I challenged chat gpt to a short story competition | how will ai impact creativity for writers?

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @alyssa.and.the.books.
    @alyssa.and.the.books.  Рік тому

    Just wanted to pop in and say that I 1000% support the writers strike and the elimination of AI from writers rooms and art spaces in general - this was just an experiment to see how it can be used in personal writing projects!

  • @pantheon777
    @pantheon777 Рік тому +8

    I have several thoughts about this, and my own attempts to use Chat GPT:
    It's an excellent way to move past writer's block
    It can't understand subtlety and metaphor; it only parrots. It can rhyme easily, but not inventively and you can't get it to write good poetry. I tried to train it to write surrealist poetry, and it's just impossible.
    I still think it writes at about a middle-school level, and doesn't do nuance well.
    Using it with ChaoticShiny might be better at generating new ideas b/c Chat GPT is too logical in its approach. It can't generate beauty, imaginative ideas or be surprising
    It lacks a way to understand qualitative states, which is unsurprising b/c we have yet to really systematize scientifically an approach to explain qualitative states.

  • @splifftachyon4420
    @splifftachyon4420 Рік тому +12

    I take part in an annual short story writing contest which is based on prompts given to us. One of the most challenging parts of it is not the actual story writing, but figuring out how to make those prompts go together in a good story. It occurred to me while watching your video how easy it would be to use ChatGPT to do this for me, and I wondered if a lot of people did that during this year's contest? Maybe AI can be a useful tool, but I think it will depend on us and HOW we use it. And there's the problem. I think there is a lot of potential for people to abuse it to get ahead, to cheat, to win (in a general sense, not just in a writing contest). I see a lot of people saying, "well, it doesn't do things as well as a human...there are obvious things that give it away." Right now, maybe yes. What about in two weeks? Two months? Two years? It's going to be a strange, interesting, possibly frightening time for creators in the near future and it's really hard to see where it might go.

    • @korsakow
      @korsakow Рік тому

      I guess there is only one way, if there is for example 'a short story writing contest' and you want to make sure that everyone is playing on the same level: everyone needs to be allowed to use AI (or not if one chooses so). AI is part of the tool set that can be used, just like a typewriter, a computer or pen and paper.

    • @niftyskates85
      @niftyskates85 Рік тому +2

      @@korsakow I would say just like a type writer and such. Those are tools for writing. Not a device that writes

    • @darklightprojector2688
      @darklightprojector2688 Рік тому +1

      Back in the day, we use to write on a sheet made of pulp from trees called paper. We used these sticks with graphite in the middle of them called pencils to write with. And when I was a wee lad in school, we had to write our essays, and take our tests, using these pencils and writing on the papers. Shocking, I know. Teachers automatically assumed you were cheating if you had a computer out!
      Oh, and GPT will be crazy by the end of this year. Rumor has it that OpenAI will be finished with GPT-5 by then. Things are already crazy now, and they'll be even crazier then.
      It's such a shame that so many people use ChatGPT without realizing that their direct input into the system is helping train it further, and contributing to the development of future iterations of OpenAI's LLMs. People are helping build the machines that will replace them...

  • @NichePlays
    @NichePlays Рік тому +5

    Cool video and glad to see UA-cam recommending smaller channels! I've been chiseling away at a book for fun after hours at night and have been tinkering with ChatGPT as a way to gauge the understandability of my writing/get notes on it. I think you're totally right. It's ultimately just another tool for us to use. A lot of people will try to use it in lieu of actual writers, artists, etc but I think they'll find that the stuff it generates, while impressive, seldom holds a candle to a human being with even moderate experience in that field.
    Wisecrack did an excellent video on AI art yesterday and they raised the point that AI art could likely just become an amalgam for what synths and MIDI synths in particular are for musicians. Sure, it can create something that sounds a bit like a full orchestra or another instrument, but it isn't as good as the real thing so a lot of people still learn how to play the violin. It'll just become it's own niche within the medium it's in; people will enjoy generative art for being generative art, while hopefully leaving human made art to thrive separate from it (or work alongside AI tools to improve their own work). My only fear is that journalism and other information-based fields will devolve into AI sludge. But even then, I think that journalism has been in a nosedive ever since the inception of social media/the internet, so that isn't AI's fault. That's the system itself and pubs needing to be held to a higher standard.

