@@QQ-bf3pb hes ight actually, i can confirm it as an egyptian. The song wasnt made by an egyptian artist, only the lyrics had been sung in an egyptian dialect
@@Evronia. طب يعني اي علاقتنا ب الصين ولا عمرنا اتأثرنا بثقافتها ولا أخدنا ولا ادينها حاجة 😂 ف المنطقي أن أصل الكلية تركي عشان الاتراك اللي عاشوا في مصر اكتر من ميت سنة
In my opinion, the way the producers handled the show by bringing in someone with Egyptian genes but who only lived in Egypt for two years wasn't fair. Cause Mohamed Tarek questions were so Egyptian, If someone has lived in Egypt for a long time would have answered correctly. That's why Dina got the answers right because she's lived in Egypt her whole life. Plus, Dina looks a little like the Egyptian swimmer Farida Osman, so I had this feeling she was Egyptian since she knew so much about Egypt. They should have picked someone who had lived in Egypt for at least 5 or 6 years to really understand and answer those questions. Throughout the episode, I never expected Mariam to be the Egyptian one because she didn’t seem to know much about Egypt at all.
Both sides of my family are Egyptian, but I'm born and raised in Australia. I still speak Arabic fluently, would've easily answered every single question, and even given some better than the judges. It depends on how you're raised.
Honestly, It is very unfair for a born and raised Dina to be called "not Egyptian" just because her parents are from another country. Technically speaking, she is Egyptian!
Honestly no but it's my opinion bc it's like a Korean person saying my mom and dad are korean but I was born and raised in egypt so technically no cuz she doesn't have any egyptian DNA nor her parents
@riko7361 that's pretty stupid, 99.5% of humans are identical. Having a different eye shape doesn't really mean much, I would say someone with Korean parents born and raised in Egypt is much more Egyptian than someone with Egyptian parents born and raised in the US and barely speaks the language or visits the country
اللجنة عبيطة هي بتقولو انت مش مصري عشان لونك مش قمحي، هي مشافتش مصريين لون عينهم أزرق و لا شقر ؟ لجنة أصلا نصها معلوماته غبية و النص الثاني مستنيين يكون الواحد عربكي عشان يحسو بال vibe معه...
@@funnyvideos-qt7li لا مش قليلين بس إللي عينهم خضراء اكثر من اللي عينهم زرقاء بس كده جيرانا كلهم فيهم العيون الخضراء + هم واخدين فكرة إنه المصري لازم يبقى قمحي فده عبط في دماغهم حتى محمد طارق إللي في لجنة اتعصب لفيفي ومتعصبش للكلام العنصري إللي هم بيقولوه
Egyptians do say “aftakher” and “sitto”. The experts at the table just didn’t know that because none of them have stayed long enough in Egypt. Mohammed acts like he knows it all but I guarantee he wouldn’t have answered any real questions about Egypt if he was in the line
Actually he kinda looks more Egyptian than Maryam. It's stupid that they just excluded her because she was so polite 🙄 not all Egyptians are like Abdallah and Dina "not Egyptians but they got the vibes"
This is messed up cos if Maryam doesn’t know anything about Egypt, then how can anyone guess her? DNA test?? 😅 what’s the point in asking questions in the first place when she has ZERO clue about anything
As an Egyptian based on the first round I thought it was either Ahmed, Dina or Abdullah cause of the looks and how they answered the questions. I didn’t even consider Maryam. I thought it was Abdullah the whole time until the last round I changed to Dina. I’m disappointed in myself. 😂
The second Ahmed said that the song was not Egyptian which is Egyptian, I immediately knew he was a Lebanese. Also, Dina saying that Egyptians are mixed again knew she was not Egyptian. Egyptians do say Falafel, guys it is literally our Language. Overall this episode is very disappointing and it is not based on Egypt, but rather on stereotypes. Please guys be mindful about your comments because some of them sounded a bit racist and ignorant.
Cairo is the only place that says “Taameya” and I don’t understand why they say it in a way other than its original pronunciation. Falafel is the Egyptian pronunciation that all Egyptians outside Cairo use.
guys abdullah looks and sounds even in english 100% Palestinian.. ahmed really looked like an Egyptian actor.. I was so fixated on ahmed the whole time I messed maryam.. over all it was a very funny episode..
طبعا اول واحد عرفت انه يمني ع طول ،، والي مش مصريين حيبذللو جهد اكبر ليثبتوا مثل دينا واحمد،،، مريم كان باين انها مصرية لانها اكيد بتحاول تخفي الموضوع عشان تصعب عليهم 🤷🏻♀️ غير كذا ياريت كان البرنامج بالعربي بصراحة مش عارفة ليه بالانجلش
زي ما كومنت تاني قال انه مش كله بيتكلم عربي ,, لهجات البلد العربية مش كلها مفهومة زي المصري , ف اللغة المشتركة انجلش ,, في برامج زي دي مصرية بيتكلموا مصري لو عايزة تشوفيها بس دا مخصص انه يتكلموا اندلش و كل واحد براحته
وانت تجمع ليه الاسكندرانيه يا روح خالتك؟؟؟ البت شكلها مصري اساسا ودينل مش مصريه حتى لو اتولدت واتربت هنا هى لبنانيه واهلها لبنانيين ومعاها جنسية لبنانية مقيمة في مصر على راسنا هو ايه الجهل ده@@Eslam-Lukas
@@H.Granger-sf7sf محسوبين علينا مصريين وخلاص واحد قضي معظم حياته في السعودية والتانية طول عمرها عايشة في امريكا اختيارهم غير موفق ابدا وللاسف يمثلونا اسما فقط انا وانا بتفرج كنت هتجنن ده مشروب السحلب ده مصري لاقصي درجة وخصوصا سؤال المدعو محمد طارق اه شوربة العدس مشهورة في الشتا لكن السحلب المشروب المتربع علي عرش الشتاء في مصر
@@amjadassal4634يسطا عايز من محمد طارق بجد دا اكتر. انسان ممكن يتاخد في حملة لتحديد النسل علشان يقضي علي نسل البشرية دا غير انه السحلب هو اشهر حاجة في الشتا مع الحلبسة انما العدس احنا مبنعملوش أساساً
أنا بصراحة حبيت الفكرة لكن محبتش طريقة تقديمها ولا اللي بيقدموها ويعني ايه مش مصري عشان اللون مش قمحي هي لو فاهمة كويس أن فينا الأشقر والاسمر والقمحي مش هتقول كدة 😏😏
The winter food was the best evidence, when mariam said that she drinks " sahlab", she was the only one to tell smth acceptable , on the other hand, no one knew "koshari" even the one born and raised in Egypt which shows that Dina's family still stuck with their traditional food
Arabic العربية 👇 The question that can help to decided who is the Egyptian but not live in Egypt and who is lived in Egypt but not Egyptian is at 10:51 what do the Egyptian eat in the winter? Ahmed don't know, Maryam know what the Egyptian drink but don't know what the eat that prove she is Egyptian but not live in Egypt and dina said similar food but wrong that means she live in Egypt but her family is not Egyptian because this question all member of any Egyptian family know the right answer السؤال اللي حدد مين مصري بس عايش بره مصر ومين عايش جوه مصر بس مش مصري؟ ايه الاكل الشائعة في الشتاء ف مصر احمد مش عارف يبقي مش مصر مريم قالت عيلتها بتعمل سحلب ودي حقيقة بس مشروب مش اكلة ف ده يثبت انها من أسرة مصرية بس مش عايشة في مصر ودينا جاوبت اكلة مشابه بس عامة واي اسرة مصرية عارفة العدس دايما واجبة في الشتاء وده يدل انها مش من اسرة مصرية بس عايشة في مصر
Guys, you should specify who is an Egyptian. If you were Born and raised in Egypt you are an Egyptian in my opinion. If you meant etnically egyptian you should specify it.
Your opinion is not important, as we Egyptians are the only ones who determine who is Egyptian and who is not, and Dina is Lebanese, just a refugee in our country, and she will leave one day because we will expel all these people from our lands. She is Egyptian and does not know lentil soup lol
To be fair, being Egyptian , I wouldn’t have guessed Maryam at all and Dina does make the most sense. And based off the explanation we got from both women, Dina is more Egyptian basically for us. 🤣🇪🇬 Now regarding the judges, I wouldn’t say the egyptian judges asked the right Egyptian questions or followed through the right ones.
I knew it was Myriam but sadly it was from a question I would have never asked, can you dance? She was the only one who danced like an Egyptian woman. Dina was obviously Lebanese but I would have guessed her best friend is Egyptian, it was obvious from her accent.
استحيتو تقدمو البرنامج باللغة العربية ولا ايش قصة الانجليزية؟... هو برنامج مستوحى من برنامج غربي وهوما عندهم قدموه بالانجليزية لانها لغتهم واحنا ماعندناش لغة؟
I am Egyptian and I prefer it to be in English. Not everyone speaks Arabic in this show whether who present it or who comes to be guessed البيروفية دي هتتعلم مصري مخصوص و تظبط اللهجة مخصوص عشان الفيديو ده ؟ و الباقيين بردو مش كلهم هيعرفوا يظبطوا اللهجة و هيتفهم بسهولة مين مصري و مين لا من لهجته و مريم نفسها المصرية فعلا طلعت مش بتتكلم عربي
@@musicofabutterfly6408 انا مصري زيه وعمري ما سافرت برا مصر - إلا مرة واحدة وكانت عمرة - وأفضل البرنامج يكون كده بالإنجليزي عشان التواصل يبقي أسهل. أساسًا يعني كده البرنامج ممتع أكتر، عشان لو كان الكلام باللهجة المصرية كانت الأحكام هتبقي أسرع.
لازم يبانوا انهم قد اي ناس مثقفة وبتتكلم انجليزي دا احنا الانجليزي قعدوا عندنا سنين وايام عمرنا ما اتكلمنا انجليزي زيهم انما دول لا يمثلونا حتي ولا عرب زينا
يبني مصرية ،ما احنا عارفين إن في في مصر جالية يونانية و لبنانين من زمان من أين الملك فاروق و لا عارفين أي حاجة عن لبنان أو اليونان هو كلمتين ،و اغلبهم عندهم جنسية مصرية ف هي مصرية مش عارف ايه العبط ده ، و كنت عارف إن فيها عرف لبناني أو شامي عشان عارف الجاليات دي كويس في مصر ،لكن هي مصرية ثقافيا
Mariam said Sa7lab ...this is a document it self .she shouldn't be eliminated early at least. On The other hand, Dina culturally is more Egyptian than any one in the room. Even more than the panelists.
As an Egyptian watching this episode really got me mad, If you have to bring one Egyptian to a show in Dubai try to pick a REAL Egyptian either born, raised or just has the ability to SPEAK Arabic, Beside the judges aren't 1% close to Egyptians Except for Mohamed Tarek, he is the only one who is real Egyptian and seriously it would have taken a million year for him to discover That Maryam is the real one Could have been better to bring someone who kind of Speaks Arabic and then they go cheating could have been more fun and more realistic and it's way too easy to find in Dubai as lots of Egyptians live and work there For me I didn't like the episode despite being curious to know who the Egyptian is but that's a shame to the creators. DISLIKE from me
BORN and RAISED so she is Egyptian. I am born and raised in USA and I consider myself in every single way American FIRST but of a middle eastern ethnicity.
Honestly this should be a good example for the judges to not judge from appearance. Firstly Egyptians come in all shades and colours, not all are light skinned. And we live in a time and age where a lot of people are born and raised in a country outside of their country of origin dna wise. Lastly the reasons some of the judges come up with are plain stupid giving uneducated. Felt the same with “guess the African video” Anyway I guess these videos could be a way to raise awareness 😊
Wallahi from the beginning I knew it wasn’t Dina and it was a plot twist. She said it herself that she lived in Egypt all her life so Ofcourse she knows everything but that doesn’t make her Egyptian. Plus why would they bring someone who knows soooooo much about Egypt the game would be too easy. It still was a tough one tho😂
البرنامج في حاجات كتير غلط ثانيا المصرين متنوعين من حيث الشكل مفيش حاجه اسمها اصل ده اسمر وده ابيض بزياده المصريين معروفين انهم حلوين من حيث الشكل ثالثا انتو جايبين واحده مصريه معشتش في مصر خالص وجايبين واحده مش مصريه لكنها عاشت وعارفه حاجات اكتر منها رابعا احمد طارق ده انا مش عارف هو مصري ازاي والله
Didn’t finish yet but everyone answered the pharoh question wrong, if they’d gone through درسات in إعدادي they’d know the answer to the first pharoh is the founder Mina موحد القطرين 3200 BC. Dina did make the weather joke from year 4 درسات that everyone knows though.
@@BasmalaMohamed-l9ii disagree, I could immediately tell the background of each of them and I think just from Maryam’s looks even it was obvious she’s an Egyptian who lived abroad and I could tell dina was just born and raised there but not proper Egyptian.
هو الولد الحكم المصرى اللى مع مى اللى مش مبطل كلام دة ..جاى منين عملى توتر طول الحلقة وفى الاخر ولا طلع بيعرف حاجة وعامل فذلوكة ع الفاضى.. والله انصح واحد فيهم الولد الحكم اللبنانى
Abdallah said ma3karona bachamel (معكرونة بشاميل) Egyptians say makarona without the ع، I knew immediately he wasn’t a Gippo, the first guy as well and same with Ahmed. I was torn between Dina and the girl from Peru but I never suspected Maryam to be the one
I wanna say something to you guys, I'm living in Dubai, and there are many, and I mean many Arabic people who can be Egyptians!. They got our accent, style, and look. It's easy for Arabic to seem Egyptians. But to be Egyptian 100% isn't easy at all.
كانت باينه اوى انها مريم من سؤال العدس لانها قالت فى الاول سحلب ومحدش عارفه و بعدين لما محمد طارق قال عدس قالت ااااااه ف حين ان كلهم استغربوا ان محمد يقصد العدس
I think this episode is not fair. Literally, not all of them are Egyptian. Even Mariam only lived in Egypt for two years. Is she Egyptian? I literally regret the time I wasted watching this ridiculous episode.
يعنى اى كلكم عرب و كلكم بتتكلموا انجليزى يجب احياء اللغه العربيه بجد فى قلوب العرب إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآناً عَرَبِيّاً لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ الشعوب تحى لغتها و احنا بنخليها تندثر عيب علينا بجد
THS IS SO COOL !!! I am 8 minutes in .. and it takes one to know one Maryam is the Egyptian !! keep it up girl keep swingin the vibe .. we.shy only her would know you go maryam !! .. dina and ahmad maybe yea, they're really good.. Maryam is THE Egyptian..
اللجنه اصلا معلش يعني ، متهيألي انهم مش عايشين ف مصر وفي حاجات اصلا مش عارفينها ، ومفيش نظام ف طريقة الاسئله كان نفسي ادخل اسألهم انا 😂 ، واختيار المشاركين اصلا بوظ الدنيا ، لان مينفعش تجيب حد ميعرفش حاجه عن مصر ، امال هنعرفه ازاي ، لازم المشارك يبقي عاش ف مصر لو هو مش مصري ولو مصري وعايش بره اهله يكونوا مرتبطين بالثقافه المصريه ،عشان يلخبطنا ونقدر نطلع المصري بجد .
Justice for Maryam! 😭🥲
How didn’t you vote Ahmed out after he said the song is not Egyptian…izay?
I mean … 😏😏😏
@@QQ-bf3pb hes ight actually, i can confirm it as an egyptian. The song wasnt made by an egyptian artist, only the lyrics had been sung in an egyptian dialect
@@Em.hearts8 no check your knowledge, the composer is Mohamed said an Egyptian composer, very famous one by the way. So it is an Egyptian song.
bro you spoiled it for those who checked comments first
بنقول مصري و"افتخر" عادي على فكرة
مش عارف من الولا العبيط المصري اللي جايبنو حركاتو مشكوك فيها اصلا 😂😂
ايوه محمد طارق ال imposter
هو قالها ب اكسنت بلاد الشام اكثر
ايوة محدش انا مصري و فخور هي مصري و افتخر
اللجنة محتجالها لجنة
بنقول افتخر عادي ، بنقول ستو عادي بس الشائع " تيتة ، نينة ، نانا "
ستو وتيتة اكتر دلوقتي شائعة
@musicofabutterfly6408 أنا وأخواتي لسه بنقول نينة
بالمناسبة هي اصلا كلمة تركية أصلها Nana أو babaanne .
