It’s funny because I have contemplated this a lot lately. Books, books and more books… I love books. However, the daily morning prayer to St. Joseph, daily rosary and weekly Adoration have been much more beneficial. God bless you and your viewers 😊
@@BiblicalBookwormdarker red lipstick looks better on you as does the square ~ oval glasses & the eyebrow arches. I open up my heart to him in sighs & prayer ( silent mostly ) .... You would have been a great beauty & catholic in the mid 2nd A.D millennium.....
Love this and hope this means you be doing more videos like this in the future. Yeah, the litany of humility definitely works... don't ask me how I know LOL
Heheh Yes, I'm planning to keep making videos around the broad topic "how to be a saint", other theological topics and also apologetics. For me all of that is important and interesting and I'll try to keep a healthy balance. 😊
Good video Elizabeth, the importance of prayer (communication) in strengthening our relationship with God. Reminds me of a scene in the Chose, Jesus and Our Blessed Mother as she washes His hair. It’s a back a forth, down to earth, conversation, touching on serious and at times funny issues. In the end, it was the time they both spent together.
@@BiblicalBookworm In that case, this is the scene I referenced: "Jesus had a mom, too (Season 4)" Link:
Thank you, Elisabeth. I love this video very much. It’s a short talk but filled with good thoughts, insights, answers, references, explanations. You have the talent to put very much content in a very short time. I love your focus on prayer. I agree with what you say. It seems to me that prayer is the central activity in everyone’s relationship with God. Even if you don’t ask for anything, you can still open the connection to God. He will be there to listen and speak to you. I will watch this video a few more times, to take everything in. 🙂 Dank je wel. Ik bid voor Gods zegen voor jou. Joost
You look beautiful as always.. thank you for encouraging me to pray to God for the grace to be a saint. I still pray for you. I hope your studies are going great. 😊🧁
Mr. Herrera! Good to hear from you again! Thank you for praying for me! I'm praying for you too! Yes, the studies are going great, for university, this channel and also some completely unrelated stuff that I like to learn about! 😊
@@BiblicalBookworm Thank you for your prayers. I am happy to hear you are moving forward with all your plans and goals. I am sure you are very happy with your progress. I am struggling with a lot of changes in my life. Change is always a challenge. I’m hanging in there, thank God. Please pray I get more hours for my job. Thank you ☺️
Yes, true, and many thanks for presenting this truth so crystal clear and with your usual cheer. One concern I do have is this: how can one be sure to sufficiently deeply "believe in one's heart" in all essential things concerning Him. If one had an epiphany no shred of doubt in one's own sincerity may exist, but in absence of such an event, there re-emerges from time to time this 1% nagging thought, not that the resurrection is not a fact, no, but that my faith in it is not complete and incontrovertible bedrock. I may flagellate myself to prove my faith and yet feel it is not enough..., as may have happened to the Apostles to the Slavs, and may occur to anyone facing this spiritual struggle. How do you handle it?
Thank you for sharing your concern! What matters is that we try our best and ask God to help us! I would recommend this book: It's more about the question whether one loves God enough but I think that the content can be analogously applied to your question.
Yes, I totally agree with you that it is very true that spending time on humility and prayers rather than studying apologetics is much more important. My Protestant friends are always trying to sucker me into wasting time responding to their criticisms against my Catholic Faith. I just tell them I know they are wrong and do not wish to waste my time on apologetics and THUS tell them to go to the internet if they are seriously looking for the Catholic responses to their trash INSTEAD OF wanting to argue just to stoke their own pride and egos by falsely believing they know or got their so called TRUTH.
I don't invest time with them either. I used to, and it never accomplished a thing. I pray for the conversion of sinners, thus for them and myself at the same time, although for slightly different sins.
Merci pour cette petite vidéo sur la prière et l'humilité. Voici une citation de Paul Claudel : "L'humilité est une source non seulement de vertu, mais de bonne humeur." ❤
I think most everyone in the world is becoming aware of the importance of prayer. While I myself am not fully catholic, but multi religious. I do find prayer and many cases like it to be the absolute true form of sanctity, and everyone in the world can come together through this, even beyond planets and stars alike.
