What has been the best/ your favorite method to unlock Nebula so far? I think this by far is the most broken (in a good way) and makes the camo grind ridiculously easy.
None of them because they’re all boring. I’m prestige master and almost at level 200 and i don’t want to finish this grind after getting 8 gold weapons
@@mysticalmayhem8546 That's a fair point. If there is a time to unlock camos as fast as possible now it the time to do it. My friend I have been coaching through this grind (the one who doesn't like zombies) on his best day unlocked gold on 14 weapons and opal on 8 using this strategy.
@@TechnicallyWild I like zombies but I don’t like this one. I’m probably going to get the 100% calling card before I get half of the launch guns gold. If they made it possible to get all 2000 headshots and gold camos in a single game before the guns falloff i probably would have the grind completed by now
if you do this in director mode, (which got added after this video released) you don't even need to keep the parasite alive, because as long as you don't progress the easter egg the game will automatically cap at 10 rounds.
I love the casual nature this video has compared to some of your other camo guides, feels a bit more relaxed and commentary-ey (in a good way, like some WoodysGamertag type stuff)
I appreciate it! I decided while recording this video unless it's a "Complete" guide which I think are best served formally, I'm going to post more of these causal guides.
Another thing you can do is if a parasite doesn't spawn, you can use a gray weapon and shoot at a zombie's foot. That will cause the zombie to crawl and then you can focus on headshots. Tbh i think its way easier than the parasite method (Edit: forget about the weapon, frags are better to make the zombie crawl)
Here’s a really good way to get opal FAST for people that are struggling! First you want to progress a few rounds until you reach the lion sword, then you want to grab it and then put it back in its stand. After that just progress the rounds but every round DONT kill the parasites or zombies because the parasites will turn the zombies into doppleghasts and you will get about 4-5 doppleghats per round. And during that time of killing doppleghasts you will have a very high chance of the doppleghasts dropping a score streak which you can use on the amalgam or you could use the Molotov in oil trap method which insta kills it!
Keep this a secret so they don't patch it, but if you run through the oil trap then toss a molotov on it, the kills count towards your currently geld weapon.
Just doing the trap strategy shown in the video, but with the rampage inducer on and after round 30, will get you opal WAY faster than that strat. Under 10 minutes per weapon. The higher the round, the more doppleghasts spawn, the quicker you get it done.
Used this method last night and got to round 116, I had 558 special zombies in that one game and it lasted about 4 1/2 hours. Did 18 guns in that one game as opposed to mangler farm round 11 cap lib falls which is one gun every 30 minutes. If I hadn’t spent so much time hitting box trying to get a few of the weapons that it refused to give me the match would have been allot shorter. Also for the oil trap near speed cola you can sit in the very corner at the top of steps and not take damage from the trap. Looking up towards the castle it would be the left most corner, you can sit in that one but you have to be all the way in the corner to not take any damage.
how did you get the camo progress for things like 300 cryo kills? I can't get any progress for this particular step. good method for the base 2000 for sure
For anyone asking- use the first part in quick revive room before round 10 bcuz of the bucket hat zombies that constantly spawn. And for the oil traps it takes time to get use to but it is great! Another tip just switch oil traps every round- Thank you Tech Wild!
13:07 the best method for getting elites is to play citadelle standard, pick up the lion sword and place it back down. You’ll now get 4 guaranteed parasites, train long enough they’ll turn to dopples past rd 13. Keep playing till round 16 and keep training with the dopples and they will suck in a bunch of zombies and turn into an amalgam. You’re guaranteed 4 per rd before rd 30 and after that I’ve gotten 7-12 on the map in a single rd training long enough. I was able to get 7 guns nebula I already had afterlife in under 2hrs combining that with the oil trap method.
