I'll do the translations for the food in this comment, as much as I can. First you heated up something they call "Ham", but yeah, it looks more like SPAM to be honest. Second thing you heated up was some cabbage rolls (meat, rice and veggies usually wrapped in a cabbage leaf and cooked with some sort of tomato sauce) Third main dish was the goulash. The little drink packet was a lemon flavored energy drink. The jelly/jam you had was fruits and berries jam. Then there was melted processed cheese. The vegetable spread is what we call in Russia "Squash caviar", and it's basically a mix of summer squash, carrots, onions and tomatoes that are stewed and then pressed into this puree like consistency. Ex-Soviet countries love it. A liver paté, another thing that is well loved among ex-Soviet countries. And finally you had apricot jam and nut and chocolate spread (kinda supposed to emulate Nutella I guess) as well as a pressed fruit bar! Hope this helps! ;)
Смотри, в самых больших банках, которые ты открывал, возле язычка, за который ты тянеш что бы открыть есть дырочки. Они сделаны что бы стравливать давление от нагрева. По этому, ты можешь ставить их на огонь закрытыми, не боясь что они взорвутся. Они начнут стравливать сразу же после того, как немного раздуются от температуры. Так они быстрее готовятся) Я рад что понравилось
I didn’t notice! Thanks for the info!! I will definitely do that next video. Also, I’ve seen people heat up tins and the cans have exploded so I was being preventative 😆
Нас часто закидывали в горы с этим сухим пайком) за всё время у меня он взрывался лишь раз) Слышал как ребята делали в середине не большой надрез и грели)
This MRE is a new version of the general MRE, i think. You tried an older version in one of the previous videos already. During my time in university I rolled into an additional military comms engineer course with guys from my uni group, because it makes us soldiers without needing to go through conscription. We had to go by train for 3 days to the military base that we were stationed in for the last part of the training and they gave each of us 3 of those 24 hour MREs just for the road. So it is definetly widespead in the actual military. One thing that you can do if you have those MREs is you find a pot and make a big meal for everyone and you can add that bacon fat, pate and other stuff. That spam thing is actual ham, btw. Ofc it is processed but not the same degree as spam. Food is food and you need those calories if you have to march, dig trenches, lay comms cables and stuff. Respect from Russia, you look like a real man, brother
Если чисто технически вы имеете возможность попасть в Россию (вопрос виз, и непремых перелетов), то приезжайте - здесь максимально безопасно, а простых американцев у нас вообще любят
@@Bravebelly Love your videos! They are perfect to watch during my lunch break :) Keep up the good work! Hope that you'll get hold of rare MRE from different countries. What he has said is actually true. With an exception of cities near frontline it is completely safe. Especially in main cities like Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Volgograd e.t.c I've used to volunteer at international sport events held in my city as an attache (Universiade 2013, FINA 2014, FIFA 2018). I was always happy to meet and talk with people from all around the globe. Its sad (but completely underdtandable) that many people try to avoid visiting Russia nowadays due to "complications". I hope that someday this situation will resolve and my children would be able to volunteer as i did. Now or later, if you decide to visit us, I hope that you'll enjoy your stay!
First of all, like the video. So, we have already sorted out the composition in the comments. Let's go further, I will comment and supplement as we watch. The heater had to be assembled as in the picture. Some edges rise up to put a heated container on them, while others fall down, thus legs are obtained. Oh, yes, that's exactly what I was talking about. Cold food can never be compared to hot food. To be honest, I don't understand why you didn't warm the main dishes from the previous MRE. Vegetable caviar, in fact, is mainly mashed zucchini, carrots, onions and tomato paste. As a rule, we eat it together with the main course, spreading it on bread or just spooning it together with the main course. As for breakfast, Russians are probably more straightforward in this matter. We can have breakfast with yesterday's dinner, for example. In general, Russians like to make various porridges for breakfast, mostly sweet ones, such as oatmeal, millet and rice porridge, various sandwiches with cheese and eggs of course. This may sound stereotypical, but in my eyes, a typical American breakfast is a variety of cereals with milk. Mostly only children like this in our country. In newer versions of the MRE, we also have flameless heaters. For example, there is such a heater in the MRE which named Sukhpai Army "Mountain" reinforced (Сухпай Армейский "Горный" усиленный) u сan search for it by the Russian name that I wrote before. Well, basically, Russians, like most other peoples, eat pate with bread. I prefer to make a sandwich with butter and pate on top. Honestly, I've never tried pate with tomatoes, salt and pepper. It even became interesting, I'll try it at home sometime.
Thank you for your interesting input. And yes, try the pate with tomato, salt, pepper..and let me know what you think. I appreciate your time in writing your take on all of this. Also, going off from what you mentioned..cereal with milk is mostly eaten by children here. An American breakfast is typically eggs and bacon with toast and jelly or jam and oatmeal. It varies across the board with things like pancakes or waffles, omelettes, bagels and variations of “breakfast sandwiches” with bacon and eggs or pork sausage with eggs and cheese. And almost always, coffee. Tea is not hugely popular. You’ll see people walking around drinking coffee all the time. People show up to work holding a coffee and there’s coffee shops on every corner.