Great video, it summarizes very well the use of knowledge. It is widely available online, but we need to put it intro practice for The Kingdom. Also the last passage, it looks to me like sola scriptura and the Eucharist in the Church. P.S. Is that "The Intelligent Investor" book on the left side?
Thank you! What do you mean with the last passage? I don't fully understand what you're getting there at. And yes, that is "The Intelligent Investor" 😂👌
@@BiblicalBookworm Glad I spotted it! "You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;" (Someone who has a Sola Scriptura approach. "Yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life." The Catholic Church that holds the Eucharist and how some Protestants reject it. Just the way I saw it when I read it a while ago.
1st Thessalonians 5verse16,17,18 *"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks"* (when it says "pray without ceasing, it sounds like someone constantly in communion with God and similar to someone you're hanging out with every hour).
Jesus kind of weirded His disciples out when He said unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood you have no life in you" He then said, "Life is in the spirit and the flesh profits nothing. My words they are spirit and they are life." I don't think that Jesus meant that you must literally eat My flesh drink My blood. When I take communion the bread represents Jesus's body broken on my behalf and this grape juice is not literally Jesus's blood. But it symbolizes His sacrifice on the cross and if I don't discern that then I am not taking the Lord's supper in a worthy manner. Thank you about the words on humility. I recognize I need to do so now.
Yes, he did weird them out (John 6:60). Then he doubled down on what he had said (John 6:61), critisized their lack of faith (John 6:62-65) and was abandoned by many of his disciples after this teaching (John 6:66). Scott Hahn argues in his book "Rome Sweet Home" that Jesus would have had a moral obligation to correct the misunderstanding if it had been a misunderstanding. But he did not correct them.
Once again thank you for this Elisabeth! One thing that I have learnt about prayer is the importance of praying for ones' enemies, or at least people you don't get along with. This isn't always easy to do but one thing I have noticed is how God softens the heart towards these people. The results can be beautiful with such wonderful things as peace and reconciliation occurring. This certainly helps to build up the Church as the communion of saints. God bless you in all that you do! 🙂🙏
I was trained by God, Mary was giving me words to say, I was given a greater mind, this mind told me the truth, as no one can know the secrets, no one figures it out
Greetings Lady Elizabeth, Thoughts :- -> Review Insights reflect with, "The Core Catholic Values of Penentience and Reconciliation with Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects." -> Simple, Eloquent Words. Good. Thanks. -> St. Ignatius of Loyola and St.Thomas Aquinas Scriptural Works greatly helps by all means. With regards, Ranjith Joseph (R.J)
Read this book Super sense , Faith is the sixth sense by William Marrion Branham.. These two books are sermons preached by William Marrion Branham and it was recorded in Audio format, it is in UA-cam. Must read & I believe you'll love it.
Also I have an extensive list of early Christians who believed in faith alone, including Clement of Rome, with references, if you are interested. They often literally said " faith alone". My list has continuity from Clement of Rome all the way up to the reformation, showing it not to be a made up doctrine, but a somewhat lost one alas. Respectfully, Ian.
There is a duality that exists between faith and good works. The two are inseparable. Just as an engine cannot run without fuel, fuel in itself has no use if there is no engine into which it can be placed. There is an order of precedence here, first comes salvation through faith, then the good works follow. But to maintain the validity of that salvation, good works must continue.
Great video Elisabeth, one of my favorite of your videos thus far! Are you wearing a new lipstick? You look really pretty. Youre naturally beautiful but I noticed your lips
@@BiblicalBookworm oh lol, silly me. You were glowing today and you made me blush so I wanted to compliment you❤ Good job! Cant wait for your next video
Father gave me a waking vision of in the clouds, HE let me see how FEW have a relationship with Jesus. In the clouds it looked big enough for hundreds maybe thousands. That means MANY are "Christian" by name ONLY. MANY have already traded an eternity of bliss for momentary pleasures.
