I listen to ligonier and GTY all day while I’m at work (I’m a painter who normally am alone all day while working) and I just cannot get enough of these or GTY’s daily and 24/7 stream. I love me some RC, MacArthur, and Lawson teachings! Sound doctrine is so hard to find in this day and age.
I do the same as I'm usually alone, but never alone, most of the day, though I listen to a variety of pastors, of whom Alistair is near the top of my list. GOD bless you 🙏🤟
Great to hear it brother in Christ and in the trade 😎👍🏼 JMac is difficult to contend with when it comes to sermons! Wow he’s so gifted! All glory to God 🙏🏼
I just want to add a word of caution: I love RC, Johnnie Mac, Alistair, etc. - LOVE the wealth of knowledge available through Ligonier & Masters University, Alistair offers resources at a VERY AFFORDABLE value compared to all of them & my spiritual growth in the last 6 years is tremendous compared to my entire lifetime (61 yo). BUT each of them has also broken my heart in various areas, as a dramatic reminder that "No One is Righteous, no not one!" yet people tend to put these pastors UP ON Pedestals so high that you can't see God anymore! You must be very cautious with 5-point Calvinism & Armenianism as to them limiting scripture for God to fit into their box of what scripture says vs what God intends scripture to teach us . . . they are very subtle in how they explain things that are not what the Bible truly says & to believe how they teach, limits your personal spiritual growth. I cannot believe in T.U.L.I.P. & they won't come right out & admit that they teach this.
"Don't ever ask God for Justice, you just might get it." - R.C Sproul Hallelujah. That hit me in the head like bricks. Nothing I do is worthy of the gift of salvation. Nothing I do will ever be perfect enough for the One True God. Grace is the only reason i'm here. Grace is the only reason he's here. Grace is the only reason they (pick any group) are here. No one deserves anything but hell fire. And whatever else we do get that's "bad" is still better then what we do deserve (immediate damnation). So whether ur starving in Africa or won the lottery - nobody really "earned" anything. We all need to be grateful. I feel so humbled by this.
R.C. Sproul's God is not a God of justice. He is a God of absolute total unlimited sovereignty. Sproul's God (I hesitate to use the capital G) cannot be God unless He is the only real agent in creation. If the God of Calvinism actually gave a miniscule amount of free agency to anyone He would cease to be God. Just listen to these people. It is the Calvinist god that chooses and decrees everything that happens. He chooses to save a few on his own decision regardless of any criteria and chooses to send the vast majority to hell for sins that the Calvinist god left them unable to avoid. Please escape this teaching, flee from the doctrine that deforms the true image of God. Go and find teachers that REALLY preach the God of love and justice. They have a question about whether grace can be resisted and they dodge it or deny it for the most part. Behind all of this however is the sixth point of Calvinism which is the Calvinist view of the sovereignty of God. To the Calvinist God's grace cannot be resisted because He has to be sovereign without any exceptions and in every tiny respect or He can't be the real God. So if God were truly just and is the only real agent all would be saved. But the Bible clearly teaches that all are not saved so they have to try and teach that it is good for God to be unjust while proclaiming that injustice as justice. It is truly bad.
@Deb Harris You don't understand the Calvinistic view of God's sovereignty. The god of Calvinism is so sovereign that nothing ever happened except he wanted designed decreed and effectively caused it. The fall of man could not have happened unless the god of Calvinism wanted it and decreed it. Listen to the talk about the publisher. The publisher causes the book to be made. The publisher doesn't write the book but he is responsible for commissioning the book. The god of Calvinism wants it both ways, he is in control of everything and yet wants to blame man for the sins he leaves man unable to avoid.
@@spiritualrearmament3266 what do you do with the fall of humanity, the inclnatation to do evil with our free will. Our will was destined to do evil continuously. This happens after the fall. Read JHON chapter 1, Rom 1 starting at verse 18. Read Rom 5 STARTING AT VERSE 10. Read it, study it. Now go back to His SCRIPTURES, in Genises 2:16-17 , two deaths are taking place, spiritual death and the physical. Man is alienated from a HOLY and Just GOD. JHON 3 requires a new birth in order to make it in Heaven. Man must BE Changed. his dispensation must be changed. Man's own free will can't change his wickedness. It must have a DIVINE intervention. I'll give you some passages. If you are arguing just for the sake of argument, then this conversation with you has no purpose at all. Is God's Infallible scripture, scripture. That is the first thing that has to be established. If not then the conversation needs to stop here, because both of us are wasting our time. But we both know it is GOD'S Infallible word. We continue. If your honest you'll look them up. Starting with Gen 2:16-17, now The episode. The apostle Paul. His free will was to get rid of the Christian, by Persecution. Until JESUS CHRIST appears to him. BORN AGINE. Paul BEGINS to write the letter to the Christians in Rome. CHAPTER 1, chapter 3, AND pay close attention to chapter 5, starting at verse 12 and on. Eph 2:1-10 carefully, re-read it. Then come back. But please read these passages. Don't be a I know it all. Prideful is after all an Abomination to the one WHO IS JUST AND HOLY.
@@raybo632 It is Calvinism that is blasphemy against God. It preaches a view of the sovereignty of God that leaves no room for human responsibility. It teaches that God is the only true free agent. All else, according to Calvinism, is causally determined. It is made to happen by God according to Calvinism. All evil right down to the fall of Adam and even Satan, according to the logical conclusions of Calvinist theology, are not free rebellion against God but according to His sovereign will. Don't you understand? According to Calvinism God does not merely allow evil but he is the only truly free agent behind it. That is blasphemy, and that is what Calvinism teaches.
it is such a blessing to have these available. The Q & A's are timeless. They apply as much today as 11 years ago. I listen while working and I just enjoy the richness of the respect these men have for each other. I love the Love they have for The Word.
