Os Guinness - my story of coming to Christ

  • Опубліковано 26 лип 2024
  • Author and social critic Os Guinness shares how he found faith after his family fled Mao’s cultural revolution in China.
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  • @PremierUnbelievable
    @PremierUnbelievable  5 років тому +6

    For more interviews, debates and bonus content sign up www.premier.org.uk/unbelievablenewsletter

  • @mackdmara
    @mackdmara 5 років тому +18

    That was fantastic! I am glad to know I am not alone in this belief. He articulated that stunningly well.
    We need to be for Christ, like Christ, & show Love to all people.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 років тому

      @mackdmara, showing love to *all* people is a very vague phrase, .. what do you think would have happened if European leaders showed 'love' to Hitler?, Jesus needed to be more precise in his answers to questions. Sound bites do not always work.

    • @arranblonde4136
      @arranblonde4136 5 років тому +2

      showing "love" doesn't mean acquiescing. It may mean standing up to someone, telling them they are wrong, and acting against injustice.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 років тому

      @Arranblonde, well, Jesus also talks about, if your enemy slaps you across the face, to offer the other cheek, do you know anyone who thinks that's a good idea?. I agree, showing love doesn't mean acquiescing, perhaps Jesus could have been more specific when he talked about 'loving thy neighbour' .. many biblical scholars took this phrase to mean "fellow Jew".

    • @arranblonde4136
      @arranblonde4136 5 років тому +2

      Loving those that don't deserve love is at the heart of the Christian message. Jesus didn't just offer the other cheek, he was tortured, disfigured and nailed to a cross. For me. That's love. Mind blowing love.

    • @mackdmara
      @mackdmara 5 років тому

      I love murders, I do not let them roam the streets. To respect someone for who they are, can lead to restrictions on what you do for them. I love crack addicts also. It in no way implies I buy them crack, because they feel like they need it.
      Love is not vague. How you apply it can be at times. You know this, or you should by now.

  • @watchmanonthewall667
    @watchmanonthewall667 5 років тому +4

    What a spiritual heritage Os Guinness has, the great grandson of preacher and author Henry Grattan Guinness. HGG's writings have opened my eyes to the truth of the Historicist's view of Revelation and the fulfillment of Daniel 9: 27 by Messiah. I hope in all of his reading, he has read the works of his great-grandfather.

  • @Medovnyk
    @Medovnyk 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much for very interesting guest Os Guinness!

  • @AndyVandy516
    @AndyVandy516 5 років тому +3

    Great interview. Thank you.

  • @mariusdoana2975
    @mariusdoana2975 8 місяців тому

    Minunat acest om! Os Guinness 😇
    Avem nevoie ca de aer ca un astfel de om sa faca un pas in fata si sa conduca in mod direct printr/o presedentie🙏
    O sa fim nevoiti sa alegem iara intre un Trump si un Biden...😓

  • @davesandyrobinson
    @davesandyrobinson 5 років тому +3

    Great interview, so thought provoking. Thank you for helping me to think more deeply and tangentially about my Christian faith in today’s world, with the help of people like Os and Premier Christian Radio.

    • @crazyprayingmantis5596
      @crazyprayingmantis5596 5 років тому +1

      Why do you use faith as a method for determining truth?
      Every religion relies on FAITH, yet they all end up at different conclusions.
      Don't you think that if faith was a reliable way of coming to the truth, then they'd all end up at the same conclusion?
      Is there a more reliable way of coming to the truth other than faith?
      Because as I've shown faith is the most unreliable way of determining what is true.

    • @davesandyrobinson
      @davesandyrobinson 5 років тому

      Crazy prayingmantis good comment. You are absolutely right faith alone as a sole arbiter of truth is self limiting. Just to add, faith is only one of a number of tools and arbiters I use to arrive at what I believe or trust in as a veracity. But maybe as Pontus Pilate said to Jesus “What is Truth.”

