew. However even the KJV states the same.
I'm not interested in the Catholic church. (You guys always begin by begin self righteous, what other people are doing that is poor) But you finally got to the eisegesis you all use; Matthew 5:17-20. The favourite go-to text for law followers. Is their ever any context? Who, also love to quote this without ever any context; Matthew 7:23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ They make it mean you must follow the law, or Christ won't know you! This is what is called eisegesis. I can quote from a random text and make it mean what I want! But we test all things. Examining the text for the evidence! They're just using what Christ said in Matthew to mean disobedience to the law. But that's not what he's saying, either! Ironically it's about those led astray by false teaching. What does 7:24 say? If you read through from Matthew 5:1. Notice what is said verse 19; Matthew 5:19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. He has just said "I came to fulfill law and prophets, to accomplish the purpose of the law" (paraphrase) which he is doing! From 5:21 to 7:14 he gives his teaching, his commands. Then, ironically for the those who have used 7:23 out of context. 7:15-23 he talks about those who will not understand his teaching and use it for their own agenda (paraphrase) which links back to Matthew 5:20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Then after the teaching, he says; Matthew 7:24-27 “Everyone then who 👉hears these words of mine👈 and does them (5:19, remember?) will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. [25] And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. [26] And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. [27] And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” This sermon is NOT about keeping the law. Jesus teaches from Psalms, law, prophets. He is clear though! It is HIS teaching and HIS words. Conclusion: Matthew 28:19-20 Go, therefore, disciples all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] 👉teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you👈. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
*Revelation 12:17 NKJV* *[17] And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.*
Prophesied that the Roman Catholic church would change God's Appointed TIMES and LAWS. "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to CHANGE TIMES and LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." - (Daniel 7:25 KJVS) DANIEL 7:25 * New Living Translation ".....He will try to CHANGE their sacred FESTIVALS and LAWS......" * Berean Study Bible ".......intending to CHANGE the APPOINTED TIMES and LAWS......." * Christian Standard Bible ".......He will intend to CHANGE religious FESTIVALS and LAWS......." * Contemporary English Version "........He will try to CHANGE God's LAW and the sacred SEASONS......" * Good News Translation "........He will try to CHANGE their religious LAWS and FESTIVALS......." * Holman Christian Standard Bible ".........He will intend to CHANGE religious FESTIVALS and LAWS......." *Young's Literal Translation "....... and it hopeth to CHANGE SEASONS and LAW......"
"From ROME there came now another addition to the SUN-worshipping apostasy. The FIRST CHRISTIANS being mostly Jews, CONTINUED to CELEBRATE, in REMEMBRANCE of the death of Christ, the true PASSOVER; and this was continued among those who from among the GENTILES had turned to Christ. Accordingly, the celebration was always on the PASSOVER DAY, the fourteenth of the first month. ROME, however, and from her all the West, adopted the day of the SUN as the day of this coloration. According to the Eastern custom, the celebration, being on the fourteenth day of the month, would of course fall on different days of the week as the years resolved. The rule of ROME was that the celebration must always be on a SUNDAY." (A.T. Jones - Great Empires of Prophecy, 1898, p. 389)
Based brother. I can see by your channel you are a pioneer guy. Have you ever looked into the Rod and Branch messages or have any thoughts? If you are not familiar, they have to do with church reform, the calling of the 144,000, feasts, Ezekiel 9, gathering of the Kingdom, etc. Hotly contested, but worth at least being aware of.
God is not dead or distant. Scripture points to God. It is not a replacement for God. God speaks to each individual, which is God words. When scripture speaks of God's word. This is what is referred to as God's word besides Jesus. Scripture was never meant to be God's word. Dialogue with God, hold what God tells you, and let Him love you daily.
Sola Scriptura consists of the Tenakh. The so-called NT is mythology on steroids. The J-man fulfilled zero messianic Scriptures. ISAIAH 2:1-4 and Micah 4:1-3 are messianic. This will occur when the true mashiach comes.