I'll chime in on one of the questions: concerning a professing Christian who does not take sin serious enough. I absolutely agree about how vital it is for us to understand our union with Christ, which may be the basis for what immediately came to mind for me in offering a brief answer. Which is this: perhaps they possess a love for the gift without the proper love for the giver of the gift (grace). One can have an intellectual affinity for a biblical truth, without the love that union with Christ produces within us. When my father helped me buy a truck I was elated-I loved that truck. But I loved my father much more than the truck. My father doing that, was a demonstration of his love for me, and My Heavenly Father demostrated His love by providing propitiation for my sin through Christ. If you love me you will keep my commandments."-Jesus
"...that whosoever BELIEVES in HIM S.H.O.U.L.D. N.O.T. perish but have eternal life." (KJV) MUST SEE: John 3:5 and Romans 10: 9-10 (KJV) Jhn.3:16 is "descriptive," not prescriptive. BeBlessed!
I was just thinking about the King Saul question - was he saved? I would say, probably not. I think the Holy Spirit can work through godless men, as He did with Balaam as well. Interesting discussion. God bless these men, servants of Christ.
I always thought for many years that King Saul was saved and I am surprised fairly often when these "advanced theologians" cannot answer simple questions (not just Saul but for instance, most believe all infants and young people are saved (until) they can believe in Jesus, etc.) Anyway, in 2 Samuel 1:23 makes it plain to me that he was redeemed, no matter his strange problem that had him act as he did for some time. V. 23 says as in life, so in death Saul and Jonathan will not be separated.
I thought the way you do about Saul but, because Samuel said you will be where I am does not mean Samuel knew that Saul would be resurrected to eternal life but, that he would be in the spirit world as he was . Saul did the equivalent as those that would apostatize in the new testament. (I think)
Let's be honest we don't identify our sins at times(depending on the sin if you know what I mean?) Because we are still in these bodies! We will never be perfect until the trump sounds, David was a man after God's own heart but his flesh got in the way! Praise God that he is patient and draws us with his lovingkindess and has his right hand above our own weak heads!
I disagree with the pastor to the far lelf, his analogie of ppl staying home watching church instead of actually going to church is because many churches are horrible, and ppl don't feel like being treated badly!
We cannot confess every sin that does not come to memory but we need to recognise that we are sinners no matter what and we can receive total forgiveness for sins past, present and future. But we still recognise our sinfulness.
Pastor MacArthur teaches and explains so very well. He is my go-to for doctrine except for eschatology, I sample around a lot because so many mix grave error with some truth.
@@deanhauser6626 Yes, very much so. MacArthur and Sproul often spar in Q & A's about it because MacArthur adamantly does not, and Sproul adamantly does believe in infant baptism.
Good catch! I didn't see that. I was busy cleaning my nails and trying not to huff and puff about it myself, so I missed Alistair Begg's reaction. It's too bad he got cut off.
I believe that adult baptism by immersion is the only correct method. Having said that, is that the only real acceptable method? No, I don't think so. However, I do believe that the individual receiving baptism must completely understand what baptism is, what s/he is doing, what it means, and what the relationship believer's baptism has to their future life. As to the question of infant baptism, I do not believe such thing is valid. It's a dedication, a consecration, not a baptism.
I disagree. God always worked through a covenant family in the Bible, and there's no evidence from the new Testament that that changed. The scriptures speak of household baptism and the children of believers being holy, and the promise being for them and their children. Also, baptism is nowhere in scripture defined as a confession of faith. Ever. But it is described as a means of salvation and belonging in the covenant.
@@jacksonlynch1731 this is my Abrahamic Covenant Argument 1. If we are descendants of Abraham we are part of the Abrahamic covenant, which is everlasting (Genesis 17:7-8) 2. We are sons of Abraham by faith (Galatians 3:7, Romans 4:12) 3. Therefore we are part of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 17:7-10, Ephesians 2:12) 4. Members of the PERMANENT Abrahamic covenant are commanded to circumcise their children throughout all their generations (Genesis 17:7-10). 5. Baptism is the Circumcision of Christ (Colossians 2:11-12) 7. And the promise of the Abrahamic covenant is tied to baptism (Acts 2:39) 8. Therefore we, as members of God's eternal covenant, should baptize our children. God has one covenant people, and this is made very clear in Ephesians 2:11-22. We are the Israel of God through Christ in Galatians 6:16, and true Israelites are those who believe, as said in Romans 2 and Romans 9. On the basis of this we know baptism replaces circumcision, as Colossians 2:11-22. This is why the household passages should be interpreted to mean exactly what they say. The federal head of a family converted and so did his family, tho obviously there are instances where only one spouse believes (1 Corinthians 7). In Acts 2:39 the same promise "to be a God to you and your children" is echoed from Genesis 17:7. So on that basis those who repent and their children are entitled to be part of the church.
@@Iffmeister This is one of the clearest and most concise arguments in favor of infant baptism I have ever read. I look forward to delving more deeply into these scriptures tonight. However, I think the disagreement emerges based on our interpretation of the purpose of baptism. But this was very interesting to read, and I appreciate the time and effort you expended to clarify your point. With respect, thank you.
@@jacksonlynch1731 it's what convinced me of infant baptism. Granted, i hold to a Lutheran view of baptism and believe it regenerates them, but the covenant argument is actually very sound. No joke, i was Convicted of it being true when I read all the verses
The question at 46:26 shows us clearly that Presbyterians and Baptists are not even united on the "Sola Fide" paradigm. If you listen to the question, it was supposed to be answered by a Baptist panelist, but R.C. Sproul did not allow them to speak.
16:15 I think this is an excellent argument against infant baptism. If it were akin to the circumcision as the sign of the new covenant, it would have been explicitly commanded in the corpus of scripture just as the rights of circumcision were in the old.
When we walk in the light as God is in the light the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Our confession does not earn us forgiveness but brings our sins into the light where it is destroyed. If we try to be all confessed up at any time this is an impossibility. There are sins in the past that have been forgiven but we do not recall them. When they come into the light we see that they have been dealt with on the Cross and we can rejoice in that and not be weighed down.
I agree with you, and we should be aware of our sin and confess it, but we should never lose sight His love and forgiveness. Conviction of sin without grace leads one to lose sight of salvation, worrying too much about trying to be better, while forgetting that your sanctification is His work, not ours. I only bring this up because it’s something I still struggle with upon occasion and would hate to see others suffer with it as well.
