The moment somebody tries to force a sexual assault on a player character or even an NPC, I'm out of there. Can't believe they enabled him by sticking around
@@erikgilson1687 yup, I got a romance going with another PC and even then it’s a “X and Y are holding hands and go into their room at the Inn…” Couldnt imagine how awkward that would be to RP out.
@@erikgilson1687 Well, it's not something that should ever happen during a session. If the players want to play out the adult parts , they are free to do that afterwards and in private.
If you're going to include dark or sexual things in a D&D campaign, it's always absolutely imperative that you let players know before hand and give them the chance to opt out before you pull the trigger. Why do so many people not understand this basic principle?
They probably assume that people either already expect or would have no problem with those particular subject matters. I can sort of see where that particular mindset comes from, but it’s usually a 1st-Time DnD thing. If a person can’t learn from their mistaken assumptions, then it’s simply a bad sign. ✨
obviously they already know this. if they told people what their campaigns were going to be like, they would never get the chance to trap players in their rape fantasies.
I agree. When done right, the dark and sexual themes can do wonders and add some needed spice to a campaign, But you need to talk to your players out of game to make sure they are ok with what is going on. If they are not ok with it, then don’t do it, And if they ARE ok with it, set boundaries and ask how far are they willing to tolerate it.
That first DM strikes me as someone utterly obsessed with his game, not exactly sure about the sexual stuff but I'm thinking maybe he's a control freak: Weak character classes, massively OP enemies, forcing the players to roll vs Seduction and kicking anyone who isn't as willing as he is to drop everything to play. I wonder if he even has any kind of life outside of his games? As to the Furry story, I've seen this crap happen so many times i'm not even surprised anymore. All I can say is nice work OP shutting that creep down hard!
A slightly wholesome quick story with a furry player and his PC to lighten the mood from the last story: so I'm playing in an Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. It's cold as shit. While camping out in the wilderness at night, my character, a scrawny Changeling (disguising as an elf) wizard, and the furry's bugbear paladin were on watch. They were making casual conversation when I had the idea of having my character crawl up into his fur to stay warm (survival is a huge part of the campaign, and yes I asked the player first, he was chill w/ it) because I thought it'd be a funny RP moment. So the bugbear in his infinite fuzzy glory, allowed my character to essentially crawl up in his back fur to stay warm. Then they bond over a mutual hatred for an NPC they both knew in their backstories :D
Finally, a story where someone actually confronts the bullshit on the spot. Granted I've never actually played DnD or any ttrpg (I want to but have just got into it) but all these stories where they let the bs keep going on before it blows up boggles the mind.
People do need to start excercising their power to nip problem behaviour in the bud, before escalation. There are multiple psychological and social reasons why this does not happen too often, and I am not always comfortable blaming people for not stepping in, as things can also get out of hand if the person being called out reacts strongly (or if the call out is disproportionate to what happened), but at the same time it is painful to see these things blow up when it could have been prevented. I too have been guilty of just sucking it up when I wanted to say something, mostly out of fear of getting the ire of other players aimed on to me because I dared to speak up, which I have seen happen to others multiple times. It is pretty telling when just asking someone to be more considerate makes someone fly off the handle. A person who can't take criticism is not one I would want to play with - I have too much experience of hissy fit throwing and rage quitting players (especially in online games, less so with ttrpg's but it happens there as well).
@@circleoffinnishjerks4982 Yeah, unfortunately, and I may be seen as an insensitive boomer asshole etc, but that seems to be a bigger and bigger problem of the younger generations. They say, "oh, I don't like conflict" and won't do anything. Yeah, no one likes conflict, but sometimes you have to do what is needed even if you don't like it. Except for zoomers, they seem to have the opposite problem. EVERYTHING is offensive and they will yell at you for the slightest thing. Really, we just need to find the middle ground and be able to express to someone that their behavior is inappropriate and the other person to hear that, reflect on it, and change. Or at least read the room and pick a better audience/location. Honestly, I think it's because child raising is always and experiment and you don't know what will happen until they're adults. Then those raised a certain way write a book and start a new generation of child raising style which we won't see what happens until society has to deal with them. Hence the generational wars. Each generation believes their way is best "because I turned out fine".
@@wheelsndealz Whenever I hear stories like this, I have to roll my eyes. This is so wrong, but how do you not laugh hysterically and just call the person out right there though? I think any semi mature human being would laugh that off and just be like ok, well you just ruined the game but holy hell, haha. Like even crab had to laugh at how ridiculous it was for the guy to yell out he was going to hump someone's leg. The guy's obviously just there to live out his fetish, just kick him out of the game and move on. "Scientist" doesn't have to act like he's suffering from PTSD, it's ridiculous.
yeah same. I know a lot of it is just "in-the-moment" paralysis, but some of these stories are like "by the seventh time he explicitly described and roleplayed drowning a basket of kittens, I was getting a little worried and should have probably seen this as a red flag" like????? and as you said in your other replies, I agree about the meeting in the middle ground. I'm a zoomer, and you can barely say anything without upsetting someone my age but then with the older zoomers and millennials, they're so non-confrontational (even outside of dnd) that they end up making the situation worse by literally doing nothing and never sticking up for whats right even if it's blatantly obvious. and even when they do it's "well what you're doing is making some of us uncomfortable" and not "what you're doing is bad and you need to stop right now". You can't really count on either of these groups to back you up. I have had friends on both sides. anyway didn't mean to turn that into a whole rant lol
“Idk guys, the dm kicking us out was the final nail in the coffin.” I’m starting to begin to understand the kind of people that don’t immediately go “fuck this I’m out” when weirdos start forcing, well, forced Intimacy into their games.
Some people are too fascinated by the train wreck happening before their eyes, others are doormats who won’t put their foot down (and then pick it up, in a walking motion. Toward the door). And of course, some of these stories are just made up for shock value. I try not to judge too harshly, since I was once a human doormat, myself. That Kingdom Hearts campaign was a nightmare.
@@captaintephra It’s a grand story. It’s also a very long story, because the campaign went on for about 7 months. I will condense it as much as possible, for brevity’s sake. I had taken the time and effort to home brew Kingdom Hearts rules into a d20 system. I was using.. I wanna say 3.5 or 4. I don’t exactly remember, and it’s not super important. I put in Final Fantasy classes that the players could pick from, the whole shebang. This was before things like the Villains Victorious system (shout out to their discord) and Interstitial. It took a long time, a lot of work, and I will never do it again. Anyway, the party at the time consisted of six players. Five of them wanted to play the mage- Not *A* mage, *THE* mage, as in, they all wanted to be the only one. So, they bickered, and argued, and fought, and complained, and never stopped. Petty snipes at their builds and such were a constant companion throughout our sessions. But, they all went Black Mage anyway. They were all basically interchangeable munchkin murderhobos, and they never really did anything to stand out. so for the purposes of the story, they will just be referred to as “The Mages”. I honestly can’t be bothered to recall their names. The last player was a fighter. We will call him Weisser. I remember him, because, for one, he was the only martial guy in the party, and two, because he was a greasy, sleazy degenerate who was motivated almost entirely by his lust for Disney Princesses, and Tifa’s boobs, and wanted to drag us all down into his “Magic Kingdom”. There’s no distinction to be made between the character and player there. His whole motivation for taking the quest was to get laid. That’s it. The quest was simple: There was someone out there rallying the heartless. Their heart was not only strong enough, but so jam-packed with Darkness that they could call in legions of the things. Since this takes place between KH: CoM and KH2, Sora is out of commission, Donald and Goofy are busy with Mickey’s orders, and Riku is spying on the organization, who either don’t know about the heartless situation, or have factored it into their plans (this was never made clear, since the party never met any organization members). So, with all the star players busy elsewhere, the party was selected to take out the“Dark Lord”. It was sort of a bottom-of-the-barrel, last-ditch Hail Mary situation. None of them had a keyblade either. I figured that’s something you had to earn. Fortunately, there were certain spells and artifacts that could lock down a keyhole in a pinch. Their first task was to locate one of those.
(Cont’d) Highlights include: The party, through both action AND inaction, killing off - Ariel, used as a shield to block Ursula’s lasers. -Jack Skellington. In a particularly egregious example of their murderhobory, they used Sally to lure him into a trap, and took 30 turns to bring him down. Why? Because Weisser wanted Soul Robber. - Tarzan, kicked off a cliff so they could take his flint knife. They broke it, because it was a flint knife, and it having belonged to Tarzan didn’t make it any better. - Several random civilians trying to flee from a coliseum fight gone awry. Cerberus can’t catch you if you leave a trail of corpses for it to snack on. - three gorillas, trapped in a brushfire they caused (one of them later revealed to be Terk). They also lost at least three worlds to the darkness. Port Royal, Atlantica, and finally Agrabah. Jack Sparrow, Aladdin, and quite a few others were lost. Though, Jack Sparrow was later revealed to have survived, and showed up in Traverse Town in the epilogue. But that’s not really the worst part. The worst part is how it all dragged out. Sessions lasted hours longer than they ever should have, because they had no sense of cohesion whatsoever. They were always scheming against one another, arguing back and forth about everything- loot, who the leader was, who gets to kill/fuck the boss in this world, you name it. Every session felt like the wrath of some god whom my foolishness had deeply offended. And it lasted for 7 months. For 7 months, I didn’t really put my foot down. I had sticking points, sure. I’d uphold consequences for their actions here and there, but ultimately, when they put pressure on me to let them do things, I’d cave. But, as time went on, I got more and more and vindictive. I believe it was around the time they killed Tarzan. Consequences for their stupidity got more and more severe. Heartless got stronger, smarter. Part of this was just baked into the game. I had this whole cosmic balance thing, where things like sealing keyholes, and taking down villains weakened the darkness’s hold on the universe, for the purposes of weakening, also, the final boss. But, the rest of it? That was me, finally getting to the point where I’d had enough. It came to a head (and an end) in Agrabah. The Heartless had grown stronger as the universe, through the party’s actions, slipped further down into the dark. They were performing raids on worlds now. Think the thousand heartless battle in KH2, but worse. Kurt Zisa and a massive horde of heartless were on a collision course with the city. I had given the party many chances to prepare. The idea was that they would band together with Razul and the city guard to fight Kurt Zisa in the heart of this giant sandstorm that was rolling in. Sort of like a raid dungeon. And since magic doesn’t work against Zisa, I had also made sure there were scimitars and shamshirs and other light, dex weapons the mages could use to fight, and not be penalized for it. I underestimated their idiocy. The Mages tried to cast magic, which I explained from the jump DID NOT WORK, and they lost their minds. They screamed, and they moaned, and they bitched, thinking that, like every other time, I’d relent, and let them have their way. I did not. They ended up rage-quitting, one after another. Weisser was, of course, the worst. When he went down, he threw a huge tantrum, and stormed out. Pretty sure he was crying. I never saw them again after that. Got an email from one of the mages asking if I wanted them to roll up another character. I said no. Since then, I’ve gotten better about standing up for myself, and I haven’t had a problem since. I’ve also started a sequel to that campaign using the Villains Victorious system, which I call Broken Hearts. It’s going very well, I think. So, remember: Not playing DnD is better than playing *bad* DnD. It’s for fun, and if you’re not having fun, what’s the point?
@@Daelyah it’s going pretty well so far. I’m currently running two campaigns, one is Broken Hearts, the sequel to the shit-show described above, and the other is a PlayStation campaign that mixes Resident Evil, Persona, and Bloodborne. In Broken Hearts, the party has landed in Angel Grove, and are about to be fighting alongside the Power Rangers ( Disney owned the Power Rangers at one point, so it counts).
I hate to do this, so don’t click read more unless you want to get mad, but “You’re” would be the correct word to use there, because “You’re” means “You Are”, while “Your” is possessive.
Consent. Consent. CONSENT. Talk to your fellow players. I've had one of the best romances I've experienced in Fiction just because people communicated. Stuff like this? Fuck. That.
"B-But if I tell them Is going to break the surprise element, worst Yet they may not like it. So...I gonna do it anyway because if they get exposed to what I like they may Also like it" Some Weird dm
While I myself have thankfully never needed the sexual assault topic warning, I will always appreciate warnings for the people that are not so lucky. A little consideration and respect goes a long way. Consideration and respect for others or more accurately, the lack of it, seems to be the root of nearly all the problems ever in D&D. And that's scary because if they are like that in D&D, you know they are like that to some degree in regular life.
@@ellsbells9377 It really, really is. Any kind of roleplay where people are sort of shrouded in that bubble of "well, it's a character" is a place where the people who want to push boundaries, will-- --and that's part of what makes it amazing. When we roleplay, we get a chance to do just that, push boundaries. And for a lot of people, especially shy nerds, that means a chance to be someone confident, or show off a secret talent or aspect of themself, or show their favorite things. Normally, for example, Crab would feel shy talking to her friends about cooking, but if someone needs a character to take on rations? Oh, hey, just so happens Crab's character can really handle that! Wow! And so on, and so on, to every extent. DnD is a way to exercise aspects of ourselves we have trouble expressing to other people otherwise. And that creates for amazing stories, fantastic campaigns, and a hell of a lot of fun. Until the ThatGuy shows up. Because what a ThatGuy wants, is, well...we're watching the same channel. Whether they can't read the scenario or they just don't care, they are gonna push Those Boundaries, and usually a few others while they're at it. I was only half kidding before, I think. Psychological screening could honestly help some of these people out. I mean, that's what the GMs of these horror shows are doing anyway, they at least ought to get paid.
@@oz_jones Yes, exactly. I am referring to The Dipshit Effect, in which lurking ThatGuys who are already dipshits prove their dipshittery very loudly in RP settings.
Hearing the King Crab steam roll the second story's title like it would summon such a furry to come caress his shell without consent or warning made me snort.
As a DM I would never use an NPC charisma roll to seduce or persuade a player, I would and have only used it for intimidation in a hand full of situations.
I had a DM roll to seduce my character in-game but I was cool with it because he'd talked to us about that being a possibility before that. Plus, he'd given us the warning that the guy (who was supposed to be the BBEG of the campaign) was SUPER charismatic and used persuasion and seduction to get things done. The only wrench in the plan was that my character ALSO had great charisma and I rolled to seduce the guy back. Turns out he rolled SUPER low and I rolled Super high (I know it wasn't a Nat 20 but it was at least an 18 on the die). So instead of this guy being our BBEG, he turned into my character's boyfriend. (The DM told me NONE of this until like a month later) The DM had to change a bit of the campaign but he was happy to do it because he wasn't expecting my character to try to out-seduce the seducer and then turn him into my
Just in case someone is actually not getting it. "To rail" used as a verb is usually used with the preposition at or against, meaning what the poster obviously meant, to complain to or reprimand, strongly denounce. Used without a preposition, the literal meaning would mean to fence in, or archaically to lay out flat. The "joke" here is that is also a slang term for a sex act, that one could look up if one has a mind to. This is the equivalent of giggling if someone uses the word "taint" to refer to a stain or impurity.
Serious concepts aren't inherently bad for any RP situation. Doing them against the will of the players is where the problem is. Consent in the issue here. If all players consent to an anything goes, the NPCs can be as horrible people as possible situation, then you're not bad for writing that into the plot. But if even one person is on the fence about it, you don't do it.
Its so refreshing to hear that. Most of the stories on this channel involve some kind of sexual misbehavior. I will include the "no sex, romance is ok" rule in my session zero from now on.
As a furry, am friccin embarrassed for that guy. And I apologise on behalf of the fandom. That guy isn't a furry. He won't be welcomed in any convo, chat, server and con. He is just a creep, an embarrassment of a human being.
Not a furry but I have had friends and met a lot of chill furries, and that guy is what gives y'all a bad rep that all furries are creeps, man. It's unfortunate because one bad experience can really hurt other people.
As a furry myself, I sadly encountered all too many similar creeps who still get welcomed in convos/chats/servers, if not moderating those themselves. I get that acknowledging that isn’t good for fandom’s image, but I don’t want to sugarcoat or “no true scotsman” it either - furry community does have some genuine issues with not keeping people like these out.
@@ReverieNightengale that and do to the open nature of the community alot of assholes and bloody creeps sneak in undercover. Than you have tv shows and special that focus on the absolute worse person for any fandom and made that seen like the norm.
I've heard this said by others so I will say this to anyone who tries to do it in games that I gm, "I know your head might be in imaginary land when we are playing but you have to realize you are talking to me when you are flirting with npcs. If everyone is ok with it I will happily play along, but if anyone objects then it is all off."
I've been in a D&D game with a good furry before. One that isn't problematic. I miss them participating in that still ongoing campaign, actually. Scheduling issues caused them to drop out. (One of their characters for said game got into a relationship with my changeling character in said game) They are a very reasonable person. They are NOTHING like the furry in the story today.
Most of us aren't. We are good people. But these... Foolish disgraces ruin our name and make people assume the worst. It's not fair but that's just the way the dice rolls
people act like furries are some sort of alien race that have infiltrated us instead of normal human beings who think anthropomorphic animals are cool. There are good eggs and bad eggs, as in every community
Being a furry myself who loves DnD this makes me really sad. People like this really paint the community for furry pretty badly, not all of the furrys are like that. SMH, ty critcrab for the dnd storytelling as always ^^
@@Zadwon ya, that's why i was basically saying that no one can really say that the furry fandom is the only one full of "sex drived weirdos", when really, that's almost every community if you look into the right spots
My favorite part if the thumbnail already, are sweet little crab made a mistake of snagging some art without permission in the past, one they corrected graciously. But if there's ONE thing furries and normies can agree on, it's stealing some NFTs. This, IS, THE BEST, course correction in policy I've ever scene. *Slow claps for the crab, all glory to the crab.*
CritCrab: “I’m not a furry” Also CritCrab: *is an anthropomorphic crab.* Technically you’re not a furry because crabs don’t have fur, but is it not the same general idea, you do kinda have an animal persona…? Crustacean persona…? Crustona? Crusty?
OP had every right. The fact that you're getting your panties in a wad because OP rightfully called out disgusting behavior, says a whole lot more about you than OP. Stop acting like furries don't have a higher percentage of deviants than the average population. Objective data says otherwise, and it's gross that you're only focused on the alleged "fur hate" than the fact that this guy was a predator and a misogynist.
@@WobblesandBean Even after you correct for the general type of people who tend to be furries? (Like, there seems to be an unusually high number of geek, not-quite-social people among them, and one would expect this is a factor for higher deviancy in itself, before you apply the furry part.) If yes, I'd love to see the evidence. I would believe no one condones this guy and it is rather obvious, yet guilt by association on the entire subgroup is a no-go.
@@WobblesandBean nobody’s doing that. They made a joke, because “railing someone” has *another* meaning. You’re looking for a soapbox to stand on. Look elsewhere, friend.
When me and some friends were getting into roleplaying games we had a general rule for charisma checks - they can be used by particular merchants to charge more for goods but other than that the only thing charisma did was block you from out-charming them
15:16 He does though, CritCrab. The intrasitive verb "to rail" means "to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language". Get your mind out of the gutter lol
@@WorldWearyAngel The first guy did the same thing and he's not a furry.... what's your point? It seems to be a D&D problem not a furry problem. Tons of these r*pey dm's are non-furry. In the last nsfw style uploads from CritCrab (the ones that are obviously nsfw) only one of them had a furry and during that same time (about a years worth of content I shifted through) Only three or four out of 20 videos even featured a furry at all. So 1/5th of the cringe lords are furry and 1/6th of the r*pists are... so it seems these kinds of issues are more related to this community vs any of the sub cultures that might have some cross over with it. Take your personal bias and hatred and yeet both of those things into a owl bear pit please, because your claims are 100% unsubstantiated.
First time commenting on any video, and this one is where I chose to leave it. The first story where they went right into a tpk situation instead of having a session 0 should have been the first big red flag. The moment that a DM skips session 0, I nope out as that is a massive red flag to me.
A male player refusing to play a female character unless he knows all of the people involved for safety is the most telling thing about this day and age. That's to play a character. I can't even imagine what it's like to be a female gamer.
@@MartianCandies I find that sad. Every person should have the right to a sexuality without people being either hostile about it, or creepily chuckly (or whatever) about it. Or both. Not judging you for however you minimize the impact of crappy people being crappy about stuff, just to clarify; hope more people will improve themselves on that front, going forward, so that coping and workaround strategies become less vital/necessary.
@@hazukichanx408 I really really hope so too, it would be so much more fun, it kinda sucks having to basically act like a character if you get what I mean until we know we're okay. It would be so much better if we could just be open without being told creepy stuff or that we're "just confused", "I could turn you," or "I really really wish you weren't a lesbian, are you sure you are?" We've dealt with so many creepy and sometimes scary interactions, sadly all with men, we won't even talk to someone one on one, we both have to be there, and we'll only ever go into explicitly stated lgbt+ friendly spaces. and it's not like it's a rare occurrence, our situation happens to so many les (and gay, though they get more hate than sexualization) couples out there, especially conventionally attractive ones. God they have it so bad with people telling them they're "wasting their potential" being with the person they truly love. I really really appreciate you for saying something, if there were more people with your mindset this wouldn't be as much as a problem, there needs to be more conversations had in the role playing and gaming community about this :( and I just want to thank you for empathizing. That's a rare thing these days and it'll get you far
Whilst what he did was creepy, the furry wasn't wrong in appearing in a Stars without Number campaign. There is, and I'm not making this up, a table for generating Anthropomorph (furry) worlds in the core rulebook. It's on page 134. Just so you know! Thank-you to our crabby Overlord for more interesting stories!
I love in game romance. I had a couple. The first one my wizard fell in love with her apprentice. Aside from gifting him with minor trinkets, nothing happened. I was very clear she wasnt pushing any further until/unless they married. Which they did. Also the DM is my husband. We also had to married PCs their players were married irl. In another game where my husband and I played together our PCs were in a romance we kept it to light flirting.
Seriously though, if I were to run a game I wouldnt even allow Charisma checks against other players. If one player wants to seduce another I'ma make em roll play that s*** with the target player. If the target player refuses the roleplay then that is an instant failed seduction as far as I'm concerned.
Hell if it's a succubus or the like, just have a successful check against the player inflict a debuff to rolls because while they reject them they are distracted with fighting off the horny.
since its a horrible stereotype, please remember most furries arent gross like this! the community at large does NOT accept behavior like this, and we arent afraid to kick people out of the community for being fucking disgusting. i totally agree w/ u crit when u say that op acts like furries arent normal ppl for lack of a better word?? we arent rare by any means either. and having an animal-based character in an rpg is... very common, even for non-furs? its bizarre anyway ppl dont?? ban furries from ur games???? were perfectly normal ppl and sadly all the publicity we dont seem to get are from some assholes who we aggressively ostracize from the community, then everyone assumes ALL furries are like that.
As a Furry.... That dude is a creep and I would have tossed him out immediately. Him being a furry doesn't mutually make him a creep. But the content of his actions certainly sealed that...
Removing a ton of core aspects of the game (classes, races, spells, etc) is, to me, a sign that maybe you aren't playing the right game to tell the kind of story you want to tell. It's a red flag to me because it means you're going to try and force this system into being something it wasn't designed to be. You want something where you don't have to deal with all the stuff you're out here removing from your game? good news! you can find a game that fits that in terms of the core design OR you can go system-neutral and have everything be exactly what you want it to be. I am also wary of GMs that will just allow anything without any further thought or discussion. You need to provide constraints on the players, so that they know the kind of game you're running and if they want to stay at the table. It's all about setting expectations, and why everyone needs session zeros.
1. Sounds like an old-school killer DM who is also a creep. I also don't think that obsessing with sex is good in any case, especially in D&D. Maybe this is the type of game he grew up with or wished he grew up with. There's also how apparently missing a secession is a ban-worthy offensive in his eyes. He either just demand attention/think the players should revolve their lives around the DM, or just want an excuse to ban people. 2. Part of me would find it funny if in the future, OP let his guard down around That Guy because he wasn't a furry only to be hit by something as bad or worst than this story to teach them that creepy assholes aren't a furry thing, it's a person thing. On a less petty note, the DM needed to have set down limits from the start and talk to the pilot about not playing with the rest of the group. Being new and inexperience can only get you so far.