To many false statements in the first few minutes to watch the whole thing. Sola scriptura caught my attention but then it's about bashing orthodox Christians.
I think we need to trust more in God as we read scripture and stop trusting in man’s interpretation . From genesis to revelation’s Adonai shows us that he is the one who reveals truth according to his will.
@ without the original manuscripts and the ability to read them, all we have is mans interpretation. Written by inspired men, scribed/copied by men, translated by men and interpreted by men.
In what way did I "bash" anyone? My desire is to challenge believers to walk by Scripture and not by the traditions they inherited from their denomination. How is that bashing?
@@mikepotter1291 than what is the point to believe if you take Gods will off the equation. I know the Bible has been translated and the originals we don’t have, but if you don’t believe God him self preserved his word through out every generation than we believe in an empty faith. But this is your argument to allow traditions to live side by side as authority even sometimes above scripture. You should study the Rabbi’s in Judaism and see how much your thought a lines with there’s. Without saying it I bet you are Catholic, the New Testament Judaism.
@@unlearnthelies well, like you, first I'd have to catch my breath. Your list in the first 8 minutes or so sounded like a bashing but more importantly it's misleading, not historical and false. The changing of the ten words, not numbered by God, was changed by who and when? Augustine proposed the numbering that the Lutherans and the catholics use in the late 300 to early 400. Idolitry wasn't removed from the list of commandments it's included in the first commandment, also a Google find. Regardless the numbering system or grouping you use, doesn't your list include not bearing false witness? I don't know if your married or not but if you are you could ask your wife if coveting your neighbor's new sports car is the same as coveting your neighbor's wife wearing a bakini out washing the car. Time to catch my breath again.
Thanks lex for keeping it real always 💯🙏🏾 yah be the glory
Awesome new take on your channel. May Adonai continue to bless your ministry
Great video, don't worry about running over time, it was worth it. Thank you
Such a wealth of information!! Thank you so much!! I look forward to more❤
Great video, many won’t teach these truths ❤️🔥🙌🏾
Put of context eisegesis is not a truth.
Hi Lex, I'm following your channel on and off for a little while now, as time allows. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for that teaching. It was really good and solid, and I enjoyed it. Don't worry about the time, too much. Because a good and solid teaching isn't a 3-mins instant soup of words spit out in a hurry.
Bottom line, I'm looking forward to next week.
My questions about the canon are:
- How can we be sure what is and isn't part of it?
- Why is the order of books in the hebrew bible different from the Christian bible, and does it even matter?
I think it would be a great idea to make a short, on the law being not done away with.
Those who say the sabbath is a burden are people who have never actually rested on the sabbath. It’s not that the sabbath is physically hard to keep… it’s only burdensome to those who don’t WANT to live set apart.
Not wanting is likely correct, but what drives the want is largely fear of being set apart. It is an odd juxtaposition of faith in HIM and fear of man. This line of discussion has led to many converaations for me over the years.
Sabbath and His Holy Days are the root of my best memories growing up. I pray always that eyes and hearts will be opened to how good He is and the freedom of walking after His son did while on the Earth.
Good day brother.Greeting to you in the Name Of Our Savior YAHUSHA , Ahmein. Am from Fiji 🇫🇯 and lm Usaia waqalevu
23:18 about the change of the Sabbath from the 7th day of the week to the first day of the week; it was on *march 7th 321AD* .
Great job Lex. Thanks for doing this work.
Paul/Shaul in Romans:
Rom 3:31 Do we then G3767 make void G2673 the law G3551 through G1223 faith? G4102 God forbid: G1096 G3361 yea, G235 we establish G2476 the law. G3551
Meaning: “Is the law of God abolished/worthless because of our faith in Jesus as Messiah. God forbid. Because of our faith we establish/set up/continue the Law of God.”
Great job Lex! Sola Scriputra is the reason I believe in Biblical Cosmology, and not the "Helios Centric" sun god model.
Read Genesis 1 and draw it out on paper. As yourself "are you going to live according to scripture, not just the Words that are comfortable, but every Word of God".