God's essential nature determines his will was part of the answer to the first question. I agree. John tells us God's essential nature is Love (not love but..). Paul tells us that his will is that all (not some) should be saved. Peter supports this in saying God is not willing that any should perish (2Pet 3v9). I find Calvin's rebuttal of this unconvincing for all his intellect and I have yet to find one of his followers able to square this circle without appealing to mystery. Having said that I still learn a lot from these men whilst profoundly disagreeing with them on some issues. Grace and Peace.
I think people in sin believe that GOD will have to cover the sin. Without any repentance and justify it by telling them selves they are better than someone else and fail to understand that GOD doesn't judge us against each other by his own SON and what we do with HIM.
God created the tree of evil and good but we personally activate their deeds.God, He created this test for us to see who would choose life or death by obeying or not by believing Him or not His word of warning, Believing Him as their creator .
On whether Saul was regenerate: 1 Samuel 28:19 - Samuel tells Saul - "Furthermore, the LORD will also hand Israel along with you over to the Philistines; so tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. Indeed, the LORD will hand the army of Israel over to the Philistines!”
I find a great lack of spiritual nurturing from all the 14 churches I have attended in 9 years. I have concluded that it is truly a place to socialize with their own cliques and the pastors are not interested in shepherding Jesus’ flock. I do believe that they are all apostates and professing not possessing Christians. We are commanded to love one another and to think of others more highly than ourselves. We in the Body of Christ are to edify and admonish each other to love Christ and to reflect Him to all around us.
Open your heart to Jesus Christ our wonderful saviour he is the only one. People need the Lord. Jesus Christ answers prayers in his will. Love him with all of your heart. I pray that if someone one does not know about Jesus Christ our saviour open your heart door for him and follow Jesus Christ our wonderful saviour.
Wonderful.If I may humbly add that I do not completely agree with RC on ordination of evil although I do understand what RC is trying to say .He was a blessed servant of God and I respect him.But I hope that those who struggle with the idea of evil may read Romans 9:22-23 and if you want to really know how God feels during evil I will advise read the KJV.
To the little girl that asked why God cannot lie I would say that a lie is an untruth and God Is truth and light. It is not a matter of being able it is a matter of not doing it. He is all Righteous and hates sin and lies are usually sins.
Gods nature defines His will. I think your answer to can God lie, is good but the emphasis is on Gods nature not His actions particularly with that question.
On the question about Saul's status in regeneration: I don't see how one can read 1 Samuel 15:26, 1 Samuel 18:12 or 1 Sam 19:9 let alone Saul's hiring of the Witch at Endor and come up with any kind of excuse about Saul being regenerated. He is a liar, a murderer and eventually consults a witch. God leaves him, Samuel the prophet TELLS Saul God has ripped the nation from his hands, and Samuel does not see Saul from then on. Even God gets on Samuel the prophet for grieving "still" over Saul. So, no, Saul was chosen as Israel's king, but there was no evidence in his life of being regenerate. Did God use Saul? Of course. He also made him prophesy once to stop him from his current hunt to find David to kill him. David says Saul is "God's anointed" in regards to the THRONE. We even, as Christians, are to pray for our leaders whether good or evil.
near the end he tried to seek God but there was no response. there's that. you can see while he's chasing David, he listens to David and gives up even though he tries again. eventually he stops. this isn't a positive thing but more of leaving a negative thing. also Samuel (or at least the spirit conjured by the witch) said "Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me." it may not have been Samuel but his prophecies did come true. who knows? many in scripture I can say for sure--hell, but i'm not sure about Saul.
I think that it is also important to point out that all evidence points to the most likely possibility that he was not regenerate, but that is not for us to judge like a possible “death bed confession”, however, the question was also raised if the ordaining of the Spirit was proof. I would say that we see that God chooses who will be in power over the nations. Even in the case of those that do horrible things. An example of which would be as it says in Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God.
If we are in doubt about the Baptism, look at the answer which Jesus gave to John when he ask John to baptist him. We must know what we are doing and why.
Period. Why is it called believers’ baptism. That alone connotes you have to understand and know what and why you are doing it! That’s why I’m even skittish when a 10 year old is baptized.
Hahahaha I've done that!! It's a fidget, at least for me. Something to do other than sitting still... something that, admittedly and in hindsight, looks a bit stupid, but hey whatever keeps twitching fingers busy. Next best thing when a pen/pencil isn't available. 😉😂
It is a difficult thing to find a sound, fine preacher of the bible. I got most of my biblical truth and accurate studies from my own reading profusely the bible, also reading or hearing if possible, men as Lloyd-Jones, Sproul, Scots preachers as Eric Alexander, Ian Hamilton, Sinclair Ferguson...so many others, as Calvin's sermons and some of the Puritans I may read for hours...but almost never, in area I lived, did I find a good pastor and wondered if they were even called to that work. I could not sit long listening to Lawson who takes (for me) incredible patience and just wears me out...hard to believe some are called to pastor when the abilities of speech, ways, voice, mannerisms, etc, are so hard to bear...C.H.S. and Lloyd-Jones wrote great books on what and how a Christian is (or is not) called.
If God did not and does not create evil them what does Isaiah 45:7 mean ? I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 45:7 KJV
I know I'm replying to an question asked 3 years ago but I will still chime in just in case you still have that question. What God is referring to is actually a reference to the prophetic oracular relating to His divine justice. When a prophet would speak, he would begin with the phrase "Thus saith the Lord," and then continue on followed by either what we call in theology 'the oracle of weal' or the 'oracle of woe' both of which are by the judgement of God. The reason this context is important is to understand that God is saying He's responsible for the woes/sorrows/ (and linguistically literal) "calamities" upon Israel like the famines for example, but He's also responsible for times of joy and prosperity. So the word evil here in this instance is translated literally as "calamity" or rather bluntly, the oracular of woe by His judgement/justice. He's reinforcing the fact that He is completely sovereign over Israel. But we can take that a step further without leaving the context of the Scripture by saying God is sovereign over the woe or judgement over the world.
I have an answer to the last question......yes, there are rewards. I'm no theologian like these guys...but Paul himself spoke of beating his body into submission so that he might hope to win the prize. He was translated up into the 3rd heaven.....and he saw something there, no one knows what....but whatever he saw and experienced it caused him to fly full steam ahead into ...."beating his body into submission"...in order to win it. So yeah....something to seriously consider and something to encourage us to be serious about our faith and obedience to Christ.
