+william stanley For Nurgle I thought more of "rotting cage of biomatter", ravages of the destroyer could be a reference to Khaine (the only surviving Eldar God).
The weakness of the mind - Heresy The lies of the antipath - Tzeentch The rage of the beast - Khorne The ravages of the destroyer - Nurgle (he's repeatedly called the Great Destroyer in the novels) The temptations of the fleshlord - Slaanesh This rotting cage of biomatter - Human mortality
They're quoting someone from the Iron Hands and the Dogma Mechanicus. They're actual quotes from the fluff. Whether this makes them lazy or awesome is up to the viewer.
Considering most of the HMKids' songs are written carefully and not just copied, I'd say having a few songs with chanting from the lore itself is hardly laziness.
Just updated my Nvidia video card drivers even though I wasn't having any issues with my games. The Omnissiah was telling me not to do it. I could hear him warning me from the oosphere, but I did anyway. So the Nvidia driver update does its thing and after my system reboots my second monitor wasn't working. After trying several things nothing would work so I reverted to System Restore. I praised the Omnissiah the entire time. By the grace of the Omnissiah and through the sacred spirit of my venerable machine, both monitors are now back up and running. Praise the Omnissiah!
I swear, just because I spend a lot of time on the laptop due to my job, my friends think I am some Tech Priest that can magically solve the viruses that have destroyed their computers. Machine Spirit protect them...
From the weakness of the mind, omnissiah save us From the lies of the antipath, circuit preserve us From the rage of the beast, iron protect us From the temptations of the fleshlord, silica cleanse us From the ravages of the destroyer, anima shield us From this rotting cage of biomatter machine god set us free There is no truth in flesh only betryal there is no strength in flesh only weakness there is no constancy in flesh only decay there is no certainty in flesh but death
In libations of Holy Oil, I bathe thee. I pray you fire true. With sweeps of blessed cloth, I clean you. Watch over me Omnissiah as I bring justice to your enemies.
You job was to replace body parts with machinery? (though this seriously may be the case, e.g. there are people the lost their limb(s) and had them replaced with robotic ones, so presumably there is a job to build, test and maintain such robotic limbs)
Want to know how awesome mankind's tech was during the Dark Age of Technology? They got starships with hyperaccurate chronocannons capable to cripple an eldar cruiser in ONE shot.
Когда запускаешь Генту необходимо помолится Богу-Машине, ну или как обычно краш. Обязательное условие, сто пудов. Рекомендую молится каждый раз перед бэкапом.
Xodis99 The binary code is going to fuck you right in the brain, like the propagandia of Imperial Guard, but in most effective. Welcome to Adeptus Mechanicus.
Peter Smith Come on! The Adeptus Mechanicus share similarities to the Anti-Spirals. Based off the song above, they prefer to be mechanical over organic so they could last and think flesh is pathetic and worthless. The Anti-Spirals are nihilists who killed off other Spiral Races to ensure that they can't use Spiral Energy and bring out the Spiral Nemesis. The Anti-Spirals also rendered themselves unable to produce Spiral Energy, which requires helical DNA to produce.
No i realised it... He is simply reading up lines from "the holy book of the omnisiah" (better known as a manual) And his voice is autotuned because that was the best tech they could salvage
Чем старше становишься, тем идея приобщиться к Механикум становится соблазнительнее, что предсказуемо. Но это одновременно отвергает возможность для человека измениться и противостоять Пагубным Силам иным способом.
@@brayanhustler93 Выбрал путь такой. Крутой, посылаешь инквизиторов на хрен, нагибаешь демонов, круче только яйца Императора. А потом проснулся обосранным в бараке перед двадцатичасовой сменой на мануфакторуме.
@@abyrwalgg Бро, ты уже в Прекрасном Империуме Будущего. Расскажи, как тебе передать каши из ку-прометиума, а также спичек? Наш неравнодушный товарищ за миску этой каши ногу отдал.
о великий дух моего ПК к тебе взываю снизь пожалуста температуру видеокарты когда я играю в ведьмак 3.а то 90 градусов это много ты же сам периодический отрубаешся из за этого аминь!
+mdark Shelter Ты не правильно молишься дху твоего компьютера. Правильная молитва найдена опытным путём поколениями поклоняющихся духу компьютеров. 1. Набрать в гугле, как улучшить охлаждение видеокарты 2. Почитать 3. ПОнадобится специальный ритуалный инвентарь типа ножовка по металу или дрели 4 Покупаем мощный кулер или ничего не покупаем. 5. Делаем много дырок в корпусе не повреждая начинку 5.1 Ставим куллер на болты с дырками под болты проделанные дрелью или не ставим, если не покупали. 6 Закрываем дырки изнутри марлей. 7. Наслаждаемся
Lyrics: I hear the machine's spirit voice A challenge worthy of my skin No flesh shall be spared From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us From the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us From the temptations of the Flash lord, silica cleanse us From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us From this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free Omnissiah Omnissiah There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal There is no strength in flesh, only weakness There is no Constancy in flesh, only decay There is no certainty in flesh but d**h From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us From the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us From the temptations of the Flash lord, silica cleanse us From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us From this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free Omnissiah Omnissiah
no one is quite sure but there is a belief that the void dragon is the night bringer of one of the last four c'tan in the galaxy the gods that the necron pledge themsleves (this is my best guess by this)
The Omnissiah is really the last C'tan Star-God in the galaxy, the same one the Necrons pray to. There were some disturbances in a giant cave in Mars, and some egghead wanted to melta-bomb the tunnel shut (unwittingly waking the "Omnissiah" if he'd succeeded), but the Mechanicum opted to seal it with lots of ferrocrete. Hope I cleared stuff up.
Тем не менее - в условиях вахи попытки разобраться самостоятельно займут у них слишком много времени (да глядя на литературу, а в частности - "Механикус", я бы сказал что фундаментальных знаний, в отрыве от конкретных приборов - у них, пожалуй, меньше чем сейчас). А на работу в фундаментальном плане нужны ресурсы. Только вот хрен им их выделят, если и попросят - какая, к херам, наука которая дойдёт до годного уровня лет так тысяч за 10, если прямо сейчас для отражения атаки тиранид, по рассчётам - нужно 600% населения :-) Так что единственный оставшийся выход - пытаться отыскать древний бекап. Притом не заражённый во времена эпохи раздора или ереси Хоруса, а также не управляемый поехавшим демонам, как титан в книжке про серых рыцарей.
***** Зачем нужна стимуляция остатков организма веществами (прошу заметить - ещё надо сгенерить их), если можно просто исказить показания датчиков? :-) p.s. да, для новичков в стиле "парень с встроенным мультиметром" не пойдёт.
***** Но перенос всего кроме мозга (и даже немалой его части) для АМ - вполне реальность. А вообще, Понтиус Гло в серии про Эйзенхорна - наглядная демонстрация полного переноса (и помощник инква сообщал, что подобное - случай хоть и редкий, но не совсем выдающийся). Другое дело - их "традиционные" замарочки (почему бы сразу полноценно не апнуть того "парня с мультиметром"? Ан хрен, рангом не вышел)
***** Ну дык политиканы с религиозными заскоками же. Начиная с 30К (см. "Механикум" - чуть ли не все оказались против адекватного подхода) и заканчивая 40К : - схожие с "Механикум"-овыми настроения почти во всём о АМ - приводит к тому, что пилящие таки хоть что-то чуваки это делали секретно (и, как правило, после них о этом никто и не узнает) - производитель криговских лазганов (ЕМНИП, ещё и титаны поэффективнее обычных) не делится секретами :-) - космические волки посмели присобачить на "Хищника" лазерную пушку вместо стандартной? Да как они могли! Экстерминатус Фенрису (интересно, у кого-то из участников от АМ тысячи сынов в очень дальних родственниках не было? :-) ). (правда, уже в ходе конфликта смогли подделать СШК) p.s. волкам повезло, однако. Был же орден, полностью выпиленный из-за производства достаточно простых по меркам вахи генераторов на месте (ага, они, похоже, должны были подождать полгода поставки с ближайшей планеты-завода)
Not likely, the Old Ones were likely wiped out in the War in Heaven, and the lore seems to say that the Void Dragon was a C'tan fragment that was defeated by the Emperor and sealed off in Mars
*Matt Ward appears in front of Doomrider stealing his cocaine and smacking him off his bike with the 6th edition rule book* "YOU AREN'T IN THIS EDITION!" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"
"And then the great and one technological omnnissiah awoke from his slumbers on mars, and he, the one, the void dragon, he who was taken advatage of by the flesh emperor, would awake from his sluber at the end of time, to purge unclean and clean alike, flesh and metal, and not even the strongest of the gods of flesh could stop him." -His comment. A few spelling mistakes unless I'm mistaken.
