Does The Command to Observe 7th Day Sabbath For Christians?

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2014
  • Uploaded by FormerAdventist on Sep 12, 2011
    / formeradventist
    Dale Ratzlaff is the founder of Life Assurance Ministries, Inc., which publishes Proclamation! magazine, and LAM Publications, LLC. He was a fourth-generation Seventh-day Adventist and pastored in the church for 13 years, seven of which he spent as a Bible teacher at Monterey Bay Academy, La Selva Beach, California. Near the end of his doctoral program at Andrews University in the 1980's, Dale did an in-depth study of the investigative judgment and the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, events which Adventists teach began in 1844. Becoming convinced he could no longer teach this doctrine in clear conscience, he and his wife Carolyn left the Adventist denomination.
    He published Sabbath in Crisis (now updated and republished under the name Sabbath in Christ) in 1990. In 1996 he published The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventists, and in 2000 he produced his third book, The Truth about Seventh-day Adventist Truth, which was revised and republished in 2005, in 2008, and again in 2010. In 2006 Dale released his audio-autobiography, Adventist to Christian, which is now in print and entitled Truth Led Me Out. His wife Carolyn has also published her autobiography, My Cup Overflows. Dale and Carolyn reside in Casa Grande, Arizona.


  • @mlemons1970
    @mlemons1970 12 років тому +1

    That is right. If you love God you keep his commandments for they are not grievous.
    May God Bless You

  • @danieldelindi8481
    @danieldelindi8481 12 років тому +1

    Amen. I love listening to these sermons. I am very passionate about the Truth of the Gospel and Jesus Christ. My girlfriend who I love very much is a seven day adventist, and her mum is a strong believer. I have been to many adventist churches. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. His two biggest commandments, Love your Lord with all your heart, sould and with all your mind and love your neighbour as yourself. love is the Fullfillment of the law shown in romans.

  • @5to22a
    @5to22a 12 років тому +1

    That quote comes from 1John...and what the commandments he is speaking of are listed in chapter 3 verses 22-24.

  • @karlos6628
    @karlos6628 9 років тому

    So because there is no record that the Sabbath was kept or that anyone knew about it before the time of Moses-Dale gives the idea that that is a good reason no to accept the importance of the Sabbath
    It is like saying when the bible speaks mention Camels-we are not to believe camels have 4 legs-why ? because the bible does not say it.

  • @LastDaysNow
    @LastDaysNow  12 років тому +1

    That's right, Jesus has fulfilled ceremonial laws like the 7th day Sabbath.

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 9 років тому +1

    Seventh-day Adventists insist that believers today should keep the seventh day of Creation as The Sabbath?
    I think the evidence of scripture points to the contrary.
    Consider the following:
    1. We do not know which day of the week the seventh day of creation fell on. It may have fallen on any day of the week -- no proof exists that it was on what later became known as the seventh-day of the week. To inistst otherwise, is pure assumption, taking later events and weaving them back into the narrative of the past.
    2 God did not call the seventh day of Creation, "Sabbath"
    3. There is no "evening and morning" motif, showing that this was a rest with a beginning but no ending; i.e. an eternal rest
    4. The seventh day of Creation was not given by God to Adam as a creation ordinance to observe as a rest -- there is no mention of Adam let alone any instruction given to Adam how to observe the seventh day of Creation as a holy day. Adam received no instruction to refrain from work on that day. Besides, spiritually he was at rest with God.
    5. All the Law was added because of sin but at Creation sin had not yet entered. This is crowning evidence that this hallowing of the seventh day of Creation by God was purely commemorative. Notice, too, that a day is not of itself holy but it is what is DONE by God Himself on that day (and beyond) that defines it as "holy", i.e. HOW GOD REGARDS IT. IT IS HIS DAY (i.e. it is not made for man but for God.
    6. By contrast, we can see that The Sabbath, by the law of "first mention" is only for the nation of Jews and we can see that consistency throughout the bible narrative. God ensured that all other nations knew that The Sabbath was an exclusive SIGN between Him and the nation of Israel ALONE. This is important evidence that (I).other nations were not keeping any day as a Sabbath and (2) it was pure ceremony since moral law is applicable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for ALL people. The Sabbath is pure ceremony because it was applicable only one day a week and what it prohibited one day, it actually COMMANDED for the other days of the week.
    7. Seventh-day Adventists, who have contracted themselves to be under Law -- what is now an ancient Jewish law -- regularly break the Sabbath not only by disregarding the blood sacrifices which were a crucial part of the Sabbath law under the Torah, by not consistently working on the first day of the week. Many rest on Sunday. So it is clear that SDAs are arbitrary in how THEY think they should keep the "fourth commandment". They have set themselves up as an authority, over and against God,in deciding what part of the Sabbath laws they think they should observe and what part they think they shouldn't. SDAs loudly proclaim that they are keeping the Sabbath of the Law of Moses when in actual fact they are not but are breaking it regularly once a week. And they do so in many other ways too numerous to recount here. For instance. by travelling huge distances on the Sabbath, by cooking during the Sabbath, by advertsing their products and services on the Sabbath (indirect soliciting to buy), by meeting to discuss church organisational matters on the Sabbath.
    Their claim to be keeping the Sabbath is totally false, for if you are in breach of the slightest detail of the Law (the dotting of an 'i' or the crossing of a 't') then, by default, you are guilty of breaking ALL of the Law.
    8. A sign is by its very nature a symbol because it "signifies" or marks something. A MARK IS A SYMBOL and is indicative of something else -- in this case, of deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage as the context of "the ten words" introduced in the introduction of the Decalogue clearly shows, to wit, that this day was for geographical Israel in the land geographically outside of Egypt. SDAs seem unaware that Christianity came much later! smile emoticon. :Again. Christians do not live just in that land; they are from all nations LOCATED all over the world. SDAs try to force a cultic sign of a cultic nation upon all nations, an endeavour for which they have no scriptural authority; indeed the very scripture they use proves that what they are doing is illicit. It is also anti-thetical to the facts of the NT narrative and the message of the gospel.