(234) Justin Peters: The Morass of Seeker Sensitive

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024
  • Seminar held at Salem church in Stavanger, Norway. 9.mai 2015
    (3 camera). Toleranse, snillhet, godhet. Er dette det kristne budskap?
    (Alle disse seminarene på engelsk vil bli lagt ut igjen med norsk tekst om noen uker)

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @nowic3921
    @nowic3921 3 роки тому +249

    Why has this not gone viral. This is almost 6 years ago and is so relevant to today. I wish I had heard this at that time. God Bless Justin Peters!

    • @babysosa4830
      @babysosa4830 3 роки тому +11

      We MUST follow the gospel as shown to us in the Holy Bible through the Holy Bible.

    • @babysosa4830
      @babysosa4830 3 роки тому +12

      I suppose this has been attacked by Satan and his demons. Jesus is LORD AND ONE DAY HE IS COMING BACK AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. PRAISE YOU LORD JESUS. I LOVE YOU.

    • @steshajan
      @steshajan 3 роки тому +3


    • @edwinluna6582
      @edwinluna6582 3 роки тому

      @@babysosa4830 have

    • @vspec17
      @vspec17 3 роки тому +15

      It hasn't gone viral because it's true. I'm sure you know this, I don't wish to condescend.

  • @carlmorgan8452
    @carlmorgan8452 Рік тому +30

    Listening to your videos is like getting college degree to me. I'm just seeking the Truth. Thanks 😇

  • @aisforamerica2185
    @aisforamerica2185 3 роки тому +113

    This man's ministry is a blessing.

    • @randyhaybin7751
      @randyhaybin7751 3 роки тому +4

      His fault finding is exhausting. Perhaps he could teach discernment so ppl dont follow false teachers. His messages are 80% criticism, 19 % self promotion and 1 % teaching.

    • @iancampbell1494
      @iancampbell1494 3 роки тому +11

      @@randyhaybin7751 the criticism is the teaching. The criticism is justified and lacks hypocrisy and is therefore just. These movements have gone without criticism for far to long, the evangelical community has promoted them through complacency and that is the root of the issue, which is the creation and maintaining of false Christian converters, the slander of Gods Word, and the mockery of the Body of Christ. I hope this man criticizes until God takes him.

    • @mikerutkowski7265
      @mikerutkowski7265 3 роки тому +1

      Justin Peters is a deceived soul who is twisting verses of scripture to justify why he has cerebral palsy. He foolishly believes that his disability is a blessing from God and he is adding to the word of God in order to promote his lies. Sickness is not a blessing from God since it is definitely a curse and all you need to do is read Deuteronomy 28:58-61 to prove my point.
      “If you do not carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name, THE Lord YOUR GOD, then the LORD will bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues-great and prolonged plagues-and serious and prolonged sicknesses. Moreover He will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt, of which you were afraid, and they shall cling to you. Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the LORD bring upon you until you are destroyed.”
      ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭28:58-61‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      He and many others foolishly believe that Paul’s thorn in the flesh was a sickness and these people clearly prove that they do not understand God or scripture. What does a thorn in the flesh do? Well it causes pain and suffering. Just as Jesus suffered in the wilderness by being tempted by Satan, Jesus then allowed Satan to tempt Paul in order to make him stronger in the Holy Spirit.
      “And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
      ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭12:7-10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      If Paul was able to remove the sickness from everyone who came to him then what could possibly make anyone think that he was someone who had sickness in his life? Couldn’t Paul just remove the sickness from himself as he did with those who came to him for healing? Plus if Paul was bitten by a venomous snake and yet it did no harm to him how could anyone possibly believe that Paul was someone who could then get sick himself? Many people are deceived in their beliefs and they do not understand that Paul’s infirmity was a physical weakness or ailment and it definitely was not a sickness.
      Next, I want you to understand that there are over 2000 different bible versions that all have different translations, words and different meanings and a lot of these bible versions are leading many souls astray. If you watch Justin Peter’s visit to Charis Bible College video you will see him reference the NASB1995 version of Exodus 4:11-12 to justify his cerebral palsy since he is insinuating that God is the one who is making people have sickness and disabilities.
      “The LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭4:11‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      So if you read this version of the Bible, yes it does state that God makes human beings blind, deaf or mute. But know I want to give you another Bible version and show you how it reads:
      “So the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?
      Exodus‬ ‭4:11 NKJV‬‬
      When you read this version it is not stating that God made them mute, deaf or blind but that God made the individual, whether they were someone who was deaf, mute or blind. God is not saying that He inflicted the disability on them. God loves you and He wants you to be healthy for He is the God who heals you. So why would a loving God who loves you and heals you want to make you sick?
      Now allow me to give you a couple of other scriptures that misguided souls often like to use just as Justin Peters just did in his Visit to Charis Bible College video. (1 Timothy 5:23 and Galatians 4:13.) Realize that most of these people are probably reading from a bible version that has translated the word infirmity into meaning a sickness. Look here:
      “No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.”
      ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:23‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      “No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.”
      I Timothy‬ ‭5:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬
      “But you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time;”
      ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      “You know that because of physical infirmity I preached the gospel to you at the first.”
      Galatians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NKJV‬
      An infirmity means a physical weakness or ailment or a lack of strength but yet certain bible versions have translated this to mean a sickness. This is why the only truthful way for you to gain your knowledge of scripture is to learn it directly from Jesus Himself through testing the Spirits as commanded in 1 John 4. Sin and sickness is strictly of the devil and sickness reveals they we are disobeying God and living in sin. God made it very clear that He would remove sickness and disease from anyone who did not sin and who would obey what He commanded in scripture. This is why the devil can no longer put his afflictions on anyone who is truly born of God because they are now someone who can no longer sin since they are now being guided by God’s Holy Spirit.
      “And said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭15:26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days.”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭23:25-26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “And the LORD will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you.”
      ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭7:15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.”
      ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV
      “HE WHO SINS IS OF THE DEVIL, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. WHOEVER HAS BEEN BORN OF GOD DOES NOT SIN, for His seed remains in him; AND HE CANNOT SIN, because he has been born of God.”
      ‭‭I John‬ ‭3:8-9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      So scripture clearly relates that anyone who sins belongs to the devil and whoever is born of God does not sin and cannot sin. There are no scriptures that ever relate that a sinner belongs to God or that a sinner is a child of God! There are no scriptures that ever relate that a believer will always sin or that a believer can never stop sinning! There are no scriptures that ever relate that sickness would be a normal part of this life or that a Christian will possess sickness in their life! You can look all that you like but you certainly will not find any such scripture to back up those lies. God commanded us to live a Holy and righteous life and this can only be achieved by being someone who overcomes their sins.
      Psalm 107:17. “Fools, because of their transgression, And because of their iniquities, were afflicted.”
      Know what this means? First transgression, it means an act that goes against a rule, a law or a code of conduct. Next iniquity, it means a wicked act or thing, sin. Finally, affliction, it means something that causes persistent pain or suffering. Translated it is saying that you are a fool if you do not follow God’s laws and commands and you go and sin because you will then have pain, suffering and sickness.
      Believers who are suffering with a sickness, a disease or a disability are not comprehending what scripture is relating and this is why have allowed sin and the devil to destroy their lives. They do not understand that Jesus provided us with a way to overcome sin and sickness in this lifetime and that was by allowing His Holy Spirit to sanctify our hearts in God’s word and truth.
      So Justin Peters is nothing more then a minister for the devil who is leading people astray with his false and misguided interpretations of scripture and he is simply spreading lies in order to justify why his sinful soul still possesses cerebral palsy.

    • @iancampbell1494
      @iancampbell1494 3 роки тому +7

      @@mikerutkowski7265 I hope you find right teaching somewhere in your life.

    • @mikerutkowski7265
      @mikerutkowski7265 3 роки тому

      @@iancampbell1494 your lost and deceived soul can still sin and you can still get sick and you clearly have no idea what that even means so write back to me if you ever figure it out

  • @jennynantz7039
    @jennynantz7039 4 роки тому +62

    I have been so blessed that the Lord lead me to your teachings.

  • @naturalhealing4u
    @naturalhealing4u 3 роки тому +127

    We need more pastors like Justin Peters. He very clearly preaches the truth and reveals the deception of the false prophets.

    • @stevejeffries1603
      @stevejeffries1603 2 роки тому +1

      Definitely his ministry is good no problem
      Unfortunately though in reality he does not display the fruits of spirits as he can he is rude

    • @naturalhealing4u
      @naturalhealing4u 2 роки тому +4

      @@stevejeffries1603 I haven't seen every video or appearance he's made, so I can't attest to him being rude. From what I've seen so far, he appears to be level-headed about the statements he makes on various topics. It's all based on observation that anyone can plainly see with these false teachers.

    • @lifeofatruckerswife
      @lifeofatruckerswife Рік тому +2

      @@stevejeffries1603 is it him being rude, or is it him calling out the false teaching of charlatans?
      I mean no disrespect, just a question...I haven't watched much of Justin's teaching

    • @brycethorpe434
      @brycethorpe434 Рік тому

      Agree with Steve. One doesn't need to attack Methodists, Presbyterians or Anglicans. As part of sharing the Gospel, we just need to speak truth about abortion, homosexuality, and women in leadership roles. Whoever is adopting those things is subject to truth. I don't agree with Beth Moore teaching men. But comparing her teaching to spam is simply dishonest and untrue. Her Bible teaching, which my wife sat under for many years, was filled with in-depth, accurate, study of God's word. That accurate teaching is not negated because she shouldn't be teaching men. The new testament Church has a clear focus. Sharing the gospel. But we don't have to attack people who are sharing biblical principles about being a better dad, a better mom, or a better financial steward. Those are all part of shepherding the church and a pastor has a responsibility to do that. If it is being done at the expense of preaching the gospel, there is a problem. It is simple enough to present that without attacking a bunch of churches. The idea that homosexuality is God's judgment is totally and completely false. God did not use sin to punish us. The idea of leaving us to our own devices is very simple. We are sinful! The Holy Spirit will convict people who are saved and God will knock on the door of those who aren't. But there is a point at which, if you have rejected his truth often enough, he will leave you to your own devices (whether homosexuality, lying, stealing, gossiping, adultery, or any other unrepentant sin). That is vastly different than God judging us WITH homosexuality. God cannot coexist with sin so He certainly doesn't give it to us. He does give us free will and we choose sin.
      Finally, I do not attend a seeker friendly, or seeker sensitive, church. But painting them all with the brush of Joel Osteen is, again, simply dishonest. There are Southern Baptist churches that have tried to become more seeker friendly. I have visited some of them. Their level of "seeker friendliness" spans a wide spectrum including lively music, relaxed dress code, multimedia, and non-traditional service times. Are all those things bad? I have never heard one of them share Joel Osteen's view that 99.9% of men have a good heart.
      Overall, I'm just very disappointed Justin sees the need to exaggerate, distort, and attack others in order to make what would otherwise be very valid points. It hurts his reputation and it undermines his teaching. There are six things, even seven, the Lord hates. One of them is causing strife with your brothers.

    • @LillyOfTheValley77
      @LillyOfTheValley77 Рік тому +1

      John MacArthur preaches truth like Justin love them, they are a needle in a haystack

  • @jobailey2468
    @jobailey2468 Рік тому +20

    I’m so thankful for this man’s ministry!

  • @stephaniestoner7470
    @stephaniestoner7470 6 років тому +214

    I love his boldness, speaking truth in a calm way.

    • @Lseashel1
      @Lseashel1 5 років тому +10

      stephanie stoner - I agree. A calm voice, is much more comfortable to hear and take in.

    • @timsharpe6652
      @timsharpe6652 4 роки тому +7

      He makes it also pretty easy to understand . He's a bible teacher but a good one . A good one makes it easier to grasp . Sign of a good bible teacher indeed ☺

    • @1celticflyer444
      @1celticflyer444 4 роки тому +1

      Flaming Pie spell it out, where?

    • @dreyko166
      @dreyko166 4 роки тому +1

      Flaming Pie nah hes right u just don’t like the truth so u say it’s wrong

    • @wakeyourface_beauty2060
      @wakeyourface_beauty2060 4 роки тому +1


  • @claydoyle6649
    @claydoyle6649 4 роки тому +45

    So HE centered. So wonderful!
    So respectful and loving toward
    It has taken 50 years, but I love and respect the Gospel more and more every moment. It is all about Christ and it is the power of God unto salvation.
    Thanks be to God

  • @elizabethscott3048
    @elizabethscott3048 2 роки тому +23

    I just discovered Pastor Justin Peters last week. What a biblically solid, wise pastor-teacher-servant. He teaches on subjects I never thought of. Thank you, Pastor Justin!

    • @neufeldethan
      @neufeldethan Рік тому +3

      If you haven’t you should also listen to Paul Washer, and Voddie Baucham

    • @Al_NERi
      @Al_NERi Рік тому

      I discovered Justin Peters on UA-cam just in the past month or so. I'm a "baby" Christian, looking for meaningful, serious teaching and guidance but even I knew it wasn't to be found amongst the charismatics, fraudsters, money beggars and assorted loonies who dominate the "christian" media sphere (small c intended). I've subscribed to his ministry's channel and sought out all the Justin Peters lectures and appearances I can find, as well as other scripture-centered teachers associated with Mr. Peters. Thank The Lord I was lead in the right direction, falsehood abounds everywhere.

  • @truelylyngdoh8644
    @truelylyngdoh8644 4 роки тому +24

    Thank you Justin Peters. I'm in love with your lucid and logical exposition of the Word.

  • @dingusmoped
    @dingusmoped 9 років тому +228

    If only the Church had many many more Justin Peters. What teacher and man of God! His teaching always leaves my heart focused on God and running to the Bible.

    • @Stianchez
      @Stianchez 9 років тому +13

      TW F Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many that finds it, narrow is the gate to life and few who finds it.
      We need to do everything we can, and pull people out of the path to hell with all our might. Most people will go there, I hate this verse, but it is true. Let's fight like Justin Peters and bring the truth no matter what it costs us.
      What im getting at is, do not satisfy yourself with the mediocre view, if only we had more men like Justin peters. You be your neighborhoods Justin peters, you may not have his gift of teaching, or knowledge, but you do have God. Through him everything is possible, big or small.

    • @ricardogarcia5080
      @ricardogarcia5080 8 років тому +1

      Yes very confusing indeed, the Holy Spirit for yrs has yerning for unity in the body if Christ this conferences are useless for what God's will for the church on planet earth

    • @cr3ativetyp396
      @cr3ativetyp396 7 років тому +15

      ricardo garcia Whoever thinks unity without truth pleases God, understands neither truth nor God.

