I remember being in high school; I had a 2.4 and 4 F's, all in math. I was absolutely terrified about my future. All my friends would be talking about colleges, GPAs, and such, and I would just hope they didn't ask me what my stats were. I decided to go to a branch campus of a large state school. I worked and studied harder than I ever did before and ended with a 3.9. I transferred to Cornell for finance. If you work extremely hard towards transferring, it can be done.
Its not like u were stupid. You definitely had the talent no one gets an F in math cuz they are just bad at math you simply stopped being lazy and turned your life around so good job👍
Could you help me answering my questions, I’m still confused about cc, so can I do two years or less of community college get my associates degree and then transfer to a 4 year university but I only want to get my bachelors degree so do I still have to take the 4 years in the uni or just take two years ?
@@angiesalazar6235 You do 2 years at the community college, transfer to a UC and do another 2 years, then get your BA or BS degree (4 years total). But, (1) you have to be sure you are in a community college that has the guaranteed matriculation program with a UC campus, and (2) you take the specific classes at the community college the UC school requires and gets the necessary minimum grades. Good luck!
@@angiesalazar6235you do 2 years at the university as the GE and major prep classes that you take at CC fulfill the classes that underclassmen do at the university anyway!
Hi I want to ask how you managed to pay very high fee of the University especially for international students like 40000 dollar or you got a full scholarship after transferring to the university since I am planning to study in a community college but I am worried for the tuition fee after transfer to university
@@Myaseen321 You need to talk to each individual university about this. In general, if you go to a state university, the tuition is manageable. There are loans available, and you can also work part time. Good luck!
In high school, I never did that well and didn't care. I joined the military and developed a new-found passion for education along the way. I ended up going to community college with a 4.0 on the president's honor roll as well as being in the honors society. I just got accepted into Columbia University for the fall of 2024. High school is insane. You are a kid being asked what you want to do in life but have never experienced life to begin with, so many of you might feel lost and hopeless. Don't stress, and it's okay to allow yourself time to process. Don't give up.
CC is the best choice I’ve ever made. I save 80k in just one year, and have nearly guaranteed acceptance to UCLA. Also tons of time to work on projects and build my skills for the future
@@wazup3333 UCs are 40k a year. I am only going to go for 2 years instead of 4, so I save 80K. In reality I actually save 100k because of interest on the loan.
they mean that as opposed to a private college or 4 year university community college is typically cheaper. so you save money once you transfer out. @@wazup3333
I was a cc transfer. Your career portion is so on point I might do a video response. Ultimately the 3 most common routes iv seen out of cal are: software engineering, consulting, pre law/pre med and tech sales. A lot of kids do in with a whole ass plan and internships but still come out doing one of these and you don’t really need any internships or even insights to do these so I wouldn’t beat yourself up if you don’t have a plan!
Yeah I wouldn’t beat yourself over it too but if you want to come out of college five steps ahead of everyone else and start off at a top notch firm it helps to land internships and have a plan. Unfortunately, most time cc transfers get the short end of the stick because they have less time to make that plan and land internships. 🫤
@@rezi9754 hey, yeah so what I mean by plan is basically what they want to do post-grad. You have to create a plan to getting either getting into grad school or a career that you want to get into. So that may look like starting early to study for the lsat or grinding leetcode to be a software engineer.
In my first semester of CC! Currently looking at possible transfer schools, ur video gives me hope in transferring and a bit of a reality check while looking at schools.
Ya I got to say I highly disagree with this video. Maybe the early community college classes are easy, but I studied bio. By the time you are getting towards the end classes get really tough, and everyone who is still there is highly motivated. My CC Organic chemistry and cell biology classes are the hardest I have ever taken. I struggled hard in them and got C's, don't regret taking those classes for a second though because they really pushed me harder than before. But after transferring to a 4-year, all the classes felt so much easier, and I have had near straight A's while doing research. My lab partner who went to a different CC agrees that the final CC biology and chemistry classes are the hardest you can take.
I was a mathematics student in college. I started at a community college and then transferred to a small public university in the same area. To be honest, I don't feel like the classes I took at community college were any less rigorous than the classes I took at university, but that was just me. In my experience, the difficulty of the coursework depends more on the individual class and the professor. I think transferring to Berkeley is an exception since it is a very competitive school where only the best students go, but if you transfer to a less selective university that isn't as well known, I don't think you will typically notice a significant difference in the difficulty of the coursework.
UC Berkeley transfer here. Some community colleges are really good at preparing students, but nothing compared to Berkeley. These Berkeley math kids have been doing it since they were 5 years old attending competitions, and their parents are mathematician/engineers themselves. If you're starting to take math seriously at 18 you're already a whole decade behind, for Berkeley anyway..
@ I didn't go to Berkeley, so I wouldn't know. I took math seriously from a young age. It was my favorite and best subject since kindergarten. UC Berkeley is a very prestigious school with a very low acceptance rate, so I can see it being pretty rigorous.
Community college was never meant to replace a proper 4 year college. Very few careers can get away with a community college education alone. It's basically a good way to experiment with different classes without selling your kidney or complete smaller classes needed before or after a 4 year college. I'd rather play catchup with my career and social skills with zero debt over going to a 4 year university drowning in debt into my adulthood.
Not true. It’s good to get your gen Ed’s out the way. Classes that are the exact same as 4 years but a lot cheaper. Then u take ur major’s at the 4 year
Thanks for the insight! I hope to transfer out of my community college to a UC im not sure which one but leaning towards UCSB! This is great to keep in mind a bit scared I keep seeing videos like these hahah but its also very helpful! Great job and so happy for you sending prayers!
Be careful. I had 59 units when i transferred, and I'm still have to complete another 83 on top of that. I'm a STEM major though and I've been told that they require more work by my counselor... don't be like me and make sure you have a University in mind while in cc so you can transfer all your units to your bachelors.
I'm not sure why this video was recommended to me, but I like it. I went to a community college for 2 years before transferring. It's definitely the right decision in the long run my friend. I graduated with my bachelors this year and am so happy i went to a CC beforehand. I saved a LOT of money and all of my pre req classes transferred over. I think you should make a video telling people about transferal credits for classes. That was very confusing for me when I first went through the process as a 19 year old. Before transferring, make sure the pre requisite classes for your degree are actually going to transfer over. I actually had to send the syllabus for organic chemistry 1 and 2 from my CC so that they could accept the credit. Something very important to consider.
Hi I want to ask how you managed to pay very high fee of the University especially for international students like 40000 dollar or you got a full scholarship after transferring to the university since I am planning to study in a community college(as a international student) but I am worried for the tuition fee after transfer to university.
i am an international student who wants to study in the US, due to it being expensive i thought it was not possible but seeing the transfer options gave me hope and the fact that I will not be the only one doing it reassures me so i just wanted to say thnx for making this vid it gave me a peace of mind in this stressful time of college applications and the cost of just studying in a college
This is such bullshit.....I went to community college and I tried my ass off and worked during community college. All of my friends were at their four year college and their main focus the first couple years was partying and many of them dropped out. Guys. Anything is what you make it, whether you start at community college or a four year college, you will be the difference whether it's a success or not!
The discrimination against transfer students in student organizations and internships and even with school advisers is real. As a transfer student it feels like you’re somehow permanently behind.
I don’t understand why they would discriminate. Everyone always has the potential to catch up and learn. Everyone is human, and if you’re open minded, willing, passionate, kind, I don’t see the reason why these people would discriminate. Especially if they’re from elite schools, they should know better.
