The infrastructure we have built here over last 100-200 years is crumbling and in serious need of rehabilitation. We should consider that before we discuss spending $50b on infrastructure elsewhere.
Thank you very much Mrs Eleanor, this is really great. May the Almighty God grant you and grant again and again a better and longer life to bring your value to those in need (children and women, who are found in the deepest places). Y. Alphonse.
Great intentions wrong approach I feel! Education is key, teach people the art of composting, the art of making soil. The modern World sanitation is a huge mess as we intentionally deposit our personal outputs in our drinking water! This disaster will only get worse as our inner city sanitation crumbles costing us even more. There’s a far simpler solution to this problem where a personal privy could easily be added in every room. Learn how to make soil put/deposit your outputs in a “carbon” (newspaper, paper bag, minced leaves....) then put it into a ”CBCB” (Carbon Based Composting Bin/Bioreactor) and turn it into rich soil! Sound too easy, it really is this easy!
I could be so useful to this cause. I have the will & the experience. I tried to reach out to FN peoples and NGOs' without success. I'm retired now & refuse to work for Capitalist corporations...maybe.....maybe...
Richard - where are you located? I volunteer for Water For People in SF Bay Area, but there are committees everywhere. We would love to have your will and experience!
:| If you were born in one of those regions, which is very likely cos 25% percents of the globe populations hasn't fosset water and 33% latrines you wouldn't had such a constipated tune.
Let's spread the message ....!!
The infrastructure we have built here over last 100-200 years is crumbling and in serious need of rehabilitation. We should consider that before we discuss spending $50b on infrastructure elsewhere.
Thank you very much Mrs Eleanor, this is really great. May the Almighty God grant you and grant again and again a better and longer life to bring your value to those in need (children and women, who are found in the deepest places).
Y. Alphonse.
Great intentions wrong approach I feel! Education is key, teach people the art of composting, the art of making soil. The modern World sanitation is a huge mess as we intentionally deposit our personal outputs in our drinking water! This disaster will only get worse as our inner city sanitation crumbles costing us even more. There’s a far simpler solution to this problem where a personal privy could easily be added in every room. Learn how to make soil put/deposit your outputs in a “carbon” (newspaper, paper bag, minced leaves....) then put it into a ”CBCB” (Carbon Based Composting Bin/Bioreactor) and turn it into rich soil! Sound too easy, it really is this easy!
love the water argument but the gender thing turned me off
It’s all our problem, but I feel she made it clear why its more a women’s issue?
I could be so useful to this cause. I have the will & the experience. I tried to reach out to FN peoples and NGOs' without success. I'm retired now & refuse to work for Capitalist corporations...maybe.....maybe...
Richard - where are you located? I volunteer for Water For People in SF Bay Area, but there are committees everywhere. We would love to have your will and experience!
You need to contact me it will change your people's world.
Wtf kind of speech is this, of course everything had in the world happens to *teh poor oppersred wimmynZ!!1!11!!*
:| If you were born in one of those regions, which is very likely cos 25% percents of the globe populations hasn't fosset water and 33% latrines you wouldn't had such a constipated tune.
But is that really a woman's issue alone?.
Or simply a human problem that needs to be addressed..
It is a human problem. I think Eleanor is just making a point about how women are impacted by it.