    • @shellybunce8741
      @shellybunce8741 7 років тому +1

      TW F yes I’m so thankful to hear a real man of God for a wonderful change!

    • @albertoarencibia1143
      @albertoarencibia1143 6 років тому

      Well just want to let you know that you can carry his ministry to your church also just got to want to go through a divine hell to put up with all the trials rejection persecution from your own pastor family friends ans surround you . When you mention the gospel of god be ready but don't give up and you'll see yourself . God is able to do the same with you .You want disciple chip there's a prize to pay for Jesus said the servant is not above his master.He never was above god he did of what god told him to do.When you call your pastor apart to point out of what he's saying wrong not according to the gospel of god be ready.

  • @Joni-vp6mp
    @Joni-vp6mp 4 роки тому +64

    Oh man! I didn't know there was anyone left who preached truth like this!

    • @Buttercup624
      @Buttercup624 4 роки тому +4

      Hi Jon - John MacArthur at Grace Community Church. Give him a listen. 🙏🙌💞

    • @Joni-vp6mp
      @Joni-vp6mp 4 роки тому +3

      @@Buttercup624 Yeah I have - he's good too! I found him after Justin.

    • @Buttercup624
      @Buttercup624 4 роки тому +1

      @@Joni-vp6mp Me too ... I'm so glad to have found them!!

    • @andyb.5607
      @andyb.5607 3 роки тому +1

      You need that Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. Verity baptist church, Pastor Roger Jimenez 😇😇

    • @n.e.parkman2326
      @n.e.parkman2326 3 роки тому +1

      You would like Paul Washer too. A major blessing of truth to the church as well. God bless you friend

  • @kimberlyd6180
    @kimberlyd6180 8 років тому +142

    amen! Brother Peters teaches the true gospel. I will continue to be listening. God Bless

    • @albertoarencibia1143
      @albertoarencibia1143 6 років тому +2

      No just listen but put it into practice and there will be more Justin Peters around to help people and warn them from the wrath of god be your spiritual leader at home to your whole family so they all can be save

    • @kalmandittrich3846
      @kalmandittrich3846 5 років тому

      He Is a hard nosed Calvinist .. he denies gifts of the Spirit...
      He needs some of the spit of Jesus mixed with mud....
      Opens those eyes wide @!!!
      He mocks mockers....
      See Leanard Ravenhill for a real preacher ,
      Jonathan Edwards ....
      Many blind men in the evangelism business

    • @dreyko166
      @dreyko166 4 роки тому +3

      Kalman Dittrich he’s not a Calvinist.. and he doesn’t deny the gifts of the Spirit.

    • @e.l.243
      @e.l.243 3 роки тому +1

      You are mistaken.

    • @mikerutkowski7265
      @mikerutkowski7265 3 роки тому

      Justin Peters is a deceived soul who is twisting verses of scripture to justify why he has cerebral palsy. He foolishly believes that his disability is a blessing from God and he is adding to the word of God in order to promote his lies. Sickness is not a blessing from God since it is definitely a curse and all you need to do is read Deuteronomy 28:58-61 to prove my point.
      “If you do not carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name, THE Lord YOUR GOD, then the LORD will bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues-great and prolonged plagues-and serious and prolonged sicknesses. Moreover He will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt, of which you were afraid, and they shall cling to you. Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the LORD bring upon you until you are destroyed.”
      ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭28:58-61‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      He and many others foolishly believe that Paul’s thorn in the flesh was a sickness and these people clearly prove that they do not understand God or scripture. What does a thorn in the flesh do? Well it causes pain and suffering. Just as Jesus suffered in the wilderness by being tempted by Satan, Jesus then allowed Satan to tempt Paul in order to make him stronger in the Holy Spirit.
      “And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
      ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭12:7-10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      If Paul was able to remove the sickness from everyone who came to him then what could possibly make anyone think that he was someone who had sickness in his life? Couldn’t Paul just remove the sickness from himself as he did with those who came to him for healing? Plus if Paul was bitten by a venomous snake and yet it did no harm to him how could anyone possibly believe that Paul was someone who could then get sick himself? Many people are deceived in their beliefs and they do not understand that Paul’s infirmity was a physical weakness or ailment and it definitely was not a sickness.
      Next, I want you to understand that there are over 2000 different bible versions that all have different translations, words and different meanings and a lot of these bible versions are leading many souls astray. If you watch Justin Peter’s visit to Charis Bible College video you will see him reference the NASB1995 version of Exodus 4:11-12 to justify his cerebral palsy since he is insinuating that God is the one who is making people have sickness and disabilities.
      “The LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭4:11‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      So if you read this version of the Bible, yes it does state that God makes human beings blind, deaf or mute. But know I want to give you another Bible version and show you how it reads:
      “So the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?
      Exodus‬ ‭4:11 NKJV‬‬
      When you read this version it is not stating that God made them mute, deaf or blind but that God made the individual, whether they were someone who was deaf, mute or blind. God is not saying that He inflicted the disability on them. God loves you and He wants you to be healthy for He is the God who heals you. So why would a loving God who loves you and heals you want to make you sick?
      Now allow me to give you a couple of other scriptures that misguided souls often like to use just as Justin Peters just did in his Visit to Charis Bible College video. (1 Timothy 5:23 and Galatians 4:13.) Realize that most of these people are probably reading from a bible version that has translated the word infirmity into meaning a sickness. Look here:
      “No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.”
      ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:23‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      “No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.”
      I Timothy‬ ‭5:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬
      “But you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time;”
      ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      “You know that because of physical infirmity I preached the gospel to you at the first.”
      Galatians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NKJV‬
      An infirmity means a physical weakness or ailment or a lack of strength but yet certain bible versions have translated this to mean a sickness. This is why the only truthful way for you to gain your knowledge of scripture is to learn it directly from Jesus Himself through testing the Spirits as commanded in 1 John 4. Sin and sickness is strictly of the devil and sickness reveals they we are disobeying God and living in sin. God made it very clear that He would remove sickness and disease from anyone who did not sin and who would obey what He commanded in scripture. This is why the devil can no longer put his afflictions on anyone who is truly born of God because they are now someone who can no longer sin since they are now being guided by God’s Holy Spirit.
      “And said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭15:26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days.”
      ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭23:25-26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “And the LORD will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you.”
      ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭7:15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.”
      ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV
      “HE WHO SINS IS OF THE DEVIL, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. WHOEVER HAS BEEN BORN OF GOD DOES NOT SIN, for His seed remains in him; AND HE CANNOT SIN, because he has been born of God.”
      ‭‭I John‬ ‭3:8-9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      So scripture clearly relates that anyone who sins belongs to the devil and whoever is born of God does not sin and cannot sin. There are no scriptures that ever relate that a sinner belongs to God or that a sinner is a child of God! There are no scriptures that ever relate that a believer will always sin or that a believer can never stop sinning! There are no scriptures that ever relate that sickness would be a normal part of this life or that a Christian will possess sickness in their life! You can look all that you like but you certainly will not find any such scripture to back up those lies. God commanded us to live a Holy and righteous life and this can only be achieved by being someone who overcomes their sins.
      Psalm 107:17. “Fools, because of their transgression, And because of their iniquities, were afflicted.”
      Know what this means? First transgression, it means an act that goes against a rule, a law or a code of conduct. Next iniquity, it means a wicked act or thing, sin. Finally, affliction, it means something that causes persistent pain or suffering. Translated it is saying that you are a fool if you do not follow God’s laws and commands and you go and sin because you will then have pain, suffering and sickness.
      Believers who are suffering with a sickness, a disease or a disability are not comprehending what scripture is relating and this is why have allowed sin and the devil to destroy their lives. They do not understand that Jesus provided us with a way to overcome sin and sickness in this lifetime and that was by allowing His Holy Spirit to sanctify our hearts in God’s word and truth.
      So Justin Peters is nothing more then a minister for the devil who is leading people astray with his false and misguided interpretations of scripture and he is simply spreading lies in order to justify why his sinful soul still possesses cerebral palsy.

