OH my god,this was Awesome vic,i loved how Courtney doesn't even have her bad moments in this one she's the same person she presented at the very first episode,and then the rig out doesn't happen,no bullshit rigged final five elimination,almost everyone got more time to shine,I would vote for Gwen as island is really her season,but no problem with Geoff winning either,excited for your other redone my ways.
Geoff wins for being nice despite his pranks to Harold and he also boosted Gwen's spirit and invited her to a party after the competition which Gwen has never been to.
My Way 22nd: Ezekiel (Same as canon. He had no real potential this season so why bother keeping him in?) 21st: Izzy (Fell asleep early and started useless fights with Eva, sealing her fate and causing elimination) 20th: Justin (Despite Noah doing poorly in the challenge, Justin refused to participate so his face wouldn't get bruised) 19th: Sadie (Caused the defeat with her poor performance in the talent show. Katie is mad at her teammates for voting Sadie off) 18th: Beth (Heather's alliance (Heather, Lindsay, Beth, Katie) talked about strategy but Beth got lost after the talk and cost the team their challenge) 17th: Noah (Failed to overcome his fear of trying to talk to dumb people) 16th: Eva (Same schtick, different day. Katie steals her MP3 player and she freaks out at everyone) 15th: Tyler (Injured) (Got attacked by a bear and was unable to continue competing) 14th: Owen (Ate all the food in the baking challenge) 13th: Duncan (Harold rigged the votes but actually rigged them against Duncan instead of Courtney) 12th: Harold (Same as canon) MERGE Back by "popular audience demand" is *Eva* Also rejoining is *Tyler* 13th: Eva (Same as canon) 12th: Trent (Same as canon) 11th: Katie (Was seen as somewhat annoying by some of the cast as nobody knew who to vote 10th: Tyler (Got 3rd in the bicycle challenge after Lindsay cursed out Heather, causing his 2nd elimination) 9th/8th: DJ and Cody (They were both eliminated after doing equally poorly in the challenge) 7th: Lindsay (Heather made her animal run away and caused her to finish last, getting Lindsay automatically eliminated) 6th: Geoff (Was seen as a threat after his team finished 2nd in the tri-arm triathlon) 5th: LeShawna (Same as canon) 4th: Courtney (Injured) (Heather caused her to get injured during the challenge so she doesn't prove a threat in the final 3) 3rd: Heather (Same as canon) 1st/2nd: Bridgette vs Gwen
My Way Screaming Gophers 💚 (11): Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Izzy, LeShawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, Trent, & Tyler Killer Bass ❤️ (11): Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Justin, Katie, & Sadie, Romances: * Bridgette & Geoff * Duncan & Courtney * Gwen & Trent * Izzy & Owen * Lindsay & Tyler Ep 1: Unhappy Campers pt 1 - n/a Ep 2: Unhappy Campers pt 2 - Ezekiel (22nd) Ep 3: From Dusk til Dawn - n/a Ep 4: Dodgebrawl! - Noah (21st) Ep 5: Up the Creek - n/a Ep 6: Best Friends For-Never! - Sadie (20th) Ep 7: Not Quite Famous - Justin (19th) Ep 8: Recipe for Disaster - Beth (18th) Ep 9: Hunt or Be Hunted - Cody (17th) Ep 10: Phobia Factor - DJ (16th) Ep 11: Who Can You Trust? - Katie (15th) Ep 12: Basic Straining - Courtney (14th) Ep 13: You are What you Eat - Tyler (13th) Ep 14: X-Treme Torture - Harold (12th) THE TEAMS MERGE! Ep 15: No Pain, No Game! - Eva (11th) Ep 16: Hide & Be Sneaky - Bridgette (10th) Ep 17: Hidden Treasure - Trent (9th) Ep 18: Hook, Line, & Screamer! - n/a Ep 19: That’s Off the Chain! - Lindsay (8th) Ep 20: Wawanakwa Gone Wild! - Izzy (7th) Ep 21: Tri-Armed Trials - LeShawna (6th) Ep 22: Haute Camp-ture - Owen (5th) Ep 23: Camp Castaways - n/a Ep 24: Are We There Yeti? - Duncan (4th) Ep 25: I Triple Dog Dare You - Heather (3rd) Ep 26: The Final Episode…Really! - Gwen (2nd) Winner - Geoff Let me know if you what to know: where a certain episode takes place, alliances, plots, immunity winner, or reasons for elimination! ☺️ This is pretty similar to the canonical one, but more improved (IMO). Heather is still the main villain but has less plot armor Also, I did edit the episode order & titles just for my own headcanon!
Honestly, I wasn't expecting what you did for Cody. And to be honest, Tyler could have been on the Screaming Gophers team and Justin on the Killer Bass team.
This is very good I love what u did with characters like noah and cody and bridgette and and justin . Making noah more strategic with his rivalry with justin was good and sets the stage for a rivalry possibly with them in action and i wish he had a rivalry with Heather his elimation was handled better cause it just kind of felt like plot to me and that his allance started to just be here for heathers extra votes. At 1st I thought bringing Cody back was pointless but I loved it his friendship with noah and owen was cool and him being nice to lindsay and gwen was wholesome also I loved no rubbish rigged elimation for Leshawna and bridgette and geoffs relationship. I also love Bridgettes elimation and how in character it was for heather to sabotage her Minor thing was that beth didnt do anything to do and courtney overstayed her welcome by alotand I do feel that heather breaking her leg was extreme and very out of character for Heathertho I did like Courtney's allance with heather and I do feel to make geoffs winning more understandable u could have gave him a arc with his learning his bullying ways with harold but I don't really mind that but a bigger problem i have is that Harold got caught the rigging the votes which personally i think gives the bully the win which its almost like a prize to Duncan that doesnt give him karma and shows that bullying is ok which isnt right at all. overall good video will be watching the other ones .
I try to keep Total Drama videos off of my account, but this video sparked me to make my own spin on this. And I'll be typing comments like this on your TDA and TDWT videos, too. Total Drama Island Rewritten Screaming Gophers: Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, Noah Killer Bass: Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, Harold Beth and Sadie swap teams in Episode 2 Alliances: Heather, Lindsay, Katie, Sadie / Duncan, Geoff, DJ, Tyler, Harold/ Noah, Cody, Owen Friendships: Gwen, Leshawna, Bridgette / Courtney and Bridgette / Noah, Cody, Izzy, Owen, Eva / Geoff, Duncan, DJ, Tyler, Harold / Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Sadie / Trent and Cody / Lindsay and Leshawna Rivalries: Gwen vs Heather / Leshawna vs Heather Relationships: Duncan x Courtney / Trent x Gwen / Geoff x Bridgette / Owen x Izzy / Lindsay x Tyler Elimination Order Ep 1: N/A Ep 2: Ezekiel (Same reason as canon) Ep 3: Eva (Same reason as canon) Ep 4: Justin (Same as way you put it) Ep 5: Noah (Useless during challenge) Ep 6: Sadie (Same as Katie in canon) [Villain's Helper] Ep 7: Beth (Refused to face fear) Ep 8: Izzy (Cursed team) Ep 9: Tyler (mauled by a bear) Ep 10: Owen (ate the team's food) Ep 11: Cody (poisoned) Ep 12: Katie (Failed challenge) [Villain's Helper] Ep 13: Harold (Same as canon) Ep 14: MERGE N/A Tyler and Cody return Ep 15: Tyler (again) (Heather rigged votes) Ep 16: Trent (same as canon) Ep 17: Cody (Chef's choice) [Secondary Hero] Ep 18: Lindsay (Last Place/same as canon) [Villain's Helper] Ep 19: DJ (Chef's choice/same as canon) Ep 20: Bridgette(Failed challenge) [Secondary Hero] Ep 21: Leshawna (Whip key auto-elim) [Secondary Hero] Ep 22: N/A Ep 23: Courtney (injury/same as your way) [Smartest Player] Ep 24: Geoff (Winner's Choice) [Secondary Hero] Ep 25: Heather (same as canon) [Villain of the Season] Gwen [Hero of the Season] VS Duncan [Anti-Hero of the Season] Alt winner: Gwen Winner: Duncan
For context on some of the eliminations, Cody was declared Secondary Hero because he got himself caught for Lindsay as he felt bad for her after Tyler's elimination two episodes prior, plus he took the skunk bomb for Bridgette. The winner in Episode 24 was Heather, and she chose Geoff to go home. Beth was in Tyler's place in the Phobia Factor challenge, and Izzy was in Beth's place in the Boney Island challenge. My original plan was to have Bridgette in the finale instead of Gwen, but Gwen was at her best in this season, so I later changed my mind about Bridgette.
Revenge of The Island your way next Season 4 complete Alliances: Jo and Brick Scott and Dawn Friends: Cameron and Mike Zoey and Cameron Dawn and Beverly aka B Enemies: Dawn vs Scott Anne Maria vs Zoey Daters: Dakota x Sam Mike x Zoey Vito x Anne Maria
My Way (* Means Same as Cannon): 24th-Ezekeiel* 23rd-Eva* 22nd-Justin 21st-Beth 20th-Kaite* 19th-Sadie 18th-Izzy* 17th-Cody* 16th-Noah 15th-Tyler 14th-Courtney* 13th-Bridgette 12th-Eva(Again)*
OH my god,this was Awesome vic,i loved how Courtney doesn't even have her bad moments in this one she's the same person she presented at the very first episode,and then the rig out doesn't happen,no bullshit rigged final five elimination,almost everyone got more time to shine,I would vote for Gwen as island is really her season,but no problem with Geoff winning either,excited for your other redone my ways.
Geoff wins for being nice despite his pranks to Harold and he also boosted Gwen's spirit and invited her to a party after the competition which Gwen has never been to.
My Way
22nd: Ezekiel (Same as canon. He had no real potential this season so why bother keeping him in?)
21st: Izzy (Fell asleep early and started useless fights with Eva, sealing her fate and causing elimination)
20th: Justin (Despite Noah doing poorly in the challenge, Justin refused to participate so his face wouldn't get bruised)
19th: Sadie (Caused the defeat with her poor performance in the talent show. Katie is mad at her teammates for voting Sadie off)
18th: Beth (Heather's alliance (Heather, Lindsay, Beth, Katie) talked about strategy but Beth got lost after the talk and cost the team their challenge)
17th: Noah (Failed to overcome his fear of trying to talk to dumb people)
16th: Eva (Same schtick, different day. Katie steals her MP3 player and she freaks out at everyone)
15th: Tyler (Injured) (Got attacked by a bear and was unable to continue competing)
14th: Owen (Ate all the food in the baking challenge)
13th: Duncan (Harold rigged the votes but actually rigged them against Duncan instead of Courtney)
12th: Harold (Same as canon)
Back by "popular audience demand" is *Eva*
Also rejoining is *Tyler*
13th: Eva (Same as canon)
12th: Trent (Same as canon)
11th: Katie (Was seen as somewhat annoying by some of the cast as nobody knew who to vote
10th: Tyler (Got 3rd in the bicycle challenge after Lindsay cursed out Heather, causing his 2nd elimination)
9th/8th: DJ and Cody (They were both eliminated after doing equally poorly in the challenge)
7th: Lindsay (Heather made her animal run away and caused her to finish last, getting Lindsay automatically eliminated)
6th: Geoff (Was seen as a threat after his team finished 2nd in the tri-arm triathlon)
5th: LeShawna (Same as canon)
4th: Courtney (Injured) (Heather caused her to get injured during the challenge so she doesn't prove a threat in the final 3)
3rd: Heather (Same as canon)
1st/2nd: Bridgette vs Gwen
My Way
Screaming Gophers 💚 (11): Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Izzy, LeShawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, Trent, & Tyler
Killer Bass ❤️ (11): Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Justin, Katie, & Sadie,
* Bridgette & Geoff
* Duncan & Courtney
* Gwen & Trent
* Izzy & Owen
* Lindsay & Tyler
Ep 1: Unhappy Campers pt 1 - n/a
Ep 2: Unhappy Campers pt 2 - Ezekiel (22nd)
Ep 3: From Dusk til Dawn - n/a
Ep 4: Dodgebrawl! - Noah (21st)
Ep 5: Up the Creek - n/a
Ep 6: Best Friends For-Never! - Sadie (20th)
Ep 7: Not Quite Famous - Justin (19th)
Ep 8: Recipe for Disaster - Beth (18th)
Ep 9: Hunt or Be Hunted - Cody (17th)
Ep 10: Phobia Factor - DJ (16th)
Ep 11: Who Can You Trust? - Katie (15th)
Ep 12: Basic Straining - Courtney (14th)
Ep 13: You are What you Eat - Tyler (13th)
Ep 14: X-Treme Torture - Harold (12th)
Ep 15: No Pain, No Game! - Eva (11th)
Ep 16: Hide & Be Sneaky - Bridgette (10th)
Ep 17: Hidden Treasure - Trent (9th)
Ep 18: Hook, Line, & Screamer! - n/a
Ep 19: That’s Off the Chain! - Lindsay (8th)
Ep 20: Wawanakwa Gone Wild! - Izzy (7th)
Ep 21: Tri-Armed Trials - LeShawna (6th)
Ep 22: Haute Camp-ture - Owen (5th)
Ep 23: Camp Castaways - n/a
Ep 24: Are We There Yeti? - Duncan (4th)
Ep 25: I Triple Dog Dare You - Heather (3rd)
Ep 26: The Final Episode…Really! - Gwen (2nd)
Winner - Geoff
Let me know if you what to know: where a certain episode takes place, alliances, plots, immunity winner, or reasons for elimination! ☺️
This is pretty similar to the canonical one, but more improved (IMO). Heather is still the main villain but has less plot armor
Also, I did edit the episode order & titles just for my own headcanon!