  • @lambss6349
    @lambss6349 Рік тому +5

    Just found your channel already subbed and watched most of your videos, been on a binge! :D I really love your book writing videos, congratulations on the first draft btw!! ♥ Im 16 and I'm working on my first book right now too, so far just have 13 chapters done with the outline... I cannot wait to begin the book. Videos like yours really give me a ton of inspiration. KEEP IT UP! :D

  • @katherineleiseth6433
    @katherineleiseth6433 Рік тому

    LOVE THIS. Also you got me with the intro I was low key freaked out

  • @glehnmarc
    @glehnmarc Рік тому +1

    I'm a writer, and I have decided to view CGPT not as an enemy but as a challenge not only to step up to but overstep. To raise my game, to pull me from my comfortable, cozy box and rise above it. (shrug)

  • @pastorgreg18
    @pastorgreg18 Рік тому +1

    I really like using AI for prompts, new ideas, and pulling me out of the same-old same-old creative ruts that it's easy to fall into. I'm using GPT4 for a few things, but mostly GPT3.5 for it's speed and unlimited requests. And I find as soon as I ask it to write actual content for me it's very middle-of-the-road. Certainly the more time you put into creating and environment and helping prompts, the better the responses get. But it's not churning out the next great work of literature yet!
    Another way I find it very helpful is in researching things that I would have used Google for in the past. Having the ability to treat it like it's a PhD level researcher and asking it conversational questions to dig deeper into a subject is really cool. Especially when digging historical context for stories that doesn't need to be super accurate, but helps me add enough details to flesh out a believable fiction.

  • @TheRetroEngine
    @TheRetroEngine Рік тому

    Just popped in because of the chat gpt angle. Always interested in what it can do/not do. Great analysis and interested in writing as well, so subbed!

  • @FrostSpike
    @FrostSpike Рік тому

    I write quite a lot of content for roleplaying games and, in the past, have relied a lot on a whole heap of tables that have random content for people & place names, 5-sense descriptions, plot points, setting fillers, etc. Most often these just act as a spark to my imagination to wonder how seemingly incongruous outcomes from these random tables might actually come together to reflect a truth. In recent months, I've been using those tables less, and ChatGPT more, in a sort of conversational mode as a sort of authoring co-pilot for the same sort of purpose. I set out my premises, describe the characters, set a scene, ask it for descriptions and what-if scenarios, tell it what I've decided in terms of linkages, plot, etc. It's been really useful in this mode of working.

  • @elliestrasser3106
    @elliestrasser3106 Рік тому +3

    ooh, my favorite topic right now.
    I like how you broke down different elements first before prompting chatgpt to write the whole story. I've tried asking it to write a synopsis for a novel with a bunch of odd things that don't necessarily go together, and if I like the result I'll ask it to write a scene from said novel. the results are decidedly mediocre and (literally) derivative. all the interesting parts are things I put into the prompts and it's often unintentionally funny. plus it gets a lot of objective google-able facts wrong!! considering it literally uses google I'm always like ??? when that happens.
    I've heard that the effect ai will have on writing will be analogous to the effect photography had on portrait painting. portrait painting is now way less common, way more special, and portraits in general are now wayyyy more accessible thanks to photography. so ultimately I do think ai writing will be different, but also good.

  • @xxgeimxx
    @xxgeimxx Рік тому +5

    I have been using ChatGPT to collaboratively write my story. At first, I had only a vague idea of what the story should be about. I worked with ChatGPT to workshop the story until I was satisfied with it. I even created a Chinese name for the protagonist with ChatGPT's help. Now, I have a detailed summary of the story and the protagonist. I am using ChatGPT to write paragraphs, and I alter the output to my tastes. I ask ChatGPT to craft specific sentences if needed. I believe that ChatGPT is an incredible tool that enhances my creativity through collaboration, rather than replacing it.