Nobody has the monopoly on creeps and cringelords. Sadly these are the cases who believe their crappy behaviour is someone else's fault first. I'll never be this kind of furry.
Like it or not, they are clearly a part of your community, and it's up to all of us to denounce and correct these predatory conkwockets. Just saying "well I'M not like that", and "well, doesn't _every_ group have their bad apples?" isn't good enough. You don't get a cookie for not being a creep, and you don't get to ignore the fact that people in your wheelhouse are acting abhorrently by proclaiming your own virtue. Getting defensive because god forbid you look bad by being associated with these people, means you only care about yourself, and not the people victimized by your furry brethren.
@@WobblesandBean Actually I take it to reinforce my drive to be a better person than I was in my past. I'm happy to leave you to your own assumptions about my statements. It's an excellent litmus test to flag closed minds.
@@WobblesandBean You aren't responsible for other people's actions or behavior just because you share a fucking hobby lol. People are victimized by every demographic and group of people imaginable-- we can only be responsible for our own actions and call it out where we see it/try to be good people. There are women who are perpetrators of domestic abuse. Why aren't you out there calling them out 24/7 instead of allowing your "female bretheren" (yuck) to victimize people? Probably because women aren't the primary perpetrators of domestic abuse, and individual incidents are meaningless, and using those incidents and/or experiences to demonize women when they disproportionately *suffer* from domestic abuse would be wrong. I use that as an example because it's the only thing readily available from a name, but I **promise** you that you have interests and broader communities that you "belong to" that also have disgusting pieces of filth in that you do nothing about because they're not your responsibility, yet you use this line of logic to demonify other people for it. The idea that furries are out here victimizing people disproportionately remains to be proven, and people like you clearly misunderstand what a "community" even is on that scale if you think that casual furries have any way of changing or correcting other people's behavior who happen to be furries as well. Do better.
I once played a ULTRA EDGY Tabaski Rogue. He had black fur, dressed in black lether, his backstory was full of blood and death parents, and when I played it, I said, in the most high pitch voice I could "Ah, I swee twhat yw-ou nweed a... asswasswin" then said, with a straight face "UwU" out loud, with the same voice. Yeah, it was a joke character with all the steriotypes of the Rogue Class I took the idea of that character out of a post I saw once scrolling down the internet, and I NEEDED to play that thing. Going with a full uwu voice the entire campaign, until Aaron Shapedge died cause I failed a roll
Furries get a lot of flak on the internet, some earned & some not. And sometimes we get unearned insults when addressing legit problems. So kudos to you on your handling of this. As a furry who loves a lot of the furry community, I can def agree that there's a huge problem with forcing kinks onto people who never had a chance to consent. I guess that's kind of the outcome of a community that's mostly social outcasts in some way or other, for good or ill. Jerkasses who don't care, autistic folks (like myself) that have major problems with social cues, and more. ...*usually* it seems to be the straight furries causing problems lmao, but that might be bias on my part 😂
Consent is the most critical aspect for anything related to intercourse. Without that... it's just another form of assault. To put it another way: Consent is the best possible kink to have!
idk man, i've met plenty of furries, and my experience is really different to yours... all straight male furries i've met were normal people... all female and homosexual furries i've met were full on weirdos who wanted to constantly r4p3 the shit out of anything that moved... they even went on full detail rps of how they did the deed... surprisingly there were a few rps where the scenario described a consensual act ... unsurprisingly those scenes were made of only players and no npcs involved...
@@tlkfanrwbyfan8716 yeah but when you add in that he was probably a straight cis male furry... that tanks the numbers even more. Then the problem is "straight cis guy who's never been told no and told that he should expect sex"
@@AlFredo-sx2yy that's totally valid experience, yeah. And tbh, I have no issues with any kink whatsoever when it's content warned (for media) and consent is gotten beforehand (& safe words if necessary, such consensual-non-consent, aka r*pe play). And as others have said above me, not getting consent beforehand amounts to sexual harassment/ assault, so I'm not condoning the actions of the people you've described. Furrydom (???) is a subculture, but it's such a broad one that there are many subcultures within it, and within those, etc. So it's not entirely surprising to hear there are jerkasses in every category, was more just amused that my experience led me to that feeling? Thinking on it again, though, I do think the fur convention c*m pizza thing was gay dudes so, there's that lmao. *censored some words bc I think either yt would block the comment and/or I'd attract Those kinds of bots. I still might, but I tried to avoid them at least 😅 **do not go looking for the c*m pizza thing if you value your lunch, it's gross. Takeaway is just that it was left in public and someone ate it without knowing.
It's fucks like this that get innocent furs kicked out of groups for just being a furry. I got disallowed to play a character on the grounds I was a furry and the character was a wyveran. (I'd picked the race because it's cute, kinda dumb (low int) and had good potential for RP). I went with dumb because I like playing a character people expect to be one way but are another way. This guy would have been very smart (investigator, reckless epicurean, and another archetype that played nicely with it and made sure I didn't have to worry about extracts) and just overall friendly fellow based on a mix of mitharditis and fynman. But no, me calling him a "doggo dragon who learns how the world works by putting things in his mouth he ought not to" and "bad furry vibes". It's what the archetype freaking DOES. They self-experiment and learn stuff by eating it. On top of it, he was Ace and sex-indferrent. (not quite repulsed, just... irritated about it)
"Doggo dragon who learns how the world works by putting things in his mouth that he ought not to" sounds exactly like the kind of character description that a perv furry would give. The error here was on your description of your character that you gave to them.
@@techstorezombie9316except it's not that description could be literally anything knives,rocks,cloth literally anything if you think it's pervy then that says more about you
I'm always angry at all these horror stories involving furries because it's the same toxic outliers that fuck everything up for us at every turn. ITS ALWAYS the same fuckers causing problems inside the fandom and outside the fandom. I promise we're fighting this type of shit at every turn. Though why the FUCK did that GM allow that backstory? What kinda crack were they smoking?
It's not possible to fight against it because these people are present in every community and every group in society. I don't know why it's expected that hobby groups are any different. The problem is that when people who don't obviously belong to
I would say the extreme limitations on what the players could play was a red flag. If its just because someone thinks the older edition stuff was better the older editions? The only time heavy restrictions on player options actually was good for a game I've ever played was when a friend was literally made a bet that he couldn't run a near zero magic 5e campaign. It turned out to easily be one of the best campaigns because it was all layed out and planned for. He told us why he banned magic and let us know in a session 0 where we all made characters with those rules. He was also willing to make homebrew no magic subclasses so people could still have variety. Any other game I've joined with huge restricted creation due to "its to op" or "it just doesn't fit my world" usually ends up being terrible. They often seem to have an idea of how the game must go and anything going off the rails is treated with hostility because they are running a book they wrote for specific races not running a game for players.
Oof, that story reminded me of my husbands game with an old acquaintance. Apparently having people "forced" on others is a popular method of getting rid of characters with some people. Makes me want to puke...
As someone who kinda leans towards furries that aren't creeps, I despise the fact furries are universally said as if they were all creepy. They are not.
Ok, so my last character was a 17 years-old changeling Bard who's been a slave in a sex dungeon since the age of 3, and was forced to use her shapeshifting ability to change to diffrent "archetypes" of womans (both physically and in terms of personality) to best please her "customers" and, As you can imagine, she avoided physical contact and sex references at all costs. The DM then put us in this labyrint constructed by the bbeg, a god of fear. When entering this dungeon, every pc would make a wisdom saving throw, and if you failed you became the worst version of yourself. The warforged artificer acted like a dictator forcing himself as the leader, the oni monk would enter in a frenzy hitting the closest pc to him, and I had the irrefrenable urge to... Mate with someone. Now, besides the initial shyness and a few "you two should roleplay this out" jokes, everyone was perfectly fine with that and I was especially happy that the DM highlighted my character's flaw, since our table isn't really roleplay-focused and I didn't had a lot of chances to bring that up. The DM in that story was just an awful person who did it only to make people uncomfortable, regardless of how other feel about the topic. If I was playing in that campaign, I would have avoided playing my favourite character.
I'm a furry. My best friend is a furry. And this is the kind of thing that we absolutely hate. We avoid the cringe and the wrongity wrong parts of the fandom. It makes the whole group look bad, and the CSI episode that vilified the fandom has been the source of a lot of misplaced hatred and disgust toward us. Let me state here and now that the CSI episode hired a furry as a consultant, that furry CORRECTED a lot of the misconceptions and bad representations, and the producers promptly erased the corrections and put back everything that they had originally gotten wrong just to air the shocka nd horror of it. The furry who was consulted ultimately was overruled completely, only to then be "credited" and faced anger and hate from the fandom under the misconception that they had approved of all the horrible things the CSI team put in, AGAINST advice.
The first story: okay, the banning of most classes is a red flag. Just not an obvious one. The DM seemed to have a DM vs PC scenario. DM wanted to win too quickly
It's stories like that second one that make me so hesitant to go online looking for a game to play. I don't have IRL friends who play, and I don't have any online friends. The only person in my life who actually plays or has interest in playing is my brother-in-law, but he hasn't been interested in playing for years, and as a newer player (I've DMed twice in games that died and was a player in two games that died) he didn't have the time to really teach me, and I can only learn so much from the books without putting it into practice in a game. This channel has, however, taught me something no book could. HAVE A SESSION 0 GOOD GOD
Large lists of banned races are always a red flag for me, because the kind of people who ban everything but humans, dwarves and elves are the kind of people who think I'm an _idiot_ for liking goblins and tend to talk trash about my preferred play styles and preferred version. Not a vibe I care to be around.
So, I know there are horror stories about furries, but every person I've ever played with that has played as an animal-based race has never been a furry, or played them in a sexual way. I feel like people immediately assume someone is a furry if they play as a Tabaxi or something. I'm only talking about the beginning of that story where the guy comments that he was a furry because he was playing as a dog character. Maybe OP is only saying that retroactively because of the sexual stuff that happened later, but I feel like the DnD/Tabletop community often labels animal races as furry only races.
yup. I'm a furry and I don't ALWAYS play animal people, just usually. And I try to have an excuse to have a tail because they're great for emoting. (and prehensile tail and it's feat upgrade are just FUN. Being able to nick stuff while your hands are free!). I also played a kitsune who spent all of her time in fox form (not anthro form, but tiny fox form) and dished out nasty damage as a Telekenetic, while being impossible to hit. She was also my most "furry" character, and the least horny. My two horniest characters... were my leat furry.
its also not a good stereotype that all furries are sexual creeps. Many furries are just artists who like to express themselves through an anthropomorphic animal character. Most commonly seen 'Sexual Furries' out there are just people with a kink rather than a furry. (There can still be gross furries, but they are by far a minority that are often ostracized by the community for their behavior) Not all people with anthro animal characters are furries, not all people who play animal-like species in dnd are furries, and not all furries are creeps.
Or that he is somehow confuse that a Furry somehow ended up playing DnD with them. As if there is some sort a segreation between furries and non-furries.
I will disagree with a minor point, banning most things because it is "op" is definitley a red flag for a DM, maybe not for them being a creep but a good DM would adjust encounters if the players prove themselves too strong, a bad one has biases about certain things and doesnt even let players try. and with "only races from the 80s" thing they really strike me as just a boomer who hates new stuff.
I've had way too many experiences with men like this in DnD. It's enough to make me not feel safe whatsoever with a male GM unless I know him well, and I don't trust any new guy in any of my groups.
Something to note is that stuff like this can leave someone stunned and silent which may cause the person doing the horrible thing to think that it means that they are accepting what's going on. That maybe what is happening with the other people in the game.
I’m kinda curious, at what point does the label of “furry” apply? If someone in my game chooses to play a Tabaxi, I don’t automatically think of them as a furry. If they add some animal like descriptors to their reactions (flick their tail, lower their ears), I also don’t think of this as furry, because it’s no different than a Dwarf tugging on their beard or a fairy flitting their wings. It’s when they start getting “very” descriptive that I suspect they’re a furry. Like, bringing up their tail or ears or whiskers all the time, describing their fur in detail, and things like that. It’s even further compounded when they frequently do animal like actions for no real reason, like stretch out in sunlight, use their tongue to drink, or (of course) purr or hiss. At a point, it feels like their character is less defined by their personality, and more on their race. Most of what they say and do is a celebration of being a cat, rather than as an adventurer or hero or thief. And that’s not even considering the sex stuff. I mean, if a player is playing a Tabaxi, and for the most part, hasn’t been unusually descriptive of how catlike they are. And they initiate a relationship with another character, but don’t talk about things like musk or heat or whatever. Again, I don’t really consider that player a furry. They’re just playing a character that happens to be from a race of cats.
