The first one got no choice but to cut and burn to gain fertility of soil. The second one is, it doesn't need cutting down of tree because the soil is reach in natural fertility because the land has better soil than the first one.
Las cenizas de las quemas del bosque dan fertilidad al suelo por poco tiempo y rápidamente la chacra se llena de malezas. Por el contrario, si en lugar de ser quemada, ésas mismas ramas son aplicadas al suelo como mantillo o mulch, se van a descomponer más lentamente, conservando así la fertilidad del suelo. Es el llamado chop and drop.
Yas! We need more of this knowledge to get massive! Especially right now asap in order to help our Amazon!
we need more of this!!
Great video except the narrators couldn't say Chacra integral
I wonder what the difference in total yield production is between burning the forest & sustainably farming with the thick-humid compost?
Keep working hard on your good deed !
that is way the produce in Peru is so Delicious
Worship Mother Earth or she will go on without the ones that abuse her.
Oh this is awesome!
The first one got no choice but to cut and burn to gain fertility of soil.
The second one is, it doesn't need cutting down of tree because the soil is reach in natural fertility because the land has better soil than the first one.
The point is keeping the fertility, the burned ones are not taken good care of, while the other one keeps on giving
Las cenizas de las quemas del bosque dan fertilidad al suelo por poco tiempo y rápidamente la chacra se llena de malezas. Por el contrario, si en lugar de ser quemada, ésas mismas ramas son aplicadas al suelo como mantillo o mulch, se van a descomponer más lentamente, conservando así la fertilidad del suelo. Es el llamado chop and drop.
Alemania tiene la culpa de la deforestación.
. ¿Crees que la agricultura vertical tiene los beneficios para ayudar? Porque pobreza es un gran problema en otros partes.
Use the trees for building!
Lul 29 Schüler der Klasse 7.8 gucken das Viedeo
vllt #GansisteinNoob
@@aurum_deetox5349 Where are u earnings
Merkel, go to buy Greenland and leave Amazon! Denmark need your help.
peepee poopoo
Poopoo peepee
(no thoughts, head empty)