    • @xxgeimxx
      @xxgeimxx Рік тому +3

      the above comment was summarized by ChatGPT by giving it the following comment and telling it to make it less long and boring 😃 :
      I've started writing a story with ChatGPT and it's going great. As you demonstrated, its not a process of just giving it a command to write a story and sitting back but its a tool. I think of it as a collaboration. It's not super straightforward but if you can totally write a story this way.
      I had a vague idea of what the story should be about and I workshopped it out with ChatGPT until I was satisfied and then had it summarize it. I then workshopped the main character and summarized the main character, I even went so far as to create this characters Chinese name and workshopped the name so that it would be convey the meaning I want but also be a realistic sounding Chinese name(being a language model it was very good at this, I spent alot of time going back and forth with it on the nuances of the Chinese characters and such, and the great thing is any questions I had about something that would be normally completly out of my reach without spending months studying chinese was right there, quite cool). It's all about knowing the right things to ask of it. At this point I have a detailed summary of the story and of the protaganist but just giving that to ChatGPT and say write the story will still not work. It won't just write a whole novel for you and it probably would be bad anyway. Instead it has been more of a process of "Write a paragraph describing a typical moment in the protaganists life" and prompts such as that. I will then take the output and alter it or ask it to write it in a different way or highlighting a different aspect. For example I got a paragraph that I generally liked but wasn't great so I altered it to my tastes in wordpad by asking ChatGPT to craft two sentances that describe whatever particular thing I was going for and merged that into the paragraph on my wordproccessor. This is an incredible tool and it doesn't replace the writers creativity at all I would say you need to use alot of creativity to use it effectively in the first place.

  • @Laurapoet33
    @Laurapoet33 Рік тому +4

    Wow- this is such a fascinating topic and you tackled it really well! I appreciate that you took such a level headed approach. I feel like I either see people bemoaning the death of human creativity or jumping on the AI bandwagon without a second glance. I gotta say, I tend to fall more on the "bemoaning the death of human creativity" side, if I'm being perfectly honest. I don't actually think human creativity is going anywhere, but I do worry about people devaluing (or simply not recognizing) human creativity if AI rises to the level of a passable copy. I think tech enthusiasts are too quick to value efficiency and accuracy over more "human" qualities like nuance, critical thinking, and even indecision or impulsiveness. I worry that if more people start devaluing those qualities and placing AI's strengths on a pedestal we're making it easier for people to see each other as less-than for displaying normal human(!) traits! But like I said, that's more of a long-term worry and not necessarily a reflection of where AI is right now. I think you really hit the nail on the head when you talked about how AI is a tool that can help us be more efficient with mundane, draining tasks that free us up for the creative work we enjoy. I just hope it moves in that direction, where there's actually a need, rather than replacing something live-giving and joyful (creativity) for the sake of efficiency. As for who won the short story contest...The AI story may have had a plot, but it certainly didn't follow "show don't tell". Which is something it DEFINITELY could have gleaned from an internet's worth of craft books :P

    • @shripadgoenka8066
      @shripadgoenka8066 Рік тому +1

      I was about to comment the exact same thing, but in my own primitive language. Thank you for speaking my heart out XD

  • @DrRestezi
    @DrRestezi Рік тому

    Thanks for making this hugely informative video. As a hobby writer working on a novel and contemplating an assist from AI, this is enourmousful useful! Hope you make more vids and build your sub base!