  • @arlyssethurston8238
    @arlyssethurston8238 5 років тому +36

    You have been given God given talent to teach sir!You glow and have a wonderful sense of humor!I was a nurse for 25 years and I realize how important that is!That is definitely God given!

  • @stringsdonverano9833
    @stringsdonverano9833 5 років тому +39

    i never heard such bold and truthful message for the longest time, Sir, God bless you!

    • @TheRealRenn
      @TheRealRenn Місяць тому

      Bold and Truthful "messages" are found right there within your Bible, but it seems we always want someone else to read it for us...elaborate on what is plainly written, and dish it up for us.

  • @garethifan1034
    @garethifan1034 8 років тому +39

    I esteem Justin very highly as one who preaches, and contends for the faith once given to us. I cannot think of a more necessary ministry in these days. He is being utterly faithful to the call of scripture to contend, to defend, and to argue for the truth of the Christian faith.
    I thank God for him. G.Evans, Bethlehem Evangelical Church Port Talbot, Wales.

    • @edjohnson7438
      @edjohnson7438 8 років тому +3

      Ham and Eggs : I esteem him highly also. Wouldn't it be nice if all Christians were crippled like him with a sickness Jesus bore.

    • @albertoarencibia1143
      @albertoarencibia1143 6 років тому

      you can do the same for god have no distinction of man Jesus said the harvest is great but where are the labours

    • @garethifan1034
      @garethifan1034 5 років тому +1

      @@edjohnson7438 That's a rather sad and unneccessary comment. Though God works through his disbility, I would never wish it on him. Justin is one of the best examples of a person that is less physically able that uses his abilities, and his dis-abilities wholeheartedly for the Lord. Jesus did not come to give us health wealth and all your carnal, sinful heart desires in this life etc etc name it and claim it blab it and grab it hocus pocus - rather he came to reconcile us to God through his body on the Cross.

    • @edjohnson7438
      @edjohnson7438 5 років тому

      @@garethifan1034 Mark 11 : 23,24 . WHOSOEVER shall say to this mountain ,be removed and cast into the sea , and shall not doubt in his heart , but shall believe the words he speaks shall come to pass , he shall have whatsoever he says . Sounds a lot like blah it and grab it to me . Sure does . Now if you have a problem with what Jesus said then take it up with him , not me to and if you want to follow a faithless preacher , no one will stop you . Neither me or God can . God does say to follow those who through faith and patience recieve the promises . Psalm 103:3 is one of Gods promises .

    • @edjohnson7438
      @edjohnson7438 5 років тому

      Jesus said in 3rdjohn, i wish above ALL things you prosper and be in health , even as your soul(mind) prospers . Trust what Jesus said . He sure would not direct you to Peters to prosper in those things , would he?

  • @ginamartinez1654
    @ginamartinez1654 3 роки тому +29

    He is so grounded in the word of God. As someone who recently extracted myself from one of these movements he has been so instrumental in my beggining of healing.

    • @caseymorris1884
      @caseymorris1884 3 роки тому +1

      No where in the Bible does it say you have to beg for healing.
      If you want healing then you need to be like the woman with the issue of blood and touch his garment.

    • @frizzyrascal1493
      @frizzyrascal1493 6 місяців тому

      ⁠@@caseymorris1884He misspelled “beginning". That’s not the same as begging. And while you’re right with your first sentiment, tell me how to physically touch the garment of Christ? This metaphorical speak is not helpful at all.
      It’s like going to an alcohol addict and telling him to just drink less. That’s not how healing and restoration works.

  • @sarahhurst701
    @sarahhurst701 Рік тому +13

    God bless you, Brother Peters!🌍

  • @ellenreyes7874
    @ellenreyes7874 3 роки тому +15

    Amen! I am so happy the Lord sent him when Truth is exactly what we need so desperately right now. I Love this Amazing Brother.

  • @terrimiller4623
    @terrimiller4623 7 років тому +55

    As a Christian guilty of being caught up in politics, guilty of believing and repeating some verses out of context I stand corrected. This is very relevant to the season we are in. I am now much better informed. I wish everyone on Twitter and Facebook talking politics and patriotism would watch this video.

    • @jetdriver26
      @jetdriver26 6 років тому +1


    • @KristiLEvans1
      @KristiLEvans1 6 років тому +4

      Me, too, Terri. Guilty as charged, 💔

    • @yaee123
      @yaee123 5 років тому +7

      I grew up listening to american family radio and once I got to college, I began to be disgusted by the church/Christians because it was just patriotism wrapped with some of the scripture and varnished by the flag.
      I began to get disgusted by this and became extremely liberal; however, God has convicted me of using tge scriptures to speak out against these so called Christians for the sake of political points instead of to convict them of straying from His Way and to pray for them....In my disgust at their hypocrisy....I became the exact same hypocrite for another polar opposite, yet still WORLDLY agenda.
      I thank God for rebuking me and opening my eyes! Christianity that caters to WORLDLY political/ social/psychological/spiritual ideology is simply Lucifereanism disguised as Christianity!
      There is NO such thing as a conservative Christian , a republican Christian, a liberal Christian, a democratic Christian, libertarian Christian ....etc
      The only Christian there is is one who is a part of the Body of Christ/The Church/those who are "SET APART" for GOD!!!

    • @Hlobiful
      @Hlobiful 5 років тому

      Same here

    • @mattlove9066
      @mattlove9066 4 роки тому +1

      @@yaee123 well true but there is especially not a liberal Christian because that is an oxymoron

  • @patriciadesbleds5828
    @patriciadesbleds5828 Рік тому +4

    From Belgium - I'm a new born christian for 50 years now and I wish I had those teachings long before. Thank you Pastor Justin and God bless you, your family and your church

  • @nate5388
    @nate5388 3 роки тому +7

    THANK YOU for this. The Gospel should never be watered down, altered, or compromised.

  • @goldenreel
    @goldenreel 6 років тому +14

    Justin Peters is soooooo good with his teaching.

  • @barbararoberts157
    @barbararoberts157 Рік тому +6

    Well said justin peters 👏 I love hearing God's words through your eye's thank you for sharing 🙏 I will listen to this seven year's from now as well. It never gets old

  • @clayholliman3724
    @clayholliman3724 3 роки тому +18

    This man tells it like it PERIOD....bless him...

  • @kittykitty471
    @kittykitty471 9 років тому +53

    Such a blessing is Justin Peters to the body of Christian fellowship. His tireless efforts to promote the TRUE gospel, and to expose the false teachings prevalent today, are scriptually inspired. Long may he continue in his good works. God Bless Justin Peters; I hope he has found full personal happiness in the Lord and with his wife and new family.

    • @albertoarencibia1143
      @albertoarencibia1143 6 років тому

      He's not the blessing for he got nothing of himself for he has had been giving from the gospel of god you can do the same

    • @e.l.243
      @e.l.243 3 роки тому

      What are you actually saying?

  • @ethancordell5130
    @ethancordell5130 8 років тому +58

    Thank you Justin for being a warrior for Jesus and standing up for our Lord Jesus! I stand with you because you cling to God's word, and do not compromise it. I pray the Lord Jesus protect you and bless you brother.

  • @Katya-zj7ni
    @Katya-zj7ni Рік тому +1

    Here in 2023 having found this wonderful gentle pastor who truly preaches the Gospel. Amen

  • @tjhoss6729
    @tjhoss6729 5 років тому +10

    Justin Peters..... You are flat out badd the Bone!!!!! Keep on keeping on with the amazing Truth videos. God-bless you brother 🙌

  • @sandramcdaniel4545
    @sandramcdaniel4545 4 роки тому +11

    I just started listening to you for a week now. I pray we can have preachers like you in the Bay area in FL. I can't get enough of the teaching. AMEN
    I had friends in the NAR, prosperity religion. I finally walked away from them due to them constantly saying I don't have enough Faith. I sure do, and I'm rightly deviding the WORD OF GOD, and they aren't. They listen to Andrew Wamack, Joyce Myers, and even Joel Osteen. I finally had to block one person, because of the scripture she keeps sending me. When I copy the full scripture, and send it back to explain what it means, oh boy do I get it from her! I'm not going to go back to a friendship with her. I love her dearly, and will continue to pray for her, but for my own peace of mind in Christ I have to let her go. I've done what I needed to do.
    Thank you so much for you hearing the Lord, and being faithful in speaking the Truth. God Bless you, and your family mightily, brother.
    Love in Christ Jesus,
    Sister Sandy
    Ps: I loved the speaking in tongues video. I almost unsubscribe thinking you were going to do it the kundalini way. LoL
    But you spoke it the right way, praise the Lord👐🏼 I loved the way you pulled that off💕

    • @mannbradmusic
      @mannbradmusic 4 роки тому

      I thank the Lord for your boldness in sharing the truth with this friend of yours and I'm sorry to hear about the way she responded to you.
      When you mentioned how you walked away from her, one passage that came to me was Matthew 10:14 📖, where one of Jesus's commands is that if they won't listen to you nor hear your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that house or city.
      Also, when I think of the way so many are currently falling for the lies of those so-called preachers you've named and when I read about the way your friend responded to you, I was particularly reminded of a couple of passages:
      First, in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, we are warned by the apostle Paul that the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts they will raise up for themselves teachers, having itching ears and they will turn their ears away from the Truth and will turn to fables.
      Secondly and lastly, in the first two verses of 2 Peter 2, the apostle Peter makes it clear that as there were false prophets who rose up among the people, so will there be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them and bringing swift destruction on themselves and many will follow their pernicious ways, because of whom the Way of Truth will be blasphemed. 📕

  • @piskcoki200344
    @piskcoki200344 5 років тому +12

    Love the pure undiluted Word! Thankyou Justin, may the Lord bless you in abundance!

  • @danielstocker4729
    @danielstocker4729 8 років тому +87

    It is very refreshing to listen to the truth. Thanks to you Justin!

  • @sherrylancaster3494
    @sherrylancaster3494 6 років тому +13

    Mr. Peters_. I discern that you are a TRUE Christian, with a wonderful gift of His Holy Spirit for TEACHING, along with HIS sense of humor. My husband & I watched you for the first time this afternoon. I guarantee you that is shall NOT be the last time. God bless you & your family mightily with His greatest blessings of love, joy, & peace! Love in Christ Jesus, Your Sis, Sherry ;>)

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 5 років тому

      Then you are lacking a spirit of discernment.
      If you had studied the bible for yourself then you would realize that what Justin preaches is his own message of hatred, ever so subtly, and then uses the bible to back up his own message.
      Please please please, don;t be deceived by this heretic.
      All Baptists preachers, all religious preachers are trying to lead people down the broad path to destruction.
      Please stop following men, stop following preachers, start studying the bible for yourselves and start following Jesus instead!
      God bless. Praise Jesus.

  • @caroleking8372
    @caroleking8372 9 років тому +126

    It is wonderful to see someone preaching/teaching the actual Gospel. I have become so disgusted by the excesses and idiocy of most people who consider themselves "ministers". I think Mr. Peters should have a channel of his own or do the world a favor and have a site where he does teachings on a regular basis. There is a desperate need for truth. I believe what we see now is the great falling away Jesus talked about. Thank God there is always a remnant.

    • @ricardogarcia5080
      @ricardogarcia5080 8 років тому

      Yea preaching this little mama's boy ,scared because Joyce Meyer preaches,let protect his tender loving heart, and give him milk come on agoogoo agoogoo here's u milk my previous little angel, yes my angel cause my hears can't a woman like Joyce Meyer teaching agoogoo agoogoo your tender sensitive heart can get hurt little angel Ridiculous

    • @ethancordell5130
      @ethancordell5130 8 років тому +21

      +ricardo garcia What an ignorrant comment. What are you, 12? This man speaks the truth! We need more of this, thank God for Justin!

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 8 років тому +12

      +ricardo garcia I'm just guessing here, but I think a man who has lived with a disability all his life, earned an advanced degree, and is working,( as opposed to relying on SSI) is strong enough to discuss the Biblical risks, for OTHER PEOPLE, of accepting anti-biblical practices and teachings without becoming emotionally involved..........You should try it sometime.

    • @GabrielNya
      @GabrielNya 8 років тому +11

      I have a feeling you are on Joyce Meyers' payroll. Trolls paid to come online and discredit real men of God. But if you allow these false prophets deceive you, you will only have yourself to blame. stop wasting your time here. We know the truth and Peter represent that truth.

    • @kathyvalentine1212
      @kathyvalentine1212 7 років тому +3

      ricardo garcia ... 😮pps!your own immaturity is showing.

  • @mkeo4095
    @mkeo4095 2 роки тому +4

    Thanks GOD for your ministry Justin. Greetings from COLOMBIA in South America. Psalm 90.

  • @collettebeadylady6981
    @collettebeadylady6981 4 роки тому +4

    God Bless you brother Justin. I listen to you every day it is refreshing to hear the truth that preachers are scared to tell their congratulations the truth Of God. They just want to make you feel comfortable so you will come back and give your money to them.

  • @heatherlord9088
    @heatherlord9088 8 років тому +26

    Thanks so much Justin. I have listened to your clouds without water several times. I find that listening to you makes me think more about what tremendous, powerful and holy God we serve. I feel more secure in my faith. I have never agreed with the WoF etc... I remember someone trying to persuade me to buy a book called "Moving the HAnd of God", by John Avanzini.. I never bought or read it, as I perceived it to be written by someone very arrogant, if they thought for a second that they could actually moves God's hand - I don't think so..
    Anyway, a good friend and I, have taken over an existing women's bible study... We are using your series each week. I listen to the talk ahead of time and write an outline... We met with some resistance to start with, but now people are starting to "get it".
    Thanks so much... By the way, I would love to listen to some of your expositional sermons. How would I get them?
    Warmly, Heather

    • @jerramiehelmick7999
      @jerramiehelmick7999 7 років тому

      denoinwa1 you just gave a nearly textbook definition of synergism. That being said, what are some things God won't(can't?) do without the help or assistance or cooperation of man? I'm not talking compatibalism either.
      Is salvation something God wants to do but won't(can't) do without man's cooperation? God ordained salvation. Christ achieved salvation on the cross. And the Holy Spirit effects salvation. But only if man cooperates. Right?