    • @crazyprayingmantis5596
      @crazyprayingmantis5596 5 років тому

      Do you believe or do you know?
      If you know, then what can you show me or anyone to demonstrate that you know?
      Knowledge is demonstrable.
      Faith shouldn't even be in your toolbox, as I explained it's totally unreliable probably the most unreliable thing you could use.

  • @TheMusicWiz
    @TheMusicWiz 5 років тому +17

    Would love to see a conversation between Jordan Peterson and Os Guinness...

    • @1thess523
      @1thess523 5 років тому +3

      I don't follow Jordan's religious talk because i don't believe he is born again, he says he lives "like there is a God" not he lives for God which as a Christian I do my best to do.

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX 5 років тому +1

      JP says that ancient motifs of intertwined snakes are a result an ancient memory of the structure of DNA. This proves that JP is an idiot and so how can you trust anything that emanates from big gaping mouth? In this video OG gives strong hints that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed either. So a conversation between these two might not be all that enlightening.

    • @crazyprayingmantis5596
      @crazyprayingmantis5596 5 років тому

      I've heard enough from JP to conclude that he's got some sort of mental problem, there's some connections in his neural pathways that aren't supposed to be connected.

    • @benscraftymusings
      @benscraftymusings 5 років тому +1

      What absolute ignoramous nonsense, Jordan Peterson has profound insights into the psychological aspects of faith and a rich knowledge of what the Bible stories can teach us. He just doesn't fit into your narrow-minded non-progressive box.

    • @crazyprayingmantis5596
      @crazyprayingmantis5596 5 років тому

      Ben Bell
      The only thing faith can teach us is that it's the most unreliable way of determining truth.

  • @amerbur
    @amerbur 3 роки тому +1

    There is a difference between demonizing an opponent and identifying and calling out lies, and deception.

  • @thebatman4484
    @thebatman4484 5 років тому +2

    I wish I had his voice.

  • @Call_Me_Mom
    @Call_Me_Mom 2 роки тому +1

    For the first 200 years, the majority of Americans claimed Christianity and even if they didn't, they recognized - at some level - the value of the Judeo Christian morals, ethics and values. That is no longer the case.

  • @fandude7
    @fandude7 5 років тому +6

    "Love your enemies" is a personal command, not a corporate one. We don't love ISIS, nor the left etc.

    • @parler8698
      @parler8698 3 роки тому

      We don't love what they're doing.

  • @mr.c2485
    @mr.c2485 5 років тому +1

    Faith.....gratitude and humility where they should not exist.

  • @onereligion4797
    @onereligion4797 5 років тому +2

    Well to me all religions followers who don't understand purpose of faith through maintaining good human values humanity share are out of touch.

    • @mr.c2485
      @mr.c2485 5 років тому

      One Religion
      It’s called legalism.

  • @benscraftymusings
    @benscraftymusings 5 років тому +1

    Interesting guy, but he doesn't answer adequately at all the question of what he would say distinguishes Christianity from other faiths and why, not in any specific sense at least.

  • @Andre_XX
    @Andre_XX 5 років тому +6

    At 3:54 "....the ultimate reason to believe is that we're convinced it's true". Now I was expecting to hear all the evidence to support the contention that "it's true". But what we get is basically that it gives humans dignity. Well, excuse me but, though I haven't studied philosophy or theology I will swear on a stack of bibles (well, ok I'm an atheist) that this is decidedly NOT any support for the contention that "it's true". To my deluded mind it sounds more like, if I may be permitted to paraphrase it thus: "I so dearly want it to be true, really, really, with all my heart I want it to be true, like with every fibre of my very being I really want it to be true, because just look at the wonderful things it gives us, like it gives humans dignity". And then we get into all the usual prescriptions for how the world ought to be, which in all these cases always betrays the true underlying motive. Though I reserve my biggest complaint at 7:10 "....no faith, although that is a faith too....". Well excuse me just one more time, but lack of faith is NOT a faith. Why do people of faith always try to tar us with the same brush they are tarred with themselves? Does this give them some kind of psychological relief projecting their own insecurities on to us? I suppose there must be a mental relief valve that opens up by making the ridiculous claim that no faith is a faith. Nice try, but you just ain't going to get away with that one.

