The new opto scout now decodes digital. Just trying to find a decent review on it before deciding whether it’s worth the high price. It can apparently decode DMR, TDMA, GSM, FHSS, APCO 25 and Tetra. So quite comprehensive
Finally saved up for one. Does exactly what it says on the tin. I’ve tested it on my DMR, C4FM, analog and d-Star equipment and it works perfectly. It even worked on my key fob! A bit expensive though, and the squelch has to be set exactly right for digital decode. But otherwise it does the job as advertised.
Jez, I suggest using a small screw extractor to remove the pin on your antenna. If that fails maybe soldering some wire in then gently pulling might work. Good video Lad.
Just started radios... what would I use this device for? Just measuring my radios frequency wirelessly and not corded? I m new. Just very curious and trying to learn everything
You would use it to find a frequency of any radio and to make sure your radio is on the correct frequency it will also pick up radio frequencies near by
I’m trying to figure out what a frequency counter is for? I know what frequency I’m transmitting I don’t need something to show me that. If it could be attached to an outside antenna to pick up that info, it would be helpful. But I’ve read that if it’s not next to the transmitter it won’t pick up anything. Has anyone tried that, and what results did you get?
I watched your review bought this piece of crap and realized people will say anything for views. THIS THE WORST PRODUCT I HAVE EVER SEEN. Not only is it not accurate when I does find a frequency it display random out of range stuff constantly what a joke. Reviews like this is why we buy from Amazon so we can return this garbage. Thanks for wasting my time, Now I need to find a real unit that works
Good summary. Thank you. Would be very handy with events involving every different radio price ranges and quality variations.
The new opto scout now decodes digital. Just trying to find a decent review on it before deciding whether it’s worth the high price. It can apparently decode DMR, TDMA, GSM, FHSS, APCO 25 and Tetra. So quite comprehensive
Wasn’t aware that they had a new version coming out I’ll look into that
Finally saved up for one. Does exactly what it says on the tin. I’ve tested it on my DMR, C4FM, analog and d-Star equipment and it works perfectly. It even worked on my key fob! A bit expensive though, and the squelch has to be set exactly right for digital decode. But otherwise it does the job as advertised.
Thank you for the video. Why, when pressing F2 button (start) does it immediatly show a high frequency?
Not used it in a while maybe its picking up random signals in the air? Not realy why is goes to a high frequency
Nice bit of kit Jez good vid 👍
Jez, I suggest using a small screw extractor to remove the pin on your antenna. If that fails maybe soldering some wire in then gently pulling might work. Good video Lad.
Just started radios... what would I use this device for? Just measuring my radios frequency wirelessly and not corded? I m new. Just very curious and trying to learn everything
You would use it to find a frequency of any radio and to make sure your radio is on the correct frequency it will also pick up radio frequencies near by
What if you try it next to a cell phone?
What it’s the detection range and Accuracy?
I’m trying to figure out what a frequency counter is for? I know what frequency I’m transmitting I don’t need something to show me that. If it could be attached to an outside antenna to pick up that info, it would be helpful. But I’ve read that if it’s not next to the transmitter it won’t pick up anything. Has anyone tried that, and what results did you get?
Whats the furthest it can pick up if see someone using a radio?
I’ll need to test that I’ll play with that this week
10 feet 5 watt handheld on 2 mtrs
Nice I want one great vid dude
Thanks 👍
Nice one Jez, bring it down, I’ll have a go at getting the broken pin out for you. Shouldn’t be to hard. 👍😉
Can do but I’m not about this Sunday or the Sunday after
It's a shame they can't get the display of CTCSS and DCS right
Nice bit of kit Jez.......Tony G7OEM
I watched your review bought this piece of crap and realized people will say anything for views. THIS THE WORST PRODUCT I HAVE EVER SEEN. Not only is it not accurate when I does find a frequency it display random out of range stuff constantly what a joke.
Reviews like this is why we buy from Amazon so we can return this garbage.
Thanks for wasting my time, Now I need to find a real unit that works