When will you offer Park passes to Texas Libraries? There are many states that have park passes available to check out through the library, why aren’t they available in Texas libraries? Sure would be nice for children to see their state parks.
@wretchedfamily Hi there! To answer your question, we do have a Library Explorer Adventure Pack (LEAP) initiative. You can find more info here: Cities Connecting Children to Nature - Texas Children in Nature. www.texaschildreninnature.org/explore-the-outdoors/library-explorer-adventure-pack-leap
its so nice to see the conservation efforts part at the end, but it just feels like its all for nought. Heres to hoping we get more programs like GRIP. Theres gotta be smarter minds to be able to make it profitable to be environmentally conscious. Like we literally can't affort it (existensially) if we are not but here we are.
Great show. Thanks
What good doggos!!
I didn't know about the birding in Bastrop. Thanks.
When will you offer Park passes to Texas Libraries? There are many states that have park passes available to check out through the library, why aren’t they available in Texas libraries? Sure would be nice for children to see their state parks.
At the moment there is no program like that for Texas State Parks, but it's been discussed and there are folks advocating for such a program.
@wretchedfamily Hi there! To answer your question, we do have a Library Explorer Adventure Pack (LEAP) initiative. You can find more info here: Cities Connecting Children to Nature - Texas Children in Nature. www.texaschildreninnature.org/explore-the-outdoors/library-explorer-adventure-pack-leap
its so nice to see the conservation efforts part at the end, but it just feels like its all for nought. Heres to hoping we get more programs like GRIP. Theres gotta be smarter minds to be able to make it profitable to be environmentally conscious. Like we literally can't affort it (existensially) if we are not but here we are.