@@Bravebelly I tried the pate with tomato, pepper) I did not add salt, because the pate itself was quite salty. I have to admit, it was an unexpectedly delicious combination) In fact, our coffee culture is no less widespread than in America, we also drink it all the time. I say this while sitting at work over a cup of coffee so that you understand) But we also have a highly developed tea drinking culture. Tea is chosen by people who also want to keep warm, because tea is good to warm in the cold, but without getting a caffeine hit. Well, probably my view of breakfast in America is stereotypical, as I said earlier. By the way, regarding the desire to visit Russia and the fear of recent events, I want to say that this is all an imposed point of view. Unfortunately, propaganda exists and it works, both on the one hand and on the other. For this reason, I would advise you not to listen to dubious sources, but to listen, for example, to your compatriots, such as Dan Castle from channel Wild Siberia, who moved from America to us, to Siberia and talks about life in Russia) I recommend looking at his channel and getting into our atmosphere, perhaps then doubts about visiting Russia will disappear. And I give you a 100% guarantee, you will be delighted with Russian food, you will find so many delicious dishes that you will not find in the MRE. From Russia with love)
@@Hellzyeah24 we drink tea here too but it’s not as popular as coffee. My girlfriend drinks tea every night..I just drink sleepy tea once in a while or with lemon & honey, when I’m sick. Otherwise, I can drink 4 cups of coffee per day. Now, I’m actually going on 8 days with no coffee at all because it’s gotten out of hand, how much I would drink it. As far as visiting, the risky adventurous side of me is telling me to just do it! However, since the sanctions, American banks don’t do any transactions…so my money would be worthless. I’d have to fly into Turkey and withdraw cash/exchange to rubles, then fly in with a lot of cash. Isn’t smart to travel with two weeks of travel cash. I have to look into it more. Yes, Wild Siberia..I do watch his channel. As far as the food, there’s no question that I would have many delicious options. Maybe I can do a travel and eating episode for my channel. That would be cool. Thank you for all your anecdotes and info! It’s greatly appreciated 🙏🏼🙏🏼 -all the best 🍻
@@Bravebelly We grow and develop only when we leave our comfort zone) Yes, by the way, this is a funny thing, American sanctions hit more directly on American citizens) Honestly, I don't feel any pressure at all, our store shelves are full, companies that left in protest - most returned, one way or another, registering another the company and the brand. We also have exchangers in our country, so there should definitely be no problems with exchanging dollars for rubles inside the country. Yes, you're right, we just need to study the issue, I'm sure there are options to get a card of Turkey or, for example, Kazakhstan, which will work in our country) I am sure that a gastronomic episode about a trip to Russia would definitely be very popular and in demand. You are always welcome, you can ask any questions, I will help you in any way I can)
A bit late to the party: Veg. caviar people usually eat with bread or just with a spoon. You can also use it as a sauce of sorts, I occasionally add it to pasta. Pate is more commonly eaten on bread, I usually also slice some cheese or sausage on top. I do agree on the chocolate spread, not great at all, I'd much rather have some honey or condensed milk.
This mre is not military, but commercial. but it is as close as possible to the army one. In Russia it is forbidden to sell army rations, which is why there are a lot of them like this. some of the best from this company
"Не для продажи" doesn't mean it can't be sold It means that the product is not commercial product hence was not registred as a commercial food product
@@LollipopUnicorny if it had not been registered, it would not have been possible to sell it in principle, you are contradicting yourself. this manufacturer is an absolute private company and has nothing to do with the army. and not for sale, it's just a commercial move. I'm from Russia, I buy them on hikes, whether it's in the army or this one. there are millions of them on Russian marketplaces
@@exosun7079 I’m from Russia too. На авито ты можешь кучу пайков купить, но в магазине ты их не купишь, потому что это не продукт зарегистрированный для продажи
@Brave Belly Вот смотрю я на тебя американец, как ты ешь наслаждаясь русскую еду, и понимаю что именно твой опыт прожитый в русском комьюнити, то проведенное детство среди русских людей, дает тебе те самые нотки наслаждения этой едой ;-) Особенно удивляет как ты ешь паштет из ливера, я бы советовал попробовать на камеру салат "Селедка под шубой" и пирожки с квашеной капустой )))
The "vegetable caviar" is something that seems to exist in most slavic countries, but the names and exact contents vary between regions depending on traditions and what's grown locally. I'd definitely use it like you did in the end, like a relish mixed in with hot food. It's great to use as a base in stews etc.
We have ration packs with warming bags, but not all of them. Because we have MRE for different units, types of troops and tasks. If you are in a trench war, constantly in a trench, etc., you don’t need these bags, they waste water, and water is worth its weight in gold. If you are a stormtrooper, you take disposable MRE so that it is light in weight and can be heated without fire. And so on.
Would you by chance have any extra Russian mres that you’ve reviewed that you’d be willing to give out ? I’ve never tried any military food and would love to try it and possibly post review video myself
ah thanks i also purchased a mvd mre from there after watching you review it but mine been in customs for almost a month i dont think it will make it@@Bravebelly
It has around 3670 kcal, so definitely not as much calories as some other ones but it definitely seems like it would be tasty compared to a lot of the other one's i've seen
You are eating our food a little incorrectly. We don’t eat like that in RUSSIA. This food is intended for 24 hours for an average person and height. For you with your weight, food with more calories is intended - (double ration).
Ты ешь наши ирп немного не правильно.У нас в РОССИИ так не едят.Этот ирп преднозначен на 24-часа среднего человека и роста.Для тебя с твоей массой предназначено питание более каллорийное,- (двойная-пайка).