I kinda do, but it might be a long typing
@@constenceiveelynncook haha I understand, because it might be long. So if there is something specific, I can answer that and I will try to be brief!
I mean *E1 and E2 are Not so happy campers*
Why did eva get so far
I’m Italian so this commenti is in italian
A Tutto Reality l’isola My Way
Satie e Justin cambiano squadra
24. Eva (Episodio 2)
23. Justin (Episodio 3)
22. Satie (Episodio 4)
21. Noah (Episodio 5)
20. Izzy (Episodio 6)
19. Tyler (Episodio 7)
18. Beth (Episodio 8)
17. Katie (Episodio 9)
16. Owen (Episodio 10)
15. DJ (Episodio 11)
14. Courtney (Episodio 12)
13. Harold (Episodio 13)
Tornano Owen e Harold
12. Cody (Episodio 15)
11. Trent (Episodio 16)
10. Bridgette (Episodio 17)
9. Harold (Episodio 18)
8. Owen (Episodio 19)
7. Ezekiel (Episodio 20)
6. Geoff (Episodio 21)
5. Heather (Episodio 22)
4. Lindsay (Episodio 24)
3. Gwen (Episodio 25)
2. Duncan (Episodio 26)
1. Leshawna (Episodio 26)
what's the app to get the image
Honestly, I wasn't expecting what you did for Cody. And to be honest, Tyler could have been on the Screaming Gophers team and Justin on the Killer Bass team.
What would justin do on the killer bass
@@Rubytheninja-qe7qb Probably try to win over Eva
This is very good I love what u did with characters like noah and cody and bridgette and and justin . Making noah more strategic with his rivalry with justin was good and sets the stage for a rivalry possibly with them in action and i wish he had a rivalry with Heather his elimation was handled better cause it just kind of felt like plot to me and that his allance started to just be here for heathers extra votes. At 1st I thought bringing Cody back was pointless but I loved it his friendship with noah and owen was cool and him being nice to lindsay and gwen was wholesome also I loved no rubbish rigged elimation for Leshawna and bridgette and geoffs relationship. I also love Bridgettes elimation and how in character it was for heather to sabotage her
Minor thing was that beth didnt do anything to do and courtney overstayed her welcome by alotand I do feel that heather breaking her leg was extreme and very out of character for Heathertho I did like Courtney's allance with heather and I do feel to make geoffs winning more understandable u could have gave him a arc with his learning his bullying ways with harold but I don't really mind that but a bigger problem i have is that Harold got caught the rigging the votes which personally i think gives the bully the win which its almost like a prize to Duncan that doesnt give him karma and shows that bullying is ok which isnt right at all. overall good video will be watching the other ones .
My way
Beth and DJ return
Bro cant spell ezekiel bruhhh
Great video I Vote for both
Love it did u get the squares from vic and con and yay I’m ur 10th subscriber
I did, read description
@@DivineChaos204 love it btw what text don’t do u use I love it
@@totaldramatdmw-td. Soapy Hand bold
@@DivineChaos204 ok
what app did you use to get the images
please can you answer this is cool images but I wanna know
@@Isleseditss2025these images are homemade by them
@@FireKillerTotalDrama34 I want them to send me the images or something
22nd: Katie
21st: Sadie
20th: Justin
19th: Beth
N/A: Eva
18th: Trent
17th: Ezekiel
16th: Owen
15th: Geoff
14th: Cody
13th: Bridgette
12th: Courtney
11th: Harold
10th: Izzy
9th: Duncan
8th: Eva
7th: DJ
6th: Lindsay
5th: Tyler
4th: Heather
3rd: Noah
2nd: LeShawna
1st: Gwen
I try to keep Total Drama videos off of my account, but this video sparked me to make my own spin on this. And I'll be typing comments like this on your TDA and TDWT videos, too.