LITERALLY, if you're a fan of characters that are anthropomorphic animals, you are a furry. That's the gate. Too many people are keeping it, but there it is.
@@NieroshaiTheSable That seems too low a bar for a label with so many connotations. That’s like saying, “you watched Loony Toons as a kid. You’re a furry.” “Oh, you took a picture with Chip and Dale at Disney World? You’re a furry.”
I totally feel you! Everytime I play a race, and they have unique features (like Tieflings can have a tail, or a Harengon who has big Hare/Rabbit ears) I loooove to express the little things they can do with body language and expressions, it makes roleplaying much more fun imo. And I don't think liking anthro animals means you're a furry like you said, humanoid with animal features are veeeeery common, but some people really do enjoy the furry stuff like the fursuits and all
That first story sounds awfully familiar. Fairly sure he runs the same campaign, over and over if it is on roll20. It was an awful experience, sad too since the group of players was actually fun to play with.
Story 2 is why most people outside the fandom thinks furries are deranged fetishizing individuals. Thank you Crit Crab for saying that not all of them are strange people, they just people who have a Fursona. Trust me comment readers, people like the guy on the story even make us normal furries cringe.
I have a group that I'm a Player Character in and have DM'ed before that is a group of fans of dark humor. We had a wizard at one point that tied up an elven hostage with hemp rope and did something he thought was rational to do to a hostage and decided to check for hidden weapons and substances and specified that he was checking orafices as well... but it slipped his mind that the elf was female (the figurine used for the elf was actually male by appearance, and the player themselves wasn't and still isn't that kind of person) and so he got nicknamed the 'bondage wizard' for a bit. He was allowed to retract the action as it was out of character, but it was something that we got a kick out of because of how red his face got. To be clear on all fronts of this, all players have been in strange situations in the campaign but its always done as a plot point and once was planned by the party as a way to make an encounter easier (we 'sold' a party member who was a monk to traffikers in order to have someone inside the facility to help take them down on two fronts, neither player who was sold needed weapons to fight as they were a monk and a druid). I'm very happy with the party I'm in, but I definately see where there are people who wouldn't like the extent of the things that we get ourselves dealing with and that's perfectly fine. D&D is only ever about having fun. You don't have to have fun breaking up smuggling rings and drug circles; if that's not your cup of tea then who am I to throw your tea into a harbor. Enjoy yourself in your game and don't let someone else ruin it for you, even if that means leaving because you're not having fun. The enjoyment of the table is the #1 priority of any DM worth playing for and of any player worth having at the table. I know that's what this channel preaches, but I just wanted to throw this out there because I know our party is a bit of a group of oddballs to begin with. Lastly, if this even gets read, I hope that everyone enjoys their games and is healthy about what they take and what they leave. ;3 TLDR: Furry player tells channel of people watching someone bring up reddit posts about bad DMs/players to make sure they enjoy themselves, be it strange or vanilla and that their fun is not something to be shamed unless it directly interferes with the fun of others.
Councilman Crab Fish thinks the first story was just a case of good ol fashioned gate keeping. From banning races and spells that became canon after 1st Edition, to these encounters that throw a BBEG threat at the party in session 1, even to banning players for missing 1 session. It feels like the LFG DM is just trying to either re-create or relive the days when a DnD group were a bunch of fantasy buffs who made it a life priority to make their games and where there could be a TPK trap behind any corner.
That second story sounded suspiciously like it was made up by a closeted furry trying to justify their irrational aversion to the fandom. I know this because I once was in that exact situation. The frequent Freudian slips just add to the impression.
I'm pretty surprised the nail on the coffin was being banned because of the holidays. The freak tried to RAPE A CORPSE If that doesn't make you say "fuck this, I'm out", I don't know what will I played in a similar campaign which was supposed to be "Dark fantasy", but it was just plain cruel. We risked TPKs almost every session, anything we did was punished and we had no rewards whatsoever. I drew the line when a guard slapped the warlock because she was a tiefling, so my Bard tried to suggestion him away and the guards put both of us in jail FOR LIFE Not only that, my elf was sent to the lowest level, where prisoners starved to death just because of a spell he TRIED to use, and the warlock was sent to a female-only level where tiefling prisoners were sexually assaulted. Dark fantasy my ass. I told the DM straight and the campaign ended a few weeks later. DO NOT accept that type of shit if you're not consensual, no matter how much you love your characters or how much you want to play
About the first story, the extreme difficulty thing might be because some beginner DMs seem to think it's all about DM vs Players, when in reality the DM is just as much of a player, setting a gradual challenge that the players would try to overcome.
Hearing these stories really makes me thankful for the DM and group I have. We have two furries in the group, but neither cause any issues. The first one usually plays a half werewolf paladin (the other half depends on campaign) or in the latest campaign a human fighter (arcane archer, there's a reason). The other is usually the DM, current campaign he's actually a player this time as we had someone else ask if they could DM a campaign (and everyone agreed). So he's playing a leonin sorcerer, who's basically the cowardly lion but throws fireballs at everything. Boundaries we established very early on as a group - -No sexual stuff (as this was during a time where our youngest player was 17 and the rest of us were 20+) (rule still in effect but a slightly more lax as the 17 year old is no longer with our group, life stuff) -PC romances ok if anyone involved agrees -No racial comments OoC (if it makes sense from backstory, such as the Ranger who hates humanoid reptilian because troglodytes burned down her hometown, it's allowed in game. otherwise nope) And we've had moments where problem players were kicked. That was back in 2013 to 2015 timeframe, when we had nine players plus the DM. Nowadays, we're down to four players plus DM (with the group consisting of 2 of the founding players and the founding DM). Again, hearing these really make me thankful for the group I'm in. I wish I could say I'm surprised by these stories, but experience with my secondary group in 2015 to 2016 pretty well got me used to hearing and seeing all kinds of weird, crazy and bothersome stuff. From DMPC who was basically a "I can do anything because DM says so", to the barbarian who tried to force himself onto any female PC/NPC (my troglodyte war blade was constantly stopping him), to the drow cleric who was an absolute edgelord, and finally the monk/forsaker who would basically throw the other PCs at enemies, causing everyone to make STR/Grapple/Escape Artist checks to avoid being thrown (my war blade ended up getting thrown at a Fire Elemental more than once).
Okay so the way I look at any kind of Charisma check (especially persuasion and deception) by npc's versus a pc and pc's versus each other is that it should never dictate how a player acts, as that robs agency. If an npc lies to a player, or a player lies to another player, and they win the deception check, it's not "you now believe them", thats up to the player. Winning a deception check means that you hide the lie, that the person you were lying to didn't detect the lie. the player can still be suspicious of the liar, but doesn't have any kind of evidence. Same for a persuasion check - you don't get full control over a pc, or even an npc, just because you sound convincing to them. it just means that they accepted what you said to them
As for the last story about the friend, they shouldn't make this one experience the reason they'll never play a female character again. It's just that one bad apple. That, and most furries aren't like this. The OP should realize this and should know it's not the stereotype, it's the person behind it could be one to blame if they do something like that. Now the OP has been corrupted by those freaks.
Crab fact! I screenshotted an 8 thousand dollar NFT for this thumbnail. 🦀
With the context of the video, that nft doesn't go hard
@@jrasiy4048 no NFTs go hard
Based Crit Crab strikes again
"I'm not a furry."
Of course not, you're a crabby. You even have a crabsona.
Shell yeah
Crabsona 5
@@simontatton5424 nobody expect the crabish inquisition!
@Simon Tatton I love and hate that at the same time
@@CritCrab lol. You made me chuckle.
I didn’t need that cursed thumbnail in my life, but here we are.
Average CritCrab enjoyer ^
Heya, Crispy.
Luigi fursona
The moment somebody tries to force a sexual assault on a player character or even an NPC, I'm out of there. Can't believe they enabled him by sticking around
I'm not a prude but honestly if anyone tries to roleplay sex in a D&D game I'm out. I can't imagine anything cringier
@@erikgilson1687 yup, I got a romance going with another PC and even then it’s a “X and Y are holding hands and go into their room at the Inn…”
Couldnt imagine how awkward that would be to RP out.
Bullies know confrontation is difficult and will take advantage of it. And should it ever happen, they’ll make it as ugly as possible.
@@erikgilson1687 Well, it's not something that should ever happen during a session. If the players want to play out the adult parts , they are free to do that afterwards and in private.
@@erikgilson1687 fade to black is the best way for it to happen if at all.
"I'm not a furry."
Of course not, you're a crab. You're objectively better than most sapient beings.
Also most crabs dont have any fur
@@mateo4508 this lad gets it
In the end we will all become crabs.
@@Kahrak the great carcinization is the future of all sentient beings.
Reject furry, evolve the crab
If you're going to include dark or sexual things in a D&D campaign, it's always absolutely imperative that you let players know before hand and give them the chance to opt out before you pull the trigger. Why do so many people not understand this basic principle?
They probably assume that people either already expect or would have no problem with those particular subject matters.
I can sort of see where that particular mindset comes from, but it’s usually a 1st-Time DnD thing. If a person can’t learn from their mistaken assumptions, then it’s simply a bad sign. ✨
obviously they already know this. if they told people what their campaigns were going to be like, they would never get the chance to trap players in their rape fantasies.
I agree. When done right, the dark and sexual themes can do wonders and add some needed spice to a campaign, But you need to talk to your players out of game to make sure they are ok with what is going on. If they are not ok with it, then don’t do it, And if they ARE ok with it, set boundaries and ask how far are they willing to tolerate it.
Can you name a more iconic duo?
Fedora wearing gentleman, and cute gamer girl.
Okay, you win.
A Reddit mod and a bag of Doritos
The gentleman and his fedora, obviously.
Paper and a pencil
That first DM strikes me as someone utterly obsessed with his game, not exactly sure about the sexual stuff but I'm thinking maybe he's a control freak: Weak character classes, massively OP enemies, forcing the players to roll vs Seduction and kicking anyone who isn't as willing as he is to drop everything to play. I wonder if he even has any kind of life outside of his games?
As to the Furry story, I've seen this crap happen so many times i'm not even surprised anymore. All I can say is nice work OP shutting that creep down hard!
For that second part, same. Oh god, the things I've seen.....
A slightly wholesome quick story with a furry player and his PC to lighten the mood from the last story: so I'm playing in an Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. It's cold as shit. While camping out in the wilderness at night, my character, a scrawny Changeling (disguising as an elf) wizard, and the furry's bugbear paladin were on watch. They were making casual conversation when I had the idea of having my character crawl up into his fur to stay warm (survival is a huge part of the campaign, and yes I asked the player first, he was chill w/ it) because I thought it'd be a funny RP moment. So the bugbear in his infinite fuzzy glory, allowed my character to essentially crawl up in his back fur to stay warm. Then they bond over a mutual hatred for an NPC they both knew in their backstories :D
Aww, that is wholesome indeed, fuzzy hug! Nice RP moment, thanks for the cute image :)
I love this - I saw the whole scene animated in my head and it made me smile :D
Aww, that’s adorable!
now THAT is how you make a furry character, just pure wholesomeness
Finally, a story where someone actually confronts the bullshit on the spot. Granted I've never actually played DnD or any ttrpg (I want to but have just got into it) but all these stories where they let the bs keep going on before it blows up boggles the mind.
People do need to start excercising their power to nip problem behaviour in the bud, before escalation. There are multiple psychological and social reasons why this does not happen too often, and I am not always comfortable blaming people for not stepping in, as things can also get out of hand if the person being called out reacts strongly (or if the call out is disproportionate to what happened), but at the same time it is painful to see these things blow up when it could have been prevented. I too have been guilty of just sucking it up when I wanted to say something, mostly out of fear of getting the ire of other players aimed on to me because I dared to speak up, which I have seen happen to others multiple times.
