this was a really strong video! i hadn't heard of the first two creatures before, and i found the idea of the european settlers possibly being the ancestors of short white cryptids really interesting. i wonder, where do you source the stories? did you come up with them? also, the audio was really low again
Dang, I don’t know what could be causing that low audio :/ everything seems normal when I watch back, sorry about that. I also thought the Welsh possibly being in America that long ago was fascinating! As for the stories yes creations of my own inspired by other stories of the same creatures :) Hopefully they were believable enough!
@PreparedMotion interesting to see you adding creative writing to your content. i think that's a unique aspect to your content. usually people bring in other stories/accounts, which is perfectly fine, but having you do something to add to the mythos is curious. i studied creative writing in college, so it isn't lost on me :)
Cool 👍
Glad you liked it!
Dang - you write these stories!? Super cool
Yep inspired by similar stories of the same creatures!
this was a really strong video! i hadn't heard of the first two creatures before, and i found the idea of the european settlers possibly being the ancestors of short white cryptids really interesting. i wonder, where do you source the stories? did you come up with them? also, the audio was really low again
Dang, I don’t know what could be causing that low audio :/ everything seems normal when I watch back, sorry about that. I also thought the Welsh possibly being in America that long ago was fascinating! As for the stories yes creations of my own inspired by other stories of the same creatures :) Hopefully they were believable enough!
@PreparedMotion interesting to see you adding creative writing to your content. i think that's a unique aspect to your content. usually people bring in other stories/accounts, which is perfectly fine, but having you do something to add to the mythos is curious. i studied creative writing in college, so it isn't lost on me :)
That's awesome! I also studied creative writing in college so being able to combine my love for writing with creepy stuff is just so much fun!
@@PreparedMotion dude that's great! and you have a good voice for narrating. let me know if i can help out/send resources