Star Atlas - Preseason Development Sneak Peek

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DominicVain
    @DominicVain 2 місяці тому +49

    I'm so proud of how far we've come. There's a lot to do and prove but we hope you enjoy this journey with us.

    • @SkyFrog_888
      @SkyFrog_888 2 місяці тому +5

      I looove this journey ! I am more of a UE5 player so I’m not very active now but I already enjoy the game, the new and real « power to the people » vision and possibilities, and the community of patient passionates ! Congrats ! Keep going ! The adventure is only begining !

    • @Franziskaner21
      @Franziskaner21 2 місяці тому +2

      un viaje apasionante

    • @TheTookie
      @TheTookie 2 місяці тому

      Hi Dom! Nice work!

    • @b-l1969
      @b-l1969 2 місяці тому +2

      I think if you ditch the blockchain you'd have something. But as long as you hold on to it, d.o.a.

    • @pancizl
      @pancizl 2 місяці тому +3

      I cant wait 2049 release

  • @noelizaofficial
    @noelizaofficial 2 місяці тому +12

    I GOT IT. What's missing is the construction of houses, a vegetable garden, etc., this will create a market for players to hire mercenaries to protect them, they will receive money. Imagine that on all planets cities are built by players. And they are also defended from other players from other planets.
    please spread this, chat

  • @Hunter_ARG
    @Hunter_ARG 2 місяці тому +2

    Wow... nice improvements. I am glad to see how far this project has come. Congrats!!!!

  • @scythe-venom426
    @scythe-venom426 2 місяці тому +6

    It's been a long road but totally worth it! Can't wait to see my F4 in all it's glory ❤

  • @urto666
    @urto666 2 місяці тому +2

    wonderful! Star Atlas is the best web3 game! congratulations guys!

  • @poorjahangiri11
    @poorjahangiri11 Місяць тому +3

    best gane ever! I am not surprised if the token price hit 1 USD in early 2025

    • @trdpolo6069
      @trdpolo6069 23 дні тому

      سلام اقای جهانگیری لطفا در مورد این بازی هرچی که میدونید بهم اطلاعات بدید مبلغ بالا میخوام ازش بگیرم

    • @pancizl
      @pancizl 20 днів тому +1

      20B market cap for 1$?keep dreaming

  • @bazookafunnygaming9344
    @bazookafunnygaming9344 2 місяці тому +5

    😍my goodness, the best web 3 games and fasten your seat belts when taking off

    • @b-l1969
      @b-l1969 2 місяці тому

      The reason it will *never* work is because you're qualifying them as web 3 games.

  • @tokinmonkey1280
    @tokinmonkey1280 2 місяці тому +1

    that all looked really good keep up the hard work :D

  • @MR-Teeee
    @MR-Teeee 2 місяці тому +1

    It's rolling slowly and the suddenly boom 🎉great stuff 👍

  • @gunzz10
    @gunzz10 2 місяці тому

    This looks damn good! Fast gun play action! So glad I’ve been mining Star atlas for 4 years

  • @MrTjobbie
    @MrTjobbie 2 місяці тому +1

    looks just awesome! Just seems to be missing the housing aspect, city, shops, just roaming around stuff for people to meet, buy upgrades, merchandise or just chill. hopefully this will be implemented somewhere in the future. how awesome would it be to have your own place within sa.

  • @HelloPixelverse
    @HelloPixelverse 2 місяці тому

    We are waiting! 🙏🏻

  • @MrTjobbie
    @MrTjobbie 16 днів тому

    wondering if they would make it a true 18+ game in the long run including old towns/getto neighbours, gore, nudity etc. ala cyberpunk feel. think that could attract alot of attention. looks great so far. props to the team!

  • @Dextrinn
    @Dextrinn 2 місяці тому

    The star atlas train has already set off.

  • @cesarortiz8455
    @cesarortiz8455 5 днів тому

    Star Atlas ❤

  • @Zzues
    @Zzues 2 місяці тому

    One of the games I am most excited for. I believe this is the future of gaming.

  • @staratlasperu
    @staratlasperu 2 місяці тому +1

    I love it!!!

  • @tolstoy_was_right
    @tolstoy_was_right 2 місяці тому

    This will change everything! StarAtlas is changing everything! $polis & $atlas 🔥

  • @davidlozano4507
    @davidlozano4507 2 місяці тому +1

    Godspeed 🗣️🌀

  • @aasciutti
    @aasciutti 2 місяці тому +3

    Amazing! The only NFT game that I still get excited for.

  • @lewan2kki
    @lewan2kki 2 місяці тому +2

    Haters gonna hate.. GO TEAM!

  • @Travel_Impressions_JRS
    @Travel_Impressions_JRS 2 місяці тому

    We know there is a long way to go. But I will Patienten wait because I know the time will come🎉😍

  • @fillipirocha5560
    @fillipirocha5560 2 місяці тому +4

    The game i'v been waiting for my whole life

  • @RaikillNW0
    @RaikillNW0 2 місяці тому

    can't wait

  • @Pompelipom33
    @Pompelipom33 2 місяці тому

    Everyone can fly ... so OP.

  • @fernandocuellar5636
    @fernandocuellar5636 2 місяці тому +3

    Question. Is this game has a playable version? Or it's only scripted gameplay videos

    • @MagicPuncherGames
      @MagicPuncherGames 2 місяці тому

      This video is a preview of future development, but there's plenty of other gameplay you can play right now

    • @fernandocuellar5636
      @fernandocuellar5636 Місяць тому

      Like what?