состав этого батончика: Финики с Черносливом, Курагой, Инжиром и Жаренным Арахисом там может быть Изюм из Винограда сорта "Изабелла" у этого Сорта винограда очень сильный специфический запах и вкус!
у меня на даче 15 яблонь, канадская голубика, садовая черника, 2 куста Красной смородины, 1 куст белой смородины, и 8 кустов Черной Смородины, Жимолость, Облепиха, малина, терн, сливы, вишня, клубника, земляника, Земклуника (гибрид), планируем посадить: томаты, перцы, огурцы, кабачки, Морковь...! главное справиться с походным шелкопрядом (эти гусеницы в прошлом году оставили нас без урожая)!
@@Bravebelly дача - тяжелый труд, но позволяет расслабиться после работы администратора танцевальной студии - подрядчика проекта "Московское Долголетие" Организация Досуга для Пенсионеров (Бальные Танцы, Танго Соло, Сольная Латина, Стрейчинг - Пилатес, Здоровая Спина или Остеокинезис по методу Ивашкевича, Милонга, Танго для начинающих, Итальянский язык)
Население Москвы - 13 Миллионов Человек (из них 8 миллионов используют Метро) А Метро Москвы имеет около 300 станций из них 3 Кольцевые Линии: Кольцевая (Линия №5 или Сталинская, под землёй) МЦК (Московское Центральное Кольцо или Линия № 14 поезд "Ласточка" длина линии 54 км, 30 станций, путепровод над землей), БКЛ (Большая Кольцевая Линия или Линия № 11 Поезд "Москва 2020" Длина Линии 70 км, 35 станций, под землей), МЦД (Московские Центральные Диаметры построено 4 из 7 ( в проекте пока 5 Железнодорожных линий поезда:"Ласточка", "Иволга 1-3" "ЭД2Т4") Радиальных надземных линий D1 - D4, D5 - строится), Монорельс (надземная Линия Метро № 13 - Экскурсионный режим), Подземные Линии Московского Метро №1 -№12, №15, №16, МРД (Московские Речные Диаметры Р-1, Р2, Р-3, "поезд": E-Ship "Синичка")... А есть ещё Автобусы, Трамваи, Электробусы... и роботы-курьеры, есть ещё пригородные и междугородние поезда (Аэроэкспрессы "Штадлер"; Москва - Санкт-Петеррбург "Сапсан" ,но это уже другая история)
That’s cool. In NYC We have 472 stations, the largest number of public transit subway stations of any system in the world. Granted, yours is waaaay prettier and cleaner. A million times over. But you have to consider the big picture.. The US has the largest/longest road network globally, spanning 6,803,479 kilometers. Around 63 percent of this extensive network consists of paved roads. Im born & raised in NYC. I would love to visit Moscow and St Petersburg..everyone knows those are beautiful cities.
@@Bravebellytry it carefully, the bread is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, the aroma of garlic, delicious pate and the freshness of tomatoes. I live in Moscow and rarely eat like this, but when I come to my mother in a small town, there is a local store where they sell excellent pate, I can eat this kind of food all my vacation
Next time when you try to heat meal , don't open just make a few litlle holes at top of can. This blue is Enargy + vutamins drink. Some of Rissian MRE have caviar , two pack . One is red , secound is black caviar.
OMG dude, speaking of burning your house down…there were little tabs on the stove you were supposed to fold down, so the bottom doesn’t come in direct contact, hopefully you didn’t burn the table hahah! 😂😂😂 I guess you put the metal tray under but wowzers, that made me nervous! 😂
"это как гуляш". Но на упаковке так и написано =). На самом деле этой еды хватит для ваших размеров. Вы просто приучили свой желудок к большему кол-ву и искусственному обогащению
Cool vid, but this is civilian and not an IRP. No blame from me, Russia makes about 1000 versions, so it's hard to tell unless you have spent far too long eating rations. The easiest way to tell is the red on the label, red isn't great in a combat situation. 80% of the contents are also miltary used in the real IRP, so you aren't far off😂, just different packaging.
I was told by a subscriber that he had those given to him when they would be sent home from the military. Apparently it was a three day train trip and they would give him 3x for his travel..
@Bravebelly likely a true story. Russian rations are various and inconsistent. So, while I do have experience with these, it's always hard to say. I have many Russian rations and have verified that only 3 of them are actually military issue. I swear, Russia is the only country that makes my strange hobby difficult 😁
у меня есть Сувенирный Арбалет (Современная Реплика Оружия 1423 года) я называю его Пастуший Арбалет и сейчас он сломан но стрелять из него мне приходилось и не раз... с 40 шагов в бегущую Мышь попадал с 2000 до 2018 им пользовался пока пружина не сломалась... сейчас ищу того кто его мне отреставрирует! Один раз пришлось стрелять в попавшего под машину лося... это был мой последний выстрел пришлось ставить самую мощную тетеву в результате попал в сердце с 20 метров, но пружина лопнула от перегрузки (по счету это был 300-тысячный выстрел)
@@Bravebelly на мой арбалет прицел не поставишь он - современная копия Исторического Оружия 15 века (современные арбалеты - это винтовка с тетевой) они нечестные! а мой стреляет деревянными стрелами (я считаю что металлические боеприпасы против животных это уж извините, читерство)!
Это Паёк такой же что и звезда только Это Коммерческий паёк (Он продаётся в магазинах Военторга производитель ООО"СпецПит"), а Звезда (ПАО "Грязинский Пищевой Комбинат") более редкий то есть Некоммерческий (В Магазинах Военторга Он не продается, но его вам там подарят если вы там что-нибудь купите...) В ОТЛИЧИИ ОТ пайка "СпецПит" Паёк Звезда ВЫПУСКАЕТСЯ ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ПАРТИЕЙ В 1 100 000 ШТУК КАЖДОГО ВИДА!
I’m trying to get more Russian rations but US customs is opening boxes and confiscating meat from Russia and former Soviet countries I’d have to order through a different country
чтобы стабилизировать форму они добавляют Яблочный Пектин... а значит надо нагреть в духовом шкафу где бекон коптили завод то маленький! они же на всю страну на 120 миллионов человек консервы делают!
Polish eat it like that but also with sliced tomato on top with salt and pepper. Try it! Please. In my opinion it elevates the taste a lot! The acidity balances out the savory taste of the pate and the salt and pepper enhances the tomato. Try it.
@@Bravebelly это пока женами наших Миротворцев небыли придуманы Окопные Свечи (Консервная Банка делится на 5 частей картонными стенками после чего ставится связка из фитилей и заливается смесью Пчелиного воска с парафином сверху устанавливается крышка - опора для чайника / кастрюли / сковородки и затем эту банку красят в зелёный или коричневый цвет) банка круглая и высокая...
...They taste smoked because there are all the fruits in them, including seeds fruitskin.I think that's plum so showing dominance ...fruitbar of my children time 🙊🙈
I'll do the translations for the food in this comment, as much as I can.
First you heated up something they call "Ham", but yeah, it looks more like SPAM to be honest.
Second thing you heated up was some cabbage rolls (meat, rice and veggies usually wrapped in a cabbage leaf and cooked with some sort of tomato sauce)
Third main dish was the goulash.
The little drink packet was a lemon flavored energy drink.
The jelly/jam you had was fruits and berries jam.
Then there was melted processed cheese.
The vegetable spread is what we call in Russia "Squash caviar", and it's basically a mix of summer squash, carrots, onions and tomatoes that are stewed and then pressed into this puree like consistency. Ex-Soviet countries love it.
A liver paté, another thing that is well loved among ex-Soviet countries.
And finally you had apricot jam and nut and chocolate spread (kinda supposed to emulate Nutella I guess) as well as a pressed fruit bar!
Hope this helps! ;)
This helps very much! Thank you!! I greatly appreciate this 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Смотри, в самых больших банках, которые ты открывал, возле язычка, за который ты тянеш что бы открыть есть дырочки. Они сделаны что бы стравливать давление от нагрева. По этому, ты можешь ставить их на огонь закрытыми, не боясь что они взорвутся. Они начнут стравливать сразу же после того, как немного раздуются от температуры. Так они быстрее готовятся)
Я рад что понравилось
I didn’t notice! Thanks for the info!! I will definitely do that next video. Also, I’ve seen people heat up tins and the cans have exploded so I was being preventative 😆
Нас часто закидывали в горы с этим сухим пайком) за всё время у меня он взрывался лишь раз)
Слышал как ребята делали в середине не большой надрез и грели)
You used this one in the military? I was told this is a commercial one
Брат ждём новых обзоров,и будем смотреть как ты аппетитно их употребляешь😂😂😂.Приятного апетита)))
Not really sure but It's hardly commercial. The package says "Not for sale"@@Bravebelly
Спасибо за обзор будем ждать следущий mre ❤
My pleasure! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
IRP - individual ration portion.
MVD - ministry of internal affairs (ministerstvo vnutrennig del)
This one is actually a police force ration 🙂
Thank you. Military uses this as well, apparently.
This MRE is a new version of the general MRE, i think. You tried an older version in one of the previous videos already. During my time in university I rolled into an additional military comms engineer course with guys from my uni group, because it makes us soldiers without needing to go through conscription. We had to go by train for 3 days to the military base that we were stationed in for the last part of the training and they gave each of us 3 of those 24 hour MREs just for the road. So it is definetly widespead in the actual military. One thing that you can do if you have those MREs is you find a pot and make a big meal for everyone and you can add that bacon fat, pate and other stuff.
That spam thing is actual ham, btw. Ofc it is processed but not the same degree as spam. Food is food and you need those calories if you have to march, dig trenches, lay comms cables and stuff. Respect from Russia, you look like a real man, brother
Thank you for taking the time to write your story and I appreciate your kind words! Stay blessed brother 💪🏼
Glad you’re excited about it!
Если чисто технически вы имеете возможность попасть в Россию (вопрос виз, и непремых перелетов), то приезжайте - здесь максимально безопасно, а простых американцев у нас вообще любят
That’s my plan. Thank you.
Love your videos! They are perfect to watch during my lunch break :)
Keep up the good work! Hope that you'll get hold of rare MRE from different countries.
What he has said is actually true. With an exception of cities near frontline it is completely safe. Especially in main cities like Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Volgograd e.t.c
I've used to volunteer at international sport events held in my city as an attache (Universiade 2013, FINA 2014, FIFA 2018). I was always happy to meet and talk with people from all around the globe.
Its sad (but completely underdtandable) that many people try to avoid visiting Russia nowadays due to "complications". I hope that someday this situation will resolve and my children would be able to volunteer as i did.
Now or later, if you decide to visit us, I hope that you'll enjoy your stay!
