  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 28 тис.

  • @Welyn
    @Welyn  5 років тому +6352


      @C0MRADE_GAM1NG 5 років тому +14

      That's Hot!

    • @land8942
      @land8942 5 років тому +29

      the one dislike is from one of the clan members 0;

    • @space3817
      @space3817 5 років тому +25

      i like how you narrate your plan like in the criminal movies

    • @gosse7187
      @gosse7187 5 років тому +9

      That is the compund i have been killing this wipe and one time i took a ballon and landed on the biggest tower and got a m249

    • @ardaozderyol2389
      @ardaozderyol2389 5 років тому +5

      need LONGer vids pls :(

  • @minus6585
    @minus6585 5 років тому +58855

    You know your content is good when people who dont even play this game still enjoy the video

    • @NoodleKeeper
      @NoodleKeeper 5 років тому +1008

      To be fair, that's why I watch most of what I do watch. It's stuff I either can't play right now or stuff that I've never even heard of.

    • @Straeger
      @Straeger 5 років тому +328

      Yh legit might get rust now looks fun

    • @colonelsandels2035
      @colonelsandels2035 5 років тому +43


    • @pigon3820
      @pigon3820 5 років тому +30

      NAME i was the 300th like thank me later

    • @ML-td6vu
      @ML-td6vu 5 років тому +35

      I'm not playing this game but still its good )))

  • @korbinslookingglass5467
    @korbinslookingglass5467 5 років тому +14386

    You killed him? What did you get?
    A torch and a stone.
    What did it cost?

    • @taylorj1044
      @taylorj1044 5 років тому +248

      Korbin's Looking Glass
      Did you kill him?
      What did it cost?

    • @farpasmasterfarpador9092
      @farpasmasterfarpador9092 5 років тому +564

      It wasn't what you stole, it was who you stole from

    • @zafirfaiq5463
      @zafirfaiq5463 5 років тому +32

      Like literally lol😂😂😂😂

    • @lazychief69
      @lazychief69 5 років тому +18

      So god damn true make me cry 😂

    • @axothylest4417
      @axothylest4417 5 років тому +93

      @@farpasmasterfarpador9092 John fucking wick

  • @Blooprint
    @Blooprint 5 років тому +23201

    Definitely one of your best. Great story, editing, game play and dialogue.

    • @slickboi2296
      @slickboi2296 5 років тому +6

      @Ekh0 same

    • @Josh-lz3xo
      @Josh-lz3xo 5 років тому +35

      Aye blooprint, you should totally do something with Welyn, I'd watch the shit outta that

    • @semig5304
      @semig5304 5 років тому +2


    • @TheBastardo
      @TheBastardo 5 років тому +2


    • @Lanzottv
      @Lanzottv 5 років тому +5


  • @puzzLEGO
    @puzzLEGO 2 роки тому +2861

    This video is so perfectly crafted so that people without any information on the game still can enjoy and understand it

    • @jankolec7053
      @jankolec7053 2 роки тому +3


    • @allblazing1160
      @allblazing1160 2 роки тому +3

      What is this game and how much is it.

    • @jankolec7053
      @jankolec7053 2 роки тому +10

      @@allblazing1160 rust 40$ regular steam price, but theres gonna be sale like 50-80% in few days

    • @pannnella
      @pannnella 2 роки тому +3

      I know so little about Rust, honestly, I hate playing Rust, I don’t find it fun. But Jesus his videos are made so good that it makes rust look fun for me.

    • @iden5628
      @iden5628 2 роки тому +1


  • @doorknob5223
    @doorknob5223 5 років тому +2679

    Fast, funny, strait to the point, no clickbait, no annoying sellouts.

  • @jejonyang9210
    @jejonyang9210 5 років тому +48231

    1. I dont play rust
    2. Why is this recommended
    3. I actually enjoyed it
    Edit: i guess i wasnt the only one xd

  • @lucasfranke3326
    @lucasfranke3326 5 років тому +3240

    "You killed him???"
    "What about it? It was just a naked man!"
    "That naked man was *John Wick!"*

  • @Starscimitar
    @Starscimitar 2 роки тому +752

    This is literally a work of art:
    revenge, conspiracy, espionage and brutal force all perfectly aligned

    • @cloudvii8756
      @cloudvii8756 2 роки тому +3

      Like watching short movie.

    • @justaguywithapowerpole
      @justaguywithapowerpole Рік тому


    • @Sal13414
      @Sal13414 Рік тому +1

      this is such glazing, it wasnt even that good

    • @Starscimitar
      @Starscimitar Рік тому +1

      @@Sal13414 bros mad at an opinion from over a year ago 😂💀grow up dawg lmao

    • @Sal13414
      @Sal13414 Рік тому

      idgaf when u wrote it BUM, your opinion is trash LMFAOOOOOOO@@Starscimitar

  • @MK-rr7cg
    @MK-rr7cg 5 років тому +4612

    My man completed a military operation inside of rust. Man deserves this like.

    • @honyar124
      @honyar124 5 років тому +1

      wEt SpOnGe LEIK ALWAYS

    • @Tizzly
      @Tizzly 5 років тому +7

      wEt SpOnGe it was on 666 likes at 3am o.0 had to fix that

    • @wowthatscool1324
      @wowthatscool1324 5 років тому +7

      Fucking military op? Bro this is a DIAMOND HEIST FROM OCEANS 17 level type shit

    • @lad2987
      @lad2987 2 роки тому

      @@jscon926 ?

  • @leeroy1961
    @leeroy1961 5 років тому +1065

    Not a rust player, but your story telling skills and your quality gameplay... God, I love your videos.

    • @B055YG
      @B055YG 5 років тому

      If you like this type of story telling rust raids, you should check out some Ramsey!

    • @stick6797
      @stick6797 5 років тому +2

      Leeroy Jenkins Times up, let’s sub this

    • @leeroy1961
      @leeroy1961 5 років тому

      @@stick6797 oh god, that reference is lit

  • @stealthasf6903
    @stealthasf6903 5 років тому +1405

    Never played rust, never watched rust videos, never seen your channel before. Yet one of the most enjoyable videos I have ever watched.