    • @1thess523
      @1thess523 5 років тому +2

      Do you have "faith" that God doesn't exist because you don't have concrete proof right? I believe thats what you were referring when you say the Christian say those that don't believe have faith as well. To have faith means to hope something is or isn't there even though you can't see it.

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX 5 років тому +2

      You have got it completely wrong. I am not making any claims about the non existence of your god or for that matter any of the thousands of other gods. YOU are the ones making the claim that there IS a god (I presume you are). I am entirely at liberty to ignore your claim until you produce irrefutable evidence to support it. Just like if you claimed you were abducted by aliens (some people do actually make this claim) I could quite happily ignore you until you produced supporting evidence. That is all there is to it. I hope that is clear enough.

    • @RK-dk5vt
      @RK-dk5vt 5 років тому +1

      This world doesn't deal in "irrefutable truth". Many things you hold true cannot be proven irrefutably: the existence of other minds, the fact that that which is in your memory actually happened, anything in history (including the resurrection). For any truth claim, there is a sceptical fringe.

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX 5 років тому

      R K
      Well, I suppose it could be that we are all merely bits of information in some kind of cosmic supercomputer, so really nothing exists and we are all merely wasting our time even trying to prove anything. However, for now at least I am prepared to go along with the scientific method for the simple reason that it works better than any other system, or at least it seems to work and there is really no other avenue available as far as I can tell. Really, what else can one do?

    • @RK-dk5vt
      @RK-dk5vt 5 років тому +2

      One glaring problem with that, is that belief in the scientific method itself requires something outside the scientific method to validate it. One cannot scientifically validate science. All I'm trying to do is open the door by suggesting that requiring "irrefutable proof" is a vapid concept and simply doesn't work outside pure mathematics (and even there...) So to have an atheistic belief on simply those grounds leaves one philosophically wanting. In my opinion, one can be a rational atheist AND a rational theist (or christian). It simply depends on how the evidence is valued.
      Edit: thanks for taking the time to respectfully engage me

  • @evakasparova2513
    @evakasparova2513 2 місяці тому

    Dostoevsky believed in God l hope!

  • @amerbur
    @amerbur 3 роки тому

    What is a Christian extremist?

  • @bonnie43uk
    @bonnie43uk 5 років тому +1

    I think people are free to believe in any God they want to. The problem comes when your belief in a God has a detrimental effect on society, ie, religious people telling us that people of the same sex cannot love one another. Most modern 1st world countries have come to the view that people of the same sex can be in a relationship with oneanother, and that they shouldn't be castigated for their innate nature.

    • @NCC2087
      @NCC2087 5 років тому +2

      bonnie43uk - I don’t know any Christians that say people of the same sex can’t love each other. Christians will say that gay SEX is a sin. They will also say, “Live as you wish, but don’t expect us to condone your lifestyle, or agree that marriage should be redefined, and most of all, don’t tell me who I have to bake a cake for.”

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 років тому

      @ncc2087, well, there's a fine line between people of the same sex loving each other and going that extra step further and having sex in my view. What adults get up to in the privacy of their own home is none of my business. Adults having consenting sexual relationships with eachother is perfectly fine by me, regardless of sex. How would you feel about two gay men kissing eachother, or simply holding hands?, would that offend you?
      Regarding the baking cake issue, I agree with you.
      PS, there are plenty of gay Christians who would disagree with you that 2 people of the same gender having sex is NOT a sin. Do we know what Jesus said about homosexuality?, as far as I can recall, he never said it was sinful.

