💯 have always been a lone wolf and love it. I now live up in the mountains in a very rural area. My closest neighbors are cows. I don't get lonely. I love to read, do my hobbies, work in my garden, or go for hikes. I can go for days without seeing another human. It's paradise and wouldn't want it any other way.
Being a loner is much more peaceful but I've found that it's important to have shared experiences with people who care about you. The problem is, you can't rely on people to be consistent throughout your life. Most of your relationships will change, people will leave or you might leave them which can bring a lot of pain.
I found that very hard to do. I guess that’s why I became a loner in the first place, the idea that people leave regardless. And since then all I ever long for is that consistency of people sticking around, but that never happens as for it seems for majority of others that can maintain such relationships, just not for me, that makes it even more difficult and more lonely for me, I’m living a conflicting life of wanting to have people around me but never initiate any conversation or try to reach out…. Sometimes I doubt it’s just my coping mechanism, not how I want to be😢
At times I'm a lone wolf in the middle of the best company. It's not a negative thing at all but I'm starting to understand that being a lone wolf is a necessity
I cannot tell you how much comments like yours make me not want to align with the type of thinkers and fawners who watched this video. The likes say it all. This group is clearly for children.
I find a little bit of contradiction in this video. How is it possible that einzelganger mentions Jean Paul Sartre as an example of how to be authentic and a free thinker, when Sartre and his partner (Simone de Beauvoir) were admirers of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Marxism etc, idiologies that are against free thinking, idiologies that promote the herd mentality. I think Jean Paul Sartre was an hipócrita
What drove me into depression was not being able to understand why I ended up alone. What drove me out was recognizing that I needed to be alone in order to thrive and embracing the life of solitude whole heartedly.
Being alone isn't for everyone, but for some of us it's bliss. Learning to enjoy your own company is a lesson too many people in toxic tragic relationships sadly never learn. Happiness comes in many forms. Good luck.
Funny you say that as I too fell into depression for not understanding why I ended up so alone especially when my younger years were so vibrant with people . Just don't get what happened as I'm a good guy and have a lot to offer.
Thank you, man. As someone who is constantly in a battle between needing solitude and longing for close relationships I found this video somewhat comforting
Here is a problem only encountered by true lone wolves. I have difficulties scheduling medical appointments involving anesthesia. Hospitals require you have a driver sit in the waiting room. My neighbor can take the time to drive me but she camp-out due to an invalid husband. I am disabled veteran so I get free transportation, but they also can't sit in the office. Doctors refuse to schedule appointments of this nature due to this problem. I have done my regular colonoscopies (lost large colon due to cancer) without anesthesia. Being a lone wolf has real implications for my life.@@manhattanvi
Breathtaking. Thank you. Freedom comes with a price. Sometimes almost unbearable hardship. Yet, to learn solitude, to realise the loneliness of all existence: Then one might glimpse the light in this world, their inner light, undisturbed.
As from my experience, being alone might be boring sometimes but it is MUCH better than being among toxic people. I still love being among people but it must be the right crowd. Being in the wrong crowd (toxic people, people who's values are not matching your own, etc) is really a hell.
Boredom, on a biological level, is merely dopamine withdrawal symptoms. Dopamine is the hormone, when released into your blood, that you're actually feeling when an experience feels fun. One can only experience dopamine withdrawals (boredom), if one is addicted to dopamine. And one can only become, and remain addicted, if one is constantly exposed to experiences that trigger lots of dopamine...which typically involves interaction with others. Some individuals do not experience much dopamine release when around others, instead the experience is tedious. Not because those people are tedious, but because even charming people you "like" are experienced as tedious. Which prevents a dopamine addiction from forming, and such people not experiencing boredom
same, when you are your own best friend you can empower so many aspect of your life. you are your own student and teacher, and you dont wnat to lie or backstab yorself. negative autodestructive people dislike being alone or unaware that its disadvantageous to be alone : with their negative destructive auto suggestion
I'm a lone wolf with employment. I've been in too many bullying and toxic environments. I had so many painful and debilitating experiences they've actually given me ptsd. I'm picking up the pieces and healing, trying to figure out my next step, and knowing I have to face my fears but sometimes I feel frozen. I am reading books on joy, on boundaries, on communication.
I felt being in an office with the gossip and games and being forced to choose a side was exhausting. What I learned is that I thrive working independently, so I assessed my knowledge, skills , and experience and found a way to freelance. My example: I worked in social work in mental health and did the same in nursing facilities....also providing activities for residents. How I now do freelance....used my education of psychology, skills and experience from working in mental health and in nursing facilities...now I freelance to various nursing facilities doing crafts, games, and drumming. I set my schedule with a number of places. And with this economy, if a facility not able to budget and ends the program, it's not my ONLY income, I have other facilities I do the program to bring in income. Hope this helps getting ideas going.😊
I'm a nurse too. I'm trying to decide whether to apply for another job or retire early. I am also the only empath in a narcissistic and abusive toxic family. I am completely estranged from them as I am the family Scapegoat. Life is hard standing alone in a cruel, cold world. But there is also an overall feeling of peace and freedom no longer being subjected to fake and deceptive people. @@Naheenmather
Oh yeah. I have my own business. There was a lot of uncertainty. I had to suck it up, working for some real pieces of work for a long while. But as I always did my best job, it got better and better over the years. I like my job and the people I work for. I'm applying this to the rest of my life now. To personal relationships and even small encounters. It's making a real difference. I have choices. It was very hard and scary at first, but a billion times worth it.
I was military, never in combat, but worked in so many toxic work environments over my 24 year career. I’m sure that influenced my worldview and mental health significantly, but I wouldn’t call it PTSD. Not sure, what I’d call it.
Thankyou 🙏 I love how you explain the benefits of solitude, when all around us society gives the message that there is something wrong with us if we are alone
Excellent statement on the lone wolf! At 72 I find my greatest peace while alone. Knowing there are a few good friends and family members available to chat with and share deeper disclosures keeps loneliness and isolation at bay. Many of your readers would likely feel the same.
Yes. Alone is peace. But it can also be rather depressing on occasion if one's mental state is not strong. It takes a lot of vigilance and courage to always be alone.
Childhood plays a huge part in the LW mentality in adults, I feel: if you've been neglected, rejected or abandoned by people in your early life there's only so many times your heart can put up with it, then it shuts down and you resign yourself to the LW life and deal with it as best you can. Yes, it's not ideal - most people ache to be loved and part of a 'group' whether that's friends/co-workers/family/relationship - but Life is what you make of the cards dealt to you and if that means being alone is the road you must walk, walk it with dignity and no shame.
This!!! I was a shy kid that was up for having friends. I welcomed everyone. Problem, i was bullied instead. Completely rejected from any type of friends, except one or two that backstabbed me instead. Thats where ive developed my sense of keeping distance and distaste towards people.
I think for most people, the part about solitude that really works is being able to have your own private space. So much of how we live and how society works tries to deny that.
It’s actually the opposite in a capitalistic, materialist society/economy- alienation. In this type of society it’s rather easy to find solitude and aloneness. Biologically, humans survive and learn through social behaviors and cooperation. It’s evolutionary to our genes. Just like the wolf metaphor this video uses. Wolves are pack animals. The solitude here has to be seeked out, and is against the nature of wolves. I add no negative connotation to seeking out that solitude. Alienation due to capitalism creates many lone wolves forcefully, rather than naturally due to self autonomy.
@@thomassimmons1306 except for the fact that the over pressuring of what society wants to make of you is literally trying to take that away in every sense. Capitalism is no different.
If the lone wolf is only supposed to be a temporary state if existence, I'll still rebel against it. I'd rather die in the wilderness than ever come back. To be forced into an artificial position in society is this sort of living death that creates the desire to leave this plane of existence sooner rather than later.
You need more healing like he said, take your time. Do good habits like meditation and exercise and journaling when alone. Come to terms with yourself and think if you wanna return or not. If you think the current people in your life are not worth returning, find new people like how the wolf is finding a mate, find your people and a mate that you can have a family. You are choosing them yourself, so make sure you don't choose people that make your living life hell. If yiu need help making vetter descions I will recommend you reading aome books on avoiding toxic people. They will really help and I am going to be diving into them soon. Just make a youtube search and you will find some recommeded books you think will help you
I became a loner after being hurt by a few of the ppl closest to me. I’ve always been reserved but still somewhat social. I took a few years basically pushing everyone else away, I needed time to love myself and find what about life I really enjoyed. I realized I don’t hate ppl, I was surrounding myself with the wrong ppl who would end up hurting me, because I wasn’t always in the best state of mind. Now I’m more social since I’ve improved, better ppl are around me and it makes me appreciate ppl who are close to me. I still spend alot of time alone but as long as you don’t develop bad habits while alone, there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t be bitter about the pain and hateful towards other humans. Beautiful video👏🏻
There's no need to commit to sticking with solitude or socialization. Both are needed, like seasons, like day and night. I like how creative people get that when you are socially quiet, good things are happening. And when you're more out doing stuff, that's fun.