  • @mahi_mahi962
    @mahi_mahi962 2 роки тому +33

    Thank you for making this masterpiece, when I first saw this video I was determined to get Rust because it looked like an amazing game, I am now about 600 hours into rust after buying my first PC about a year ago. This was my first video and experience with rust which left a good impression. Thanks

  • @brunohenriquefirmoflorenti4204
    @brunohenriquefirmoflorenti4204 5 років тому +1535

    So you’re basically John Wick on Rust
    Also, INCREDIBLE EDITION on the video. Music, sounds, narrative. PERFECT. Greetings from Brasil.

    • @bobbyj9835
      @bobbyj9835 5 років тому +5

      COme to BraZil

    • @cesarHPM91
      @cesarHPM91 5 років тому +3

      Representando ae man

    • @f.e.areproduce5298
      @f.e.areproduce5298 5 років тому +6

      If you won't shoot him he won't search for you or persue you .
      But if you shoot him he will search for you , he will find you , and he will ruin you .

    • @spideypng
      @spideypng 5 років тому +3

      Editing*. Google tradutor é uma merda

    • @cesarHPM91
      @cesarHPM91 5 років тому +2

      @@spideypng kkkkk realmente

  • @Edi_J
    @Edi_J 5 років тому +1938

    - May I ask, why?
    - Your clan member just killed naked John Wick on the beach. And stole his stone.
    - Oh.

    • @lozzagna8829
      @lozzagna8829 5 років тому

      Edi J yes.

    • @zakuvaughn1877
      @zakuvaughn1877 5 років тому +45

      Dude do you know who’s stone you just stole get outta my clan and hope he dosnt come looking for you

    • @mouseking9812
      @mouseking9812 5 років тому +3

      I understood that refference!

    • @averageethan4287
      @averageethan4287 5 років тому +9

      @@mouseking9812 it's in the very sentence, it's almost not a reference

    • @roshill2010
      @roshill2010 5 років тому +8

      Baba Yaga comes tonight.

  • @Hawk_of_Battle
    @Hawk_of_Battle 5 років тому +227

    Clan member 1; "Well, what did he steal?"
    Clan member 2; "The guns mostly."
    CM1; "How many guns?"
    CM2; "ALL THE GUNS!"

  • @augustyn7884
    @augustyn7884 Рік тому +127

    Back in 2019, this was the very first video I watched from Welyn. It peaked my curiosity in Rust and I was hooked. 2,213 hours later and I haven’t regretted the decision

  • @yoboikamil525
    @yoboikamil525 4 роки тому +2606

    Random clan member : *kills Welyn*
    Welyn : *murders his family and relatives, plunders his home, destroys his base and computer, burns his house down*

  • @douggouldsberry648
    @douggouldsberry648 5 років тому +546

    I neither play or watch Rust content, however I watched this video in its entirety. Good stuff. Hats off.

    • @hush7862
      @hush7862 5 років тому +1


    • @tylerbrooks6063
      @tylerbrooks6063 5 років тому +2

      Same here. Never been on this channel before this either -- some real quality stuff here!

    • @OGVuLTz
      @OGVuLTz 5 років тому

      Im dead

    • @LaPunaisedu31
      @LaPunaisedu31 5 років тому

      ah good to see im not the only one
      very entertaining will watch more

    • @DrakanGames
      @DrakanGames 5 років тому

      Lol same@@LaPunaisedu31

  • @AminiumMusics
    @AminiumMusics 5 років тому +2369

    never played rust, but man...
    this video was awesome!!

    • @Aglaeca116
      @Aglaeca116 5 років тому +6

      Aminium Music same here but now I wanna hahahahaha

    • @glo6392
      @glo6392 5 років тому +1

      Sane lol

    • @politic17
      @politic17 5 років тому +4

      Because of the amount of Creativity put into it.
      The video isn't awesome if it wasn't for the guy who had created it. He is, INDEED, the one who should be called: AWESOME . 🌹😉👍

    • @frogentertainment3514
      @frogentertainment3514 5 років тому


    • @kindabirby3358
      @kindabirby3358 5 років тому


  • @MonoCentennial
    @MonoCentennial Рік тому +51

    I remember the first time i saw this when it came out and it was the best introduction into rust I could've ever gotten, story telling skills and immersion along with entertainment just cannot be beat.

  • @weszly
    @weszly 5 років тому +586

    Final message about being kind to nakeds, so true. Helped out a fresh spawn, gave him the leftovers to a neighbouring base i raided, he turned out to be insanely good and later spared me in combat several times. We shared access to eachothers bases but never really visited. Just one of many positive experiences you don't hear about.

    • @eltipodepan6373
      @eltipodepan6373 4 роки тому +4

      Mark Maurice hahahahahahah, I just killed them and then rekilled them before they get good gear

    • @miragespl
      @miragespl 4 роки тому +31

      @@eltipodepan6373 I hope someone gits gud and raids you too

    • @Goobagoo
      @Goobagoo 4 роки тому +6

      Whenever I'm friendly, they usually try to betray me when I give them loot

    • @disscope806
      @disscope806 4 роки тому +5

      Nope. Guys, always kill nakeds. They just spawned, what did they do to deserve your loot?

  • @Versaucey
    @Versaucey 5 років тому +4538

    This guy played a whole clan while making a story and content out of it, huge props to you.

    • @Funkoh
      @Funkoh 5 років тому +1

      Ayy hows it been doing

    • @cammandochicken5034
      @cammandochicken5034 5 років тому

      R u the new Justin

    • @Ebani
      @Ebani 5 років тому +17

      A 𝓦 𝓗 𝓞 𝓛 𝓔 clan of afk people.

    • @gmork1090
      @gmork1090 5 років тому +6

      @@Ebani Exactly. Don't be a bitch, don't get bankrupted by a man on a mission of vengeance.

    • @caden_t_k1384
      @caden_t_k1384 5 років тому +1

      Watch Swaggers rust videos there’s actual stories that are sad

  • @newleafoverit
    @newleafoverit 5 років тому +3349

    a clan member: *kills welyn*
    the whole clan: "Why do i hear boss music?"

    • @kakyoinnoriaki3860
      @kakyoinnoriaki3860 5 років тому +19

    • @toa00067
      @toa00067 5 років тому +6

      Same bro, but i do hear megalovania music.