@@BiblicalBookworm Pretty sure decisions have already been made. That's why Father let me see. Can't make someone have a relationship with Jesus. Pride will indeed land MANY in the lake of fire.
@@BiblicalBookworm My family saw me survive miracle after miracle yet I'm the only Christian. They are mad at God but would never admit it. Just like atheists that are out to hurt Father by taking HIS children. Same thing the devil does. It's sad but ALL had numerous chances.
What inspired you to create this video? Also, doesn't the Sermon on the Mount imply you should keep prayer brief (not 'many words' like the Pagans) and no need to be hung up on specific appeals (since 'your Father knows of your needs already').
Many things came togheter that inspired this video. The comments under my previous video, an examination of conscience, a Sunday sermon in my church and also in prayer during one of the masses last week. Yes, you're right, prayer should be simple. So we should pray like we're talking to a friend.
The problem with fancy Christology and theology, while interesting intellectual pursuits (to satisfy our curiosity), is how they make things unnecessarily complicated and us prone to overthink things. Believing in and praying to Christ is not difficult, in fact what could be simpler? It's important to reember that as Christians we're not pursuing PhD's in theology, and that salvation is fundamentally not an intellectual pursuit. In fact I often think of the Hebrew parable of the shepherd who puts out milk for God every night, which illustrates how deep theological understanding is not necessary and is often trumped by naive acts.
Thank you for sharing your opinion! You're right, complex theology might overcomplicate things for some people, but I think that for others this is the way to clear up their actual questions/doubts. So for some people engaging in complicated theology is actually necessary but still it's important to pray as well. 🙏
I always found Mary to be the speedway or highway to Jesus. In a manner of speaking, holding the Eucharist up, during the offertory, I imagine “twisting God’s arm”, in a dumb, human way of speaking, like, “I’m such a disgusting worm, a sinner, oh Lord, but look! Your beloved Son, of whom you are well pleased!” As I hide my sinful nature behind the host, lol, the speed way to God, Jesus host, as when asking your friends mom, for favor of her son, Mary, my speed way, to her Son, my Jesus. As He is to the Father, silly, but in my silly human way of speaking ❤
Human sacrifice and drinking blood, I just can’t reconcile why it’s allowed in Christianity but condemned / judged in other “primitive” cultures and past times.
Another really good and informative video. Thank you! I liked that you finished on humility, and explained it for me - "humility is gained through humiliating experiences" and we should pray for this. Its amazing because when I remember my humilating experiences, thats when I feel the sting of pride. My instinct is to look away. I should offer them to God and let them pass through my soul. Dont the Orthodox have this concept of being a "fool for Christ"? Also it is true that we need to put the cerebral approach of proving God in its proper place. We can see how the great scientists struggle and despair and remember Jesus's words: “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes." God should be as accessible to a baby and the village idiot as the successful and wise. In fact he is more accessible.
I cried out to God, but He didn't answer me. He turned His back on me first. Nevertheless, I am open to any gods who want a relationship with me, all they need to do is reach out.
Jesus seeks lost sheep, He leaves the 99 and goes after the one lost sheep. Jesus finds us. There is no need to fear, there is never a panic in Heaven. Do not fear books, or reading.
Your so technical about what the NT actually says, then how do you claim membership in an organization that suffocates and misrepresents it’s teachings? Every and all religions are opposed to the gospel. Individual prayer IS all we have. The gospel gets some of us to that point, but it is us that must face God alone. To ask, to improve, to convert into something that can enter into His realm, after we leave here. Pre-made prayers, praying to saints, even to Christ won’t work, only one is listening. Saying “do you get it?” “do you understand?” Are you actually learning anything, and having the nature of Christ (which is really Gods) become your nature, not a fake nature you put on when you attend church. Humans don’t change really the just come to realizations the right Godly realizations. You seem genuine, but the eucharistical nonsense will only lead people off the path they should be on. That video is funny, in that the priest is so blind to the truth, and he misses it. Just like the Pharisees with, The Christ, standing right in front of them but they cannot recognize it. Some people need religion to help them in some ways yes, but the question is at some point after realizing one thing after another how could you possibly continue to go back. Some are better than others, yet even still that point will come.