I disagree completely with all six points of Calvinism, including the Calvinist view of God's sovereignty, but I applaud that the comments section has not been turned off. On so many Calvinist channels (like most if not all of MacArthur's videos) there is such cowardice that the comments section is turned off and no one can even challenge the false theology behind this material.
Shouldn’t we say, “Deliver us from temptation and also from evil.” Instead of “Lead us not into temptation…” since God does not lead us into temptation?
No. Because that's not what Jesus says. The Greek is unequivocal. It means the word "bring to / lead to" , and it has the negative qualifier (με) in front of it. God himself does not TEMPT US. Temptation comes from the devil, he is the "tempter". Look at Matthew 4:1
Hi there , you can google reformef youth ministries Bible 101 and Prayer 101 learning living and loving God's Word...... you can download the books / print them . Really helped with my teenage kids . God bless.
In a debate between the two the infant baptiser asked the other whether one was baptised progressively from say waist up to forehead. The full immerser repeatedly said no. The infant baptiser then replied that it is the bit on the top that counts..
Study and know the scriptures for you self. It is not what our parents ,friends are teachers says, if it does not line up with God's Holy Word. accept the Word it is truth. Do not be swayed with someone changing the scripture with adding to what he says or subtracting from his Word.,
God did not create evil. The creation was created finally as very good. Evil takes what is truth and turns it into a lie. He also uses the evil of humans for HIS glory.
31:25 "if He removes the restraints" What "restraints"? God is keeping people from doing sinful things, and then He decides to stop keeping people from doing sinful things? That sure sounds like God wants people to sin, and is authoring it.
there is none, the words best to describe baptism is immersion. The Ethiopian eunuch said to Philip, there is much water here to be baptized. Some things are hard to break away from Catholicism
So good... the discussion of why do “Christians” not care more about sin. I think now of Jennifer Lopez in her group praying to Jesus... right before her very vulgar Super Bowl performance. Then laughing about it and saying it’s good to teach our children how to sexy. Yet strongly she believes she has a right relationship with God.
of Saul, the Lord's Word says this : Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. I Samuel 10:6 NKJV So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day. I Samuel 10:9 NKJV this seems to be regeneration "turned in to another man." "God gave him another heart."
Then God LEFT Saul. That is clearly stated in 1 Samuel 28:3-16, especially verse 16 "16 Then Samuel said: “So why do you ask me, seeing the Lord has departed from you and has become your enemy? " So Saul may be the exact example of the thing we're always hearing just can't happen. God gave Saul a new heart, from then on he was a new man, but Saul rejected the word of the Lord God and God ripped the kingdom from his hand. See 1 Sam 15:26, 18:12 and 19:9, though it's easier to understand if you just read the whole story of Saul in 1 Samuel.
Why do some born again Christian call themselves baptist , presbyterians etc 🤦🏻♀️🐶📖 They are clearing not taking 1 Corinthians chapter 1 for what it CLEARLY states .
I can listen to these programs all day long and find it hard to pull myself away.
I learned so muçh Biblically fr all the panelist I need some more of these sort thank you
I would listen to these all day at work. So good.
Greatly appreciate the conferences.
Good to hear I am not alone on this addiction....LOL
Me too. I just love them all. But RC I adore.
I love listening to these Christian panels. God bless them.🙏🏻✝️🩷
I listen to ligonier and GTY all day while I’m at work (I’m a painter who normally am alone all day while working) and I just cannot get enough of these or GTY’s daily and 24/7 stream.
I love me some RC, MacArthur, and Lawson teachings! Sound doctrine is so hard to find in this day and age.
God Bless you for plugging in GTY. Recently was led to Ligonier resources and can't bring myself to stop tuning in 🙌
I do the same as I'm usually alone, but never alone, most of the day, though I listen to a variety of pastors, of whom Alistair is near the top of my list. GOD bless you 🙏🤟
Great to hear it brother in Christ and in the trade 😎👍🏼 JMac is difficult to contend with when it comes to sermons! Wow he’s so gifted! All glory to God 🙏🏼
I just want to add a word of caution: I love RC, Johnnie Mac, Alistair, etc. - LOVE the wealth of knowledge available through Ligonier & Masters University, Alistair offers resources at a VERY AFFORDABLE value compared to all of them & my spiritual growth in the last 6 years is tremendous compared to my entire lifetime (61 yo).
BUT each of them has also broken my heart in various areas, as a dramatic reminder that "No One is Righteous, no not one!" yet people tend to put these pastors UP ON Pedestals so high that you can't see God anymore!
You must be very cautious with 5-point Calvinism & Armenianism as to them limiting scripture for God to fit into their box of what scripture says vs what God intends scripture to teach us . . . they are very subtle in how they explain things that are not what the Bible truly says & to believe how they teach, limits your personal spiritual growth. I cannot believe in T.U.L.I.P. & they won't come right out & admit that they teach this.
Ps Steve Lawson is a man of the Word! His reasoning & arguments are Bible-based, and humbly explained. Praise God for vessels such as this brother.
“What unites us is far greater than what divides us” - R.C. Sproul.
"Don't ever ask God for Justice, you just might get it." - R.C Sproul
Hallelujah. That hit me in the head like bricks.
Nothing I do is worthy of the gift of salvation. Nothing I do will ever be perfect enough for the One True God.
Grace is the only reason i'm here. Grace is the only reason he's here. Grace is the only reason they (pick any group) are here.
No one deserves anything but hell fire. And whatever else we do get that's "bad" is still better then what we do deserve (immediate damnation). So whether ur starving in Africa or won the lottery - nobody really "earned" anything. We all need to be grateful.
I feel so humbled by this.