    • @NCC2087
      @NCC2087 5 років тому +4

      bonnie43uk - Brotherly love is a beautiful thing. Romantic love between two men repulses me. Modern culture would say it repulses me because I have a problem. I reject this of course. It repulses me because God designed me, as a man, to be complimentary to the opposite sex. I don’t hate gays. I pity them. I wouldn’t wish that sort of confusion on my worst enemy. Gay people should be free to live their lives as they wish- have sex with whomever they wish, so long as it is consensual. They should be treated with love and respect. But I reject the effort to normalize it, and as you and I have agreed, the effort to punish those who don’t wish to be a part of it.
      Jesus is God. The Bible is God’s Word. The Old and New Testaments clearly express that sex is for marriage. Genesis outlines God’s parameters for marriage (one man and one woman), and Jesus comes along in the book of Matthew and reaffirms these parameters by quoting Genesis. Therefore, gay sex is a sin. Please don’t think I’m saying gay sex is the only sexual sin. Any sex outside of God’s parameters, is sexual immorality. Anyone claiming to believe the Bible or follow Christ, and yet says gay sex is not a sin, is simply not looking at scripture.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 років тому

      @NCC2087, so are you equally repulsed by 2 women making love to each other?, that's unnatural according to how God designed man and woman isn't it?, it's my hunch that you find the idea of 2 beautiful women making love to each other a turn on, even if you won't admit it, what's not to enjoy?. What about if a married heterosexual couple enjoy anal sex, many women love that particular aspect of sex, the anus is one of the most sexually aroused parts of the body.. why would God design it to be so. If I were a designer, and I didn't want that part of the body to be 'misused' as it were, I would ensure I designed it in such a way that it wasn't sexually pleasurable, ... yet, it seems, as I said, it's one of the most pleasurable parts for many people, .. men or women, why would God design it that way?
      It's not my cup of tea btw, each to their own I guess. You said "any sex outside of Gods parameters is sexual immorality", what exactly are Gods parameters?, are you suggesting that any sexual contact outside of a marriage is immoral?, even just looking at a pretty woman and being turned on by her sexy eyes? Is masturbation a sin in your eyes?, ..it's something that virtually every single teenager does when they become sexually aroused, boys or girls, I remember when I was a teen, no matter how hard I tried to not think about sex, it was impossible, the church made me believe it was sinful, but the reality is, sex in all it's wonderful forms is one of lifes free pleasures, I dare say you had a vivid sexual imagination in your teen years and found it an incredibly pleasurable experience, even if you didn't have a partner, every single adolescent will have gone through the same thing. It's not something to be ashamed of, it's the most natural thing in the world :-) .. as a teenager, the more you try and suppress it, the more it will frustrate you, we all need that outlet of sexual imagination to allow those sexual frustrations to release themselves :-)

    • @NCC2087
      @NCC2087 5 років тому +2

      bonnie43uk - As I’m sexually attracted to women, seeing two women engaging in sex, isn’t repulsive to my carnal nature. It is however, repulsive to the part of me that cares about what is right and wrong in God’s eyes.
      In my opinion, anal sex isn’t a sin BECAUSE it’s anal sex. It’s a sin when it’s two men engaging in anal sex. There are lots of places on a woman’s body where a man can put himself and receive pleasure. As long as sex acts between a married man and a woman are consensual, they’re ok. At least that’s my thinking.
      Jesus said that a man who lusts after a woman in his heart commits adultery, which is a sin. Teenagers usually aren’t married yet, and I’m not sure how many married people think of their spouses without fail when they masterbate. If it sounds like there is an extremely high bar for sexual morality, it’s because there is. And every human being will fail to meet that bar, because we currently live in a state of rebellion against God. Fortunately, God saw fit to reconcile Himself to us through Christ’s work on the cross. Through faith in this work of grace, we can be made perfect.

  • @bozhidarbalkas7269
    @bozhidarbalkas7269 5 років тому

    All or almost all scribal commands are countermanded or walked back by other biblical writers. Take now the command to or demand from the believers by 1 Pe 1:15 to be holy or to become holy [note: god is not needed] and He 2:11 saying that it is god who makes believers holy [so, w.o. god no go]. Btw, NT god flees in fear from me!!!