    • @Tib-yu8hi
      @Tib-yu8hi 5 років тому +2

      Nutmee Sereslee

    • @shahinsaif8152
      @shahinsaif8152 4 роки тому +1

      Jone Wick lol

    • @Korone-sama
      @Korone-sama 4 роки тому +2

      Underrated af

  • @Darth_Uchiha47
    @Darth_Uchiha47 6 днів тому +1

    I miss these days man. Truly the golden era of rust

  • @arcaneworld5834
    @arcaneworld5834 5 років тому +774

    Clan member:Who?That fcking nobody??
    Clan Leader:That fcking John Wick...

  • @supersam5002
    @supersam5002 5 років тому +3368

    I don’t play rust but dang that was like a movie 10/10

    • @g-willu8758
      @g-willu8758 5 років тому +10

      Super Sam exactly

    • @shallow7060
      @shallow7060 5 років тому +7


    • @Akuretaki_Nikolay
      @Akuretaki_Nikolay 5 років тому +7

      and youtube recommended it to me as well, but i play Lol and Wot or minecraft

    • @shallow7060
      @shallow7060 5 років тому +3

      @@Akuretaki_Nikolay oof I play CS:GO Roblox and GTA 5

    • @namechange2
      @namechange2 5 років тому

      Same 😅

  • @DonutOperator
    @DonutOperator 5 років тому +1958

    Love the storytelling man, great video!

    • @D_U_N_E
      @D_U_N_E 5 років тому +25

      But there are no doughnuts in this video... How did he find it?

    • @elton9721
      @elton9721 5 років тому +26

      Oh shid it dad

    • @rammstein2seth1
      @rammstein2seth1 5 років тому +9

      🎶this is what it looks like when worlds collide!!🎶

    • @Mosezgarcea
      @Mosezgarcea 5 років тому +5

      Hey dad.

    • @Paandaas
      @Paandaas 5 років тому +7

      Donut Operator Just finished watching one of your videos and now you show up on the next one I watch. Crazy.

  • @peter2b2t
    @peter2b2t 2 місяці тому +4

    5 years later i come back and rewatch this still. unmatched.

  • @excel4011
    @excel4011 5 років тому +1534

    Why are rust youtubers so clean at editing...

    • @jamescoles2551
      @jamescoles2551 5 років тому +11

      Excel i was thinking the same thing. They make their editing flow well!

    • @XBullitt16X
      @XBullitt16X 5 років тому +8

      ikr, this video has some fantastic editing.

    • @Sbeve_One
      @Sbeve_One 5 років тому

      Cause they all edit them the same

    • @Buugzy
      @Buugzy 5 років тому +1

      Bcuz they're the best.

    • @HobkinBoi
      @HobkinBoi 5 років тому +4

      I'm sure they've had plenty of time to figure out how to edit really nicely. I think most of it comes to cutting out the unimportant stuff, like some crafting and just running around. Then keep important moments and maybe throw in some commentary. Least, that's what makes sense to me

  • @midormeepo
    @midormeepo 5 років тому +6885

    first time ever im thankful for the YT algorihm recommending a video

    • @UAP
      @UAP 5 років тому +7


    • @bugzyhardrada3168
      @bugzyhardrada3168 5 років тому +5


    • @xynx-xp7bc
      @xynx-xp7bc 5 років тому +7

      Hello there sire. Didnt knew you played rust

    • @bugzyhardrada3168
      @bugzyhardrada3168 5 років тому +1

      Uhh which one of are you talking to mate?

    • @umarahmed1768
      @umarahmed1768 5 років тому +3

      What is rust I’ve never seen anyone play it UA-cam recommended it

  • @InFiHax
    @InFiHax 5 років тому +1552

    I have to say your video presentation is excellent. High production quality, nice job.

    • @bmonix3072
      @bmonix3072 5 років тому +4


    • @drewwybear
      @drewwybear 5 років тому

      It rewind time

    • @nonperson9825
      @nonperson9825 5 років тому

      Horrible choice to put in the loud ass music

    • @peterlaing2537
      @peterlaing2537 5 років тому

      ___ I thought the music was tasteful and stylistic. It wasn’t trap blasted through the whole video. To me, it seemed pretty topical and actually added to the experience.

    • @nonperson9825
      @nonperson9825 5 років тому

      @@peterlaing2537 volume imo. Distracts my tiny brain.

  • @Egalitariat-likesecretariat
    @Egalitariat-likesecretariat Рік тому +9

    I think this was the video that got me watching your videos, Welyn. This particular one is a comfort fidget for me, and I'm glad I clicked a couple years back. Been lurking ever since

  • @SuperMaanas
    @SuperMaanas 5 років тому +2550

    Ok UA-cam, I finally watched it, happy?
    And it was good.

    • @messerschmitt4268
      @messerschmitt4268 5 років тому +34

      Super MayoMoanas Lol, I’ve had this video in my recommended for days. Finally watched it. It was actually good!

    • @foxgundersenlord3891
      @foxgundersenlord3891 5 років тому +6


    • @alexlawson4173
      @alexlawson4173 5 років тому +3

      one of the few vids I actually clicked 'like' on.

    • @krukblood-axe3649
      @krukblood-axe3649 5 років тому +23

      Fuck's sake, same here. It wouldn't go away. Eventually, in a moment of weakness and boredom, I clicked it, and ended up enjoying it.

    • @noodles5358
      @noodles5358 5 років тому +2

      I feel you

  • @ChelseaDagger987
    @ChelseaDagger987 5 років тому +1684

    This is like when you kill the chicken in Skyrim, and the whole village comes after you....
    Except the village is just one guy

    • @noneedtoknow07
      @noneedtoknow07 4 роки тому +28

      More like the chicken re spawns as a dragon.