@@TigerMax96 I’m glad you enjoy the videos. Thanks for the kind words 🙏🏼
First of all, like the video. So, we have already sorted out the composition in the comments. Let's go further, I will comment and supplement as we watch. The heater had to be assembled as in the picture. Some edges rise up to put a heated container on them, while others fall down, thus legs are obtained.
Oh, yes, that's exactly what I was talking about. Cold food can never be compared to hot food. To be honest, I don't understand why you didn't warm the main dishes from the previous MRE.
Vegetable caviar, in fact, is mainly mashed zucchini, carrots, onions and tomato paste. As a rule, we eat it together with the main course, spreading it on bread or just spooning it together with the main course.
As for breakfast, Russians are probably more straightforward in this matter. We can have breakfast with yesterday's dinner, for example. In general, Russians like to make various porridges for breakfast, mostly sweet ones, such as oatmeal, millet and rice porridge, various sandwiches with cheese and eggs of course. This may sound stereotypical, but in my eyes, a typical American breakfast is a variety of cereals with milk. Mostly only children like this in our country.
In newer versions of the MRE, we also have flameless heaters. For example, there is such a heater in the MRE which named Sukhpai Army "Mountain" reinforced (Сухпай Армейский "Горный" усиленный) u сan search for it by the Russian name that I wrote before.
Well, basically, Russians, like most other peoples, eat pate with bread. I prefer to make a sandwich with butter and pate on top. Honestly, I've never tried pate with tomatoes, salt and pepper. It even became interesting, I'll try it at home sometime.
Thank you for your interesting input. And yes, try the pate with tomato, salt, pepper..and let me know what you think.
I appreciate your time in writing your take on all of this.
Also, going off from what you mentioned..cereal with milk is mostly eaten by children here. An American breakfast is typically eggs and bacon with toast and jelly or jam and oatmeal. It varies across the board with things like pancakes or waffles, omelettes, bagels and variations of “breakfast sandwiches” with bacon and eggs or pork sausage with eggs and cheese. And almost always, coffee. Tea is not hugely popular. You’ll see people walking around drinking coffee all the time. People show up to work holding a coffee and there’s coffee shops on every corner.
@@Bravebelly I tried the pate with tomato, pepper) I did not add salt, because the pate itself was quite salty. I have to admit, it was an unexpectedly delicious combination)
In fact, our coffee culture is no less widespread than in America, we also drink it all the time. I say this while sitting at work over a cup of coffee so that you understand) But we also have a highly developed tea drinking culture. Tea is chosen by people who also want to keep warm, because tea is good to warm in the cold, but without getting a caffeine hit.
Well, probably my view of breakfast in America is stereotypical, as I said earlier.
By the way, regarding the desire to visit Russia and the fear of recent events, I want to say that this is all an imposed point of view. Unfortunately, propaganda exists and it works, both on the one hand and on the other. For this reason, I would advise you not to listen to dubious sources, but to listen, for example, to your compatriots, such as Dan Castle from channel Wild Siberia, who moved from America to us, to Siberia and talks about life in Russia) I recommend looking at his channel and getting into our atmosphere, perhaps then doubts about visiting Russia will disappear. And I give you a 100% guarantee, you will be delighted with Russian food, you will find so many delicious dishes that you will not find in the MRE. From Russia with love)
@@Hellzyeah24 we drink tea here too but it’s not as popular as coffee. My girlfriend drinks tea every night..I just drink sleepy tea once in a while or with lemon & honey, when I’m sick. Otherwise, I can drink 4 cups of coffee per day. Now, I’m actually going on 8 days with no coffee at all because it’s gotten out of hand, how much I would drink it.
As far as visiting, the risky adventurous side of me is telling me to just do it! However, since the sanctions, American banks don’t do any transactions…so my money would be worthless. I’d have to fly into Turkey and withdraw cash/exchange to rubles, then fly in with a lot of cash. Isn’t smart to travel with two weeks of travel cash. I have to look into it more.
Yes, Wild Siberia..I do watch his channel.
As far as the food, there’s no question that I would have many delicious options. Maybe I can do a travel and eating episode for my channel. That would be cool.
Thank you for all your anecdotes and info! It’s greatly appreciated 🙏🏼🙏🏼 -all the best 🍻
@@Bravebelly We grow and develop only when we leave our comfort zone) Yes, by the way, this is a funny thing, American sanctions hit more directly on American citizens) Honestly, I don't feel any pressure at all, our store shelves are full, companies that left in protest - most returned, one way or another, registering another the company and the brand. We also have exchangers in our country, so there should definitely be no problems with exchanging dollars for rubles inside the country. Yes, you're right, we just need to study the issue, I'm sure there are options to get a card of Turkey or, for example, Kazakhstan, which will work in our country)
I am sure that a gastronomic episode about a trip to Russia would definitely be very popular and in demand.
You are always welcome, you can ask any questions, I will help you in any way I can)
@@Hellzyeah24 it’s much appreciated, thank you! Let’s keep in contact.
A bit late to the party:
Veg. caviar people usually eat with bread or just with a spoon. You can also use it as a sauce of sorts, I occasionally add it to pasta.
Pate is more commonly eaten on bread, I usually also slice some cheese or sausage on top.
I do agree on the chocolate spread, not great at all, I'd much rather have some honey or condensed milk.
This mre is not military, but commercial. but it is as close as possible to the army one. In Russia it is forbidden to sell army rations, which is why there are a lot of them like this. some of the best from this company
так на нем написано "не для продажи" =)
It's one of these that are forbidden for sale, but this restriction is kinda impossible to enforce.