بس مبنقاش مصريين لو محطناش التاتش بتاعتنا ف بقا نينا
بنقول نانا عادى وفى الاصل الكلمه دى صينى معناها جدتى
@@Evronia. طب يعني اي علاقتنا ب الصين ولا عمرنا اتأثرنا بثقافتها ولا أخدنا ولا ادينها حاجة 😂
ف المنطقي أن أصل الكلية تركي عشان الاتراك اللي عاشوا في مصر اكتر من ميت سنة
الشاب اللي لابس تي شيرت احمر ده ذكي جدا ، قفشهم كلهم والله بس حسيت مكسل يوضح وجهة نظره 😂😂😂😂❤
ما تقولش كده 🤣
هو ايه الذكاء انى اجيب بنت مش عاشت اصلا غير سنتين في مصر واقول انها مصرية بامارة ايه اصلا ؟؟
this is not fair by all ways !!
In my opinion, the way the producers handled the show by bringing in someone with Egyptian genes but who only lived in Egypt for two years wasn't fair. Cause Mohamed Tarek questions were so Egyptian, If someone has lived in Egypt for a long time would have answered correctly. That's why Dina got the answers right because she's lived in Egypt her whole life. Plus, Dina looks a little like the Egyptian swimmer Farida Osman, so I had this feeling she was Egyptian since she knew so much about Egypt. They should have picked someone who had lived in Egypt for at least 5 or 6 years to really understand and answer those questions. Throughout the episode, I never expected Mariam to be the Egyptian one because she didn’t seem to know much about Egypt at all.
Calm down
her outfit literally gave egyptian wth
@larah2midher am7i skin tone looks very Egyptian
Both sides of my family are Egyptian, but I'm born and raised in Australia. I still speak Arabic fluently, would've easily answered every single question, and even given some better than the judges. It depends on how you're raised.
@@kirolosjohn3172 that too!!
بجد ازاي اقارن واحدة عايشة في مصر مع ناااس عمرها ما راحت هنااك هي دينا غصبا عن الكل بجد 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Honestly, It is very unfair for a born and raised Dina to be called "not Egyptian" just because her parents are from another country. Technically speaking, she is Egyptian!
Honestly no but it's my opinion bc it's like a Korean person saying my mom and dad are korean but I was born and raised in egypt so technically no cuz she doesn't have any egyptian DNA nor her parents
As an Egyptian, I say she is still not Egyptian😃
@riko7361 that's pretty stupid, 99.5% of humans are identical. Having a different eye shape doesn't really mean much, I would say someone with Korean parents born and raised in Egypt is much more Egyptian than someone with Egyptian parents born and raised in the US and barely speaks the language or visits the country
Having Egyptian roots would be a better description..
No egyptian roots, not an egyptian
اللجنة عبيطة هي بتقولو انت مش مصري عشان لونك مش قمحي، هي مشافتش مصريين لون عينهم أزرق و لا شقر ؟ لجنة أصلا نصها معلوماته غبية و النص الثاني مستنيين يكون الواحد عربكي عشان يحسو بال vibe معه...
فيديو بضان يعني
علشان اللي شقر وعيونهم زرقاء قليلين فشخ
@@funnyvideos-qt7li لا مش قليلين بس إللي عينهم خضراء اكثر من اللي عينهم زرقاء بس كده
جيرانا كلهم فيهم العيون الخضراء
+ هم واخدين فكرة إنه المصري لازم يبقى قمحي
فده عبط في دماغهم حتى محمد طارق إللي في لجنة اتعصب لفيفي
ومتعصبش للكلام العنصري إللي هم بيقولوه
@@funnyvideos-qt7li لكن عددهم بالملايين في مصر
انا مش فاهمة فعلا بيجيبوا لجنة مش مصريين يتفزلكوا علينا ليه ويقولوا افكارهم الخاطئة تماما والمستفزة جدا
Dina should be granted citizenship 😂
Egyptians do say “aftakher” and “sitto”. The experts at the table just didn’t know that because none of them have stayed long enough in Egypt. Mohammed acts like he knows it all but I guarantee he wouldn’t have answered any real questions about Egypt if he was in the line
maryam getting eliminated before jody and abdullah who don't even look egyptian will never sit right with me
As an Egyptian Abdullah does look Egyptian tbh, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was him.
@@alyfarid5202 عبدالله شكله مش مصري خالص
@@ahmedmokhtar9140 No he definitely does, I have seen many people that look like him and I have lived in Egypt for 20 years.
Actually he kinda looks more Egyptian than Maryam. It's stupid that they just excluded her because she was so polite 🙄 not all Egyptians are like Abdallah and Dina "not Egyptians but they got the vibes"
She was excluded because she knows almost nothing about Egypt @@kirolosjohn3172
This is messed up cos if Maryam doesn’t know anything about Egypt, then how can anyone guess her? DNA test?? 😅 what’s the point in asking questions in the first place when she has ZERO clue about anything
omg, yes! A big mistake from who choose the participants, not from the "judges"
Of course we say و افتخر
Never heard of “ Egyptian و فخور " !!!
So provocative of yall !!
You brought the Egyptian that never lived in Egypt and knows nothing and actually a gen z , so she knows nothing about Egypt
I'm egyptian and I say "أفتخر" I don't see the problem
مصرية وأفتخر عادي إيه المشكلة؟
As an Egyptian, this was painful to watch; the questions asked were freaking horrible
ديه freaking بدل fuc*king يعني ؟
Exactly 😂
Exactly 😢
I can't get enough of how beautifully gorgeous Egyptians are, from the looks to personality to humor, they got it all 🇵🇭💞🇪🇬
المصريين مش بيقولوا افتخر ؟؟؟
دى لجنة تحكيم مالهاش دعوه بمصر
As an Egyptian based on the first round I thought it was either Ahmed, Dina or Abdullah cause of the looks and how they answered the questions. I didn’t even consider Maryam. I thought it was Abdullah the whole time until the last round I changed to Dina. I’m disappointed in myself. 😂
احنا بنقول مصري وافتخر انت ضايع المصري اللي ف لجنة التحكيم
The second Ahmed said that the song was not Egyptian which is Egyptian, I immediately knew he was a Lebanese. Also, Dina saying that Egyptians are mixed again knew she was not Egyptian. Egyptians do say Falafel, guys it is literally our Language. Overall this episode is very disappointing and it is not based on Egypt, but rather on stereotypes. Please guys be mindful about your comments because some of them sounded a bit racist and ignorant.
Only Alexanderians say falafel, 99% of Egypt say طعمية
Cairo is the only place that says “Taameya” and I don’t understand why they say it in a way other than its original pronunciation. Falafel is the Egyptian pronunciation that all Egyptians outside Cairo use.
@@vincenthanna6109 did u visit every single city in Egypt?
@@vincenthanna6109 Did you visit every single city in Egypt?
In upper Egypt we say falafel @@vincenthanna6109
Dina is 1000% Egyptian 😂
Abdulrahman was a senior at my school. Happy to see him again and in youtube.
i thought his name was Abdullah?
T shirt “Leltak soda”😂
WHAT! I 100% thought Dina was Egyptian
Sge is egyptian but with Lebanese and greek roots
She said raised in where?@@user-zt7ie9rr1x
We need more videos with this iconic squad 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
🤝 say less 🤝
مريم مصرية مش محتاجة دا نمط شكلها مكرر كتير عندنا فى مصر
ودينا كمان و بتتكلم مصري احسن منها
@@ahmedelkhwaga2751بس شكلها واضح مش مصرية يااوربية يا شامية
guys abdullah looks and sounds even in english 100% Palestinian.. ahmed really looked like an Egyptian actor.. I was so fixated on ahmed the whole time I messed maryam.. over all it was a very funny episode..
Where is Ahmed from?
طبعا اول واحد عرفت انه يمني ع طول ،، والي مش مصريين حيبذللو جهد اكبر ليثبتوا مثل دينا واحمد،،، مريم كان باين انها مصرية لانها اكيد بتحاول تخفي الموضوع عشان تصعب عليهم 🤷🏻♀️ غير كذا ياريت كان البرنامج بالعربي بصراحة مش عارفة ليه بالانجلش
Because it's not made for Egyptians only and not everyone in this video can speak Arabic also if they used Arabic it'd reveal who's Egyptian so easily
في منهم كان مش بيتكلم عربي خالص ، دا غير ان البرنامج معمول ف دبي الي نسبه الاجانب فيها كتيير جدا ف لازم يخلوه انجلش عشان ناس تشوفه
زي ما كومنت تاني قال انه مش كله بيتكلم عربي ,, لهجات البلد العربية مش كلها مفهومة زي المصري , ف اللغة المشتركة انجلش ,, في برامج زي دي مصرية بيتكلموا مصري لو عايزة تشوفيها بس دا مخصص انه يتكلموا اندلش و كل واحد براحته
انا اسكندراني واحب اقلك ان مريم ملهاش اي علاقه بينا ك اسكندرانيه عكس دينا بقا ال مصريه 100% حتي هي قالت انها مولوده و متربيه في مصر .
وانت تجمع ليه الاسكندرانيه يا روح خالتك؟؟؟ البت شكلها مصري اساسا ودينل مش مصريه حتى لو اتولدت واتربت هنا هى لبنانيه واهلها لبنانيين ومعاها جنسية لبنانية مقيمة في مصر على راسنا هو ايه الجهل ده@@Eslam-Lukas
She said سحلب make sense 😂
Exactly what I said
But that’s all she said, Abdullah and Dina were banging all the questions.
@@moustafaahmedelsayedmohame9978 😂😂
No because most Arabs drink سحلب
A group of judges that don't know anything about being Egyptian (except for Mohammed)
10:50 Lentil soup LENTIL SOUP
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 شوربة عااااااادس شوربة عدس ده ثقافة امهات مصر كلها
Yeah, but it's not just winter food. We eat it year round.
@nicolehansen9292 yeah but in egypt with the first cold breeze you know 100% there's a lentil soup in the kitchen when you get back home
@@nicolehansen9292 no its a winter food bro, every egyptian eat it in dec-jan-feb mostly
شوربة عااااااادس شوربة عااااااادس 😭😭
She's born and raised in Egypt how does that not count. Does she not have Egyptian citisenzhip at least??! The game is not fair.