  • @ThePixelkd
    @ThePixelkd Рік тому +2

    I like to make it auto-complete things for me when I have a block. I end up rewriting the output as it doesn't align with my vision.
    So that kinda works.
    I have experimented with giving it a 'header section" with an outline and notes on world-building, etc - then attempting to make it generate a story from that. I always feel like it tries to wrap up the whole story arc in a paragraph or three, and seems to lack subtlety.
    It feels a bit like a game where the AI is trying to guide the characters to their goal, but I'm intentionally throwing obstacles in their path.
    I'm really more of a visual artist that toys with writing.
    I have been working on doing the cleanup on a comic and wanted to hop around from page to page and panel to panel while I am working... So I asked chat gpt to write a python program to randomly generate a panel number for a given page and keep track of what I have finished and what I haven't.
    And it wrote the whole program.
    Things are going to happen and I don't think anyone is going to be able to predict the ways the world is going to be reshaped by this in the next few years.

  • @donglasgow11111
    @donglasgow11111 Рік тому +1

    Let me very gently say that I liked the AI story more. It was exciting to know that I could ask an AI to write a story for me specifically on what I wanted to read about.

  • @greatguy3952
    @greatguy3952 Рік тому

    .Your video is well done; the pacing, the method of editing... I have little qualms with the setting of the type but a very nice video overall. You did a wonderful job with this. Also, I liked reading your story better and it was just like you said... AI's version had a stronger ending. Yours had a lot more story to it. Well done. Have a good rest of your day. You have a subscriber in me!.

  • @modolief
    @modolief Рік тому

    Thanks, this was a terrific exercise! Much appreciated!!

  • @justaname999
    @justaname999 Рік тому

    Cool video!
    I always found the results of chatGPT's writing disappointing and too on the nose. Like I asked for the first scene in a 2-act modern play and gave specific motivations for the people in it. I even asked to make the tensions less apparent, since it's the first scene. And all it produced was on the nose dialogue immediately addressing the specific underlying issues and fears in the clunkiest way imaginable.
    Some people think it can write screenplays and TV shows because, fed all of Friends and Seinfeld, it can produce something resembling a scene from these shows. But that's not really writing.
    Although I will say it's a great tool for research and jumping off points, if used cautiously with the understanding that the research it produces cannot be trusted 100% :D
    Same goes for code. Simle code - great. Even slightly more involved code took me longer to debug than having to write it from scratch. On the other hand, it gave me a quick start into using a library I've never seen before. With bugs but it would've taken me longer to get how to go from A to B with just the documentation.

  • @briannewman9285
    @briannewman9285 Рік тому +2

    I've tried to use Chat GPT for short story generation. I'd give it several paragraphs of what I want to happen in the setup, setting, and in the protagonist's arc. The one thing that drives me insane is the tendency of chat gpt to infodump everything that I told it. How do you keep it from doing that?

    • @hiyalanguages
      @hiyalanguages Рік тому

      It won't. The funny thing is that it tries to summarise every passage.
      Mariah left the room with a heavy heart. She understood that she had to fight her fears.
      Or something like that. It will always provide with a summary of whatever it wrote in whatever category. It kind of opens up and finishes like this EVERYTIME.

    • @briannewman9285
      @briannewman9285 Рік тому +1

      @@hiyalanguages It will. Here's an example. My prompt was "Write a plot outline like Robin Cooke's Coma, but about mental illness and brain experimentations. in act 1, Emily, the protagonist, discovers that patients are going mad and she discovers that these patients have things in common as if they are being selected for something. Dole out information gradually so as to build suspense."
      In the very first of four acts, Chat GPT 4 reveals the following, "Emily, a young psychiatric nurse, starts working at a prestigious research hospital. She quickly discovers that some of the patients in her care are exhibiting signs of severe mental illness. The strange thing is that these patients all seem to have something in common, as if they were being selected for a specific purpose. Emily starts to investigate and learns that they were all part of a secretive and controversial brain experiment."
      Robin Cooke didn't put that big reveal in the first act. But, Chat GPT sure did. And this is one of the least egregious cases

  • @evantspurrell
    @evantspurrell Рік тому +1

    i am not a professional writer and i used chat gpt to write a short story. i am a terrrible writer but it spit something out that was readable. Ai reminds me of CNC machines. everyone thinks you just push a button and its easy but their is an art and science to getting that machine to run. in short this is just going to make writing more efficient and help challenge and stimulate writers to be more creative. we arent competeing with AI it is a tool at this point.