Your video describes me beautifully. I am by nature introverted. I like my socialization in small doses because I find that I don’t often meet the expectations of others. I process slowly and so can’t keep up at times. I am 74 and have spent quite a lot of time in the company of others. I have yet to find a place where I feel like I belong or people that I feel are “my people “. I do not have any family connections so I spend most of my time alone rather than putting on a persona that isn’t me. I am alone but not lonely. I understand what you mean about the coldness of being alone. I feel it too. Even though I have made great effort I have yet to find that warmth, companionship and sense of community that you speak of although I have witnessed it in very many others. My consolation is that we seldom miss what we have never had.
Only in solitude can one discover the depths of nonjudgmental existence. To be pleasantly accepting of one’s self wholeheartedly is a difficult concept to comprehend. Personas help us suppress authenticity while simultaneously integrates us into social acceptance. You’re not alone. ❤
Thank you for your insight, I am of a similar age with a similar past. I would think that people that share these traits would best understand each other,
I’ve always lived like this, moving between periods of being alone and being more familial with friends. Right now, I’m in my lone wolf stage, enjoying my peace and freedom while I continue to heal. This is a beautiful video, thank you.
I never comment on videos but this was like the re telling of my introspective thoughts on being a solitary person! Thank you extremely for putting my existence in words so eloquently!
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The ending brought me to tears. Hearing that the lone wolf is actually looking to not be alone spoke so deeply about how I feel currently. The transition phase mentioned really sums up where I feel like I am presently, and how I crave authentic intimacy and connection with my brothers and sisters in this life. I just need to find myself first.
Sometimes you can't understand what you want to feel untill someone or something forces a reaction inside your brain, it's not always something you can learn overtime, it's being in the right headspace, In the right circumstances... only then can you reflect and understand how something made you feel, you'll also understand how you can re-create that feeling from that point onward. Good luck on your journey fellow loner 🫡
Those comments pretty much summarize everything for me. I don’t care to know how others are doing or what they are doing with their lives. Because it is all emotionally draining. Recently I’ve been talking to my friends less and less and I spend more time alone. I am most happy when I’m alone and when I am with friends or even family sometimes, I get agitated and sometimes unhappy. It is all energy I cannot keep up with. I’ve been cutting off a lot of friends as well for various reasons, but for the most part, it is to maintain my own energy and happiness.
The symmetry of the lone wolf's life and its delicate balance between isolation and introspection is something I deeply resonate with. Your video offers a tableau of solitude that feels both whimsical and profound, much like the world inside a snow globe. It's a singular vision, beautifully executed.
First off thank you very much for video. I have been a loner all my life and my perspective on this has changed significantly over the years. As a child I felt an outcast in my own family, I did well in school but questioned things early on when I realized a lot of the material is absolutely useless. I am now happily married but aside from my spouse, I am very very distant from society. I see no benefit to having any participation in a society so focused on the meaningless and whose values are very far from aligned with my own. I avoid the news/media like the plague, I have a very small circle of friends and I do not like being in public unless necessary. I prefer being alone because humanity is simply not worth the effort anymore. I have watched my fellow human become the more self obsessed, greedy and especially oblivious to the hardship/pain of others. I have spent a good portion of my life alone and I have always preferred it. I have always held the belief people will do good given the chance but I am less and less of a believer of that daily. I have met many people who made me wish I was alone instead of enduring the presence for as little time as humanly possible. I think some of us are not meant to "fit in" to society and they are occasionally labeled as outcasts. In my experience this is usually done by those who have not actually experienced what they judge. I prefer to watch society at a distance, watching for signs the focus on the meaningless has shifted to something better. I do see the value of interacting with others more, and when they earn that right by being decent people long term, then I will consider changing. But it's been close to 50 years and I currently feel I will be more distant in the future, not less.
you talk about others as if it's one big conglomerate. yes you can generalise people but if you're basing your behaviour and stunting your growth just from a generalisation, there may be a problem. there are thousands and millions of people who do not fit into the mainstream. if you wait for the mainstream to become not mainstream, you will be waiting forever. find your person or crowd and build your life from there. don't expect the world to change, cus it won't, not in the way you want it to.
I am that lone wolf. This video hit deep. You beautifully explained my solitude experience. I watched it several times in a row and it helped me understand what I have been going through. I live alone, I chose it, I enjoy it. But yet, sometimes the loneliness sinks in painfull, unbearable agony. My solitude can without warning flip on me, cause depression and hopelessness. It's tough getting out of those holes alone. Videoes like yours are a valued company and give understanding. Thank you for you
Absolutely profound! As a loner myself, I have gone through this very experience. My girlfriend of 15 years left me and I at first enjoyed being alone. After a short period of time I started to feel the need to reconnect. I have since done so, but now find myself seeking the comfort of being alone. I know from my past experience, this is my mind seeking the healing that being alone provides. I guess the question is, why do I need this alone time to heal. Am I destined to never be able to exist in a society indefinitely?
I have avoided this video because I have been a lone wolf not by choice. It sucked. It sucked when in Afghanistan. I didn’t want to think about it but, finally I am here, ready, confronting and addressing it. My mental health from when I came back from downrange was in shambles. It made me a lone wolf even though I wanted to not be alone. It was hard on my wife. I have worked on my mental health, PTSD, and came back, close to my family. Being alone as a kid made it where I wouldn’t believe a person really loved me. No. I would not choose being a lone wolf. I love my family being around.
Social anxiety that i developed over the last few years has forced me into isolation. I used to love being around ppl and found it easy to see the beauty in each person and refrain from judging their 'flaws'. Now i avoid being around ppl as the anxiety and being overly self aware, and being ironically super judgemental of every action i take (i also project that judgement over people) has created a recipe for misery. However today i realized that its better to accept those feelings and thats its ok to not wanna be around ppl, and guess what, im starting to feel better. Pls forgive my rambling i just felt like venting
If you're not already, try to avoid eating gluten and see if it helps. I realize it sounds weird, but gluten sensitivity comes in many forms and can impact social anxiety. I stopped eating gluten and it helped tremendously (just wish it didn't take me 20 years of adult life to figure this out).
Exactly. I’ve been on the path of the lone wolf for a few years now. When people asked: don’t you get lonely? I replied I’m my own best friend! This time of solitude has helped me connect with nature,love,myself,… and showed me that you’re never really alone. And looking at it now, with your complete explanation, I realize I was searching my pack. And I think I found it… To everyone out there having doubts, just relax and trust the universe… It will listen.
Through solitude, I learned more about myself compared to what I once knew. I grew as a person mentally and emotionally. Of course, I would not want to experience this ever again and everyone else should not for what ever cause but, I think everyone must go through this period in life. Even if you are a victim or forced by circumstances or your self, being alone is a learning experience, a soul-searching and purpose-finding journey. You are never alone if you are contented with your, self.❤
Transition at 10:44 gives time for thought, prepares you for the turn in the narrative. A masterpiece. Congratulations, such a peaceful and clear way of clarifying an issue that goes deep into our lives. Thank you
Thank you for this brilliant piece - empty nester in the final healing stage of a long painful journey. Waking up to the art of non-toxic friendship as a desire not a need.
This video resonated with me strongly because I live alone and don't get involved in others lives and yet I have to endure people who constantly talk about me behind my back who seem to not like that I don't conform to their ways of life.
😮😮I'm going through the same situation and process it is awkward as fuk unfortunately we as our own pack 🐕🐕🐕must painfully say that we are a small denomination of different species that we are all about in the same place and situation but we don't conform n don't bow down to the point that we have to conform with them 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕😂😂fuck them your information and what is important to us the lone wolf is a common bond between us we are truly alone together 😔
If you don't interact with others, how do people know you exist enough to talk about you behind your back or notice you live life in a way they don't like?
“They’re a wolf who elects to be alone temporarily as they try to find a mate and find a place to have a family” Really felt that. Feel like I’ve isolated myself as I’ve been trying to look in the mirror and face my own reflection. Letting go of previous habits and addictions to create the life i desire. A wolf who cant look after himself cant look after his pack.
"taking care of my pack|, to me seems as a way to masturbate my ego. I used to tell myself those words when I couln't make up anything better to give my life a meaning. I dont like it now because it adds a layer of idealisation of people in your life, they might not necessarily want to share the same path as me but I am already making decision for them that they will cause i need them to be important to me so that I am important :D the hero who will "take care" of them
In search of connection, I distance myself from an individual or group who devalued, disregarded, belittled, used, abused, manipulated, took me for granted, or alienated me. Attempts to connect precede isolation, lone wolf is not a choice but the only path to endless possibilities. It's a journey, not destiny or fate as others perceive.
Most people suffer from either CPTSD or PTSD without even being aware of how traumatized they are. When you start healing you also start noticing layers upon layers of toxic 'residue' in those around you and the natural consequence is to withdraw from society as much as possible. There and only there do we find freedom and learn who we truly are. I love solitude. At 48 the only dream I have is to live in a rural area preferably in Japan (the safest place in the world) surrounded by nature, and as self sufficient as one can be.
"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~ Thank you for the video! Through your solitude it seems you went deep within and then burst out into the world sharing beautiful messages and videos. I'm grateful for you and your work! Loneliness is the shared condition that ironically brings people together. This loneliness drives us into the depths and can give us a deeper understanding of not only ourselves but others. Forging a tribe of seekers and creators. To all my lonely friends around the world. I feel you, I see you and even when you think you are alone in something, there are groups and communities like this one where you can find like minded people who can encourage you from all around the world.
