下雨天聼好歌 rainymusic
下雨天聼好歌 rainymusic
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S.H.E – 你曾是少年 Ni Ceng Shi Shao Nian (You Were Once A Youth) [Lyrics + ENG Translation]
繼《那些年》以後,今天再次分享一首關於青少年的歌曲。這一首《你曾是少年》是台灣組合 S.H.E 演唱的歌曲,是電影《少年班》的主題曲,此電影於 2015 年開始上映。一個人步入社會並開始拼搏奮鬥,或許能讓他有多一份成熟。但對於很多人來説,那是一個失去自我,放棄夢想的過程。若你正處於迷霧之中,希望你能夠珍惜身邊的人,並且回首過往,從中找回你曾經擁有過的鬥志、野心和志向。這才是最真實的你!
"Ni Ceng Shi Shao Nian" (You Were Once A Youth) is a song sung by Taiwanese group S.H.E. It's the theme song of the movie "The Ark Of Mr. Chow", which was released in 2015. Hope you'll enjoy the song as much as I do! Adulthood can be tough, but always remember to cherish the people around you, and never lose yourself!
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鳳飛飛 Fong Fei-Fei - 掌聲響起 Zhang Sheng Xiang Qi (Applause) [Lyrics + ENG Translation]
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之前上傳的全都是 2000 年代的金曲。今天就來點不一樣的吧。《掌聲響起》是台灣歌手鳳飛飛演唱的歌曲,收錄在她 1986 年發行的同名專輯裡。凡是會説中文的朋友,都應該不會對這首歌感到陌生吧? 這首歌,老老少少都會唱,不虧是一首不朽的經典歌曲。希望大家會喜歡! "Zhang Sheng Xiang Qi" (Applause) is a song sung by Taiwanese singer Fong Fei-Fei, and was released in 1986 as part of her album of the same name. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do! Let's remember to show our appreciation to the people who give us support in the ...
歐得洋 Ocean Ou - 孤單北半球 Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu (The Lonely Northern Hemisphere) [Lyrics + ENG Translation]
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這一首《孤單北半球》是台灣歌手歐得洋演唱的歌曲,收錄在 2003 年發行的專輯《北半球有歐得洋OCEAN》裡。這首歌當時紅遍了整個東南亞,尤其是星馬兩國,至今仍有許多人在 KTV 裡點唱。雖然林依晨翻唱的版本比較廣爲人知,也很好聼,不過我覺得原唱也有著它獨特的味道 …… 你們覺得呢? "Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu" (The Lonely Northern Hemisphere) is a song sung by Taiwanese singer Ocean Ou, and was released in 2003 as part of his album, "In the Northern Hemisphere with Ocean". Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do! For those of you who are in l...
梁靜茹 Fish Leong - 情歌 Qing Ge (Love Song) [Lyrics + ENG Translation]
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這一首《情歌》是馬來西亞歌手梁靜茹演唱的歌曲,收錄在她 2009 年發行的專輯《靜茹&情歌-別再為他流淚》裡。這首歌的歌詞特別唯美,很有詩意,要把它翻譯成英文,真的不簡單,我盡力了…… 希望大家會喜歡! "Qing Ge" (Love Song) is a song sung by Malaysian singer Fish Leong, and was released in 2009 as part of her album, "Fall in Love & Songs". Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do! Hopefully, each of us manages to compose a love song which never, ever ends! 注:在影片 1:20 的時候,歌詞應該是“繾綣膠捲”,而不是”繾綣膠卷“。有點粗...
梁靜茹 Fish Leong - 勇氣 Yong Qi (Courage) [Lyrics + ENG Translation]
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這一首《勇氣》是馬來西亞歌手梁靜茹演唱的歌曲,收錄在她 2000 年發行的同名專輯裡。《勇氣》可以説是梁靜茹當年的成名曲,成功地讓了更多聽衆認識這位優秀的歌手。希望大家會喜歡! "Yong Qi" (Courage) is a song sung by Malaysian singer Fish Leong, and was released in 2000 as part of her album of the same name. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do! Let's rally the courage to reach for the stars and love the people who matter the most!
光良 Michael Wong - 童話 Tong Hua (Fairy Tale) [Lyrics + ENG Translation]
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這一首《童話》是馬來西亞歌手光良演唱的歌曲,收錄在 2005 年發行的同名專輯裡。《童話》是光良的代表作之一,也是我本身非常愛聽的中文歌曲,希望大家會喜歡! "Tong Hua" (Fairy Tale) is a song written by Malaysian singer-songwriter Michael Wong, and was released in 2005 as part of his album of the same name. Hope you'll enjoy this iconic song as much as I do! In this cruel world we live in, let's try to have a bit of optimism and give fairy tales a chance!