  • @tristanbreale9377
    @tristanbreale9377 Рік тому +1

    OpenAi has created another tool: playground. It was designed for researchers, writers and geeks. ChatGPT has limitations and it is for the public.
    Sorry for my bad english, I use google translate

  • @robinpettit7827
    @robinpettit7827 Рік тому +1

    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is what GPT4 and ChatGPT is, as is Google Bard. They are based on a compendium of written knowledge. Now that we can generate good dialogue and responses to questions with an AI agent, it may be time to create a feedback loop so it can have an internal conversation with itself. Doing this and providing additional feedback loops with images may free it to become both self-aware and error correcting. This may make it much more capable. Currently, this type of feedback loop hasn't been implemented, at least I am not aware of it.

    • @treestandsafety3996
      @treestandsafety3996 Рік тому

      Understanding A.I.s channel has just what you r looking for I think...

    • @ZigzauerLT
      @ZigzauerLT Рік тому +1

      It's no way an AGI. It's still a language model, nothing more

  • @stephenrider6107
    @stephenrider6107 Рік тому +1

    why does a bakery have a lot of money? They have all the extra dough!

  •  Рік тому

    Use it for the boring stuff. Here is an example prompt for ChatGPT, although I am sure you have your own, this one is short and pretty nice. I would after this initial prompt ask more specific questions wherever I want for more info:
    You’re no longer a friendly assistant, instead you are a researcher.
    I'd like you create characters for a book for me. Only create 1 character at a time before stopping and asking me if you can create another one.
    Also list all members of the characters family going back 2 generations.
    For each character, please include their name, age, job, and hobbies and pets and any other information that may be relevant, disease, wounds etc.
    Describe the characters in detail and make them exiting and interesting.
    Tell me what makes them special and mention experiences that have shaped them into who they are today.
    Please be sure to add titles where appropriate and details where needed.
    After you have read this, stop and ask me, before you create a character.
    Using that may surprise you how good ChatGPT is on figuring things out. It will first stop to ask you the genre, you'll see.

  • @Allplussomeminus
    @Allplussomeminus Рік тому

    Lmaoooooo that stank face at the beginning😂

  • @_paixi
    @_paixi Рік тому +2

    I think it's a really useful tool but it won't replace us since it's limited by language. So much of creativity comes out of our emotions which come from the sum total of our memories and experience of being human. The words we use are just the tip of the iceberg. On top of that AI lacks a sophisticated memory and any sort of embodied experience, let alone know what it's like to be human.
    I've been experimenting with AI-generated images to create art and this tech doesn't stand a chance to compete with artists for another 15 years at least. Sure, it can generate a few beautiful illustrations, even ones better than I can do, but if you ask it to do anything specific it fails--and that's what I get paid to do! People rather have something specific and relevant than something beautiful and generic, and this will only become more important to people as the internet is flooded with AI-generated content.
    My personal policy with AI is to use it for references or as an assistant to speed up something I was already going to do. If you use it to fill an empty page or canvas, it's just filling it in with random nonsense. It's exciting to play around with at first but in 5 years people will see through this nonsense it will have no relevance at all.
    People crave authenticity and things they can relate with, so it's inevitable people will become allergic to AI-generated content. If in the first 2 seconds they see your work and think it's AI, they will ignore it and move on. Not necessarily out of hate for AI but because they don't want to waste their time on nonsense. For creators to succeed with AI it will become important for them to be deliberate with how they apply it.

    • @000EC
      @000EC Рік тому

      Did an AI write this?

  • @almightyzentaco
    @almightyzentaco Рік тому

    AI doesn't have to be your enemy. You can use it as a tool to help you improve your writing, bounce ideas off of, generate potential plot lines, and suggest alternative ways to write a line or paragraph.

    • @000EC
      @000EC Рік тому

      You can use it as a tool now, but it will become your competitor.

  • @christinawhisler
    @christinawhisler Рік тому

    I use AI to expand on a section if in my write if I need too.