It is pretty telling when just asking someone to be more considerate makes someone fly off the handle. A person who can't take criticism is not one I would want to play with - I have too much experience of hissy fit throwing and rage quitting players (especially in online games, less so with ttrpg's but it happens there as well).
@@circleoffinnishjerks4982 Yeah, unfortunately, and I may be seen as an insensitive boomer asshole etc, but that seems to be a bigger and bigger problem of the younger generations. They say, "oh, I don't like conflict" and won't do anything. Yeah, no one likes conflict, but sometimes you have to do what is needed even if you don't like it. Except for zoomers, they seem to have the opposite problem. EVERYTHING is offensive and they will yell at you for the slightest thing. Really, we just need to find the middle ground and be able to express to someone that their behavior is inappropriate and the other person to hear that, reflect on it, and change. Or at least read the room and pick a better audience/location.
Honestly, I think it's because child raising is always and experiment and you don't know what will happen until they're adults. Then those raised a certain way write a book and start a new generation of child raising style which we won't see what happens until society has to deal with them. Hence the generational wars. Each generation believes their way is best "because I turned out fine".
@@wheelsndealz Whenever I hear stories like this, I have to roll my eyes. This is so wrong, but how do you not laugh hysterically and just call the person out right there though? I think any semi mature human being would laugh that off and just be like ok, well you just ruined the game but holy hell, haha. Like even crab had to laugh at how ridiculous it was for the guy to yell out he was going to hump someone's leg. The guy's obviously just there to live out his fetish, just kick him out of the game and move on. "Scientist" doesn't have to act like he's suffering from PTSD, it's ridiculous.
Because all of the stories that let it go on for months at a time are completely fake.
yeah same. I know a lot of it is just "in-the-moment" paralysis, but some of these stories are like "by the seventh time he explicitly described and roleplayed drowning a basket of kittens, I was getting a little worried and should have probably seen this as a red flag" like????? and as you said in your other replies, I agree about the meeting in the middle ground. I'm a zoomer, and you can barely say anything without upsetting someone my age but then with the older zoomers and millennials, they're so non-confrontational (even outside of dnd) that they end up making the situation worse by literally doing nothing and never sticking up for whats right even if it's blatantly obvious. and even when they do it's "well what you're doing is making some of us uncomfortable" and not "what you're doing is bad and you need to stop right now". You can't really count on either of these groups to back you up. I have had friends on both sides. anyway didn't mean to turn that into a whole rant lol
“Idk guys, the dm kicking us out was the final nail in the coffin.” I’m starting to begin to understand the kind of people that don’t immediately go “fuck this I’m out” when weirdos start forcing, well, forced Intimacy into their games.
Some people are too fascinated by the train wreck happening before their eyes, others are doormats who won’t put their foot down (and then pick it up, in a walking motion. Toward the door). And of course, some of these stories are just made up for shock value.
I try not to judge too harshly, since I was once a human doormat, myself. That Kingdom Hearts campaign was a nightmare.
I think I need to hear about this Kingdom Hearts campaign
@@captaintephra It’s a grand story. It’s also a very long story, because the campaign went on for about 7 months. I will condense it as much as possible, for brevity’s sake.
I had taken the time and effort to home brew Kingdom Hearts rules into a d20 system. I was using.. I wanna say 3.5 or 4. I don’t exactly remember, and it’s not super important. I put in Final Fantasy classes that the players could pick from, the whole shebang. This was before things like the Villains Victorious system (shout out to their discord) and Interstitial. It took a long time, a lot of work, and I will never do it again.
Anyway, the party at the time consisted of six players. Five of them wanted to play the mage- Not *A* mage, *THE* mage, as in, they all wanted to be the only one. So, they bickered, and argued, and fought, and complained, and never stopped. Petty snipes at their builds and such were a constant companion throughout our sessions. But, they all went Black Mage anyway.
They were all basically interchangeable munchkin murderhobos, and they never really did anything to stand out. so for the purposes of the story, they will just be referred to as “The Mages”. I honestly can’t be bothered to recall their names.
The last player was a fighter. We will call him Weisser. I remember him, because, for one, he was the only martial guy in the party, and two, because he was a greasy, sleazy degenerate who was motivated almost entirely by his lust for Disney Princesses, and Tifa’s boobs, and wanted to drag us all down into his “Magic Kingdom”. There’s no distinction to be made between the character and player there. His whole motivation for taking the quest was to get laid. That’s it.
The quest was simple: There was someone out there rallying the heartless. Their heart was not only strong enough, but so jam-packed with Darkness that they could call in legions of the things. Since this takes place between KH: CoM and KH2, Sora is out of commission, Donald and Goofy are busy with Mickey’s orders, and Riku is spying on the organization, who either don’t know about the heartless situation, or have factored it into their plans (this was never made clear, since the party never met any organization members). So, with all the star players busy elsewhere, the party was selected to take out the“Dark Lord”. It was sort of a bottom-of-the-barrel, last-ditch Hail Mary situation.
None of them had a keyblade either. I figured that’s something you had to earn. Fortunately, there were certain spells and artifacts that could lock down a keyhole in a pinch. Their first task was to locate one of those.
Highlights include:
The party, through both action AND inaction, killing off
- Ariel, used as a shield to block Ursula’s lasers.
-Jack Skellington. In a particularly egregious example of their murderhobory, they used Sally to lure him into a trap, and took 30 turns to bring him down. Why? Because Weisser wanted Soul Robber.
- Tarzan, kicked off a cliff so they could take his flint knife. They broke it, because it was a flint knife, and it having belonged to Tarzan didn’t make it any better.
- Several random civilians trying to flee from a coliseum fight gone awry. Cerberus can’t catch you if you leave a trail of corpses for it to snack on.
- three gorillas, trapped in a brushfire they caused (one of them later revealed to be Terk).
They also lost at least three worlds to the darkness. Port Royal, Atlantica, and finally Agrabah. Jack Sparrow, Aladdin, and quite a few others were lost. Though, Jack Sparrow was later revealed to have survived, and showed up in Traverse Town in the epilogue.
But that’s not really the worst part. The worst part is how it all dragged out. Sessions lasted hours longer than they ever should have, because they had no sense of cohesion whatsoever. They were always scheming against one another, arguing back and forth about everything- loot, who the leader was, who gets to kill/fuck the boss in this world, you name it. Every session felt like the wrath of some god whom my foolishness had deeply offended. And it lasted for 7 months.
For 7 months, I didn’t really put my foot down. I had sticking points, sure. I’d uphold consequences for their actions here and there, but ultimately, when they put pressure on me to let them do things, I’d cave. But, as time went on, I got more and more and vindictive. I believe it was around the time they killed Tarzan. Consequences for their stupidity got more and more severe. Heartless got stronger, smarter. Part of this was just baked into the game. I had this whole cosmic balance thing, where things like sealing keyholes, and taking down villains weakened the darkness’s hold on the universe, for the purposes of weakening, also, the final boss. But, the rest of it? That was me, finally getting to the point where I’d had enough.
It came to a head (and an end) in Agrabah. The Heartless had grown stronger as the universe, through the party’s actions, slipped further down into the dark. They were performing raids on worlds now. Think the thousand heartless battle in KH2, but worse. Kurt Zisa and a massive horde of heartless were on a collision course with the city.
I had given the party many chances to prepare. The idea was that they would band together with Razul and the city guard to fight Kurt Zisa in the heart of this giant sandstorm that was rolling in. Sort of like a raid dungeon. And since magic doesn’t work against Zisa, I had also made sure there were scimitars and shamshirs and other light, dex weapons the mages could use to fight, and not be penalized for it. I underestimated their idiocy. The Mages tried to cast magic, which I explained from the jump DID NOT WORK, and they lost their minds.
They screamed, and they moaned, and they bitched, thinking that, like every other time, I’d relent, and let them have their way.
I did not.
They ended up rage-quitting, one after another. Weisser was, of course, the worst. When he went down, he threw a huge tantrum, and stormed out. Pretty sure he was crying. I never saw them again after that. Got an email from one of the mages asking if I wanted them to roll up another character. I said no.
Since then, I’ve gotten better about standing up for myself, and I haven’t had a problem since. I’ve also started a sequel to that campaign using the Villains Victorious system, which I call Broken Hearts. It’s going very well, I think.
So, remember: Not playing DnD is better than playing *bad* DnD. It’s for fun, and if you’re not having fun, what’s the point?
@@Daelyah it’s going pretty well so far. I’m currently running two campaigns, one is Broken Hearts, the sequel to the shit-show described above, and the other is a PlayStation campaign that mixes Resident Evil, Persona, and Bloodborne.
In Broken Hearts, the party has landed in Angel Grove, and are about to be fighting alongside the Power Rangers ( Disney owned the Power Rangers at one point, so it counts).
I gotta give CritCrab some props for fighting NFT's by stealing one of those garbage lion drawings
CRITCRAB: "I'm not a furry"
My mind instantly: correct, "your a crusty"
alright. i gotta make that joke.
You're saying he's a Crusty Crab?
I hate to do this, so don’t click read more unless you want to get mad, but
“You’re” would be the correct word to use there, because “You’re” means “You Are”, while “Your” is possessive.
@@thesilverduke if you hated to do it, you just wouldn’t do it.
@@swaggaming4953 yeah, but I would spend time thinking about it if I didn’t
@@swaggaming4953 No, they would still do it cuz whether you like it or not it's somewhat deserved.
Consent. Consent. CONSENT. Talk to your fellow players. I've had one of the best romances I've experienced in Fiction just because people communicated. Stuff like this? Fuck. That.
"B-But if I tell them Is going to break the surprise element, worst Yet they may not like it. So...I gonna do it anyway because if they get exposed to what I like they may Also like it"
Some Weird dm
While I myself have thankfully never needed the sexual assault topic warning, I will always appreciate warnings for the people that are not so lucky. A little consideration and respect goes a long way.
Consideration and respect for others or more accurately, the lack of it, seems to be the root of nearly all the problems ever in D&D. And that's scary because if they are like that in D&D, you know they are like that to some degree in regular life.
Maybe we should just start having DnD as a mandatory college course. Fun for some, early intervention in psychiatric care for others!
@@ellsbells9377 It really, really is. Any kind of roleplay where people are sort of shrouded in that bubble of "well, it's a character" is a place where the people who want to push boundaries, will--
--and that's part of what makes it amazing. When we roleplay, we get a chance to do just that, push boundaries. And for a lot of people, especially shy nerds, that means a chance to be someone confident, or show off a secret talent or aspect of themself, or show their favorite things. Normally, for example, Crab would feel shy talking to her friends about cooking, but if someone needs a character to take on rations? Oh, hey, just so happens Crab's character can really handle that! Wow!
And so on, and so on, to every extent. DnD is a way to exercise aspects of ourselves we have trouble expressing to other people otherwise. And that creates for amazing stories, fantastic campaigns, and a hell of a lot of fun.
Until the ThatGuy shows up. Because what a ThatGuy wants, is, well...we're watching the same channel. Whether they can't read the scenario or they just don't care, they are gonna push Those Boundaries, and usually a few others while they're at it.
I was only half kidding before, I think. Psychological screening could honestly help some of these people out.
I mean, that's what the GMs of these horror shows are doing anyway, they at least ought to get paid.
@@Delcat42 RPGs dont magically make dipshits good people. Some, yes. All, no.
@@oz_jones Yes, exactly. I am referring to The Dipshit Effect, in which lurking ThatGuys who are already dipshits prove their dipshittery very loudly in RP settings.
Can I just say that "the DM just spared us for the holidays" is probably the most brutal-sounding DnD thing in recent times?
Hearing the King Crab steam roll the second story's title like it would summon such a furry to come caress his shell without consent or warning made me snort.
More likely he's worried that The Drake will appear and breathe a fiery rant.
@@lindafreeman7030 "why are there so many of you!?"
As a DM I would never use an NPC charisma roll to seduce or persuade a player, I would and have only used it for intimidation in a hand full of situations.
I keep it to Deception, and only if the PC's are trying to catch them lying.