    • @misha49ish
      @misha49ish 5 років тому +2

      Bob Balkas - if you take more than one verse into account you will see that what the Bible means by “be holy” is that God guides you in the holiness process. Taking verses out of context isn’t helping your case.

  • @frankwhelan1715
    @frankwhelan1715 5 років тому +2

    ''The supernatural realm '' for which not one iota of evidence has ever been produced for, outside the imaginations of religious folk

    • @frankwhelan1715
      @frankwhelan1715 5 років тому

      One for' to much

    • @paulmccauley8995
      @paulmccauley8995 5 років тому +1

      So was that paragraph you wrote just the product of the laws of nature? Just matter in motion?

  • @cathynorman5544
    @cathynorman5544 5 років тому

    Trump is that leader who is working for the common good of all people. His authority is over the American government. What is good for Americans is also good for the rest of the world.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 років тому

      Really Cathy?? I see Trump as a conman who is unfit to govern.

  • @crazyprayingmantis5596
    @crazyprayingmantis5596 5 років тому

    Can someone please make sense of the Christian redemption system?
    As far as I understand.
    1. God decided that death would be the punishment for sin.
    2. God decided to kill his son/self to prevent himself from having to carry out this punishment (which he decided HIMSELF)
    Where's the sense in that?
    Where's the "saved" bit?
    Why would anyone worship this?
    To me, this is the equivalent of worshipping and thanking an abusive spouse for NOT beating you up.
    If God itself decided the punishment then "spared" you from it by stopping himself from carrying it out, why is anybody impressed by this?

    • @ameanlimabean
      @ameanlimabean 5 років тому +2

      It's something like this....
      Unclean things cannot be in the presence of the Lord. Our sin makes us unclean and therefore everyone would have to be eternally separated from the Lord (aka Hell). But because he loved us so much and didn't want this to happen, he had to send a completely perfect sacrifice for our sin (aka his Son) so that we could have a way to be with him in the afterlife. Hope that helped :)

    • @wallacegodwin4539
      @wallacegodwin4539 11 місяців тому

      Simply put, Sin is the big problem. The great difference between the example of the abusive spouse is that the spouse is sinful and doing the wrong thing, where as God is Holy and Just.
      A more meaningful example would be a judge in court. No one acuses a judge for being abusive for executing a judgment when the other party deserves it.
      But the problem is man seldon realizes that he is sinful. And there we inevitably acuse God for being bad.
      But God is good and just. Therefore, like a good judge he must judge the world.
      But being a loving judge as well. He suffers and pays for the crimes of the guilty, taking the punishment on himself to set men free.

    • @crazyprayingmantis5596
      @crazyprayingmantis5596 11 місяців тому

      But God is only sparing you from the punishment that he decided you deserve.
      If I decide my son should be punished by being put in the oven then instead I put myself in the oven in order to not carry out the punishment of putting my son in, should I be admired and praised for "saving" my son?
      Sparing someone from the punishment that you decided yourself in the first place is kind of like setting fire to a building then running in and pulling someone from the flames and saying you saved them

  • @biggregg5
    @biggregg5 5 років тому +2

    I still have hope you'll start thinking clearly, Justin. Start seeing through this bullshit.

    • @thatonegamer9547
      @thatonegamer9547 5 років тому +6

      biggregg5 I still have hope that you’ll stop trying to call bullshit to someone’s belief. I’ve been seeing your comments since July and it’s getting annoying. Rather than immediately trying to pull a Richard Dawkins and immediately dismiss someone’s faith as “bullshit”

    • @biggregg5
      @biggregg5 5 років тому


    • @mr.c2485
      @mr.c2485 5 років тому

      Bullshit makes the flowers grow🎶🎶🎶

    • @richardlittle7862
      @richardlittle7862 5 років тому


    • @biggregg5
      @biggregg5 5 років тому

      Dumbass returns. GFY

  • @elfootman
    @elfootman 5 років тому +3

    Nothing new here... confirmation bias in a nutshell.