From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us From the lies of the antipath, circuit preserve us From the rage of the beast, iron protect us From the temptations of the flashlord, Silicia cleance us From the ravages of destroyer, Anima shield us From this rotting cage of bio matter, Machine God set us free There is no truth in flesh only betrayal There is no strength in flesh only weakness There is no constancy in flesh only decay There is no certainty in flesh only death
Does anyone know how to distort your voice to match the one being used in this video? I SO wanna use it, playing a tech-priest in my Dark Heresy Group.
AI is Silica Animus, Silica alone refers to Silicon, you know the material most computer components are made out of today, as for Anima, not to be confused with Anima Chorus which is heretical, could possibly refer to one of the many accepted methods in which a Tech Priest might extend their lives such as the use of Juvenat treatments or more likely a Hermetic Infusion which replaces their blood with a bio-mechanical serum.
There are other people who live on forge worlds besides Tehcpriests called menials. They work in the factories but otherwise have normal lives including having children. Those who show the proper devotion to the machine spirit on the forge worlds or even on other worlds who make the pilgrimage can be analyzed for worthiness and then, if eligible, become Techpriests. Its also worth noting TP's are virtually immortal since their biomechanical bodies don't age and their minds can be transferred.
Actually, one of C'rans are buried on mars and mechanicus consider necrons a "perfect form". so flashlord might altho be the Emperror. If you know the history, first, aquilla was the symbol of alliance betweed earth and mars.
I know C and C++, and System logic. Quit the Institute to work as marine engineer, day after tomorrow I take the Rank Test, and then will tattoo the Cog on my shoulder, and be a Tech-priest in truth!
Pure mechanic AI is forbidden yes. But the silica refered to here is prob. a human mind is used as part of the circuitry to prevent rebellion, something that is not forbidden. Also, there are still a few completely mechanic AI used by the imperium such as the one in land raiders. Anima is on the other hand unquestionably heresy. I am curious though, when was this text written? Could be from between M15 and M25 (or ecen M30). Where the flashlord and the destroyer are other names for chaos gods?
After some research, it seems you're right about silica. And no, land raiders make use of completely mechanical AI but it is concealed by it's behaviour being blamed on the machine spirit. And an "anima chorus" is a device used to reanimate dead flesh and is very much heresy. As for knowledge of the chaos gods, I don't know for certain but during the age of strife there were significan chaos incursions on human worlds. Also feel free to explain what anima is.
Admech be like:
"Did you try turning it off, burning incense, and praying to the Omniassiah before turning it back on again?"
If that is their advice, then it's no wonder nothing works. They don't recommend a single litany?
i heard if one is in a hurry (under fire), a chant will also suffice for field repair
A chant to a machine is merely wind from your lungs, if not done by the correct authorities on such matters.
Matthew Campbell You must first provide a litany of forgiveness to the machine before you turn it off.
Yeah but it normally works...UNLESS UR A HERETIC!
Good wholesome musics for the whole family
+Dzaga Maga Only machine ;P (Btw, as soldier of Guard I already have 26 implants, so i think what is PUHE truth!)
Dzaga Maga
So be it. And my only question is: What is your rule in Adeptus Mechanicus? Are you a servitor, machine chapelan or something else?
Dzaga Maga
U got gut XD
Dzaga Maga
Yush & u don't need to "Git Gut" xD
OK i fnally joining the techno-religion if the machine god
"A toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply! As soon
as I figure out how to tap into the main reactors, I will burn the
i think you mean the heretics... exept dark mechanicum but... we dont talk about them
Not a fan of Fallout 3?
