Anakin & Ahsoka || With the lights out [+1x05]

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @misshelloareyouthere
    @misshelloareyouthere Рік тому +155

    LIVE ACTION "baby" Ahsoka made the audience realize how YOUNG she was fighting in a war. You feel more sad for her and Anakin.

    • @AnnaBellaChannel
      @AnnaBellaChannel Рік тому +10

      Child solider's have a lot of bangage.

    • @carolina8670
      @carolina8670 Рік тому +6

      But now I'm dreaming even more about a shorter live action version of the Clone Wars.
      Seeing Ahsoka so young was so hard. I knew her age. But she looked so much Younger in Live action. And I loved it!

  • @cpehansen21
    @cpehansen21 Рік тому +56

    OH MAN! That transition of Ahsoka walking down the temple stairs followed by Vaders march up them was perfect

  • @WaifuKnight.
    @WaifuKnight. Рік тому +22

    My Favourites: Anakin & Ahsoka ❤
    The best and most heartbreaking relationship in Star Wars!

  • @Tennislover511
    @Tennislover511 Рік тому +10

    I'm overwhelmed with emotion by all the ashoka/anakin and hayden/rosario videos

  • @MordredAngstrom
    @MordredAngstrom Рік тому +5

    This is everything I've ever wanted. THE PARALLELS! Like master like padawan.

  • @Darth_Xionn
    @Darth_Xionn Рік тому +12

    Man, these two are such deep and beautiful characters. Wonderful tribute.

  • @katiecooper1387
    @katiecooper1387 Рік тому +14

    I am in heaven (so much pain) with this episode being out and all the amazing edits following its release.

  • @rebeccapierson5498
    @rebeccapierson5498 Рік тому +3

    They were just kids. Anakin was meant to contain both the light and dark but with the way the Jedi treated him led him straight to Sideous.

  • @Kathlyn_Tano
    @Kathlyn_Tano Рік тому +13

    It's so heartbreaking...
    Truly remarkable work as always 💙💚✨🫶🏻

  • @thisistheway322
    @thisistheway322 Рік тому +4

    This made me cry 😭

  • @AceOfHeartz4
    @AceOfHeartz4 5 місяців тому +1

    second comment...the simple "your more than that, because I'm more than that" hits me so hard. Because that's what Luke truly taught him.

  • @Colombiarican31
    @Colombiarican31 Рік тому +2

    Im in awe. As a die hard who follows canon religiously, this was done exactly how I wouldve as well. Thank u so much.

  • @okcIara
    @okcIara Рік тому +3

    it’s so beautiful 🤍

  • @tracymorgan5386
    @tracymorgan5386 Рік тому +3

    Don’t mean to get off the topic here, but I have to say I love this version of smells like teen spirit.

  • @Banimondala
    @Banimondala Рік тому +1


  • @destructiveraider
    @destructiveraider Рік тому +1

    THIS IS PERFECT, HOLY SHIT, I'M SO OVERWHELMED. The parallels, the editing, the voiceovers... Nothing short of perfection.

  • @lolakally5545
    @lolakally5545 Рік тому +4

    Thanks for editing this ! I absolutely love the transitions, ecpeciallly the one with Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Temple and Anakin entering it.

  • @_millay_
    @_millay_ Рік тому +2

    Great work!!!

  • @ephesians.6
    @ephesians.6 Рік тому +2

    Oh Ally...this is by far the BEST video you've ever made. Ever. I cried through the whole thing as usual. You're amazing! Thank you for sharing your gift with us and loving Star Wars like you do. Like we do. ❤️

  • @federical6380
    @federical6380 Рік тому +5

    This is so amazing and heart breaking! I absolutely love ittt!!♥♥

  • @infiniagiannihd1481
    @infiniagiannihd1481 Рік тому

    A true masterpiece, love every second of it.

  • @jamessang9434
    @jamessang9434 8 місяців тому

    I never truly appreciated just how young Ahsoka really was in the clone wars until I saw her in live action.
    With all the episodes, it's easy to forget that clone wars transpired over the course of only 2 to 3 years?
    Which only demonstrates just how much emotional growth and depth there were to the characters?
    The animated Star Wars has been the absolute best Star Wars so far .

  • @techsimp9902
    @techsimp9902 Рік тому +4

    your videos are always masterpieces!!! they get better and better every time! this made me so emotional 😭 great job tho!

  • @Sweetie2566
    @Sweetie2566 Рік тому +2

    this is so well made, just amazing! So many feels ❤

  • @HerondalesAngel
    @HerondalesAngel Рік тому +2

    phenomenal x

  • @xxrockyxx3219
    @xxrockyxx3219 6 місяців тому

    This is amazing!

  • @marenbeuth9287
    @marenbeuth9287 Рік тому

    That was absolutely amazing! And heartbreaking. But that's what I'm here for 😂

  • @heysnips8108
    @heysnips8108 Рік тому +7

    All I have to say is… WOW!! This was truly a masterpiece!! I loved how you incorporated the scenes from the new Ahsoka episode!!😍😍 I think this basically sums up anakin and ahsokas whole relationship!!😢❤
    P.s. what editing app do you use??😅❤

  • @AceOfHeartz4
    @AceOfHeartz4 Рік тому +3

    At the end? Her and anakin both had the clear idea. Its just a tragedy it took so long.

  • @RavenIdril2966
    @RavenIdril2966 Рік тому +2

    Wished they showed them discussing about him becoming vader and him asking for her forgiveness.

  • @sneakytaze5336
    @sneakytaze5336 Рік тому

    Which version is this of the song?

  • @kevinnojoaquin
    @kevinnojoaquin 14 днів тому

    No puedo dicen lo mismo el otro aohka

  • @rodri_yoyo
    @rodri_yoyo Рік тому

    Músic ?

    • @allyswedits
      @allyswedits  Рік тому +1

      Smells like teen Spirit by Maria J

  • @kevinnojoaquin
    @kevinnojoaquin 14 днів тому

    Aohka sé la mejor