Total Drama Island Rewritten
Screaming Gophers: Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, Noah
Killer Bass: Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, Harold
Beth and Sadie swap teams in Episode 2
Alliances: Heather, Lindsay, Katie, Sadie / Duncan, Geoff, DJ, Tyler, Harold/ Noah, Cody, Owen
Friendships: Gwen, Leshawna, Bridgette / Courtney and Bridgette / Noah, Cody, Izzy, Owen, Eva / Geoff, Duncan, DJ, Tyler, Harold / Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Sadie / Trent and Cody / Lindsay and Leshawna
Rivalries: Gwen vs Heather / Leshawna vs Heather
Relationships: Duncan x Courtney / Trent x Gwen / Geoff x Bridgette / Owen x Izzy / Lindsay x Tyler
Elimination Order
Ep 1: N/A
Ep 2: Ezekiel (Same reason as canon)
Ep 3: Eva (Same reason as canon)
Ep 4: Justin (Same as way you put it)
Ep 5: Noah (Useless during challenge)
Ep 6: Sadie (Same as Katie in canon) [Villain's Helper]
Ep 7: Beth (Refused to face fear)
Ep 8: Izzy (Cursed team)
Ep 9: Tyler (mauled by a bear)
Ep 10: Owen (ate the team's food)
Ep 11: Cody (poisoned)
Ep 12: Katie (Failed challenge) [Villain's Helper]
Ep 13: Harold (Same as canon)
Ep 14: MERGE N/A Tyler and Cody return
Ep 15: Tyler (again) (Heather rigged votes)
Ep 16: Trent (same as canon)
Ep 17: Cody (Chef's choice) [Secondary Hero]
Ep 18: Lindsay (Last Place/same as canon) [Villain's Helper]
Ep 19: DJ (Chef's choice/same as canon)
Ep 20: Bridgette(Failed challenge) [Secondary Hero]
Ep 21: Leshawna (Whip key auto-elim) [Secondary Hero]
Ep 22: N/A
Ep 23: Courtney (injury/same as your way) [Smartest Player]
Ep 24: Geoff (Winner's Choice) [Secondary Hero]
Ep 25: Heather (same as canon) [Villain of the Season]
Gwen [Hero of the Season] VS Duncan [Anti-Hero of the Season]
Alt winner: Gwen
Winner: Duncan
For context on some of the eliminations, Cody was declared Secondary Hero because he got himself caught for Lindsay as he felt bad for her after Tyler's elimination two episodes prior, plus he took the skunk bomb for Bridgette. The winner in Episode 24 was Heather, and she chose Geoff to go home. Beth was in Tyler's place in the Phobia Factor challenge, and Izzy was in Beth's place in the Boney Island challenge.
My original plan was to have Bridgette in the finale instead of Gwen, but Gwen was at her best in this season, so I later changed my mind about Bridgette.
Revenge of The Island your way next
Season 4 complete
Jo and Brick
Scott and Dawn
Cameron and Mike
Zoey and Cameron
Dawn and Beverly aka B
Dawn vs Scott
Anne Maria vs Zoey
Dakota x Sam
Mike x Zoey
Vito x Anne Maria
My way:
22: Ezekiel
21: Beth
20: Sadie
19: Katie
18: Izzy
17: Eva
16: Harold
15: Justin
14: Cody
13: Noah
12: Leshawna
11: Tyler
10: Bridgette
9: Lindsay
8: Courtney
7: Owen
6: DJ
5: Trent
4: Geoff
3: Gwen
2: Duncan
Winner: Heather
24th Eva
23rd Noah
22nd Courtney
21st Sadie
20th Ezekiel
19th Leshwana
18th Izzy
17th Beth
16th Cody
15th Katie
14th Gwen
13th Owen
12th Heather
11th Lindsay
10th DJ
9th Geoff
8th Trent
7th Mr Coconut
6th/5th Bridgette/Duncan
Duncan Returns
4th Duncan
3rd Justin
2nd Tyler
1st Harold
My Way (* Means Same as Cannon):
My way
Episode 1
No elimination
Episode 2
Bottom 2: Courtney and Ezekiel
22nd Ezekiel
Episode 3
Bottom 2: Justin and Owen
21st Justin
Episode 4
Bottom 2: Noah and Leshawna
20th Noah
Episode 5
Bottom 2: Cody and Gwen
19th Gwen
Episode 6
Bottom 2: Katie and Bridgette
18th Katie
Episode 7
Bottom 2: Tyler and Eva
17th Tyler
Episode 8
Bottom 2: Izzy and Leshawna
16th Izzy
Episode 9
Bottom 2: Heather and Beth
15th Heather
Episode 10
Bottom 2: Cody and Trent
14th Cody
Episode 11
Bottom 2: Eva and Sadie
13th Sadie
Episode 12
Bottom 2: Harold and Courtney
12th Courtney
Episode 13
Bottom 2: Duncan and Harold
11th Harold
Episode 14
No elimination
Episode 15 ( Merge )
Heather and Izzy return
Duncan wins immunity
Bottom 2: Eva and Bridgette
12th Eva
Episode 16
Bridgette wins immunity
Bottom 2: Heather and Geoff
11th Geoff
Episode 17
Duncan wins immunity
Bottom 2: Bridgette and Beth
10th Bridgette
Episode 18
Heather wins immunity
Bottom 2: No Bottom 2
9th Beth ( Lost challenge )
Episode 19
Duncan wins immunity
8th Dj ( Lost challenge )
Episode 20
Trent wins immunity
Bottom 2: Izzy and Leshawna
7th Izzy
Episode 21
Leshawna and Duncan win immunity
Bottom 2: Trent and Owen
6th Trent
Episode 22
No immunity
Bottom 2: No Bottom 2
5th Leshawna ( Voted by losers )
Episode 23
Mr Coconut debuts
No immunity
Bottom 2: Duncan and Mr Coconut
5th Mr Coconut
Episode 24
Heather and Lindsay win immunity
Bottom 2: Duncan and Owen
4th Duncan
Episode 25
No immunity
3rd Heather ( Lost challenge )
Episode 26
Lindsay vs Owen
Owen wins
2nd Lindsay
1st Owen
My yay
24th: Ezekiel
23th: Beth
22th: Eva
21th: Cody
20th: Sadie
19th: Justin
18th: Owen
17th: Katie
16th: Lindsay
15th: Noah
14th: Harold
13th: Trent
12th: Izzy
Katie and Lindsay Return!
11th: Courtney
10th: DJ
9th: Katie
8th: Tyler
7th: Heather
6th: Lindsay
5th: Duncan
4th: Leshawna
3th: Geoff
2th: Gwen
1st: Bridgette
please can you answer
Geoff to win!
My way bc im bored
16th:Izzy (Taken By FBI)
14th&13th Owen & Beth
12th: Duncan (Harold Rigged Votes)
Izzy and Eva Return
Final 6
Courtney Heather Gwen Leshawna Geoff Bridgette
5th:Leshawna (Losers Vote)
3rd:Heather (Lost Challenge)
Gwen VS Geoff
The Winner Is....
i think you replaced courtney with duncan
@mnkash2007 this is a my way not an Elmination order
@@JasonTheRealOne yea yet you said Duncan Heather Gwen Leshawna Geoff Bridgette are in the final 6
@@mnkash2007 it was an accidentally jeez-
Where did you get those squares from?
