Episode Twenty: Gratitude Practice

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024


  • @sallybowkett9925
    @sallybowkett9925 3 роки тому +1

    I am grateful for the snow sparkling down to dance with the twinkling lights on my lamp post. As the winter solstice dims the light from dawn to dusk, I am grateful for the lights that come ablaze around the town and the world to celebrate various traditions by bringing light into the dark. I find myself again and again reflecting on the community of light workers and the light lessons by Sierra. Every week for 20 weeks the community/family of light workers wove together the best threads of human qualities into the fabric of the human quilt. Week after week they all 'showed up,'' 'dared greatly' and shared their inner lights with all of us. The light lessons are the gift that keeps on shining bright, the gift that warms the heart, inspires the soul and lifts the spirit, whether you listen to them once or several times. They inspire hope, an attitude of gratitude and the joy to be 'full up' with kindness. Mother Teresa once said, 'some people come into our lives, as a blessing and some people come into our lives ,as a lesson.' Sierra and the light workers are both, a lesson and a blessing. Lots of love and with gratitude to all. My personal hope and wish for all of you is this, may an angel of light help you find strength, when you need courage, warmth when you are in need comfort and peace when you are in need of solace. May the lights on broadway illuminate soon. Blessings and peace.

  • @drdel76
    @drdel76 3 роки тому +3

    God, I adore this lady!

  • @yanaraymundo
    @yanaraymundo 3 роки тому +19

    I am very grateful to you Sierra, and all your guests for bringing us these beautiful conversations on your Light Lessons. You have given all of us this wonderful toolbox for Life. Thank you for sharing your light with us!

  • @stephenfong7814
    @stephenfong7814 3 роки тому +7

    “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people stay for awhile, and move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.”
    - Flavia Weedn

  • @charleemikaela2328
    @charleemikaela2328 3 роки тому +9

    Starting now, I will set a daily reminder asking me about what I am grateful for about the day. Today, I am grateful for the lightworkers, Sierra, and every single guest in this light lesson!🥰

  • @annaulnyrova1789
    @annaulnyrova1789 3 роки тому +3

    We are grateful to you, Sierra, for you brilliant light lessons, for your endless energy and the divine voice, love you

  • @fy6524
    @fy6524 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much Sierra, for your wonderful talent and beautiful heart, for reminding me how precious being grateful. Love saves us all. ❤️

  • @shuettohloke7408
    @shuettohloke7408 3 роки тому +11

    Tq so much Sierra 🙏.. namaste.. I am grateful I discovered you during this covid times.. 💖💗💝🥰😘😘

  • @melodywee1677
    @melodywee1677 3 роки тому +2

    I am grateful for music, my family and inspirational actress Sierra Bogess for giving us these beautiful light lessons

  • @charleemikaela2328
    @charleemikaela2328 3 роки тому +10

    Thank you so much for all of these, Sierra! And of course, thank you so much as well for the guests that helped Sierra inspire us! These lessons have been a part of my life for months. You guys made my life so much better. These light lessons helped me get through problems during this pandemic! I will miss these light lessons even I can rewatch... It's just really good to have a new inspiration every week and chat with the lightworkers. I never really expected that I would have such good friends from a PREMIERE CHAT!! I can't believe that we've gone this far!! Gosh, this goodbye made me cry so bad!! But I cried because of tears of joy too... 🥰

    • @christophemae4ever
      @christophemae4ever 3 роки тому

      Just the same for me ! I am already re-watching... :-)

  • @darkdevil905
    @darkdevil905 3 роки тому +1

    Im grateful for all the love my family and friends have given me

  • @Joyce-qg7ub
    @Joyce-qg7ub 3 роки тому +2

    I am grateful for health, my ponies, and the ability and creativity to write out the story in my head. I am also so, so grateful for you, Sierra, around the same time that you started sharing these videos (which wasn't long after I discovered you, after The Show Must Go On showed Phantom the first time), I decided to make some changes in my life. I was really stressed, and I have been working hard to be calmer and less stressful. I only ever found one four leaf clover before this summer, and I don't know how many I found this summer after Fully Present. I found like nine in one day! I have grown a lot I feel emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and your light lessons played a part in that. Thank you. I will be coming back to these videos time and time again! Always so much to learn! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • @ashleyreed9486
    @ashleyreed9486 3 роки тому +6

    I missed the last light lessons.
    To sierra,
    I am really grateful for you and for your light lessons. This helped me a lot during the quarrantine. Love you sierra

  • @miryam_99
    @miryam_99 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for your videos, they been so interesting and helpful, guess I´m gonna miss the light lessons.

  • @lucianacosta6824
    @lucianacosta6824 3 роки тому

    Im greatfull for God , music and for you Sierra

  • @colleenbarry1708
    @colleenbarry1708 3 роки тому +5

    I'm grateful that I found your channel and for all the wisdom you have shared. ❤️

  • @philipclement
    @philipclement 3 роки тому +1

    "To see the World in a grain of sand, and Heaven in a wild flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour." - Wm Blake

  • @specter8549
    @specter8549 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for helping us see the beauty in life with these life lessons. My favorite quote that you said that really spoke to me is “You are enough, you are so enough, it is unbelievable how enough you are” because as human beings we often feel like we are not good enough for something or someone, I often myself think of that as well. Just because someone beside you has a whole body cast it does not mean your broken toe does not hurt, you are allowed to feel pain in life, but you have to see the beauty in life through your struggles of life. So I that is why I can’t thank you enough for these lessons. These have really spoken to me!!

  • @eddiecat
    @eddiecat 3 роки тому

    Grateful for your heavenly voice!!!!!

  • @th2k864
    @th2k864 3 роки тому +6

    Thank you for bringing back all the light workers for this last one with some extra special additions. Thank you for doing this, it helped me through the roughest parts of lock down and back to work. I pray that you receive every bit of what you give and more. And on a less serious note, Norm needs some gratitude for combs and hair products. How you let your daddy go out like that?
    Thank you Sierra. You will be missed. -Peace

  • @Sdurham3
    @Sdurham3 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you Sierra for giving of your time, spirit and talent to this series! I hope and pray that you have received as much as you have given. Continue to be a shining light to everyone you encounter, either in person or through technology.

  • @sallyhay3369
    @sallyhay3369 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much, Sierra, for your Light Lessons - they've been such an inspiration! I'm sad they've now come to an end, though - my Sundays just won't be the same 😪. Sending grateful thanks for this wonderful series, and entertaining a hope that you'll post more videos for us all to enjoy - you are SO much loved! 🥰🥰

  • @christophemae4ever
    @christophemae4ever 3 роки тому +4

    I am grateful for this journey we began together, I am grateful for all the loving people around me and I am grateful for nature :-) Thank you so much, again.

  • @ilanawulf9335
    @ilanawulf9335 3 роки тому +3

    Three things I'm grateful for at the moment: Light Lessons, the AMAZING light workers community, and my family (including my cat). I love all of you so much!

  • @malinhessedahl
    @malinhessedahl 3 роки тому +3

    Love this series with you Sierra 💥👑🌸🎶💎❤❤

  • @jucelouie
    @jucelouie 3 роки тому +2

    Grateful for you Sierra, I was looking for Light and found you. You lead me out of darkness during this time of the pandemic and my brother’s courageous battle with cancer, we lost him but find comfort in his beautiful spirit!
    Thank you for the Light Lessons. Looking forward to another of your uplifting endeavors. Love to you.

  • @yvetteverania8988
    @yvetteverania8988 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you for all of this Sierra! We’re so grateful for you! We love you! 🤗🥰🤗🥰
    *can’t stop being emotional right now 🥺😭🥺😭*

  • @joedelights
    @joedelights 3 роки тому +1

    Grateful Everyday to be alive God Bless My Lovey Sierra☀️❤️🙏💯👏

  • @ellarree
    @ellarree 3 роки тому +3

    this has been such an incredible and emotional journey. i’m so glad, so GRATEFUL, to have shared it with all of my fellow light workers. thank you, sierra, for all of the joy and laughter and even tears (happy tears, of course) along the way.

  • @warrenyhkuo
    @warrenyhkuo 3 роки тому

    I am grateful for this beautiful video.

  • @stephenfong7814
    @stephenfong7814 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Sierra, Excellent Light Lessons series with an epic finale. You are truly a light of hope for the whole world. Abundant blessings from all!

  • @aprilread6620
    @aprilread6620 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for shining the light, even through the cracks! Grateful for the music and wisdom being shared ❤️

  • @suemount6042
    @suemount6042 3 роки тому +1

    I’m grateful for music and theatre, I’m grateful we got to see you in London before covid struck you were amazing you glowed on that stage and I’m grateful to the wonderful man who ran to find us and gave us his meet and greet tickets enabling my son to finally meet you and I’m grateful for you and to you for changing my sons life with your music and your enoughness thank you for you xx

  • @broadwaymike92
    @broadwaymike92 3 роки тому +1

    I am grateful for my family, friends, and everyone who's ever inspired me to know that I can achieve anything if I put my heart into it through good or bad times.

  • @sadiemeltzer3285
    @sadiemeltzer3285 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so so much Sierra for all of these episodes! They were amazing!!❤️ so grateful for you!

  • @SweetDreams84
    @SweetDreams84 3 роки тому

    Thank you Sierra and fellow light workers true inspiration!
    I’m grateful for my health, nature and loved ones 🥰

  • @kimnachtigall5717
    @kimnachtigall5717 3 роки тому

    Sierra i really hope you continue to give us more of your wonderful self every week or at least once in a while!!! Please give us more wonderful works!!!!!!!!!!