Nerag new Vegas
@@heavyweaponsguy3074 I thought I'd start from the top.
Fallout New Vegas toaster is hilarious
Rubbed down my PC and lite some scented candles. The Graphic's card is finally installed and working.
+raltor40 Bless the Machine God! May he guide your iterations!
Don't forget to pray to the machine spirit for a long and good service life
Do not worry. I do it every day.
+InquisitorEkim so if the machine spirit is alive and good ... what is microsoft in the bionic ayes of our lord ?
FlankyMerc PC is the Adeptus Mechanicus. Apple is Tau Heresy
Lies of the antipath - Tzeentch?
Rage of the beast - Khorne?
Temptations of the fleshlord - Slaanesh?
Ravages of the destroyer - Nurgle?
+william stanley Yes, I think so.
+william stanley For Nurgle I thought more of "rotting cage of biomatter", ravages of the destroyer could be a reference to Khaine (the only surviving Eldar God).
May Sparkle yea it was a bit difficult to decide 4 chaos gods in a song verse that has 6 different lines ^^;
+May “A-T” Sparkle Eldar laughing God is cooler then Khaine tbh
Wyatt Campbell ^
The weakness of the mind - Heresy
The lies of the antipath - Tzeentch
The rage of the beast - Khorne
The ravages of the destroyer - Nurgle (he's repeatedly called the Great Destroyer in the novels)
The temptations of the fleshlord - Slaanesh
This rotting cage of biomatter - Human mortality
You forgot “the temptations of the fleshlord”, although I think we all know who that’s referring to.
@@samlevy9897 Fixed and yup, Slaanesh
They're quoting someone from the Iron Hands and the Dogma Mechanicus. They're actual quotes from the fluff. Whether this makes them lazy or awesome is up to the viewer.
One answer is simply righteous zealotry. The other flirts with heresy. The choice is yours. Praise the Emperor
Jdtheepic Makes it all the better if you ask me.
Jdtheepic I’d say it’s definitely the later.
The latter for sure. It's that kind of thing i love when fans use that kind of detail.
Considering most of the HMKids' songs are written carefully and not just copied, I'd say having a few songs with chanting from the lore itself is hardly laziness.
I play this every time I upgrade my PC.
Good. This is a suitable litany to use for such a situation.
Just don't forget the oils.
Just pray to the Machine God. Your divine cogitator needn't new details and components - only your faith.
Just updated my Nvidia video card drivers even though I wasn't having any issues with my games. The Omnissiah was telling me not to do it. I could hear him warning me from the oosphere, but I did anyway. So the Nvidia driver update does its thing and after my system reboots my second monitor wasn't working. After trying several things nothing would work so I reverted to System Restore. I praised the Omnissiah the entire time. By the grace of the Omnissiah and through the sacred spirit of my venerable machine, both monitors are now back up and running.
Praise the Omnissiah!
I swear, just because I spend a lot of time on the laptop due to my job, my friends think I am some Tech Priest that can magically solve the viruses that have destroyed their computers.
Machine Spirit protect them...
I love the robotic background voice . Omnissiah save us!
Machine god, SET US FREE!!!
From the weakness of the mind, omnissiah save us
From the lies of the antipath, circuit preserve us
From the rage of the beast, iron protect us
From the temptations of the fleshlord, silica cleanse us
From the ravages of the destroyer, anima shield us
From this rotting cage of biomatter machine god set us free
There is no truth in flesh only betryal
there is no strength in flesh only weakness
there is no constancy in flesh only decay
there is no certainty in flesh but death
as a representative of the Adeptus Mechanicus I approve this message
The Tech Priest your God is in agreement
As a fellow Tech Preist and devout worshiper of the Machine God. I too approve of this message.
I think the view counter is broken. It's only showing my views.
Light a candle!
just don't mention that to Magnus
Have you tried making a sacrifice and prayers to appease your computer's machine spirit?
Have you checked for an abominable intelligence infestation?
Glory to Mankind, and pray with me the Omnimessiah, brothers.