I really connect with this one. I've recently lost my family through divorce and have returned to this lone wolf state. The idea that this is a temporary phase while I heal myself gave me an overwhelming sense of peace. I am not doomed to live here forever unless I chose to. This is only a stage that presents me with opportunities for growth and self realization. Thank you for what you put into the world with your videos. They have been a major part of my healing journey and I am eternally grateful.
Great video, as always. Thank you. I spent decades believing that I enjoyed my own company and wanted to be left alone. As I grew older and, perhaps, a little wiser, I came to understand that what I really wanted was a break from the more damaging relationships in my life and to build a new 'pack' which supported my needs instead of imposing the needs of the pack upon me. It took a long time and quite a few painful failures to understand this. Now, I accept that I need close relationships in order to be happy but, newsflash, I can choose those relationships!! As an ambivert, I still treasure alone time but I've finally admitted to myself that I also need select people in my life as well.
I've come the to conclusion that all the problems in my life have only come from other people. I've been living solo (more or less) for years and I love it. I don't seem to cause myself any problems. Humanity is in a strange place and I think the social order is falling apart rapidly. Why take the risk dealing with other people when they don't provide enough value?
I find that a strange conclusion to come to. It’s like you are taking zero personal responsibility for your part in the relationship. And thus your justification for cutting off any chance of a relationship. Which i find sad. But whatever works for you. ❤
I've learned over the recent years, that it is not the solitude that I crave, it is the peace. If I am with people who makes me feel at peace, I much prefer this over solitude. However, I've been living alone for more then a decade, I'm not sure if I would be ready to swap ALL my alonetime for company at once :) Thank you for another video, that ibspires reflection
The wolf howls at the end hit differently after watching your vid. I'm a introvert by nature. Since I was a 9-10 I used to roam forests and graveyards alone at night. Still my favorite times. Now as a adult , I learned I need others , people that I can trust. And no matter how much I want to be alone, my closest friends and family come before my desire for isolation. Now when it comes to retaining a partner ... that's the hard part. I had a lot of relationships but my individualistic nature always translated to my partners as distant and not giving them enough attention... when in fact i was thinking about them all the time. Oh well. maybe ill find someone that understands. Edit: great video as always. Thank you.
I feel the same way. It's like I've never shared my true thoughts but went on as if I had and at end of the relationship realized that. If only I'd said what was in my head....
This is probably one of your best. Also as a child of parent with NPD, I have chosen to isolate. However disappointing and sometimes evil people there are, there are also people who are loyal and supportive for a time. I try to remember this and not dismiss everyone all the time.
Great video. Seneca said: "We are made for each other." I wholeheartedly agree that solitude and aloneness vs loneliness is a path of healing, not an end unto itself.
Especially liked the perspective presented in the last part. From personal experience, both solitude and social life are fine as long as one is able to choose. Besides, no one is an island. Even loners can connect over a video that talks about the experience of being a loner.. 🙂
I love this video! thank you for making it. I often deliberately put myself in solitude every once in a while, and though there are worse days, I do think that these periods are very important. they make me appreciate myself and what I have, what I'm willing to stand for regardless of majority's opinion and why. after a period being alone, I always come back as a better person/friend, because time away from people makes me appreciate them more (expect less), understand myself more, communicate more clearly.
@16:07 so true😊 This video is so well articulated. I really appreciate your research into this topic. It's highly relatable. Thank you for the message. Very well delivered 🙏🤍✨
This is the first time I’ve heard about the “other side” of Lone Wolves. The family aspect of the pack and Alphas as parents. Very interesting premise and it opens the mind to view a simple concept in a whole new light. Thank you. ❤
I kind of wish it was expanded a touch more. It felt like more of an afterthought. Ironically to the point that it seems to disprove of the notion that seeking endless solitude, like I believe, is unhealthy counter to what other videos claim.
Eek! I wouldn't even have a phone if it weren't absolutely necessary in the case of an emergency. Though I do go out nearly every day (except when the weather is too bad), if by "going out", you mean "going outside"; if by "going out", you mean like going to a restaurant or a movie or the like, no thanks (the last movie I went to see was "Skyfall", which I regretted; I should have just waited to rent it, so I could watch it in the comfort and privacy of my own home). That is, I generally bicycle on a daily basis, preferably in places where there's a lot of wilderness and little to no people. The problem with a bicycle is that I have to take it to the bike shop occasionally, but that requires human interaction, so I tend to wait until it's on the verge of breaking down; for example, I went last month when the crank broke and I knew that the pedals would fall off any second (where so many other things had been wrong with it for months, but I didn't want to go to the bike shop).
I’ve been a lone wolf for the last 3 years. Through out my early 20’s I was really social and was in multiple relationships. Every day I was hanging out with friends or girl friend. When I started getting closer to 30, being around people all the time started to get annoying to me. I still have friends and female company one in a while. But being alone is the happiest and most at peace I’ve been in a long time and I love it!
Love the video and knowledge imparted in the script. I’ve been alone for now 17 years and the last 12 of those, in a quest to know and improve myself, work on my Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and have found some wisdom and am ready to rejoin the pack, find love and hopefully know which boundaries to set so that my inner peace remains there!
Of all your videos. this one touched me more than all others. The real question truly is how do we find that balance between belonging and having peace. It's not always easy to get to the answer, as it is slightly different for each of us. Thanks for this video. It was thought provoking.
Exactly. The wolf leaves the pack to create his own. That's what we should all strive for - to find our own pack. A place where we belong and a place where we can truly be ourselves. Find people who allow you to be you and who make you better person.
I think everything comes back to the philosophy of the yin-yang. And also carl jung's study of taking both the brightness of the light and the darkness of the shadow to live completely. I'd like to think of it this way, You need darkness to set up the reason to get back to the light Neither of them can exist without each other and finding the striking balance is what we need to do imo. Cheers
When I had a many friends, I sometimes got very irritated with them. I just wished I hadn't met some of them. I slowly pulled away from them when i could and chose solitide was But after I moved to another city, all I wanted was some company. I started to realize all the good things about them..... now I long to be around people. The grass is definitely greener on the other side.... I don't think that, having many friends nor being alone is the solution. But having a few friends with a similar mindset. There will be disagreements, but we ought to learn to live with them.
I actually found this video accidentally. I was searching information about hunting technics of a lone wolf. After having watched the video i am speechless. I didn't know about all these you refer to. The phase of the lone wolf begun in 2020 to me. Today, i am 23 years old and i just can't bring myself to need human interaction. I have friends, we go for a coffee but i can't say that i actually search, or even "hunt" human relations. I am truly thriving alone. I do things that i like, i thrieve to my career and i can't bring myself to share my time and energy with people who are toxic or are all these you refer to this video. I had enough of this to the past. I don't want this shit anymore! I can't actually bring myself to tell you exactly how much emotional this video made me. Finally, i felt understood! Thank you! Thank you so so so much!! I am sending you my very very best wishes! Truly, sincerely don't stop what you doing!!! ❤
The only thing better than a pack of one is a pack of two. I was/am a lone wolf & I met a significant other that is also a lone wolf. We both never thought we could “click” with anyone the way we are with each other. Needless to say we’ve completely changed each other’s lives. Waking up next to someone you love doesn’t compare to much of anything else. We’ve definitely had some challenges but in all it made us both realize that true intimacy is an even deeper peace than solitude. Don’t give up on finding new member(s) for your pack.
I'm deeply moved by this video as you truly explain the plight of the lone wolf. I feel that my path is real and valid. Thank you for helping me reaffirm my solitary journey........ All the best to us lone wolves, Sean.
I really appreciate how you have disassembled the concept of the lone wolf. My personal opinion based spending time as the “outcast” yet having to work in a very collaborative way for survival is that the hedgehog dilemma is only a dilemma if you think pain is wrong. Pain just like sadness, anger and etc. are normal parts of life that we cannot and should not push away. The issue is when things approach “extremes”. Negative emotions are just as instructive as positive ones. And wholeness only comes when we accept the whole of life, negative and positive.
Hey, I can't thank you enough for your video :) I've been struggling with identifying as a lone wolf and this really left reflect a lot. Also I love all of your work, it really lets me strive for greatness💪
Nice video❤ For your question at the end of video.. I think its just a period of introspection and the door will not be shut forever. When we are back, we will be better equipped with the understanding of whom we should allow in our lives and whom we should not.
Yes especially when you get used and tossed aside. No one understands until it happens to them. After it does, you don't want anything to do with people
Ever since I started being one I’ve thought I was like that the whole time, but the truth about it really hits the heart. Thanks for making this video.
I’m a Lone Wolf 🐺.. I’ve been in “ survival-mode “ and have been w/o friends + family and have battled everything. Tough.. YES. But being alone is also addictive.
At 29 years old I am going through this at the moment, whereas all my peers rely on relationships, girlfriends, and fake connections to keep them satiated.
I have been around your content for a while now but you haven't ceased to amaze me with the way you handle metaphors and analogies. Thank you so much for producing videos like this.
Or at least recognising on your travels other "old souls" or someone who has walked talked or been in a moment in their unsettled dreams in a place that is familiar but not in a time/era/or placement current to the world you know, these scenes/places are foggy anamorphic and "out of time" with your current state of existence or where you find yourself thrown into, But yes lone creatures definitely find solace/succour and contemplation in places of vast open spaces and long walks, and here in Ireland drizzly rain really helps with isolating yourself, ( in a good way)
Oh yes, that's so making sense. I realized this when I stayed in China in 2012. My friends were like some older than me some really young like 16, 18 but I'm quite sure they were old souls.
Dankjewel, je helpt me mijzelf en mijn vriendin keer op keer steeds weer elkaar en onszelf beter leren kennen en begrijpen. Mijn waardering voor alle verfrissende inzichten en gedachtengangen is enorm! Je zet me op een gezonde manier aan het denken, en voor mij is dat een extreem waardevol geschenk. Nogmaals dank...
Thank you for talking about the Alpha as it is. So many people talk about Alpha wolves but don't know how outdated that info is. Also, as someone that self-isolelates because it seems everyone that approaches me always do so for sexual, academical and/or emotional interests, I find quite hard to let anyone "in," but I understand that we can't go further in life by ourselves. No matter hard we try. Thank you for your videos. They are always amazing!
Much gratitude for your thought-provoking videos! While it is indeed easier (and more productive) to be in hermit mode, relationships often reflect our own wounds and ultimately teach us about ourself - and how to establish boundaries. We can then choose who's worth our time and energy. I'm thankful for challenging dynamics that helped me grow, and I now have greater appreciation for the positive connections.
I agree. Although it seems like the times when I've wanted to keep to myself, I naturally have people come into my life and I go with the flow of accepting whatever I need to learn from them. If they stay or if they eventually leave, it doesn't really bother me since I just acknowledge the wholeness within myself and accept they were around for a reason or a season. I've never had a fear or issues forming good relationships but as I've gotten older, I understand the flow much better and learned to surrender control a lot more.
I love being alone since I can remember and it hasn't change in 45 years. Nobody hurt me when I was 2 or 3,nobody betrayed me when I was in kindergarden,no partner left me or cheated on me etc etc. I was just born that way,books,animals and nature are part of me and except my Dad's I missed nobody's company. And we didn't live together since I have finished high school nor see each other every day. Just knowing he is there was enough. There are people who simply like being alone,no need to analyze or complicate. It is just that simple 😊
Bro is describing my life in scandinavia. Im half swedish and thought that i would "fit in" and was very extroverted and almost goofily naive.After 10 years i got burned out, i couldnt stand one more day being around stingy people and not having one friend. After a lot of psychological ups and downs i found peace in solitude. Ive programmed my mind to not even do eye contact if its not necesarry and view the world as a simulation. Doing some yoga nidra, exercuse everyday and got a buddy in the form of a cat. Its beautiful to be alone if youre able to reprogram your brain but sadness will still hit you from times to times
What a surprise to see kowalskis painting ‘lone wolf’ in your video!! I bought that painting when I was 13 it has been hanging in my various homes for the last 60 years! To me it is soothing. I am an intermittent lone wolf . all my life!
As someone who has been bullied before and had very few friends in school, lives in a toxic house, and although I have my society friends, I simply feel that I do not belong here. My thoughts were always different from others...i hope i find people like me when I go to the university next year
@@jeremyc2445 thanks, but it is very difficult as my tuitions are not good and i have less time.. also the toxic enironment and my mental health is not good
I rarely write comments but after being a follower of your videos since corona lockdown , finally i want to say thank you for guiding me with your videos through dark times .I'm still struggling but made a good progress to at least try become who i want . Your videos were and are relatable ,near to heart and so reflective to me. Recently i met someone who's comforting to me and we're likeminded but she's struggling too , " i mean who doesn't these days" and i'm trying to help her to get through whatever she's dealing with and hopefully heal and get the result that she wants, so i'm going to send your channel to her and hope that can help her as well :) . Thank you again for sharing your journey with us ❤🙏
The idea/ research on the 'dispersing wolves' is new to me. Wow! The keyword is temporary. They (wolves) still find their way back 'home', or perhaps start their own path/ family to reconnect. I can compare this temporary withdrawal to a social media detox. I have noticed that when I took a break for a while on some social media platforms and then returns a few weeks, or months later- my feed feels less toxic 🙂, (Perhaps some big tech companies way of encouraging us to come back to their platforms🙂🙂). I can come back with more energy, and/ or interest. I can also share new stories taken from my voluntary isolation experiences. I love being alone. Its so comforting. Taking a solo ride on my bicycle feels so good. But perhaps, some balance are also necessary. Just like in your other video about the 'flow state'. Being alone can set a condition to enter that state. When the mind becomes too chaotic, Take a temporary break. Dont force force flow to happen. Allow it. (Learned about the flow concept from a book by Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence)
For me, I think it is ultimately a phase. I find peace in solitude because it's safe. I've always been in the belief that friends aren't meant for a lifetime. We're passing each other by with our own goals and missions going forward. We learn from one another, but there is not commitment. Maybe I just need to find the right people to suit my personality. In any case, I will survive either way. Thanks for the video.
"I don't hate people...I just feel better when they aren't around." - Charles Bukowski
As if i should have said it myself ! 😊
💯 have always been a lone wolf and love it. I now live up in the mountains in a very rural area. My closest neighbors are cows. I don't get lonely. I love to read, do my hobbies, work in my garden, or go for hikes. I can go for days without seeing another human. It's paradise and wouldn't want it any other way.
@@churchofpos2279lets gooo
Being locked in a room with other people and the you realize you’re in hell, you mean work?
I'm def a part of that club 😂
Being a loner is much more peaceful but I've found that it's important to have shared experiences with people who care about you. The problem is, you can't rely on people to be consistent throughout your life. Most of your relationships will change, people will leave or you might leave them which can bring a lot of pain.
Pain. Nothing but pain😢
Pain in the arse free is the way ,to be
This is a perfectly balanced perspective
I found that very hard to do. I guess that’s why I became a loner in the first place, the idea that people leave regardless. And since then all I ever long for is that consistency of people sticking around, but that never happens as for it seems for majority of others that can maintain such relationships, just not for me, that makes it even more difficult and more lonely for me, I’m living a conflicting life of wanting to have people around me but never initiate any conversation or try to reach out….
Sometimes I doubt it’s just my coping mechanism, not how I want to be😢
Pain and then acceptance. Life is constantly changing.
I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for finding your channel... you're helping and I thank you
At times I'm a lone wolf in the middle of the best company. It's not a negative thing at all but I'm starting to understand that being a lone wolf is a necessity
Truly, this channel has been a light in the shadows for me too!
same here
I cannot tell you how much comments like yours make me not want to align with the type of thinkers and fawners who watched this video. The likes say it all. This group is clearly for children.
I find a little bit of contradiction in this video.
How is it possible that einzelganger mentions Jean Paul Sartre as an example of how to be authentic and a free thinker, when Sartre and his partner (Simone de Beauvoir) were admirers of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Marxism etc, idiologies that are against free thinking, idiologies that promote the herd mentality.
I think Jean Paul Sartre was an hipócrita
What drove me into depression was not being able to understand why I ended up alone. What drove me out was recognizing that I needed to be alone in order to thrive and embracing the life of solitude whole heartedly.
Being alone isn't for everyone, but for some of us it's bliss. Learning to enjoy your own company is a lesson too many people in toxic tragic relationships sadly never learn. Happiness comes in many forms. Good luck.
Funny you say that as I too fell into depression for not understanding why I ended up so alone especially when my younger years were so vibrant with people . Just don't get what happened as I'm a good guy and have a lot to offer.
Well said man. I had the same experience.
It is better to be alone than to chase people who do not care about you
I never tried to be alone, it is just something that has always been there.
I know what you mean exactly,
so true!😭
Yes. I can relate. However, somehow I have always loved it.
Thank you, man. As someone who is constantly in a battle between needing solitude and longing for close relationships I found this video somewhat comforting
Baby german shepherd is what you need. Or a husky. In a few months you won't even be able to remember that state of mind 💯%
My cat wouldn’t like that :) But yeah, pets are wonderful
Steppenwolf by Hess
It’s pathetic how you people think life works
@@Saber23projecting again
Being a loner is the easy part. The hard part is convincing my family members that I'm not depressed, i just like being alone.
You're fortunate that they ( your family) care about your welfare in this regard even though it is annoying.
@Bodyknowledge77 true!! But I pushed myself so much for the sake of others, and I have developed agoraphobia.
Only ppl with friends say its easy, most peoples definition of loner is "i havent talked to my friends in 2 weeks" or "i only have 2 friends"
Here is a problem only encountered by true lone wolves. I have difficulties scheduling medical appointments involving anesthesia. Hospitals require you have a driver sit in the waiting room. My neighbor can take the time to drive me but she camp-out due to an invalid husband. I am disabled veteran so I get free transportation, but they also can't sit in the office. Doctors refuse to schedule appointments of this nature due to this problem. I have done my regular colonoscopies (lost large colon due to cancer) without anesthesia. Being a lone wolf has real implications for my life.@@manhattanvi
You don't have to explain yourself to them.
Breathtaking. Thank you. Freedom comes with a price. Sometimes almost unbearable hardship. Yet, to learn solitude, to realise the loneliness of all existence: Then one might glimpse the light in this world, their inner light, undisturbed.
"the more I learn about people, the more I like my dog" - Mark Twain
As from my experience, being alone might be boring sometimes but it is MUCH better than being among toxic people. I still love being among people but it must be the right crowd. Being in the wrong crowd (toxic people, people who's values are not matching your own, etc) is really a hell.
Agreed, so much effort and wasted energy.
I am never bored
Me too, I enjoy my own company but being always alone isn't very productive. As Oprah Winfrey says: "No one goes on top alone" and I agree.@@zeedo666
Boredom, on a biological level, is merely dopamine withdrawal symptoms.
Dopamine is the hormone, when released into your blood, that you're actually feeling when an experience feels fun.
One can only experience dopamine withdrawals (boredom), if one is addicted to dopamine.
And one can only become, and remain addicted, if one is constantly exposed to experiences that trigger lots of dopamine...which typically involves interaction with others.
Some individuals do not experience much dopamine release when around others, instead the experience is tedious. Not because those people are tedious, but because even charming people you "like" are experienced as tedious.
Which prevents a dopamine addiction from forming, and such people not experiencing boredom
“If you don't have many friends, that means you have a lot of life experience.” - Søren Kierkegaard
Wow than I am 70 years old in life experience but physically I am 27
Or you're a jerk. Or you're all done moving.
This quote seems 90% cope, 10% insight
@danacoleman4007 did their comment hit close to your ❄️??😂😂
Being alone is a power that only a few have mastered. I'm not lonely, I find being alone to be enriching.
Thank you😊
Your bateries get charged. Nobody really wants to be Alone, îs just these ignorant/kids like people are hard to endure.
Sometimes im lonely but i rather be alone than in bad company
same, when you are your own best friend you can empower so many aspect of your life. you are your own student and teacher, and you dont wnat to lie or backstab yorself. negative autodestructive people dislike being alone or unaware that its disadvantageous to be alone : with their negative destructive auto suggestion
how bro pls tell me i feel like im missing out on so much things man
I'm a lone wolf with employment. I've been in too many bullying and toxic environments. I had so many painful and debilitating experiences they've actually given me ptsd. I'm picking up the pieces and healing, trying to figure out my next step, and knowing I have to face my fears but sometimes I feel frozen. I am reading books on joy, on boundaries, on communication.
I’m going to take a guess. Medical field? Those are my words and I was a nurse. Godspeed
I felt being in an office with the gossip and games and being forced to choose a side was exhausting. What I learned is that I thrive working independently, so I assessed my knowledge, skills , and experience and found a way to freelance. My example: I worked in social work in mental health and did the same in nursing facilities....also providing activities for residents. How I now do freelance....used my education of psychology, skills and experience from working in mental health and in nursing facilities...now I freelance to various nursing facilities doing crafts, games, and drumming. I set my schedule with a number of places. And with this economy, if a facility not able to budget and ends the program, it's not my ONLY income, I have other facilities I do the program to bring in income. Hope this helps getting ideas going.😊
I'm a nurse too. I'm trying to decide whether to apply for another job or retire early. I am also the only empath in a narcissistic and abusive toxic family. I am completely estranged from them as I am the family Scapegoat. Life is hard standing alone in a cruel, cold world. But there is also an overall feeling of peace and freedom no longer being subjected to fake and deceptive people. @@Naheenmather
Oh yeah. I have my own business. There was a lot of uncertainty. I had to suck it up, working for some real pieces of work for a long while. But as I always did my best job, it got better and better over the years. I like my job and the people I work for. I'm applying this to the rest of my life now. To personal relationships and even small encounters. It's making a real difference. I have choices. It was very hard and scary at first, but a billion times worth it.
I was military, never in combat, but worked in so many toxic work environments over my 24 year career. I’m sure that influenced my worldview and mental health significantly, but I wouldn’t call it PTSD. Not sure, what I’d call it.
Thankyou 🙏 I love how you explain the benefits of solitude, when all around us society gives the message that there is something wrong with us if we are alone
Excellent statement on the lone wolf! At 72 I find my greatest peace while alone. Knowing there are a few good friends and family members available to chat with and share deeper disclosures keeps loneliness and isolation at bay. Many of your readers would likely feel the same.
I'm 33 and I have always made solitary reflection a priority. It keeps me from going off the deep end. ✊😐
Having those few close friends and family isnt being a lone wolf, its the opposite
Yes. Alone is peace. But it can also be rather depressing on occasion if one's mental state is not strong. It takes a lot of vigilance and courage to always be alone.
Childhood plays a huge part in the LW mentality in adults, I feel: if you've been neglected, rejected or abandoned by people in your early life there's only so many times your heart can put up with it, then it shuts down and you resign yourself to the LW life and deal with it as best you can. Yes, it's not ideal - most people ache to be loved and part of a 'group' whether that's friends/co-workers/family/relationship - but Life is what you make of the cards dealt to you and if that means being alone is the road you must walk, walk it with dignity and no shame.
Felt that, its exactly what happened to me.
Lovely comment 👍🏽
Same here, it seams, that my whole life was meant to be this way.
This!!! I was a shy kid that was up for having friends. I welcomed everyone.
Problem, i was bullied instead. Completely rejected from any type of friends, except one or two that backstabbed me instead.
Thats where ive developed my sense of keeping distance and distaste towards people.
I think for most people, the part about solitude that really works is being able to have your own private space. So much of how we live and how society works tries to deny that.
Underrated comment, I completely agree.
It’s actually the opposite in a capitalistic, materialist society/economy- alienation. In this type of society it’s rather easy to find solitude and aloneness. Biologically, humans survive and learn through social behaviors and cooperation. It’s evolutionary to our genes. Just like the wolf metaphor this video uses. Wolves are pack animals. The solitude here has to be seeked out, and is against the nature of wolves. I add no negative connotation to seeking out that solitude.
Alienation due to capitalism creates many lone wolves forcefully, rather than naturally due to self autonomy.
@@thomassimmons1306 except for the fact that the over pressuring of what society wants to make of you is literally trying to take that away in every sense. Capitalism is no different.
It always gives me pain when I am around people.
It always gives me happiness when I am alone.
If the lone wolf is only supposed to be a temporary state if existence, I'll still rebel against it. I'd rather die in the wilderness than ever come back. To be forced into an artificial position in society is this sort of living death that creates the desire to leave this plane of existence sooner rather than later.
Beautifully stated.
Wilderness??? You must be somewhere other than the United States. There is no more wilderness here.
You need more healing like he said, take your time. Do good habits like meditation and exercise and journaling when alone. Come to terms with yourself and think if you wanna return or not. If you think the current people in your life are not worth returning, find new people like how the wolf is finding a mate, find your people and a mate that you can have a family. You are choosing them yourself, so make sure you don't choose people that make your living life hell. If yiu need help making vetter descions I will recommend you reading aome books on avoiding toxic people. They will really help and I am going to be diving into them soon. Just make a youtube search and you will find some recommeded books you think will help you
Good luck!
I became a loner after being hurt by a few of the ppl closest to me. I’ve always been reserved but still somewhat social. I took a few years basically pushing everyone else away, I needed time to love myself and find what about life I really enjoyed. I realized I don’t hate ppl, I was surrounding myself with the wrong ppl who would end up hurting me, because I wasn’t always in the best state of mind. Now I’m more social since I’ve improved, better ppl are around me and it makes me appreciate ppl who are close to me. I still spend alot of time alone but as long as you don’t develop bad habits while alone, there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t be bitter about the pain and hateful towards other humans. Beautiful video👏🏻
Not being bitter, well spoken ❤
I love you ❤
@@FeefailsGetDecapitated ☺️🫶🏻
you dont become lone wolf you either are one or you're not you're a fake
There's no need to commit to sticking with solitude or socialization. Both are needed, like seasons, like day and night. I like how creative people get that when you are socially quiet, good things are happening. And when you're more out doing stuff, that's fun.
Indeed. You're sage
yep, this is basic yin yang, all is good, so it's not either or, it's sun and moon different values both needed, complimenting even
a lot of people have trouble with balance in many aspects of their life, but if you can manage to stay somewhere in the middle you're good
Your video describes me beautifully. I am by nature introverted. I like my socialization in small doses because I find that I don’t often meet the expectations of others. I process slowly and so can’t keep up at times. I am 74 and have spent quite a lot of time in the company of others. I have yet to find a place where I feel like I belong or people that I feel are “my people “. I do not have any family connections so I spend most of my time alone rather than putting on a persona that isn’t me. I am alone but not lonely. I understand what you mean about the coldness of being alone. I feel it too. Even though I have made great effort I have yet to find that warmth, companionship and sense of community that you speak of although I have witnessed it in very many others. My consolation is that we seldom miss what we have never had.
Only in solitude can one discover the depths of nonjudgmental existence.
To be pleasantly accepting of one’s self wholeheartedly is a difficult concept to comprehend.
Personas help us suppress authenticity while simultaneously integrates us into social acceptance.
You’re not alone. ❤
Thank you for your insight, I am of a similar age with a similar past. I would think that people that share these traits would best understand each other,
Thanks for your wisdom.
This video resonated with the deepest part of my soul and gave me a new meaning and understanding of this phase of my life. Thank you very much!
I’ve always lived like this, moving between periods of being alone and being more familial with friends. Right now, I’m in my lone wolf stage, enjoying my peace and freedom while I continue to heal. This is a beautiful video, thank you.