"Не для продажи" doesn't mean it can't be sold It means that the product is not commercial product hence was not registred as a commercial food product
@@LollipopUnicorny if it had not been registered, it would not have been possible to sell it in principle, you are contradicting yourself. this manufacturer is an absolute private company and has nothing to do with the army. and not for sale, it's just a commercial move. I'm from Russia, I buy them on hikes, whether it's in the army or this one. there are millions of them on Russian marketplaces
@@exosun7079 I’m from Russia too. На авито ты можешь кучу пайков купить, но в магазине ты их не купишь, потому что это не продукт зарегистрированный для продажи
IRP stands for Individual Food Ration
MVD stands for Ministry of Internal Affairs (Police)
Thank you!
@Brave Belly Вот смотрю я на тебя американец, как ты ешь наслаждаясь русскую еду, и понимаю что именно твой опыт прожитый в русском комьюнити, то проведенное детство среди русских людей, дает тебе те самые нотки наслаждения этой едой ;-) Особенно удивляет как ты ешь паштет из ливера, я бы советовал попробовать на камеру салат "Селедка под шубой" и пирожки с квашеной капустой )))
Thank you
Ty Bro! ❤From Russia
I hope u Will enjoy russian meals in future more
I hope so too! Thank you 🙏🏼
I'm full now mark, I help eat the whole 3 meals lol 😆, stay blessed
The "vegetable caviar" is something that seems to exist in most slavic countries, but the names and exact contents vary between regions depending on traditions and what's grown locally. I'd definitely use it like you did in the end, like a relish mixed in with hot food. It's great to use as a base in stews etc.
Really appreciate your peacemaking efforts through eating food!
We have ration packs with warming bags, but not all of them. Because we have MRE for different units, types of troops and tasks. If you are in a trench war, constantly in a trench, etc., you don’t need these bags, they waste water, and water is worth its weight in gold. If you are a stormtrooper, you take disposable MRE so that it is light in weight and can be heated without fire. And so on.
Ahh okay that makes sense. Thanks for the info!
That Chocolate syrup is condensed milk with chocolate
Russian MRE’s are by far the best you can get. The potted meat is called Pastua , not sure about the spelling. Great video.
First vlog of trying Military Food Ration, thats very cool brother ❤️
Наш слоняра, случайно наткнулся на ваши видео, мужик красава💪
Thank you 🙏🏼
Would you by chance have any extra Russian mres that you’ve reviewed that you’d be willing to give out ? I’ve never tried any military food and would love to try it and possibly post review video myself
You can purchase them from an online store called MREHouse.com
I don’t have any to give away, as I use them strictly to review on my channel.
Good to see you appreciating our eastern guys type of food
Where can I buy some of these
I purchase them from mremountain.com
ah thanks i also purchased a mvd mre from there after watching you review it but mine been in customs for almost a month i dont think it will make it@@Bravebelly
@@Russian_Dogg then send them an email. They’re very professional.
@@Bravebelly yea I’ve sent them a email and they said it was normal
It has around 3670 kcal, so definitely not as much calories as some other ones but it definitely seems like it would be tasty compared to a lot of the other one's i've seen
Классный обзор👍
Энерговит - energy drink with vitamins
Да, но еще забыл упомянуть что он с ароматом лесных ягод- aroma of forest berries:)
You are eating our food a little incorrectly. We don’t eat like that in RUSSIA. This food is intended for 24 hours for an average person and height. For you with your weight, food with more calories is intended - (double ration).
I believe this guy can consume a 24 ration at once and still have some room
That’s pretty interesting. I never knew that. It would be cool as heck to visit Russia. Y’all have some cool ass stuff over there.
Ты ешь наши ирп немного не правильно.У нас в РОССИИ так не едят.Этот ирп преднозначен на 24-часа среднего человека и роста.Для тебя с твоей массой предназначено питание более каллорийное,- (двойная-пайка).
так никто на таких пайках не живет же. они для временного питания. так что ничего с ним не случиться, мышцы не сдуются.
You came up on my suggestions and now ive been binge watching your mre videos. I also followed you on ig 😊
That’s awesome thank you so much! 🙏🏼🫶🏼
Hi from Siberia! We use these mres on hunt, when we didn't get the prey or just lazy to cook. After 3 days these rations get boring.
I can see how it would get old after a while. What prey are you hunting, anything in particular?
@@Bravebelly roe deer, deer, wild goats, moose very rarely. Sometimes wolves, or bear - when they do harm to farmers.
@@adarianalt that’s cool. Those giant Kamchatka Moose are monsters!
Which meat is the most delicious?
@@Bravebelly wild goat(arkhar) and wild ram. Grilled ribs are tasty af
@@adarianalt that actually sounds bomb 👌🏼
Именно так, выглядит НАСЛАЖДЕНИЕ!🤤
I love it! ..and I have a lot more.
@@Bravebelly мужики всё едят💪😎
Плавленый сыр - Обычный Сливочный Сыр (Творог, Сливки, Молоко, Соль , Соль-плавитель)
Thanks. I always wondered about this cheese 🤔
состав этого батончика: Финики с Черносливом, Курагой, Инжиром и Жаренным Арахисом там может быть Изюм из Винограда сорта "Изабелла" у этого Сорта винограда очень сильный специфический запах и вкус!
It has a smoked smell If my memory serves correctly
There are smartphone apps that translate text from Russian to English using the phone's camera.