    • @spacebat3657
      @spacebat3657 4 роки тому +4

      Or you wabberjack it

    • @antibiotic3024
      @antibiotic3024 4 роки тому +3

      Well that guy is john wick

    • @cristianolaboureur5999
      @cristianolaboureur5999 4 роки тому +6

      @@noneedtoknow07 more like when if you kill cows in The Witcher 3 a fucking cow demon destroys your ass lol

    • @HangKaduk
      @HangKaduk 4 роки тому +1

      And that one guy is actually the *chicken*

  • @MeatyMarley
    @MeatyMarley 5 років тому +3249

    I don't understand Rust but this was so easy to follow that me and my girlfriend just watched it and loved it! keep it up man

  • @shrimp9802
    @shrimp9802 2 роки тому +6

    I watched this video in 2019 it was the first ever rust video I was after I kept seeing it in my recomended I finally clicked it. Biggest mistake of my life, now I have 2,000 hours on rust 2 years later. I always rewatch this video to remember where I came from loves your vids by the way welyn keep it up man!

  • @CarthagoMike
    @CarthagoMike 5 років тому +2612

    _They took my stone,_
    _I took their everything._

    • @bryanchristianushandoyo4153
      @bryanchristianushandoyo4153 5 років тому +34

      CarthagoMike this is john wick bro XD

    • @thesciencesphere4273
      @thesciencesphere4273 5 років тому +10

      Dont forget the torch

    • @LYARTS
      @LYARTS 5 років тому +3

      Cause stone is everything

    • @averageethan4287
      @averageethan4287 5 років тому

      @Bekzod07 spelling isn't even wrong, get your facts straight

    • @CarthagoMike
      @CarthagoMike 5 років тому +11

      @Bekzod07 Then please enlighten me as to what spelling mistake you have uncovered in my earlier comment.
      Also, now that we are on the subject of spelling: you forgot to put an interval between ‘spell’ and ‘but’, and if that dot is actually not a mistake then you need to capitalize ‘but’.
      Talking about dots: please place one at the end of your sentence whilst you are at it, just because this is the internet does not mean end-of-line rules do not apply here.
      Have a nice day ;).

  • @EdgarHernandez-xj5mx
    @EdgarHernandez-xj5mx 4 роки тому +2086

    Welyn: I’m gonna try to get some loot from this base.
    Base member: *protects base*
    Welyn: you’ll pay for this with the blood of your first born.

    @RBNLRNZ 5 років тому +827

    Two things to do in Rust:
    1. When Welyn says "Hi", just say hi as well.
    2. Never kill Welyn.

    • @mrfred456123
      @mrfred456123 5 років тому +10

      He is the john wick of rust

  • @Smackattackk
    @Smackattackk 2 роки тому +79

    I've never played rust before but I love watching these kinds of videos. this dude just made it look so damn easy to make a clan look like kids playing lol I'm late to the party but this shit is dope!!

  • @energyshock6038
    @energyshock6038 5 років тому +1687

    I ignored this video in my recommended for too long. I am extremely glad I clicked on it. Solid content.

    • @asoliner2566
      @asoliner2566 5 років тому +10

      Exactly the same for me. Definitely one of the best videos I have seen in a long as time.

    • @namelessking8914
      @namelessking8914 5 років тому +1

      I thought it was some scripted vedio.

    • @spookytoothable1911
      @spookytoothable1911 5 років тому +1


    • @getryan9333
      @getryan9333 5 років тому


    • @senatorarmstrong4526
      @senatorarmstrong4526 5 років тому

      Same here, it's just kept pooping up for a month, and am I glad I finally watched

  • @theinventor2866
    @theinventor2866 5 років тому +1196

    Imagine if:
    That clan's leader had agreed to a clan war a week before, and so they had a week to prepare.
    Leader: Quick, get the equipment! We're rolling out!
    Member: *checks clan inventory* We're out.
    Leader: WHAT?!
    Member: Some naked dude we shot on the beach took everything.
    Karma. Plain and simple.

  • @brucewayne7896
    @brucewayne7896 4 роки тому +3038

    Anybody: *kills welyn on accident*
    Welyn: So you have chosen death.
    Edit : A little fight has gone on in the comments feel free to bag some popcorn 🍿

    • @gfd5000
      @gfd5000 4 роки тому +7

      Alternative phrase: Yare Yare daze

    • @francocosta165
      @francocosta165 4 роки тому +6

      Welyn: u just ended ur whole clans career

    • @Trey-si6fg
      @Trey-si6fg 4 роки тому +4

      I’m bout to end this clans whole career

    • @xitcix8360
      @xitcix8360 4 роки тому +1

      Worse than death

    • @xitcix8360
      @xitcix8360 4 роки тому +1

      @MyUsernameIsAce andimbadatPvPandFPSgames That's not how that meme works. It's also a very dead meme

  • @WeirdDuck781
    @WeirdDuck781 Рік тому +6

    Looking back to these videos, they were golden yet you've improved so much in your story telling. Insane

  • @elementalgaming4621
    @elementalgaming4621 5 років тому +1175

    this is so well produced i feel like im watching a legit tv show

    • @iixbunnyxii1305
      @iixbunnyxii1305 5 років тому +3

      ElementalGaming same

    • @deeped7249
      @deeped7249 5 років тому


    • @anthonya459
      @anthonya459 5 років тому +1

      I think the dude might have set this up. I only see him fighting 1v1.

    • @juanayon231
      @juanayon231 5 років тому

      600th like

    • @NLTops
      @NLTops 5 років тому +5

      @@anthonya459 Check all his videos... He does this all the time. *Edit: And by "this", I mean beast entire clans.

  • @GlazeBeam
    @GlazeBeam 4 роки тому +607

    This guy is literally a protagonist in rpg game that overthrow a whole dynasty

  • @fatcammal
    @fatcammal 3 роки тому +5425

    I feel like 50% of us have never played rust lol

    • @thatpickingguy
      @thatpickingguy 3 роки тому +55

      After the surge of people who joined because of the streamers that played it, I would agree. Maybe not a month ago though

    • @HR91360
      @HR91360 3 роки тому +7

      Youd know if you did haha

    • @brandonbrigner1863
      @brandonbrigner1863 3 роки тому +6

      i have it but every time i try it i just get stuck on knowing what to do so i just watch cuz i think the base sneaking is cool

    • @thatpickingguy
      @thatpickingguy 3 роки тому +5

      @@brandonbrigner1863 So you're saying you just dont know what to do to progress properly? Like you cant get past primitive items?