Do you understand that the belief in the Godless worlds heliocentric cosmology and the Bibles geocentric cosmology are two completely different, 100% opposing religions? The man in this video has the Godless worlds graven image of the 100% fake spinning ball earth there with him. This 100% disqualifies him from being a Christian!
Another Awesome product, Lex! I love the format and the style!
Well done. Can you give some advice for a response back when someone takes the written on our mind and heart and says we don't need the commandments because each of us has a path God wants us on and we must listen to the Spirit, and we know when we are being disobedient. And then says they the Spirit hasn't told them they are wrong for not keeping the Sabbath and the Feast. Or that God knows their heart. Thank you.
*Revelation 14:12 NKJV*
*[12] Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.*
You DO NOT understand what the commandments of God are.
@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 you do not know me to conclude that. Have you become God?
@@SGOV86 ,...Actually, I do know you. All actual Christians know who the real Christians are and who the fake christians are. A tree is known by its fruit.
When the fake christians of the apostate church are presented with Biblical truth they will react just as you have and will revile the bringer of truth. The truth of the Bible is an offence to those who are outside of the kingdom of God.
The commandment of God/Jesus is to NOT keep any laws, commandments, or sabbaths. Is this what you meant when you said,...."Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."?
I’m gonna look into the law and see if I am protected through the law to keep the Sabbath to get a day off from work because the Sabbath sometimes it lands Monday through Friday
You don't get to pick Sabbath
@@mattmoore1731 I don’t pick my sabbath. The problem is that I follow the full moon as the first day of the month
Let's talk biblically.
For a moment there I thought I had accidentally subscribed to James White
Who's James white?
@ ok that made me chuckle 👍
I agree. First thought I had was “He is winning the James White look-a-like contest.”
@@patrickmetcalf3866 just google doctor James white pastor… that should do it
James White now has the Shabir Ally beard.
Not all manuscripts have 'new' at the passover where Yahusha says 'this is the blood of the covenant'.
Which manuscripts don't?
@@CanI... The NU text omits "new".
In translations, to name a few, καινός (new) is omitted in: NKJVmg RSV NRSV ESV NASB NIV TNIV NEB REB NJB NAB NLT HCSB, and added in: KJV NKJV RSVmg NRSVmg ESVmg TNIVmg NJBmg NLTmg HCSBmg.
Robertson's Word Pictures says: "The adjective kainēs in Textus Receptus is not genuine."
Cambridge Bible has: "new testament] The word “new” is omitted in the most ancient MSS. here and in Mark."
I Hope this helps.
@@Ecc1213 Thanks for clarifying it. From what you told me, seems like it isn't about manuscripts but translations.
The Textus Receptus includes kainēs in several passages, such as: Luke 22:20: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood." and 1 Corinthians 11:25: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood."
These instances align with the concept of the "new covenant" (kainē diathēkē, καινὴ διαθήκη), which is well-supported in Greek manuscripts and theology.
Robertson's own theology likely has influenced him to focus on the few manuscripts from the TR that kainē wasn't present.
By the way, I believe we should keep the Law. I'm just trying to help out so that we don do eisegesis when we should be doing exegesis. :)
@@CanI... You're welcome!
Given that we have so much more manuscripts available today, some older than the textus receptus, we should not cling to something we are used to but be critical and acknowledge that the textus receptus has plenty of errors (just like the other manuscripts). My experience so far is that if we are honest and critical the spirit guides us into ever more truth, while if we are stubborn and don't want to see translation errors (or even manuscript errors, let's face it, they are all copies of copies), we will be blind to the truth.
By the way, I'm convinced we should keep the Torah too, just like Yahusha commanded! Also we need to do good works or else our faith is dead. Be blessed brother.
@@Ecc1213 Thanks brother. The fact we both keep Torah even though we might disagree on that word shows that this word or lack of it in the original manuscript, doesn't alter it's meaning. Even if we pick up something that is agreed to be an insertion from the scribe as Mark 7:19, it doesn't change the meaning of text for those who really seek to understand it.
Even the Catholic attempt to alter the Sabbath to "the Lord's day" in Exodus 20 doesn't change the interpretation for those who seek, since the rest of the Torah still makes the case for keeping the Sabbath. Shalom and be blessed!
"The Catholic Church abolished not only the SABBATH, but all the other Jewish FESTIVALS." -
(T. Enright CSSR - Bishop of St. Alphonsus Church, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1905.)
Bible is only written at back of the scripture but is not found in the scripture. So what does it mean? (Bible)
Clearly, when Christ said " TILL - heaven and earth pass, not one jot or tittle shall pass from THE LAW - TILL - ALL be fulfilled", He was referring to the decalogue/10 commandments, as obviously, He knew in advance, the "Law of Moses" - contained in statutes/judgments/ordinances, which were but a shadow - would be done away/abolished.
If we still have to follow and be judged by the commandments, what is the point of Jesus?
Jesus' sacrifice made it possible for ppl to obey His Father's commandments. Contrary to the false doctrine of traditional Christianity, the Bible itself says that nobody who lives unholy lives will see God. The reason why "Christians" believe that Jesus' sacrifice abolished the authority of the Law is because they believe the false, man made gospels centered around Christ. Christ's gospel is about the Kingdom of God, not Himself.
I think this is the SDA cult, we’re no longer under the law of Moses we are now under the law of Christ. And they’re also wrong about Catholics removing any commandments they just put them together different, and by their logic of having no graven images they better stay consistent and become Amish then because no graven images of anything means everything. No statue of any kind, even though that is not even what God was talking about context is key that was meant for the Jews making golden calves to worship. And as far as to he Sabath were under Gods Sabbath. Not to the Jewish sabbath.
The Jewish sabbath is just a shadow of the true sabbath.
This mans theology is whacked.
He is a perfect example of why not everyone should interpret and teach scripture very dangerous.
@@unicornus33 the point of Jesus His death is not that we should not obey anymore but that we gain grace where we did not obey.
@@SGOV86 I am struggling to understand how that plays into judgement? If you either followed the law or didn’t, what exactly is grace? I’m trying so hard to understand 😩
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 but how did Jesus dying make obedience possible? I don’t understand that connection.
Is this an SDA channel?
No it is not. I know because I follow this channel since 2018 and I was years ago member of the SDA church and I am aware of their doctrines.
No this is not a SDA channel. SDA do believe in keeping the Sabbath and eating only clean animals but not in keeping the biblical feasts like Passover, feast of Tabernacles etc while this channel also teaches that we should also still keep the biblical feasts besides keeping Sabbath and eating only clean animals
Hey. Hebrews 10:9 40:02
9Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” He sets aside the first to establish the second.
10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
-He set aside. You claim he didn't. So you can still point to them (the first) to see the glory in the second. Just like we say the new testament is a reflection of the old testament. That does not mean we discard the old. We use it as a mirror 🪞.
All the days of the week are named after gods. So where is the person who tried to change that?; We should then rename or rearrange them also. Why choose one and leave the rest?
Sola Scriptura and Perseverance of the Saints.
Perhaps the only two actually biblical precepts found in the blend of Calvinism and Luther's 5 Solas ...
Why are there 5 sola's if each stands alone .... :)
Scripture interprets Scripture, but how often is early church doctrine consulted for answers instead of parallel texts for context.
Perseverance of the saints ... straight out of Rev 14:12 Those who have faith in Yeshua and keep HIS commandments. How often is the former taught as a replacement for the latter ignoring that very important word "and" ????
Sola Scriptura ... and Perseverance of the saints. Perhaps the only two biblical principles of calvinism albeit neither are typically applied.
Scripture interprets Scripture but many look to early church fathers instead of scripture for answers.
Perseverance of the saints... Rev 14:12 ... Those who have faith in Yeshua and keep HIS commandments. How often is the former put forth as a replacement for the latter?
Lex, i mean this sincerely, how does not eating unclean animals comport with Yeshua saying it's not what enters a man that defilies that man but by what comes out of his mouth.
Look at the context. Jesus was addressing the Pharisees demanding that His disciples ritually wash their hands before eating(Mar. 7:1-5). Jesus was saying "look, a person cannot be defiled by the dirt they ingest by eating with unwashed hands. They are defiled by the words they speak". Even though this incident is misused to argue that Jesus was abolishing the kosher law, we can see that there was no unclean meat involved in this incident.
I have a little note for you. Catholics dont celebrate halloween (at least not in europe), they celebrate on 1 november all saints day and on 2 november all souls day.
Are we to follow all of the mosaic law? Wouldn't this put us back under The Law and out of grace?
Being "under the law" means someone is violating it as a way of life. Disobedience to the law is what put someone under it. Ppl would understand what this phrase means if they would read the entire statement: " *For sin shall not have dominion over you* , for you are not under law but under grace". "Christianity" believes that obeying the law puts a person under it because its adherents don't understand(or will accept) the Bible definition of sin and grace.
Catholics also changed the Sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day and they admit it: " … you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify".
James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore - The Faith of Our Fathers, 88th edition, page 89. Also, see Exodus 31:13,16
the truth
Sola Scriptura is our ONLY authority!
While I appreciate the emphasis on the resurrection (which is often lacking), I would remind you of the words of Scripture, "I was determined to know nothing among you except Christ and him crucified". I think you'd have a pretty hard time convincing the apostle Paul that it were possible to overemphasize the crucifixion.
Read 1 Cor. 15:1-28 where Paul focused just as much importance on Christ's resurrection. Christ's death didn't make eternal life possible for humanity. His resurrection did. It is because of His resurrection that everybody else has the hope of eternal life. Christ conquered the grave with His resurrection, not His death. Adherents of traditional Christianity place far too much on His death and resurrection without actually understanding their importance.
@theeternalsbeliever1779 Thanks. As I said, I appreciate the emphasis on resurrection, which as I stated has in my experience been lacking.
That is not the same thing as saying that Christ's crucifixion is OVER-emphasized, as was stated in the video (perhaps in an off-the-cuff manner).
I reject the idea that emphasis on the crucifixion comes at the expense of the resurrection. That would be like blaming a forgetfulness of the role of the Holy Spirit on an overemphasis on the Glory of the Son. That's not how things work. It is in both cases a problem of under-emphasis rather than over-emphasis.
I think you should join our movement
Adventists are mistaken in their belief that there is no New Testament evidence that supports such a change by the Catholic Church. Quite apart from the biblical proof of the apostolic Church’s authority to teach in God’s name (Mt 16:18-19, 18:17-18, Lk 10:16) and of God’s guarantee that this teaching would never fall into error (Mt 28:19-20, Lk 22:32, Jn 16:13), there is an impressive amount of evidence from Scripture that Christ and the apostles changed their day of corporate worship from Saturday to Sunday.
The Old Testament Sabbath commandment contains two elements. The primary element, the moral obligation to set aside adequate time for the purpose of divine worship. This could never be abrogated, as it is rooted in the natural law.
The secondary element was ceremonial and therefore could be abolished-and was abolished by Jesus’ death on the cross (Col 2:12-17). This secondary, ceremonial element was that the particular day chosen to meet the moral obligation of the law was Saturday, so that the Jews would remember and memorialize the creation of the earth.
Jesus, during his earthly ministry, began to prepare the way for changing Sabbath worship from “the letter of the law” to “the spirit of the law.” Remember that one of his greatest arguments with the Pharisees concerned Sabbath worship. He constantly rebuked them for placing the rigid observance of mere details above the spirit of setting aside a day to rest from unnecessary servile work and to worship God. By this Jesus made it clear that the Sabbath may be changed to meet the needs of man. By effecting these changes as “the Son of Man,” Jesus used his human authority to show us that he is “Lord even of the Sabbath” (Mk 2:28).
special honor is shown to Sunday throughout the New Testament. Christ rose from the dead on Sunday, and he first appeared to his disciples that Easter Sunday evening (Jn 20:19). One week later-and from the context we can see that this meant the following Sunday-Jesus appeared to them again when Thomas was present (John 20:26). Luke records that Sunday was observed by the Christian community from the very beginning: “On the first day of the week when we gathered to break bread” (Acts 20:7). To “break bread” refers to the celebration of the Eucharist (Mt 26:26, Mk 14:22). Paul ordered the Corinthians to gather their offertory collections on Sunday (1 Cor 16:2); that set the scriptural precedent we follow today of gathering our offerings on Sunday during Mass. John records in Rev. 1:10 that he was granted a vision of heaven’s own worship while he was at worship (“caught up in spirit”) on “the Lord’s day.” John’s disciple Ignatius of Antioch tells us in his Letter to the Magnesians that “the Lord’s day” is not the ancient Sabbath; therefore, “the Lord’s day” must refer to Sunday.
Jesus, being God, knew whether or not his Church would apostatize by changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. If Adventists are correct that Christians are still obliged to keep Saturday as their day of corporate worship, isn’t it strange that Jesus underscored exactly the opposite by appearing to his disciples after his Resurrection nearly exclusively on Sunday?
@ first of all I was born an Israeli Jew I think I know how we count our days.
And second he died on a Friday
As a Jew I think I know what and when my day of preparation is.
Your theology is wrong.
What are you one of those weird wacky kjv only people, I couldn’t care about your KJV translation, I read my Bible in Hebrew. However even the KJV states the same.
I'm not interested in the Catholic church. (You guys always begin by begin self righteous, what other people are doing that is poor)
But you finally got to the eisegesis you all use;
Matthew 5:17-20.
The favourite go-to text for law followers. Is their ever any context?
Who, also love to quote this without ever any context;
Matthew 7:23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
They make it mean you must follow the law, or Christ won't know you!
This is what is called eisegesis.
I can quote from a random text and make it mean what I want! But we test all things. Examining the text for the evidence!
They're just using what Christ said in Matthew to mean disobedience to the law.
But that's not what he's saying, either! Ironically it's about those led astray by false teaching.
What does 7:24 say?
If you read through from Matthew 5:1. Notice what is said verse 19;
Matthew 5:19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
He has just said "I came to fulfill law and prophets, to accomplish the purpose of the law" (paraphrase) which he is doing!
From 5:21 to 7:14 he gives his teaching, his commands.
Then, ironically for the those who have used 7:23 out of context. 7:15-23 he talks about those who will not understand his teaching and use it for their own agenda (paraphrase) which links back to
Matthew 5:20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Then after the teaching, he says;
Matthew 7:24-27 “Everyone then who 👉hears these words of mine👈 and does them (5:19, remember?) will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. [25] And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. [26] And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. [27] And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
This sermon is NOT about keeping the law. Jesus teaches from Psalms, law, prophets.
He is clear though! It is HIS teaching and HIS words. Conclusion:
Matthew 28:19-20
Go, therefore, disciples all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] 👉teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you👈. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
*Revelation 12:17 NKJV*
*[17] And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.*
Prophesied that the Roman Catholic church would change God's Appointed TIMES and LAWS.
"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to CHANGE TIMES and LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." - (Daniel 7:25 KJVS)
* New Living Translation
".....He will try to CHANGE their sacred FESTIVALS and LAWS......"
* Berean Study Bible
".......intending to CHANGE the APPOINTED TIMES and LAWS......."
* Christian Standard Bible
".......He will intend to CHANGE religious FESTIVALS and LAWS......."
* Contemporary English Version
"........He will try to CHANGE God's LAW and the sacred SEASONS......"
* Good News Translation
"........He will try to CHANGE their religious LAWS and FESTIVALS......."
* Holman Christian Standard Bible
".........He will intend to CHANGE religious FESTIVALS and LAWS......."