@@maguire13779 amazing, i did 5 opal tonight, with the lion sword trick, i finished all gold camos. So i think end of this week i got my favorite guns nebula. Cant wait, so done with it😂
@@maguire13779melee weapons are fussy with critical kills, doesn’t always count them properly. Luckily they’ve now changed the camo requirement for melee weapons to just kills, not critical kills
Thank god I found this video. I jst wana relax on getting camo. The oil trap seems waaaaay more easier to set up than other camo grind options. Very nice
If you stand right next to the oil in the corner, along the wall speed cola is by, you'll be able to stand without taking damage like the rail on the other oil trap
Nebula camo is a lot easier when you do the water valve piece on liberty, the vermin that spawn when you do the water valve step will count as elite zombie kills so get the bar nearly full and if u don’t have 10 kills yet just walk out, reset progress, then restart it.
Idk if this method has been patched but I have been doing the oil trap strat for the past hour and it has not counted towards the special zombie camos. Anything after the regular elite kills doesnt count any more I guess
Have you tried the lion sword glitch? Your game doesn’t crash at all and when you save and quit and relaunch that match, the glitch is still active, all you gotta do is restart the broach ritual
Could you explain how you are able to save and quit/leave and reneter the glitch. I’ve done the glitch many times with and without dragon sword, but don’t know how to save and quit.
I’ve found that you’re better off leaving and restarting if you can’t get a parasite in before rd 13. This is when the parasites will start turning into dopleghasts. If you can get it done before then you can spend abt 30 min on rds 6-12 each. I was able to get the new sniper nebula from nothing by rd 30 doing this and the lion sword special and elite spawn & oil trap + Molotov methods.
My mate showed me this on directed mode last night, managed to get like 4 guns done in under 2 hours. He then left me on my own and the train of zombies was insane and my Xbox was definitely struggling 🤣
With this strategy I was able to get the Nebula camo last week, it was fast and relaxing, no stress at all. Besides, I always reached Round 100 strategically going through all 33 weapons in one match. (Afterlife for example).
That first headshot kill strat where it infinitely summons zombies and the round stays the same is a GAME CHANGER… I just wish I had known it before I was almost done getting all my critical kills… Thanks anyways though this was crazy helpful
It's a bit weird because i have vulture aid, it doesn't give me back molotovs often, even with deadshot sometimes the trap + molotov doesn't give me the critical kills, and i find the traps cooldown to be annoying to deal with
Yes, I have modified the strategy and have been testing it for high rounds. I will have a video coming out in the next few days combining the mutant injection and oil trap strategy to get to round 100 in 2* ish hours
@floating8016 I reached round 70 easily with this method, really easy and when the trap ends, pop a aether shroud or a kashmir (decoy is also good) go to the other side and repeat, easy round 100+ this method is also easy for camos, I got over 3000 headshots on my gs45 and over 80 special kills
A lot of kills for me don’t count as critical kills only some are is there anyway to make sure almost all kills are critical? Is there and augment or something?
When i throw the Molotov at the ground it mostly says “trap kill” or “Molotov kill” and it’s kinda hard to do it with melee’s but it’s crazy good from what i see.
This really helps for the nebula ones! I didn’t know how I was gonna “farm” those ones without grinding to high levels which I do not do.. I usually exfil by 31-36.. 😆 so this is clutch! Thank you! I’ll just run back and forth when the trap ends? What level does it drop off where they spawn faster than the trap goes on cooldown?
You can be invincible in the corner from the right when you leave the castle aswell and it‘s even the better spot because you cant get hit by the special zombies
Would this work in directed mode cause they just added this map to directed mode if so the round would stay capped at let’s just say 12 would it be better or just the normal map.
my camos are getting glitched and isnt working in the oil trap for the mastery challenges. even though i have the ammo mod installed for the challenge. i tried saving and rejoining, but still doesnt work. anyone else is getting this problem?
The oil trap doesn’t work with that camo challenge just save and quit and go into liberty falls with rampage inducer and once you get it just leave the game and join back the save you had in citadelle
How do I prevent setting myself on fire when throwing the molotov into the trap? It seems sometimes when I activate the trap and throw a molotov I'm clear of the fire so you get minimal fire damage from the trap itself, other times I've been caught by the fire and then I end up downing myself, reviving myself, still being on fire and then being downer again to end the game. Any foolproof strats to ensure this doesnt happen?