    • @Skeleton_With_VR
      @Skeleton_With_VR 3 роки тому +1

      Now I wanna

  • @elementallobsterx
    @elementallobsterx 2 роки тому +1

    Tied with FitMC as the most cinematic and well edited gaming channel.

  • @CrystallizedSoul
    @CrystallizedSoul 5 років тому +852

    Those 19 minutes felt like 5. This was really entertaining! Probably the best Rust YT video I've seen to date.

    • @xicor9469
      @xicor9469 5 років тому +1

      WTF, I just realized that!

    • @joelmatondang7037
      @joelmatondang7037 5 років тому

      all rust video is just as good as this imo

    • @hughrealman50
      @hughrealman50 5 років тому

      Doesnt beat the penis brothers

    • @F17A
      @F17A 5 років тому

      I just realized that too

    • @CripplingDepression-DDD
      @CripplingDepression-DDD 5 років тому

      Then you haven't seen womble's betrayal to those two kids yet. A classic.

  • @lunnar536
    @lunnar536 5 років тому +2413

    Clan member: *being a frick*
    Welyn: I’m about to end this mans career

  • @mus7681
    @mus7681 5 років тому +4305

    This guy can raid area 51

    • @whatsligma3889
      @whatsligma3889 5 років тому +69

      "*So i recriated their base on my PRIVATE SERVER*"

    • @legab1708
      @legab1708 5 років тому +10

      On solo.

    • @sillybilly4219
      @sillybilly4219 5 років тому +12

      He would be a good Naruto runner

    • @kurouvl
      @kurouvl 5 років тому +5

      also a good horse in the back

    • @mikoajurbaniak3257
      @mikoajurbaniak3257 5 років тому +9

  • @skeelox3422
    @skeelox3422 2 роки тому +7

    Random dude: Ill kill this noob just because i can
    Welyn: And i took that personally
    *proceeds to looting their entire base

  • @minedoimperija
    @minedoimperija 3 роки тому +4566

    When this man bought Rust, Rust agreed to HIS terms and conditions

  • @zachn466
    @zachn466 5 років тому +3219

    I don't even play rust and I love this video

  • @celesteaextra4774
    @celesteaextra4774 4 роки тому +1979

    This man turn from “hello please don’t kill me”
    To “hello please say don’t kill me”

    • @ChiyoBebe.
      @ChiyoBebe. 4 роки тому +27

      Had a hard time reading this

    • @danksanchez4324
      @danksanchez4324 4 роки тому +5

      Switch the spots Of say and please it’s easier to read

    • @andoidski
      @andoidski 4 роки тому +2

      @@danksanchez4324 i had a hard time reading this reply too haha

    • @VaporwaveVixen
      @VaporwaveVixen 4 роки тому +1

      Hat Kid
      Dude I’ve been seeing your profile pic everywhere, what is it called?

    • @ChiyoBebe.
      @ChiyoBebe. 4 роки тому +1

      SimpAble Her name is Hat Kid

  • @dylanprinsloo5568
    @dylanprinsloo5568 2 роки тому +1

    This is the very first rust video I ever watched and it was a few months old at that point. I bought rust literally the same day I saw this coz I knew I wanted to play it. I know have 5.7k hours....I might be addicted

  • @vanner1198
    @vanner1198 5 років тому +746

    never played or really watched rust before. dont know why it was recommended to me but it was really cool and interesting

  • @Dudeinator
    @Dudeinator 5 років тому +910

    Be clan leader: "Okay clan I'll be offline for the weekend have to take care of some stuff, make sure that turret is stocked with ammo you can jump over that rock wall... it's why we put the turret there."
    Comes back after weekend dead and no respawn points...

    • @natstar7864
      @natstar7864 5 років тому +6

      If they just put a dead wall behind it with spikes in the hole it would not be so easy

    • @ShneekeyTheLost
      @ShneekeyTheLost 5 років тому

      @@natstar7864 Platform over it?

    • @LOLAP95
      @LOLAP95 5 років тому +1

      @@ShneekeyTheLost lol no

  • @justinharper4248
    @justinharper4248 5 років тому +783

    Oh that was pretty enjoyable

  • @randomgamer3182
    @randomgamer3182 2 дні тому

    I've started rewatching old UA-camrs I watched when I was younger. Thank you so much for the happiness you gave me when I was little Welyn, we love you

  • @honestlytrash4799
    @honestlytrash4799 5 років тому +3119

    Am I the only one who doesn't know what the hell is going on, but still watched till the end?

    • @NicolasAgostini-Nico
      @NicolasAgostini-Nico 5 років тому +137

      You are not alone. Seems like 1000 stashes of stone and metal are important for the game mechanics. Is personal inventory infinite in this game?

    • @innocent8397
      @innocent8397 5 років тому +4

      CrimsonRanger 007 lmao me too bro me too

    • @coatguy2990
      @coatguy2990 5 років тому +20

      Yes, you are alone. Among 4 Million people, you are the only idiot. :)

    • @rj1650
      @rj1650 5 років тому +17

      you're not alone...i also don't understand but still watch it🤣

    • @gtarascals3532
      @gtarascals3532 5 років тому +3

      You’re not :)

  • @BangsMetalhead
    @BangsMetalhead 4 роки тому +2542

    Hey Big Bro Some Guy is Bothering me in The Game
    The Big Brother:

    • @officialchickenn
      @officialchickenn 4 роки тому +6


    • @animememes5697
      @animememes5697 4 роки тому +8

      Agreed :>

    • @spookyboivilla5386
      @spookyboivilla5386 4 роки тому +6

      Would do that

    • @jackbeecher4050
      @jackbeecher4050 4 роки тому +46

      A clan probably a bit bigger than this one kept killing my brother so i spent 12 DAYS getting loot and did the exact thing he did and let my brother rule the base and I think it's still around

    • @caboose6722
      @caboose6722 4 роки тому +4

      @@jackbeecher4050 cool

  • @krossxeye660
    @krossxeye660 3 роки тому +1330

    I love how this guy was just like "Yeah these guys slighted me so I took literally everything"

    • @livesinbin5830
      @livesinbin5830 3 роки тому +59

      A true chad will take everything to the extreme

    • @yume6487
      @yume6487 3 роки тому +18

      And I took that personally

    • @rmoultonrmoulton145
      @rmoultonrmoulton145 2 роки тому +23

      It's like when Scott Tetterman slights Cartman so he retaliates by tricking him into eating his own parents.