Very true. How many times I have watched podcasts debates for hours rather than praying.
Me too 🥶
It’s funny because I have contemplated this a lot lately. Books, books and more books… I love books. However, the daily morning prayer to St. Joseph, daily rosary and weekly Adoration have been much more beneficial. God bless you and your viewers 😊
God bless you too!
@@BiblicalBookworm thank you!
@@BiblicalBookwormdarker red lipstick looks better on you as does the square ~ oval glasses & the eyebrow arches.
I open up my heart to him in sighs & prayer ( silent mostly ) ....
You would have been a great beauty & catholic in the mid 2nd A.D millennium.....
Love this and hope this means you be doing more videos like this in the future. Yeah, the litany of humility definitely works... don't ask me how I know LOL
Yes, I'm planning to keep making videos around the broad topic "how to be a saint", other theological topics and also apologetics. For me all of that is important and interesting and I'll try to keep a healthy balance. 😊
This is so true! I was given a generous piece of humble pie🤣
Thank you. I always learn something from your posts. You’re an inspiration. God Bless
Glad to hear that! God bless you too!
Good video Elizabeth, the importance of prayer (communication) in strengthening our relationship with God. Reminds me of a scene in the Chose, Jesus and Our Blessed Mother as she washes His hair. It’s a back a forth, down to earth, conversation, touching on serious and at times funny issues. In the end, it was the time they both spent together.
Thank you for sharing! I actually haven't watched the Chosen. 🙃
@@BiblicalBookworm In that case, this is the scene I referenced: "Jesus had a mom, too (Season 4)" Link:
Great video Elizabeth, thank you, God bless you 🙏
Thank you! God bless you too Mr. Alvarez!
@@BiblicalBookworm Thank you Elizabeth 😊
Thank you, Elisabeth. I love this video very much. It’s a short talk but filled with good thoughts, insights, answers, references, explanations. You have the talent to put very much content in a very short time.
I love your focus on prayer. I agree with what you say. It seems to me that prayer is the central activity in everyone’s relationship with God. Even if you don’t ask for anything, you can still open the connection to God. He will be there to listen and speak to you.
I will watch this video a few more times, to take everything in. 🙂
Dank je wel. Ik bid voor Gods zegen voor jou.
Thank you for your kind comment!
God bless you too, Joost!
Thanks. One of your best videos. Always good.
I'm glad that you liked it! 😊
Yep. Asking for knowledge is the key. Great video.
Not necessarily asking for knowledge, rather asking for sanctity! But yes, asking (=praying) is the key!
@@BiblicalBookworm Sorry more like wisdom. Essentially Jacobs Ladder. Ladder of Paradise. Lectio Divina. Reading, Meditation, Prayer, & Contemplation. It's all prayer.
Wow. Awesome! A lot to meditate on, pray about and apply 😬😁🙏
+ Loved the part about praying for humility. Absolutely true 😂
You look lovely and respectful..God bless you and your service
God bless you too!
Excellent. Well done.
Thank you! 😊
I loved this. Keep them coming please ❤
I'm glad to hear that you liked it! 😊
You look beautiful as always.. thank you for encouraging me to pray to God for the grace to be a saint. I still pray for you. I hope your studies are going great. 😊🧁
Mr. Herrera! Good to hear from you again!
Thank you for praying for me! I'm praying for you too!
Yes, the studies are going great, for university, this channel and also some completely unrelated stuff that I like to learn about! 😊
Thank you for your prayers. I am happy to hear you are moving forward with all your plans and goals. I am sure you are very happy with your progress. I am struggling with a lot of changes in my life. Change is always a challenge. I’m hanging in there, thank God. Please pray I get more hours for my job. Thank you ☺️
@@mattherrera2659 🙏
Thank you. Have ordered yet more books... Also like the quote at the end.
Thank you for watching until the end! 😊
@@BiblicalBookworm Not sure there is much point in skipping the end... But you are welcome all the same.
