✅Armed Forces of the Russian Federation • АРМИЯ РОССИИ 2019 • Russian Armed Forces

  • Опубліковано 25 січ 2019
  • Министерству обороны России предстоит решить ряд приоритетных задач, среди которых - дальнейшее внедрение новых вооружений, цифровых технологий и укрепление боевого потенциала стратегических ядерных сил, а также выход на показатель по оснащенности современным вооружением и техникой 67%.
    Благодаря плану Сергея Кужугетовича Россия смогла доказать свою боеспособность и закрепить свои позиции на международной арене. Кроме того, ВС РФ в этом году стали на 61% оснащены новыми образцами вооружения.
    Всего в 2018 году военным передали 1500 образцов и около 80 тысяч боевых машин. Ожидается, что в 2019 году количество нового оружия в российских войсках достигнет 67%, а к окончанию программы по перевооружению, которая намечена на 2020 год, достигнет - 70%.
    В результате реформ Вооруженных сил РФ, инициированных лично Министром обороны Сергеем Шойгу, армия России в этом году смогла в разы повысить собственный престиж в глазах как россиян, так и мирового сообщества.
    Given the foreign policy shifts of recent years and new national security priorities, the Russian Armed Forces now have a totally new set of objectives that could be broken down into the following four major dimensions:
    The use of force is in order to assure security of the Russian Federation. The Russian Armed Forces are trained to directly engage in the following types of armed conflict:
    A form of conflict waged to resolve political, ethnic, religious, territorial and other kind of difference through the use of arms, with the country (countries) involved in the relevant military operations coming short of letting the tensions be escalated to the special status generally known as war. In an armed conflict the opposing sides normally pursue local military and political goals.
    An armed conflict may be precipitated by an escalation of an armed incident, border conflict, limited armed tussles or skirmishes where solutions are sought through the use of force.
    An armed conflict can be international (with two or more countries being involved) or (with opposing parties taking up arms within the same country to achieve their goals).
    A war between two or more countries pursuing limited political goals, where combat operations are generally prosecuted within the confines of the warring sides. It primarily bears on the (territorial, economic, political and other) interests of the countries involved.
    A local war can be waged by task forces deployed in the conflict area, with an option of their being built up by way of reinforcements flown/moved in from other areas to undertake a limited strategic deployment of the nation’s armed forces.
    Under certain circumstances, local wars can escalate into a regional or large-scale war.
    A war involving the given region’s two or more countries (groups of countries) operating through the use of either national or coalition armed forces commanding both conventional and nuclear capabilities within a single region confined by the waters of seas/oceans and aerospace, with the warring sides pursuing critical military and political goals. A regional war requires a full-fledged deployment of the armed forces and economic capacities, as well as the enhanced engagement of the material resources and moral courage available to the warring countries. Should any nuclear-have countries or their allies happen to participate in a regional war, such a war can feature the threat/risk of nuclear weapons being eventually employed.
    A war between coalitions of countries or larger world powers. It can be precipitated by escalation of an armed conflict, local or regional war by way of a significant number of countries from different world regions being effectively involved. In a large-scale war, the warring sides would pursue radical military and political goals. It would require that participating countries mobilize all of their available material resources and moral courage.
    Modern Russian defense planning, while being reflective of the realistic grasp of Russia’s current resources and capabilities, is based on the assumption that the Russian Armed Forces together with other national troops should be prepared to repel aggression and rout the aggressor. Besides, the Russian Armed Forces should be ready to mount active (offensive and defensive) operations under any scenario of armed conflicts being unleashed and carried on in the conditions of the adversary resorting to massive use of modern and advanced lethal weapons, with assorted WMDs making no exception.


  • @allhemp
    @allhemp 5 років тому

    Лютая Сила Россиюшки 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  • @YVitali
    @YVitali 3 роки тому

    Мою дваг ода армии были серьёзным испытанием , моему сыны 9 лет надеюсь он тоже пройдёт тоже