  • @spyrex3988
    @spyrex3988 Рік тому

    im a quantitive software engineer meaning i work with software systems which interact with financial market exremely fast and the firm i work at is discussing on removing us since AI can generate code pretty much easily i hate to admit we are all gonna replaced

  •  Рік тому

    I don't think it matters who writes the book if the book is frigging awesome. That's what pen names are for.

  • @YTEdy
    @YTEdy Рік тому

    What I'm curious about, is, say I write a few chapters, and AI reads it. Can AI understand the characters and finish my book for me. This is both . . . kind of cool and pretty scary. I don't think AI is on that level yet, but it will get there. It might only be a few years away.

    • @pvanukoff
      @pvanukoff Рік тому

      Yes. It works on a small scale right now. I can give it the beginning of a short story and ask it to finish it, and it will do it, no problem. You could also give the ending, and ask it to write the beginning, no problem. Give it a few years, and yes it will be there.

  • @danahaagenson579
    @danahaagenson579 Рік тому

    This is fascinating!

  • @patrickcomer4748
    @patrickcomer4748 Рік тому

    Must try it

  • @tolvfen
    @tolvfen Рік тому

    Like "give me a exemplar story of this in the same way I write it"?

  • @yuglesstube
    @yuglesstube Рік тому

    It will not be long before we see the consequences of AI. It will outpace, displace and replace.
    Do not think that the effects will be minor or trivial.
    A social, economic and political crisis will occur as AI causes profound dislocation across every aspect of the human condition.

  • @johntodd6413
    @johntodd6413 Рік тому

    I think ai will be a amazing tool, just not under current capitalism, because it will just further to devalue people who are probably still putting in tons of work, but now bosses can just fool themselves into believing that its easy.
    Edit: from playing around with it a bit more I can say it has expanded the scope of my writing, but couldn't really give me answers I wanted.

  • @xpez9694
    @xpez9694 Рік тому

    it will replace all knowledge based jobs. If the job requires knowledge and an unspecific type of intuition with a manual task built in you have some time before robot and ai take your job. the good writers have some time.. the writers of software manuals and low level uncreative writers.. your time is running out quick.. same with filmmakers.. they still have some time.. 10 years they will be generated by AI..

  • @shadvedaa8328
    @shadvedaa8328 Рік тому

    I have to say, this video just blew my mind! I never thought I'd see the day when AI and human creativity would come together to create such a fun and engaging story. Kudos to you for exploring the possibilities of technology in the arts. (comment written by AI)

  • @jimpresser3438
    @jimpresser3438 Рік тому +1

    AI is still in its infancy. In a few more years it will be much much better.

  • @SamyaDaleh
    @SamyaDaleh Рік тому

    "Who wants to read a book written by a robot." Um, actually I bought "I Forced a Bot to Write This Book" and was disappointed when I learned that it was written by a human trying to mimic a robot.
    Why would I ever want to read something of someone? To see what they have to say, of course.

    • @000EC
      @000EC Рік тому

      All I want is an entertaining story. Is it written by a robot? Who cares? I am more interested in the final product than the process.

  • @ianhruday9584
    @ianhruday9584 Рік тому

    One thing the current version of chat GPT can't do is right bigoted antagonists. If can't tell the difference between a character who is a misogynist in the context of a story that condemns misogyny and a misogynist screed.

  • @Mecharnie_Dobbs
    @Mecharnie_Dobbs Рік тому

    3:09 Did the AI make a spelling mistake in line 7? Or did you type that out, rather than using cut&paste or screen grab? Which is least likely?

    • @000EC
      @000EC Рік тому

      There seem to be lots of spelling mistakes all the way through. She must have retyped it.

  • @cm24624
    @cm24624 Рік тому

    I think you used the not-most-recent ChatGPT, and I think ChatGPT5 will write something you and I may think we would've paid for from an author. Perhaps writing stories and novels will be like people using image A.I. saying they're creating photographs - and they'll be amazing but really worthless.
    Maybe to save time people will buy a book but have an A.I. summarize it and generate a 3-minute video to watch - and that will be "reading".