I know I have it but I prefer to experience this as a discovery with my viewers
Thanks to video 🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰 Slovakia🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰💪 SUPER VIDEO MŇAM💪💪💪💪🙂🙂🙂🙂
🖐🇸🇰😉 ..... 🍽🇸🇰🤝🇷🇺🤝🇺🇸🍽
Привет! Мне понравилось прошлое видео и это тоже, я очень люблю есть MRE, удачи!
Thank you. Glad you enjoy the video. I also enjoy eating these 👌🏼
russian mres look amazing
HI great where can I purchase this ration?? anybody know, let me know Rob
I use @mremountain. They are very professional with outstanding customer support. Highly recommend! MREmountain.com
у меня на даче 15 яблонь, канадская голубика, садовая черника, 2 куста Красной смородины, 1 куст белой смородины, и 8 кустов Черной Смородины, Жимолость, Облепиха, малина, терн, сливы, вишня, клубника, земляника, Земклуника (гибрид), планируем посадить: томаты, перцы, огурцы, кабачки, Морковь...! главное справиться с походным шелкопрядом (эти гусеницы в прошлом году оставили нас без урожая)!
My grandpa had one and I used to go with him every weekend when I was a little boy. He sold it when he got to old to take care of it.
@@Bravebelly дача - тяжелый труд, но позволяет расслабиться после работы администратора танцевальной студии - подрядчика проекта "Московское Долголетие" Организация Досуга для Пенсионеров (Бальные Танцы, Танго Соло, Сольная Латина, Стрейчинг - Пилатес, Здоровая Спина или Остеокинезис по методу Ивашкевича, Милонга, Танго для начинающих, Итальянский язык)
I fried meat and watched your video. It really increases my appetite.
Население Москвы - 13 Миллионов Человек (из них 8 миллионов используют Метро) А Метро Москвы имеет около 300 станций из них 3 Кольцевые Линии: Кольцевая (Линия №5 или Сталинская, под землёй) МЦК (Московское Центральное Кольцо или Линия № 14 поезд "Ласточка" длина линии 54 км, 30 станций, путепровод над землей), БКЛ (Большая Кольцевая Линия или Линия № 11 Поезд "Москва 2020" Длина Линии 70 км, 35 станций, под землей), МЦД (Московские Центральные Диаметры построено 4 из 7 ( в проекте пока 5 Железнодорожных линий поезда:"Ласточка", "Иволга 1-3" "ЭД2Т4") Радиальных надземных линий D1 - D4, D5 - строится), Монорельс (надземная Линия Метро № 13 - Экскурсионный режим), Подземные Линии Московского Метро №1 -№12, №15, №16, МРД (Московские Речные Диаметры Р-1, Р2, Р-3, "поезд": E-Ship "Синичка")... А есть ещё Автобусы, Трамваи, Электробусы... и роботы-курьеры, есть ещё пригородные и междугородние поезда (Аэроэкспрессы "Штадлер"; Москва - Санкт-Петеррбург "Сапсан" ,но это уже другая история)
That’s cool. In NYC We have 472 stations, the largest number of public transit subway stations of any system in the world. Granted, yours is waaaay prettier and cleaner. A million times over. But you have to consider the big picture..
The US has the largest/longest road network globally, spanning 6,803,479 kilometers. Around 63 percent of this extensive network consists of paved roads.
Im born & raised in NYC.
I would love to visit Moscow and St Petersburg..everyone knows those are beautiful cities.
how I love to eat pate. I fry black bread with butter, then rub the bread with fresh garlic, spread the pate, put the tomato and lightly salt
Sounds amazing! I never had it like that. Usually rye bread, pate, tomato, salt & pepper.
@@Bravebellytry it carefully, the bread is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, the aroma of garlic, delicious pate and the freshness of tomatoes. I live in Moscow and rarely eat like this, but when I come to my mother in a small town, there is a local store where they sell excellent pate, I can eat this kind of food all my vacation
Next time when you try to heat meal , don't open just make a few litlle holes at top of can. This blue is Enargy + vutamins drink. Some of Rissian MRE have caviar , two pack . One is red , secound is black caviar.
I hope I get to try the caviar ones!!
OMG dude, speaking of burning your house down…there were little tabs on the stove you were supposed to fold down, so the bottom doesn’t come in direct contact, hopefully you didn’t burn the table hahah! 😂😂😂 I guess you put the metal tray under but wowzers, that made me nervous! 😂
Thanks for the tips! 😅 thanks for watching 🙏🏼
thanks for the video, it was interesting!
But damn it, why did you mix all the dishes again?
Because I was starving
"это как гуляш". Но на упаковке так и написано =). На самом деле этой еды хватит для ваших размеров. Вы просто приучили свой желудок к большему кол-ву и искусственному обогащению
That would mean the food is equally sufficient for a man of any size..170cm or 194cm like me. That’s not how it works.
Cool vid, but this is civilian and not an IRP. No blame from me, Russia makes about 1000 versions, so it's hard to tell unless you have spent far too long eating rations. The easiest way to tell is the red on the label, red isn't great in a combat situation.
80% of the contents are also miltary used in the real IRP, so you aren't far off😂, just different packaging.
I was told by a subscriber that he had those given to him when they would be sent home from the military. Apparently it was a three day train trip and they would give him 3x for his travel..
@Bravebelly likely a true story. Russian rations are various and inconsistent. So, while I do have experience with these, it's always hard to say. I have many Russian rations and have verified that only 3 of them are actually military issue. I swear, Russia is the only country that makes my strange hobby difficult 😁
@@vipergtsmre keeps it interesting. I’m digging your channel.