    • @capybara9521
      @capybara9521 2 роки тому +5

      Either him with pure motivation and too much time or a mad kids using cheats for revenge. These clans always kill everyone and complain when people get their revenge.

  • @nomernomznomz6015
    @nomernomznomz6015 7 місяців тому +12

    don't mind me just rewatching the video that got me into rust

    • @charlesknight2876
      @charlesknight2876 3 місяці тому

      Question: in terms of time or some other metric you could use, what is the value of the loot he stole near the end? Never played rust and understood most of the video but I have no idea how much all of that stuff in the end was worth. Like how did it “bankrupt the clan”

  • @MikeNoob101
    @MikeNoob101 4 роки тому +1709

    The clan member who killed him dishonorably: *Laughs nervously*

    • @NonsensicalSpudz
      @NonsensicalSpudz 4 роки тому +52

      well you see boss...

    • @LucasSantos-si4nd
      @LucasSantos-si4nd 4 роки тому +71

      @@NonsensicalSpudz I thought I could kill some weaklings with the boys to bost morale

    • @azreyleonchannel4773
      @azreyleonchannel4773 4 роки тому +2

      @@LucasSantos-si4nd lmao

    • @KratKrit
      @KratKrit 3 роки тому +6

      I mean he also killed multiple nakeds so that guy killing him isn't really that bad

    • @casshernsins8333
      @casshernsins8333 3 роки тому +29

      @@KratKrit in the words of that Russian mafia boss in John wick “it’s not what you did that angers me so, it’s who you did it too”

  • @jjef8706
    @jjef8706 5 років тому +589

    "it wasn't just any rock, it was welyns rock"
    "He once killed 3 men in a base-"
    "With a torch, I know sir, I've heard the stories"

    • @jjef8706
      @jjef8706 5 років тому +39

      "you see, welyn is a man of focus...commitment ...and pure *fuckin* willpower

    • @mburremerald2027
      @mburremerald2027 5 років тому +4

      Is this a John Wick reference

    • @jjef8706
      @jjef8706 5 років тому +9

      @@mburremerald2027 maybe

    • @lycanbane2070
      @lycanbane2070 5 років тому +11

      "A FUCKING TORCH!!!"

    • @trxshcan9263
      @trxshcan9263 5 років тому +4

      They call him baba yaga

  • @gijskroot2861
    @gijskroot2861 5 років тому +566

    I don't normaly watch rust, but this was a great video. Keep it up!

    • @Punched0
      @Punched0 5 років тому +2

      gijs kroot thought you were gonna make a taken joke

    • @gijskroot2861
      @gijskroot2861 5 років тому +3

      @@Punched0 sorry to dissapoint you

  • @yourchannel6182
    @yourchannel6182 Місяць тому +1

    Watchin this 5 year old vid reminds me of simpler times in Rust, ahhh how time flies.... BTW my Momz is still single, just lemme know and I'll get to work my man!!! Much love always

  • @edrel4771
    @edrel4771 5 років тому +318

    "This guy is a one man army"
    "The best walk-through barbed wire simulator of the history"

    • @tommybro5313
      @tommybro5313 5 років тому +1

      Gamespot - A stunning perfromance 9.7/10

  • @shellnut
    @shellnut 5 років тому +1276

    I've literally never watched a rust video on UA-cam but this has been in by recommended for 4 days

  • @hellothere9167
    @hellothere9167 5 років тому +777

    *clan stoles rock from him*
    _Few minutes later_
    Clan boss: do you know what you have done?
    Member: Stole a rock from Nobody
    Clan boss: that nobody was Welyn
    Member: Oh

    • @raindoo778
      @raindoo778 5 років тому +83

      "what is he the clan. No hes the one you send to kill the clan."

    • @axothylest4417
      @axothylest4417 5 років тому +75

      It was just a fucking rock

    • @enanowii8864
      @enanowii8864 5 років тому +49

      Vimmsy that rock was everything to him, now he’s bloodlusted 💀

    • @TomiAdewoleAdetom
      @TomiAdewoleAdetom 5 років тому +4

      Team four star

    • @Korrupted_dust
      @Korrupted_dust 5 років тому +42

      “Welyn will come for you. And I can’t help.”

  • @DopeSaladz
    @DopeSaladz 2 роки тому

    It's crazy that there's only 15 Million registered players on RUST and this video has 29 Million views, that's 14 Million people that don't even play RUST that's watched this video, Thanks for the great content Welyn, love ya bro✌️!

  • @TastyNetwork
    @TastyNetwork 5 років тому +1637

    Might be the best Rust video on UA-cam, well done! This is entertainment.

    • @duane2881
      @duane2881 5 років тому +5

      It reminds me a ramsey, ramsey had some great ones but hes gone now. This is nice

    • @ml-gk7ev
      @ml-gk7ev 5 років тому

      I was just about to add something similar!

    • @maayu8108
      @maayu8108 5 років тому

      Yeah, it's Ramsey style, I wish he would be back

    • @spongebobgod2128
      @spongebobgod2128 5 років тому

      Tasty a

    • @phoenixalpha9145
      @phoenixalpha9145 5 років тому

      if this is the best Rust video, it will be the first and only one I ever watch. This game looks wack.

  • @UnboundGodz
    @UnboundGodz 5 років тому +10495

    Rumor has it the server reset 30mins later.

  • @julianprada7228
    @julianprada7228 5 років тому +1361

    This was basically a short movie of a man searching for Revenge for losing a torch

    • @bt70a9
      @bt70a9 4 роки тому +25

      I think the revenge was about getting killed, the torch is secondary

    • @jiggymario8161
      @jiggymario8161 4 роки тому +2

      I hate these scripted Rust videos. So boring and unreal compared to actual raids.

    • @stefman3553
      @stefman3553 4 роки тому +20

      @@jiggymario8161 uh what?

    • @cyber6434
      @cyber6434 4 роки тому +10

      @@jiggymario8161 tf

    • @arandombard1197
      @arandombard1197 4 роки тому +31

      @@jiggymario8161 Its not scripted moron. This was all real gameplay. He then just edited and narrated it. You know....production quality?