@@BiblicalBookworm Incidentally I fear my faith is based to much on an intellectual faith and not enough of a burning in the heart.
@@BensWorkshop whether faith is intellectual or emotional doesn't matter! Loving God is a decision and not an emotion. Either way, prayer is crucial!
@@BiblicalBookworm Yes, prayer is essential, I agree with that.
I needed this today. 😭
Nicely done. Pray, love, surrender to God is the right way...
Great video 👍
Thanks! 🌺
You do have a good knowledge of Scripture!😊 I thought Catholics do not believe in reading scripture for themselves. But you do! Wow!
I try my best! 😊
Yes, true, and many thanks for presenting this truth so crystal clear and with your usual cheer. One concern I do have is this: how can one be sure to sufficiently deeply "believe in one's heart" in all essential things concerning Him. If one had an epiphany no shred of doubt in one's own sincerity may exist, but in absence of such an event, there re-emerges from time to time this 1% nagging thought, not that the resurrection is not a fact, no, but that my faith in it is not complete and incontrovertible bedrock. I may flagellate myself to prove my faith and yet feel it is not enough..., as may have happened to the Apostles to the Slavs, and may occur to anyone facing this spiritual struggle. How do you handle it?
Thank you for sharing your concern! What matters is that we try our best and ask God to help us!
I would recommend this book: It's more about the question whether one loves God enough but I think that the content can be analogously applied to your question.
@@BiblicalBookworm Thank you greatly for your advice. I think this is a track to follow up on. Best wishes, and Blessings!
@@maync1 God bless you too!
Yes, I totally agree with you that it is very true that spending time on humility and prayers rather than studying apologetics is much more important. My Protestant friends are always trying to sucker me into wasting time responding to their criticisms against my Catholic Faith. I just tell them I know they are wrong and do not wish to waste my time on apologetics and THUS tell them to go to the internet if they are seriously looking for the Catholic responses to their trash INSTEAD OF wanting to argue just to stoke their own pride and egos by falsely believing they know or got their so called TRUTH.
I don't invest time with them either. I used to, and it never accomplished a thing.
I pray for the conversion of sinners, thus for them and myself at the same time, although for slightly different sins.
Thank You so much for kindly sharing ways to holiness, Elizabeth.
Imho you really figure it out :), thanks for this video! Blessings...
Thank you, I try my best! God bless you too! 🌺
Nice.. Thank you sister 🙏 😇 God bless you 🙏
You're welcome! God bless you too!
Woah, I just read this passage 5 mins ago. Providence!
Merci pour cette petite vidéo sur la prière et l'humilité. Voici une citation de Paul Claudel : "L'humilité est une source non seulement de vertu, mais de bonne humeur." ❤
Good video ,my second fav of yours
Thanks! 🌺
I think most everyone in the world is becoming aware of the importance of prayer. While I myself am not fully catholic, but multi religious. I do find prayer and many cases like it to be the absolute true form of sanctity, and everyone in the world can come together through this, even beyond planets and stars alike.
Amen! 🙏
Great video, it summarizes very well the use of knowledge. It is widely available online, but we need to put it intro practice for The Kingdom. Also the last passage, it looks to me like sola scriptura and the Eucharist in the Church.
P.S. Is that "The Intelligent Investor" book on the left side?
Thank you!
What do you mean with the last passage? I don't fully understand what you're getting there at.
And yes, that is "The Intelligent Investor" 😂👌
@@BiblicalBookworm Glad I spotted it!
"You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me;" (Someone who has a Sola Scriptura approach. "Yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life." The Catholic Church that holds the Eucharist and how some Protestants reject it.
Just the way I saw it when I read it a while ago.
1st Thessalonians 5verse16,17,18 *"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks"* (when it says "pray without ceasing, it sounds like someone constantly in communion with God and similar to someone you're hanging out with every hour).