5:36 as Egyptian i can confirm that he really said احا😂
من اول لما قالت سحلب عرفت انها مصرية ازاي بجد محدش خد باله
عشان مطيورين ومعرفش شاربين ايه قبل الحلقة عالهيبرة دي
@@H.Granger-sf7sf محسوبين علينا مصريين وخلاص واحد قضي معظم حياته في السعودية والتانية طول عمرها عايشة في امريكا اختيارهم غير موفق ابدا وللاسف يمثلونا اسما فقط انا وانا بتفرج كنت هتجنن ده مشروب السحلب ده مصري لاقصي درجة وخصوصا سؤال المدعو محمد طارق اه شوربة العدس مشهورة في الشتا لكن السحلب المشروب المتربع علي عرش الشتاء في مصر
@@amjadassal4634يسطا عايز من محمد طارق بجد دا اكتر. انسان ممكن يتاخد في حملة لتحديد النسل علشان يقضي علي نسل البشرية دا غير انه السحلب هو اشهر حاجة في الشتا مع الحلبسة انما العدس احنا مبنعملوش أساساً
@@amjadassal4634 هو قال اكلة
معظمهم مش مصريين
أنا بصراحة حبيت الفكرة لكن محبتش طريقة تقديمها ولا اللي بيقدموها ويعني ايه مش مصري عشان اللون مش قمحي هي لو فاهمة كويس أن فينا الأشقر والاسمر والقمحي مش هتقول كدة 😏😏
So nobody could recognise the way he said "معكرونة بالبشاميل"! 😂 he was definitely not an Egyptian
The winter food was the best evidence, when mariam said that she drinks " sahlab", she was the only one to tell smth acceptable , on the other hand, no one knew "koshari" even the one born and raised in Egypt which shows that Dina's family still stuck with their traditional food
Arabic العربية 👇
The question that can help to decided who is the Egyptian but not live in Egypt and who is lived in Egypt but not Egyptian is at 10:51 what do the Egyptian eat in the winter? Ahmed don't know, Maryam know what the Egyptian drink but don't know what the eat that prove she is Egyptian but not live in Egypt and dina said similar food but wrong that means she live in Egypt but her family is not Egyptian because this question all member of any Egyptian family know the right answer
السؤال اللي حدد مين مصري بس عايش بره مصر ومين عايش جوه مصر بس مش مصري؟ ايه الاكل الشائعة في الشتاء ف مصر احمد مش عارف يبقي مش مصر مريم قالت عيلتها بتعمل سحلب ودي حقيقة بس مشروب مش اكلة ف ده يثبت انها من أسرة مصرية بس مش عايشة في مصر ودينا جاوبت اكلة مشابه بس عامة واي اسرة مصرية عارفة العدس دايما واجبة في الشتاء وده يدل انها مش من اسرة مصرية بس عايشة في مصر
A true expert 👏
Guys, you should specify who is an Egyptian. If you were Born and raised in Egypt you are an Egyptian in my opinion. If you meant etnically egyptian you should specify it.
Exactly, Dina is technically Egyptian.
Your opinion is not important, as we Egyptians are the only ones who determine who is Egyptian and who is not, and Dina is Lebanese, just a refugee in our country, and she will leave one day because we will expel all these people from our lands. She is Egyptian and does not know lentil soup lol
To be fair, being Egyptian , I wouldn’t have guessed Maryam at all and Dina does make the most sense. And based off the explanation we got from both women, Dina is more Egyptian basically for us. 🤣🇪🇬
Now regarding the judges, I wouldn’t say the egyptian judges asked the right Egyptian questions or followed through the right ones.
جودي بعد سؤال الشوربه الخضراء اللي بتتشرب فالشتاء وردت قالت ملوخيه وانا اتاكدت انها عمرها ما تكون مصريه😂 الحلقه تحفه بجد❤
21:38 He said ma3karona guys, it's makarona in Egyptian way, there is no letter عين😂😂😂
Exactly!!! How didn't they notice
A true expert 👏
A True Egyptian**😂❤🇪🇬@@DoseofEmirates
اختارو اهطل واحد مصري علشان يبقى حكم، انت دليل ان ربنا كبير
I knew it was Myriam but sadly it was from a question I would have never asked, can you dance?
She was the only one who danced like an Egyptian woman.
Dina was obviously Lebanese but I would have guessed her best friend is Egyptian, it was obvious from her accent.
Right? Why does she have such a Lebanese accent?
Num 1: how do you say tomato in Arabic?
Yem🇾🇪: طماطم
A lot of Egyptians say طماطم it's actually more common than اوطة
إحنا بنقول طماطم عادي يعني
استحيتو تقدمو البرنامج باللغة العربية ولا ايش قصة الانجليزية؟... هو برنامج مستوحى من برنامج غربي وهوما عندهم قدموه بالانجليزية لانها لغتهم واحنا ماعندناش لغة؟
I am Egyptian and I prefer it to be in English. Not everyone speaks Arabic in this show whether who present it or who comes to be guessed
البيروفية دي هتتعلم مصري مخصوص و تظبط اللهجة مخصوص عشان الفيديو ده ؟ و الباقيين بردو مش كلهم هيعرفوا يظبطوا اللهجة و هيتفهم بسهولة مين مصري و مين لا من لهجته و مريم نفسها المصرية فعلا طلعت مش بتتكلم عربي
@@kirolosjohn3172 لا . المصريين مش هيفضلوا البرنامج يكون بالانجليزي ، ولا مصري هيحب كده 😄 انت اكيد عايش بره فترة طويلة فقط 👍
@@musicofabutterfly6408 انا مصري زيه وعمري ما سافرت برا مصر - إلا مرة واحدة وكانت عمرة - وأفضل البرنامج يكون كده بالإنجليزي عشان التواصل يبقي أسهل. أساسًا يعني كده البرنامج ممتع أكتر، عشان لو كان الكلام باللهجة المصرية كانت الأحكام هتبقي أسرع.
