Lasers for cooking steaks need to be powerful enough to heat quickly, typically tens of watts. They can be dangerous without proper safety measures like goggles and shielding. Stay cautious!
Laser cooking is still in the research phase, so not many people are using it yet. But some cool prototypes are out there, like the ones from Columbia University’s Creative Machines Lab! Check it out here:
Kochen mit einem Laser wäre mit der richtigen Programmierung ideal um jedes Essen perfekt zuzubereiten oder?
Ja, mit der richtigen Steuerung kann ein Laser Essen perfekt zubereiten!
How powerful should the lasers be for cooking steaks? Can the laser-cooking be dangerous?
Lasers for cooking steaks need to be powerful enough to heat quickly, typically tens of watts. They can be dangerous without proper safety measures like goggles and shielding. Stay cautious!
Are there already people using the laser-cooking technology?
Laser cooking is still in the research phase, so not many people are using it yet. But some cool prototypes are out there, like the ones from Columbia University’s Creative Machines Lab! Check it out here: