Using Filters and Effects in GameMaker Studio 2.3 (Free Version)

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @JaguarPanda
    @JaguarPanda 2 роки тому +6

    Hey, i'm the dev of this package, thanks for the visibility :)

    • @GameMakerCasts
      @GameMakerCasts  2 роки тому

      No worries, awesome package :) Love finding stuff like this

    • @roseroxys120
      @roseroxys120 2 роки тому

      Thank you very much!

  • @Mightyjordy
    @Mightyjordy 2 роки тому +3

    Lol I love the tone in the intro

  • @valeriathepaganpriestess7050
    @valeriathepaganpriestess7050 2 роки тому

    Awesome, thanks

  • @electrosaber0429
    @electrosaber0429 2 роки тому +2


  • @z1ml3w1s2
    @z1ml3w1s2 2 роки тому

    proof that heroes don't need to wear capes

  • @daved4597
    @daved4597 2 роки тому +1

    @GameMaker Casts - What do you think about the changes to their features model, where some features are now exclusive to only monthly subs. As a GMS 2 permanent license holder for a long time, this seems like a slap in the face.

    • @GameMakerCasts
      @GameMakerCasts  2 роки тому

      100% feels like a slap in the face. I knew it was coming but wasn't ready for it. I was hoping they would finish everything planned for 2.X and then move to subscriptions come 3.X.
      As for right now besides them locking the ide/runtime on filter and effect commands, it's nothing to bad. The communication is bad though as they didn't say how long people would wait, what is the go ahead with other locking features (so far just this and triggers according to the roadmap).... But I will wait and see what they do as GameMaker is just so darn fast for prototyping out games and getting them to friends to fool around in

    • @daved4597
      @daved4597 2 роки тому

      @@GameMakerCasts Looks like they activated it now for permanent license holders after the backlash. Hopefully, they learnt their lesson and won't do it again.

  • @dlmillerjr
    @dlmillerjr 2 роки тому +2

    Awesome! Thank you! It's always great to have community contributors willing to provide solutions like this. Really scummy move by Yoyo Games/Opera IMO to lock out permanent license purchasers for anything updated into 2.x, temporary or not. Hope I'm wrong, but this whole thing spells out a bad future for GMS and the subscription model. Mileage may vary but I absolutely loath subscriptions.

    • @misterr3083
      @misterr3083 2 роки тому

      Agreed, very very dirty move. It is quite worrying as it tells you quite a lot about their thinking.....or lack of it. I was under the impression that exiting/loyal customers who have been with them a long time wouldn't have to think about the subscription benefits/features until GM Studio 3. Pulling moves like this can result in quickly pushing people away. They really missed a trick here. I suspect this is a product of meetings where people making the decisions aren't really connected to the product or have much experience, maybe they have a big shiny qualification that places them in the decision making room but ultimately are making poor decisions. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Dangerous given that there are now lots of alternatives. Be careful very careful.

    • @dlmillerjr
      @dlmillerjr 2 роки тому

      @@misterr3083 Totally agree. I've been with GameMaker for a very long time, ever since the Mark Overmars days Version 5 or so. I totally understand the need to create a steady revenue stream for a product/service but don't sacrifice loyal customers by doing them wrong. A bunch of software developers are going this route. I had to ditch Cinema 4D from Maxon for this very reason. Was with them for 5-6 years. Costing approximately $650/year to maintain a current permanent license. Maxon just got greedy and had too little to add to their suite in lieu of so many growing and limit-pushing free options like Blender but they still wanted your money via subscription or permanent license maintenance fees! As I understand it Yoyo reversed their decision and actually opened up the filters to permanent license holders but it still makes me very nervous. Why now? I mean sequences were a major addition/improvement, far beyond these filters. Makes no sense and I can think is that their ownership by Opera is having some part of this. Truth be told, I'm a permanent license holder now but every so often GMS has to dial back into Yoyo's servers to authenticate my account. Will that ever change on a whim? Certainly hope not.

    • @GameMakerCasts
      @GameMakerCasts  2 роки тому

      I read all the comments and trust me; I feel your pain. I bought multiple exports and for them to just go and start locking things feels like a slap in the face. I really hate subscriptions when it comes to looking at other free engines and what they offer.
      I too was under the impression that things would not change for those who purchased licenses before, but turns out we are all "free users" in their eyes. I am keeping a close eye on what they lock because I wouldn't be surprised looking at the road map if that changed. Currently only the "filters and effects" as well as the "triggers" were going to be subscription, but I am sure they will lock other big ones like the particle IDE.
      I do godot on the side as well and both engines are quiet fun, but GameMaker just has a special spot in my heart and it would suck for that to change so much.

  • @jobi-Game
    @jobi-Game 11 місяців тому

    Help plz...How i can parallax my Filter/Effect Layer like à background parallax ?

  • @karlstenator
    @karlstenator 2 роки тому +1

    Is it possible to apply a filter to a specific layer or set of objects, without affecting the objects/layers below or above them?

    • @GameMakerCasts
      @GameMakerCasts  2 роки тому +1

      Yes you can, however there is a bug in 2.3.6 where you cannot stop it from trimming your textures thus anything that moves the UV will not work 100% correctly. It is fixed in the beta, but stable no. Check out things like layer_shader, layer_script_being and layer_script_end to get you started.

  • @tdg_dev9429
    @tdg_dev9429 2 роки тому +1

    Hey, good news - it look's like Opera/YoYo has reversed their decision and will be giving perpetual license holders ALL the new features moving forward. I'm glad they reversed their decision, but also glad that there are people in the community willing to recreate things for free for the old timers in the bunch.
    Overall, I'm still thrilled with Opera's management for the long term viability of GMS - but there are still going to be some hiccups on the business side.

    • @GameMakerCasts
      @GameMakerCasts  2 роки тому +1

      It's going to be a rocky road until they go full subscription based for 3.x

    • @tdg_dev9429
      @tdg_dev9429 2 роки тому +1

      @@GameMakerCasts Absolutely fair. I hate subscription models but I also recognize why companies use them. I don't think GMS is too big that it's exploitive like Disney's numerous bundles and subscription packages. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt - I'm just tired of everything being commoditized and ran as a service.