R.C. Sproul's God is not a God of justice. He is a God of absolute total unlimited sovereignty. Sproul's God (I hesitate to use the capital G) cannot be God unless He is the only real agent in creation. If the God of Calvinism actually gave a miniscule amount of free agency to anyone He would cease to be God. Just listen to these people. It is the Calvinist god that chooses and decrees everything that happens. He chooses to save a few on his own decision regardless of any criteria and chooses to send the vast majority to hell for sins that the Calvinist god left them unable to avoid. Please escape this teaching, flee from the doctrine that deforms the true image of God. Go and find teachers that REALLY preach the God of love and justice. They have a question about whether grace can be resisted and they dodge it or deny it for the most part. Behind all of this however is the sixth point of Calvinism which is the Calvinist view of the sovereignty of God. To the Calvinist God's grace cannot be resisted because He has to be sovereign without any exceptions and in every tiny respect or He can't be the real God. So if God were truly just and is the only real agent all would be saved. But the Bible clearly teaches that all are not saved so they have to try and teach that it is good for God to be unjust while proclaiming that injustice as justice. It is truly bad.
@Deb Harris You don't understand the Calvinistic view of God's sovereignty. The god of Calvinism is so sovereign that nothing ever happened except he wanted designed decreed and effectively caused it. The fall of man could not have happened unless the god of Calvinism wanted it and decreed it. Listen to the talk about the publisher. The publisher causes the book to be made. The publisher doesn't write the book but he is responsible for commissioning the book. The god of Calvinism wants it both ways, he is in control of everything and yet wants to blame man for the sins he leaves man unable to avoid.
@@spiritualrearmament3266 what do you do with the fall of humanity, the inclnatation to do evil with our free will. Our will was destined to do evil continuously. This happens after the fall. Read JHON chapter 1, Rom 1 starting at verse 18. Read Rom 5 STARTING AT VERSE 10. Read it, study it. Now go back to His SCRIPTURES, in Genises 2:16-17 , two deaths are taking place, spiritual death and the physical. Man is alienated from a HOLY and Just GOD. JHON 3 requires a new birth in order to make it in Heaven. Man must BE Changed. his dispensation must be changed. Man's own free will can't change his wickedness. It must have a DIVINE intervention. I'll give you some passages. If you are arguing just for the sake of argument, then this conversation with you has no purpose at all. Is God's Infallible scripture, scripture. That is the first thing that has to be established. If not then the conversation needs to stop here, because both of us are wasting our time. But we both know it is GOD'S Infallible word. We continue. If your honest you'll look them up. Starting with Gen 2:16-17, now The episode. The apostle Paul. His free will was to get rid of the Christian, by Persecution. Until JESUS CHRIST appears to him. BORN AGINE. Paul BEGINS to write the letter to the Christians in Rome. CHAPTER 1, chapter 3, AND pay close attention to chapter 5, starting at verse 12 and on. Eph 2:1-10 carefully, re-read it. Then come back. But please read these passages. Don't be a I know it all. Prideful is after all an Abomination to the one WHO IS JUST AND HOLY.
@@raybo632 It is Calvinism that is blasphemy against God. It preaches a view of the sovereignty of God that leaves no room for human responsibility. It teaches that God is the only true free agent. All else, according to Calvinism, is causally determined. It is made to happen by God according to Calvinism. All evil right down to the fall of Adam and even Satan, according to the logical conclusions of Calvinist theology, are not free rebellion against God but according to His sovereign will. Don't you understand? According to Calvinism God does not merely allow evil but he is the only truly free agent behind it. That is blasphemy, and that is what Calvinism teaches.
it is such a blessing to have these available. The Q & A's are timeless. They apply as much today as 11 years ago. I listen while working and I just enjoy the richness of the respect these men have for each other. I love the Love they have for The Word.
Absolutely love the way R C. Sproul approaches the issue of infant baptism vs believer's baptism.
When you listen for years and decades to these men on the radio, they never look the way you imagine.
Mohler response about God’s fairness is perfect!👍
I agree with RC, God is kind in how he exposes our sin to us, gradually, just as his glory and saving grace is a slow process. ❤
I love Mohler so much, wish he was at Ligonier more these days. Great mind, great voice, great heart
RC Sproul on Irresistible Grace wow Beautiful ❤️
We do resist Him at every turn. He is surely due all glory and all credit.
Praise God For Men to Learn From
Alistair Begg has an understated, underestimated brilliance.
As it turns out it could be coming from satan.
God inspired!
Amen. Dr. Lawson sharing great wisdom at the end about rewards in heaven. 🙌
I'll chime in on one of the questions: concerning a professing Christian who does not take sin serious enough. I absolutely agree about how vital it is for us to understand our union with Christ, which may be the basis for what immediately came to mind for me in offering a brief answer. Which is this: perhaps they possess a love for the gift without the proper love for the giver of the gift (grace). One can have an intellectual affinity for a biblical truth, without the love that union with Christ produces within us. When my father helped me buy a truck I was elated-I loved that truck. But I loved my father much more than the truck. My father doing that, was a demonstration of his love for me, and My Heavenly Father demostrated His love by providing propitiation for my sin through Christ. If you love me you will keep my commandments."-Jesus
So well said. I love my Daddy ❤️🙏🏽❤️
Amen to that
What can we do without them? Blessings!
The Fair is a place you take your family once a year to have fun .... ❤ Shalom ❤
Jesus Christ is our wonderful saviour and he is so wonderful.
I love R.C so much
Me too. I cried when he was called home. Can’t wait to meet him.
I'd like more of 'em. These are so very helpful!
I had a friend say one time; "All I want when I get to Heaven is a small shack, a fishing pole, and I will be completely satisfied"!
I have listened ALL day, and I'm Lutheran
Well if you listen closely you won’t be Lutheran long! Lol!
Our God is in the heavens;
he does all that he pleases.
Psalm 115:3
Love this - especially the sense of humour 😊
Alistair Begg is such a mood
John 3:16
For God so love the world
That he gave his only begotten Son.
"...that whosoever BELIEVES in HIM
S.H.O.U.L.D. N.O.T.
perish but have eternal life." (KJV)
MUST SEE: John 3:5 and Romans 10: 9-10 (KJV)
Jhn.3:16 is "descriptive," not prescriptive. BeBlessed!
for who??????? you must always complete this verse otherwise it could be misleading to the none believer.
That was fantastic. Thank you Ligonier Ministries.
