The telescoping handle of this suitcase wouldn't close all the way, now it almost does. We consider that an almost success! Hopefully our mistakes will help you do a better job. vector-space.o...
How would you go about bending/banging out a rail from the inside so the smaller piece can have room to slide inside and not catch on the squashed outer (larger) piece?
A steel paintless dent repair rod inserted within the handle tube. Put it in a vise just snug enough so you have leverage to push out the dent without creating one on the opposite side
Have you ever fixed a suitcase that has a hole on it like near the zipper. The suitcase zips all the way around I assume it needs to be sewed but I’m not sure how to do that
This guy is totally clues about this!
Seriously? Probably 95%+ people don't have a drill press, welder, and skill saw. Most people would just buy a new bag for that trouble.
Not the repair process I was looking for...
thank u
How to free up the inner shaft of one of tge bars to attach to the handle
can't even see the most crucial moment when you remove the handle assembly ? What a waste
How much time ?
how much effort ?
how much material ?
how much energy and carbon used ?
Carbon? Thanks World Economic forum
“I think this is going to be pretty easy.”
*cut to hammering the handle in half*
bro pulled out the welder
what to do if internal retractable rods are not engaging the pins == ???
Just a buy a new suitcase this is crazy i don’t have a welding machine in my house
How would you go about bending/banging out a rail from the inside so the smaller piece can have room to slide inside and not catch on the squashed outer (larger) piece?
A steel paintless dent repair rod inserted within the handle tube. Put it in a vise just snug enough so you have leverage to push out the dent without creating one on the opposite side
How does the button works?
It’s not…
Have you ever fixed a suitcase that has a hole on it like near the zipper. The suitcase zips all the way around I assume it needs to be sewed but I’m not sure how to do that
sounds like the stitching between the zipper and the suitcase fabric broke. Are you able to hand sew it back together?
@@VectorSpaceLynchburg how do u do that?
I would just get a new case
رائع ، جميل جدا.
You made it worse