@@musicofabutterfly6408 انا عمري ما طلعت بره مصر اصلا 😁 ال17 سنة اللي عيشتهم كلهم على تراب الوطن 😅
لازم يبانوا انهم قد اي ناس مثقفة وبتتكلم انجليزي دا احنا الانجليزي قعدوا عندنا سنين وايام عمرنا ما اتكلمنا انجليزي زيهم انما دول لا يمثلونا حتي ولا عرب زينا
No way Dina is not an Egyptian!! technically born and raised so 100% egyptaian, i literally stumble upon hundreds Dinas in the streets everyday lol
يبني مصرية ،ما احنا عارفين إن في في مصر جالية يونانية و لبنانين من زمان من أين الملك فاروق و لا عارفين أي حاجة عن لبنان أو اليونان هو كلمتين ،و اغلبهم عندهم جنسية مصرية ف هي مصرية مش عارف ايه العبط ده ، و كنت عارف إن فيها عرف لبناني أو شامي عشان عارف الجاليات دي كويس في مصر ،لكن هي مصرية ثقافيا
I knew Maryam right away she look so Egyptian how they didn't notice but to be fair Dina looked Egyptian too she was giving maadi vibes
Mohamed 100% egyption because he chose el mozaa
Mariam said Sa7lab ...this is a document it self .she shouldn't be eliminated early at least. On The other hand, Dina culturally is more Egyptian than any one in the room. Even more than the panelists.
As an Egyptian watching this episode really got me mad, If you have to bring one Egyptian to a show in Dubai try to pick a REAL Egyptian either born, raised or just has the ability to SPEAK Arabic, Beside the judges aren't 1% close to Egyptians Except for Mohamed Tarek, he is the only one who is real Egyptian and seriously it would have taken a million year for him to discover That Maryam is the real one
Could have been better to bring someone who kind of Speaks Arabic and then they go cheating could have been more fun and more realistic and it's way too easy to find in Dubai as lots of Egyptians live and work there
For me I didn't like the episode despite being curious to know who the Egyptian is but that's a shame to the creators. DISLIKE from me
As an Egyptian, this is so offending, especially for those who ask and claim they are Egyptian
im egyptian but i didnt live there and I cant show im an egyptian
justice for the judges
BORN and RAISED so she is Egyptian. I am born and raised in USA and I consider myself in every single way American FIRST but of a middle eastern ethnicity.
maryam deserved more screentime smh :'((
as a 19 year old from egy i knew it was maryam right away because the tube top with a button up underneath is ONLYYYY done in egypt literallyyyy
Honestly this should be a good example for the judges to not judge from appearance.
Firstly Egyptians come in all shades and colours, not all are light skinned.
And we live in a time and age where a lot of people are born and raised in a country outside of their country of origin dna wise.
Lastly the reasons some of the judges come up with are plain stupid giving uneducated.
Felt the same with “guess the African video”
Anyway I guess these videos could be a way to raise awareness 😊
Wallahi from the beginning I knew it wasn’t Dina and it was a plot twist. She said it herself that she lived in Egypt all her life so Ofcourse she knows everything but that doesn’t make her Egyptian. Plus why would they bring someone who knows soooooo much about Egypt the game would be too easy. It still was a tough one tho😂
حاسة ان اختيار المتسابقين غلط وانه طبيعى يشكو إذا كان المصرية عمرها ماعاشت فى مصر واللى مش مصرية عايشة طول عمرها فى مصر 😂
البرنامج في حاجات كتير غلط ثانيا المصرين متنوعين من حيث الشكل مفيش حاجه اسمها اصل ده اسمر وده ابيض بزياده المصريين معروفين انهم حلوين من حيث الشكل ثالثا انتو جايبين واحده مصريه معشتش في مصر خالص وجايبين واحده مش مصريه لكنها عاشت وعارفه حاجات اكتر منها رابعا احمد طارق ده انا مش عارف هو مصري ازاي والله
محتاجين تستحمو كلكو بجد ❤
يلا ورينا وشك يا نجيب يا ريتك عارف تكتب اسمك صح 😂
The move Dina did with the finger on the face is so Moroccan do Egyptians do it too ?!!!!! 😮
I was sure it was Maryam when she said Sahlab excitedly 11:04
That was amazing guys❤
Keep going on........
Didn’t finish yet but everyone answered the pharoh question wrong, if they’d gone through درسات in إعدادي they’d know the answer to the first pharoh is the founder Mina موحد القطرين
3200 BC. Dina did make the weather joke from year 4 درسات that everyone knows though.
As an egyptain I KNEWWWW it. Wallahi mohamed disappointed
No it was hard,i didn’t know too, she so not egyption
@@BasmalaMohamed-l9ii disagree, I could immediately tell the background of each of them and I think just from Maryam’s looks even it was obvious she’s an Egyptian who lived abroad and I could tell dina was just born and raised there but not proper Egyptian.
her outfit gave "diga pants" vibes wallahi i knew it the moment she entered LOL
@@BasmalaMohamed-l9i look at her pants bro and outfit LMAO its so diga pants coded istg
@larah2mid brbr *googling Diga Pants rn*
Dina’s character and attitude is very Egyptian.