In libations of Holy Oil, I bathe thee. I pray you fire true. With sweeps of blessed cloth, I clean you. Watch over me Omnissiah as I bring justice to your enemies.
Beep boop
the void dragon is pleased
I played this on my computer...
...now it's a cogitator
This song perfectly describes my current job.
Me too.
Blue So many mutants, heretics, xenos, and worse; so little time.
You job was to replace body parts with machinery?
(though this seriously may be the case, e.g. there are people the lost their limb(s) and had them replaced with robotic ones, so presumably there is a job to build, test and maintain such robotic limbs)
Andrew Che i think he meant engineering
Andrew Che or, you know, IT.
//Blessed are those who dwell within the Machine, for theirs is true freedom from pain
Flesh: replaced and upgraded
FPS: 60, praise the Omnissiah
Hereteks: Backtraced and cyber-arbites contacted
me and my battle brothers enjoy traveling the warp blasting these sound tapes!
For the emperor!
Ave Deus Mechanicus.
Deus Mechanice (vocative case since you're addressing him).
MagnificentFiend tsk, tsk. Did you not recognize the pun? Ave Deus Mechanicus, as in the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Indeed, but pedantry takes precedence over puns with me ;¬P
Deus est machina.
YOU HERETIC!!!!!!!!!!!
Said the inquisitor before being bribed by adeptus mechanicus
I beseech you, Machine God, to set me free from this here rotting cage of biomatter and help me embrace the glorious perfection of the Machine!
The Adeptus Mechanicus approves of this song
Want to know how awesome mankind's tech was during the Dark Age of Technology? They got starships with hyperaccurate chronocannons capable to cripple an eldar cruiser in ONE shot.
Is that Glados's voice I hear?
Glados is the Omnissiah, it all makes sense now!
Glados is the Mother Teresa for the Omnissiah.
Glados is an AI. An affront to the Omnissiah.
SHODAN would make more sense since SHODAN refers to herself as a deity
Когда запускаешь Генту необходимо помолится Богу-Машине, ну или как обычно краш. Обязательное условие, сто пудов. Рекомендую молится каждый раз перед бэкапом.
One of the few groups in the grim dark universe of 40k that it would not suck being apart of.
Honestly, this is better than the one of their official channel.
Stroheim would be proud.
Admiral Attila Is that a JoJo reference?
Admiral Attila SEKAI ICHI
FleshLord -Dark Prince Slaanesh
Flashlord - it only a small mistake in a machine code
Hey! It's me! :D
Some may find the TTS off-putting, they do not have a vox caster surgically implanted in them to properly understand
me after installing new graphics card
I, for one, salute our Mechanicus Allies :|
This actually sound better them the one on the offical HMKids channel
"five percent of my former flesh remains,
guess where it is..."
Im sure its not brain
dammit i cant stop listaning to this!....why do they make such damn good tribute music?!
Xodis99 The binary code is going to fuck you right in the brain, like the propagandia of Imperial Guard, but in most effective.
Welcome to Adeptus Mechanicus.
The only song with screamo that I enjoy.
@resmetal You did a SPECTACULAR job!!!!! The intro at the beginning is especially good, I LOVE IT!!!!
thuzan117 AVE
@Schandoro07 I am heretek)))
@Schandoro07 rly? I am from Belarus, so ty)
@@danissadovsky1212 I am Alpharius
Everytime I fix the copier
It was adopted after the Emperor was encased on the Golden Throne as a symbol of his immortal, ever-vigilant status.
I love this song
I think Adeptus Mechanicus got corrupted by the anti-spirals.
Fuck off anime-tard.
Peter Smith Come on! The Adeptus Mechanicus share similarities to the Anti-Spirals. Based off the song above, they prefer to be mechanical over organic so they could last and think flesh is pathetic and worthless. The Anti-Spirals are nihilists who killed off other Spiral Races to ensure that they can't use Spiral Energy and bring out the Spiral Nemesis. The Anti-Spirals also rendered themselves unable to produce Spiral Energy, which requires helical DNA to produce.
The anti-spirals would get crushed by Chaos beffore they even get to the Mechanicus.