I never comment on videos but this was like the re telling of my introspective thoughts on being a solitary person! Thank you extremely for putting my existence in words so eloquently!
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Agree 100% I just didn't have the words
this video doesnt talk about money you are 10000% A SCAM
The ending brought me to tears. Hearing that the lone wolf is actually looking to not be alone spoke so deeply about how I feel currently. The transition phase mentioned really sums up where I feel like I am presently, and how I crave authentic intimacy and connection with my brothers and sisters in this life. I just need to find myself first.
You are lovely. I'm here for you ❤
you got it!
Wow, what an enlightening statement!
Sometimes you can't understand what you want to feel untill someone or something forces a reaction inside your brain, it's not always something you can learn overtime, it's being in the right headspace, In the right circumstances... only then can you reflect and understand how something made you feel, you'll also understand how you can re-create that feeling from that point onward. Good luck on your journey fellow loner 🫡
Thank you all for the kind words. Alone we are strong. Together we are stronger. It’s just finding the right Wolfpack!!
Embrace the chaos, or embrace solitude... Thank you for this..
Those comments pretty much summarize everything for me. I don’t care to know how others are doing or what they are doing with their lives. Because it is all emotionally draining. Recently I’ve been talking to my friends less and less and I spend more time alone. I am most happy when I’m alone and when I am with friends or even family sometimes, I get agitated and sometimes unhappy. It is all energy I cannot keep up with. I’ve been cutting off a lot of friends as well for various reasons, but for the most part, it is to maintain my own energy and happiness.
The symmetry of the lone wolf's life and its delicate balance between isolation and introspection is something I deeply resonate with. Your video offers a tableau of solitude that feels both whimsical and profound, much like the world inside a snow globe. It's a singular vision, beautifully executed.
Hmmm, I like your snow globe analogy
Beautifully put. Thank you.
First off thank you very much for video.
I have been a loner all my life and my perspective on this has changed significantly over the years. As a child I felt an outcast in my own family, I did well in school but questioned things early on when I realized a lot of the material is absolutely useless. I am now happily married but aside from my spouse, I am very very distant from society. I see no benefit to having any participation in a society so focused on the meaningless and whose values are very far from aligned with my own. I avoid the news/media like the plague, I have a very small circle of friends and I do not like being in public unless necessary. I prefer being alone because humanity is simply not worth the effort anymore. I have watched my fellow human become the more self obsessed, greedy and especially oblivious to the hardship/pain of others. I have spent a good portion of my life alone and I have always preferred it. I have always held the belief people will do good given the chance but I am less and less of a believer of that daily. I have met many people who made me wish I was alone instead of enduring the presence for as little time as humanly possible.
I think some of us are not meant to "fit in" to society and they are occasionally labeled as outcasts. In my experience this is usually done by those who have not actually experienced what they judge. I prefer to watch society at a distance, watching for signs the focus on the meaningless has shifted to something better. I do see the value of interacting with others more, and when they earn that right by being decent people long term, then I will consider changing. But it's been close to 50 years and I currently feel I will be more distant in the future, not less.
you talk about others as if it's one big conglomerate. yes you can generalise people but if you're basing your behaviour and stunting your growth just from a generalisation, there may be a problem. there are thousands and millions of people who do not fit into the mainstream. if you wait for the mainstream to become not mainstream, you will be waiting forever. find your person or crowd and build your life from there. don't expect the world to change, cus it won't, not in the way you want it to.
I mean, you’re not wrong. The majority of people are collectively descending into darkness and ignorance. They’ve been hypnotized.
I am that lone wolf. This video hit deep. You beautifully explained my solitude experience. I watched it several times in a row and it helped me understand what I have been going through. I live alone, I chose it, I enjoy it. But yet, sometimes the loneliness sinks in painfull, unbearable agony. My solitude can without warning flip on me, cause depression and hopelessness. It's tough getting out of those holes alone. Videoes like yours are a valued company and give understanding. Thank you for you
You're not alone in this sentiment.
Absolutely profound! As a loner myself, I have gone through this very experience. My girlfriend of 15 years left me and I at first enjoyed being alone. After a short period of time I started to feel the need to reconnect. I have since done so, but now find myself seeking the comfort of being alone. I know from my past experience, this is my mind seeking the healing that being alone provides. I guess the question is, why do I need this alone time to heal. Am I destined to never be able to exist in a society indefinitely?
I have avoided this video because I have been a lone wolf not by choice. It sucked. It sucked when in Afghanistan. I didn’t want to think about it but, finally I am here, ready, confronting and addressing it.
My mental health from when I came back from downrange was in shambles. It made me a lone wolf even though I wanted to not be alone. It was hard on my wife.
I have worked on my mental health, PTSD, and came back, close to my family. Being alone as a kid made it where I wouldn’t believe a person really loved me.
No. I would not choose being a lone wolf. I love my family being around.
Social anxiety that i developed over the last few years has forced me into isolation. I used to love being around ppl and found it easy to see the beauty in each person and refrain from judging their 'flaws'. Now i avoid being around ppl as the anxiety and being overly self aware, and being ironically super judgemental of every action i take (i also project that judgement over people) has created a recipe for misery. However today i realized that its better to accept those feelings and thats its ok to not wanna be around ppl, and guess what, im starting to feel better. Pls forgive my rambling i just felt like venting
I feel exactly the same way. Thank you
@@jeremyc2445its nice to know im not alone. Take care friend ❤
If you're not already, try to avoid eating gluten and see if it helps. I realize it sounds weird, but gluten sensitivity comes in many forms and can impact social anxiety. I stopped eating gluten and it helped tremendously (just wish it didn't take me 20 years of adult life to figure this out).
Thanks for the advice, ill try that out
Aye you just spoke for me, no need to apologise. I should say thank you for articulating my similar thoughts and feelings through your own experience.
Exactly. I’ve been on the path of the lone wolf for a few years now. When people asked: don’t you get lonely? I replied I’m my own best friend! This time of solitude has helped me connect with nature,love,myself,… and showed me that you’re never really alone. And looking at it now, with your complete explanation, I realize I was searching my pack. And I think I found it… To everyone out there having doubts, just relax and trust the universe… It will listen.
Through solitude, I learned more about myself compared to what I once knew. I grew as a person mentally and emotionally. Of course, I would not want to experience this ever again and everyone else should not for what ever cause but, I think everyone must go through this period in life. Even if you are a victim or forced by circumstances or your self, being alone is a learning experience, a soul-searching and purpose-finding journey. You are never alone if you are contented with your, self.❤
From 1 human who has gone through this and currently still improving day to day. I resonate with your response.
Transition at 10:44 gives time for thought, prepares you for the turn in the narrative. A masterpiece. Congratulations, such a peaceful and clear way of clarifying an issue that goes deep into our lives. Thank you
Thank you for this brilliant piece - empty nester in the final healing stage of a long painful journey. Waking up to the art of non-toxic friendship as a desire not a need.
This video resonated with me strongly because I live alone and don't get involved in others lives and yet I have to endure people who constantly talk about me behind my back who seem to not like that I don't conform to their ways of life.
Absolutely relate to to this. People are almost offended if you don’t want to spend time with them
😮😮I'm going through the same situation and process it is awkward as fuk unfortunately we as our own pack 🐕🐕🐕must painfully say that we are a small denomination of different species that we are all about in the same place and situation but we don't conform n don't bow down to the point that we have to conform with them 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕😂😂fuck them your information and what is important to us the lone wolf is a common bond between us we are truly alone together 😔
If you don't interact with others, how do people know you exist enough to talk about you behind your back or notice you live life in a way they don't like?
Okay 👍♉🇨🇱💭
muhhfuckas be like 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆
“They’re a wolf who elects to be alone temporarily as they try to find a mate and find a place to have a family”
Really felt that. Feel like I’ve isolated myself as I’ve been trying to look in the mirror and face my own reflection. Letting go of previous habits and addictions to create the life i desire. A wolf who cant look after himself cant look after his pack.
Me too, same experience!
Sometimes we need to bi alone, sometimes we need adequate company.
The point is in the balance, i would say.
felt it too +++
"taking care of my pack|, to me seems as a way to masturbate my ego. I used to tell myself those words when I couln't make up anything better to give my life a meaning. I dont like it now because it adds a layer of idealisation of people in your life, they might not necessarily want to share the same path as me but I am already making decision for them that they will cause i need them to be important to me so that I am important :D the hero who will "take care" of them
In search of connection, I distance myself from an individual or group who devalued, disregarded, belittled, used, abused, manipulated, took me for granted, or alienated me. Attempts to connect precede isolation, lone wolf is not a choice but the only path to endless possibilities. It's a journey, not destiny or fate as others perceive.
It's a period of healing, to restart things with better knowledge of what kind of people to aviod and what kind of people to let in 🤗 Good video! 🙂
Most people suffer from either CPTSD or PTSD without even being aware of how traumatized they are. When you start healing you also start noticing layers upon layers of toxic 'residue' in those around you and the natural consequence is to withdraw from society as much as possible. There and only there do we find freedom and learn who we truly are. I love solitude. At 48 the only dream I have is to live in a rural area preferably in Japan (the safest place in the world) surrounded by nature, and as self sufficient as one can be.
