I had heard the NBSR units were being converted to ECO and returning to NBSR. Just looking for the real story on these. I would expect them to either be returned, or they get new ones (to them) in place of these. These 3 are going to take the best part of a year to rebuild, and NBSR needs these and more, so it makes more sense that they would lease replacements immediately.
Nice nighttime catch there great view lighting was perfect. Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week
@@tracksidemike thank you very much
I had heard the NBSR units were being converted to ECO and returning to NBSR. Just looking for the real story on these. I would expect them to either be returned, or they get new ones (to them) in place of these. These 3 are going to take the best part of a year to rebuild, and NBSR needs these and more, so it makes more sense that they would lease replacements immediately.
@stargazer_100 good point, they may go back to NBSR
Lucky Catch