  • @barbararees3206
    @barbararees3206 4 роки тому +6

    Thank God, you (Justin Peters} have really opened my eyes. All these fake preachers you have warned us against; I used to hang on to their every word. Joyce Meyer was always my favorite. I did not realize her teachings were not all Biblical. That breaks my heart, but I want to hear the truth, and I believe I'm hearing it from you. God Bless you Justin Peters. Keep it coming. The TRUTH. o.k. Love to you & your ministry.

  • @davidgonzales5390
    @davidgonzales5390 4 роки тому +3

    I'm trying to watch all of Justin Peter's video's. He's one of the few true preachers left!

  • @davidthebatman6673
    @davidthebatman6673 5 років тому +12

    Hallelujah. God bless your words for all to hear.

  • @irresistiblegrace790
    @irresistiblegrace790 8 років тому +5

    Thank you yet again Justin for speaking the truth in love.
    The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ IS the power of God unto Salvation.
    Our experience should always line up with exegetical application of Scripture.
    Not pressing our experience into scripture.
    Grace & Peace to you In Christ.

  • @BeMoreAwareGodWatches
    @BeMoreAwareGodWatches 8 місяців тому

    This man has opened so many doors that have led to godly men such as Jim Osman, Phil Johnson, John MacArthur and so many more. He preached against things that I thought were truth. I’m so grateful that God has opened my eyes to so much heresy that I really believed was true, he points back scripture which is totally sufficient for everything I need to know about life and the afterlife life.

  • @randyolan1273
    @randyolan1273 2 роки тому +3

    This is outstanding 👌. Thank you for the Truth of the Gospel amen.
    Thank you Justin.

  • @geoffdein2894
    @geoffdein2894 3 роки тому +4

    Love your presentation. I’m Seventh Day Adventist and we can run into the danger of preaching in an Ecco chamber. Listening to your presentations can be inspiring to cover other material in a new light. Thank you, God bless.

  • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
    @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 6 років тому +39

    I thoroughly enjoy Justin Peters sermons. I find the majority of those who criticize him in the comment threads under his videos balk at his teachings because by their own words they show they have bought into this pseudo-Christianity that abounds today with its seeker sensitive, egocentric, sin condoning, prosperity gospel which glorifies the false prophets preaching this doctrine of demons and lowers our Heavenly Father and Messiah to the standards of this world rather than glorifying their perfect Holiness, purity, and righteousness. There is a serious problem when people confessing themselves to be Christians seek out and defend any doctrine that lowers the glory and holiness of Yahuah and Yeshua and elevates those who preach such false doctrines to a level equal to or above our Savior and the Most High. Those defending these things show they have no love for our Heavenly Father and His true Word, nor do they desire the truth because they had rather believe and defend lies than examine their own lives to make sure they are living in a manner that is pleasing to our Abba Father Yahuah and Messiah Yeshua according to how the scriptures say we should live. I had rather have the truth and accept that I may need to work on my behavior to bring it into alignment with the scriptures than listen to lies which will land me in the eternal fires of Hell. I can get over my bruised ego, but if I go to Hell there are no more opportunities to correct my behavior.

    • @thegeometrydashg4m3randran39
      @thegeometrydashg4m3randran39 5 років тому +2

      King James Version only

    • @garethifan1034
      @garethifan1034 4 роки тому

      @@thegeometrydashg4m3randran39 ESV Version only

    • @claydoyle6649
      @claydoyle6649 4 роки тому +1

      I don't think this venue should be used as an opportunity for debating translations...

    • @garethifan1034
      @garethifan1034 4 роки тому +1

      @@claydoyle6649 True..not what the video is about. Apologies.

    • @claydoyle6649
      @claydoyle6649 4 роки тому +1

      @@garethifan1034 Thank you

  • @doriwhale70
    @doriwhale70 8 років тому +25

    Thank you Justin for the work you are doing. May God Bless you always.

    • @edjohnson7438
      @edjohnson7438 8 років тому

      Dori Whale : Yes , Justin , may God bless you with more disabilities to keep you humble .

    • @margarettodd1074
      @margarettodd1074 7 років тому

      Ed johnson evil comment

  • @sheilablankenship3270
    @sheilablankenship3270 4 роки тому +3

    I’m so blessed to have found you. I agree with your teachings. I’ve seen and heard false teachers in Churches and on Television that makes me ill. Thank you so much. God Bless You Always.

  • @tanyalenmark4194
    @tanyalenmark4194 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Iv been so learned up and blessed by Pastor Peters!🕊️🌴🌺

  • @lourdesdelapena1852
    @lourdesdelapena1852 4 роки тому +4

    From the philippines...you are truly a man of God...thank you for the enlightenments ...☺️❤️🙏🏻

    • @triniboyz6875
      @triniboyz6875 4 роки тому

      Just would like to say thank you very much

  • @albertoarencibia1143
    @albertoarencibia1143 6 років тому +13

    I enjoy every second because I enjoy the word of God the only joy you can get for Jesus said the joy I give u the world can't give it to you

  • @linda.brotherton1689
    @linda.brotherton1689 7 років тому +75

    I finally found the truth Praise God

    • @dontafk9809
      @dontafk9809 5 років тому +12

      The Truth is in your Bible. All we have to do is open and read it on a regular basis. If you consistently let other people tell you what to believe that leads to false doctrines and beliefs. To be a Christian is to have a relationship one on one with Jesus Christ. The only way to do that is to get into the word yourself. God bless you my sister.

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 5 років тому +3

      @@dontafk9809 Amen!! I was just going to make the same comment.
      So many people relying on preachers to give them God and the truth but they already have it in the bible. They are just too lazy to study it for themselves and instead lean towards MEN to regurgitate the bible to them. And as we know, anything regurgitated is corrupted.
      God bless!
      Praise Jesus!!

    • @angelsolis7407
      @angelsolis7407 5 років тому +2

      Pray for the weak

    • @kalmandittrich3846
      @kalmandittrich3846 5 років тому

      You found bugger all !!!! This is the best wolf man can see !
      See Leonard Ravenhill for real /rare teaching and preaching!
      This man will steal your life in his deception ! He is an apologists for John Calvin

    • @timsharpe6652
      @timsharpe6652 4 роки тому +1

      Kalman why the hate ?

  • @satpalhans2393
    @satpalhans2393 4 роки тому +3

    Dear brother I listen your videos as my daily bread. I receive a new energy to walk in the truth. Your every word is piercing and energetic. I pay thanks from the core of my heart.

  • @nzdon7997
    @nzdon7997 5 років тому +10

    I hope you continue to preach, and I know you will meet many wolves in sheeps clothing. But forgive them and pray for them too. It is very refreshing to listen to the truth as mentioned in an earlier comment. God bless you Pastor.

    • @timsharpe6652
      @timsharpe6652 4 роки тому +1

      Not sure if he is a pastor ? Justin Peters is his name . A bible teacher he is that I know . And such a good one at that too ☺

    • @timsharpe6652
      @timsharpe6652 4 роки тому

      He has a UA-cam channel if your interested. Just search that name brother 🙂

    • @Dilley_G45
      @Dilley_G45 4 роки тому

      Where you based Don? Welly, AKL, South Island...?