Peter Smith
You eff off. Kamina is clearly a weaker version of either Gork or Mork. The other guy would have to be Coop from Megas XLR.
*Facepalm* Its the Dark Machanicus you fool!
Прикольный клип!!)) Впрямь я не знаю ГИМН КИБЕРПАНКА!!! Спасибо авторам за это ШЕДЕВР и тем кто его выложил в UA-cam.
had they just stuck to the machine voice with harder metal, this song would go from good to epic.
Everyone that hopes to be worthy and saved should learn Assembler, C, C++, Prolog and Haskell (just in case, you know) and listen to this song daily.
Dude, the Imperium of man LOVES it's skull motif. The real question is where did the skull come from.
How the hell did they get a techpriest to sing?
No i realised it...
He is simply reading up lines from "the holy book of the omnisiah" (better known as a manual) And his voice is autotuned because that was the best tech they could salvage
Чем старше становишься, тем идея приобщиться к Механикум становится соблазнительнее, что предсказуемо.
Но это одновременно отвергает возможность для человека измениться и противостоять Пагубным Силам иным способом.
я для себя выбрал путь - быть одновременно псайкером и техножрецом. Усидеть на двух стульях и только так. Чего и вам советую
@@brayanhustler93 Сидеть на двух стольях это вам к слаанеш)
@@brayanhustler93 Выбрал путь такой. Крутой, посылаешь инквизиторов на хрен, нагибаешь демонов, круче только яйца Императора.
А потом проснулся обосранным в бараке перед двадцатичасовой сменой на мануфакторуме.
Бро, ты уже в Прекрасном Империуме Будущего. Расскажи, как тебе передать каши из ку-прометиума, а также спичек? Наш неравнодушный товарищ за миску этой каши ногу отдал.
After studying computer science for few years you sort of start to think like this.
о великий дух моего ПК к тебе взываю снизь пожалуста температуру видеокарты когда я играю в ведьмак 3.а то 90 градусов это много ты же сам периодический отрубаешся из за этого аминь!
+mdark Shelter Ты не правильно молишься дху твоего компьютера.
Правильная молитва найдена опытным путём поколениями поклоняющихся духу компьютеров.
1. Набрать в гугле, как улучшить охлаждение видеокарты
2. Почитать
3. ПОнадобится специальный ритуалный инвентарь типа ножовка по металу или дрели
4 Покупаем мощный кулер или ничего не покупаем.
5. Делаем много дырок в корпусе не повреждая начинку
5.1 Ставим куллер на болты с дырками под болты проделанные дрелью или не ставим, если не покупали.
6 Закрываем дырки изнутри марлей.
7. Наслаждаемся
Слава Омниссии!
+Lich King Ner'zhul Некронам слава!
@@Ufdyt Сарех приде порядок навидэ
@@mrhram1152 Омниссия, вознагради слугу твоего!
I hear the machine's spirit voice
A challenge worthy of my skin
No flesh shall be spared
From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us
From the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us
From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us
From the temptations of the Flash lord, silica cleanse us
From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us
From this rotting cage of biomatter,
Machine God set us free
There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal
There is no strength in flesh, only weakness
There is no Constancy in flesh, only decay
There is no certainty in flesh but d**h
From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us
From the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us
From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us
From the temptations of the Flash lord, silica cleanse us
From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us
From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us
From this rotting cage of biomatter,
Machine God set us free
The intro is just epic.
the following message is really long, but, when you translate all of it into english, makes perfect sense
no one is quite sure but there is a belief that the void dragon is the night bringer of one of the last four c'tan in the galaxy the gods that the necron pledge themsleves (this is my best guess by this)
The Omnissiah is really the last C'tan Star-God in the galaxy, the same one the Necrons pray to. There were some disturbances in a giant cave in Mars, and some egghead wanted to melta-bomb the tunnel shut (unwittingly waking the "Omnissiah" if he'd succeeded), but the Mechanicum opted to seal it with lots of ferrocrete. Hope I cleared stuff up.
Flesh is weak!
May the blessing of the Omnissiah be with you!
But science does make sense most of the time, presuming that you are actually willing to spend time studying and making sense of it.