The guy with the red t-shirt either he is so smart or he has trust issues 😂
@kindyman if you see this, awaiting your response 👀
Your problem is that you like one in the beginning and forget all the rest and try to make them wrong
اللى طلعت مصرية معاشتش فى مصر ولا تعرف اى حاجة لكن دينا اللى فازت واضح انها عمرها كله فى مصر وعلشان كدا صعب قوى الاختيار يبقى صح
اخصيني كمان و كمان يا محمد يا طارق
Mohamed is the most ironic person we can call Egyptian
Mariam said "sahalllab " how didnt they choose herr😳
هو الولد الحكم المصرى اللى مع مى اللى مش مبطل كلام دة ..جاى منين عملى توتر طول الحلقة وفى الاخر ولا طلع بيعرف حاجة وعامل فذلوكة ع الفاضى.. والله انصح واحد فيهم الولد الحكم اللبنانى
Aftakhir is also definitely Egyptian too 😂 I’ve never heard someone say Ana Masry w Fa5oor 😂 it’s always Ana Masry w afta5ir
بنقول وافتخر عادي بس بطريقة مختلفة بنكسر التاء وافتخِر وفي ناس بتقولها بتاء مفتوحة عادي، وكمان مش بننطق الهمزة في كل الأفعال، بنقول بفتخر موصولة كأنها مفيش همزة أصلا waftekher مش waʔftakher
مثال تاني بشرب باكل
Guess the Libyan next please!! 🇱🇾
Arabs themselves know nothing about Libyan !
Abdallah said ma3karona bachamel (معكرونة بشاميل) Egyptians say makarona without the ع، I knew immediately he wasn’t a Gippo, the first guy as well and same with Ahmed. I was torn between Dina and the girl from Peru but I never suspected Maryam to be the one
I wanna say something to you guys, I'm living in Dubai, and there are many, and I mean many Arabic people who can be Egyptians!.
They got our accent, style, and look.
It's easy for Arabic to seem Egyptians.
But to be Egyptian 100% isn't easy at all.
6:48 that’s the most unegyptian thing i ever heard in my life 😂😂
I knew it was Maryam for a fact from the beginning!
I am fully Egyptian and I didn’t get it 😭
كانت باينه اوى انها مريم من سؤال العدس لانها قالت فى الاول سحلب ومحدش عارفه و بعدين لما محمد طارق قال عدس قالت ااااااه ف حين ان كلهم استغربوا ان محمد يقصد العدس
I think this episode is not fair. Literally, not all of them are Egyptian. Even Mariam only lived in Egypt for two years. Is she Egyptian? I literally regret the time I wasted watching this ridiculous episode.
مريم قالت سحلب يا جماعه كانت فضلت للاخر حتي مفروض ياخدوا بالهم من التفاصيل دي
مش سحلب اصلا . العدس
Kalamek sa7!
@@musicofabutterfly6408بتشرب سحلب عادي
Dina is an Egyptian
Dina is definitely Egyptian idc. Born and raised means Egyptian ❤️
يجماعة فوقوا أنتو بتعملوا إيه،اختلاط وتبرج وخضوع بالقول
نسيتوا الموت ؟
Did you forget death?
يعنى اى كلكم عرب و كلكم بتتكلموا انجليزى
يجب احياء اللغه العربيه بجد فى قلوب العرب
إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآناً عَرَبِيّاً لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ
الشعوب تحى لغتها و احنا بنخليها تندثر
عيب علينا بجد
THS IS SO COOL !!! I am 8 minutes in .. and it takes one to know one Maryam is the Egyptian !! keep it up girl keep swingin the vibe .. we.shy only her would know you go maryam !! .. dina and ahmad maybe yea, they're really good.. Maryam is THE Egyptian..
I cant believe I'll carry on after they kicked mariam out!!! This is 3eyaaaaaaaaaaaat ;(
7amdellah 3al salama !!! habebety .... i knew it
guys it mariam from the way she dressed
كنت حاسه انها مريم والله العظيم بسبب الكروب توب اللي هي لابساه 😂😂
اللجنه اصلا معلش يعني ، متهيألي انهم مش عايشين ف مصر وفي حاجات اصلا مش عارفينها ، ومفيش نظام ف طريقة الاسئله كان نفسي ادخل اسألهم انا 😂 ، واختيار المشاركين اصلا بوظ الدنيا ، لان مينفعش تجيب حد ميعرفش حاجه عن مصر ، امال هنعرفه ازاي ، لازم المشارك يبقي عاش ف مصر لو هو مش مصري ولو مصري وعايش بره اهله يكونوا مرتبطين بالثقافه المصريه ،عشان يلخبطنا ونقدر نطلع المصري بجد .
يعني أنت معرفتيش إنها مصرية من شكلها
هي وأحمد شكلهم مصريين أصلا يعني وفي منهم كتير
هي المفاجأة إن أحمد طلع مش مصري
أنا كان بالنسبة ليا أكيد مصري
In next video we need GUESS THE ALGERIAN .
i bet they dont know anything about it besides stereotypes...none of them is algerian, they would just judge based on stereotypes honestly
Nobody asked the tall guy in white shirt where he’s from?!
We need a GUESS THE TUNISIAN episode 🌶🌶🇹🇳
Calling the producers rn!
I knew ahmad was lebanese from the second he spoke lol
“TUTANKHAMUN” from the 18 dynasty is the first pharaoh!!
الله اكبر ايه الحلاوه دى
واحد قال رمسيس و التانية قالت توت عنخ امون و هم تحمسوا اوي باجابتين انيل من بعض..... لو حد كان قال مينا و توحيد القطرين بس ..