  • @pip1278
    @pip1278 3 роки тому +1

    I'm grateful for your positivity and energy that really helped me (and keep helping me) through those difficult times. I'm grateful for my family and friends, and for them to be healthy. I'm grateful that I still can dream.
    Thank you so much Sierra ❤
    And thank you for sharing some messages in their original languages, it's beautiful ! Merci ❤

  • @richtozzo615
    @richtozzo615 2 роки тому

    I'm greatful for mi famila..es todo

  • @esteraulrich-oltean2162
    @esteraulrich-oltean2162 3 роки тому

    I need this so much right now...one show cancelled and one cut short due to 2nd national lockdown...honestly just feeling so much gratitude for this episode and this series
    ALSO... I've always said we needed Ramin for the season finale!

  • @SmileKid94
    @SmileKid94 3 роки тому +1

    That was everything I needed today. Thank you!!

  • @kimnachtigall5717
    @kimnachtigall5717 3 роки тому

    You are my top idol and i look ip to you ssooooooo much Sierra! Please do another series like this!!!!!!!🙏

  • @redheaddetective8424
    @redheaddetective8424 3 роки тому

    Sierra couldn’t be further from the person she portrays herself to be. It’s an act and nothing more.

  • @susanstouse6705
    @susanstouse6705 3 роки тому

    Thank you for the work you put into the making of these episodes. It must have taken you hours. I appreciate your willingness to share your light lessons. You are the best example of a light worker. And you have a new fan.

  • @bwazowski
    @bwazowski 3 роки тому

    thank you so much Sierra! we're so grateful for your light lessons❤

  • @th2k864
    @th2k864 3 роки тому +1

    Just watching this again before I go to sleep, it's Sunday before Thanksgiving and I've starting my gratitude-ing getting ready for Thursday thankfulness. On second viewing I'm wondering if Reverand Dr. Smoothie Green made it back to NYC and if you've had a chance to taste the updated biscuit recipe? Hoping everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

  • @richtozzo615
    @richtozzo615 2 роки тому

    I'd be very grateful if I could meet you Sierra and hold your hand.

  • @jmichigan3282
    @jmichigan3282 Рік тому

    Thanks all!

  • @LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat
    @LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat 3 роки тому +3

    I'd like to know What A.L.W is Grateful for.

  • @rossiefuentes3821
    @rossiefuentes3821 3 роки тому +2

    ✨ BEAUTIFUL ✨ ✨🙏🏻✨

  • @sashaklepner
    @sashaklepner 3 роки тому

    Thank you Sierra!! These have been amazing!!

  • @LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat
    @LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat 3 роки тому +2

    The Final Lesson, All Good things Must Come to an End. But "this is Not the End, and This is Not the Beginning, it is The End of The Beginning" - Millennium. It's a Movie I need to Review.

  • @richtozzo615
    @richtozzo615 2 роки тому

    I'm greatful that I saw you on you tube

  • @__fruchan2801
    @__fruchan2801 3 роки тому


  • @richtozzo615
    @richtozzo615 2 роки тому

    Om greatful to be an American

  • @malinhessedahl
    @malinhessedahl 3 роки тому +3


  • @yangwang8324
    @yangwang8324 3 роки тому +1

    Grateful for you Sierra :) After this light lesson series, will you make several episodes to teach us how to sing the musical? haha, love from China

  • @Niqhtmusic
    @Niqhtmusic 3 роки тому


  • @sandyfurtunato
    @sandyfurtunato 3 роки тому +3


  • @richtozzo615
    @richtozzo615 2 роки тому

    I'm grateful Jesus allowed me to be born in America

  • @darkdevil905
    @darkdevil905 3 роки тому

    I love you

  • @kimnachtigall5717
    @kimnachtigall5717 3 роки тому

    Nooooi not the final!!!!!

  • @justinwen6847
    @justinwen6847 3 роки тому

    any playlist to play all lessons?

  • @joydeaton3286
    @joydeaton3286 3 роки тому +1

    What do I do with my life now?

    • @ilanawulf9335
      @ilanawulf9335 3 роки тому +2

      We will hold these in our hearts and share them with the world to spread the light!

  • @malinhessedahl
    @malinhessedahl 3 роки тому

    Please do a video with actress singer play Anastasia ❤❤

  • @saladqueen8469
    @saladqueen8469 3 роки тому +1


  • @NOONE-cd4gu
    @NOONE-cd4gu 3 роки тому

    Wait....why were our previous comments deleted?🤔🥴

  • @richtozzo615
    @richtozzo615 2 роки тому

    I'm grateful I'm not chip