I was just thinking about the King Saul question - was he saved? I would say, probably not. I think the Holy Spirit can work through godless men, as He did with Balaam as well. Interesting discussion. God bless these men, servants of Christ.
I always thought for many years that King Saul was saved and I am surprised fairly often when these "advanced theologians" cannot answer simple questions (not just Saul but for instance, most believe all infants and young people are saved (until) they can believe in Jesus, etc.) Anyway, in 2 Samuel 1:23 makes it plain to me that he was redeemed, no matter his strange problem that had him act as he did for some time. V. 23 says as in life, so in death Saul and Jonathan will not be separated.
@@wally1452 that scripture means they died together in the same way, not that they both went to heaven
I thought the way you do about Saul but, because Samuel said you will be where I am does not mean Samuel knew that Saul would be resurrected to eternal life but, that he would be in the spirit world as he was . Saul did the equivalent as those that would apostatize in the new testament. (I think)
Let's be honest we don't identify our sins at times(depending on the sin if you know what I mean?) Because we are still in these bodies! We will never be perfect until the trump sounds, David was a man after God's own heart but his flesh got in the way! Praise God that he is patient and draws us with his lovingkindess and has his right hand above our own weak heads!
I disagree with the pastor to the far lelf, his analogie of ppl staying home watching church instead of actually going to church is because many churches are horrible, and ppl don't feel like being treated badly!
Jesus our lord bless you
We cannot confess every sin that does not come to memory but we need to recognise that we are sinners no matter what and we can receive total forgiveness for sins past, present and future. But we still recognise our sinfulness.
Maybe repent as soon as you feel that conviction
Great conversations!!!!!!
God permits what He hates in order to accomplish what He wants.
And who are we to question our creator!! Praise Jesus Christ for mercy and grace 🙏♥️
Pastor MacArthur teaches and explains so very well. He is my go-to for doctrine except for eschatology, I sample around a lot because so many mix grave error with some truth.
You’re one of those people who think they have no holes in their theology, huh?
God is the one who baptizes
Nice edit at 52:04 (Click Here), Alistair Begg's intervention got cut! He was having a hard time with all talk on Infant baptism. . .
Sproul believes in infant baptism?
@@deanhauser6626 Yes, very much so. MacArthur and Sproul often spar in Q & A's about it because MacArthur adamantly does not, and Sproul adamantly does believe in infant baptism.
Good catch! I didn't see that. I was busy cleaning my nails and trying not to huff and puff about it myself, so I missed Alistair Begg's reaction. It's too bad he got cut off.
I believe that adult baptism by immersion is the only correct method. Having said that, is that the only real acceptable method? No, I don't think so. However, I do believe that the individual receiving baptism must completely understand what baptism is, what s/he is doing, what it means, and what the relationship believer's baptism has to their future life.
As to the question of infant baptism, I do not believe such thing is valid. It's a dedication, a consecration, not a baptism.
I disagree. God always worked through a covenant family in the Bible, and there's no evidence from the new Testament that that changed. The scriptures speak of household baptism and the children of believers being holy, and the promise being for them and their children. Also, baptism is nowhere in scripture defined as a confession of faith. Ever. But it is described as a means of salvation and belonging in the covenant.
@@Iffmeister I'd like you to clarify what you mean by a "covenant family". I don't want to misunderstand your point here.
@@jacksonlynch1731 this is my Abrahamic Covenant Argument
1. If we are descendants of Abraham we are part of the Abrahamic covenant, which is everlasting (Genesis 17:7-8)
2. We are sons of Abraham by faith (Galatians 3:7, Romans 4:12)
3. Therefore we are part of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 17:7-10, Ephesians 2:12)
4. Members of the PERMANENT Abrahamic covenant are commanded to circumcise their children throughout all their generations (Genesis 17:7-10).
5. Baptism is the Circumcision of Christ (Colossians 2:11-12)
7. And the promise of the Abrahamic covenant is tied to baptism (Acts 2:39)
8. Therefore we, as members of God's eternal covenant, should baptize our children.
God has one covenant people, and this is made very clear in Ephesians 2:11-22. We are the Israel of God through Christ in Galatians 6:16, and true Israelites are those who believe, as said in Romans 2 and Romans 9.
On the basis of this we know baptism replaces circumcision, as Colossians 2:11-22.
This is why the household passages should be interpreted to mean exactly what they say. The federal head of a family converted and so did his family, tho obviously there are instances where only one spouse believes (1 Corinthians 7).
In Acts 2:39 the same promise "to be a God to you and your children" is echoed from Genesis 17:7. So on that basis those who repent and their children are entitled to be part of the church.
@@Iffmeister This is one of the clearest and most concise arguments in favor of infant baptism I have ever read. I look forward to delving more deeply into these scriptures tonight. However, I think the disagreement emerges based on our interpretation of the purpose of baptism. But this was very interesting to read, and I appreciate the time and effort you expended to clarify your point. With respect, thank you.
@@jacksonlynch1731 it's what convinced me of infant baptism. Granted, i hold to a Lutheran view of baptism and believe it regenerates them, but the covenant argument is actually very sound. No joke, i was Convicted of it being true when I read all the verses
The question at 46:26 shows us clearly that Presbyterians and Baptists are not even united on the "Sola Fide" paradigm. If you listen to the question, it was supposed to be answered by a Baptist panelist, but R.C. Sproul did not allow them to speak.
wonderful! thank you
I’ve been listening to the White Horse Inn for quite some time, and I didn’t realize who Michael Horton was at first!
The Lord's supper is in 3 tenses, past, present and future. Do this in remembrance of me, past, present and until He comes (future).
I remember this very well Ted, here on South Africa
Re "irresistible grace", isn't it exactly what happened to the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus?
16:15 I think this is an excellent argument against infant baptism. If it were akin to the circumcision as the sign of the new covenant, it would have been explicitly commanded in the corpus of scripture just as the rights of circumcision were in the old.
When we walk in the light as God is in the light the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Our confession does not earn us forgiveness but brings our sins into the light where it is destroyed. If we try to be all confessed up at any time this is an impossibility. There are sins in the past that have been forgiven but we do not recall them. When they come into the light we see that they have been dealt with on the Cross and we can rejoice in that and not be weighed down.
