【薄扶林主場】就讓標奇立異改變世界- Serrini x The Low Mays 音樂談|Serrini|The Low Mays

  • Опубліковано 18 сер 2020
  • 港大通識聯同@CapTV HK 擷電視合作,炮製一系列《薄扶林主場》活動,邀請不同領域的城中紅人來到港大同你傾偈。
    就讓標奇立異改變世界- Serrini x The Low Mays 音樂談
    In the House: Serrini x The Low Mays
    由細個開始,身邊就好似充斥住大量唔同嘅規則同標準限制我哋,假若唔跟隨就會被標籤為「標奇立異」、「壞份子」。同樣出身於港大嘅「陀地歌姬」Serrini同「富林六大富豪」The Low Mays,行嘅音樂風格截然不同,但偏偏佢哋嘅創作內容都有一種建立強烈自我身份、挑戰規則嘅感覺喺裡面。究竟佢哋點睇社會上唔同嘅規範同眼光?同時對於整個香港獨立音樂發展又有咩睇法?
    It seems that we have been surrounded by numerous rules and norms limiting our everyday lives, while deviants tend to be imposed with negative stereotypes. Serrini and The Low Mays, local musicians rooted in HKU, used music as the instrument to construct strong self-identities and question existing rules. How would they evaluate the norms and judgments congested in our society? What are their views towards the development of indie music in Hong Kong?
    This forum is the fourth session of the “In The House” event series. This final session was curated and produced by the CEDARS-GE x CapTV Student Team.
    ▍嘉賓 Guests:
    - Serrini (獨立唱作人 Independent Singer-songwriter)
    - The Low Mays (獨立Hip Hop組合 Independent Hip Hop Group)
    日期 Date:18 Apr 2019 (Thu)
    時間 Time:12:45 - 14:00
    地點 Venue:香港大學梁銶琚樓地下大堂 K.K. Leung Concourse, HKU