"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Thank you for the video! Through your solitude it seems you went deep within and then burst out into the world sharing beautiful messages and videos. I'm grateful for you and your work!
Loneliness is the shared condition that ironically brings people together. This loneliness drives us into the depths and can give us a deeper understanding of not only ourselves but others. Forging a tribe of seekers and creators.
To all my lonely friends around the world. I feel you, I see you and even when you think you are alone in something, there are groups and communities like this one where you can find like minded people who can encourage you from all around the world.
I really connect with this one. I've recently lost my family through divorce and have returned to this lone wolf state. The idea that this is a temporary phase while I heal myself gave me an overwhelming sense of peace. I am not doomed to live here forever unless I chose to. This is only a stage that presents me with opportunities for growth and self realization. Thank you for what you put into the world with your videos. They have been a major part of my healing journey and I am eternally grateful.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
As a man who has also lost his family through divorce i hear ya .
Live and learn. Reconnect when you're ready, but perhaps recognize marriage for rigged game that it is and stear clear of it.
@@allseeingotto2912I wouldnt say you lost them...I would like to encourage you to think about it as if you all evolved ina different way....
@@peekaxu4352 Interesting , but I still say lost .
Great video, as always. Thank you. I spent decades believing that I enjoyed my own company and wanted to be left alone. As I grew older and, perhaps, a little wiser, I came to understand that what I really wanted was a break from the more damaging relationships in my life and to build a new 'pack' which supported my needs instead of imposing the needs of the pack upon me. It took a long time and quite a few painful failures to understand this. Now, I accept that I need close relationships in order to be happy but, newsflash, I can choose those relationships!! As an ambivert, I still treasure alone time but I've finally admitted to myself that I also need select people in my life as well.
This video is brilliant. A self reflective, insightful monologue. Bravo 👏👏👏
I love being the Lone Wolf . Solitude is the best medicine for me . The words . " its good to have met you now goodbye ." Are medicine to me
It's poetic, I just may adopt that folk medicine for the soul, if you don't mind.
I've come the to conclusion that all the problems in my life have only come from other people. I've been living solo (more or less) for years and I love it. I don't seem to cause myself any problems. Humanity is in a strange place and I think the social order is falling apart rapidly. Why take the risk dealing with other people when they don't provide enough value?
Often, the expectations of how other's should behave turn the pain we receive into suffering. Are our problems a result of pain, suffering, or both?
I find that a strange conclusion to come to. It’s like you are taking zero personal responsibility for your part in the relationship. And thus your justification for cutting off any chance of a relationship. Which i find sad. But whatever works for you. ❤
Great job. The leading philosophers today tell you blame others for your own plight.. take responsibility dude.
I've learned over the recent years, that it is not the solitude that I crave, it is the peace. If I am with people who makes me feel at peace, I much prefer this over solitude. However, I've been living alone for more then a decade, I'm not sure if I would be ready to swap ALL my alonetime for company at once :)
Thank you for another video, that ibspires reflection
Me neither..unless she comes with a damn good script
The wolf howls at the end hit differently after watching your vid.
I'm a introvert by nature. Since I was a 9-10 I used to roam forests and graveyards alone at night. Still my favorite times. Now as a adult , I learned I need others , people that I can trust. And no matter how much I want to be alone, my closest friends and family come before my desire for isolation.
Now when it comes to retaining a partner ... that's the hard part. I had a lot of relationships but my individualistic nature always translated to my partners as distant and not giving them enough attention... when in fact i was thinking about them all the time. Oh well. maybe ill find someone that understands.
Edit: great video as always. Thank you.
I feel the same way. It's like I've never shared my true thoughts but went on as if I had and at end of the relationship realized that. If only I'd said what was in my head....
@@eskimocommotion4965 I did, it still didn't work lol
This is probably one of your best. Also as a child of parent with NPD, I have chosen to isolate. However disappointing and sometimes evil people there are, there are also people who are loyal and supportive for a time. I try to remember this and not dismiss everyone all the time.
Great video. Seneca said: "We are made for each other." I wholeheartedly agree that solitude and aloneness vs loneliness is a path of healing, not an end unto itself.
Especially liked the perspective presented in the last part.
From personal experience, both solitude and social life are fine as long as one is able to choose. Besides, no one is an island. Even loners can connect over a video that talks about the experience of being a loner.. 🙂
i love to be alone , its not lonely, it just feel freedom , no one can’t bother you , no one can’t have you , its priceless.
Your videos are always so timely. I do see myself as a disperser, but I’m realistic in knowing I may never meet up with another pack and that’s okay.
I love this video! thank you for making it. I often deliberately put myself in solitude every once in a while, and though there are worse days, I do think that these periods are very important. they make me appreciate myself and what I have, what I'm willing to stand for regardless of majority's opinion and why. after a period being alone, I always come back as a better person/friend, because time away from people makes me appreciate them more (expect less), understand myself more, communicate more clearly.
@16:07 so true😊 This video is so well articulated. I really appreciate your research into this topic. It's highly relatable. Thank you for the message. Very well delivered 🙏🤍✨
This is the first time I’ve heard about the “other side” of Lone Wolves. The family aspect of the pack and Alphas as parents. Very interesting premise and it opens the mind to view a simple concept in a whole new light. Thank you. ❤
I kind of wish it was expanded a touch more. It felt like more of an afterthought.
Ironically to the point that it seems to disprove of the notion that seeking endless solitude, like I believe, is unhealthy counter to what other videos claim.
Minimal human interaction is all I need to satisfy my social craving. Like going out once in while or a chat on the phone.
Lucky you.
Eek! I wouldn't even have a phone if it weren't absolutely necessary in the case of an emergency. Though I do go out nearly every day (except when the weather is too bad), if by "going out", you mean "going outside"; if by "going out", you mean like going to a restaurant or a movie or the like, no thanks (the last movie I went to see was "Skyfall", which I regretted; I should have just waited to rent it, so I could watch it in the comfort and privacy of my own home). That is, I generally bicycle on a daily basis, preferably in places where there's a lot of wilderness and little to no people. The problem with a bicycle is that I have to take it to the bike shop occasionally, but that requires human interaction, so I tend to wait until it's on the verge of breaking down; for example, I went last month when the crank broke and I knew that the pedals would fall off any second (where so many other things had been wrong with it for months, but I didn't want to go to the bike shop).
@@ghenulo are they friendly at the bike shop atleast?
I’ve been a lone wolf for the last 3 years. Through out my early 20’s I was really social and was in multiple relationships. Every day I was hanging out with friends or girl friend. When I started getting closer to 30, being around people all the time started to get annoying to me. I still have friends and female company one in a while. But being alone is the happiest and most at peace I’ve been in a long time and I love it!
what I like in it is the freedom from the constant pressure and compulsion to compete with all of them
you dont become lone wolf you either are one or you're not you're a fake
Love the video and knowledge imparted in the script. I’ve been alone for now 17 years and the last 12 of those, in a quest to know and improve myself, work on my Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and have found some wisdom and am ready to rejoin the pack, find love and hopefully know which boundaries to set so that my inner peace remains there!
Of all your videos. this one touched me more than all others. The real question truly is how do we find that balance between belonging and having peace. It's not always easy to get to the answer, as it is slightly different for each of us. Thanks for this video. It was thought provoking.
Exactly. The wolf leaves the pack to create his own. That's what we should all strive for - to find our own pack. A place where we belong and a place where we can truly be ourselves. Find people who allow you to be you and who make you better person.
Lone wolfs don't leave their pack. They get kicked out
@@Mango_1359it happens randomly or the group is a "usage type" where how useful you are were the key to stay in the group. That or jealousy.
I think everything comes back to the philosophy of the yin-yang.
And also carl jung's study of taking both the brightness of the light and the darkness of the shadow to live completely.
I'd like to think of it this way,
You need darkness to set up the reason to get back to the light
Neither of them can exist without each other and finding the striking balance is what we need to do imo.
Or practicing the Buddhist middle way
@@gogadget9656buddhist middle way, ying and yang, light and shadow, its all expressions of the same thing
When I had a many friends, I sometimes got very irritated with them. I just wished I hadn't met some of them. I slowly pulled away from them when i could and chose solitide was But after I moved to another city, all I wanted was some company. I started to realize all the good things about them..... now I long to be around people.
The grass is definitely greener on the other side.... I don't think that, having many friends nor being alone is the solution. But having a few friends with a similar mindset. There will be disagreements, but we ought to learn to live with them.
Can’t thank you enough. You’ve just described the lone wolf I have been and maybe -my future plans to reconnect… excellent video!!❤
I actually found this video accidentally. I was searching information about hunting technics of a lone wolf. After having watched the video i am speechless. I didn't know about all these you refer to. The phase of the lone wolf begun in 2020 to me. Today, i am 23 years old and i just can't bring myself to need human interaction. I have friends, we go for a coffee but i can't say that i actually search, or even "hunt" human relations. I am truly thriving alone. I do things that i like, i thrieve to my career and i can't bring myself to share my time and energy with people who are toxic or are all these you refer to this video. I had enough of this to the past. I don't want this shit anymore! I can't actually bring myself to tell you exactly how much emotional this video made me. Finally, i felt understood! Thank you! Thank you so so so much!! I am sending you my very very best wishes! Truly, sincerely don't stop what you doing!!! ❤
The only thing better than a pack of one is a pack of two. I was/am a lone wolf & I met a significant other that is also a lone wolf. We both never thought we could “click” with anyone the way we are with each other. Needless to say we’ve completely changed each other’s lives. Waking up next to someone you love doesn’t compare to much of anything else. We’ve definitely had some challenges but in all it made us both realize that true intimacy is an even deeper peace than solitude. Don’t give up on finding new member(s) for your pack.
so it turns out love is wonderful? great, thanks for that. maybe i'll try it.