I agree with you, and we should be aware of our sin and confess it, but we should never lose sight His love and forgiveness. Conviction of sin without grace leads one to lose sight of salvation, worrying too much about trying to be better, while forgetting that your sanctification is His work, not ours.
I only bring this up because it’s something I still struggle with upon occasion and would hate to see others suffer with it as well.
God's essential nature determines his will was part of the answer to the first question. I agree. John tells us God's essential nature is Love (not love but..). Paul tells us that his will is that all (not some) should be saved. Peter supports this in saying God is not willing that any should perish (2Pet 3v9). I find Calvin's rebuttal of this unconvincing for all his intellect and I have yet to find one of his followers able to square this circle without appealing to mystery.
Having said that I still learn a lot from these men whilst profoundly disagreeing with them on some issues. Grace and Peace.
I think people in sin believe that GOD will have to cover the sin. Without any repentance and justify it by telling them selves they are better than someone else and fail to understand that GOD doesn't judge us against each other by his own SON and what we do with HIM.
Jesus was Baptisted by John and he said , for rightreousness and He had no sin, then believers also should be Baptisted.
It's all about Christ!
Speak on it!
God created the tree of evil and good but we personally activate their deeds.God, He created this test for us to see who would choose life or death by obeying or not by believing Him or not His word of warning, Believing Him as their creator .
On whether Saul was regenerate: 1 Samuel 28:19 - Samuel tells Saul - "Furthermore, the LORD will also hand Israel along with you over to the Philistines; so tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. Indeed, the LORD will hand the army of Israel over to the Philistines!”
I find a great lack of spiritual nurturing from all the 14 churches I have attended in 9 years. I have concluded that it is truly a place to socialize with their own cliques and the pastors are not interested in shepherding Jesus’ flock. I do believe that they are all apostates and professing not possessing Christians. We are commanded to love one another and to think of others more highly than ourselves. We in the Body of Christ are to edify and admonish each other to love Christ and to reflect Him to all around us.
Eph 2:9-10 We are saved by grace not works, created in Christ for goods works which God prepared beforehand
Open your heart to Jesus Christ our wonderful saviour he is the only one.
People need the Lord.
Jesus Christ answers prayers in his will.
Love him with all of your heart.
I pray that if someone one does not know about Jesus Christ our saviour open your heart door for him and follow Jesus Christ our wonderful saviour.
Wonderful.If I may humbly add that I do not completely agree with RC on ordination of evil although I do understand what RC is trying to say .He was a blessed servant of God and I respect him.But I hope that those who struggle with the idea of evil may read Romans 9:22-23 and if you want to really know how God feels during evil I will advise read the KJV.
To the little girl that asked why God cannot lie I would say that a lie is an untruth and God Is truth and light. It is not a matter of being able it is a matter of not doing it. He is all Righteous and hates sin and lies are usually sins.
Very good answer.
Gods nature defines His will. I think your answer to can God lie, is good but the emphasis is on Gods nature not His actions particularly with that question.
Not sure about the discussion about post-modernism: what about the lifestyle of Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault ?
On the question about Saul's status in regeneration: I don't see how one can read 1 Samuel 15:26, 1 Samuel 18:12 or 1 Sam 19:9 let alone Saul's hiring of the Witch at Endor and come up with any kind of excuse about Saul being regenerated. He is a liar, a murderer and eventually consults a witch. God leaves him, Samuel the prophet TELLS Saul God has ripped the nation from his hands, and Samuel does not see Saul from then on. Even God gets on Samuel the prophet for grieving "still" over Saul. So, no, Saul was chosen as Israel's king, but there was no evidence in his life of being regenerate. Did God use Saul? Of course. He also made him prophesy once to stop him from his current hunt to find David to kill him. David says Saul is "God's anointed" in regards to the THRONE. We even, as Christians, are to pray for our leaders whether good or evil.
near the end he tried to seek God but there was no response. there's that. you can see while he's chasing David, he listens to David and gives up even though he tries again. eventually he stops. this isn't a positive thing but more of leaving a negative thing. also Samuel (or at least the spirit conjured by the witch) said "Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me." it may not have been Samuel but his prophecies did come true. who knows? many in scripture I can say for sure--hell, but i'm not sure about Saul.
I think that it is also important to point out that all evidence points to the most likely possibility that he was not regenerate, but that is not for us to judge like a possible “death bed confession”, however, the question was also raised if the ordaining of the Spirit was proof. I would say that we see that God chooses who will be in power over the nations. Even in the case of those that do horrible things. An example of which would be as it says in Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God.
Saul killed prophets and their families..of course he was evil
What is the difference between OT fasting & NT fasting?
If we are in doubt about the Baptism, look at the answer which Jesus gave to John when he ask John to baptist him. We must know what we are doing and why.
Period. Why is it called believers’ baptism. That alone connotes you have to understand and know what and why you are doing it! That’s why I’m even skittish when a 10 year old is baptized.
I come back to the king Saul section for a good laugh.
47:38 What was Alistair Begg drinking?Air? Oh, these men are great!
Hahahaha I've done that!! It's a fidget, at least for me. Something to do other than sitting still... something that, admittedly and in hindsight, looks a bit stupid, but hey whatever keeps twitching fingers busy. Next best thing when a pen/pencil isn't available. 😉😂
You are not far from Salvation, my brother
It is a difficult thing to find a sound, fine preacher of the bible. I got most of my biblical truth and accurate studies from my own reading profusely the bible, also reading or hearing if possible, men as Lloyd-Jones, Sproul, Scots preachers as Eric Alexander, Ian Hamilton, Sinclair Ferguson...so many others, as Calvin's sermons and some of the Puritans I may read for hours...but almost never, in area I lived, did I find a good pastor and wondered if they were even called to that work. I could not sit long listening to Lawson who takes (for me) incredible patience and just wears me out...hard to believe some are called to pastor when the abilities of speech, ways, voice, mannerisms, etc, are so hard to bear...C.H.S. and Lloyd-Jones wrote great books on what and how a Christian is (or is not) called.
I love Allistar!!
If God did not and does not create evil them what does Isaiah 45:7 mean ?