Those squares are home made
Real-24 Ezekiel 23 Eva 22 Noah 21 Justin 20 Katie 19 Tyler 18 Izzy 17 Cody 16 Bet 15 Sadie 14 Courtlyn 13 Harold 12 Eva again 11 Trent 10 Brigitt 9 Lindsay 8 DJ 7 Izzy again 6 Geoff 5 Leshawna 4 Duncan 3 Heather 2 Gwen Winner:Owen
It almost look like the normal cast
my way
24 Ezekiel 5-3-3 vote Ezekiel 5 votes Courtney 3 votes Duncan 3 votes.Ezekiel 1st eliminated
23 Noah 10-1 vote Noah 10 votes Lindsay 1 vote.Noah 2nd eliminated
22 Justin 6-4 vote Justin 6 votes Heather 4 votes. Justin 3rd eliminated
21 Eva 9-1 vote Eva 9 votes Harold 1 vote. Eva 4th eliminated
20 Izzy 4-2-2-1 vote Izzy 4 votes Beth 2 votes Cody 2 votes Lindsay 1 vote. Izzy 5th eliminated
19 Cody 6-2 vote Cody 6 votes Owen 2 Votes.Cody 6th eliminated
18 Tyler 8-1 vote Tyler 8 votes Katie 1 vote.Tyler 7th eliminated
17 Katie TIE 3-3-2 vote revote 4-2 vote 1st voting Katie 3 votes Sadie 3 votes Harold 2 votes Revote Katie 4 votes Sadie 2 votes. Katie 8th Eliminated
16 Sadie Quits No elimination. Sadie 9th eliminated
15 Beth 4-3 vote Beth 4 votes Heather 3 votes. Beth 10th eliminated
14 Owen TIE 3-3 vote Revote 3-1 vote Owen 3 votes Heather 1 vote. Owen 11th Eliminated
13 Harold Votes supposed to be 6-0 vote Harold rigged votes for Courtney but cameras caught him. 5-1 vote Harold 5 votes Courtney 1 vote. Harold 12th eliminated
12 Bridgette 4-3-3-2 vote Bridgette 4 votes Duncan 3 votes Courtney 3 votes Heather 2 Votes.Bridgette 13th eliminated
11 Geoff 9-2 vote Geoff 9 votes Duncan 2 votes. Geoff 14th eliminated
10 Trent 9-1 vote Trent 9 votes Heather 1 vote does not count she wins invincibility. Trent 15th eliminated
9 Lindsay Lost Purge/ Bike race Lindsay 16th eliminated
8 Dj Killers Choice Dj 17th Eliminated
7 Izzy (again) 6-1 vote Izzy 6 votes Duncan 1 vote Izzy 18th eliminated
6 LeShawna 3-2-1 vote LeShawna 3 Votes Duncan 2 votes Gwen 1 vote.LeShawna 19th eliminated
5 Courtney Losers Vote ALL LOSERS VOTE HER OUT. Courtney 20th Eliminated
4 Mr. Coconut Chris’s Vote.Mr. CocoNut 21st eliminated
3 Heather Auto eliminated Heather 22nd eliminated
2 Duncan alternate winner Duncan 23rd eliminated
Gwen 24th and last person eliminated
Geoff, he is humble
My way
24 Ezekiel
23 sadie
22 justin
21 izzy
20 noah
19 tyler
18 beth
17 cody
16 eva
15 dj
14 courtney
13 trent
12 Harold
11 izzy
10 Katie
9 Lindsay
8 Leshawna
7 Bridgette
6 noah
5 duncan
4 geoff
3 heather
I Completely LOVED This! Very Good-Job! ;)
I Want Gwen To Win!
Pd; My Way;
24 - Ezekiel
23 - Noah
22 - Justin
21 - Sadie *QUITS*
20 - Izzy
19 - Harold
18 - Beth
17 - Cody *INJÚRED*
16 - Owen
15 - Eva
14 - Katie
13 - Tyler
*Justin + Izzy Return*
12 - Justin *AGAIN*
11 - Trent
10 - LeShawna
9 - Izzy *AGAIN*
8 - Geoff
7 - DJ *QUITS*
6 - Gwen *Heather Rígged The Votes, To Get Rid Of Gwen Off*
*The Losers Accidentally Decided To Eliminate...*
5 - Bridgette
4 - Lindsay
3RD - Heather *Villain Of The Season*
*Duncan's Side: Ezekiel, Eva, Tyler, Izzy, Lindsay, DJ, Geoff, LeShawna, Heather, Gwen, And Owen*
*Courtney's Side: Noah, Justin, Katie, Cody, Beth, Sadie, Harold, Trent, And Bridgette*
2ND - Courtney *Runner Up*
1ST - Duncan *Winner*
Bro its my way but changing katie and sadie 😭
@@YesImAYoshiFan LOL OMG.
I assume ur a big duncney fan
Song plis
Gwen Wins
Geoff's winning
Not let him cook
I think Gwen