Thanks for making this video. I'm almost done getting my associate's degree in graphic design and then transferring to a 4-year college. I have 7 more classes to go but want to research what college I want to attend now.
Community college CAN 100% prep you for a 4yr university. I transferred from a CC to a top 10 public university in the US, and I will say CC helped me thrive here. I feel as though it is a bit subjective though.
When I transferred from Santa Monica City to UCLA, I was totally thrown off by the level of the competitive and challenging the level of academic rigor in contrast to Santa Monica
I went back to school at 40 years old. I completed transfer requirements at a local JC. I landed in a top 10 undergrad Business School. I had no issues with the transition because I did the work to get there. Those who cheated into a four-year university find that sound study habits are required. Many students scramble after learning that the new school curriculum isn't "cheat accessible." You get out, what you put in.
I am a chemistry major who transferred to Berkeley's College of Chemistry and I feel like I had a polar opposite experience. While it is true that a lot of students drop out initially, as I progressed on to tougher courses in CC (O Chem, Calculus, Lin Alg etc.) I never really saw anyone drop classes. A lot of my classmates in harder subjects and the o chem students I tutored at my CC were super motivated and ended up getting into some great colleges. As for the academic challenge, I for sure had some really tough courses at CC that helped me hone/improve my study techniques and I had to put in a tremendous amount of hours in prepping for my exams. I have actually heard that upper division classes may actually feel easier (in regards to chem). Regarding career challenges, I have actually had a couple internships that were made possible by my CC's partnership with USC and have been able to get a resume started during my time at CC. I personally feel like my internship experiences have helped my solidify what I want to pursue as a career and has given me phenomenal resources to do so. I never really felt like I had to play catch-up.
Hi Jeremy! I am planning on doing a year or two of cc as it is better financially for my family? Is there any way that I could talk to you about your experience? I am going in for chemical engineering but have a few concerns, but reading your comment made me have hope to et into a good university afterwards!
College is so much more than just finances. Community college did such damage to my life. It didn't help that I transferred into my 4 year from my cc during covid, so I got nothing out of my college experience whatsoever.
For me it was very helpful following the IGETC when I went to CA CC and then transfered to UC. But, it was a long time ago! Looked it up though and it's still around: "IGETC is a comprehensive pattern of courses that prospective transfer students from California community colleges can complete to satisfy lower division General Education requirements at both UC and CSU."
Cc science is difficult but business is exponentially easier than any stem major regardless of where u go so do not down play cc because you studied business and not a stem major
@@jenifercoelhojeni186 Hi Jenifer. So I'm originally from South Africa and went to a public school there. My performance in high school was fine (mix of B's and A's), but not exceptional. I really wanted a good education in the US, particularly Stanford because I was interested in tech startups. However, on my first application, I was denied admission. So I went to a California community college for 2 years instead and worked my bum off. I actually built a robotics startup I was passionate about while also taking classes in community college, so I was quite involved. I finished the 2 years with a 4.0 GPA and also got a 36 on the ACT. I submitted these results on my applications and managed to get into UPenn, Northwestern, Stanford, Berkeley and UCLA by transfer admission as an Electrical Engineering major. Going to CC was actually really helpful because the schedule isn't as rigid as a university. So I was able to balance between pursuing my Robotics startup and also studying. I met a whole range of people at CC. Many were older, non-traditional students but there were also a lot of international students and also high achievers from American high schools that didn't have any safeties and ther admissions cycle didn't work out. Overall, it was a really good experience at community college. Most productive 2 years of my life! And thanks to community college, I eventually did go to Stanford, where I've just started.
Update: I was able to transfer to UCLA but got rejected from Caltech. Everything you said about a career is accurate. I am playing catch-up with my peers who have gotten internships in their second year. Granted, I have a slight advantage over my peers regarding transfers, where I could work in the lab. IMO, I did not feel the difference in academics. For context, I took 6 ENGR classes at CC and transferred to 4 ENGR for the quarter system. The social challenge is real; I only hang out with people who transfer as well and barely hang out with people that first years.
I'm transferring to UCF from Valencia college and I'm really nervous. I still have Spring and Summer semester to go and I hope the academics aren't too bad and I actually make friends because I'm a loner lol
I got bad news neither high school or community college prepares you for university. However, community college will save you a substantial amount of money.
It's not that CC don't prepare you for 4 years uni, but seems like you have wrong attitude during your CC year. You underestimated it. You just got lucky
I’m a little lota bit older than the target demographic for this vid, I’ve already have a 20+ year career and experience in many different things, but I still enjoy taking 2 or 3 classes a year at community college for fun and to keep sharp. Over the years I’ve attended 6 different ccs in different parts of the country. I think he’s spot on about ccs not preparing students for uni or a career. Every single one that I’ve attended has poor academic counseling and shit administration. The instructors definitely have a much lower expectation of students, and it seems everyone expects a very low success rate. The peer pressure to succeed is also lacking at ccs probably because the demographics are much more broad than those attending uni. Some people are high school kids looking to get ahead, some people just want to try out a couple classes to see if college is for them, some people are coming from difficult situations and want a fresh start or a kickstart, some people are just like me, some people are high achievers looking for an advantage. At uni most people are focused the same things and tend to be a lot better resourced. That said, cc has been pretty great for low pressure and fun learning, and great for building a network with instructors that also work in my field and other lifelong learners. The vets lounge is always the best at ccs too.
@@loveyalotz If your friends studied like they did in high school at UNC Chapel Hill then they were lucky to get a C -. If they made above that it was probably in sociology which is a POC friendly major.
I did the same thing. I transferred from Foothill College to UC Berkeley. I felt Foothill prepared me well. So I guess it depends on the community college.
You went to MT Sac and I went to Chaffey then Cal as well. The transfer experience is very much different than the traditional one, one thing about Cal is it is a meat grinder. It chews you up and spits you out lol getting an A was beyond hard but now I’m in a top 10 graduate program for my field and I’ve done straight A’s and one B and it’s been a walk in the park. I think what Cal does is they break you down and make you grind for even just a B but when you go to another institution you’ve been molded by Cal. What I mean by that is you show up naturally in beast mode and you outperform the majority of students without breaking a sweat. As a transfer to Cal though I will say it was rough but thank you to my GBO group which was a solid group of people and we quickly formed strong connections. With that said shoutout to Top Dog for food and Pappys for cheap and wild fun Friday through Saturday! Also stay away from Kipps yall lol nothing good ever happens at Kipps lol
University and four year college students are just as clueless as community college students. Some do better, though, because they have lots of support from parents and kin with higher levels of education. They also more likely have the wherewithal to buy solutions manuals, access to premium online help, in-person tutors, etc.
fair point but if you want to break into selective career industries you need direction as a freshman. recruiting for roles like ib start in the spring of sophomore year. other selective roles you need relevant experience to even get an interview.
Hey, I'm an incoming community college student hoping to transfer to a UC school. I remember hearing something about transfer housing, where people who successfully transfer to a four-year get the housing there with fellow junior transfers, not the people who were admitted as a freshman. If this is true, does this help with the transition from CC to four-year?
@@adamramirez1 Thanks so much. My other question was, how do you think a CCC student's chances at a school like Berkeley or UCLA are based on their major? Like my major is computer science (which I might switch to data science), so would my chances be harder than a CCC student who majors in, let's say, Literature for example or some other less competitive major?
just graduated cc got and got a hefty scholarship for rutgers! im only needing to pay around 8k (however the scholarship covers that!) a year all because of going to cc first! the only downside is i need to hustle more these upcoming semesters and catch up to my peers in terms of social life, internships, and projects but thats doable with determination and hard work. Good luck to everyone out there!! 💚💚💚
To be fair UC Berkeley is needlessly hard, since they are a large public research university, they only admit high GPA students that will work extra hard, and they hire professors who are terrible teachers, because the students will study hard anyway. Does that mean these students are really learning anything? IDK
I took most of my classes at the University, however there were a few general classes that I took at a CC for convenience to lighten my load senior year. Let me tell you, most of those CC classes were harder than my University classes!!!! I went in with a bias because I always assumed CC classes were less rigorous. I was all the way wrong, lol! Now as a parent I make all of my kids start off at CC because it’s far more economical and I never want my kids to come out of college in debt like I did. Not when I know the curriculum is equivalent. $300 for Literature vs $3,000+ ??? Ummmm yes please!
I transferred my AAS degree to a University. It saved a copious amount of money and was an easy transition. Besides, many CC have great healthcare career programs.
I went to community college off and on for 4 years before transferring to a 4 year university and I wake up every day regretting going to CC. If I could’ve done it all over again, I would’ve gone to a 4 year college immediately after high school, the networking and internships opportunities is even more important than the content you learn in class. Plus the party scene and Greek Life in your late teens and early 20s are the most fun you’ll ever have in your life.
@wazup3333 The rigor at a 4 year college/university is a lot higher than commu its college. Sometimes you can get a professor at a CC who also teaches at the university up the street so their teaching and grading style is tough. I've had a couple that taught at George Mason U and they treated us as if we were seniors or grad student.
@@DarknessFalls29 No it isn't, i've transferred to two different universities from community college, the first time as a Mass Com major at Wayne State and the second time as an Accounting major at Western Michigan. The difficulty of the classes was the same and in some cases the classes were easier at Wayne State and Western and harder at community college. Course difficulty depends on the professor.
I was wondering how were you able to land an internship with little experience? I am speaking as a transfer who just started their first semester at Berkeley.
You have to be able to sell yourself well even with limited experience. Leverage any club experience, classes or transferable skills from a normal job. Difficulty to land that first internship varies on what role you’re recruiting for too. I went for easier to break into industries like audit for my first internship then more prestigious ones my second round of internships. Good luck, stay ambitious and you’ll be fine.
@@adamramirez1 dont audit jobs often times require certification of some sort? or experience in the field? you are a poli econ major so I assume you have some classes relating to accounting or finances
“A lot more harder” Someone at some level failed this guy in terms of grammar. I interviewed people for interning or jobs at a major international company; this would have knocked him down the list.
HEY, i've got 3.6+ GPA in 10th grade but in 11th grade, my GPA dropped to 3/4. I'm planning to join a cc and transfer to a better college later, what do you suggest?
I thought CC was much harder depends on your school tho, and your major at CC the eng department is much worse than uni and the tests were all on paper the height grades for phy were 70 and there was no curve, for Cal tests were 100% no hw meanwhile in Syracuse the test were 50% for the business classes they were free tho unproctored online tests and free grades however all sunys usually have that for business classes.
Hey, Im about to graduate from high school and still not sure whether I should go to CC or UIC. I would be going to UIC for free and receiving a additional 7k worth of scholarships yearly, but the school is kinda mid, do you think CC is worth it?
@@knock-nock-5075 I would say community college because for finance/bus it’s extremely helpful attending a top 25 college. Your job prospects expand immensely especially if you want to go after competitive roles like investment banking and consulting.
@@garrycommander9351 usually when you transfer you’re at a junior standing. I did an extra semester when I transferred to have more time at uni and figure out what I want to do after college.
So when you transferred did you have your associates yet? I’m a junior in cc and looking to transfer my senior year without my associates. Also, do you think having an off campus part time job in uni is a bad decision since the workload is more intense?
hey i know this is like a stupid question but is junior year called ur 3rd year? and is it necessary to attend 3 years of cc to get an associates degree?
@@rezi9754 In university, your third year is typically referred to as your junior year. In community college i don’t think those titles really mean as much. An associates is usually two years, but it just depends on your credits and the amount of classes you enroll in. It’s really at your own pace.
not who you asked, also i’m a girl with long hair, BUT TRY leaning way down towards your feet and shaking your head and fluffing your hair with your hands once or twice then flip your head upwards and see what happens
@@adamramirez1 How did online make it easy, outside of not having to spend time getting to class? I felt it was a bit harder than my in person classes because I couldn't ask questions very easily, sometimes it'd take a couple days to get an answer and half the time it was curt and unhelpful lol. 0 class participation so have yet to get any answers from students in the forms online either.
I disagree, it completely depends on the community college you are at, the university you are transferring to, your personal study/time management skills, and the professors/classes you select at each! I hope everyone watching this vid takes it with a HUGE grain of salt.
@@adamramirez1 Yes, I just think this video especially isn’t a great example since UC Berkley is what, top like 3 to 5% of universities? The reality isn’t nearly as “brutal” for the vast majority of students who are going to be transferring to their state uni’s from CC. Yes, you should be prepared (by knowing your plan of study and building prior knowledge) for things to ramp up as you transfer into uni, but either way classes get more difficult as a junior!
No, you might want to though...if you have a specialized associates degree, you have something to fall back on, and can get into the work force immediately.. and that work experience matters if its related to your major.. it will make your upper level courses more interesting, and easier.
@@R20-d4t yes you can probably get into the workforce for a blue collar job but to land an entry level job with only an associates degree is near impossible and a waste of time
Kind of a flawed logic... If CC doesn't prepare you academically for a 4 year university, then high school for sure doesn't either. So however you look at it, the jump from HS/CC to a 4 year university is huge. And there is no proper way to prepare. You're making it seem like community colleges are systemically flawed because it's too easy. I am someone who has been through both a 4 year university, a community college, and even grad school. I went to UW Seattle, dropped out after 2 years. I went to the military. Then afterwards I went to a community college to start over. I dedicated my life to being a full time student in my late 20s. Then I applied to a pharmacy program (3 years accelerated) -- I took the PCAT, submitted my transcript from CC (I purposely left out UW's transcript lol). I had a 3.98 GPA from my CC. Pharmacy school was the most intense and cutthroat experience ever. I took out a huge loan (6 figures) to attend, and my school literally would drop students for not meeting academic standards. Imagine the pressure. I managed to graduate and now I work in healthcare. I'm a big advocate of community colleges.
Did you go to Berkeley because of the semester system? I went to UCSB and the quarter system was harder for me because you don't get second chances if you mess up on a test. I ended up starting a business and leaving after being there 2 years.
I didn’t really consider the semester system into my decision but it was a smooth transition to berkeley because I was used to the semester system from cc
Blame your HS counselors because that’s where the foundation begins. They are there to guide and probe your interests and it’s a 2 way street on your part.
I have a question can you get a job with your associate's degree then transfer to college later? I'm asking this just so i can finanve my university fees, also can u tell us more about the scholarships possibilities
Depends what type of job you’re looking to get with your associates. Most high paying jobs require a bachelors at least if you’re talking white collar jobs.
@@adamramirez1 for example i'll land a job as a data analysit then i can use it to finance myself and get a bachelor or masters coa i alsreafy have a previous bachelor degree i just cant afford masters directly
Possible. But the likelihood of that is low because entry level data analyst typically need a bachelors degree. What is more feasible is an internship. That can easily finance your degree too if you get a top internship, usually they pay $28-45 with a duration of three months.
Hello, I was thinking of applying to UCM after my final year of HS for Mechinal Engineering but I was wondering if there are any other colleges that offer good ME courses. Thanks.
Yeah I can go into detail on this and if you want precise guidance just message me. But to keep it short: 1. Figure out what industry or position you want to pursue. 2. Create and tailor a resume to the position you want to pursue. 3. Create a linkedin to apply to those roles because now a days all the sought after positions are posted on linkedin so you're missing out on a lot in you don't have the app.
Your first 2 points contradict 1) you struggled at UC because you didn't have to spend as much time on easy CC courses, you just breezed through them 2) you didn't have time to focus on internships and career planning because you were so focused on transfering out of CC. In my mind, it's easier to focus on getting internships and volunteering and being part of clubs when you have more free time. You definitely would have more free time from going to CC instead of studying the first 2 years at UC. Like I don't mean to be harsh, but it really sounds like the first 2 points are laziness. CC was easy for you so you felt like you had a breather, but if you really wanted to apply yourself in your courses instead of using chegg and focus on volunteering and internships, then you could easily do it all during your first 2 years of CC.
All that is under the assumption that the free that would be allocated to the internship search etc. Time management plays a big factor to this point. But even with that assumption there’s no rubric/101 to recruiting for internships. It’s usually a new process which makes it difficult for transfers compared to a regular uni student how might have recruited for internships fresh and soph year and understand how to recruit. I completely agree with you on your last point that CC students should focus on career stuff while at community college. But it doesn’t always materialize that way because they’re focused on transferring out or don’t know how to get an internship - many barriers. I’ve talked about this point a few times in my videos because this is SO SO important and something I wish I did at CC.
Well, he also said that it wasn’t under his radar so it’s not just time, it’s also that he wasn’t even thinking of internships at all because all he was thinking about is transferring
In-state is financially better and the 2 + 2 program is the best financially wise since it’s cc then a university. Yes, it is a good idea if you want to save money and not go into debt. But if you’re a student with exceptional skills, you’ll be given scholarships and financial aid to attend 4 year universities. Another thing to think about is CC has the chance to redeem yourself and save up a lot of money. But in all honesty it comes down to you. Your school choice does not determine who you are and what your future will be. Yes, you may be getting a higher salary if you graduate from an elite school, but that shouldn’t be the determining factor of what you want to pursue. It all depends on how you utilize your surroundings to create a positive and life changing impact to yourself and others. Hone into your skills and don’t let the bad stigma of community college affect you. Follow yourself with the correct guidance and look into all perspectives to choose the one that aligns with you
@@something3476 thank you for the advice. I actually ended up just deciding to go to a 4 year and have received plenty of financial aid so that really was such a relief.
I just arrived usa 4 months ago, i am senior high school but i dont know should i go to cc or 4 year? i have completed my credits as an international student but not completed as other regular students, i have an option to become super senior for one more year of semester in high school but i am not sure to stay and complete my credits as regular student and apply to uc or go to cc for 1 or 2 year then transfer? what do you recomend?
If you go to cc you have a higher chance of getting accepted into to top universities and you get started on your bachelors degree. I would ask a counselor about the nuances since you’re an international student.
I remember being in high school; I had a 2.4 and 4 F's, all in math. I was absolutely terrified about my future. All my friends would be talking about colleges, GPAs, and such, and I would just hope they didn't ask me what my stats were. I decided to go to a branch campus of a large state school. I worked and studied harder than I ever did before and ended with a 3.9. I transferred to Cornell for finance. If you work extremely hard towards transferring, it can be done.
Beautiful success story - what career are you in?
@@adamramirez1Investment banking. I'm going to switch careers by the end of this year, though.
Its not like u were stupid. You definitely had the talent no one gets an F in math cuz they are just bad at math you simply stopped being lazy and turned your life around so good job👍
@@Jason-ee3yl yeah I definitely wasn’t “stupid” the main reason was that I had adhd so I just never turned in any work
@@adamramirez1 investment banking until the end of the year
Doing two years in community college and then transferring to a UC is the best financial deal in all of higher education.
Could you help me answering my questions, I’m still confused about cc, so can I do two years or less of community college get my associates degree and then transfer to a 4 year university but I only want to get my bachelors degree so do I still have to take the 4 years in the uni or just take two years ?
@@angiesalazar6235 You do 2 years at the community college, transfer to a UC and do another 2 years, then get your BA or BS degree (4 years total). But, (1) you have to be sure you are in a community college that has the guaranteed matriculation program with a UC campus, and (2) you take the specific classes at the community college the UC school requires and gets the necessary minimum grades. Good luck!
@@angiesalazar6235you do 2 years at the university as the GE and major prep classes that you take at CC fulfill the classes that underclassmen do at the university anyway!
Hi I want to ask how you managed to pay very high fee of the University especially for international students like 40000 dollar or you got a full scholarship after transferring to the university since I am planning to study in a community college but I am worried for the tuition fee after transfer to university
@@Myaseen321 You need to talk to each individual university about this. In general, if you go to a state university, the tuition is manageable. There are loans available, and you can also work part time. Good luck!
In high school, I never did that well and didn't care. I joined the military and developed a new-found passion for education along the way. I ended up going to community college with a 4.0 on the president's honor roll as well as being in the honors society. I just got accepted into Columbia University for the fall of 2024. High school is insane. You are a kid being asked what you want to do in life but have never experienced life to begin with, so many of you might feel lost and hopeless. Don't stress, and it's okay to allow yourself time to process. Don't give up.
Amazing story, huge congrats on Columbia!
that’s great! If you don’t mind, which cc did you attend?
That’s gotta be cap no way ivies accept cc
@@chordscapepiano they actually do, not in massive numbers but I’ve seen it happen
@@vmaik4s Sierra College in Rocklin California!
CC is the best choice I’ve ever made. I save 80k in just one year, and have nearly guaranteed acceptance to UCLA. Also tons of time to work on projects and build my skills for the future
How did you save 80k?
@@wazup3333 UCs are 40k a year. I am only going to go for 2 years instead of 4, so I save 80K. In reality I actually save 100k because of interest on the loan.
they mean that as opposed to a private college or 4 year university community college is typically cheaper. so you save money once you transfer out. @@wazup3333
@@wazup3333 UCs cost 40k a year
tuition... housing...
I was a cc transfer. Your career portion is so on point I might do a video response. Ultimately the 3 most common routes iv seen out of cal are: software engineering, consulting, pre law/pre med and tech sales. A lot of kids do in with a whole ass plan and internships but still come out doing one of these and you don’t really need any internships or even insights to do these so I wouldn’t beat yourself up if you don’t have a plan!
Yeah I wouldn’t beat yourself over it too but if you want to come out of college five steps ahead of everyone else and start off at a top notch firm it helps to land internships and have a plan. Unfortunately, most time cc transfers get the short end of the stick because they have less time to make that plan and land internships. 🫤
@@adamramirez1 what plan are u talking about? can u eleborate
@@rezi9754 hey, yeah so what I mean by plan is basically what they want to do post-grad. You have to create a plan to getting either getting into grad school or a career that you want to get into. So that may look like starting early to study for the lsat or grinding leetcode to be a software engineer.
In my first semester of CC! Currently looking at possible transfer schools, ur video gives me hope in transferring and a bit of a reality check while looking at schools.
@@canalzinhado not go to uc Merced go to cc. I’m a senior rn and I chose cc over Merced
@@amadoudiop4073 why?
@@amadoudiop4073 why not Merced?
The hardest part of my life was actually in CC, after I transferred it was the easiest thing. I am a physicist! Salute!
An aspiring physicist here. What are the research prospects for CC?
OMG I am literally studying physics at a CC, your comment inspired me!!
hell yeah >:DD
Yeah!! Physics and music for life!
Ya I got to say I highly disagree with this video. Maybe the early community college classes are easy, but I studied bio. By the time you are getting towards the end classes get really tough, and everyone who is still there is highly motivated. My CC Organic chemistry and cell biology classes are the hardest I have ever taken. I struggled hard in them and got C's, don't regret taking those classes for a second though because they really pushed me harder than before. But after transferring to a 4-year, all the classes felt so much easier, and I have had near straight A's while doing research. My lab partner who went to a different CC agrees that the final CC biology and chemistry classes are the hardest you can take.
I was a mathematics student in college. I started at a community college and then transferred to a small public university in the same area. To be honest, I don't feel like the classes I took at community college were any less rigorous than the classes I took at university, but that was just me. In my experience, the difficulty of the coursework depends more on the individual class and the professor. I think transferring to Berkeley is an exception since it is a very competitive school where only the best students go, but if you transfer to a less selective university that isn't as well known, I don't think you will typically notice a significant difference in the difficulty of the coursework.
Definitely varies school to school and also your major plays a major role.
UC Berkeley transfer here. Some community colleges are really good at preparing students, but nothing compared to Berkeley. These Berkeley math kids have been doing it since they were 5 years old attending competitions, and their parents are mathematician/engineers themselves. If you're starting to take math seriously at 18 you're already a whole decade behind, for Berkeley anyway..
@ I didn't go to Berkeley, so I wouldn't know. I took math seriously from a young age. It was my favorite and best subject since kindergarten. UC Berkeley is a very prestigious school with a very low acceptance rate, so I can see it being pretty rigorous.
Community college was never meant to replace a proper 4 year college. Very few careers can get away with a community college education alone. It's basically a good way to experiment with different classes without selling your kidney or complete smaller classes needed before or after a 4 year college. I'd rather play catchup with my career and social skills with zero debt over going to a 4 year university drowning in debt into my adulthood.
So not true. It's supposed to help you get your ged and first 2 years done.
Not true. It’s good to get your gen Ed’s out the way. Classes that are the exact same as 4 years but a lot cheaper. Then u take ur major’s at the 4 year
Thanks for the insight! I hope to transfer out of my community college to a UC im not sure which one but leaning towards UCSB! This is great to keep in mind a bit scared I keep seeing videos like these hahah but its also very helpful! Great job and so happy for you sending prayers!
You got this! Dream big!
Be careful. I had 59 units when i transferred, and I'm still have to complete another 83 on top of that. I'm a STEM major though and I've been told that they require more work by my counselor... don't be like me and make sure you have a University in mind while in cc so you can transfer all your units to your bachelors.
I'm not sure why this video was recommended to me, but I like it. I went to a community college for 2 years before transferring. It's definitely the right decision in the long run my friend. I graduated with my bachelors this year and am so happy i went to a CC beforehand. I saved a LOT of money and all of my pre req classes transferred over.
I think you should make a video telling people about transferal credits for classes. That was very confusing for me when I first went through the process as a 19 year old. Before transferring, make sure the pre requisite classes for your degree are actually going to transfer over. I actually had to send the syllabus for organic chemistry 1 and 2 from my CC so that they could accept the credit. Something very important to consider.
0:20 persona 5 sound effect caught me off guard
That’s a good video idea, I plan to make more community college videos to demystify transferring and attending.
Pokémon sounds effect lol
Hi! is there a way I can discuss this topic with you? Transferring credits is something I worry about as they check after you are accepted.
Hi I want to ask how you managed to pay very high fee of the University especially for international students like 40000 dollar or you got a full scholarship after transferring to the university since I am planning to study in a community college(as a international student) but I am worried for the tuition fee after transfer to university.
i am an international student who wants to study in the US, due to it being expensive i thought it was not possible but seeing the transfer options gave me hope and the fact that I will not be the only one doing it reassures me so i just wanted to say thnx for making this vid it gave me a peace of mind in this stressful time of college applications and the cost of just studying in a college
What country are you from
Yeah wch country are you guys from?
@@Tawanda628 I’m American
Same here 🇧🇷🙏
This is such bullshit.....I went to community college and I tried my ass off and worked during community college. All of my friends were at their four year college and their main focus the first couple years was partying and many of them dropped out. Guys. Anything is what you make it, whether you start at community college or a four year college, you will be the difference whether it's a success or not!
The discrimination against transfer students in student organizations and internships and even with school advisers is real. As a transfer student it feels like you’re somehow permanently behind.
I don’t understand why they would discriminate. Everyone always has the potential to catch up and learn. Everyone is human, and if you’re open minded, willing, passionate, kind, I don’t see the reason why these people would discriminate. Especially if they’re from elite schools, they should know better.
Thanks for making this video. I'm almost done getting my associate's degree in graphic design and then transferring to a 4-year college. I have 7 more classes to go but want to research what college I want to attend now.
So you do 2 years cc and 4 years uni?
@@marktonuiI was wondering the same? Do u got the answer?
This man had an incredible run getting to Cal. Tell 'em about your schedule
thank you sm for this it’s so helpful as a incoming college freshman
Community college CAN 100% prep you for a 4yr university. I transferred from a CC to a top 10 public university in the US, and I will say CC helped me thrive here. I feel as though it is a bit subjective though.
When I transferred from Santa Monica City to UCLA, I was totally thrown off by the level of the competitive and challenging the level of academic rigor in contrast to Santa Monica
What major were you?
Tell me more about it
I went back to school at 40 years old. I completed transfer requirements at a local JC. I landed in a top 10 undergrad Business School. I had no issues with the transition because I did the work to get there. Those who cheated into a four-year university find that sound study habits are required. Many students scramble after learning that the new school curriculum isn't "cheat accessible." You get out, what you put in.
I am a chemistry major who transferred to Berkeley's College of Chemistry and I feel like I had a polar opposite experience.
While it is true that a lot of students drop out initially, as I progressed on to tougher courses in CC (O Chem, Calculus, Lin Alg etc.) I never really saw anyone drop classes. A lot of my classmates in harder subjects and the o chem students I tutored at my CC were super motivated and ended up getting into some great colleges.
As for the academic challenge, I for sure had some really tough courses at CC that helped me hone/improve my study techniques and I had to put in a tremendous amount of hours in prepping for my exams. I have actually heard that upper division classes may actually feel easier (in regards to chem).
Regarding career challenges, I have actually had a couple internships that were made possible by my CC's partnership with USC and have been able to get a resume started during my time at CC. I personally feel like my internship experiences have helped my solidify what I want to pursue as a career and has given me phenomenal resources to do so. I never really felt like I had to play catch-up.
Getting internships at CC is insane, Great Job!
Hi Jeremy! I am planning on doing a year or two of cc as it is better financially for my family? Is there any way that I could talk to you about your experience? I am going in for chemical engineering but have a few concerns, but reading your comment made me have hope to et into a good university afterwards!
College is so much more than just finances. Community college did such damage to my life. It didn't help that I transferred into my 4 year from my cc during covid, so I got nothing out of my college experience whatsoever.
What type of damage ?
college is supposed to be more than finances but if you can't attend a university without taking out massive loans each year you have no choice
For me it was very helpful following the IGETC when I went to CA CC and then transfered to UC. But, it was a long time ago! Looked it up though and it's still around:
"IGETC is a comprehensive pattern of courses that prospective transfer students from California community colleges can complete to satisfy lower division General Education requirements at both UC and CSU."
It’s definitely still around however you don’t have to satisfy it to transfer
5:00 SO TRUE, I thought about this. Pursuing research and internship opportunities right now!
Highly recommend this, stay looking ahead to the next moves ahead!
Cc science is difficult but business is exponentially easier than any stem major regardless of where u go so do not down play cc because you studied business and not a stem major
I'm an international student that transferred from a California Community College to Stanford. It can be done if you work hard.
Hi Anthony!! Can you please tell me more about your experience and how was your experience at a cc before you transferred?
@@jenifercoelhojeni186 Hi Jenifer. So I'm originally from South Africa and went to a public school there. My performance in high school was fine (mix of B's and A's), but not exceptional. I really wanted a good education in the US, particularly Stanford because I was interested in tech startups. However, on my first application, I was denied admission.
So I went to a California community college for 2 years instead and worked my bum off. I actually built a robotics startup I was passionate about while also taking classes in community college, so I was quite involved. I finished the 2 years with a 4.0 GPA and also got a 36 on the ACT. I submitted these results on my applications and managed to get into UPenn, Northwestern, Stanford, Berkeley and UCLA by transfer admission as an Electrical Engineering major.
Going to CC was actually really helpful because the schedule isn't as rigid as a university. So I was able to balance between pursuing my Robotics startup and also studying.
I met a whole range of people at CC. Many were older, non-traditional students but there were also a lot of international students and also high achievers from American high schools that didn't have any safeties and ther admissions cycle didn't work out.
Overall, it was a really good experience at community college. Most productive 2 years of my life! And thanks to community college, I eventually did go to Stanford, where I've just started.
Update: I was able to transfer to UCLA but got rejected from Caltech. Everything you said about a career is accurate. I am playing catch-up with my peers who have gotten internships in their second year. Granted, I have a slight advantage over my peers regarding transfers, where I could work in the lab. IMO, I did not feel the difference in academics. For context, I took 6 ENGR classes at CC and transferred to 4 ENGR for the quarter system. The social challenge is real; I only hang out with people who transfer as well and barely hang out with people that first years.
Thanks for the update 👍🏽
I'm transferring to UCF from Valencia college and I'm really nervous. I still have Spring and Summer semester to go and I hope the academics aren't too bad and I actually make friends because I'm a loner lol
Congrats on getting accepted! Just tackle it head on, change is exciting!
I’m transferring for fall session 2024 are you in UCF yet?
I got bad news neither high school or community college prepares you for university. However, community college will save you a substantial amount of money.
It's not that CC don't prepare you for 4 years uni, but seems like you have wrong attitude during your CC year. You underestimated it. You just got lucky
I’m a little lota bit older than the target demographic for this vid, I’ve already have a 20+ year career and experience in many different things, but I still enjoy taking 2 or 3 classes a year at community college for fun and to keep sharp. Over the years I’ve attended 6 different ccs in different parts of the country. I think he’s spot on about ccs not preparing students for uni or a career. Every single one that I’ve attended has poor academic counseling and shit administration. The instructors definitely have a much lower expectation of students, and it seems everyone expects a very low success rate. The peer pressure to succeed is also lacking at ccs probably because the demographics are much more broad than those attending uni. Some people are high school kids looking to get ahead, some people just want to try out a couple classes to see if college is for them, some people are coming from difficult situations and want a fresh start or a kickstart, some people are just like me, some people are high achievers looking for an advantage. At uni most people are focused the same things and tend to be a lot better resourced.
That said, cc has been pretty great for low pressure and fun learning, and great for building a network with instructors that also work in my field and other lifelong learners. The vets lounge is always the best at ccs too.
This was very informative btw, thank you
I’m fully aware and prepared for this, if I can get into uc Berkeley my life would be complete 😣
CC exams mostly depend on memorization. Top tier universities exams require higher order thinking over mere memorization of facts.
higher order thinking? how come my friends still study like they do in high school
@@loveyalotz What is the acceptance rate of this university? That will tell you a lot about how rigorous it is. Please name the school too.
@@Lokie-cd2hw unc chapel hill 20%
@@loveyalotz If your friends studied like they did in high school at UNC Chapel Hill then they were lucky to get a C -. If they made above that it was probably in sociology which is a POC friendly major.
I did the same thing. I transferred from Foothill College to UC Berkeley. I felt Foothill prepared me well. So I guess it depends on the community college.
You went to MT Sac and I went to Chaffey then Cal as well. The transfer experience is very much different than the traditional one, one thing about Cal is it is a meat grinder. It chews you up and spits you out lol getting an A was beyond hard but now I’m in a top 10 graduate program for my field and I’ve done straight A’s and one B and it’s been a walk in the park. I think what Cal does is they break you down and make you grind for even just a B but when you go to another institution you’ve been molded by Cal. What I mean by that is you show up naturally in beast mode and you outperform the majority of students without breaking a sweat. As a transfer to Cal though I will say it was rough but thank you to my GBO group which was a solid group of people and we quickly formed strong connections. With that said shoutout to Top Dog for food and Pappys for cheap and wild fun Friday through Saturday! Also stay away from Kipps yall lol nothing good ever happens at Kipps lol
Yup, nothing good happens at kips
@@adamramirez1 don’t stress it college is more a scam. UA-cam Peter Schiff College
University and four year college students are just as clueless as community college students. Some do better, though, because they have lots of support from parents and kin with higher levels of education. They also more likely have the wherewithal to buy solutions manuals, access to premium online help, in-person tutors, etc.
fair point but if you want to break into selective career industries you need direction as a freshman. recruiting for roles like ib start in the spring of sophomore year. other selective roles you need relevant experience to even get an interview.
Hey, I'm an incoming community college student hoping to transfer to a UC school. I remember hearing something about transfer housing, where people who successfully transfer to a four-year get the housing there with fellow junior transfers, not the people who were admitted as a freshman. If this is true, does this help with the transition from CC to four-year?
Yeah living in student housing is a great way to meet ppl. But a lot of transfers don’t live in student housing bc of the cost.
@@adamramirez1 Thanks so much. My other question was, how do you think a CCC student's chances at a school like Berkeley or UCLA are based on their major? Like my major is computer science (which I might switch to data science), so would my chances be harder than a CCC student who majors in, let's say, Literature for example or some other less competitive major?
@@prishamaiti so transfer admission from cc to the uc system is heavily impacted by major. Cs students at cal have ~
This is exactly what I said. The state of California a UCs that deny you say go to community college so you aren’t prepared.
just graduated cc got and got a hefty scholarship for rutgers! im only needing to pay around 8k (however the scholarship covers that!) a year all because of going to cc first! the only downside is i need to hustle more these upcoming semesters and catch up to my peers in terms of social life, internships, and projects but thats doable with determination and hard work. Good luck to everyone out there!! 💚💚💚
Good luck on your journey!!
To be fair UC Berkeley is needlessly hard, since they are a large public research university, they only admit high GPA students that will work extra hard, and they hire professors who are terrible teachers, because the students will study hard anyway.
Does that mean these students are really learning anything? IDK
Good video. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you for making this video. Not something that is discussed much.
I took most of my classes at the University, however there were a few general classes that I took at a CC for convenience to lighten my load senior year.
Let me tell you, most of those CC classes were harder than my University classes!!!! I went in with a bias because I always assumed CC classes were less rigorous. I was all the way wrong, lol!
Now as a parent I make all of my kids start off at CC because it’s far more economical and I never want my kids to come out of college in debt like I did. Not when I know the curriculum is equivalent. $300 for Literature vs $3,000+ ??? Ummmm yes please!
I’m having my kids start at CC too. Makes such economic sense.
Are you from Boston brotha?!
California brotha
I transferred out of CC after 1 year but the 1 year at university obliterated my entire net worth😂. I should’ve stayed another year at CC.
It’s so expensive
how did you get enough transfer credits in 1 year to transfer to a uc?
@ CC not UC.
Classes were easy at your cc bc you were not in stem. Chegg or any AI cannot safe you from advanced mathematics exams
1:44 Hey, that’s my home 🏡
so you went 2 years community, then 2 years transfer public?
I transferred my AAS degree to a University. It saved a copious amount of money and was an easy transition. Besides, many CC have great healthcare career programs.
Outrageous way to start the video. I saved over $100k by going to a cc😂😂
I saved maybe 20k
@@adamramirez1 depends on schools we looked at ig
I went to community college off and on for 4 years before transferring to a 4 year university and I wake up every day regretting going to CC. If I could’ve done it all over again, I would’ve gone to a 4 year college immediately after high school, the networking and internships opportunities is even more important than the content you learn in class. Plus the party scene and Greek Life in your late teens and early 20s are the most fun you’ll ever have in your life.
Seems like you weren't ready to go to 4 year uni immediately. CC can be a great starting point for many if you maximize your time there.
You just sound like you waste your time in general
@@DarknessFalls29what do you mean?
@wazup3333 The rigor at a 4 year college/university is a lot higher than commu its college. Sometimes you can get a professor at a CC who also teaches at the university up the street so their teaching and grading style is tough. I've had a couple that taught at George Mason U and they treated us as if we were seniors or grad student.
@@DarknessFalls29 No it isn't, i've transferred to two different universities from community college, the first time as a Mass Com major at Wayne State and the second time as an Accounting major at Western Michigan. The difficulty of the classes was the same and in some cases the classes were easier at Wayne State and Western and harder at community college. Course difficulty depends on the professor.
IDK I'm at el camino college and math and physics is brutal here lol
lol bro pls turn the saturation down a little bit
You get what you put in at CC
I was wondering how were you able to land an internship with little experience? I am speaking as a transfer who just started their first semester at Berkeley.
You have to be able to sell yourself well even with limited experience. Leverage any club experience, classes or transferable skills from a normal job.
Difficulty to land that first internship varies on what role you’re recruiting for too. I went for easier to break into industries like audit for my first internship then more prestigious ones my second round of internships.
Good luck, stay ambitious and you’ll be fine.
@@adamramirez1 dont audit jobs often times require certification of some sort? or experience in the field? you are a poli econ major so I assume you have some classes relating to accounting or finances
“A lot more harder”
Someone at some level failed this guy in terms of grammar. I interviewed people for interning or jobs at a major international company; this would have knocked him down the list.
HEY, i've got 3.6+ GPA in 10th grade but in 11th grade, my GPA dropped to 3/4. I'm planning to join a cc and transfer to a better college later, what do you suggest?
Yeah it’s a good option to go to cc, I’d factor in what you want to do after college and see if cc fits in that plan.
Great video ❤
Its the opposite for me. Highschool was piss easy and community college is pretty hard im working my ass off here ig it depends on the school
What are you studying at community college?
Join your CC Honors Program!!
do most ccs have them?
Come on, man, you’re going to Cal. Don’t say “lot more harder.”
I thought CC was much harder depends on your school tho, and your major at CC the eng department is much worse than uni and the tests were all on paper the height grades for phy were 70 and there was no curve, for Cal tests were 100% no hw meanwhile in Syracuse the test were 50% for the business classes they were free tho unproctored online tests and free grades however all sunys usually have that for business classes.
Yeah your experience is definitely altered by your major.
I don’t agree with the academic challenge. My community college is pretty hard (STEM) for no reason, at least where I go.
wow this is so useful
all my credits only transfer to wgu for cybersecurity and information insurance.
I will be pursuing mechanical engineering in USA next year (international student), can anyone suggest some good engineering community colleges?
What state will you be in?
@@wackywildpotato1410 hey i will be in cali or states near cali so do u have any good recs for a good cc in that area?
Hey, Im about to graduate from high school and still not sure whether I should go to CC or UIC. I would be going to UIC for free and receiving a additional 7k worth of scholarships yearly, but the school is kinda mid, do you think CC is worth it?
What are you planning to study?
Depends on area of study. If UIC is actually free, then do it.
@@adamramirez1 Im planning to go for business/finance
@@knock-nock-5075 I would say community college because for finance/bus it’s extremely helpful attending a top 25 college. Your job prospects expand immensely especially if you want to go after competitive roles like investment banking and consulting.
its worth it to get the free tuition and scholarships. school is what you make of it. Trust me bro. Do NOT go into debt until you have to.
is possible transfer and start as a freshman ? and this video is great thank you
@@garrycommander9351 usually when you transfer you’re at a junior standing.
I did an extra semester when I transferred to have more time at uni and figure out what I want to do after college.
So when you transferred did you have your associates yet? I’m a junior in cc and looking to transfer my senior year without my associates. Also, do you think having an off campus part time job in uni is a bad decision since the workload is more intense?
Yeah I had two jobs while at cc and I just focused on getting my transfer requirements done. Didn’t pay attention to getting an associates
@@adamramirez1 Ok, thanks!
hey i know this is like a stupid question but is junior year called ur 3rd year? and is it necessary to attend 3 years of cc to get an associates degree?
@@rezi9754 In university, your third year is typically referred to as your junior year. In community college i don’t think those titles really mean as much. An associates is usually two years, but it just depends on your credits and the amount of classes you enroll in. It’s really at your own pace.
How do you get your hair like that? I have a similar straight and thick hair but it always falls flat on my forehead
not who you asked, also i’m a girl with long hair, BUT TRY leaning way down towards your feet and shaking your head and fluffing your hair with your hands once or twice then flip your head upwards and see what happens
Can a student work part-time on campus in a community college?
Yeah they can!
Bro what classes were you taking that CC was easy? My accounting classes were painnnful.
The same introductory ones that everyone takes. Doing it online made it pretty easy.
@@adamramirez1 How did online make it easy, outside of not having to spend time getting to class? I felt it was a bit harder than my in person classes because I couldn't ask questions very easily, sometimes it'd take a couple days to get an answer and half the time it was curt and unhelpful lol. 0 class participation so have yet to get any answers from students in the forms online either.
I disagree, it completely depends on the community college you are at, the university you are transferring to, your personal study/time management skills, and the professors/classes you select at each! I hope everyone watching this vid takes it with a HUGE grain of salt.
The answer is always gonna be “well, it depends”
@@adamramirez1 Yes, I just think this video especially isn’t a great example since UC Berkley is what, top like 3 to 5% of universities? The reality isn’t nearly as “brutal” for the vast majority of students who are going to be transferring to their state uni’s from CC. Yes, you should be prepared (by knowing your plan of study and building prior knowledge) for things to ramp up as you transfer into uni, but either way classes get more difficult as a junior!
@@xNinj4xHD I agree with your points, everything has diff circumstances. You would essentially have to make a video for each school.
@@adamramirez1 Hey fair enough. We can agree on the same thing which was the point of the vid prob, it's very important to prepare!
Bro you have the same name as my brother first and last and you actually look like him too when he was in college, shit is blowing my mind
We might be brothers
Do you have to graduate with associate degree to be able to transfer?
No just your transfer requirements
No, you might want to though...if you have a specialized associates degree, you have something to fall back on, and can get into the work force immediately.. and that work experience matters if its related to your major.. it will make your upper level courses more interesting, and easier.
@@R20-d4t yes you can probably get into the workforce for a blue collar job but to land an entry level job with only an associates degree is near impossible and a waste of time
@@R20-d4t how long is an associates degree?
Can I study in community colleges in US for free? (With a grant or scholarship?) I’m international student and cannot afford to pay for this
Yes you can apply for scholarships. Community college is already pretty affordable too
@youknowkbbabyI'll take that deal. I want out of South Africa.
"A lot more harder"?! SMH...
Kind of a flawed logic...
If CC doesn't prepare you academically for a 4 year university, then high school for sure doesn't either.
So however you look at it, the jump from HS/CC to a 4 year university is huge. And there is no proper way to prepare. You're making it seem like community colleges are systemically flawed because it's too easy.
I am someone who has been through both a 4 year university, a community college, and even grad school.
I went to UW Seattle, dropped out after 2 years. I went to the military. Then afterwards I went to a community college to start over. I dedicated my life to being a full time student in my late 20s. Then I applied to a pharmacy program (3 years accelerated) -- I took the PCAT, submitted my transcript from CC (I purposely left out UW's transcript lol). I had a 3.98 GPA from my CC.
Pharmacy school was the most intense and cutthroat experience ever. I took out a huge loan (6 figures) to attend, and my school literally would drop students for not meeting academic standards. Imagine the pressure.
I managed to graduate and now I work in healthcare.
I'm a big advocate of community colleges.
Im pursuing chartered accountacy.
Plz share some info about it
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but if you know you're going to transfer, when you apply to CC do you apply for 2 years or the whole 4 years?
The application is the same. At least to my knowledge.
Did you go to Berkeley because of the semester system? I went to UCSB and the quarter system was harder for me because you don't get second chances if you mess up on a test. I ended up starting a business and leaving after being there 2 years.
I didn’t really consider the semester system into my decision but it was a smooth transition to berkeley because I was used to the semester system from cc
Blame your HS counselors because that’s where the foundation begins. They are there to guide and probe your interests and it’s a 2 way street on your part.
Good point. I transferred three times in hs so it was very difficult to establish a foundation for success.
I have a question can you get a job with your associate's degree then transfer to college later? I'm asking this just so i can finanve my university fees, also can u tell us more about the scholarships possibilities
Depends what type of job you’re looking to get with your associates. Most high paying jobs require a bachelors at least if you’re talking white collar jobs.
@@adamramirez1 for example i'll land a job as a data analysit then i can use it to finance myself and get a bachelor or masters coa i alsreafy have a previous bachelor degree i just cant afford masters directly
Possible. But the likelihood of that is low because entry level data analyst typically need a bachelors degree. What is more feasible is an internship. That can easily finance your degree too if you get a top internship, usually they pay $28-45 with a duration of three months.
im confused is there a differences in having a cc bachelors from a bachelors in a 4 yrs uni???
For the most part community colleges only offer associates degrees and universities offer bachelor’s degrees
@@adamramirez1 would it be recommended to get the bachelors from university or from a cc?/
@@danielobio from a university
Hey could you please list our make a video about the internship opportunities you talked you
Hello, I was thinking of applying to UCM after my final year of HS for Mechinal Engineering but I was wondering if there are any other colleges that offer good ME courses. Thanks.
Community colleges or universities?
@@adamramirez1 Universities.
Do you have any tips for getting interships while at community college?
Yeah I can go into detail on this and if you want precise guidance just message me. But to keep it short:
1. Figure out what industry or position you want to pursue.
2. Create and tailor a resume to the position you want to pursue.
3. Create a linkedin to apply to those roles because now a days all the sought after positions are posted on linkedin so you're missing out on a lot in you don't have the app.
can cc credits transfer to out of state universities
what was your major?
Your first 2 points contradict
1) you struggled at UC because you didn't have to spend as much time on easy CC courses, you just breezed through them
2) you didn't have time to focus on internships and career planning because you were so focused on transfering out of CC.
In my mind, it's easier to focus on getting internships and volunteering and being part of clubs when you have more free time. You definitely would have more free time from going to CC instead of studying the first 2 years at UC.
Like I don't mean to be harsh, but it really sounds like the first 2 points are laziness. CC was easy for you so you felt like you had a breather, but if you really wanted to apply yourself in your courses instead of using chegg and focus on volunteering and internships, then you could easily do it all during your first 2 years of CC.
All that is under the assumption that the free that would be allocated to the internship search etc. Time management plays a big factor to this point.
But even with that assumption there’s no rubric/101 to recruiting for internships. It’s usually a new process which makes it difficult for transfers compared to a regular uni student how might have recruited for internships fresh and soph year and understand how to recruit.
I completely agree with you on your last point that CC students should focus on career stuff while at community college. But it doesn’t always materialize that way because they’re focused on transferring out or don’t know how to get an internship - many barriers. I’ve talked about this point a few times in my videos because this is SO SO important and something I wish I did at CC.
Well, he also said that it wasn’t under his radar so it’s not just time, it’s also that he wasn’t even thinking of internships at all because all he was thinking about is transferring
Hey, I want to go to cc in another state and then transfer to a 4 year. Is that a good idea? My mom looks down on cc and makes it seem so horrible.
In-state is financially better and the 2 + 2 program is the best financially wise since it’s cc then a university. Yes, it is a good idea if you want to save money and not go into debt. But if you’re a student with exceptional skills, you’ll be given scholarships and financial aid to attend 4 year universities. Another thing to think about is CC has the chance to redeem yourself and save up a lot of money. But in all honesty it comes down to you. Your school choice does not determine who you are and what your future will be. Yes, you may be getting a higher salary if you graduate from an elite school, but that shouldn’t be the determining factor of what you want to pursue. It all depends on how you utilize your surroundings to create a positive and life changing impact to yourself and others. Hone into your skills and don’t let the bad stigma of community college affect you. Follow yourself with the correct guidance and look into all perspectives to choose the one that aligns with you
@@something3476 thank you for the advice. I actually ended up just deciding to go to a 4 year and have received plenty of financial aid so that really was such a relief.
@@LaiaPhayet that’s wonderful! Hope your college journey is what you wish to be
I just arrived usa 4 months ago, i am senior high school but i dont know should i go to cc or 4 year? i have completed my credits as an international student but not completed as other regular students, i have an option to become super senior for one more year of semester in high school but i am not sure to stay and complete my credits as regular student and apply to uc or go to cc for 1 or 2 year then transfer? what do you recomend?
If you go to cc you have a higher chance of getting accepted into to top universities and you get started on your bachelors degree. I would ask a counselor about the nuances since you’re an international student.
May I know how about your GPA in your high school
3.3 UW I think
Hii! Would you recommend transferring after one year of cc? :)
That’s what I’m doing. I’d recommend it
@@ancellery6430 hey how is it going? i wanna know if I can do the same thing but I'm paranoid since my grades in high school arent the best
@@rezi9754 I'll see if I get into UCLA in a few weeks
man i feel like yall just go to school with the wrong expectations, if it was easy then everyone would do it.
You can still expect it to be difficult but you won’t know how many hours you’re actually gonna be putting in unless you’re living it.
if this dude says "more harder" one more time.
more harder .. no diddy
@@adamramirez1 surprised you made it through cc with horrendous grammar
@@dericchiang5043 my bad let me give back my diplomas
That is cool; I attend Mt. SAC and plan to transfer as an EE major.
“Brutal” okay… 😂
so brutal
Do I have to do 2 years of CC or can I just do 1 semester and transfer?
You can do one semester if you have the requirements to transfer but usually it takes two semesters minimum