I had a DM roll to seduce my character in-game but I was cool with it because he'd talked to us about that being a possibility before that. Plus, he'd given us the warning that the guy (who was supposed to be the BBEG of the campaign) was SUPER charismatic and used persuasion and seduction to get things done. The only wrench in the plan was that my character ALSO had great charisma and I rolled to seduce the guy back. Turns out he rolled SUPER low and I rolled Super high (I know it wasn't a Nat 20 but it was at least an 18 on the die). So instead of this guy being our BBEG, he turned into my character's boyfriend. (The DM told me NONE of this until like a month later) The DM had to change a bit of the campaign but he was happy to do it because he wasn't expecting my character to try to out-seduce the seducer and then turn him into my
@@mementoargentum7733 that accutualy sounds fun
@@Liliana_the_ghost_cat It totally was. ^_^
@@mementoargentum7733 nice
If your GM tries to turn your DnD session into FATAL, They may be a garbage human.
“I RAILED him for it.”
He reprimanded, rankled, rabble roused… I got it. If it’s some kind of pun, I don’t get it…
CHOO CHOOOO!!! 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃
Just in case someone is actually not getting it. "To rail" used as a verb is usually used with the preposition at or against, meaning what the poster obviously meant, to complain to or reprimand, strongly denounce. Used without a preposition, the literal meaning would mean to fence in, or archaically to lay out flat. The "joke" here is that is also a slang term for a sex act, that one could look up if one has a mind to. This is the equivalent of giggling if someone uses the word "taint" to refer to a stain or impurity.
@@keithcurtis Thank you. That joke sailed right over my head. XD
i dont mind sexual content in my games..
but consent is ALWAYS required..
Same... unless my players are okay with it. Then they get some shitheads who don't care about consent to beat the stuffing out of
Serious concepts aren't inherently bad for any RP situation. Doing them against the will of the players is where the problem is. Consent in the issue here. If all players consent to an anything goes, the NPCs can be as horrible people as possible situation, then you're not bad for writing that into the plot. But if even one person is on the fence about it, you don't do it.
Its so refreshing to hear that. Most of the stories on this channel involve some kind of sexual misbehavior. I will include the "no sex, romance is ok" rule in my session zero from now on.
As a furry, am friccin embarrassed for that guy. And I apologise on behalf of the fandom. That guy isn't a furry. He won't be welcomed in any convo, chat, server and con. He is just a creep, an embarrassment of a human being.
also a furry
Yeah, he gave serious abuser vibes not even asking for consent of the other players if he can even pull this shit
Not a furry but I have had friends and met a lot of chill furries, and that guy is what gives y'all a bad rep that all furries are creeps, man. It's unfortunate because one bad experience can really hurt other people.
As a furry myself, I sadly encountered all too many similar creeps who still get welcomed in convos/chats/servers, if not moderating those themselves. I get that acknowledging that isn’t good for fandom’s image, but I don’t want to sugarcoat or “no true scotsman” it either - furry community does have some genuine issues with not keeping people like these out.
@@ReverieNightengale that and do to the open nature of the community alot of assholes and bloody creeps sneak in undercover.
Than you have tv shows and special that focus on the absolute worse person for any fandom and made that seen like the norm.
As a forever GM I would have said "woah bro no, we don't do that here." When he gave me the back story. I try to keep things as pg-13 as possible.
I've heard this said by others so I will say this to anyone who tries to do it in games that I gm, "I know your head might be in imaginary land when we are playing but you have to realize you are talking to me when you are flirting with npcs. If everyone is ok with it I will happily play along, but if anyone objects then it is all off."
I've been in a D&D game with a good furry before. One that isn't problematic.
I miss them participating in that still ongoing campaign, actually. Scheduling issues caused them to drop out.
(One of their characters for said game got into a relationship with my changeling character in said game)
They are a very reasonable person. They are NOTHING like the furry in the story today.
Most of us aren't. We are good people. But these... Foolish disgraces ruin our name and make people assume the worst. It's not fair but that's just the way the dice rolls
@@zenbamboo7978 My fellow battle-sibling, we must PURGE the HERETICS that disgrace our name! Get the heavy flamer!🔥💀😈
people act like furries are some sort of alien race that have infiltrated us instead of normal human beings who think anthropomorphic animals are cool. There are good eggs and bad eggs, as in every community
In my personal experience, your experience is the exception to the rule.
Not all furries are sex pests, but most horror stories involving maladjusted furries turn out to be sex pests.
"I'm not a furry" says man who's entire internet persona is a crab. I guess technically accurate but you're at least related.
He's obviously a crab. How dare you call him anything but a glorious crab 🦀
@@dj11o9er I wonder if he's related to Crabius the Mighty?
It's not an anthro crab so... Not even close really.
I thought back to the Dark Heresy story where the DM tried to force his furry DMPC on the party and they just open fire
Being a furry myself who loves DnD this makes me really sad. People like this really paint the community for furry pretty badly, not all of the furrys are like that. SMH, ty critcrab for the dnd storytelling as always ^^
i have met some good furrys, but somehow most of them are sex drived weirdos
@@ignacioperez5479 honestly when you go into any community, that’s just about literally every community that has a good bit of people like that
@@Scruffy-qi3ik one of my dnd friends is a furry, nothing wrong with it
@@Zadwon ya, that's why i was basically saying that no one can really say that the furry fandom is the only one full of "sex drived weirdos", when really, that's almost every community if you look into the right spots
@@Scruffy-qi3ik indeed, but probably i was just unlucky. i was on a furry comunity for a few weeks and it was not nice to see
My favorite part if the thumbnail already, are sweet little crab made a mistake of snagging some art without permission in the past, one they corrected graciously. But if there's ONE thing furries and normies can agree on, it's stealing some NFTs. This, IS, THE BEST, course correction in policy I've ever scene. *Slow claps for the crab, all glory to the crab.*
CritCrab: “I’m not a furry”
Also CritCrab: *is an anthropomorphic crab.*
Technically you’re not a furry because crabs don’t have fur, but is it not the same general idea, you do kinda have an animal persona…? Crustacean persona…? Crustona? Crusty?
Chiteny, since bird antros are called Featheries and we've also got Scalies.
@@chickadeestevenson5440 but Crusty is just too good to not use
@@chickadeestevenson5440 the only other thing I’ve ever heard was scalies
He a shelly.
You fool. You poor fool. He is not just a mere Crusty
He IS a crab!!! >:D
"There was a gross furry in my game, so I RAILED the GM for letting it happen!"
"To express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language."
Definition that the OP was using, crab is a closet pervert
@@TheGhostFart I know, I know.
OP had every right. The fact that you're getting your panties in a wad because OP rightfully called out disgusting behavior, says a whole lot more about you than OP. Stop acting like furries don't have a higher percentage of deviants than the average population. Objective data says otherwise, and it's gross that you're only focused on the alleged "fur hate" than the fact that this guy was a predator and a misogynist.
@@WobblesandBean Even after you correct for the general type of people who tend to be furries? (Like, there seems to be an unusually high number of geek, not-quite-social people among them, and one would expect this is a factor for higher deviancy in itself, before you apply the furry part.) If yes, I'd love to see the evidence.
I would believe no one condones this guy and it is rather obvious, yet guilt by association on the entire subgroup is a no-go.
@@WobblesandBean nobody’s doing that. They made a joke, because “railing someone” has *another* meaning. You’re looking for a soapbox to stand on. Look elsewhere, friend.
When me and some friends were getting into roleplaying games we had a general rule for charisma checks - they can be used by particular merchants to charge more for goods but other than that the only thing charisma did was block you from out-charming them
"Furries are just regular people who happen to have a fursona" that is probably the most normal way to describe a furry
15:16 He does though, CritCrab. The intrasitive verb "to rail" means "to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language". Get your mind out of the gutter lol
Crablord out here mistaking railing for reaming lmao
@@breakfaith3031 or you know, mistaking railing with the other definition of railing
@@Dlúith get off my case bro
@@breakfaith3031 ain’t on your case, just trying to show how he’d have gotten that definition from it
tbf it was a pretty poor choice of words lmao
Just in time to cuddle my new plush CritCrab! (with consent)
"I don't like furries."
Well if you're playing DND, you came to the wrong part of town.
@@lordtrollage2819 five months later
Another day another furry making our fandom look terrible. I always say this, but I gotta say it again. Most of us are not like this.
yup, but the loudest can be. And then there are fake stories that make it seem even worse because furries are still the internet's punching bag.
I wonder why.
@@chickadeestevenson5440 yeah they didn't do ANYTHING to bring that on themselves like idk attempting to rape folks In a dnd game xD
@@WorldWearyAngel The first guy did the same thing and he's not a furry.... what's your point? It seems to be a D&D problem not a furry problem. Tons of these r*pey dm's are non-furry. In the last nsfw style uploads from CritCrab (the ones that are obviously nsfw) only one of them had a furry and during that same time (about a years worth of content I shifted through) Only three or four out of 20 videos even featured a furry at all. So 1/5th of the cringe lords are furry and 1/6th of the r*pists are... so it seems these kinds of issues are more related to this community vs any of the sub cultures that might have some cross over with it.
Take your personal bias and hatred and yeet both of those things into a owl bear pit please, because your claims are 100% unsubstantiated.
I saw the title and immediately went "I bet it's a dog/wolf" and of course I was right
First time commenting on any video, and this one is where I chose to leave it. The first story where they went right into a tpk situation instead of having a session 0 should have been the first big red flag. The moment that a DM skips session 0, I nope out as that is a massive red flag to me.
"Used that person for pleasure" I heard a literal record scratch in my head, jesus fuck.
If I'm gonna get forcebly railed in D&D, it better be because I failed a dex save Infront of an oncoming train.
Hold up, those are eyestalks? I thought that was a crabstache.
I did as well, but then slowly noticed it was the glorious pair of eyestalks
A male player refusing to play a female character unless he knows all of the people involved for safety is the most telling thing about this day and age. That's to play a character. I can't even imagine what it's like to be a female gamer.
I just saw this video today and I was going to say the same thing. Cause at least he gets to just stop playing female characters lol.
For real like me and my gf pretend to be dudes when we can get away with it bc we don't want the sexualization that comes from being lesbians
What a Wacky World Eh?
@@MartianCandies I find that sad. Every person should have the right to a sexuality without people being either hostile about it, or creepily chuckly (or whatever) about it. Or both. Not judging you for however you minimize the impact of crappy people being crappy about stuff, just to clarify; hope more people will improve themselves on that front, going forward, so that coping and workaround strategies become less vital/necessary.
@@hazukichanx408 I really really hope so too, it would be so much more fun, it kinda sucks having to basically act like a character if you get what I mean until we know we're okay. It would be so much better if we could just be open without being told creepy stuff or that we're "just confused", "I could turn you," or "I really really wish you weren't a lesbian, are you sure you are?" We've dealt with so many creepy and sometimes scary interactions, sadly all with men, we won't even talk to someone one on one, we both have to be there, and we'll only ever go into explicitly stated lgbt+ friendly spaces. and it's not like it's a rare occurrence, our situation happens to so many les (and gay, though they get more hate than sexualization) couples out there, especially conventionally attractive ones. God they have it so bad with people telling them they're "wasting their potential" being with the person they truly love.
I really really appreciate you for saying something, if there were more people with your mindset this wouldn't be as much as a problem, there needs to be more conversations had in the role playing and gaming community about this :( and I just want to thank you for empathizing. That's a rare thing these days and it'll get you far
Whilst what he did was creepy, the furry wasn't wrong in appearing in a Stars without Number campaign.
There is, and I'm not making this up, a table for generating Anthropomorph (furry) worlds in the core rulebook. It's on page 134.
Just so you know!
Thank-you to our crabby Overlord for more interesting stories!
I love in game romance. I had a couple. The first one my wizard fell in love with her apprentice. Aside from gifting him with minor trinkets, nothing happened. I was very clear she wasnt pushing any further until/unless they married. Which they did. Also the DM is my husband. We also had to married PCs their players were married irl. In another game where my husband and I played together our PCs were in a romance we kept it to light flirting.
Seriously though, if I were to run a game I wouldnt even allow Charisma checks against other players. If one player wants to seduce another I'ma make em roll play that s*** with the target player. If the target player refuses the roleplay then that is an instant failed seduction as far as I'm concerned.
Hell if it's a succubus or the like, just have a successful check against the player inflict a debuff to rolls because while they reject them they are distracted with fighting off the horny.
since its a horrible stereotype, please remember most furries arent gross like this! the community at large does NOT accept behavior like this, and we arent afraid to kick people out of the community for being fucking disgusting.
i totally agree w/ u crit when u say that op acts like furries arent normal ppl for lack of a better word?? we arent rare by any means either. and having an animal-based character in an rpg is... very common, even for non-furs? its bizarre
anyway ppl dont?? ban furries from ur games???? were perfectly normal ppl and sadly all the publicity we dont seem to get are from some assholes who we aggressively ostracize from the community, then everyone assumes ALL furries are like that.
The loudest furries are the weirdos no one wants around unfortunately
But you are ?
@@lordtrollage2819how convenient to shout that you're a troll
As a Furry.... That dude is a creep and I would have tossed him out immediately.
Him being a furry doesn't mutually make him a creep. But the content of his actions certainly sealed that...
"wow, your character's really and hot and i would lo-" (cuts to commercial)
comedy gold, thank you youtube
Removing a ton of core aspects of the game (classes, races, spells, etc) is, to me, a sign that maybe you aren't playing the right game to tell the kind of story you want to tell. It's a red flag to me because it means you're going to try and force this system into being something it wasn't designed to be. You want something where you don't have to deal with all the stuff you're out here removing from your game? good news! you can find a game that fits that in terms of the core design OR you can go system-neutral and have everything be exactly what you want it to be. I am also wary of GMs that will just allow anything without any further thought or discussion. You need to provide constraints on the players, so that they know the kind of game you're running and if they want to stay at the table. It's all about setting expectations, and why everyone needs session zeros.
omg… when the cut off happens on the furry story I got an add where it’s someone talking to a dog saying to go get help
greatest timing ever
I screenshot your screenshot and made that screenshot an NFT does that mean I’m rich now or are we all rich?
1. Sounds like an old-school killer DM who is also a creep. I also don't think that obsessing with sex is good in any case, especially in D&D. Maybe this is the type of game he grew up with or wished he grew up with. There's also how apparently missing a secession is a ban-worthy offensive in his eyes. He either just demand attention/think the players should revolve their lives around the DM, or just want an excuse to ban people.
2. Part of me would find it funny if in the future, OP let his guard down around That Guy because he wasn't a furry only to be hit by something as bad or worst than this story to teach them that creepy assholes aren't a furry thing, it's a person thing. On a less petty note, the DM needed to have set down limits from the start and talk to the pilot about not playing with the rest of the group. Being new and inexperience can only get you so far.
Yes it is. Sexual topics realise dopamine in your brain. CONSTENTLY. It's like snorting heroin, without the life threatening effects.
Nobody has the monopoly on creeps and cringelords. Sadly these are the cases who believe their crappy behaviour is someone else's fault first. I'll never be this kind of furry.
Like it or not, they are clearly a part of your community, and it's up to all of us to denounce and correct these predatory conkwockets. Just saying "well I'M not like that", and "well, doesn't _every_ group have their bad apples?" isn't good enough.
You don't get a cookie for not being a creep, and you don't get to ignore the fact that people in your wheelhouse are acting abhorrently by proclaiming your own virtue. Getting defensive because god forbid you look bad by being associated with these people, means you only care about yourself, and not the people victimized by your furry brethren.
@@WobblesandBean Actually I take it to reinforce my drive to be a better person than I was in my past.
I'm happy to leave you to your own assumptions about my statements. It's an excellent litmus test to flag closed minds.
It is though. They didnt create the porn, others did.
@@WobblesandBean You aren't responsible for other people's actions or behavior just because you share a fucking hobby lol.
People are victimized by every demographic and group of people imaginable-- we can only be responsible for our own actions and call it out where we see it/try to be good people.
There are women who are perpetrators of domestic abuse. Why aren't you out there calling them out 24/7 instead of allowing your "female bretheren" (yuck) to victimize people? Probably because women aren't the primary perpetrators of domestic abuse, and individual incidents are meaningless, and using those incidents and/or experiences to demonize women when they disproportionately *suffer* from domestic abuse would be wrong.
I use that as an example because it's the only thing readily available from a name, but I **promise** you that you have interests and broader communities that you "belong to" that also have disgusting pieces of filth in that you do nothing about because they're not your responsibility, yet you use this line of logic to demonify other people for it.
The idea that furries are out here victimizing people disproportionately remains to be proven, and people like you clearly misunderstand what a "community" even is on that scale if you think that casual furries have any way of changing or correcting other people's behavior who happen to be furries as well.
Do better.
0:01 nice way to start
I once played a ULTRA EDGY Tabaski Rogue. He had black fur, dressed in black lether, his backstory was full of blood and death parents, and when I played it, I said, in the most high pitch voice I could
"Ah, I swee twhat yw-ou nweed a... asswasswin" then said, with a straight face "UwU" out loud, with the same voice. Yeah, it was a joke character with all the steriotypes of the Rogue Class
I took the idea of that character out of a post I saw once scrolling down the internet, and I NEEDED to play that thing. Going with a full uwu voice the entire campaign, until Aaron Shapedge died cause I failed a roll
CritCrab “I’m not a furry! It’s a chitinous shell!”
Furries get a lot of flak on the internet, some earned & some not. And sometimes we get unearned insults when addressing legit problems. So kudos to you on your handling of this.
As a furry who loves a lot of the furry community, I can def agree that there's a huge problem with forcing kinks onto people who never had a chance to consent. I guess that's kind of the outcome of a community that's mostly social outcasts in some way or other, for good or ill. Jerkasses who don't care, autistic folks (like myself) that have major problems with social cues, and more.
...*usually* it seems to be the straight furries causing problems lmao, but that might be bias on my part 😂
Consent is the most critical aspect for anything related to intercourse. Without that... it's just another form of assault.
To put it another way: Consent is the best possible kink to have!
Straight furries? You mean all seven of them?
idk man, i've met plenty of furries, and my experience is really different to yours... all straight male furries i've met were normal people... all female and homosexual furries i've met were full on weirdos who wanted to constantly r4p3 the shit out of anything that moved... they even went on full detail rps of how they did the deed... surprisingly there were a few rps where the scenario described a consensual act ... unsurprisingly those scenes were made of only players and no npcs involved...
@@tlkfanrwbyfan8716 yeah but when you add in that he was probably a straight cis male furry... that tanks the numbers even more. Then the problem is "straight cis guy who's never been told no and told that he should expect sex"
@@AlFredo-sx2yy that's totally valid experience, yeah. And tbh, I have no issues with any kink whatsoever when it's content warned (for media) and consent is gotten beforehand (& safe words if necessary, such consensual-non-consent, aka r*pe play). And as others have said above me, not getting consent beforehand amounts to sexual harassment/ assault, so I'm not condoning the actions of the people you've described.
Furrydom (???) is a subculture, but it's such a broad one that there are many subcultures within it, and within those, etc. So it's not entirely surprising to hear there are jerkasses in every category, was more just amused that my experience led me to that feeling? Thinking on it again, though, I do think the fur convention c*m pizza thing was gay dudes so, there's that lmao.
*censored some words bc I think either yt would block the comment and/or I'd attract Those kinds of bots. I still might, but I tried to avoid them at least 😅
**do not go looking for the c*m pizza thing if you value your lunch, it's gross. Takeaway is just that it was left in public and someone ate it without knowing.
It's fucks like this that get innocent furs kicked out of groups for just being a furry. I got disallowed to play a character on the grounds I was a furry and the character was a wyveran.
(I'd picked the race because it's cute, kinda dumb (low int) and had good potential for RP).
I went with dumb because I like playing a character people expect to be one way but are another way.
This guy would have been very smart (investigator, reckless epicurean, and another archetype that played nicely with it and made sure I didn't have to worry about extracts) and just overall friendly fellow based on a mix of mitharditis and fynman.
But no, me calling him a "doggo dragon who learns how the world works by putting things in his mouth he ought not to" and "bad furry vibes".
It's what the archetype freaking DOES. They self-experiment and learn stuff by eating it.
On top of it, he was Ace and sex-indferrent. (not quite repulsed, just... irritated about it)
"Doggo dragon who learns how the world works by putting things in his mouth that he ought not to" sounds exactly like the kind of character description that a perv furry would give. The error here was on your description of your character that you gave to them.
@@techstorezombie9316except it's not that description could be literally anything knives,rocks,cloth literally anything if you think it's pervy then that says more about you
Love waking up to D&D cringe. Bless our crabby overlord
I'm always angry at all these horror stories involving furries because it's the same toxic outliers that fuck everything up for us at every turn. ITS ALWAYS the same fuckers causing problems inside the fandom and outside the fandom.
I promise we're fighting this type of shit at every turn.
Though why the FUCK did that GM allow that backstory? What kinda crack were they smoking?
It's not possible to fight against it because these people are present in every community and every group in society. I don't know why it's expected that hobby groups are any different.
The problem is that when people who don't obviously belong to
Sure bud.
They're not outliers.
@@sere971 women do suck at math
I would say the extreme limitations on what the players could play was a red flag. If its just because someone thinks the older edition stuff was better the older editions? The only time heavy restrictions on player options actually was good for a game I've ever played was when a friend was literally made a bet that he couldn't run a near zero magic 5e campaign. It turned out to easily be one of the best campaigns because it was all layed out and planned for. He told us why he banned magic and let us know in a session 0 where we all made characters with those rules. He was also willing to make homebrew no magic subclasses so people could still have variety.
Any other game I've joined with huge restricted creation due to "its to op" or "it just doesn't fit my world" usually ends up being terrible. They often seem to have an idea of how the game must go and anything going off the rails is treated with hostility because they are running a book they wrote for specific races not running a game for players.
Oof, that story reminded me of my husbands game with an old acquaintance. Apparently having people "forced" on others is a popular method of getting rid of characters with some people. Makes me want to puke...
As someone who kinda leans towards furries that aren't creeps, I despise the fact furries are universally said as if they were all creepy. They are not.
Large ban list of races, spells, feats, etc is really a red flag from experience.
Crabby boi screenshotting an nft is low-key iconic lol
That first DM sounds like he wanted to sneak a F.A.T.A.L. campaign into Dungeons and Dragons.
Ok, so my last character was a 17 years-old changeling Bard who's been a slave in a sex dungeon since the age of 3, and was forced to use her shapeshifting ability to change to diffrent "archetypes" of womans (both physically and in terms of personality) to best please her "customers" and, As you can imagine, she avoided physical contact and sex references at all costs. The DM then put us in this labyrint constructed by the bbeg, a god of fear. When entering this dungeon, every pc would make a wisdom saving throw, and if you failed you became the worst version of yourself. The warforged artificer acted like a dictator forcing himself as the leader, the oni monk would enter in a frenzy hitting the closest pc to him, and I had the irrefrenable urge to... Mate with someone. Now, besides the initial shyness and a few "you two should roleplay this out" jokes, everyone was perfectly fine with that and I was especially happy that the DM highlighted my character's flaw, since our table isn't really roleplay-focused and I didn't had a lot of chances to bring that up. The DM in that story was just an awful person who did it only to make people uncomfortable, regardless of how other feel about the topic. If I was playing in that campaign, I would have avoided playing my favourite character.
I'm a furry. My best friend is a furry. And this is the kind of thing that we absolutely hate. We avoid the cringe and the wrongity wrong parts of the fandom. It makes the whole group look bad, and the CSI episode that vilified the fandom has been the source of a lot of misplaced hatred and disgust toward us.
Let me state here and now that the CSI episode hired a furry as a consultant, that furry CORRECTED a lot of the misconceptions and bad representations, and the producers promptly erased the corrections and put back everything that they had originally gotten wrong just to air the shocka nd horror of it. The furry who was consulted ultimately was overruled completely, only to then be "credited" and faced anger and hate from the fandom under the misconception that they had approved of all the horrible things the CSI team put in, AGAINST advice.
It's absolutely shameful when people cause harm to communities and encourage hate and misinformation just for shock value. Gross.