Can you use the Rampage inducer and get them even faster? I’ll try it myself one of these times but I’m curious how many more HS you can get and if it’s worth it
What tactical should I use to unlock the lurking beast special camo for the pp919. I try the stunning grenades and it doesn't work. Unless I'm doing it wrong ? Lol
I did the first strategy got like 1200 criticals which was amazing for this shit gun and I kept killing the parasites so I kept going higher and higher until I died at round 33 I think cause I was trying to do the second method and kinda messed up cause I had to change traps every time each one was on cooldown so yeah but still pretty good strategy thank u very much!!!!
Does it still count kills as critical kills for your weapon? Also if you know, did they patch the constant spawing for the ornament? I'm not able to check right now thanks.
@@Gee3Oh still counts to critical kills, and the zombies keep coming, i capped it at round 10 so i have to chance to restock and let the oil "cool down" you can run around a little and a massive zombie train right through the fire
While using the oil traps I was getting 7-10 per round past round 65 and round take 1-2 minutes. When my game crashed and I loaded back in, I would get 10-12 doppelghasts AND an amalgam each time. If you purposely close your application near the end of round 70 each time you would get that amount of special and elite zombie kills in 3-4 min (give or take how long it takes to load back up into a game) I also heard the parasites to doppelghast method got patched but never used it first hand.
I'm personally going to stick with Terminus and Liberty Falls vids/methods because they have weathered the storm of could/should be patched. I'm going to call it now; the trial zombies for the swords are going to turn into S.A.M trial zombies to cut the points down, and those traps will be fixed.
I got temporarily banned then 4 days later they reset my camos, level, and stats for doing this. I think the 100% accurate instakill headshots trigger the cheat detection.
it was difficult for me as well , try to pop x2 point before round 4/5 if u have gobble gum or if zombies drop one . buy all doors on the left side so before round 6 you have enough point for every door inside castle, u can get lucky nd get parasite round on round 11 or 10
This is not new it’s been around ever since citadel first dropped also there is no wait time doing this on directed as the zombies continuously spawn even in between rounds it’s also much better since you don’t have to worry about keeping a parasite alive if you don’t want as the rounds will cap
It would be crap on directed mode anyway, the faster the zombies spawn the better this works. So if anything I'd say use rampage inducer. The trap also fills your aether shroud so you can use that to get between traps if needed.
Zombies in general is hard if you arent buying all the perks ASAP. Vulture aid will help you get more dropped molotovs, and make sure to research the vulture aid augment if you wanna get pretty much guaranteed Molotov drops
Yea, they die after some time has passed. I keep two parasites alive when I get the chance, and usually, 1 dies first. That way, I can continue the round longer
Thanks for uploading, now it's nerfed and doesn't work. To make matters worse I'm only half way through the grind N now I'm not sure if I'll ever make it to nebula because of the nerf
@@TechnicallyWild I used to do that a lot before I started using the lion sword room method to glitch the spawns and stop the rounds from flipping. It's pretty good but still better to have parasites as they don't hit you anywhere near as much, and you can generally just stand in doorways and they stay out of your way.
That's weird. Once pack a punch is open try lining up your cross hair with the hatch that opens when you talk to him. Also double check in your controller and key board settings what your interact button is binded. Also in the advanced gameplay settings try setting tap to reload to tap to interact (setting I use). The only other reason I could think about is a broken controller but I doubt that is your case.
Good method, but I really dislike how this strategy essentially requires you to sit still for 5 hours and already have every single camo before nebula on every other gun in BO6
You can use this method for every camo challenge in the game (except a small amount that doesn’t work with the oil trap) you don’t need nebula to get camos extremely fast. Also Nebula took me about 1.75 hours to unlock in one game (game time, not including down time from game crashes)
Hey - Love the vids and guides. Dumb question but how did you get your screen setup with the round number at the bottom left like that? Would help me a ton in my setup!