Тем не менее - в условиях вахи попытки разобраться самостоятельно займут у них слишком много времени (да глядя на литературу, а в частности - "Механикус", я бы сказал что фундаментальных знаний, в отрыве от конкретных приборов - у них, пожалуй, меньше чем сейчас).
А на работу в фундаментальном плане нужны ресурсы. Только вот хрен им их выделят, если и попросят - какая, к херам, наука которая дойдёт до годного уровня лет так тысяч за 10, если прямо сейчас для отражения атаки тиранид, по рассчётам - нужно 600% населения :-)
Так что единственный оставшийся выход - пытаться отыскать древний бекап. Притом не заражённый во времена эпохи раздора или ереси Хоруса, а также не управляемый поехавшим демонам, как титан в книжке про серых рыцарей.
***** Зачем нужна стимуляция остатков организма веществами (прошу заметить - ещё надо сгенерить их), если можно просто исказить показания датчиков? :-)
p.s. да, для новичков в стиле "парень с встроенным мультиметром" не пойдёт.
***** Ну так АМ же считают, что все биопроблемы лечатся аугментацией :-)
Почему тут должно быть исключение?
***** Но перенос всего кроме мозга (и даже немалой его части) для АМ - вполне реальность.
А вообще, Понтиус Гло в серии про Эйзенхорна - наглядная демонстрация полного переноса (и помощник инква сообщал, что подобное - случай хоть и редкий, но не совсем выдающийся).
Другое дело - их "традиционные" замарочки (почему бы сразу полноценно не апнуть того "парня с мультиметром"? Ан хрен, рангом не вышел)
***** Ну дык политиканы с религиозными заскоками же.
Начиная с 30К (см. "Механикум" - чуть ли не все оказались против адекватного подхода) и заканчивая 40К :
- схожие с "Механикум"-овыми настроения почти во всём о АМ - приводит к тому, что пилящие таки хоть что-то чуваки это делали секретно (и, как правило, после них о этом никто и не узнает)
- производитель криговских лазганов (ЕМНИП, ещё и титаны поэффективнее обычных) не делится секретами :-)
- космические волки посмели присобачить на "Хищника" лазерную пушку вместо стандартной? Да как они могли! Экстерминатус Фенрису (интересно, у кого-то из участников от АМ тысячи сынов в очень дальних родственниках не было? :-) ). (правда, уже в ходе конфликта смогли подделать СШК)
p.s. волкам повезло, однако. Был же орден, полностью выпиленный из-за производства достаточно простых по меркам вахи генераторов на месте (ага, они, похоже, должны были подождать полгода поставки с ближайшей планеты-завода)
Not likely, the Old Ones were likely wiped out in the War in Heaven, and the lore seems to say that the Void Dragon was a C'tan fragment that was defeated by the Emperor and sealed off in Mars
Is there a an instrumental or a original where the organ/pipes are from?
*Matt Ward appears in front of Doomrider stealing his cocaine and smacking him off his bike with the 6th edition rule book* "YOU AREN'T IN THIS EDITION!" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"
Me getting a arm Prostetic be like:
@StealthVulture Isn't it from the old Inquisitor game? I remember that it illustrated the cybernetics chapter.
"And then the great and one technological omnnissiah awoke from his slumbers on mars, and he, the one, the void dragon, he who was taken advatage of by the flesh emperor, would awake from his sluber at the end of time, to purge unclean and clean alike, flesh and metal, and not even the strongest of the gods of flesh could stop him." -His comment. A few spelling mistakes unless I'm mistaken.
we have here 13 heretics, we have to show them the power of the machine god and the Ominissiah, unleash the titans...
They could flip the switch they would just need 10 servitors and be chanting something to the omnissiah
sometimes adeptus mechanicus creepier than chaos things
I have been looking this song for a few months. Got buried under the games ost
From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us
From the lies of the antipath, circuit preserve us
From the rage of the beast, iron protect us
From the temptations of the flashlord, Silicia cleance us
From the ravages of destroyer, Anima shield us
From this rotting cage of bio matter, Machine God set us free
There is no truth in flesh only betrayal
There is no strength in flesh only weakness
There is no constancy in flesh only decay
There is no certainty in flesh only death
great work in being able to translate it: i'll check out the spelling mistakes later. :)
it band name -HMKids-
Free youtube to mp3 converter
but i want to buy the disks where i can order the songs
Your remark is exactly my point. but everyone is free to belive in what themselves chosse. Hail the stargods and their immortal servants.