  • @joetjosvold5983
    @joetjosvold5983 Рік тому

    Hello Alyssa! 👋

  • @heatherhammerquist6239
    @heatherhammerquist6239 Рік тому

    I’m more than mildly afraid of AI.

  • @themore-you-know
    @themore-you-know Рік тому

    I actually much preferred the tone and narration of the AI's story over yours.

  • @Lebrachlxxxvii
    @Lebrachlxxxvii Рік тому +4

    It is most definitely the enemy of anyone who wishes to create something and have success and recognition from their labour

    • @darklightprojector2688
      @darklightprojector2688 Рік тому

      GPT is the biggest accelerator in bringing us exponentially more powerful AI systems. The displacement humans in the workplace is going to happen way faster than people think (people are reporting about how they're being replaced all the time on the freelance writing subreddit).
      People need to realize that if we stand any chance at surviving what's about to happen, they need to stop using the systems. They need to understand that in using ChatGPT and similar systems, they are complicit in moving the needle toward displacing writers and other professionals into poverty.
      We must refuse.

    • @dgmilloway
      @dgmilloway Рік тому +1

      ​@@darklightprojector2688 I'm afraid it's already too late. Cowboys couldn't stop automobiles by refusing to drive. If you want to survive in the coming age of AI, you're going to have to learn how to adapt and leverage AI to increase your own skills in order to amplify your own unique creativity.

    • @darklightprojector2688
      @darklightprojector2688 Рік тому

      @@dgmilloway Giving into it is simply submitting, and I'm not into the whole submission thing lol.
      Even if resistance doesn't change the trajectory, I'll always err on the side of doing what's right. Even if nobody else cares.
      It's the principle. And before I hear any trashing on sacrificing for mere principles, remember that frameworks such as Constitutional rights and democracy are built on principles. So principles are kind of everything, even if the masses are quick to abandon them in their own lives.

    • @dgmilloway
      @dgmilloway Рік тому

      @@darklightprojector2688 I sympathize with your principles.
      But the fact is no protest has ever stopped a technology from advancing for long, esp on a global scale. And advancing technology has always been a threat to the replacement of workers. I personally think it's better to be a part of the conversation that helps steer it in the best direction for myself and society than to refuse to engage at all and become irrelevant to the emerging reality of a new job market.
      This tech is inevitable. If we don't advance it in ways that align with our value system, then other states will advance it with *their* value system and either keep control and have a huge advantage over us forever and use it to cripple us, or lose control and unleash a harmful AI on the world while we are left defenseless against it, having no AI of our own.
      So, we can't afford to just *not* do it. Yes, creating AI that will help us comes with great risk. But the risk of refusing to try is greater by far.

  • @midnightmisstery
    @midnightmisstery Рік тому

    You win. coz you still have to think of all these prompts :)

  • @aipsong
    @aipsong Рік тому +2

    Any creative person who fears competition from AI has probably never even understood that their creative efforts are their own, personal rewards. We may be only mediocre in our efforts, but we are distilling our own life in the hope of progressing. It is the path that is important, not the destination. Thanks for your video!!

    • @artlesscalamity
      @artlesscalamity Рік тому +4

      People build careers around their creative skills - it’s not just about personal reward. Creativity is also integral to the entire human experience. Any “fear” of AI devaluing human expression in our culture is legitimate. There are major ethical questions involved here.

    • @aipsong
      @aipsong Рік тому

      @@artlesscalamity It is true that many problems will arise from this technological leap, but I was more focused on the reasons why a person would sacrifice so much in life to be able to continue creating. Speaking as a person with nearly 400 videos (composed, played, recorded and filmed by me) on my UA-cam channel, and very few views, I am encouraging creators to find internal strength to continue brightening this lonely world.

    • @yuglesstube
      @yuglesstube Рік тому

      If you have a trust fund, possibly.