The oil trap gets me 7/8 afterlife camos per game, After i got the headshots and opal (took me two months) (i have a job) everything has been crazy simple and easy
What has been the best/ your favorite method to unlock Nebula so far? I think this by far is the most broken (in a good way) and makes the camo grind ridiculously easy.
None of them because they’re all boring. I’m prestige master and almost at level 200 and i don’t want to finish this grind after getting 8 gold weapons
@@mysticalmayhem8546 That's a fair point. If there is a time to unlock camos as fast as possible now it the time to do it. My friend I have been coaching through this grind (the one who doesn't like zombies) on his best day unlocked gold on 14 weapons and opal on 8 using this strategy.
I like this just hate that it has to be tied to a parasite as they either die out or randomly change flight and go into the zombies lol
@@Icecreamnoodlebean Suicidal bug funny
@@TechnicallyWild I like zombies but I don’t like this one. I’m probably going to get the 100% calling card before I get half of the launch guns gold. If they made it possible to get all 2000 headshots and gold camos in a single game before the guns falloff i probably would have the grind completed by now
if you do this in director mode, (which got added after this video released) you don't even need to keep the parasite alive, because as long as you don't progress the easter egg the game will automatically cap at 10 rounds.
How do you access director mode?
@@arturoperez3826you can choose from the start, if you choose citadel and then directed mode.
I love the casual nature this video has compared to some of your other camo guides, feels a bit more relaxed and commentary-ey (in a good way, like some WoodysGamertag type stuff)
I appreciate it! I decided while recording this video unless it's a "Complete" guide which I think are best served formally, I'm going to post more of these causal guides.
Haha shoutout woody
@@vsb3000 what a real sweet kid
Another thing you can do is if a parasite doesn't spawn, you can use a gray weapon and shoot at a zombie's foot. That will cause the zombie to crawl and then you can focus on headshots. Tbh i think its way easier than the parasite method
(Edit: forget about the weapon, frags are better to make the zombie crawl)
Here’s a really good way to get opal FAST for people that are struggling! First you want to progress a few rounds until you reach the lion sword, then you want to grab it and then put it back in its stand. After that just progress the rounds but every round DONT kill the parasites or zombies because the parasites will turn the zombies into doppleghasts and you will get about 4-5 doppleghats per round. And during that time of killing doppleghasts you will have a very high chance of the doppleghasts dropping a score streak which you can use on the amalgam or you could use the Molotov in oil trap method which insta kills it!
Those glowing parasites turn zombies into doppleghasts?
Never knew that
@@J.Dot0yeah trust me this strat made me get nebula in only 3 weeks
Keep this a secret so they don't patch it, but if you run through the oil trap then toss a molotov on it, the kills count towards your currently geld weapon.
Just doing the trap strategy shown in the video, but with the rampage inducer on and after round 30, will get you opal WAY faster than that strat. Under 10 minutes per weapon. The higher the round, the more doppleghasts spawn, the quicker you get it done.
@@phillipmoore9661 Keep it a secret? Bro he showed the oil trap strat in the video 🤣🤣🤣
My dumbass was seriously just running through the Molotov and didn’t know these corners existed. Thank you
Your welcome, don’t worry I was running like a chicken with my head cut off for an embarrassing amount of time too
Used this method last night and got to round 116, I had 558 special zombies in that one game and it lasted about 4 1/2 hours. Did 18 guns in that one game as opposed to mangler farm round 11 cap lib falls which is one gun every 30 minutes. If I hadn’t spent so much time hitting box trying to get a few of the weapons that it refused to give me the match would have been allot shorter.
Also for the oil trap near speed cola you can sit in the very corner at the top of steps and not take damage from the trap. Looking up towards the castle it would be the left most corner, you can sit in that one but you have to be all the way in the corner to not take any damage.
That’s dedication to the grind W
how did you get the camo progress for things like 300 cryo kills? I can't get any progress for this particular step. good method for the base 2000 for sure
@@matthewheer6019you have to do it yourself the trap won’t count to it
30 mins per gun!?? i was finished rounds in 34 second and it would take me an hour and 10 minutes to do one gun
For anyone asking- use the first part in quick revive room before round 10 bcuz of the bucket hat zombies that constantly spawn. And for the oil traps it takes time to get use to but it is great! Another tip just switch oil traps every round- Thank you Tech Wild!
13:07 the best method for getting elites is to play citadelle standard, pick up the lion sword and place it back down. You’ll now get 4 guaranteed parasites, train long enough they’ll turn to dopples past rd 13. Keep playing till round 16 and keep training with the dopples and they will suck in a bunch of zombies and turn into an amalgam. You’re guaranteed 4 per rd before rd 30 and after that I’ve gotten 7-12 on the map in a single rd training long enough. I was able to get 7 guns nebula I already had afterlife in under 2hrs combining that with the oil trap method.
Douplgast is a spaciel zombie
@ yes if the Dopple lives long enough it will suck in a bunch of zombies and turn into an amalgam
How long does it take for a doppelghast to turn into an amalgam aproxi?
@ I’d say about 3 min, it feels like a long ass time in game
@ it also needs to be atleast rd.16 and you need to keep the majority of zombies alive
Honestly the unlimited zombie strat with the artifact has been more than helpful for me. 2 weapons down, 31 to go lol
This method is wild, completed all of my Opal challenges in 2 days and am well on the way to completing Afterlife! Thanks dude
Is afterlife also working with the oil trap?😂
@ yes absolutely, the melee weapons didn’t track for me however apart from the cleaver
@@maguire13779 amazing, i did 5 opal tonight, with the lion sword trick, i finished all gold camos. So i think end of this week i got my favorite guns nebula. Cant wait, so done with it😂
@@maguire13779melee weapons are fussy with critical kills, doesn’t always count them properly. Luckily they’ve now changed the camo requirement for melee weapons to just kills, not critical kills
Thank god I found this video. I jst wana relax on getting camo. The oil trap seems waaaaay more easier to set up than other camo grind options. Very nice
If you stand right next to the oil in the corner, along the wall speed cola is by, you'll be able to stand without taking damage like the rail on the other oil trap
Nebula camo is a lot easier when you do the water valve piece on liberty, the vermin that spawn when you do the water valve step will count as elite zombie kills so get the bar nearly full and if u don’t have 10 kills yet just walk out, reset progress, then restart it.
Idk if this method has been patched but I have been doing the oil trap strat for the past hour and it has not counted towards the special zombie camos. Anything after the regular elite kills doesnt count any more I guess
Have you tried the lion sword glitch? Your game doesn’t crash at all and when you save and quit and relaunch that match, the glitch is still active, all you gotta do is restart the broach ritual
Could you explain how you are able to save and quit/leave and reneter the glitch. I’ve done the glitch many times with and without dragon sword, but don’t know how to save and quit.
@huntah1162 ^
@@pokewrecksz2413you can only save one time per round
I’ve found that you’re better off leaving and restarting if you can’t get a parasite in before rd 13. This is when the parasites will start turning into dopleghasts. If you can get it done before then you can spend abt 30 min on rds 6-12 each. I was able to get the new sniper nebula from nothing by rd 30 doing this and the lion sword special and elite spawn & oil trap + Molotov methods.
My mate showed me this on directed mode last night, managed to get like 4 guns done in under 2 hours. He then left me on my own and the train of zombies was insane and my Xbox was definitely struggling 🤣
Appreciate it man, I was gonna pull my hair out having to grind the headshots normally on Liberty Balls💀
With this strategy I was able to get the Nebula camo last week, it was fast and relaxing, no stress at all.
Besides, I always reached Round 100 strategically going through all 33 weapons in one match. (Afterlife for example).
How do you change your gun during the game
@furkan7201 Lucky with the Mystery Box
@@Mathiasxd148-ohhh so that’s how you do it😂😂😂 thanks now I know how to
That first headshot kill strat where it infinitely summons zombies and the round stays the same is a GAME CHANGER… I just wish I had known it before I was almost done getting all my critical kills… Thanks anyways though this was crazy helpful
only camos you cant get from this btw is any of the camos that require ammo mod kills
HI I love your videos, been watching since mw19
Thanks homie 🤝
You just earned a new sub! Great job explaining and making this super easy to understand you the goat!
It's a bit weird because i have vulture aid, it doesn't give me back molotovs often, even with deadshot sometimes the trap + molotov doesn't give me the critical kills, and i find the traps cooldown to be annoying to deal with
You have to use the augment that gives you your current tactical and lethals more often
Thank you so much for this, I have been bored to death waiting every round for 1 mangler
would the oil traps and molotovs also be a good high round strat?
Yes, I have modified the strategy and have been testing it for high rounds. I will have a video coming out in the next few days combining the mutant injection and oil trap strategy to get to round 100 in 2* ish hours
@@TechnicallyWild thank you ^_^ , looking forward to the video especially after i died on round 65 a couple days ago
@floating8016 I reached round 70 easily with this method, really easy and when the trap ends, pop a aether shroud or a kashmir (decoy is also good) go to the other side and repeat, easy round 100+
this method is also easy for camos, I got over 3000 headshots on my gs45 and over 80 special kills
so can we just do the oil and molotov thing instead of kiting around PAP with the parasite?
A lot of kills for me don’t count as critical kills only some are is there anyway to make sure almost all kills are critical? Is there and augment or something?
I’m getting this too
there is no method to getting more crits, just PAP and upgrade the rarity as much as you can
Nerfed? If I stand at the trap by speed cola I take damage from the fire
Only a matter of time until Treyarch unfortunately make it so kills from the oil trap won’t count towards camos
Hopefully they take an extra long holiday vacation
@@TechnicallyWildyeah I'm honestly glad they aren't patching everything in a week like they were when the game came out.
Hopefully, they add the option to change loadout and weapons in the game without having to exit and re-enter
If you are worried about different weapons, don’t forget there are wall buys and the mystery box
Yeah no they’re not gonna add this lmao 💀💀
Bros on to something
mystery box would be pointless tho
When i throw the Molotov at the ground it mostly says “trap kill” or “Molotov kill” and it’s kinda hard to do it with melee’s but it’s crazy good from what i see.
Make sure you have the dead shot daiquiri perk equipped or else you won’t see “critical kills”
You can actually jump up into the corner next to the hole where the zombies crawl out on the larger oil trap and not take damage.
And how to deal with the special camos before gold?
Hopefully on directed mode you can cap the rounds but still get infinite zombies lol
Does the molotov still work?
This really helps for the nebula ones! I didn’t know how I was gonna “farm” those ones without grinding to high levels which I do not do.. I usually exfil by 31-36.. 😆 so this is clutch! Thank you! I’ll just run back and forth when the trap ends? What level does it drop off where they spawn faster than the trap goes on cooldown?
You dont need to worry about keep anything alive if your doing it on directed mode. the level will be capped and you’ll just get even more zombies
now that directed mode came out is there a new start for opal? or the standard is still the move?
You can be invincible in the corner from the right when you leave the castle aswell and it‘s even the better spot because you cant get hit by the special zombies
Nvm should‘ve just watched it till the end haha
Would this work in directed mode cause they just added this map to directed mode if so the round would stay capped at let’s just say 12 would it be better or just the normal map.
I think it would because the patch notes didn't mention anything about the oil trap
Can confirm is still works
@ okay thanks for letting me know ima try it today
my camos are getting glitched and isnt working in the oil trap for the mastery challenges. even though i have the ammo mod installed for the challenge. i tried saving and rejoining, but still doesnt work. anyone else is getting this problem?
The oil trap doesn’t work with that camo challenge just save and quit and go into liberty falls with rampage inducer and once you get it just leave the game and join back the save you had in citadelle
@@derekivan04 ah fosho. ty ty
How do I prevent setting myself on fire when throwing the molotov into the trap? It seems sometimes when I activate the trap and throw a molotov I'm clear of the fire so you get minimal fire damage from the trap itself, other times I've been caught by the fire and then I end up downing myself, reviving myself, still being on fire and then being downer again to end the game. Any foolproof strats to ensure this doesnt happen?