Jesus kind of weirded His disciples out when He said unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood you have no life in you" He then said, "Life is in the spirit and the flesh profits nothing. My words they are spirit and they are life." I don't think that Jesus meant that you must literally eat My flesh drink My blood. When I take communion the bread represents Jesus's body broken on my behalf and this grape juice is not literally Jesus's blood. But it symbolizes His sacrifice on the cross and if I don't discern that then I am not taking the Lord's supper in a worthy manner. Thank you about the words on humility. I recognize I need to do so now.
Yes, he did weird them out (John 6:60). Then he doubled down on what he had said (John 6:61), critisized their lack of faith (John 6:62-65) and was abandoned by many of his disciples after this teaching (John 6:66). Scott Hahn argues in his book "Rome Sweet Home" that Jesus would have had a moral obligation to correct the misunderstanding if it had been a misunderstanding. But he did not correct them.
@@BiblicalBookworm Maybe he meant poultry, beef and pork?
Prettiest bookworm I've ever seen 😄
i would never ask for humility: he does that without my permission.
Once again thank you for this Elisabeth! One thing that I have learnt about prayer is the importance of praying for ones' enemies, or at least people you don't get along with. This isn't always easy to do but one thing I have noticed is how God softens the heart towards these people. The results can be beautiful with such wonderful things as peace and reconciliation occurring. This certainly helps to build up the Church as the communion of saints. God bless you in all that you do! 🙂🙏
Thanks for the reminder! You're right, I should start doing that more!
I was trained by God, Mary was giving me words to say, I was given a greater mind, this mind told me the truth, as no one can know the secrets, no one figures it out
Greetings Lady Elizabeth,
Thoughts :-
-> Review Insights reflect with, "The Core Catholic Values of Penentience and Reconciliation with Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects."
-> Simple, Eloquent Words. Good. Thanks.
-> St. Ignatius of Loyola and St.Thomas Aquinas Scriptural Works greatly helps by all means.
With regards,
Ranjith Joseph (R.J)
Thank you for sharing! Interesting that you mention St. Ignatius, I was contemplating to include smth about him in the video actually
Read this book Super sense , Faith is the sixth sense by William Marrion Branham..
These two books are sermons preached by William Marrion Branham and it was recorded in Audio format, it is in UA-cam.
Must read & I believe you'll love it.
Also I have an extensive list of early Christians who believed in faith alone, including Clement of Rome, with references, if you are interested. They often literally said " faith alone". My list has continuity from Clement of Rome all the way up to the reformation, showing it not to be a made up doctrine, but a somewhat lost one alas. Respectfully, Ian.
I don't need humility! I'm already perfectly humble! 😉
New sub 😊 love the Christian content ✝️
There is a duality that exists between faith and good works. The two are inseparable. Just as an engine cannot run without fuel, fuel in itself has no use if there is no engine into which it can be placed. There is an order of precedence here, first comes salvation through faith, then the good works follow. But to maintain the validity of that salvation, good works must continue.
Great video Elisabeth, one of my favorite of your videos thus far! Are you wearing a new lipstick? You look really pretty. Youre naturally beautiful but I noticed your lips
I'm happy to hear that you liked the video!
I wear the same lipstick in basically all of my videos 🙃
@@BiblicalBookworm oh lol, silly me. You were glowing today and you made me blush so I wanted to compliment you❤ Good job! Cant wait for your next video
Father gave me a waking vision of in the clouds, HE let me see how FEW have a relationship with Jesus. In the clouds it looked big enough for hundreds maybe thousands. That means MANY are "Christian" by name ONLY. MANY have already traded an eternity of bliss for momentary pleasures.
Let's pray for them! 🙏
@@BiblicalBookworm Pretty sure decisions have already been made. That's why Father let me see. Can't make someone have a relationship with Jesus. Pride will indeed land MANY in the lake of fire.
@@BiblicalBookworm My family saw me survive miracle after miracle yet I'm the only Christian. They are mad at God but would never admit it. Just like atheists that are out to hurt Father by taking HIS children. Same thing the devil does. It's sad but ALL had numerous chances.
Have you believed the gospel? The gospel is that Jesus died on the cross for your sins was buried and rose again the third day
What inspired you to create this video?