  • @jackmiddleton7944
    @jackmiddleton7944 Рік тому +1

    This is the most popular video on the video game Rust with 30,000,000 + views on UA-cam. Congratulations.

  • @U40N
    @U40N 5 років тому +1222

    I don't even play this game and I thought the video was really entertaining

  • @KohlDoesArt
    @KohlDoesArt 3 роки тому +2627

    Imagine getting back on and your friend says “yeah this dude stole about half of our shit”

    • @tjprogamer9509
      @tjprogamer9509 3 роки тому +108

      The ultimate wtf happened

    • @InfonautInvest
      @InfonautInvest 3 роки тому +19

      All the good ones

    • @RicegumRicebum
      @RicegumRicebum 3 роки тому +66

      I’m clan leader and if my clanmates said this to me and told me this happened I would be fucking livid

    • @andrewbondurant8513
      @andrewbondurant8513 3 роки тому +3

      Go ravens

    • @Fenrir90918
      @Fenrir90918 3 роки тому +14

      So this was my dads clan , they said that word for word . (I do not associate with their clan and am in my own) but it was hilarious to just hear him say , shit . They actually had secret loot he hadn’t gotten into in one of their bedrooms

  • @orangecat9559
    @orangecat9559 5 років тому +1163

    clan base:Exists

    • @fleetadmiral5938
      @fleetadmiral5938 5 років тому +3

      Jacob Cespedes he is right tho that meme is dead

    • @moonstruck6591
      @moonstruck6591 5 років тому +5

      @@fleetadmiral5938 *dead meme yet it gets over 800 likes on a single comment*
      _Something doesn't add up here._

    • @ivilloadz539
      @ivilloadz539 5 років тому

      Jacob Cespedes your mama *stfu

    • @alimurtadah9897
      @alimurtadah9897 5 років тому +2

      FrostyNinja Here *this meme got many likes, so surely it isn’t dead!!!*

    • @Sazuyu
      @Sazuyu 5 років тому

      There's still this meme in mei 28, i wonder why :V
      Suck A Lemon Juice

  • @theclashgod2650
    @theclashgod2650 2 роки тому +7

    You know it’s good when you still rewatch it 3 years later

    • @Watergod-o8f
      @Watergod-o8f 3 місяці тому

      Man 5y ago I came back to watch this shit

  • @delooze7119
    @delooze7119 5 років тому +685

    **imagine getting your clan base raided by 1 person**

    • @lapersonneanonime4369
      @lapersonneanonime4369 5 років тому +11

      it wasn't their clan base, it was a tower, they didn't give a shit about him because they probably have x10 that loot lul

    • @lewisbishop2998
      @lewisbishop2998 5 років тому +54

      @@lapersonneanonime4369 Jesus why you mad bro, plus it might of been their base though

    • @impeezy_3235
      @impeezy_3235 5 років тому +6

      Lewis The memester how was he mad 😂😂

    • @rayjingbonur9475
      @rayjingbonur9475 5 років тому

      *and losing*

    • @owenhunt6548
      @owenhunt6548 5 років тому +9

      This post was made by ark gang

  • @dominicgonzales7712
    @dominicgonzales7712 5 років тому +149

    This video was so well organized and very entertaining, i haven't even skipped ten seconds at all.

  • @osvster
    @osvster 5 років тому +408

    One of the best gaming commentary I've seen in years.
    Never playing it but glad I watched it. Thanks UA-cam

  • @pmt_red4702
    @pmt_red4702 2 роки тому

    It was just a normal day on UA-cam. I was browsing through multiple videos like I normally did, I ended up seeing this video and was curious on what on earth this video this was about. As a man who didn’t have a pc and only played mobile games because I didn’t have enough money to buy one. But, curiosity got the best of me and from then on I was hooked and watched every video ever since. I am glad to have watched this. Thank you Welyn for the years of content, the one and only pumkin king.

  • @Rbags-bq5gz
    @Rbags-bq5gz 4 роки тому +512

    I remember first finding Welyns channel while I had a high fever and couldn’t fall asleep. I basically was too sick to move or get out of bed for probably three days because when I did I had a lot of pain, so I went on a 36 hour watching spree of welyns entire channel, and couldn’t get enough. I’m rewatching old videos while waiting for new ones, thanks for the amazing content welyn!
    Edit- spelling

    • @nightingale-d3e
      @nightingale-d3e 4 роки тому +11

      damn was it that bad? you deserve the like i gave you

    • @VPZealouZ
      @VPZealouZ 4 роки тому +2

      Dude same thing happened to me, I probably had a stomach virus, then I binged welyn for like 8 hours from his recommended.

    • @nickmcg
      @nickmcg 4 роки тому

      If you like this, I recommend Ramsey. Inactive, but his storytelling is unparalleled.

    • @yoyosnepai3808
      @yoyosnepai3808 4 роки тому

      Get well soon my dude, stay safe :)

    • @palmeirasnaotemmundial2030
      @palmeirasnaotemmundial2030 4 роки тому


  • @izzelbas2720
    @izzelbas2720 5 років тому +4266

    *watches rust videos on youtube
    *buys rust
    *play for 10 minutes
    *refunds rust
    *go back to watching rust videos

    • @joaovc2002
      @joaovc2002 5 років тому +90

      Ye we should just stick with fallout: new vegas

    • @Southwander
      @Southwander 5 років тому +21

      @@joaovc2002 yes we should

    • @bordias5922
      @bordias5922 5 років тому +121

      Rust can be incredibly boring if you play alone.

    • @eroith5133
      @eroith5133 5 років тому +156

      @@bordias5922 It's boring even with friends, sure you can have a fun time with them, but the game itself is still boring. the video is only 18 minutes but im sure it took him atleast 10+ hours to do all this, rust youtubers make it seem fun but when you get it its boring. I bought it on steam, played for 3 hours, and i am regretting it to this day.

    • @lmeonliver1864
      @lmeonliver1864 5 років тому +5


  • @Slethion
    @Slethion 5 років тому +1315

    That transition scene on 1:00 simply perfect. Perfect editing as always

    • @MrShibalba
      @MrShibalba 5 років тому +6

      Hey Slethion, you make Rust videos also right :)

    • @return3116
      @return3116 5 років тому +2

      Hes always talking about transitions every video lol

    • @Slethion
      @Slethion 5 років тому +2

      hahaha love you Nulta

    • @kalebsut
      @kalebsut 5 років тому

      Hey wassup slethion?