Does the oil trap work for special camos ie. kill 30 parasites or 300 kills with ammo mod?
It does not work for hipfire kills and I also believe it doesn't work for ammo type kills. It works for everything else though
Yes to ammo mod?
@@aundreii151 No it does not count towards ammo mod challenges
You just pick up the lion sword and put it back down with a stamp to get parasites every round by the way
Got to round 344 doing this stat got over 30k critical kills
Can you use the Rampage inducer and get them even faster? I’ll try it myself one of these times but I’m curious how many more HS you can get and if it’s worth it
I'd say it worth using
Especially the higher rounds
What tactical should I use to unlock the lurking beast special camo for the pp919. I try the stunning grenades and it doesn't work. Unless I'm doing it wrong ? Lol
What are your settings?
I did the first strategy got like 1200 criticals which was amazing for this shit gun and I kept killing the parasites so I kept going higher and higher until I died at round 33 I think cause I was trying to do the second method and kinda messed up cause I had to change traps every time each one was on cooldown so yeah but still pretty good strategy thank u very much!!!!
Yeah directed mode you can still do the molotov strat cap it at round 10, easy mode lol
Does it still count kills as critical kills for your weapon? Also if you know, did they patch the constant spawing for the ornament? I'm not able to check right now thanks.
@@Gee3Oh still counts to critical kills, and the zombies keep coming, i capped it at round 10 so i have to chance to restock and let the oil "cool down" you can run around a little and a massive zombie train right through the fire
@@BulletESV Woah. So I can continue grinding Opal on standard mode? That's amazing. I will try soon and confirm. Thanks.
@@Gee3Oh Yeah lmk! im sticking to directed for the crit kills its really hard to die lol and you dont have to deal with elite zombies
What strat is this? Is it still working
You can also do another method without the parasite much less stressful in my opinion
oil trap counts for hip fire as well
would this work on melee weapons
Standard or directed?
Not able to interact with Krafft the door hatch wont open.... any suggestions?
It means he doesn’t like you.
Have u seen the oiltrap method
No, I only watched the fire 2 minutes of the video 😥
Lool i was 6 mins in when i wrote this
@@AbdulBaseeth767he got yo ass though.
@@TechnicallyWild Peoples' attention spans these days...
Is opal quicker with these methods though because at the minute I’m doing citadelle and save and quitting using parasites turning into doppelghasts
While using the oil traps I was getting 7-10 per round past round 65 and round take 1-2 minutes. When my game crashed and I loaded back in, I would get 10-12 doppelghasts AND an amalgam each time. If you purposely close your application near the end of round 70 each time you would get that amount of special and elite zombie kills in 3-4 min (give or take how long it takes to load back up into a game)
I also heard the parasites to doppelghast method got patched but never used it first hand.
I did this but I was scared to post anything bc I feel they will nerf it if it’s gets awareness
I'm personally going to stick with Terminus and Liberty Falls vids/methods because they have weathered the storm of could/should be patched. I'm going to call it now; the trial zombies for the swords are going to turn into S.A.M trial zombies to cut the points down, and those traps will be fixed.
Oh yeah I'm gonna abuse this method
the parasites getting in my way is so annoying
I got temporarily banned then 4 days later they reset my camos, level, and stats for doing this. I think the 100% accurate instakill headshots trigger the cheat detection.
with the trap what do i do just activate it and it will count towards camos what/.
Can someone help me get my nebula done? I been playing solo and just got nebula on the special gun i have no one to play with
It’s incredibly hard to pull off for some reason. I followed it but I get trapped in the end
it was difficult for me as well , try to pop x2 point before round 4/5 if u have gobble gum or if zombies drop one . buy all doors on the left side so before round 6 you have enough point for every door inside castle, u can get lucky nd get parasite round on round 11 or 10
How do you do every gun in one game
This is not new it’s been around ever since citadel first dropped also there is no wait time doing this on directed as the zombies continuously spawn even in between rounds it’s also much better since you don’t have to worry about keeping a parasite alive if you don’t want as the rounds will cap
Does this work on directed mode?