проблема Газовых (бензиновых)/Горелок в том что при близком взрыве снаряда возможна детонация горелки!
You better record your video outdoor with this sort of content. I guess that way it would feel more military
у меня есть Сувенирный Арбалет (Современная Реплика Оружия 1423 года) я называю его Пастуший Арбалет и сейчас он сломан но стрелять из него мне приходилось и не раз... с 40 шагов в бегущую Мышь попадал с 2000 до 2018 им пользовался пока пружина не сломалась... сейчас ищу того кто его мне отреставрирует! Один раз пришлось стрелять в попавшего под машину лося... это был мой последний выстрел пришлось ставить самую мощную тетеву в результате попал в сердце с 20 метров, но пружина лопнула от перегрузки (по счету это был 300-тысячный выстрел)
Have you seen the automatic crossbows?! They come with a scope and everything!
@@Bravebelly на мой арбалет прицел не поставишь он - современная копия Исторического Оружия 15 века (современные арбалеты - это винтовка с тетевой) они нечестные! а мой стреляет деревянными стрелами (я считаю что металлические боеприпасы против животных это уж извините, читерство)!
ИРП - Индивидуальный (Individual), Рацион (ration), Питания (food).
Individual food ration
Это Паёк такой же что и звезда только Это Коммерческий паёк (Он продаётся в магазинах Военторга производитель ООО"СпецПит"), а Звезда (ПАО "Грязинский Пищевой Комбинат") более редкий то есть Некоммерческий (В Магазинах Военторга Он не продается, но его вам там подарят если вы там что-нибудь купите...) В ОТЛИЧИИ ОТ пайка "СпецПит" Паёк Звезда ВЫПУСКАЕТСЯ ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ПАРТИЕЙ В 1 100 000 ШТУК КАЖДОГО ВИДА!
I’m trying to get more Russian rations but US customs is opening boxes and confiscating meat from Russia and former Soviet countries I’d have to order through a different country
чтобы стабилизировать форму они добавляют Яблочный Пектин... а значит надо нагреть в духовом шкафу где бекон коптили завод то маленький! они же на всю страну на 120 миллионов человек консервы делают!
Wow! That’s impressive
Хлеб + Сливочное Масло + Паштет = Русский способ!
Polish eat it like that but also with sliced tomato on top with salt and pepper. Try it! Please. In my opinion it elevates the taste a lot! The acidity balances out the savory taste of the pate and the salt and pepper enhances the tomato. Try it.
Смотрю это видео и понимаю как я голоден ты крут дружище
Я бы не смог столько съесть за один раз.
Most people can’t. I’m built different.
Man, I tried US Army MRE number 13 (it turned out to be vegetarian), it... I don't know how you can survive on this :)
Great show Army! Semper FI! US Marines 1987-1991 0317,2111 and 5111. OORAH! Invidial ration provesion. Its russian word beats me?! Lol.
When you heat this don't open, as long as this box will swell
did you ever think of getting a translator?
I have one tbh. I enjoy the mystery and the engagement with viewers who speak Russian
Bro, tu parece muito com o lutador do UFC Jiri Prochazka. kkkkkkkkkkk
Abraço do Brasil.
Ako sa dá kúpiť toto jedlo....radi by sme to ochutnali!!!nerobíme žiadne YT videá!!😅😅😅🙂🙂🙂THANKS .
I just order it from; mre-empire.com
газовых горелок в российских окопах нет (только Окопная Свеча и Дровяная Печка)
I’ve seen videos of guys in a trench with the green propane burners heating up food on a frying pan. Trust me.
@@Bravebelly это пока женами наших Миротворцев небыли придуманы Окопные Свечи (Консервная Банка делится на 5 частей картонными стенками после чего ставится связка из фитилей и заливается смесью Пчелиного воска с парафином сверху устанавливается крышка - опора для чайника / кастрюли / сковородки и затем эту банку красят в зелёный или коричневый цвет) банка круглая и высокая...
The smoky taste can be transmitted by prunes
Это топинг (Соус)
3 таблетки на 3 большие банки Тебе ХВАТИТ
This mre for hunters and fishermans, not for army
smokey taste is dried plum
...They taste smoked because there are all the fruits in them, including seeds fruitskin.I think that's plum so showing dominance ...fruitbar of my children time 🙊🙈
Your childhood 👌🏼
это шоколадный коктейл
Hello, my name is Andrey! I’m from RUSSIA. What’s your name? Give me an answer if you read it! I’m waiting for an answer.
Hi Andrey..I’m Mark 👋🏼
Ножки опусти! You are not finish!
не такие а парафиновые!
я бы налил воды и выпил!
Питание в армии это столовая в части и военно полевая кухня на учениях. Если выдают ИРП значит кто то облажался. Я не видел в армии сухпайков.
Ты был в ней хоть?
@@ПрокопЗолотоордынский 93-95
Если выдают ИРП, значит в ближайшее время не будет рядом столовой и даже кухни полевой. Хреновый признак
I wish someone would make an app that translate text.....it would be so much help to you
They do, you just have to download it. Then you can point your phone camera at text and it translates it 😉
14:40 it’s not ice tea. It’s energy drink
Fruit and berry jelly.In the jar you asked about.
You better record your video outdoor with this sort of content. I guess that way it would feel more military