George morikawa is 57 years old. So we can assume that he can draw the manga till maybe 70. Which means only 13 years are left. And after we do quick math about how many chapters will be released till he hits 70(assuming that he releases 1 chapter every week) then we get almost 652 chapters. Even if we imagine that by the time manga will get completed, it will take 13 years to complete 😢😢
Glad to see the video is finally here! :)
you dude its been10 month from your last video :(
now that is a pod cast i want to listen
The best collab of all time?
George morikawa is 57 years old. So we can assume that he can draw the manga till maybe 70. Which means only 13 years are left. And after we do quick math about how many chapters will be released till he hits 70(assuming that he releases 1 chapter every week) then we get almost 652 chapters. Even if we imagine that by the time manga will get completed, it will take 13 years to complete 😢😢
Never expected this collab, haven’t even watched yet but looking forward to it 👍👍
i think sendo and ricardo will tie or win with point to ricardo
maybe ippo come back if some thing happen to his couch or mother
if taka lose ippo is on stage
i think mashiba will lose and will come again and will win