There is not directed mode for this map yet
It would be crap on directed mode anyway, the faster the zombies spawn the better this works. So if anything I'd say use rampage inducer. The trap also fills your aether shroud so you can use that to get between traps if needed.
How do you get molotovs without going down for so long I only last til like round 20 and they’re too fast at that point
Zombies in general is hard if you arent buying all the perks ASAP.
Vulture aid will help you get more dropped molotovs, and make sure to research the vulture aid augment if you wanna get pretty much guaranteed Molotov drops
Does it work for melee kills?
Dude this was an insanely difficult run the first three times (didnt help my game was lagging like crazy)
Special camos you need to play on liberty fall
Special manglers
Anyone elses parasite keep dying for no reason?
Yea, they die after some time has passed. I keep two parasites alive when I get the chance, and usually, 1 dies first. That way, I can continue the round longer
Last zombie/parasite will always die after about 15 mins of being alive.
Ahh alr thanks
Combine this strat with the oil trap strat and it will be even more broken, I can’t stop doing this
He does, did you not watch the video??
@ I did lol I commented this before I watched the entire thing 😂
Lowkey wanna unlock Nebula…
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Wow 1,000 times Thank you!!!!!
This still work?
Damn is that gold tiger from warzone 😮?
I got nebula nothing is faster than doing it on liberty falls on directed I did it in a week and I was on holiday
Thanks for uploading, now it's nerfed and doesn't work. To make matters worse I'm only half way through the grind N now I'm not sure if I'll ever make it to nebula because of the nerf
Yeah I just tried it and I get caught on fire as well standing there
Just use your grenade and make a crawler. As long as the crawler doesn’t die, you can continue
W info, I never thought/heard of this method
You have to make sure the crawler hits you now and agian so he doesn't despawn.
@@TechnicallyWild I used to do that a lot before I started using the lion sword room method to glitch the spawns and stop the rounds from flipping. It's pretty good but still better to have parasites as they don't hit you anywhere near as much, and you can generally just stand in doorways and they stay out of your way.
Heres me playing 3 days running just to get SMGs opal 🤣🤣
Idk why but the window for Krafft never opens for me to talk to him, even after I set up packopunch it still doesn’t let me talk to me? Any help?
That's weird. Once pack a punch is open try lining up your cross hair with the hatch that opens when you talk to him. Also double check in your controller and key board settings what your interact button is binded. Also in the advanced gameplay settings try setting tap to reload to tap to interact (setting I use).
The only other reason I could think about is a broken controller but I doubt that is your case.
@ wow! This helped A LOT. Thank you!!! I got it.
Good method, but I really dislike how this strategy essentially requires you to sit still for 5 hours and already have every single camo before nebula on every other gun in BO6
You can use this method for every camo challenge in the game (except a small amount that doesn’t work with the oil trap) you don’t need nebula to get camos extremely fast. Also Nebula took me about 1.75 hours to unlock in one game (game time, not including down time from game crashes)
The raven incantation is faster and its next to the pack a punch
Hey - Love the vids and guides. Dumb question but how did you get your screen setup with the round number at the bottom left like that? Would help me a ton in my setup!
did it get patched today?
No it’s still working
0:02 the zombie looked like it dodged the shot.
She was trying to stand on business
Round 73 for nebula one gun.. X 33 guns
I did all gold and diamond to today legit… is it really this bad for you to just play the game a bit? Informative and good video 👍🏻
I don't really care about camos the only reason i got nebula was for the XP.
your voice so fresh bro 😎
Is the Molotov method patched?
You could have just started the video with "cheese it"
Is it patched yet?
it will most likely be patched in tomorrows update, use it while you can
Giving me sbp vibes
The oil trap gets me 7/8 afterlife camos per game, After i got the headshots and opal (took me two months) (i have a job) everything has been crazy simple and easy
Just do the lion sword glitch