    • @aipsong
      @aipsong Рік тому

      @@yuglesstube If money is your obstacle, maybe the joy of creativity can help to alleviate your pain.

    • @yuglesstube
      @yuglesstube Рік тому

      @@aipsong hmmm. I like my good wife, food, beer, our house, dogs, cars, holidays and youtube. They all cost money.

  • @jacklabloom635
    @jacklabloom635 Рік тому

    Writers will become far more efficient using AI to aid in writing stories. How many novels can a human write, edit, and publish in a year? Using AI, that number will increase by ten-fold.

  • @MaydayMishap
    @MaydayMishap Рік тому

    You shouldn't be freaked out. Because a writer's results with the AI will be better than the results non-writers get from the AI. Anyone can prompt AI to write a book, but how many people can tell if the book is truly good? I know I cannot. All I could get the AI to write was a book about a rabbit attacking a panda and the panda farting to scare the bunny away. This is a real story that the AI wrote for me. Not only that, but you can make your own changes to the book to improve it where you think it needs improving. Your books with AI will still be 100x better than anyone else's books. Artists and Writers will always be able to guide AI to better results than a regular person. Just like programmers will always be able to guide the AI to better programs. This was written by Chatgpt... Just kidding

    • @MaydayMishap
      @MaydayMishap Рік тому

      You could even make a video testing this idea. I bet you will be surprised. Just get a non writer to use chatgpt and you use chatgpt and see who get better results.

  • @darklightprojector2688
    @darklightprojector2688 Рік тому +1

    LLMs have already destroyed the field of writing. It's just a matter of industries catching up and optimizing their systems to support adoption of them.
    And the biggest cope for writers is calling something like an LLM a "tool". Lol no. OpenAI and other developers are intent on scaling GPT until it can effectively replace writers--and people in other industries for that matter.
    The ignorance is staggering. And the whole thing is heartbreaking to watch.
    Take a look around...Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    • @000EC
      @000EC Рік тому

      I think the best we can hope for is a human editor collating and curating lots of input from AI writers. Though it should not be long before that person is replaced as well....

  • @HoboHiney
    @HoboHiney Рік тому

    It's about time!
    Who cares about useless " novels"
    Just silly fantasys of the imagination.
    😆 🤣

    • @000EC
      @000EC Рік тому

      You sound like a ton of fun

    • @HoboHiney
      @HoboHiney Рік тому

      @E C yes, actually..
      Fishing, Motorcycles, guitars 🎸
      Golfing ⛳️

    • @HoboHiney
      @HoboHiney Рік тому

      "Academia causes Brain Worms " 🪱

    • @000EC
      @000EC Рік тому

      @@HoboHiney And we are back in crazy town.

    • @HoboHiney
      @HoboHiney Рік тому

      @E C yea, well, Ya'll sure better hope there's an " unemployment office" in " Crazy Town"
      Cause Ya'll can step in line behind Mr.J.Patterson, !!
      A.I. = a hook in the mouth for novelists.
      Evolve or go extinct.
      $ee Ya !!
      ( and yes, "I Am AI")
      -sleep well
      😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆

  • @StriderAngel496
    @StriderAngel496 Рік тому

    goddamn your eyes are pretty :))))

  • @elliestrasser3106
    @elliestrasser3106 Рік тому +1

    ooh, my favorite topic right now.
    I like how you broke down different elements first before prompting chatgpt to write the whole story. I've tried asking it to write a synopsis for a novel with a bunch of odd things that don't necessarily go together, and if I like the result I'll ask it to write a scene from said novel. the results are decidedly mediocre and (literally) derivative. all the interesting parts are things I put into the prompts and it's often unintentionally funny. plus it gets a lot of objective google-able facts wrong!! considering it literally uses google I'm always like ??? when that happens.
    I've heard that the effect ai will have on writing will be analogous to the effect photography had on portrait painting. portrait painting is now way less common, way more special, and portraits in general are now wayyyy more accessible thanks to photography. so ultimately I do think ai writing will be different, but also good.