  • @gingerlanger9551
    @gingerlanger9551 7 років тому +7

    Much needed reminder today for me. I will pay closer attention to my every day words and actions. Thank you Pastor Justin

  • @aracelybermudez6855
    @aracelybermudez6855 5 років тому +4

    Amen!!! Glory be to our Almighty God You are a blessing Brother Justin. Your teachings have opened my eyes. I thank God for men like you. God bless you and keep you and your family.❤️

  • @stephenjeyapaul2664
    @stephenjeyapaul2664 3 роки тому +2

    Brother Justin Peters! God’s words as I hear from you, it’s addictive! Praise and Glory be to Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.

  • @mikeneenan6287
    @mikeneenan6287 6 років тому +4

    Thank you Pastor Peters. The incites you are sharing are coming from true doctrine, and it is a blessing to hear it.

  • @celiaelemia70
    @celiaelemia70 2 роки тому +1

    Thank You Adonai for your great revelation to your servant Pastor Justine Peters, he is indeed Your vessel teaching Your words clearly.. We are grateful for him bec we are learning Your Truth .. Bless him Adonai with a long satisfied life and continue to use him mightily. In Yeshua's name, amen🙏

  • @ecpnothnagel9121
    @ecpnothnagel9121 6 років тому +16

    If ever you plan to come to South Africa, please include Pretoria, we will provide for all your needs.

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 5 років тому

      really? Well me and my family of 7 are planning on coming to Pretoria next month. Can you provide for us then?
      That is ever so kind of you Philip!! Thank you for putting out the offer to everyone. Your are such a good man.

    • @Saskinny
      @Saskinny 4 роки тому +2

      @@adamgoodword7888 And you ADAM are a snarky man. I believe he was speaking to JUSTIN.

  • @melissaprather1863
    @melissaprather1863 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you. I understand now. I love the Father with all my being and will happily suffer for his glory.

  • @rjgil73
    @rjgil73 5 років тому +10

    I appreciate the fact that you confirm your statements with scripture. That should be normal practice, but it isn't. Far too many use private interpretation for their beliefs, which is faulty.

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 5 років тому +1

      ahhh, this is a trap used by many Baptist preachers. They quote scriptures from the bible but then give their own twisted and distorted interpretation of it.
      Please don't get caught out like this.
      It sounds like they're backing up biblical preaching with bible scriptures but they are backing up their own doctrine, the doctrine of men, with the bible.
      Stephen L. Anderson does this often.
      Stephen Furtick from Elevation church also does this.
      This is why it is so important to study the bible for ourselves and to not lean towards preachers to preach us that which we can study for ourselves.
      If people are lazy and rely upon men then they will suffer the consequences.
      So please, don't let yourself be deceived by preachers.
      Turn away from men and turn back to the Lord.
      God bless.

  • @dollymadison2397
    @dollymadison2397 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you Yahweh for Justin Peters!!! I had sooo many questions that have been answered by Yahweh through Mr. Peter's (& John MacArthur, Todd Friel, R.C. Sproule, etc). I was 1st lead to Peters by watching a Doreen Virtue video. I Love her sooo much!!!

  • @zeldahooks3255
    @zeldahooks3255 4 роки тому +4

    May God Bless you Justin Peters, thank you.

  • @tonyfisher4113
    @tonyfisher4113 Рік тому

    Thank you Lord for the clear teaching of your word for the faithfulness of your servent Justin Peters. Bless him Father and guard him from the enemy bring Justin all the way to glory Father, Amen
    I am so blessed by your ministry Justin. Keep contending for the truth brother.

  • @angeliapittman4776
    @angeliapittman4776 6 років тому +16

    I love to hear his preaching, and how he explains it and shows how orther churches are false. Ee need more like him, God uses him to expose wolves in sheep clothing

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 5 років тому

      Thats all he does, yet he himself is in error.
      All religious people are like this.
      He is a Baptist. Need I say more.

    • @timsharpe6652
      @timsharpe6652 4 роки тому

      @Adam ?

  • @homeartisian
    @homeartisian Рік тому

    I started out when I was a child in Pentecostal church. Got lost in the world in my teenage years but my mother always told me about Jesus always prayed for me and my siblings just a few years ago I dedicated myself more to love it to the Lord I promise myself to read the Bible every day and night it has been more than 2 Years didn’t break that promise. I have frayed thank God reveals to me the real gospel and I went from watching Joel Osteen to learning about apologist people like Justin peters. So what I have learned is God will lead you eventually to the real gospel if you seek him. I thrive for an every day to learn more and more since I’m a beginner I love when apologist read the gospel and teaches me how to understand it better

  • @wrenchedfor30wrench20
    @wrenchedfor30wrench20 6 років тому +12

    I go from one trial to the next,I know God loves me and has never stopped that is for sure. I don't have a job ,I'm a broken down mechanic at fifty six,I know God will take care of my family and me, he has blessed me and my wife will healthy kids ,I think of the parents on TV with kids sick with cancer and think they are the ones who need help!They need to have God in their life so they and their kids will be in heaven with Christ forever after this life.That is most important he love of God and how it ffects the family on eternity,no sickness no sorrow,who cares about prosperity in this world?!!Pray for those family's and kids who are sick and need prayer.I have no cause to complain you have to keep things in perspective life can turn on a dime,I think Justin is trying to do the right thing by teaching the gospel,just the gospel.

    • @blueeyes6852
      @blueeyes6852 4 роки тому

      It's been a year since you wrote. I pray that you and your family are well. Your comment made me so sad! Praise be to the Lord!

  • @estellaboh5883
    @estellaboh5883 Рік тому

    Thank you for the truth.I thank God for leading me to your teaching. All Glory To God

  • @cu4lunch2night
    @cu4lunch2night 8 років тому +12

    Thank you Justin for the work you do , love the meat you are teaching....GOD BLESS

    • @ricardogarcia5080
      @ricardogarcia5080 8 років тому

      yes and chickens too , I can identify it and them a mile away lol. Yes like Joyce Myers first problem is that she's a she ,oh my goodness gracious my little Theodore u can catch a cold or a get a fever ,if you hear Joyce speak to the word of God,oh protect yourself my little Theodore or hurt soft pretty voice . Give me a break.

    • @GabrielNya
      @GabrielNya 8 років тому +2

      @Ricardo, you've done enough already. I'm sure Joyce Meter will be pleased. You can run along now and play with the kids outside. We need a bit more maturity in here now...Run along Ricardo Garcia

  • @patrickc3419
    @patrickc3419 4 місяці тому

    Very blessed and edified to have heard and meet Justin last year at the G3 national conference!

  • @abacodominicanadesign9518
    @abacodominicanadesign9518 5 років тому +12

    I thanks God for this healthy spiritual food

  • @abrahamcavazos1984
    @abrahamcavazos1984 Рік тому +1

    For so many years I claimed to be a Christian and I even used as a testimony of salvation an event from October 17th 1999. But lately listening to teachings from Paul Washer, John McArthur, RC Sproul and Justin Peters about hell, repentance and a transformed life. I became terrified about going to hell. Today I prayed and asked God if I was really saved, with tears in my eyes I asked him to really tell me about it. Now listening to this teaching, I realized that there was never real fruits of repentance in my life, my life was never really transformed. So I couldn't take it any more and asked God to really forgive my sins and to save me.

  • @eelikh
    @eelikh 7 років тому +9

    "Their minds are so open that their brains fall out" - that was great lol. Good video!

  • @susann-c7418
    @susann-c7418 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you Justin for preaching the Gospel and nothing but the Gospel

  • @Mary_Kraensel
    @Mary_Kraensel 6 років тому +8

    Thank you for posting these videos of Justin Peters!! These have been a real treat for me and angered me at the same time. He is such a blessing for his ministry, and YOU are a blessing for posting this!! With love in Christ Jesus, from Ipswich, Massachusetts.