This fits with an actual lone wolf's trajectory, as he mentions at the end.
Great you found your complement
Man, you're awful young to be saying that. Best wishes beating the odds.
Lone wolf's are alone
@L0R3N23 How did you two meet? I mean, lone wolves aren't known to go out much, are they?
I'm deeply moved by this video as you truly explain the plight of the lone wolf. I feel that my path is real and valid. Thank you for helping me reaffirm my solitary journey........ All the best to us lone wolves, Sean.
I really appreciate how you have disassembled the concept of the lone wolf. My personal opinion based spending time as the “outcast” yet having to work in a very collaborative way for survival is that the hedgehog dilemma is only a dilemma if you think pain is wrong. Pain just like sadness, anger and etc. are normal parts of life that we cannot and should not push away. The issue is when things approach “extremes”. Negative emotions are just as instructive as positive ones. And wholeness only comes when we accept the whole of life, negative and positive.
Very well said.
I have to concur, good sir.
This video was so elightning to me. Thanks for sharing it.
Hey, I can't thank you enough for your video :)
I've been struggling with identifying as a lone wolf and this really left reflect a lot.
Also I love all of your work, it really lets me strive for greatness💪
Nice video❤ For your question at the end of video.. I think its just a period of introspection and the door will not be shut forever. When we are back, we will be better equipped with the understanding of whom we should allow in our lives and whom we should not.
We destroy ourselves by seeking other people.
Yes especially when you get used and tossed aside. No one understands until it happens to them. After it does, you don't want anything to do with people
To all the lone wolfs watching , welcome to the pack .
Saw what you did there 👍
Glad to be here! That's not to say that I wasn't aware of where I was until now. I don't need validation from others.
I feel like you misunderstand the concept at a fundamental level.
An entirely wonderful piece of work, well done and thank you!
Ever since I started being one I’ve thought I was like that the whole time, but the truth about it really hits the heart. Thanks for making this video.
I’m a Lone Wolf 🐺..
I’ve been in “ survival-mode “ and have been w/o friends + family and have battled everything. Tough.. YES. But being alone is also addictive.
same here.
Me too. Been in survival mode almost since I was born
Wow, man. To write and produce a video so personal...I imagine it mustn't have been easy. I admire and respect you a lot for doing it!
I have lived alone for 2 years, I consider it my biggest blessing. I have hard days of course, but I wouldn’t change it.
This video is powerful. The end really hit with where I’m at right now. Solitude is a temporary state of learning, searching, and reflection.
At 29 years old I am going through this at the moment, whereas all my peers rely on relationships, girlfriends, and fake connections to keep them satiated.
I have been around your content for a while now but you haven't ceased to amaze me with the way you handle metaphors and analogies. Thank you so much for producing videos like this.
Loners are old souls looking to connect with other old souls
That's kind of a nice way to think about it.
Or at least recognising on your travels other "old souls" or someone who has walked talked or been in a moment in their unsettled dreams in a place that is familiar but not in a time/era/or placement current to the world you know, these scenes/places are foggy anamorphic and "out of time" with your current state of existence or where you find yourself thrown into,
But yes lone creatures definitely find solace/succour and contemplation in places of vast open spaces and long walks, and here in Ireland drizzly rain really helps with isolating yourself, ( in a good way)
How true this is 😞
Oh yes, that's so making sense. I realized this when I stayed in China in 2012. My friends were like some older than me some really young like 16, 18 but I'm quite sure they were old souls.
Yo lets chill i need some old souls to learn and grow with 😂
Thank you. It felt like my soul was talking to me through this video.
It feels good to know that there are others like me.
I am not alone.
alone together, together alone
Dankjewel, je helpt me mijzelf en mijn vriendin keer op keer steeds weer elkaar en onszelf beter leren kennen en begrijpen. Mijn waardering voor alle verfrissende inzichten en gedachtengangen is enorm! Je zet me op een gezonde manier aan het denken, en voor mij is dat een extreem waardevol geschenk. Nogmaals dank...
Thank you for talking about the Alpha as it is. So many people talk about Alpha wolves but don't know how outdated that info is.
Also, as someone that self-isolelates because it seems everyone that approaches me always do so for sexual, academical and/or emotional interests, I find quite hard to let anyone "in," but I understand that we can't go further in life by ourselves. No matter hard we try. Thank you for your videos. They are always amazing!
If these 3 reasons are not valid to approach you, what is a valid reason to approach you?
Much gratitude for your thought-provoking videos! While it is indeed easier (and more productive) to be in hermit mode, relationships often reflect our own wounds and ultimately teach us about ourself - and how to establish boundaries. We can then choose who's worth our time and energy. I'm thankful for challenging dynamics that helped me grow, and I now have greater appreciation for the positive connections.
I agree. Although it seems like the times when I've wanted to keep to myself, I naturally have people come into my life and I go with the flow of accepting whatever I need to learn from them. If they stay or if they eventually leave, it doesn't really bother me since I just acknowledge the wholeness within myself and accept they were around for a reason or a season.
I've never had a fear or issues forming good relationships but as I've gotten older, I understand the flow much better and learned to surrender control a lot more.
I love being alone since I can remember and it hasn't change in 45 years. Nobody hurt me when I was 2 or 3,nobody betrayed me when I was in kindergarden,no partner left me or cheated on me etc etc.
I was just born that way,books,animals and nature are part of me and except my Dad's I missed nobody's company. And we didn't live together since I have finished high school nor see each other every day. Just knowing he is there was enough. There are people who simply like being alone,no need to analyze or complicate. It is just that simple 😊
Love this! Especially we do not need to analyze. We can all be different people. There is no one size fits all type of life.
Narcissists mad because they can't manipulate you when you don't socialise
Bro is describing my life in scandinavia. Im half swedish and thought that i would "fit in" and was very extroverted and almost goofily naive.After 10 years i got burned out, i couldnt stand one more day being around stingy people and not having one friend. After a lot of psychological ups and downs i found peace in solitude. Ive programmed my mind to not even do eye contact if its not necesarry and view the world as a simulation. Doing some yoga nidra, exercuse everyday and got a buddy in the form of a cat. Its beautiful to be alone if youre able to reprogram your brain but sadness will still hit you from times to times
What a surprise to see kowalskis painting ‘lone wolf’ in your video!! I bought that painting when I was 13 it has been hanging in my various homes for the last 60 years! To me it is soothing. I am an intermittent lone wolf . all my life!
As someone who has been bullied before and had very few friends in school, lives in a toxic house, and although I have my society friends, I simply feel that I do not belong here. My thoughts were always different from others...i hope i find people like me when I go to the university next year
You will!
@@jeremyc2445 thanks, but it is very difficult as my tuitions are not good and i have less time.. also the toxic enironment and my mental health is not good
@@AThousandSunsinphysics Get you some "magic mushrooms" from the hippy kids at the college and try that.
(thank me later)
Thank you. I needed to see this video. I've been thinking about the lone wolf life a lot lately 🐺 ❤
I rarely write comments but after being a follower of your videos since corona lockdown , finally i want to say thank you for guiding me with your videos through dark times .I'm still struggling but made a good progress to at least try become who i want . Your videos were and are relatable ,near to heart and so reflective to me. Recently i met someone who's comforting to me and we're likeminded but she's struggling too , " i mean who doesn't these days" and i'm trying to help her to get through whatever she's dealing with and hopefully heal and get the result that she wants, so i'm going to send your channel to her and hope that can help her as well :) . Thank you again for sharing your journey with us ❤🙏
Thank you for sharing your perspective. There are times for solitude and there are times for being with others. It never has to be one or the other,
The idea/ research on the 'dispersing wolves' is new to me. Wow! The keyword is temporary. They (wolves) still find their way back 'home', or perhaps start their own path/ family to reconnect.
I can compare this temporary withdrawal to a social media detox. I have noticed that when I took a break for a while on some social media platforms and then returns a few weeks, or months later- my feed feels less toxic 🙂, (Perhaps some big tech companies way of encouraging us to come back to their platforms🙂🙂). I can come back with more energy, and/ or interest. I can also share new stories taken from my voluntary isolation experiences.
I love being alone. Its so comforting. Taking a solo ride on my bicycle feels so good. But perhaps, some balance are also necessary. Just like in your other video about the 'flow state'. Being alone can set a condition to enter that state. When the mind becomes too chaotic, Take a temporary break. Dont force force flow to happen. Allow it. (Learned about the flow concept from a book by Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence)
For me, I think it is ultimately a phase. I find peace in solitude because it's safe. I've always been in the belief that friends aren't meant for a lifetime. We're passing each other by with our own goals and missions going forward. We learn from one another, but there is not commitment.
Maybe I just need to find the right people to suit my personality. In any case, I will survive either way. Thanks for the video.
"I will survive either way" ... I like this. Just believe this, and you will be good.