    • @MagicPuncherGames
      @MagicPuncherGames Місяць тому

      @@fernandocuellar5636 third person shooter vs bots, dogfighting vs bots, racing time trials on a couple different tracks, and the showroom

    • @mjb1235
      @mjb1235 12 днів тому +2

      In other words, nothing in 3 years 😮

  • @CaptainSilvan
    @CaptainSilvan 2 місяці тому +1

    have they actually showed a seamless transition from space to planet surface?

    • @MagicPuncherGames
      @MagicPuncherGames 2 місяці тому

      100%. No fakery, full star systems with no loading screens.

  • @PepeLepu-o7p
    @PepeLepu-o7p 14 днів тому


  • @cf5235
    @cf5235 12 днів тому

    Keeping my eye on this project, but you’re competing directly with RSI here, and they've got a head start of roughly a decade, so I'm not holding my breath

  • @KubilayOnder-xd6nt
    @KubilayOnder-xd6nt 19 днів тому

    Its wow!

  • @lehai484
    @lehai484 2 місяці тому

    now i can say wow

  • @osw4lt
    @osw4lt 2 місяці тому

    Magnifique ❤ 😗👌

  • @Sly6710
    @Sly6710 2 місяці тому +1


  • @ViciousVanya
    @ViciousVanya 2 місяці тому +1


    • @metaversturkiye
      @metaversturkiye 2 місяці тому

      Are you asking for a date? If its not, 426.

  • @VortexForgeGames
    @VortexForgeGames Місяць тому

    Looks so cool (not glaze) fr actually lit frfr underrated w graphics

  • @federicoferrero8907
    @federicoferrero8907 2 місяці тому +1


  • @CryptoLifeVideo
    @CryptoLifeVideo 2 місяці тому

    Toly said 🤯

  • @crakershp
    @crakershp 18 днів тому +1

    Can I play in Ps5??

  • @gsdrgdjey8327
    @gsdrgdjey8327 Місяць тому +4

    Lets call it TEMU version of Star Citizen, more like a Unreal Engine Asset Flip. Even the official gameplay has lag.
    And nothing they made on gunplay, it's totally UE5 Lyra Sample Shooter 😂😂. Shame

  • @shahabjaan2576
    @shahabjaan2576 Місяць тому

    its a real metaverse

  • @Chua-kf5kn
    @Chua-kf5kn 2 місяці тому +1


  • @m0rFin0
    @m0rFin0 2 місяці тому

    Gogo SA!!! Is a fuckin Skyrocket!!!!!

  • @aithemed
    @aithemed 2 місяці тому

    2:09 why Pax Dei looks way better if both are UE5?

  • @endrgar
    @endrgar Місяць тому

    If the game doesn't have planned MMO elements and NFT garbage, it might turn out to be a good game.

  • @shahabjaan2576
    @shahabjaan2576 Місяць тому

    best web3 game in 2025

  • @darthmaul161
    @darthmaul161 2 місяці тому


  • @darthmaul161
    @darthmaul161 2 місяці тому


  • @sgt.doakes
    @sgt.doakes 2 місяці тому

    Успехов в разработке ) 👍

  • @kingyoung7032
    @kingyoung7032 14 днів тому

    2025 let's go

  • @ashasim3104
    @ashasim3104 2 місяці тому

    hopefully by 2027 will be fully and ready to play, I am happy to be an early investor in this masterpiece, great job with this video and the game guys.

  • @Cross-e5j
    @Cross-e5j 2 місяці тому

    The Best in this Space

  • @SudartiDarti-oy5jz
    @SudartiDarti-oy5jz 2 місяці тому


  • @Garnnnett
    @Garnnnett Місяць тому

    Space Fornite...happy don't put any single coin here.

  • @sebastianm.6669
    @sebastianm.6669 20 днів тому

    to me it seems too game-like
    let me explain:
    this type of game I'd enjoy if it had more realism and thus a higher skill ceiling.
    what if the racing ships had more realistic handling, much harder to master, and if you crash, it has dire consequences (damages to repair in pit lane).
    the ships should be able to go faster, it should feel like the desert races in star wars with anakin.
    the race track should be like in star wars too, from what I've seen it feels like a little mario circuit, where are the deep ravines and rock fields...
    instead of mario cart knock-off-abilities to collect, the ships should be modifiable with weapons of all kinds and defensive abilities.
    like in war thunder, the specific parts of any ship should be able to be blasted off individually, no total hp bars.
    that's just one zone of the game that I have ideas for to explain my opinion.
    the game so far lacks depth and realism for me, too much hand holding by devs IMO
    but that's just how I feel
    the best games for me are the ones where I forget it is a game, where the skills to master have huge depth to them, where the stakes are high

  • @flvckogaming9459
    @flvckogaming9459 Місяць тому +6

    This does not look good

    • @AndroSpud
      @AndroSpud Місяць тому +2

      Are your eyes painted on?

  • @MotherNature26
    @MotherNature26 Місяць тому

    man this song sucks
    math is certain
    nature modeled through math, is certain

  • @P4NZ3RSR34K
    @P4NZ3RSR34K Місяць тому


  • @BbDuck86
    @BbDuck86 Місяць тому

    game dieee

  • @Wolfmare-uo5yy
    @Wolfmare-uo5yy Місяць тому

    looks great, much better than Star Citizen and Starfield

  • @mordortv1431
    @mordortv1431 2 місяці тому

  • @RichardWinkler-t6y
    @RichardWinkler-t6y Місяць тому +5

    Star Citizen for the poor. Hahaha what a pile of software junk. hahahahaha

    • @SnB_Saint-Just
      @SnB_Saint-Just Місяць тому +1

      except people have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars on spaceship nfts. Some even millions. And I'm earning half my reallife salary in Star Atlas selling titanium and diamonds.