    • @Kerttis
      @Kerttis 5 років тому

      @@Slethion ur vids are actual trash

  • @jamesontube
    @jamesontube 3 місяці тому +2

    This video alone is responsible for half the rust population in the game right now.

    • @carelesself
      @carelesself 3 місяці тому

      i thought i was the only one

  • @Larry
    @Larry 5 років тому +2568

    This is what Fallout 76 really should have been like.

    • @BetaCompany312
      @BetaCompany312 5 років тому +50

      Out of all fucking people, I'm surprised to see you here. And I agree with your opinion.

    • @Zombieshark420x
      @Zombieshark420x 5 років тому +126

      Somewhere in the middle, is the perfect game. Rust being all about pvp, and not giving a shit about pve. Fallout 76 being all about pve, with no real care about pvp.
      Let the two fuck and have a baby, then add NPCs to it.

    • @ImmortuiRex74
      @ImmortuiRex74 5 років тому +5

      @@Zombieshark420x AFuckingGreed

    • @Oobookaybee66
      @Oobookaybee66 5 років тому +4

      Hello you

    • @nickypass861
      @nickypass861 5 років тому +5

      but FALLOUT is a RPG not a survival game
      for example in fallout NV you don't get raided by raiders and loss all you're bottlecaps
      that would be bullshit
      fallout 76 is good the way it is but it is also shit

  • @ihaveanova
    @ihaveanova 5 років тому +710

    This man coordinated a whole gta v heist

    • @mellow2977
      @mellow2977 5 років тому +14

      And he was completely alone.

    • @moodylad2033
      @moodylad2033 5 років тому +2

      Not GTA, he had the brains of matpat when doing *gtav* theories

    • @ottoschwegg2742
      @ottoschwegg2742 5 років тому

      Achievement Hunter could learn from him.

    • @EpsilonVegaAlter
      @EpsilonVegaAlter 5 років тому

      @@ottoschwegg2742 That would be amazing, i think the fun comes from how bad they are though.

    • @tristanlarsen1811
      @tristanlarsen1811 5 років тому +3

      It’s like the wolf of Wall Street and gtav combined

  • @mrschwaflington4680
    @mrschwaflington4680 3 роки тому +942

    "I heard you struck my son"
    "Yes sir I did"
    "May I ask why?"
    "Yeah well, because he attacked Welyn"

    • @lucasgoodell4183
      @lucasgoodell4183 3 роки тому +10

      Ging: Well done

    • @ocram07gaming3
      @ocram07gaming3 3 роки тому +4

      John wick 5

    • @Nizzumnuts
      @Nizzumnuts 3 роки тому +8

      nice reference!

    • @Doomgath
      @Doomgath 3 роки тому +26

      Welyn is a man of discipline, commitment, and sheer fucking will. He once killed 7 men in a 4x4 with an eoka. A fucking eoka…

    • @itsdavidjosh2072
      @itsdavidjosh2072 3 роки тому +1

      @@Doomgath he killed 2 men in the bar with a pencil. A fkn Pencil

  • @WeirdDuck781
    @WeirdDuck781 Рік тому +1

    After years of watching these videos I have finally started playing rust. No joke like 4 years or more

  • @lmeonliver1864
    @lmeonliver1864 5 років тому +1284

    Taking Welyns rock was like killing John Wick’s dog.

    • @orestisgeorgatos6725
      @orestisgeorgatos6725 5 років тому +2

      It’s coming still working on it for the ps 4

    • @notbonsai
      @notbonsai 5 років тому +1

      Its a mistake to kill the doggo

    • @apriljack6656
      @apriljack6656 5 років тому +1

      but but his dog was good and cute and im 9 so sad that his dog did die

    • @notbonsai
      @notbonsai 5 років тому +1

      @@apriljack6656 your 9 and you watched a movie that was meant for people over 17

    • @messiahdowling4196
      @messiahdowling4196 5 років тому

      @@TheFinestJhe it's boreing to play without freinds

  • @speedtubertm6319
    @speedtubertm6319 5 років тому +800

    Clan member: Defends the clan base
    Welyn: So you have chosen... death

    • @Helcom1029
      @Helcom1029 5 років тому +3


    • @DylanBegazo
      @DylanBegazo 5 років тому +16

      Nah. I stand with the guy. That whole clan deserved it.

    • @gravitykat714
      @gravitykat714 5 років тому +4

      Clans in games like rust deserve shit like this. Especially those who just random kill people for no reason

    • @nejipwns28
      @nejipwns28 5 років тому +4

      @@gravitykat714 especially the a s s hats that wall off monuments. Di cks were askin for the whole server to raid them pretty much

  • @syomaster3611
    @syomaster3611 5 років тому +341

    anyone else just love how the music's beat goes with him building and everything he's doing in the game??

  • @TripDogg5
    @TripDogg5 2 роки тому +2

    Ok, that was awesome. And to think it all started with an eoka, a nail gun, and a dream! Love it!

  • @spittingfacts9227
    @spittingfacts9227 5 років тому +449

    Don’t know nothing about this game but this guy is good at keeping you interested. You deserve more viewers

    • @reid9664
      @reid9664 5 років тому +8

      If you "don't know nothing " that means you did know something

    • @cuboidbirdsgaming1100
      @cuboidbirdsgaming1100 5 років тому +8

      Reid you didn’t even quote him correctly...

    • @TheDragonfanger
      @TheDragonfanger 5 років тому +3

      That's exactly what I said! I was like whats this...... okay you have me interested pliss continue

    • @Beckser
      @Beckser 5 років тому +2


    • @mikegamerguy4776
      @mikegamerguy4776 5 років тому

      Rust is the best hardcore survival/base builder on the market

  • @AverageSensei
    @AverageSensei 5 років тому +431

    *I honestly don't play rust but this is pleasing to the eye*

  • @vuppet5684
    @vuppet5684 5 років тому +707

    Wow this is really well edited! It’s always great to see a high quality rust video