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Isaiah 45:7 KJV
The word here meaning calamity. The disastrous element as a juxtaposition to peace.
I know I'm replying to an question asked 3 years ago but I will still chime in just in case you still have that question. What God is referring to is actually a reference to the prophetic oracular relating to His divine justice. When a prophet would speak, he would begin with the phrase "Thus saith the Lord," and then continue on followed by either what we call in theology 'the oracle of weal' or the 'oracle of woe' both of which are by the judgement of God. The reason this context is important is to understand that God is saying He's responsible for the woes/sorrows/ (and linguistically literal) "calamities" upon Israel like the famines for example, but He's also responsible for times of joy and prosperity. So the word evil here in this instance is translated literally as "calamity" or rather bluntly, the oracular of woe by His judgement/justice. He's reinforcing the fact that He is completely sovereign over Israel. But we can take that a step further without leaving the context of the Scripture by saying God is sovereign over the woe or judgement over the world.
I have an answer to the last question......yes, there are rewards. I'm no theologian like these guys...but Paul himself spoke of beating his body into submission so that he might hope to win the prize. He was translated up into the 3rd heaven.....and he saw something there, no one knows what....but whatever he saw and experienced it caused him to fly full steam ahead into ...."beating his body into submission"...in order to win it. So yeah....something to seriously consider and something to encourage us to be serious about our faith and obedience to Christ.
"Did we wake you from your dogmatic slumber?" -R.C Sproul
Exactly we should be broken up about sin.
I disagree completely with all six points of Calvinism, including the Calvinist view of God's sovereignty, but I applaud that the comments section has not been turned off. On so many Calvinist channels (like most if not all of MacArthur's videos) there is such cowardice that the comments section is turned off and no one can even challenge the false theology behind this material.
Regardless of position, you need to repent of your arrogant mindset.
Wish Allister Begg would have spoke more!
Shouldn’t we say, “Deliver us from temptation and also from evil.” Instead of “Lead us not into temptation…” since God does not lead us into temptation?
No. Because that's not what Jesus says. The Greek is unequivocal. It means the word "bring to / lead to" , and it has the negative qualifier (με) in front of it.
God himself does not TEMPT US.
Temptation comes from the devil, he is the "tempter".
Look at Matthew 4:1
Is there a written document of this Q n A.? Would help our youth program
Hi there , you can google reformef youth ministries Bible 101 and Prayer 101 learning living and loving God's Word...... you can download the books / print them . Really helped with my teenage kids . God bless.
* Reformed Youth ministries
WHY was Horton on the panel????? He sounded like a fool answering the question about why we have different denominations.
Why aren't you letting alstiar answer many of these questions
A basic course in logic is a brilliant idea, because by His widom God created all things.
Get to know God by His wisdom instead of by His love.
See Ferguson, Godfrey, Lawson, & Sproul
Good answer Alistair Begg. Why do christians think they can live immoral lives when Jesus said be dead to the flesh.
Well David lived an immoral life but he repented. If one is not convicted by their sin that is a very bad sign.
Since the devil is evil do we think that satan created evil first or did he start evil by rising up against Sovereign God.
In a debate between the two the infant baptiser asked the other whether one was baptised progressively from say waist up to forehead. The full immerser repeatedly said no. The infant baptiser then replied that it is the bit on the top that counts..
Study and know the scriptures for you self. It is not what our parents ,friends are teachers says, if it does not line up with God's Holy Word. accept the Word it is truth. Do not be swayed with someone changing the scripture with adding to what he says or subtracting from his Word.,
The argument should be that it is Christ who baptises, not man.
Jesus wasn’t baptized until he was around 29/30 years old by John the Baptist before his ministry but he was dedicated as a baby
God did not create evil. The creation was created finally as very good. Evil takes what is truth and turns it into a lie. He also uses the evil of humans for HIS glory.
John 1:3. Nothing is created except by Him.
I pray that Joni E will come back to Canada and come to the bell centre and have a big convention their.
You all too.
31:25 "if He removes the restraints" What "restraints"? God is keeping people from doing sinful things, and then He decides to stop keeping people from doing sinful things? That sure sounds like God wants people to sin, and is authoring it.
God loves those who are very sure of their inheritance and He is anger with those who will sale their Birth right for the desires of the flesh.
‘Begg, Horton, Lawson, Mohler, and Sproul’ - sounds like the name of a high priced law firm. 😂
Why is a Christian not as sensitive to their sin if they are regenerate?
I would like to know the scriptures that condone infant baptism. Catholics also baptize infants.
there is none, the words best to describe baptism is immersion. The Ethiopian eunuch said to Philip, there is much water here to be baptized. Some things are hard to break away from Catholicism
So good... the discussion of why do “Christians” not care more about sin. I think now of Jennifer Lopez in her group praying to Jesus... right before her very vulgar Super Bowl performance. Then laughing about it and saying it’s good to teach our children how to sexy. Yet strongly she believes she has a right relationship with God.
Could the baptism of babys be for the pride of the parents as the child has no need to be baptised until they realize they are sinners.
of Saul, the Lord's Word says this :
Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.
I Samuel 10:6 NKJV
So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day.
I Samuel 10:9 NKJV
this seems to be regeneration "turned in to another man."
"God gave him another heart."
Then God LEFT Saul. That is clearly stated in 1 Samuel 28:3-16, especially verse 16 "16 Then Samuel said: “So why do you ask me, seeing the Lord has departed from you and has become your enemy? "
So Saul may be the exact example of the thing we're always hearing just can't happen. God gave Saul a new heart, from then on he was a new man, but Saul rejected the word of the Lord God and God ripped the kingdom from his hand. See 1 Sam 15:26, 18:12 and 19:9, though it's easier to understand if you just read the whole story of Saul in 1 Samuel.
On this question... God only knows.
Why do some born again Christian call themselves baptist , presbyterians etc 🤦🏻♀️🐶📖 They are clearing not taking 1 Corinthians chapter 1 for what it CLEARLY states .
@25:00 "A Theology for Pilgrims along the way"
Sorry to say but their answers are sometimes too complicated.
It is a bunch of hogwash
God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent.
God is not a man that he can lie Numberes 23:19.