從問題出發 社企翻轉商業競爭思維 | A Call for Open Social Innovation | 唐鳳 Audrey Tang | TEDxTaipei

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024
  • 我們常認為「社會公益」與「企業經濟」是兩種衝突的價值,從礦業法、食品管理、到空氣污染等議題,常常難以取得共識。但唐鳳提出了同時達成兩種價值的解方:「社會企業」。
    Many might think that "socialism" and "capitalism" represents two conflicting values, but Audrey proposes a solution that may achieve a win-win situation for proponents on either side: social enterprises. She believes that social issues can and should be tackled using an open, collaborative method that includes for-profit disciplines and revenue models. In this short talk, Audrey explains the fundamentals of social enterprises, and how individuals and the government can participate in this social innovation movement. 台灣首位數位政務委員。目前負責「開放政府」、「社會企業」與「青年諮詢委員會」等三項業務,透過「從自己辦公室做起」的方式,向事務官同仁們示範如何運用數位科技,達到簡化行政作業流程、提升討論及決策品質之目標。在國際交流方面,與法國、西班牙、英國、紐西蘭等國的各級政府在數位治理領域長期保持合作關係,持續累積「開放政府外交」之經驗與成果。
    A self-described "Civic Hacker", Audrey Tang is a gifted, self-taught software programmer who began coding at the age of 8 and started her own search-engine company at the age of 14. After years of participation and collaboration among various open source groups, in 2015, Audrey accepted a public sector consulting role that leveraged her knowledge of open-source communities to build communication channels in government. Currently at 36, she is Taiwan's youngest government minister, tasked with heading its digital policy. As Taiwan's first digital minister, she is actively working to build the right environment for social change. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx