True, and separation of Church and state is also something taken from the Bible. And they should have declared the US a Christian nation, and rightfully so because our Constitution and moral standards are heavily influenced by Christianity.
The first amendment means that Congress shall not establish a federal religion the separation of church and state is not in the Constitution it was a letter to a church from Jefferson about how the government should not interfere in church matters not the other way around the original colonies could have an official church just not a federal church
Great idea. What would happen if people ran as individuals? It would be like high school student government elections. A simple popularity contest. No electoral college, they clearly don't keep stupidity out.@@middlefingermotionpictures4772
Simple. Make it illegal to hold office if you're religious. You have to be secular to hold office. Otherwise your religious beliefs will negatively impact your ability to competently do your job...a secular government should be made up of people with secular views.
Im Pakistani and i would warn you emphatically to steer clear of bringing religion into politics. Its nothing but disaster. No two people have same interpretation of the same religion.
Bill is misinterpreting those statements. Not sure why he is doing that, but there is no separation of church and state. There is only a law that says that there cannot be an official church for the state. They were trying to prevent the Church of England type of church being formed in USA. The left takes that to mean total separation, when in fact it is not.
@@lovely-mk4rt Reagan was hardly the right wing conservative some people think he was. He used to be a Democrat, and he was always more on the moderate side.
@@pdcdesign9632it’s impossible. I’m 90% a republican voter and my out of state relatives who think the country was founded on Christian principles will argue with me even when I quote letters and mention the Jefferson gospels. When I explain that they had reverence for the The Bible in their writings, they feel better but don’t quite give up the idea that the strong majority were deists. It’s like trying to explain the history of Israel to woke mobs marching for Palestine.
If you notice he pays no attention to Biden openly saying he’s a Zionist which is a foreign country first off and it’s a form of Jewish nationalism you can look it up. Also this isn’t a democracy it’s a democratic republic I hate commenting anywhere but how much bs can he spew without being called on it
Once again, Bill took the words right out of my mouth. Well, he said it even better than I ever could have. AND he made me laugh along the way. AND he made important points too. NO ONE mixes edifying content, social commentary, well-expressed opinion and humor better than Maher.
Bill Maher states the US is becoming too stupid to carry on. Particularly among the 18-34 year old demographic which he says is easiest to fool because of how gullible they can be. He also notes, merrily, that atheism is on the rise and that that's a good thing. Particularly among young adults. There is no such thing as coincidence.
Bill Maher states the US is becoming too stupid to carry on. Particularly among the 18-34 year old demographic which he says is easiest to fool because of how gullible they can be. He also notes, merrily, that atheism is on the rise and that that's a good thing. Partcicularly among young adults. There is no such thing as coincidence.
My country the UK has an official church and we're one of the most Athiest countries in the world. Though clergyman, Imams etc. Do get tax breaks for some absurd reason.
I know that there is tax evasion by some claiming to be religious organizations, but my opinion is that it would be much worse to tax religions. Maybe that would allow taxation of your religion or your lack of religion. Some countries impose extra taxes on those who are not members of the government approved religion. I don’t want that.
That is the ABSOLUTE POWER of this man Bill Maher. Two things can be true (if not three): You can DEFINITELY QUESTION the Origins of Christmas, you can still Celebrate Christmas, AND YOU CAN STAND UP AGAINST "CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM". Once again, we never deserve you, Sir, but we thank you on this one. Seasons Greetings to All from Central America. #RealTime #AwayWithChristianNationalism!!! #AllAboveIsTrue. #WeDontDeserveBill!!!
@@navylaks2 As long as that Stand isn't a license to engage in racist rhetoric, they're included too. But to be further clear: Religion is man made but God centered. You can Believe or you don't, and that's freedom!!! #RealTime #ReadThatNationalism!!!
Yes, question is fine, but why? for what purpose? I believe emphatically in Christianity, cover to cover, but have never in my mature adult life ever once thought that he was born on Dec 25th. I've known for decades what Bill feels that he has to 'enlighten' the world about. He does so purely for his disdane of religion. But he waists his time... unless its just to keep his audience laughing and to preach to them his Atheistic beliefs.
@marshalljobe1102 Just points out how ridiculous these Bible stories are. Fallacious appeal to popular opinion. Just because you were indoctrinated to believe Christianity is true doesn't make it so. If you are adult who finds comfort in these easily debunked tales in the Bible, that's your prerogative. Separate of church and state. Get out there and market for members if you like. But, it has no place in government.
Have you ever read the book of Revelation?? When he comes back to reign over the Earth, Christian Nationalism will be the law over all of the Earth, not just in the U.S. for 1,000 years.
@user-tn8uu2cu8g Anyone who believes these ancient books as gospel would also believe Harry was Jesus & Voldemort was Satan if all books went away but the Harry Potter series. 😂🤡
Lmao Bill is already rewriting history. If you don’t know what I mean actually research the “Appeal to Heaven” flag. It has zero to do with religion, but come from a John Locke poem. Aka BILL LIED!!!!
Bill, I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, when I was nearly seven years old in 1961, I had a run-in with a car: whilst ridding my scooter. And it was then, that I had a near-death experience. However, it’d be 16 years on later when I became aware that I had, had a near death experience. This occurred after attending a seminar, where five people on the stage spruiked their near-death experiences to the audience, and it struck me that what they spoke of paralleled EXACTLY with what happened to all those years earlier. However, coming to the certain conclusion that, this duly occurred with me didn’t make me run out of the seminar, and grab a tambourine to bang on it at a church. Anyway, the main point I want to make to you Bill, and all of your ilk who laughed so heartily when you called it “a crock of shit” is to suggest that, you vehemently shitcan Islam/Allah, or Hinduism, or Buddhism or, indeed, all three as you’ve just done with Christianity, on your next show? Needless to say, that will never occur, because you’d either be liquidated very quickly or require around-the-clock protection just as Salman Rushdie had to do. Again, I will categorically state that I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, I would never in my wildest dreams seek to inhibit someone from practicing their faith. Tragically, the demise of people practicing Christianity in the US, Canada, Britain or Australia, over the past few decades, is in confluence with the terrible downfall of common decency and morality.
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern governance. _“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_ *- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president) The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_ This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion. *Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office* _"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_* This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required. _“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_ *-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797* ....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything. A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli. *PETER CARL BORMUTH, Petitioner,* *V.* *COUNTY OF JACKSON, MICHIGAN Respondent* This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote: _"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_ _“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_ *-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817) _"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_ *-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823) _"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_ *-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac) _“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_ *― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
I'm a Christian and I'm telling you it's a terrible idea to make America a Christian nation through legal means. We should in no way enforce Christian beliefs by means of laws. Start that slippery slope and who is to say Islam doesn't become the prominent religion and force itself on you? Just leave them separate. Better to spend your time doing things Jesus specifically taught like, oh I don't know, feed the hungry and help the poor. 🤷
I have no beliefs, just unconditional love and empathy for the human condition and any god or gods that aren't cool with that...isn't cool with me and I accept my consequences. Much Love to the All
The German constitution also separates church and government… but it also has a provision that prevents someone from holding office or running for it if he behaves or talks unconstitutionally. This prevents Nazis ( the main intention of this passage in our constitution ), religious fanatics, communists, etc. from taking over. It is sometimes hard to draw the line on this, but the Christian Nationalists in the US could not hold office in Germany.
Something America should adopt immediately. I've always said that that the German people are much more intelligent than Americans. one only has look at how the German people have delt with fascism since WWII?
All that does is expose the parallels between Nazi Germany and 21st Century America. You're witnessing, once again, the repeat of history -- with the consent of We The People. And ironically, especially since Oct 7, BOTH fringes of the right and left are engaging in it. Our Constitution will prevail over this fanaticism but it still takes principled leadership to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend it. _That's_ my larger concern -- where is the principled leadership? They're out there, but the electorate is in no mood to hear it. The electorate wants what they want, _period._ With no regard to Constitutional guardrails. Victory goes to the loudest and most obnoxious among us, appears to be the only rule today. That both extremes are re-writing history along that path and that today's voters couldn't care less, is what worries me the most.
Germany always loves censorship, and authoritarian policies. Just look at their covid policies, look at how they ban " hate" speech, and how you can even go to prison for freedom of speech ie. questioning any aspect of the holocaust. The only difference in Germany of the 1940s and today, is what's tolerated and not tolerated but the spirit is the same. There has never been complete freedom of speech in Germany and there never will be. The Germans will not tolerate it.
Maher attacks Bible, but seems to be ok with another religion which based on their book claims a land that doesn’t belong to them, expel the natives of that land to concentration camps because according to their book, they are chosen people! Bill’s religion is Z|0N|$m.
@user-tn8uu2cu8g “So I've been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate. Half the time I get what I want, half the time I don't. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four-leaf clover and the horseshoe, the wishing well and the rabbit's foot, same as the Mojo Man, same as the Voodoo Lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles, it's all the same: 50-50. So just pick your superstition, sit back, make a wish, and enjoy yourself.” -George Carlin
@user-tn8uu2cu8g Everyone thinks that their God is the real God. I stopped following like the herds that follow like sheep and cannot prove anything. Therefore, I took it upon myself to worship the one and only, Joe Pesci.
That "Jewish" state is at war with many "Muslim" states. So as a conservative/republican/right wing Atheist the answer is a big fat: YES, they must be supported.
I'm a man of God and this goes against every fiber of my American being. Although I would love it if America would come back to God, I acknowledge that we fail as a country the INSTANT we start forcing it. You do not force God on people, you lead by example. America is the land of many freedoms. One of the most important freedoms here is the freedom of expression. That is there for a reason. To prevent Tyranny.
@@pdcdesign9632 I can accept Hindus as President. But some people say that they are religious but really they worship power and money. It’s not what people say, it’s what they do. All religions share that
At least you’re able to acknowledge that, most of the other right wingers… well let’s say there’s a reason for the massive turn out for the vote to oust Chump.
I don’t think you understand what freedom of religion means… it means that religious folks should be protected under government persecution… ask the average dem how they feel about Jews
@@joshuastanton6731 yeah he'll be president again if you guys keep biden :p. I would encourage yall to get Gavin Newsome off coke long enough to prove himself useful.
What is wrong with our political leaders today? "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." It's literally the first point of the first law of the nation. You know the First Amendment. The government is literally forbidden to establish a religion. Case closed.
You and Bill is misinterpreting those statements. Not sure why he is doing that, but there is no separation of church and state. There is only a law that says that there cannot be an official church for the state. They were trying to prevent the Church of England type of church being formed in USA. The left takes that to mean total separation, when in fact it is not
@@user-nc9pc3gr4c Jefferson the person who wrote the constitution was pretty clear about how religion should not dictate government. I trust the people who wrote the constitution not some yokels
To clarify... it is not allowed to make "Laws" forcing or rejecting a religion. Having a state religion, is not forbidden, as long as it is not enforced by law.
Bill Maher is a islamophobe whose main agenda is to demonise and wipe out all muslims. He and his muslim hating friends are calling genocide to muslims..and sadly the fans are laughing together wth him
Oh, no, no, no. As an atheist, I'm not feeling very good about these fanatics at all. How dare they tell me or anyone else what to believe? I damn near blew a gasket when I saw that my Ohio driver's license had the motto, "With God, all things are possible" -- right under MY photo, as if it was MY personal motto. Who voted on that?! I know I didn't. Even my religious friends were not thrilled when I pointed this out to them, because they never even noticed it.
@@giantsr1eva That's just, like, you opinion, man. People can really do some monstrous stuff, ya know? Did you know that religion is an idea and that ideas are imaginary? That's, like, a fact. God is an idea, too, and it differs in everu mind wherein it exists but, truly, therein, in each independent and unique mind, it truly exists as an idea. That's fact too, Jack. And, I insist that you accept my beliefs about religion and god over those of all others and that you carry faith in this truth with you across your life as an aegis against nonsense.
High time? The theist nutjobs are all but gone from our government today. In the '80s, you couldn't get elected unless you proclaimed yourself to be Christian. Today, you don't need to say anything about religion at all. We can only hope that the Demorcats eventually do the same with their current requirement to be a progressive nutjob in order to be considered for office.
Originally When writing the constitution, church leaders asked for and supported separation of church and state! Why, because preacher's under the English government, in America were being locked up, for their opinions.
Bill Maher is a islamophobe whose main agenda is to demonise and wipe out all muslims. He and his muslim hating friends are calling genocide to muslims..and sadly the fans are laughing together wth him
@@PhazonInfuser Consistently forgetting his place. Remember when he called himself a field n****r? The apology tour he did with Ice Cube was a very telling back peddle....😂❤
In Western society in general. Liberal defending Islam, conservatives outright denying science, people who benefit from GPS claiming space and rocket science are fake...people have taken the Dunning Kruger Effect and fucking RAN with it. It's embarrassing.
“So I've been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate. Half the time I get what I want, half the time I don't. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four-leaf clover and the horseshoe, the wishing well and the rabbit's foot, same as the Mojo Man, same as the Voodoo Lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles, it's all the same: 50-50. So just pick your superstition, sit back, make a wish, and enjoy yourself.” -George Carlin.
I'm assuming that you are a US citizen, unlike me. However, I put two things together: 1. Your churches are financed through (voluntary?) donations in order to best cover their costs, including the salaries of their priests. Donations are not income and only that can be taxed, especially since the donations are financed by the already taxed income of their community members. Therefore it would be double taxation. 2. Those who pay taxes want to have a say. The fact that the citizens of the 13th colonies were supposed to pay taxes but were not allowed to have a say in the English Parliament caused, among other things, the Declaration of Independence and the resulting eponymous war with England. The separation between religion and government or state is intended to prevent this participation. The Founding Fathers who wrote your US Constitution made this separation for good reasons.
All true! But they are the largest lobbying group in Washington DC and have huge influence over legislation. We also have megachurches and groups that collect billions and pay 0 taxes or property taxes. If they had no sway on Washington I would agree, but thats not the case. @@patrickrada2923
The income of church members is already taxed. The members then take the remains of that taxed income and "donate" some to the church. If the church is taxed, that would be double taxation. I am not a fan of that. So what do you propose to resolve that issue?
100 years from now it'll be called the Islamic Republic of America so it makes no difference. Christianity has no chance against Is-lame.@@kingcassius2586
I think this is a great New Rules. Bill is an atheist, but still likes Christmas. Its a fun holiday. Funny how these politicians say we "can't touch the second amendment", but is constantly interpreting the first amendment into saying we are a Christian nation.
Christmas is BIG in Japan, a country where Christianity is a small minority and where Shinto and Buddhism are the dominant religions. They love Christmas there!
Christmas Christmas is about the birth of Jesus whether it was on the 25th of December who knows. But one thing bill is right about the separation of church and state. Christian nationalists are not Christian. They are just a bunch of right-wing fanatics theocratic 🦇💩👹. Who has infiltrated our government who won the tear down democracy for their own gain.
For once, in a long long time, I agree wholeheartedly!!! SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! That’s how we became America , IN THE FIRST PLACE ! We left England to be able to pray to whom we wanted !
The Pilgrims did not leave England to come to the New World; they left England in 1609 and went to the Netherlands. They left the tolerant Dutch in 1620 to come to the New World.
Bill, I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, when I was nearly seven years old in 1961, I had a run-in with a car: whilst ridding my scooter. And it was then, that I had a near-death experience. However, it’d be 16 years on later when I became aware that I had, had a near death experience. This occurred after attending a seminar, where five people on the stage spruiked their near-death experiences to the audience, and it struck me that what they spoke of paralleled EXACTLY with what happened to all those years earlier. However, coming to the certain conclusion that, this duly occurred with me didn’t make me run out of the seminar, and grab a tambourine to bang on it at a church. Anyway, the main point I want to make to you Bill, and all of your ilk who laughed so heartily when you called it “a crock of shit” is to suggest that, you vehemently shitcan Islam/Allah, or Hinduism, or Buddhism or, indeed, all three as you’ve just done with Christianity, on your next show? Needless to say, that will never occur, because you’d either be liquidated very quickly or require around-the-clock protection just as Salman Rushdie had to do. Again, I will categorically state that I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, I would never in my wildest dreams seek to inhibit someone from practicing their faith. Tragically, the demise of people practicing Christianity in the US, Canada, Britain or Australia, over the past few decades, is in confluence with the terrible downfall of common decency and morality.
7:09 Um... The Pilgrims (pilgrim means religious traveler) were Puritanical Christians who fled England because they were persecuted for being too uptight. Elder William Brewster was the first religious AND governmental leader of Plymouth Colony. Which Pilgrims do you think Bill actually means, if not the ones who were Puritanical religious travelers?
@@minigiant8998 The following is an open reply to the NONE poor souls who responded to my cut-and-paste dispatch RE: Bill Mahar bagging Christmas. Alas, it does appear that, not one of you, who took the time out to bag me, garnered the main point I was attempting to make. With that being (once again): Why is it that you staunchly devoted atheists don’t “shitcan” Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, with the same fervor as you do with Christianity? The answer to that, of course, (once again) is because if you did “shitcan” them then it wouldn’t take long for a gang of fanatics from one of the spheres to track you down and exact justice against your insults.
When Church and State are the same entity you get endless religious wars. Like the numerous Crusades. We had enough of that, In Europe, after the Middle ages. Which is why we started to separate them centuries ago.
So, by that logic you would have no argument nor problem with grown men impregnating 12 year old girls? Remember: without the teachings of those of faith, we would revert to the law of the jungle. Also, since religion shouldn't have any place in government, then surely you have zero problems with me killing someone just because they looked at my wife in a lustful manner, correct?@@rtm135
Our elected leaders need to be reminded of the oaths they swore to when they took office. Once a month they should have to publicly re-swear their allegiance to the Constitution, as they obviously forgot it.
(sad) reality check even today, most politicians (and presidents) swear on the bible when taking their oath In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States Coins have the phrase impressed on them The same phrase is hanging on the walls of courtrooms, and witnesses swear on a bible, as well. Or did it till not long ago clearly, the founding fathers didn't make clear at all the separation between church and state. Let you decide whether it was because of naivety, or intentional.
I think its very important in this day and age as a classic liberal, to point out exact words of the Constitution. I sympathize with conservatives, but when they say "shall not be infringed", they should be reminded of "no establishment of religion" as well. You can't pick and chose your "God given" rights.
Hypocrisy with regard to Constitutional limits on the central government abounds within the body politic, and the two major parties are who are giving it aid and comfort. A lot of selective outrage regarding the violation of certain amendments in the Bill of Rights, but when it's coming from both sides, taken together the entire BofR is being shit on. Hence the importance of an independent Judiciary; but just as important is an educated electorate, and on that it's abundantly clear that we don't have one.
It says that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion… Pretty clear cut if you can read English that the Constitution does not forbid prayer in schools, crosses in government buildings, religious clubs, etc. It’s really not that hard people if you’re willing to be honest.
@@briane173 Well, it might well be argued that we presently have neither! What is independent of about a judiciary that has clearly politically and even religiously motivated judges sitting on the bench. I think Roberts is probably the least political of the bunch, but that is not saying much. And one might argue that the bench has always been filled with pols. But as much as I know about SCOTUS, those of the past were not as political as the one we have now--at least in the context of the modern era. But I'm not a scholar, so I may be wrong on this.
@@lonzo61 I think they all admit to a liberal or conservative judicial philosophy; but if their philosophy can't find a jurisdictional pathway to the result they prefer, they wouldn't be able to justify their decision. They ultimately have to follow the rules of jurisprudence. Justices will always be labeled as POLITICALLY liberal or conservative based on what President nominated them and what Senate makeup confirms them. But none of them have been able to arrive at decisions that fit neatly in that box _all the time._ Because of the selection process an opposing party is _always_ going to brand justices who don't share their politics as political judges; it's just the way things are. But to attempt things like packing the Court or another branch imposing ethics codes on them or applying political pressure to recuse doesn't help with their judicial independence, it makes it worse. Justices were given lifetime appointments for a reason, and that was to keep them outside of the fray of politics as a separate but co-equal branch of government. No matter who holds a majority in either of the other two branches, as long as there are 9 justices on the bench there's nothing the parties or the other two branches can do to influence the Judiciary one way or the other -- as it should be.
@user-tn8uu2cu8gif your point is to point out how reduculus it is to make America a Christian country by bringing up Allah and how you could easily mess up a Country by doing that Good Job
I'm sorry but this version of Bill Maher is one I haven't seen in a long while -- he kept hammering about "woke woke woke woke". I stopped watching his New Rule stuff. It was nice to see a bit of the ole Bill again.
Mike, Lauren's only crime was getting caught. I'm now 69, but back in the 70s, 80s and 90s, I would have had at least 10 women touch me up in a cinema. On one occasion, on a Monday night back around 1998 at a picture theater in Paddington, my sweet little femme went way further than a little rub-and tug.
Bill Maher is a islamophobe whose main agenda is to demonise and wipe out all muslims. He and his muslim hating friends are calling genocide to muslims..and sadly the fans are laughing together wth him
"I'm sorry I don't want anyone to exercise their 'dominion' over me unless I paid them and we've established a safe word." - that got a big laugh out of me.
Yeah, that seems to be part of his tactic; quote something he disagrees with and then say something to get a laugh so he doesn't have to engage with the argument. Good catch.
@@Ericwvb2 Exactly. And you'll notice that a lot of comments (on here and other of his videos) are like, "Wow, so well researched and balanced, he's the best voice we have on this!" when he's just not well researched or balanced; he only does it for the laughs (which he's good at!) but presents things like it's good journalism. Not that he's required to have a disclaimer, I just find it disappointing that most people aren't aware or honest enough to realize this, as evidenced by the comments; glad you are aware though.
Excellent segment‼️ What a solid yet light way to remind all these religious fanatic politicians to stop shoving Christianity down all Americans' throats! Thanks, Bill👍👍
LOVE classic Bill, showing off his knowledge of history, religion, and the Constitution. Most especially, the First Amendment. This fun quote reflects my attitude about religious freedom (which includes freedom FROM religion): “My dear, religion is like a penis. It's a perfectly fine thing for one to have and take pride in, but when one takes it out and waves it in my face we have a problem.”
@@jaws392, a constitutional republic is a type of democracy. Here's one explanation used to study for the U.S. citizenship exam:
@@pmc2999 Why are religious zealots so dense? This person meant to keep your religion to yourself because you religious weirdos are always so loud trying to shove that crap down our throat. We're just saying enough we're tired of it. Keep it to yourself.
@@Dead_Again1313did you know that when someone is trying to push an agenda on you and all you do is stay quiet. You're actually empowering them to keep doing what they're doing? Is that concept really that hard for you to understand or is that a Christian mind virus thing?
@wuiethero1:Except for the fact that he got a BUNCH of historical statements wrong. The “Appeal to Heaven” flag has zero to do with separation of church and state. The flag is actually the one that flew at Valley Forge while George Washington and his troops were stationed there in the winter. The quote comes from a John Locke poem that proclaims, that if a government is oppressing you. It’s an appeal to heaven to overthrow them. AKA Bill lied!
It is actually pretty widely known that the date of Christ's birth is not in December and it was chosen for practical purposes, to coincide with pre-existing European holidays. This allowed society to continue with minimal adjustments to its long standing schedule, and those who celebrated Pagan rituals like Jule could simply continue, and most of what we now call Christmas traditions originated as Pagan traditions. They even tell you this openly in Catholic school. It is not a secret or conspiracy to hide it.
_“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.”_ *- Thomas Paine* (An Essay on the Origin of Free-Masonry (1803-1805); found after Paine's death - thought to have been for part III of The Age of Reason) The Bible was finalized by the *Council of Nicaea,* the year 325 (AD). This council VOTED on books, myths & rules that were to be included, *or excluded,* in the modern version of what we call the Bible. The Council of Nicaea voted on many myths & stories, incorporating many belief systems, so this new religious text would appeal to as many cultures as possible. The Easter holiday is, literally, pulled from Roman "pagan" mythology. The Council of Nicaea, literally, voted on the date this should be celebrated. _"All the brethren in the East... _*_will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans_*_ ....from ancient times have kept Easter together with you."_ *-The Council of Nicaea* _"Religion consists in a set of things which the average man thinks he believes, and wishes he was certain"_ *-Mark Twain* _"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_ *-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823) _“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_ *― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)
Exactly, all of these celebrated,money consuming holidays derive from pagan rituals. As Christians you shouldn’t even be taking part in them. It states in the Bible to stay away.
It is not now, but it once was. When Christians were a persecuted minority, hiding their religious rites among more commonly accepted celebrations improved their survival rate. Later, as Christians became the persecuting majority, it allowed them to snuff out Pagan celebrations, and in some countries bully lesser observed religions out of spectacle. Despite the other religions having longer traditions in those lands. The only reason it’s not being hidden anymore is because Christianity is the dominant religion on this planet. There’s power in numbers and might makes right.
Maher is smarter than Carlin ever was, but the latter was an important cultural icon nonetheless. Carlin just tended to spew expletives and vitriol, some of which actually did have weight behind it. But too often, it was just anger that drove his invective comedy--not well considered ideas. I did like Carlin, though.
@@lonzo61I heard quite a few expletives in Maher's rant. No, Carlin went one way & Maher is a dummy for ranting about Repub's. wanting to Nationalize anything. People have a right to their opinion & Maher better start accepting that fact. We already have a Totalitarian Regime...mandated vaccine, climate hysteria w/o Scientific proof, forcing people to buy EV's, the experiment to force people to eat bugs etc. Maher is smart but to many times he's to smart for his own good. During his monolog, he showed a pic of Charlie Kirk. Let's have Maher debate Kirk & we'll see how smart he is.
1) As a Deist, can we have a discussion about Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine in the founding of this country? 2) Definition of irony: the idea of separation of church and state was originally to prevent governmental oppression of religion. Now it's religion using government to oppress other religions/beliefs.
Definition of irony: the idea of separation of church and state was originally a revolutionary teaching by Jesus himself - Mark 12:17 "Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's.” The men were amazed at what Jesus said." Looks like these republicans skipped that verse in the Bible
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil governance. _“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_ *- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president) The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_ This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion. *Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office* _"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_* This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required. _“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_ *-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797* ....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything. A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli. *PETER CARL BORMUTH, Petitioner,* *V.* *COUNTY OF JACKSON, MICHIGAN Respondent* This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote: _"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_ _“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_ *-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817) _"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_ *-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823) _"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_ *-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac) _“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_ *― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
OMG! Bill has become an Constitutional Originalist :)! Seriously, he nails it regarding our founding under a secular government. Bohbert et al are offensive in their ignorance of the facts.
The Separation of church and state literally comes from Jesus' teachings; - Mark 12:17 "Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's.” The men were amazed at what Jesus said." These republicans don't even know the first thing about America, they don't know some basic teachings of Jesus, who they claim to follow.
😂 That's not separation of church and state, that was him telling people that they should pay taxes, and to follow the laws of the land while also serving God. When the law tells you not to serve God, that's when you have to break it, like Daniel in the den of lions.
Yep, and as an atheist I don't want governments mandating what Christians do, and vice versa. I support gay marriage, but I dont want the government forcing churches to perform them.
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil governance. _“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_ *- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president) The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_ This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion. *Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office* _"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_* This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required. _“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_ *-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797* ....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything. A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli. *PETER CARL BORMUTH, Petitioner,* *V.* *COUNTY OF JACKSON, MICHIGAN Respondent* This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote: _"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_ _“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_ *-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817) _"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_ *-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823) _"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_ *-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac) _“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_ *― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
This is one of Bill's most important and significant presentations. The absurdity of Christianity as an integral part of any government was manifested in WW1 when there were Christian chaplains in opposing armies blessing the troops and praying for their success!
George Carlin said this in his last special… “Americans pray to God to destroy our enemies. Our enemies pray to God to destroy us. Someone’s going to be disappointed. Someone’s wasting their f*****g time. Could it be… everyone?”
7:09 Um... The Pilgrims (pilgrim means religious traveler) were Puritanical Christians who fled England because they were persecuted for being too uptight. Elder William Brewster was the first religious AND governmental leader of Plymouth Colony. Which Pilgrims do you think Bill actually means, if not the ones who were Puritanical religious travelers?
I’m a Christian because it makes sense to me, and it helps me in my own life. But I don’t believe in forcing it on others. And I don’t think the government should mandate it either. It should be a personal choice for everyone to believe or not believe.
God was created in judea as the king of kings to prevent dictatorships from forming. It's also cheaper to have an invisible leader because you don't have to pay him.
Religion never prevented dictatorships from forming. Quite the opposite. And an invisible leader is very convenient for some “representatives” to ask money in his name.
I live in Canada 🇨🇦-thank goodness!! I do I absolutely cannot stand Fox. CTV, a national Canadian broadcaster have the rights to broadcast Kitchen Nightmares in Canada 🇨🇦. As well, I usually watch Gordon’s shows on UA-cam.
I’m a devout Christian who also likes Bill Maher. I agree with separation of church in state. It protects not only the country, but the church as well. But for what it’s worth, no Christian thinks Jesus was actually born on December 25… like literally we learn that in Sunday school that no one knows the actual day. It's just the day that was chosen to celebrate it.
um, tell my family to stop celebrating the birth of baby jesus on 25th then... if we want to talk about facts, then why didnt any contemporary historians mention the "son of god" until a 100 years later... when they recorded every single mundane detail?
_“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.”_ *- Thomas Paine* (An Essay on the Origin of Free-Masonry (1803-1805); found after Paine's death - thought to have been for part III of The Age of Reason) The Bible was finalized by the *Council of Nicaea,* the year 325 (AD). This council VOTED on books, myths & rules that were to be included, *or excluded,* in the modern version of what we call the Bible. The Council of Nicaea voted on many myths & stories, incorporating many belief systems, so this new religious text would appeal to as many cultures as possible. The Easter holiday is, literally, pulled from Roman "pagan" mythology. The Council of Nicaea, literally, voted on the date this should be celebrated. _"All the brethren in the East... _*_will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans_*_ ....from ancient times have kept Easter together with you."_ *-The Council of Nicaea* _"Religion consists in a set of things which the average man thinks he believes, and wishes he was certain"_ *-Mark Twain* _"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_ *-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823) _“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_ *― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)
@@minigiant8998 The whole point is no one knows the birth of Jesus. So they settled on the 25th to replace the pagan holidays. But no one in history thinks it actually happened then. Not sure what you mean by the "son of God" line. Are you talking about that exact phrase? Or references to Jesus himself? If the latter, there are clear references to him within a decade of his life. That doesn't mean he's God by any means, but even skeptics like Bart Ehrman acknowledge his existence, if that is indeed the argument you're making. Either way, my comment wasn't to argue for the truth of Christianity (though outside of UA-cam comments I dabble). So the entire last point completely misses my point. You're reading something I never wrote.
@@xjarheadjohnson I am not responding this this because: 1) It's not the format for an deeply theological debate, even though much of what you say is (semi) untrue. 2) This literally has nothing to do with my comment. I was not trying to defend Christianity, merely saying that almost no Christian thinks Jesus was actually born on the 25th, which Maher makes this big point out of for the first third of the piece. Your entire comment was replying to something I was never arguing.
Bill, there are some of us who already knew about the Roman festival of Saturnalia, which was altered to the celebration of Jesus' birth (Christmas) following Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity, and that Jesus' actual birth date was possibly closer to August or September, but thanks anyway. 😉
We've bred two generations of stupid people; but what's that say about our public school system? A government-run school system is going to serve the interests of government first and foremost; and the last thing the government wants is an electorate educated enough to see how that same government is exploiting them. We've placed too much trust in our public schools with very little oversight, and we're reaping the reward for that.
@@briane173 Any you think that a corporate or religious school system would desire an educated populace? And that they wouldn't exploit the general populace?
@briane173 See, that is the view of fascists like the GQP and tRump. An ignorant proletariat that is poor, sick, and underemployed. Distrustful of science, higher education, medical advancements. Too busy just trying to survive to pay attention to governance. What liberals want is an educated citizenry that can stay at the forefront of innovation, science technology, medicine, and STEM in general.Keeping America prosperous and enlightened.
Let's just say, as a Catholic Democrat, I can both take Christmas seriously and oppose Christian nationalism at the same time. But as an ex-Catholic, I can't say that this new rule surprises me 🤷
Bill, I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, when I was nearly seven years old in 1961, I had a run-in with a car: whilst ridding my scooter. And it was then, that I had a near-death experience. However, it’d be 16 years on later when I became aware that I had, had a near death experience. This occurred after attending a seminar, where five people on the stage spruiked their near-death experiences to the audience, and it struck me that what they spoke of paralleled EXACTLY with what happened to all those years earlier. However, coming to the certain conclusion that, this duly occurred with me didn’t make me run out of the seminar, and grab a tambourine to bang on it at a church. Anyway, the main point I want to make to you Bill, and all of your ilk who laughed so heartily when you called it “a crock of shit” is to suggest that, you vehemently shitcan Islam/Allah, or Hinduism, or Buddhism or, indeed, all three as you’ve just done with Christianity, on your next show? Needless to say, that will never occur, because you’d either be liquidated very quickly or require around-the-clock protection just as Salman Rushdie had to do. Again, I will categorically state that I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, I would never in my wildest dreams seek to inhibit someone from practicing their faith. Tragically, the demise of people practicing Christianity in the US, Canada, Britain or Australia, over the past few decades, is in confluence with the terrible downfall of common decency and morality.
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern governance. _“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_ *- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president) The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_ This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion. *Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office* _"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_* This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required. _“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_ *-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797* ....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything. A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli. *PETER CARL BORMUTH, Petitioner,* *V.* *COUNTY OF JACKSON, MICHIGAN Respondent* This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote: _"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_ _“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_ *-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817) _"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_ *-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823) _"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_ *-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac) _“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_ *― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
@@markferguson7563 People in those countries, and others, have been voluntarily moving away from organized religion, but there has been no downfall, IMO. People in more religious times and places were and are just as crummy.
All too often people misquote what the First Amendment actually says concerning religion. Nowhere does it say there should be a separation of church and state. What it actually says is” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . .” The expression “separation of church and state” can be traced to an 1802 letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to a group of men affiliated with the Danbury Baptists Association of Connecticut. It should be noted that Jefferson was a deist and on his own private Bible, he took a razor and cut out all the miracles from the new testament. For the record I am an atheist.
So much of that movie was false. "Anup the baptiser" was completely made up, it's Anubis, yet Bill Maher used him in that so called documentary. Anubis never baptised anyone, lol he had a DOG HEAD, it was a 19th century poet that made up the term, and Bill still used it anyways. He throws these false facts out there all the time, and his sheep don't ever question him. Gerald Massey was the one who came up with "Anup the Baptiser", and Bill won't ever acknowledge the mistake.
The thing I hate most about Christmas is that the advertisers, the media, the retailers, and Hollywood use children as decoys in order to get their parents to buy presents for them. That is really a shame that they have to stoop that low in order to increase the profit margins of corporations.
Grew up super Catholic; went to midnight mass every year (wasn't a big fan lol). As an adult with small children now, we just go for the secular christmas spirit. The music and decorations are key! Love it.
In the first time in world history, someone said something truthful about religion on tv and to the public without having to professionally be a religious business with only that intent and purpose. It's amazing. Miracles do happen huh?
Oh my gosh I just realized that Christmas is pretty much a less spooky Halloween. Think about it, everyone dresses up and passes out gifts and has fun. It's just colder
Diversity is not a strength. Our greatest strength is the rule of law and our commitment to Enlightenment values. Something lost on today’s psychochristians.
Separation of church and state is one of the most important principles the founding fathers established.
I believe separation of church and state IS one of the most important parts of our country.
True, and separation of Church and state is also something taken from the Bible. And they should have declared the US a Christian nation, and rightfully so because our Constitution and moral standards are heavily influenced by Christianity.
The separation is not in the constitution, read it
The first amendment means that Congress shall not establish a federal religion the separation of church and state is not in the Constitution it was a letter to a church from Jefferson about how the government should not interfere in church matters not the other way around the original colonies could have an official church just not a federal church
@@jamesarmes3098neither is Citizens United.
How do we separate stupidity from politics? That’s the real problem.
Ban political parties altogether.
Kind of the same thing..
Great idea. What would happen if people ran as individuals? It would be like high school student government elections. A simple popularity contest. No electoral college, they clearly don't keep stupidity out.@@middlefingermotionpictures4772
Education reduces ignorance and misjudgment
Simple. Make it illegal to hold office if you're religious. You have to be secular to hold office. Otherwise your religious beliefs will negatively impact your ability to competently do your job...a secular government should be made up of people with secular views.
Im Pakistani and i would warn you emphatically to steer clear of bringing religion into politics. Its nothing but disaster. No two people have same interpretation of the same religion.
Stay strong bro!
Kudos from an Indian
Exactly: separate religion from government.
how can anyone agree on something that's make believe?
Bill is misinterpreting those statements. Not sure why he is doing that, but there is no separation of church and state. There is only a law that says that there cannot be an official church for the state. They were trying to prevent the Church of England type of church being formed in USA. The left takes that to mean total separation, when in fact it is not.
I am so grateful to have this important voice in the wilderness….BILL MAHER ROCKS
I'm a devout Christian and a proud American. The separation of church and state are core to being both.
I often say:
"Christian Americans who believe in a Christian America understand neither Christianity nor America."
If you are really interested in rebirth around December 25th you might want to study more about astronomy.
Weak Christian
@@luckyduck1985you going to say that Christian ethics has not effected American socity?
Jimmy Carter (Democrat) and Ronald Reagan (Republican) were both religious, and both understood the necessity of the separation of church and state.
That's because it's a necessity for anyone that doesn't lick the boot of a big orange tyrant
Jimmy Carter still is.
Well , not so much Reagan
@@folee_edge Yes, but he's no longer president, is my point.
@@lovely-mk4rt Reagan was hardly the right wing conservative some people think he was. He used to be a Democrat, and he was always more on the moderate side.
I'm a republican who agrees with Bill on this. Separation of church and state is crucial to our freedoms and progress.
but note how Maher has engineered a segment making you think you need to say this
You should be spreading this message all over conservative channels on the internet if you love our country.
@@pdcdesign9632it’s impossible. I’m 90% a republican voter and my out of state relatives who think the country was founded on Christian principles will argue with me even when I quote letters and mention the Jefferson gospels. When I explain that they had reverence for the The Bible in their writings, they feel better but don’t quite give up the idea that the strong majority were deists. It’s like trying to explain the history of Israel to woke mobs marching for Palestine.
I wish all republicans agreed.
If you notice he pays no attention to Biden openly saying he’s a Zionist which is a foreign country first off and it’s a form of Jewish nationalism you can look it up. Also this isn’t a democracy it’s a democratic republic I hate commenting anywhere but how much bs can he spew without being called on it
Once again, Bill took the words right out of my mouth.
Well, he said it even better than I ever could have.
AND he made me laugh along the way.
AND he made important points too.
NO ONE mixes edifying content, social commentary, well-expressed opinion and humor better than Maher.
Bill Maher states the US is becoming too stupid to carry on. Particularly among the 18-34 year old demographic which he says is easiest to fool because of how gullible they can be. He also notes, merrily, that atheism is on the rise and that that's a good thing. Particularly among young adults.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
but he just can't wedge his righteousness away from the moronic left.
"We want a small government! So small our politicians will decide when you pray, who you pray to, and which prayers to say! Freedom!"
Spot on!
One of your best Bill, continue being the voice of sanity in this insane world, Season Greetings to you and all
Bill Maher states the US is becoming too stupid to carry on. Particularly among the 18-34 year old demographic which he says is easiest to fool because of how gullible they can be. He also notes, merrily, that atheism is on the rise and that that's a good thing. Partcicularly among young adults.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
Does anyone think if churches had to pay taxes……they would be as prolific as they are???
If they did that then Christians would just convert to government
My sister earns millions from running churche..... erm, I mean tending to her flock at multiple points of holy communion.
My country the UK has an official church and we're one of the most Athiest countries in the world. Though clergyman, Imams etc. Do get tax breaks for some absurd reason.
I know that there is tax evasion by some claiming to be religious organizations, but my opinion is that it would be much worse to tax religions. Maybe that would allow taxation of your religion or your lack of religion. Some countries impose extra taxes on those who are not members of the government approved religion. I don’t want that.
All you have to do is witness mega church pastors exorting the flock that God wants them to have a new Lear jet.
That is the ABSOLUTE POWER of this man Bill Maher. Two things can be true (if not three): You can DEFINITELY QUESTION the Origins of Christmas, you can still Celebrate Christmas, AND YOU CAN STAND UP AGAINST "CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM".
Once again, we never deserve you, Sir, but we thank you on this one. Seasons Greetings to All from Central America.
#RealTime #AwayWithChristianNationalism!!!
I hope you also stand up against Islamic Nationalism then, as well as any form of religious nationalism.
@@navylaks2 As long as that Stand isn't a license to engage in racist rhetoric, they're included too.
But to be further clear: Religion is man made but God centered. You can Believe or you don't, and that's freedom!!!
#RealTime #ReadThatNationalism!!!
Yes, question is fine, but why? for what purpose? I believe emphatically in Christianity, cover to cover, but have never in my mature adult life ever once thought that he was born on Dec 25th. I've known for decades what Bill feels that he has to 'enlighten' the world about.
He does so purely for his disdane of religion. But he waists his time... unless its just to keep his audience laughing and to preach to them his Atheistic beliefs.
@marshalljobe1102 Just points out how ridiculous these Bible stories are. Fallacious appeal to popular opinion. Just because you were indoctrinated to believe Christianity is true doesn't make it so. If you are adult who finds comfort in these easily debunked tales in the Bible, that's your prerogative. Separate of church and state. Get out there and market for members if you like. But, it has no place in government.
Racist rhetoric?
You do realize that Muhammadanism is not a race, right?
Neither is Christianity nor any of the other faiths. @@altonhumes5782
Anyone that is a true Christian knows that Jesus is not a nationalist and does want anyone to have dominion over anyone.
Have you ever read the book of Revelation?? When he comes back to reign over the Earth, Christian Nationalism will be the law over all of the Earth, not just in the U.S. for 1,000 years.
@user-tn8uu2cu8g Anyone who believes these ancient books as gospel would also believe Harry was Jesus & Voldemort was Satan if all books went away but the Harry Potter series. 😂🤡
He was not a philosopher either.
No. He had clear insight on how to treat slaves.
Ah, you got it. These people aren't actually true Christians.
One of the best New Rule broadcasts in the show's history. Just awesome.
@@knightowl809 - use your words, Cletus.
I read Ja Rule
His best new rules segments were during the Bush years, and none of them have come close ever since.
Wonderful job :) Thank you for bringing more sanity into my life. May they never ever rewrite history.
Lmao Bill is already rewriting history. If you don’t know what I mean actually research the “Appeal to Heaven” flag. It has zero to do with religion, but come from a John Locke poem. Aka BILL LIED!!!!
@user-tn8uu2cu8gpenis lover, hallah was g@y
@user-tn8uu2cu8g do you have a rug burn on your forehead?
@@jaws392 what is heaven to you?
Bill, I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, when I was nearly seven years old in 1961, I had a run-in with a car: whilst ridding my scooter. And it was then, that I had a near-death experience. However, it’d be 16 years on later when I became aware that I had, had a near death experience. This occurred after attending a seminar, where five people on the stage spruiked their near-death experiences to the audience, and it struck me that what they spoke of paralleled EXACTLY with what happened to all those years earlier.
However, coming to the certain conclusion that, this duly occurred with me didn’t make me run out of the seminar, and grab a tambourine to bang on it at a church.
Anyway, the main point I want to make to you Bill, and all of your ilk who laughed so heartily when you called it “a crock of shit” is to suggest that, you vehemently shitcan Islam/Allah, or Hinduism, or Buddhism or, indeed, all three as you’ve just done with Christianity, on your next show? Needless to say, that will never occur, because you’d either be liquidated very quickly or require around-the-clock protection just as Salman Rushdie had to do.
Again, I will categorically state that I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, I would never in my wildest dreams seek to inhibit someone from practicing their faith. Tragically, the demise of people practicing Christianity in the US, Canada, Britain or Australia, over the past few decades, is in confluence with the terrible downfall of common decency and morality.
Gawd! I wish there was a ❤ button for everything he just said
That John Adams quote should be tamped on every anti-gop political ad in 2024
Agreed! And also printed on dollar bills like "In God We Trust".
@@1mespud It doesn't say which God. 😉
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern governance.
_“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_
*- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president)
The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_
This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion.
*Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office*
_"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_*
This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required.
_“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_
*-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797*
....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything.
A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli.
This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote:
_"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_
_“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_
*-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817)
_"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_
*-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823)
_"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_
*-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac)
_“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_
*― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
@@1mespudwe should just remove that already it put on our currency during the red scare
@@xjarheadjohnson the founding father that gets no respect but was probably the most upstanding in character is Thomas Paine
I'm a Christian and I'm telling you it's a terrible idea to make America a Christian nation through legal means. We should in no way enforce Christian beliefs by means of laws. Start that slippery slope and who is to say Islam doesn't become the prominent religion and force itself on you? Just leave them separate. Better to spend your time doing things Jesus specifically taught like, oh I don't know, feed the hungry and help the poor. 🤷
Theocracies are just a terrible idea in general, regardless of which religion it's based off.
@@donmongoose Especially when you look at the sort of idiots drooling for United Gilead.
‘Through legal means.’ I see what you did there.
I have no beliefs, just unconditional love and empathy for the human condition and any god or gods that aren't cool with that...isn't cool with me and I accept my consequences. Much Love to the All
It already says it in the constitution. That's why there's Supposed to be separation of church and state.
One of the best New Rules in a LOOOOONG time Bill!
Theres a thin line between believers and fanatics. Thank you Bill for shedding some light on such issues
The German constitution also separates church and government… but it also has a provision that prevents someone from holding office or running for it if he behaves or talks unconstitutionally.
This prevents Nazis ( the main intention of this passage in our constitution ), religious fanatics, communists, etc. from taking over.
It is sometimes hard to draw the line on this, but the Christian Nationalists in the US could not hold office in Germany.
Something America should adopt immediately. I've always said that that the German people are much more intelligent than Americans. one only has look at how the German people have delt with fascism since WWII?
All that does is expose the parallels between Nazi Germany and 21st Century America. You're witnessing, once again, the repeat of history -- with the consent of We The People. And ironically, especially since Oct 7, BOTH fringes of the right and left are engaging in it. Our Constitution will prevail over this fanaticism but it still takes principled leadership to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend it. _That's_ my larger concern -- where is the principled leadership? They're out there, but the electorate is in no mood to hear it. The electorate wants what they want, _period._ With no regard to Constitutional guardrails. Victory goes to the loudest and most obnoxious among us, appears to be the only rule today. That both extremes are re-writing history along that path and that today's voters couldn't care less, is what worries me the most.
Germany always loves censorship, and authoritarian policies. Just look at their covid policies, look at how they ban " hate" speech, and how you can even go to prison for freedom of speech ie. questioning any aspect of the holocaust. The only difference in Germany of the 1940s and today, is what's tolerated and not tolerated but the spirit is the same. There has never been complete freedom of speech in Germany and there never will be. The Germans will not tolerate it.
No sh*t, they are Americans living in America
Thanks so much for explaining that. That's an interesting fact.
This is brilliantly stated. Definitely something we Americans should agree with regardless of our beliefs.
Except bill lied on many occasions in his monologue
@@jaws392good point, bill also drives a BMW and likes to fish.
Maher attacks Bible, but seems to be ok with another religion which based on their book claims a land that doesn’t belong to them, expel the natives of that land to concentration camps because according to their book, they are chosen people! Bill’s religion is Z|0N|$m.
Job 38:31 debunks his globe religion
Love this guy: don’t agree with everything but our constitution is the absolute best thing about us as a nation, verbatim.
“So I've been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate. Half the time I get what I want, half the time I don't. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four-leaf clover and the horseshoe, the wishing well and the rabbit's foot, same as the Mojo Man, same as the Voodoo Lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles, it's all the same: 50-50. So just pick your superstition, sit back, make a wish, and enjoy yourself.”
-George Carlin
@user-tn8uu2cu8g That issue cannot be solved online in the comments.. that is a journey that happens in your heart.
@user-tn8uu2cu8g Everyone thinks that their God is the real God. I stopped following like the herds that follow like sheep and cannot prove anything. Therefore, I took it upon myself to worship the one and only, Joe Pesci.
As a conservative atheist I support this message.
Conservative and atheist. Go together kind of like military and intelligence. It's an oxymoron.
That "Jewish" state is at war with many "Muslim" states. So as a conservative/republican/right wing Atheist the answer is a big fat: YES, they must be supported.
@@brucemacmillan9581not really, some atheist doesn't believe genders are whatever you like, or supporting Hamas regime..
@@brucemacmillan9581 for unintelligent and misinformed people I can see why this would seem so.
@@brucemacmillan9581 For real it is like saying I am a vegetarian pork eater. Stupid AF.
I'm a man of God and this goes against every fiber of my American being. Although I would love it if America would come back to God, I acknowledge that we fail as a country the INSTANT we start forcing it. You do not force God on people, you lead by example. America is the land of many freedoms. One of the most important freedoms here is the freedom of expression. That is there for a reason. To prevent Tyranny.
You would be ok with Vivek Ramaswamy (a Hindu) becoming president?
@@pdcdesign9632 absolutely
Absolutely: you can not force God on people!
@@pdcdesign9632 I can accept Hindus as President. But some people say that they are religious but really they worship power and money. It’s not what people say, it’s what they do. All religions share that
@@edwardlulofs444 get real. The only religions that exist worship some sort of supernatural deity. You're not helping.
"Hands full with Mike Johnson"....comedy gold...keep it up Bill
The male adaptation of the old line "Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?"
We conservatives love to talk about how the 1st amendment is under fire and then forget that also includes freedom of religion.
(The first amendment is under fire)
At least you’re able to acknowledge that, most of the other right wingers… well let’s say there’s a reason for the massive turn out for the vote to oust Chump.
I don’t think you understand what freedom of religion means… it means that religious folks should be protected under government persecution… ask the average dem how they feel about Jews
Freedom FROM religion, too.
@@joshuastanton6731 yeah he'll be president again if you guys keep biden :p. I would encourage yall to get Gavin Newsome off coke long enough to prove himself useful.
Jeesh Bill, you have outdone yourself on this one! Your best masterpiece yet! : - )
This is why I love Bill Maher, AND his Writers, Consistently Excellent.
What is wrong with our political leaders today? "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." It's literally the first point of the first law of the nation. You know the First Amendment. The government is literally forbidden to establish a religion. Case closed.
Yeah and also the fact that Bill lied about many things in his new rule. Ask me and I will tell.
You and Bill is misinterpreting those statements. Not sure why he is doing that, but there is no separation of church and state. There is only a law that says that there cannot be an official church for the state. They were trying to prevent the Church of England type of church being formed in USA. The left takes that to mean total separation, when in fact it is not
@@user-nc9pc3gr4c Jefferson the person who wrote the constitution was pretty clear about how religion should not dictate government. I trust the people who wrote the constitution not some yokels
Not to mention, NO TAXES!!!
To clarify... it is not allowed to make "Laws" forcing or rejecting a religion. Having a state religion, is not forbidden, as long as it is not enforced by law.
Man, what a smack down that was! Good job Bill! That reminder was needed now more than ever.
Bill Maher is a islamophobe whose main agenda is to demonise and wipe out all muslims. He and his muslim hating friends are calling genocide to muslims..and sadly the fans are laughing together wth him
Love ya Bill. Keep doing what you’re doing. See you in El Paso March 3rd, my wife and I got our tickets!
Oh, no, no, no. As an atheist, I'm not feeling very good about these fanatics at all. How dare they tell me or anyone else what to believe? I damn near blew a gasket when I saw that my Ohio driver's license had the motto, "With God, all things are possible" -- right under MY photo, as if it was MY personal motto. Who voted on that?! I know I didn't. Even my religious friends were not thrilled when I pointed this out to them, because they never even noticed it.
How dare you tell the fanatics that they should not believe that they should tell you what to believe!
@@ZeroOskulGod bless, thoughts and prayers
They can believe whatever they want in their private lives, they can’t force me what to believe what they believe.
@@giantsr1eva That's just, like, you opinion, man.
People can really do some monstrous stuff, ya know?
Did you know that religion is an idea and that ideas are imaginary?
That's, like, a fact.
God is an idea, too, and it differs in everu mind wherein it exists but, truly, therein, in each independent and unique mind, it truly exists as an idea.
That's fact too, Jack.
And, I insist that you accept my beliefs about religion and god over those of all others and that you carry faith in this truth with you across your life as an aegis against nonsense.
Vote Blue and build the wall ......... between church and state ...
High time for us to push back against theocracy. Cultists should have no place in government.
High time? The theist nutjobs are all but gone from our government today. In the '80s, you couldn't get elected unless you proclaimed yourself to be Christian. Today, you don't need to say anything about religion at all.
We can only hope that the Demorcats eventually do the same with their current requirement to be a progressive nutjob in order to be considered for office.
When writing the constitution, church leaders asked for and supported separation of church and state! Why, because preacher's under the English government, in America were being locked up, for their opinions.
But you're okay with the only religious cult running government: the woke
ESPECIALLY those who worship at the altar of the State.
Just came here to say YES to everything Bill said.
Bill Maher is a islamophobe whose main agenda is to demonise and wipe out all muslims. He and his muslim hating friends are calling genocide to muslims..and sadly the fans are laughing together wth him
Truth & laughter. So much better than dominion and dogma. Vote wisely my American friends 💛
Glad to hear more from the Old Bill Maher!
The old Bill Maher?
Bill Maher has always been consistent.
Bill Maher has always been a flipflopping greedy idiot 🙄 Stop the Con games 🧐
@@PhazonInfuser nah he’s been moving to the right and his boomer opinions get more rancid by the year
@@PhazonInfuser Consistently forgetting his place. Remember when he called himself a field n****r? The apology tour he did with Ice Cube was a very telling back peddle....😂❤
We’re hitting new low in intelligence and common sense every day in Washington. Another decade will be lost.
In Western society in general. Liberal defending Islam, conservatives outright denying science, people who benefit from GPS claiming space and rocket science are fake...people have taken the Dunning Kruger Effect and fucking RAN with it. It's embarrassing.
It's not just Washington. Sure Washington DC is where laws are passed and upheld, but it's AMERICA as a whole that's extremely eat up with it!
yes, silly, that's how time goes forward...who knew?
Bill Maher and George Carlin (R.I.P.) have always been spot on about this topic.
“So I've been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate. Half the time I get what I want, half the time I don't. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four-leaf clover and the horseshoe, the wishing well and the rabbit's foot, same as the Mojo Man, same as the Voodoo Lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing the goat's testicles, it's all the same: 50-50. So just pick your superstition, sit back, make a wish, and enjoy yourself.”
-George Carlin.
@@phenex551And Carlin is suffering for it now
Bill Maher doesn't come close to George Carlin s jockstrap. STOP THE CON GAMES 🤨
@@GuardianA-hole you know this how?
5:17 Bill's reaction to that inappropriate audience member laughing is great.
Ummm... Bill Maher is a comedian. How is laughing "inappropriate?"
The church should pay taxes……amen
I'm assuming that you are a US citizen, unlike me.
However, I put two things together:
1. Your churches are financed through (voluntary?) donations in order to best cover their costs, including the salaries of their priests.
Donations are not income and only that can be taxed, especially since the donations are financed by the already taxed income of their community members.
Therefore it would be double taxation.
2. Those who pay taxes want to have a say.
The fact that the citizens of the 13th colonies were supposed to pay taxes but were not allowed to have a say in the English Parliament caused, among other things,
the Declaration of Independence and the resulting eponymous war with England.
The separation between religion and government or state is intended to prevent this participation.
The Founding Fathers who wrote your US Constitution made this separation for good reasons.
All true! But they are the largest lobbying group in Washington DC and have huge influence over legislation. We also have megachurches and groups that collect billions and pay 0 taxes or property taxes. If they had no sway on Washington I would agree, but thats not the case. @@patrickrada2923
You mean "churches"
The income of church members is already taxed. The members then take the remains of that taxed income and "donate" some to the church. If the church is taxed, that would be double taxation. I am not a fan of that. So what do you propose to resolve that issue?
Witch(sic) church do u mean?
Thank you Bill, for what should be common sense.
100 years from now it'll be called the Islamic Republic of America so it makes no difference.
Christianity has no chance against Is-lame.
..yet again
100 years from now it'll be called the Islamic Republic of America so it makes no difference. Christianity has no chance against Is-lame.@@kingcassius2586
Best rule ever!!! Couldn’t have said it any better!
I think this is a great New Rules. Bill is an atheist, but still likes Christmas. Its a fun holiday.
Funny how these politicians say we "can't touch the second amendment", but is constantly interpreting the first amendment into saying we are a Christian nation.
Christmas is BIG in Japan, a country where Christianity is a small minority and where Shinto and Buddhism are the dominant religions. They love Christmas there!
Christmas Christmas is about the birth of Jesus whether it was on the 25th of December who knows. But one thing bill is right about the separation of church and state. Christian nationalists are not Christian. They are just a bunch of right-wing fanatics theocratic 🦇💩👹. Who has infiltrated our government who won the tear down democracy for their own gain.
No its not, its stressful, & wasteful
@@hurdygurdyguy1that's mostly thanks to McDonald's, seriously
There's not much about christmas that's christian.
For once, in a long long time, I agree wholeheartedly!!! SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! That’s how we became America , IN THE FIRST PLACE ! We left England to be able to pray to whom we wanted !
The Pilgrims did not leave England to come to the New World; they left England in 1609 and went to the Netherlands. They left the tolerant Dutch in 1620 to come to the New World.
Bill, I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, when I was nearly seven years old in 1961, I had a run-in with a car: whilst ridding my scooter. And it was then, that I had a near-death experience. However, it’d be 16 years on later when I became aware that I had, had a near death experience. This occurred after attending a seminar, where five people on the stage spruiked their near-death experiences to the audience, and it struck me that what they spoke of paralleled EXACTLY with what happened to all those years earlier.
However, coming to the certain conclusion that, this duly occurred with me didn’t make me run out of the seminar, and grab a tambourine to bang on it at a church.
Anyway, the main point I want to make to you Bill, and all of your ilk who laughed so heartily when you called it “a crock of shit” is to suggest that, you vehemently shitcan Islam/Allah, or Hinduism, or Buddhism or, indeed, all three as you’ve just done with Christianity, on your next show? Needless to say, that will never occur, because you’d either be liquidated very quickly or require around-the-clock protection just as Salman Rushdie had to do.
Again, I will categorically state that I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, I would never in my wildest dreams seek to inhibit someone from practicing their faith. Tragically, the demise of people practicing Christianity in the US, Canada, Britain or Australia, over the past few decades, is in confluence with the terrible downfall of common decency and morality.
7:09 Um... The Pilgrims (pilgrim means religious traveler) were Puritanical Christians who fled England because they were persecuted for being too uptight.
Elder William Brewster was the first religious AND governmental leader of Plymouth Colony.
Which Pilgrims do you think Bill actually means, if not the ones who were Puritanical religious travelers?
@@markferguson7563 pls learn to boil down the feckless drivel to a sentence or two. kthx
@@minigiant8998 The following is an open reply to the NONE poor souls who responded to my cut-and-paste dispatch RE: Bill Mahar bagging Christmas.
Alas, it does appear that, not one of you, who took the time out to bag me, garnered the main point I was attempting to make. With that being (once again): Why is it that you staunchly devoted atheists don’t “shitcan” Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, with the same fervor as you do with Christianity?
The answer to that, of course, (once again) is because if you did “shitcan” them then it wouldn’t take long for a gang of fanatics from one of the spheres to track you down and exact justice against your insults.
It's not just you Bill.
Lauren Boebert also has her hands full with Michael's Johnson.
Lauren boebert is still looking for her magnifying glass to detect his Johnson
little does she know mike johnson's son also has his hands full.
@@davidgoosen1633 Funny, too, how she'd marry the 2nd amendment if she could but has no idea what is in the amendment immediately above it.
When Church and State are the same entity you get endless religious wars. Like the numerous Crusades. We had enough of that, In Europe, after the Middle ages. Which is why we started to separate them centuries ago.
Thanks Bill very much needed.
HELLO... The whole point of America is that church and state are separate! These politicians are insane.
Um no... it's that we don't have a singular king or religious leader making laws
@@acaron20 UM NO it's more than that. Religions has NO PLACE in government. None. Zero. Leave it at home.
So, by that logic you would have no argument nor problem with grown men impregnating 12 year old girls? Remember: without the teachings of those of faith, we would revert to the law of the jungle.
Also, since religion shouldn't have any place in government, then surely you have zero problems with me killing someone just because they looked at my wife in a lustful manner, correct?@@rtm135
Our elected leaders need to be reminded of the oaths they swore to when they took office. Once a month they should have to publicly re-swear their allegiance to the Constitution, as they obviously forgot it.
(sad) reality check
even today, most politicians (and presidents) swear on the bible when taking their oath
In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States
Coins have the phrase impressed on them
The same phrase is hanging on the walls of courtrooms, and witnesses swear on a bible, as well. Or did it till not long ago
clearly, the founding fathers didn't make clear at all the separation between church and state.
Let you decide whether it was because of naivety, or intentional.
And you think that would make any difference???????
@@lonzo61 Couldn't hurt.
I don't believe some up on the hill, ever knew it to begin with!
they didn't forget, they have you apparently.
I think its very important in this day and age as a classic liberal, to point out exact words of the Constitution. I sympathize with conservatives, but when they say "shall not be infringed", they should be reminded of "no establishment of religion" as well.
You can't pick and chose your "God given" rights.
Hypocrisy with regard to Constitutional limits on the central government abounds within the body politic, and the two major parties are who are giving it aid and comfort. A lot of selective outrage regarding the violation of certain amendments in the Bill of Rights, but when it's coming from both sides, taken together the entire BofR is being shit on. Hence the importance of an independent Judiciary; but just as important is an educated electorate, and on that it's abundantly clear that we don't have one.
It says that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion… Pretty clear cut if you can read English that the Constitution does not forbid prayer in schools, crosses in government buildings, religious clubs, etc. It’s really not that hard people if you’re willing to be honest.
@@briane173 Well, it might well be argued that we presently have neither! What is independent of about a judiciary that has clearly politically and even religiously motivated judges sitting on the bench. I think Roberts is probably the least political of the bunch, but that is not saying much. And one might argue that the bench has always been filled with pols. But as much as I know about SCOTUS, those of the past were not as political as the one we have now--at least in the context of the modern era. But I'm not a scholar, so I may be wrong on this.
tell that to pro abortion activists
@@lonzo61 I think they all admit to a liberal or conservative judicial philosophy; but if their philosophy can't find a jurisdictional pathway to the result they prefer, they wouldn't be able to justify their decision. They ultimately have to follow the rules of jurisprudence. Justices will always be labeled as POLITICALLY liberal or conservative based on what President nominated them and what Senate makeup confirms them. But none of them have been able to arrive at decisions that fit neatly in that box _all the time._
Because of the selection process an opposing party is _always_ going to brand justices who don't share their politics as political judges; it's just the way things are. But to attempt things like packing the Court or another branch imposing ethics codes on them or applying political pressure to recuse doesn't help with their judicial independence, it makes it worse.
Justices were given lifetime appointments for a reason, and that was to keep them outside of the fray of politics as a separate but co-equal branch of government. No matter who holds a majority in either of the other two branches, as long as there are 9 justices on the bench there's nothing the parties or the other two branches can do to influence the Judiciary one way or the other -- as it should be.
The voice of reason and intelligence... thanks Bill!
... with a lot of cursing. But saying it at it is.
Lets see Fox News and Republicans use this to show how right wing Bill is.
Lmao he’s only been called right winged by the left wingers. Fox News and conservatives use him as a baseline to show how far the left has shifted.
@user-tn8uu2cu8gif your point is to point out how reduculus it is to make America a Christian country by bringing up Allah and how you could easily mess up a Country by doing that Good Job
@user-tn8uu2cu8gOh no not you again
@rustyshackleford6035 its a bot spamming the comments
I'm sorry but this version of Bill Maher is one I haven't seen in a long while -- he kept hammering about "woke woke woke woke". I stopped watching his New Rule stuff. It was nice to see a bit of the ole Bill again.
Boebert should know about feeling junk. In cinemas
Lauren's only crime was getting caught. I'm now 69, but back in the 70s, 80s and 90s, I would have had at least 10 women touch me up in a cinema. On one occasion, on a Monday night back around 1998 at a picture theater in Paddington, my sweet little femme went way further than a little rub-and tug.
He is really on a good roll this season. Great work and getting better every show
His viewership is way down. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
@@cyrusparsa1724 his content is better, more interesting and open minded
@@cyrusparsa1724 all cable subs are down because it has become crazy expensive
@Billmaher001 do you really think I’m going to fall for this. You shouldn’t impersonate public figures. It’s wrong. But I do like his show it’s great!
Gotta keep em separated 💙 And yes still love Christmas!
Thank you , Bill
5:14 the way Bill's expression drops is hilarious!! 🤣🤣
Bill Maher is a islamophobe whose main agenda is to demonise and wipe out all muslims. He and his muslim hating friends are calling genocide to muslims..and sadly the fans are laughing together wth him
Bill :"... punishable by Death ."!
Some Guy in the Crowd :" muahahah "
@user-tn8uu2cu8g Bismillah
"I'm sorry I don't want anyone to exercise their 'dominion' over me unless I paid them and we've established a safe word." - that got a big laugh out of me.
Yeah, that seems to be part of his tactic; quote something he disagrees with and then say something to get a laugh so he doesn't have to engage with the argument. Good catch.
@@steadfastviolist It’s almost like he’s a comedian attempting to entertain his audience.
@@Ericwvb2 haa.... more subtle than Dave Chappelle.
30 years ago didn't listen to Maher. Now. He's hilarious.
@@Ericwvb2 Exactly. And you'll notice that a lot of comments (on here and other of his videos) are like, "Wow, so well researched and balanced, he's the best voice we have on this!" when he's just not well researched or balanced; he only does it for the laughs (which he's good at!) but presents things like it's good journalism. Not that he's required to have a disclaimer, I just find it disappointing that most people aren't aware or honest enough to realize this, as evidenced by the comments; glad you are aware though.
@@steadfastviolistYou're such a laughable idiot, mate. 🤣 But thank you for the laugh. 👍
Well- Churches and Televangelists need to pay some damn taxes-
Damn right
amen to that
No taxation without representation:) have fun
@user-tn8uu2cu8gget a real life
Go ahead and alienate the huge Christian voter base from the Democrats. You atheists make me laugh.😂
Excellent segment‼️ What a solid yet light way to remind all these religious fanatic politicians to stop shoving Christianity down all Americans' throats! Thanks, Bill👍👍
LOVE classic Bill, showing off his knowledge of history, religion, and the Constitution. Most especially, the First Amendment. This fun quote reflects my attitude about religious freedom (which includes freedom FROM religion): “My dear, religion is like a penis. It's a perfectly fine thing for one to have and take pride in, but when one takes it out and waves it in my face we have a problem.”
Except he keeps getting the history portion wrong. We are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic! Massive difference!
@user-tn8uu2cu8gis this what you do after watching porn.
@@jaws392, a constitutional republic is a type of democracy. Here's one explanation used to study for the U.S. citizenship exam:
@@jaws392what is the huge difference?
Brilliant monologue Bill. Right on the money. I’m so sick of these holier than thou do-gooders. Keep your beliefs to yourself.
Do Trans people next.
Well I'll shut my mouth if you shut yours.
You say as you state your beliefs lol nice
@@pmc2999 Why are religious zealots so dense? This person meant to keep your religion to yourself because you religious weirdos are always so loud trying to shove that crap down our throat. We're just saying enough we're tired of it. Keep it to yourself.
@@Dead_Again1313did you know that when someone is trying to push an agenda on you and all you do is stay quiet. You're actually empowering them to keep doing what they're doing? Is that concept really that hard for you to understand or is that a Christian mind virus thing?
Shari'a Mike is so closeted he knows where all his socks are.
@user-tn8uu2cu8g Hi Mike.
@user-tn8uu2cu8g what’s the kill minimum for becoming a Muslim? Is it like a street gang or more like the Mafia?
Bill has his most unique brand of comedy. It makes you laugh and think at the same time.
That's not a unique brand of comedy
His writers shape it
George Carlin had a great influence on this man, and myself for that matter. But Bill is truly a necessary voice today.
@user-tn8uu2cu8gyou are a dork
@wuiethero1:Except for the fact that he got a BUNCH of historical statements wrong. The “Appeal to Heaven” flag has zero to do with separation of church and state. The flag is actually the one that flew at Valley Forge while George Washington and his troops were stationed there in the winter. The quote comes from a John Locke poem that proclaims, that if a government is oppressing you. It’s an appeal to heaven to overthrow them. AKA Bill lied!
You hate Separation of Church and State? Go to Afghanistan. There’s no Separation of Church and State there.
i dont agree with a lot of what bill has been into lately, but this clip hits home, totally true.
nobody cares what you agree with or not honey buns.
BRAVO Bill Maher. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❗
It is actually pretty widely known that the date of Christ's birth is not in December and it was chosen for practical purposes, to coincide with pre-existing European holidays. This allowed society to continue with minimal adjustments to its long standing schedule, and those who celebrated Pagan rituals like Jule could simply continue, and most of what we now call Christmas traditions originated as Pagan traditions. They even tell you this openly in Catholic school. It is not a secret or conspiracy to hide it.
_“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.”_
*- Thomas Paine* (An Essay on the Origin of Free-Masonry (1803-1805); found after Paine's death - thought to have been for part III of The Age of Reason)
The Bible was finalized by the *Council of Nicaea,* the year 325 (AD).
This council VOTED on books, myths & rules that were to be included, *or excluded,* in the modern version of what we call the Bible.
The Council of Nicaea voted on many myths & stories, incorporating many belief systems, so this new religious text would appeal to as many cultures as possible.
The Easter holiday is, literally, pulled from Roman "pagan" mythology. The Council of Nicaea, literally, voted on the date this should be celebrated.
_"All the brethren in the East... _*_will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans_*_ ....from ancient times have kept Easter together with you."_
*-The Council of Nicaea*
_"Religion consists in a set of things which the average man thinks he believes, and wishes he was certain"_
*-Mark Twain*
_"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_
*-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823)
_“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_
*― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)
The actual day was September 11th.
Exactly, all of these celebrated,money consuming holidays derive from pagan rituals. As Christians you shouldn’t even be taking part in them. It states in the Bible to stay away.
It is not now, but it once was. When Christians were a persecuted minority, hiding their religious rites among more commonly accepted celebrations improved their survival rate. Later, as Christians became the persecuting majority, it allowed them to snuff out Pagan celebrations, and in some countries bully lesser observed religions out of spectacle. Despite the other religions having longer traditions in those lands. The only reason it’s not being hidden anymore is because Christianity is the dominant religion on this planet. There’s power in numbers and might makes right.
Great job of finding very appropiate Quotes. Thanks@@xjarheadjohnson
Love it. Old school Bill Maher.
Maher is the current closest living comedian to George Carlin. He tells the truth no matter who it pissed off.
No.. he can't talk about the Zionists 😂
Carlin must be rolling in his grave right now. What an incredible insult to compare Carlin to this Neolib shill.
Maher is smarter than Carlin ever was, but the latter was an important cultural icon nonetheless. Carlin just tended to spew expletives and vitriol, some of which actually did have weight behind it. But too often, it was just anger that drove his invective comedy--not well considered ideas.
I did like Carlin, though.
@@lonzo61I heard quite a few expletives in Maher's rant. No, Carlin went one way & Maher is a dummy for ranting about Repub's. wanting to Nationalize anything. People have a right to their opinion & Maher better start accepting that fact. We already have a Totalitarian Regime...mandated vaccine, climate hysteria w/o Scientific proof, forcing people to buy EV's, the experiment to force people to eat bugs etc. Maher is smart but to many times he's to smart for his own good. During his monolog, he showed a pic of Charlie Kirk. Let's have Maher debate Kirk & we'll see how smart he is.
1) As a Deist, can we have a discussion about Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine in the founding of this country? 2) Definition of irony: the idea of separation of church and state was originally to prevent governmental oppression of religion. Now it's religion using government to oppress other religions/beliefs.
Definition of irony: the idea of separation of church and state was originally a revolutionary teaching by Jesus himself - Mark 12:17 "Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's.” The men were amazed at what Jesus said."
Looks like these republicans skipped that verse in the Bible
Worship? That's the problem right there.@user-tn8uu2cu8g
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil governance.
_“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_
*- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president)
The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_
This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion.
*Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office*
_"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_*
This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required.
_“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_
*-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797*
....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything.
A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli.
This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote:
_"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_
_“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_
*-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817)
_"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_
*-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823)
_"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_
*-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac)
_“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_
*― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
OMG! Bill has become an Constitutional Originalist :)!
Seriously, he nails it regarding our founding under a secular government. Bohbert et al are offensive in their ignorance of the facts.
Thank you Bill
As a Christian, I approve of this message!
why are "christains" jumping up and down and approving this message? don't they realize we're talking about THEM?
@@kantraxoikol6914 I'm not one of "them".
The Separation of church and state literally comes from Jesus' teachings;
- Mark 12:17 "Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's.” The men were amazed at what Jesus said."
These republicans don't even know the first thing about America, they don't know some basic teachings of Jesus, who they claim to follow.
Thank you!
I wish your comment could go internationally viral
Ehh, calling that “separation of church and state” is a major stretch.
The separation of Church and State was embedded in the West by Pope Gregory in the 11th century.
I always love when atheists try and quote the bible and apply it to something. Congrats for trying but just no
😂 That's not separation of church and state, that was him telling people that they should pay taxes, and to follow the laws of the land while also serving God. When the law tells you not to serve God, that's when you have to break it, like Daniel in the den of lions.
I’m a Christian and I approve this. If Christianity ever became a law, we no longer be religion and no longer be Christianity.
Yep, and as an atheist I don't want governments mandating what Christians do, and vice versa. I support gay marriage, but I dont want the government forcing churches to perform them.
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil governance.
_“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_
*- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president)
The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_
This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion.
*Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office*
_"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_*
This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required.
_“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_
*-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797*
....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything.
A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli.
This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote:
_"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_
_“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_
*-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817)
_"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_
*-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823)
_"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_
*-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac)
_“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_
*― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
More virtue signaling
This is one of Bill's most important and significant presentations. The absurdity of Christianity as an integral part of any government was manifested in WW1 when there were Christian chaplains in opposing armies blessing the troops and praying for their success!
George Carlin said this in his last special…
“Americans pray to God to destroy our enemies. Our enemies pray to God to destroy us. Someone’s going to be disappointed. Someone’s wasting their f*****g time. Could it be… everyone?”
7:09 Um... The Pilgrims (pilgrim means religious traveler) were Puritanical Christians who fled England because they were persecuted for being too uptight.
Elder William Brewster was the first religious AND governmental leader of Plymouth Colony.
Which Pilgrims do you think Bill actually means, if not the ones who were Puritanical religious travelers?
Jewish simp or Islamic simp ?
@@ZeroOskul most of the founding fathers were deists, not theists.
@@minigiant8998 7:09 What on Earth do the Founding Fathers have to do with Bill's comments about Mayflower Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony?
Thanks Bill for pointing this here out. I would be horrified of " a handmaid?s tale" to become a US-American reality....
I’m a Christian because it makes sense to me, and it helps me in my own life. But I don’t believe in forcing it on others. And I don’t think the government should mandate it either. It should be a personal choice for everyone to believe or not believe.
How does it make sense?
@@pdcdesign9632 Because no one wants to face death, and if you're a Christian, you don't have to. Eternal life!
Others are Muslim because it makes sense to them. People of religion deny most of the thousands of gods. Atheists deny just one more.
God was created in judea as the king of kings to prevent dictatorships from forming. It's also cheaper to have an invisible leader because you don't have to pay him.
Religion never prevented dictatorships from forming. Quite the opposite. And an invisible leader is very convenient for some “representatives” to ask money in his name.
My husband asked what I was watching next on UA-cam after ‘New Rules’, and I said “CHRISTIAN ✝️ Nightmares” instead of “KITCHEN 🍳🍽️Nightmares.”
So in other words Fox News 😂
@user-tn8uu2cu8ggays for hallah
I live in Canada 🇨🇦-thank goodness!! I do I absolutely cannot stand Fox. CTV, a national Canadian broadcaster have the rights to broadcast Kitchen Nightmares in Canada 🇨🇦.
As well, I usually watch Gordon’s shows on UA-cam.
Stay awake not woke 8:12
That was F-ing brilliant!
I’m a devout Christian who also likes Bill Maher. I agree with separation of church in state. It protects not only the country, but the church as well.
But for what it’s worth, no Christian thinks Jesus was actually born on December 25… like literally we learn that in Sunday school that no one knows the actual day. It's just the day that was chosen to celebrate it.
um, tell my family to stop celebrating the birth of baby jesus on 25th then... if we want to talk about facts, then why didnt any contemporary historians mention the "son of god" until a 100 years later... when they recorded every single mundane detail?
_“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.”_
*- Thomas Paine* (An Essay on the Origin of Free-Masonry (1803-1805); found after Paine's death - thought to have been for part III of The Age of Reason)
The Bible was finalized by the *Council of Nicaea,* the year 325 (AD).
This council VOTED on books, myths & rules that were to be included, *or excluded,* in the modern version of what we call the Bible.
The Council of Nicaea voted on many myths & stories, incorporating many belief systems, so this new religious text would appeal to as many cultures as possible.
The Easter holiday is, literally, pulled from Roman "pagan" mythology. The Council of Nicaea, literally, voted on the date this should be celebrated.
_"All the brethren in the East... _*_will henceforth observe the custom of the Romans_*_ ....from ancient times have kept Easter together with you."_
*-The Council of Nicaea*
_"Religion consists in a set of things which the average man thinks he believes, and wishes he was certain"_
*-Mark Twain*
_"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_
*-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823)
_“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_
*― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)
@@minigiant8998 The whole point is no one knows the birth of Jesus. So they settled on the 25th to replace the pagan holidays.
But no one in history thinks it actually happened then.
Not sure what you mean by the "son of God" line. Are you talking about that exact phrase? Or references to Jesus himself?
If the latter, there are clear references to him within a decade of his life. That doesn't mean he's God by any means, but even skeptics like Bart Ehrman acknowledge his existence, if that is indeed the argument you're making.
Either way, my comment wasn't to argue for the truth of Christianity (though outside of UA-cam comments I dabble). So the entire last point completely misses my point.
You're reading something I never wrote.
@@xjarheadjohnson I am not responding this this because:
1) It's not the format for an deeply theological debate, even though much of what you say is (semi) untrue.
2) This literally has nothing to do with my comment. I was not trying to defend Christianity, merely saying that almost no Christian thinks Jesus was actually born on the 25th, which Maher makes this big point out of for the first third of the piece.
Your entire comment was replying to something I was never arguing.
You're not paying attentions to what 40 million evangelicals believe.
Step outside your bubble for a change.
Bill, there are some of us who already knew about the Roman festival of Saturnalia, which was altered to the celebration of Jesus' birth (Christmas) following Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity, and that Jesus' actual birth date was possibly closer to August or September, but thanks anyway. 😉
I knew that too and im still a believer of jesus and i still enjoys Christmas.
@@user-gr9te5qw5e Me too. 🙂
Actually, Jésus was born in April.
Don’t be smug, most people who actually read already knew this.
That's all you got out of this 😰 you need to rewatch the video again 🙄
Bill, you just nail it right every time❤
I don’t want a group of people that believe their imaginary friend talks to them passing laws based on a book of fairy tales.
This is Kyle Dunnigans Maher impression come to life 😅
a nation with too many stupid people and politicians who are willing to take advantage of their ignorance is in deep trouble.
👏!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!! So true, so true… just take a look around.
We've bred two generations of stupid people; but what's that say about our public school system? A government-run school system is going to serve the interests of government first and foremost; and the last thing the government wants is an electorate educated enough to see how that same government is exploiting them. We've placed too much trust in our public schools with very little oversight, and we're reaping the reward for that.
@@briane173 Any you think that a corporate or religious school system would desire an educated populace? And that they wouldn't exploit the general populace?
And we are definitely in deep in trouble!
@briane173 See, that is the view of fascists like the GQP and tRump. An ignorant proletariat that is poor, sick, and underemployed. Distrustful of science, higher education, medical advancements. Too busy just trying to survive to pay attention to governance. What liberals want is an educated citizenry that can stay at the forefront of innovation, science technology, medicine, and STEM in general.Keeping America prosperous and enlightened.
Let's just say, as a Catholic Democrat, I can both take Christmas seriously and oppose Christian nationalism at the same time. But as an ex-Catholic, I can't say that this new rule surprises me 🤷
Bill, I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, when I was nearly seven years old in 1961, I had a run-in with a car: whilst ridding my scooter. And it was then, that I had a near-death experience. However, it’d be 16 years on later when I became aware that I had, had a near death experience. This occurred after attending a seminar, where five people on the stage spruiked their near-death experiences to the audience, and it struck me that what they spoke of paralleled EXACTLY with what happened to all those years earlier.
However, coming to the certain conclusion that, this duly occurred with me didn’t make me run out of the seminar, and grab a tambourine to bang on it at a church.
Anyway, the main point I want to make to you Bill, and all of your ilk who laughed so heartily when you called it “a crock of shit” is to suggest that, you vehemently shitcan Islam/Allah, or Hinduism, or Buddhism or, indeed, all three as you’ve just done with Christianity, on your next show? Needless to say, that will never occur, because you’d either be liquidated very quickly or require around-the-clock protection just as Salman Rushdie had to do.
Again, I will categorically state that I am not in the slightest degree religious. However, I would never in my wildest dreams seek to inhibit someone from practicing their faith. Tragically, the demise of people practicing Christianity in the US, Canada, Britain or Australia, over the past few decades, is in confluence with the terrible downfall of common decency and morality.
The American Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern governance.
_“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_
*- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president)
The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_
This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion.
*Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office*
_"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_*
This means nobody is ever required to swear on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a religious book, but none is required.
_“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_
*-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797*
....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything.
A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli.
This Court also released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote:
_"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". _*_The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that our government is not based on the Christian religion_*_ and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_
_“This would be the best of all possible Worlds, if there were no Religion in it”_
*-John Adams* )Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1817)
_"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."_
*-Thomas Jefferson* (Letter from Jefferson to John Adams, 11 April 1823)
_"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason."_
*-Benjamin Franklin* (Poor Richard's Almanac)
_“The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion....and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing.”_
*― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)*
A Catholic Democrat means you don’t take your Catholicism seriously.
@@markferguson7563 People in those countries, and others, have been voluntarily moving away from organized religion, but there has been no downfall, IMO. People in more religious times and places were and are just as crummy.
@@markferguson7563 if you get offended by Bill criticizing religion then you have issues as a "NON-BELIEVER"
All too often people misquote what the First Amendment actually says concerning religion. Nowhere does it say there should be a separation of church and state. What it actually says is” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . .” The expression “separation of church and state” can be traced to an 1802 letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to a group of men affiliated with the Danbury Baptists Association of Connecticut. It should be noted that Jefferson was a deist and on his own private Bible, he took a razor and cut out all the miracles from the new testament. For the record I am an atheist.
Love your work Bill! I'm going to watch Religulous again, just because!
One of my favorite films!
So much of that movie was false. "Anup the baptiser" was completely made up, it's Anubis, yet Bill Maher used him in that so called documentary. Anubis never baptised anyone, lol he had a DOG HEAD, it was a 19th century poet that made up the term, and Bill still used it anyways. He throws these false facts out there all the time, and his sheep don't ever question him. Gerald Massey was the one who came up with "Anup the Baptiser", and Bill won't ever acknowledge the mistake.
@user-tn8uu2cu8ghallah is a pole smoker
The thing I hate most about Christmas is that the advertisers, the media, the retailers, and Hollywood use children as decoys in order to get their parents to buy presents for them. That is really a shame that they have to stoop that low in order to increase the profit margins of corporations.
Grew up super Catholic; went to midnight mass every year (wasn't a big fan lol). As an adult with small children now, we just go for the secular christmas spirit. The music and decorations are key! Love it.
You should just celebrate it at a Protestant church.
this is why we are free in America, i am Pentecostal, i celebrate like a Jew... FREEDOM
First time watching this guy. Last time too.
In the first time in world history, someone said something truthful about religion on tv and to the public without having to professionally be a religious business with only that intent and purpose. It's amazing. Miracles do happen huh?
Oh my gosh I just realized that Christmas is pretty much a less spooky Halloween. Think about it, everyone dresses up and passes out gifts and has fun. It's just colder
@@gramma677 I thought comfy attire like PJ's were the costume of Christmas. Just look at Santa, he looks pretty comfortable.
I've always considered our diversity to be our greatest strength as a nation.
The movie Windtalkers is just one great testament to that.
Nah, it’s Doritos
Diversity is not a strength. Our greatest strength is the rule of law and our commitment to Enlightenment values. Something lost on today’s psychochristians.
And you’d be and still are 100% right.
Go experience a Jewish or Islamic neighborhood please.
I'm an atheist, you guys are globalist simps.
"Right now I got my hands full with Mike Johnson" LMAO I think that joke went over peoples heads at first, then they got it!
I got it
I just don't know what?