The first story: okay, the banning of most classes is a red flag. Just not an obvious one. The DM seemed to have a DM vs PC scenario. DM wanted to win too quickly
It's stories like that second one that make me so hesitant to go online looking for a game to play. I don't have IRL friends who play, and I don't have any online friends. The only person in my life who actually plays or has interest in playing is my brother-in-law, but he hasn't been interested in playing for years, and as a newer player (I've DMed twice in games that died and was a player in two games that died) he didn't have the time to really teach me, and I can only learn so much from the books without putting it into practice in a game.
This channel has, however, taught me something no book could. HAVE A SESSION 0 GOOD GOD
Brian gang, rise up and remember that it's fine to be a furry as long as you're not creepy to others!
I mean that just goes for any community really
Yeah. Don't be a creep in general is the usual lesson I see in these stories
Its never okay to be a furry.
Amen to that Nick, amen
It's generally a standard in any community. Bad actors always bring things down.
Large lists of banned races are always a red flag for me, because the kind of people who ban everything but humans, dwarves and elves are the kind of people who think I'm an _idiot_ for liking goblins and tend to talk trash about my preferred play styles and preferred version. Not a vibe I care to be around.
So, I know there are horror stories about furries, but every person I've ever played with that has played as an animal-based race has never been a furry, or played them in a sexual way. I feel like people immediately assume someone is a furry if they play as a Tabaxi or something. I'm only talking about the beginning of that story where the guy comments that he was a furry because he was playing as a dog character. Maybe OP is only saying that retroactively because of the sexual stuff that happened later, but I feel like the DnD/Tabletop community often labels animal races as furry only races.
yup. I'm a furry and I don't ALWAYS play animal people, just usually. And I try to have an excuse to have a tail because they're great for emoting. (and prehensile tail and it's feat upgrade are just FUN. Being able to nick stuff while your hands are free!).
I also played a kitsune who spent all of her time in fox form (not anthro form, but tiny fox form) and dished out nasty damage as a Telekenetic, while being impossible to hit. She was also my most "furry" character, and the least horny.
My two horniest characters... were my leat furry.
its also not a good stereotype that all furries are sexual creeps. Many furries are just artists who like to express themselves through an anthropomorphic animal character. Most commonly seen 'Sexual Furries' out there are just people with a kink rather than a furry. (There can still be gross furries, but they are by far a minority that are often ostracized by the community for their behavior)
Not all people with anthro animal characters are furries, not all people who play animal-like species in dnd are furries, and not all furries are creeps.
Or that he is somehow confuse that a Furry somehow ended up playing DnD with them. As if there is some sort a segreation between furries and non-furries.
I will disagree with a minor point, banning most things because it is "op" is definitley a red flag for a DM, maybe not for them being a creep but a good DM would adjust encounters if the players prove themselves too strong, a bad one has biases about certain things and doesnt even let players try. and with "only races from the 80s" thing they really strike me as just a boomer who hates new stuff.
I've had way too many experiences with men like this in DnD. It's enough to make me not feel safe whatsoever with a male GM unless I know him well, and I don't trust any new guy in any of my groups.
"I'm not a furry" says the guy on the internet with a crab persona
I despise my own community sometimes...
Something to note is that stuff like this can leave someone stunned and silent which may cause the person doing the horrible thing to think that it means that they are accepting what's going on. That maybe what is happening with the other people in the game.
I’m kinda curious, at what point does the label of “furry” apply? If someone in my game chooses to play a Tabaxi, I don’t automatically think of them as a furry. If they add some animal like descriptors to their reactions (flick their tail, lower their ears), I also don’t think of this as furry, because it’s no different than a Dwarf tugging on their beard or a fairy flitting their wings.
It’s when they start getting “very” descriptive that I suspect they’re a furry. Like, bringing up their tail or ears or whiskers all the time, describing their fur in detail, and things like that. It’s even further compounded when they frequently do animal like actions for no real reason, like stretch out in sunlight, use their tongue to drink, or (of course) purr or hiss. At a point, it feels like their character is less defined by their personality, and more on their race. Most of what they say and do is a celebration of being a cat, rather than as an adventurer or hero or thief.
And that’s not even considering the sex stuff. I mean, if a player is playing a Tabaxi, and for the most part, hasn’t been unusually descriptive of how catlike they are. And they initiate a relationship with another character, but don’t talk about things like musk or heat or whatever. Again, I don’t really consider that player a furry. They’re just playing a character that happens to be from a race of cats.
LITERALLY, if you're a fan of characters that are anthropomorphic animals, you are a furry. That's the gate. Too many people are keeping it, but there it is.
@@NieroshaiTheSable That seems too low a bar for a label with so many connotations. That’s like saying, “you watched Loony Toons as a kid. You’re a furry.” “Oh, you took a picture with Chip and Dale at Disney World? You’re a furry.”
I totally feel you! Everytime I play a race, and they have unique features (like Tieflings can have a tail, or a Harengon who has big Hare/Rabbit ears) I loooove to express the little things they can do with body language and expressions, it makes roleplaying much more fun imo. And I don't think liking anthro animals means you're a furry like you said, humanoid with animal features are veeeeery common, but some people really do enjoy the furry stuff like the fursuits and all
@@arellajardin8188 agreed.
"And then forcibly... used that person for... pleasure"
Aaaand straight to hell. The very bottom. The boiler room of hell.
That first story sounds awfully familiar. Fairly sure he runs the same campaign, over and over if it is on roll20. It was an awful experience, sad too since the group of players was actually fun to play with.
Story 2 is why most people outside the fandom thinks furries are deranged fetishizing individuals. Thank you Crit Crab for saying that not all of them are strange people, they just people who have a Fursona. Trust me comment readers, people like the guy on the story even make us normal furries cringe.
> isn't a furry
> Has a crabsona
The most unbelievable part of this story is that the party continued playing after session 0.
I'm about five seconds in and I can already tell this is going to be good
I have a group that I'm a Player Character in and have DM'ed before that is a group of fans of dark humor. We had a wizard at one point that tied up an elven hostage with hemp rope and did something he thought was rational to do to a hostage and decided to check for hidden weapons and substances and specified that he was checking orafices as well... but it slipped his mind that the elf was female (the figurine used for the elf was actually male by appearance, and the player themselves wasn't and still isn't that kind of person) and so he got nicknamed the 'bondage wizard' for a bit. He was allowed to retract the action as it was out of character, but it was something that we got a kick out of because of how red his face got. To be clear on all fronts of this, all players have been in strange situations in the campaign but its always done as a plot point and once was planned by the party as a way to make an encounter easier (we 'sold' a party member who was a monk to traffikers in order to have someone inside the facility to help take them down on two fronts, neither player who was sold needed weapons to fight as they were a monk and a druid). I'm very happy with the party I'm in, but I definately see where there are people who wouldn't like the extent of the things that we get ourselves dealing with and that's perfectly fine.
D&D is only ever about having fun. You don't have to have fun breaking up smuggling rings and drug circles; if that's not your cup of tea then who am I to throw your tea into a harbor. Enjoy yourself in your game and don't let someone else ruin it for you, even if that means leaving because you're not having fun. The enjoyment of the table is the #1 priority of any DM worth playing for and of any player worth having at the table. I know that's what this channel preaches, but I just wanted to throw this out there because I know our party is a bit of a group of oddballs to begin with.
Lastly, if this even gets read, I hope that everyone enjoys their games and is healthy about what they take and what they leave. ;3
TLDR: Furry player tells channel of people watching someone bring up reddit posts about bad DMs/players to make sure they enjoy themselves, be it strange or vanilla and that their fun is not something to be shamed unless it directly interferes with the fun of others.
Councilman Crab Fish thinks the first story was just a case of good ol fashioned gate keeping. From banning races and spells that became canon after 1st Edition, to these encounters that throw a BBEG threat at the party in session 1, even to banning players for missing 1 session. It feels like the LFG DM is just trying to either re-create or relive the days when a DnD group were a bunch of fantasy buffs who made it a life priority to make their games and where there could be a TPK trap behind any corner.
I am done with UA-cam, when he read the line "I would love to hump your leg" I got an old spice ad and almost choked on my sandwich 🤣
That second story sounded suspiciously like it was made up by a closeted furry trying to justify their irrational aversion to the fandom. I know this because I once was in that exact situation. The frequent Freudian slips just add to the impression.
Yes I'm a furry. Yes I make my hatred for furries a personality trait. We exist🙄
I'm pretty surprised the nail on the coffin was being banned because of the holidays. The freak tried to RAPE A CORPSE
If that doesn't make you say "fuck this, I'm out", I don't know what will
I played in a similar campaign which was supposed to be "Dark fantasy", but it was just plain cruel. We risked TPKs almost every session, anything we did was punished and we had no rewards whatsoever. I drew the line when a guard slapped the warlock because she was a tiefling, so my Bard tried to suggestion him away and the guards put both of us in jail FOR LIFE
Not only that, my elf was sent to the lowest level, where prisoners starved to death just because of a spell he TRIED to use, and the warlock was sent to a female-only level where tiefling prisoners were sexually assaulted. Dark fantasy my ass. I told the DM straight and the campaign ended a few weeks later. DO NOT accept that type of shit if you're not consensual, no matter how much you love your characters or how much you want to play
I've been binging these videos lately and I'm pretty sure it's given me 1d10 psychic damage
About the first story, the extreme difficulty thing might be because some beginner DMs seem to think it's all about DM vs Players, when in reality the DM is just as much of a player, setting a gradual challenge that the players would try to overcome.
I always get kind of mad hearing stories like this about furries. They give the community a bad name, and I want so much to remove them.
honestly it sounded so cliche i'd say it's made up
Tbf banning half the games options IS a massive red flag. I get some older gamers are used to that, but that doesn6 make it normal in todays tables
Hearing these stories really makes me thankful for the DM and group I have.
We have two furries in the group, but neither cause any issues. The first one usually plays a half werewolf paladin (the other half depends on campaign) or in the latest campaign a human fighter (arcane archer, there's a reason). The other is usually the DM, current campaign he's actually a player this time as we had someone else ask if they could DM a campaign (and everyone agreed). So he's playing a leonin sorcerer, who's basically the cowardly lion but throws fireballs at everything.
Boundaries we established very early on as a group -
-No sexual stuff (as this was during a time where our youngest player was 17 and the rest of us were 20+)
(rule still in effect but a slightly more lax as the 17 year old is no longer with our group, life stuff)
-PC romances ok if anyone involved agrees
-No racial comments OoC (if it makes sense from backstory, such as the Ranger who hates humanoid reptilian because troglodytes burned down her hometown, it's allowed in game. otherwise nope)
And we've had moments where problem players were kicked. That was back in 2013 to 2015 timeframe, when we had nine players plus the DM.
Nowadays, we're down to four players plus DM (with the group consisting of 2 of the founding players and the founding DM).
Again, hearing these really make me thankful for the group I'm in.
I wish I could say I'm surprised by these stories, but experience with my secondary group in 2015 to 2016 pretty well got me used to hearing and seeing all kinds of weird, crazy and bothersome stuff. From DMPC who was basically a "I can do anything because DM says so", to the barbarian who tried to force himself onto any female PC/NPC (my troglodyte war blade was constantly stopping him), to the drow cleric who was an absolute edgelord, and finally the monk/forsaker who would basically throw the other PCs at enemies, causing everyone to make STR/Grapple/Escape Artist checks to avoid being thrown (my war blade ended up getting thrown at a Fire Elemental more than once).
Okay so the way I look at any kind of Charisma check (especially persuasion and deception) by npc's versus a pc and pc's versus each other is that it should never dictate how a player acts, as that robs agency. If an npc lies to a player, or a player lies to another player, and they win the deception check, it's not "you now believe them", thats up to the player. Winning a deception check means that you hide the lie, that the person you were lying to didn't detect the lie. the player can still be suspicious of the liar, but doesn't have any kind of evidence. Same for a persuasion check - you don't get full control over a pc, or even an npc, just because you sound convincing to them. it just means that they accepted what you said to them
Wow. That was bad. I mean, I expected bad, but that was real bad.
As for the last story about the friend, they shouldn't make this one experience the reason they'll never play a female character again. It's just that one bad apple. That, and most furries aren't like this. The OP should realize this and should know it's not the stereotype, it's the person behind it could be one to blame if they do something like that.
Now the OP has been corrupted by those freaks.