Also, doesn't the Sermon on the Mount imply you should keep prayer brief (not 'many words' like the Pagans) and no need to be hung up on specific appeals (since 'your Father knows of your needs already').
Many things came togheter that inspired this video. The comments under my previous video, an examination of conscience, a Sunday sermon in my church and also in prayer during one of the masses last week.
Yes, you're right, prayer should be simple. So we should pray like we're talking to a friend.
The problem with fancy Christology and theology, while interesting intellectual pursuits (to satisfy our curiosity), is how they make things unnecessarily complicated and us prone to overthink things. Believing in and praying to Christ is not difficult, in fact what could be simpler? It's important to reember that as Christians we're not pursuing PhD's in theology, and that salvation is fundamentally not an intellectual pursuit. In fact I often think of the Hebrew parable of the shepherd who puts out milk for God every night, which illustrates how deep theological understanding is not necessary and is often trumped by naive acts.
Thank you for sharing your opinion!
You're right, complex theology might overcomplicate things for some people, but I think that for others this is the way to clear up their actual questions/doubts. So for some people engaging in complicated theology is actually necessary but still it's important to pray as well. 🙏
I always found Mary to be the speedway or highway to Jesus. In a manner of speaking, holding the Eucharist up, during the offertory, I imagine “twisting God’s arm”, in a dumb, human way of speaking, like, “I’m such a disgusting worm, a sinner, oh Lord, but look! Your beloved Son, of whom you are well pleased!” As I hide my sinful nature behind the host, lol, the speed way to God, Jesus host, as when asking your friends mom, for favor of her son, Mary, my speed way, to her Son, my Jesus. As He is to the Father, silly, but in my silly human way of speaking ❤
Human sacrifice and drinking blood, I just can’t reconcile why it’s allowed in Christianity but condemned / judged in other “primitive” cultures and past times.
Another really good and informative video. Thank you!
I liked that you finished on humility, and explained it for me - "humility is gained through humiliating experiences" and we should pray for this. Its amazing because when I remember my humilating experiences, thats when I feel the sting of pride. My instinct is to look away. I should offer them to God and let them pass through my soul. Dont the Orthodox have this concept of being a "fool for Christ"?
Also it is true that we need to put the cerebral approach of proving God in its proper place. We can see how the great scientists struggle and despair and remember Jesus's words:
“I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."
God should be as accessible to a baby and the village idiot as the successful and wise. In fact he is more accessible.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
reading is oil for the lamp
I cried out to God, but He didn't answer me.
He turned His back on me first.
Nevertheless, I am open to any gods who want a relationship with me, all they need to do is reach out.
Jesus seeks lost sheep, He leaves the 99 and goes after the one lost sheep. Jesus finds us. There is no need to fear, there is never a panic in Heaven. Do not fear books, or reading.
Not many theologians are saints… not many saints are theologians..
God breaks promises like the USA breaks treaties.
B s
Your so technical about what the NT actually says, then how do you claim membership in an organization that suffocates and misrepresents it’s teachings? Every and all religions are opposed to the gospel. Individual prayer IS all we have. The gospel gets some of us to that point, but it is us that must face God alone. To ask, to improve, to convert into something that can enter into His realm, after we leave here. Pre-made prayers, praying to saints, even to Christ won’t work, only one is listening. Saying “do you get it?” “do you understand?” Are you actually learning anything, and having the nature of Christ (which is really Gods) become your nature, not a fake nature you put on when you attend church. Humans don’t change really the just come to realizations the right Godly realizations. You seem genuine, but the eucharistical nonsense will only lead people off the path they should be on. That video is funny, in that the priest is so blind to the truth, and he misses it. Just like the Pharisees with, The Christ, standing right in front of them but they cannot recognize it. Some people need religion to help them in some ways yes, but the question is at some point after realizing one thing after another how could you possibly continue to go back. Some are better than others, yet even still that point will come.
😂😂 so true about the humility prayer 😂 and i said same thing " take it just a little easy on me please" litany of humility 👍