This is tabs of this song, right?
anyone know if theres a good place to find the rest of their songs in english?
+werwertomi And honestly the lyrics tend to be better sung in Russian. The language just sounds good.
Does anyone know how to distort your voice to match the one being used in this video? I SO wanna use it, playing a tech-priest in my Dark Heresy Group.
Guessing that "the temptations of the Flashlord" refers to Slaaneshi influence?
Fleshlord, actually. And yes, you are right.
Which kind of 'Flash' is being referred to here?
Maybe it's supposed to say "flesh, Lord" or "fleshlord"?
@@destroyerofskulls3036 Very belated reply, but I assume "flash" could refer to getting bricked.
AI is Silica Animus, Silica alone refers to Silicon, you know the material most computer components are made out of today, as for Anima, not to be confused with Anima Chorus which is heretical, could possibly refer to one of the many accepted methods in which a Tech Priest might extend their lives such as the use of Juvenat treatments or more likely a Hermetic Infusion which replaces their blood with a bio-mechanical serum.
No, I mean where did the skull mug come from. Is it ceramic or was "donated".
"Om-niss-aye-uh" is how it's pronounced but other than that, this is epicness incarnate.
Классно Сделано! Респект Автору Клипа и Автору Песни!
Omnissiah save us!!!
-- Потомки Скейвенов
There are other people who live on forge worlds besides Tehcpriests called menials. They work in the factories but otherwise have normal lives including having children. Those who show the proper devotion to the machine spirit on the forge worlds or even on other worlds who make the pilgrimage can be analyzed for worthiness and then, if eligible, become Techpriests. Its also worth noting TP's are virtually immortal since their biomechanical bodies don't age and their minds can be transferred.
This song waike up the titanicus.
I love how the lines are from Dawn of War
I understand everything in the song except the part about the "Flashlord". Who is that? A C'tan? I don't think I've ever heard of it.
C'tan are basically the gods of the Necrons, robotic alien beings from beyond the known galaxy. They're a pretty big deal.
***** I know who the C'tan are, I worded it weird. I was asking whether the Flashlords were the C'tan because I had never heard of the Flashlords
The subtitles might've meant Fleshlord. As in Slaanesh.
Actually, one of C'rans are buried on mars and mechanicus consider necrons a "perfect form".
so flashlord might altho be the Emperror. If you know the history, first, aquilla was the symbol of alliance betweed earth and mars.
Even then, the Adeptus Mechanicus is at least fifteen years older than the Grox are.
I've always thought of them as energy based life forms.
I know C and C++, and System logic. Quit the Institute to work as marine engineer, day after tomorrow I take the Rank Test, and then will tattoo the Cog on my shoulder, and be a Tech-priest in truth!
So according to the date...today is 2 days from the original post. How did it go?
Beautifully done and a perfect fit for 40k. Do they do others?
+Patrick Gray They do but in Russian for the most part. This is the only English language song they've done that I'm aware of.
+kingkong381 well there was the ork song ere we go
And one on Deamonettes
Pure mechanic AI is forbidden yes. But the silica refered to here is prob. a human mind is used as part of the circuitry to prevent rebellion, something that is not forbidden. Also, there are still a few completely mechanic AI used by the imperium such as the one in land raiders.
Anima is on the other hand unquestionably heresy.
I am curious though, when was this text written? Could be from between M15 and M25 (or ecen M30). Where the flashlord and the destroyer are other names for chaos gods?
After some research, it seems you're right about silica. And no, land raiders make use of completely mechanical AI but it is concealed by it's behaviour being blamed on the machine spirit. And an "anima chorus" is a device used to reanimate dead flesh and is very much heresy. As for knowledge of the chaos gods, I don't know for certain but during the age of strife there were significan chaos incursions on human worlds. Also feel free to explain what anima is.
The Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all.