    • @danielmenefee1943
      @danielmenefee1943 2 роки тому

      Sorry to burst your what’s his name Justin peters or whatever he is very simply a heretic hunter and he goes around teaching people to limit God Mike I’m sure he says God can heal you if he wants to we already know he wants to, please stop following this man have you ever seen him smile he is a very unhappy man and a heretic hunter you would be well all not to listen to him!

  • @lifeofatruckerswife
    @lifeofatruckerswife Рік тому

    Listening to Brother Peter's makes me want to grab my Bible and journal and dive into scripture.. I haven't wanted to even open my Bible in over 2 years.
    His teaching makes me want to research everything in the word..I'm excited!!!!!

  • @TwoGuns1891
    @TwoGuns1891 4 роки тому +16

    Justin Peters said “ don’t take my word for it” “search the scriptures, study Gods Word” its the only way to see Gods true nature, just read His Word.

  • @claydoyle6649
    @claydoyle6649 4 роки тому +1

    Hi Justin. Thank you for being a great example in Christ.
    It is such a pleasure to spend time with you via your presentations!
    Love and Peace!

  • @vickyworley6974
    @vickyworley6974 4 роки тому +3

    I hav just found your podcasts. I hav been watching Clouds Without Water and I hav a questions about apostles. How does Paul meet the criteria for being an apostle when he never knew Jesus in the flesh? Just wondering. I have always lived reading Pauls writings. Thank you for yur time. Just a girl in Texas.

  • @lindaschauman3934
    @lindaschauman3934 3 роки тому

    Westside Church, Omaha, Nebraska I am so grateful for this Bible preaching, gospel teaching, loving
    Church with Pastor Curt Dodd

  • @1savedsheep
    @1savedsheep 5 років тому +9

    Love this message! Also letting us know about Susan Heck! Just ordered a few books. Always looking for Godly women devotionals/books.

  • @reverenddrphilipwbentley7080
    @reverenddrphilipwbentley7080 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Justin, wonderful lessons . May God continue to Bless you

  • @teresabrickey5251
    @teresabrickey5251 4 роки тому +4

    😂 Finally someone who stands up for the truth and the word of EL' Shaddai YAHUAH, every word that is spoken is nothing but the truth Praise Abba Father YAHUAH our Elohim. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. BLESS YOU BROTHER!!!!!

  • @celticiron7351
    @celticiron7351 2 роки тому

    Pastor Peters, you are a wonderful example to others. I wish I could find a Pastor like you in Sioux Falls.

  • @kiaracrystal9503
    @kiaracrystal9503 6 років тому +11

    Great preacher. God bless you and your ministry. ✨✨♥️🙏🏼🙌🏼👏🏼♥️✨✨

  • @according2hismercy355
    @according2hismercy355 2 роки тому

    For a new Christian trying to find my way back to the. Faith I knew as a child these videos have been such a such a blessing . I really thought I was doing something wrong. I turned from my sins I'm reading my Bible and I have accepted Jesus Christ as more and savior ( not necessarily in that order) however something wasn't feeling right sounding right , I wasn't hearing voices my pain was still very much there Dr. Siad surgery was still a must yet I gave my heart so I truly was starting to believe I was too far gone to be saved . Your teachings just make so much sense to me. Thank you thank you

  • @vaksehund2
    @vaksehund2 7 років тому +4

    there are familiar spirits that we fight as well - not just our mind and the flesh.
    God bless you an thank you for tanding on truth dear brother!

  • @jaynefox8864
    @jaynefox8864 2 роки тому +1

    Yes I agree with previous comment - painful to see how in error we have been but so grateful for this teaching.



  • @1966marmar
    @1966marmar Рік тому +1

    Justin Peters has his own channel for those of you asking. This series is on his channel entitled Clouds ☁️ without water 💧

  • @Shemaiah439
    @Shemaiah439 5 років тому +16

    This guy is amazing!!!

  • @chuckw8391
    @chuckw8391 Рік тому

    Pastor Justin, when you said we couldn’t live 1000 lifetimes and get enough out of the Word, that hit the spot. Sufficiency of scripture. And when you say the Gospel is all we need, it SUNK IN!! It only took 66 years🎉😂

  • @mikemanners1069
    @mikemanners1069 5 років тому +8

    I wish I had that old video clip where Jimmy Swaggart taunted Satan to come and get him. He said a lot of outlandish things in his sermons. Pride goes before destruction. We must not live in fear of Satan but must be cognizant of his power and influence. If we are not covered by the Blood and pray constantly for a hedge of protection around our family we could fall just like old brother Jimmy. As a kid I used to watch Swaggart in the 80s when he was at the apex of his power and influence. The Jimmy Swaggart Bible college was a place to go if you were a young Pentecostal man or woman out of High School. But how quickly things fall apart. The end of the 80s saw the implosion of the TV Evangelist boom and caused much bitterness and unbelief towards the Gospel.

    • @feeltheforce10
      @feeltheforce10 4 роки тому

      The old fraudster made a lot of money from it all.

  • @markchristian787
    @markchristian787 2 роки тому

    Justin's phenomenal and spot on in nearly every area. His love of Christ, the truth, expository preaching, ecclesiology, and solid reformed/Calvinistic soteriology makes him and his ministry incredibly valuable. He's dead wrong on Israel though.

  • @ronnycarney4719
    @ronnycarney4719 6 років тому +9

    What I see on young Justin Peters is the anointing of the living God

  • @monathbachelor8424
    @monathbachelor8424 4 роки тому

    I love the Word of God, and thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ for providing us with brother Justin. I always get the answers no1 can explain for me, I remember last time you spoke of the poor widow. That was amazing brother, and now Solomon's house. I learnt to observe the context which also brings us to 'by his stripes we are heal'. I think the Holy Spirit can be the only one to bring this truth to our attention. I thank God for the salvation through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @timothyhodges705
    @timothyhodges705 3 роки тому +5

    Some translations use the word, "strongholds," rather than fortresses, which could imply personal sin habits (strongholds).

  • @darrensmith6172
    @darrensmith6172 3 роки тому +1

    Justin hits it square when he teaches that the true gospel isn’t prosperity and good health....it’s about serving God thru what conditions you are dealt with.rich,poor or middle class.Jesus said in this world we would suffer things but be of good cheer for he overcame the world!

  • @daylily32
    @daylily32 4 роки тому +6

    My KJV, Jeremiah 29:11 reads, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you," saith the LORD, "thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Where is the word, "plans"? Does it matter? Is the word of God inerrant? Why do so many say, "plans" instead of the clearly written, "thoughts"?

  • @johns294
    @johns294 6 років тому +1

    I really like Justin and I’m a skeptic 🤨. I’m trying to learn as much as a can about Jesus and the Bible . Justin is helping me to understand how to stay true to the word and what it means to be steadfast ......maybe one day my skepticism will fade

    • @jackb2010
      @jackb2010 6 років тому

      Hey Jed, Check out a Pastor Named Dan Mohler. All about Jesus, Gods word and how to be a follower of Jesus. Great Teacher.

    • @johns294
      @johns294 6 років тому

      Jack B will do Jack . Thx !

    • @RepentfollowJesus
      @RepentfollowJesus 5 років тому

      Check out Living Waters. Frank Turrek on "I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist ". Check out Behold Israel also.