*Young's Literal Translation
"....... and it hopeth to CHANGE SEASONS and LAW......"
"From ROME there came now another addition to the SUN-worshipping apostasy. The FIRST CHRISTIANS being mostly Jews, CONTINUED to CELEBRATE, in REMEMBRANCE of the death of Christ, the true PASSOVER; and this was continued among those who from among the GENTILES had turned to Christ. Accordingly, the celebration was always on the PASSOVER DAY, the fourteenth of the first month. ROME, however, and from her all the West, adopted the day of the SUN as the day of this coloration. According to the Eastern custom, the celebration, being on the fourteenth day of the month, would of course fall on different days of the week as the years resolved. The rule of ROME was that the celebration must always be on a SUNDAY." (A.T. Jones - Great Empires of Prophecy, 1898, p. 389)
Based brother. I can see by your channel you are a pioneer guy. Have you ever looked into the Rod and Branch messages or have any thoughts? If you are not familiar, they have to do with church reform, the calling of the 144,000, feasts, Ezekiel 9, gathering of the Kingdom, etc. Hotly contested, but worth at least being aware of.
God is not dead or distant. Scripture points to God. It is not a replacement for God. God speaks to each individual, which is God words. When scripture speaks of God's word. This is what is referred to as God's word besides Jesus. Scripture was never meant to be God's word.
Dialogue with God, hold what God tells you, and let Him love you daily.
Yes but it doesn’t point anyone to Jesus. There’s too many contradictions. If you wanna talk about it. It’s YHWH alone.
Judgment is coming to your congregation brother, repent. From Maryland.
Was that you making a lame excuse?
Sorry, folks, I didn't have time to prepare for my chosen UA-cam job to help you grow in the Word.
Sola Scriptura consists of the Tenakh. The so-called NT is mythology on steroids. The J-man fulfilled zero messianic Scriptures. ISAIAH 2:1-4 and Micah 4:1-3 are messianic. This will occur when the true mashiach comes.
To many false statements in the first few minutes to watch the whole thing. Sola scriptura caught my attention but then it's about bashing orthodox Christians.
I think we need to trust more in God as we read scripture and stop trusting in man’s interpretation . From genesis to revelation’s Adonai shows us that he is the one who reveals truth according to his will.
@ without the original manuscripts and the ability to read them, all we have is mans interpretation. Written by inspired men, scribed/copied by men, translated by men and interpreted by men.
In what way did I "bash" anyone? My desire is to challenge believers to walk by Scripture and not by the traditions they inherited from their denomination. How is that bashing?
@@mikepotter1291 than what is the point to believe if you take Gods will off the equation. I know the Bible has been translated and the originals we don’t have, but if you don’t believe God him self preserved his word through out every generation than we believe in an empty faith. But this is your argument to allow traditions to live side by side as authority even sometimes above scripture. You should study the Rabbi’s in Judaism and see how much your thought a lines with there’s. Without saying it I bet you are Catholic, the New Testament Judaism.
@@unlearnthelies well, like you, first I'd have to catch my breath. Your list in the first 8 minutes or so sounded like a bashing but more importantly it's misleading, not historical and false. The changing of the ten words, not numbered by God, was changed by who and when? Augustine proposed the numbering that the Lutherans and the catholics use in the late 300 to early 400. Idolitry wasn't removed from the list of commandments it's included in the first commandment, also a Google find. Regardless the numbering system or grouping you use, doesn't your list include not bearing false witness? I don't know if your married or not but if you are you could ask your wife if coveting your neighbor's new sports car is the same as coveting your neighbor's wife wearing a bakini out washing the car. Time to catch my breath again.
I think it would be a great idea to make a short, on the law being not done away with.
He already made a short video about this topic a few years ago. Search for "Unlearn The Lies - fulfill or abolish".
I think it would be a great idea to make a short, on the law being not done away with.
He did. Years ago. Search for "Unlearn The Lies - fulfill or ebolish".