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Приєднався 21 лип 2008
Yang Wenli on History
Переглядів 212 тис.9 років тому
Episode 35 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 銀河英雄伝説
GOG.com - Corruption and Downfall
Переглядів 41110 років тому
The end of fair pricing. Now we have Pre-Order DLC and 1$=1€. www.gog.com/news/preorder_age_of_wonders_iii www.gog.com/wishlist/site/ban_all_regional_pricing_from_gog_stick_with_your_principles
Death is Irrelevant - Star Trek TNG OST by Ron Jones
Переглядів 16 тис.13 років тому
Death is Irrelevant by Ron Jones From the The Best of Both Worlds Soundtrack Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures
Borg Engaged - Star Trek TNG OST by Ron Jones
Переглядів 144 тис.13 років тому
Borg Engaged by Ron Jones From the The Best of Both Worlds Soundtrack Copyright 1990 Paramount Pictures
What a brilliant series.
Some people should watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes now more than ever
1:21 "The pen can impeach the dictator of a hundred years ago or the tyrant of a thousand years ago". That's just canceling with a thousand words via thesis.
Damn look at Worf's ass
Part of what made The Best of Both Worlds the best Star Trek episode, possibly ever, is it had its own soundtrack!
軍隊の話をしている以上はこれでいいと思う 守る暴力なんていうのは少なくとも軍隊に関しては支配のための暴力にこそその理屈を振り回す専制国家やらばかりなのだから 自衛隊なんかも専守防衛である以上は相手に領土やらを奪われてから開放するために暴力発動が基本である以上守る暴力なんて軍隊には理想論のお題目にしかない
It's unfair how good this was - it made the movie expectations (for both #7 and #8) too high to be met. First Contact did try but it was just a little encore, and worried more about getting a movie out the door, rather than how it would be remembered in 20, 30, 40 years.
His core belief is that people choose for themselves whatever the consequence. Thats why he yielded when Heinessen was captured.
The choir section is what really makes this piece for me. It gives off an almost biblically apocalyptic ambience. It fits so well, because we, the audience, understand that's what the appearance of the Borg has signalled for many civilisations before the Federation - an "end of the world". And the show does very well capturing the impression that that is what is at stake. In the end, a singular Borg cube is enough to almost defeat the Federation in one swift assault. And it's only through the best efforts of the very best Starfleet has to offer that this plan fails. I'm amazed at what they were able to put on television with TNG.
Yang Wen Li is the most relatable character for me I'm also a History Nerd who takes a Pragmatic Approach to everything
Sorry Game of Thrones. Star Trek did it before you did and, not to mention, TNG predating GoT by more than two decades.
Death has come to you
Imagine firing someone because your work is too good.
それは違います。 ペンがお金に弱いのではなく、ペンを握っている人間がお金に弱いのです。 銃もお金に弱い人間に握られれば同じ事です。
Funny how in first contact, picard was able to kill borg with a holographic tommy gun, and the federation never built Ballistic weapons to fight the borg.
As a history student, this is why I've always loved LOGH. It has so many aspects, from its presentation, thematic references and characters (especially Yang!) that mark the show as a true loveletter to the study of history. I'm not sure whether this was reflective of the original book's author or the anime's director, but whoever made this show what it was truly loved history as well. Ive never seen anyhing like it!
Who wants this for the grand ST: Picard Finale
linear history believers have such shit worldviews
So would you believe outright grifters?
Searching for this in 2023... timeless!
So handsome, so clever x
Now that i listen to this whenever i engage the borg in STO i noticed something. A subversion heavily altered was used in the game Gdarius at some levels. One of them being the one with absolute defender in it. It sounds very similar especiel the chore (wich actualy i think is nothing more than an equalizer used for some instruments)
歴史を研究する事で 「なぜ ルドルフは皇帝という名の独裁者になる事が出来たのか どうして民衆は ルドルフに絶対権力を与えてしまったのか」 その理由が観えてくるはずだ なら 「第二第三のルドルフを 生み出さない為に 民衆は何を学んでどういう言動をするべきなのか」その問い掛けへの幾つもの答えが 歴史を研究しそれを元にして考える事で 観えてくるはずだ 後継者の出現を絶つ事でルドルフへの断罪を 徹底的なものにする それはペンの力でこそなし得る筈だ
人間社会に存在するありとあらゆるものは今朝目覚めの直前に突然この世に出現したわけじゃない 過去の人類の莫大な営みの積み重ねの延長線上にある 現在存在する良いものも悪いものも それを生み出した源は過去の人類の営みだ ならば 良い未来にしろ悪い未来にしろ それを生み出すのは 現在の人類の営みだ 「過去の人類のどういった営みが その次の時代の 現在の 良いものを生みだし あるいは悪いものを生み出したのか」その因果関係が観えてくれば 「現在の人類がどういった言動をすればより良い未来を生み出せるのか」も観えてくるはずだ より良い未来を生み出す為のヒントは 歴史の流れの中に無数に潜んでいるはずなのだ
剣は基本的には人を傷付けて殺す為の道具でしかない 剣に何かを生み出す力は基本的には無い だが 人間社会を支えるあらゆる営みの源には 言語によってそして会話によって明確化された思考プロセスがある ペンはあらゆるものを生みだす源になり得る力を持っている これが私なりの 「なぜ 『ペンは剣よりも強し』と言えるのか」という問いかけへの 答えだ 一つだけ訂正しておこう 剣はあるものを生み出す事が出来る 地獄だけは剣で生み出せるからね
#Brazil 2023 be like ! An Army is a tool of violence , of 2 types. Not as good or bad ,But violence to control and oppress Or as means of liberation ! In History most times , when people rise up against those in power ,the army most times won't side with the people.
Yeah, this republic was born from the coup d'etat of the army, and all of our dictatorships, about 5 or so, came from it. It just goes to show where the real danger to democracy lies in this country.
>ペンは剣よりも強し ペンは時として、剣より余程恐ろしい兇器となる場合がある。 メディアが自己目的化したり、抗争の手段となった場合、特に酷い。
I see 90s version and the Die nue These and just am amazed at the wondrous difference in voice acting. While the 90s very is good in its own right, I prefer the new one. I feel like the 90s voice acting was rushed and frankly unnatural. I have read the Light Novels and my word for this can be taken with sufficient credibility that Yang was the most laidback person in the entire series. I personally don't think he wouldn't explain to his adoptive child about history this way. He would add more pauses, have a more enthusiastic tone (for Yang loves to talk about history), speak with more compassion. He was like that one closer weeb who never got to talk about hus favourite anime but then simebody outright walked up to hum and asked him about the very same anime! Voice acting has evolved so much. The newer version incorporates all those things. Die Nue These mughtnot use the visuals like the 90s ova but because the explanation is a bit more relaxed, and frankly more human, I enjoy Die nue These more.
Finally someone on the comments who has something good to say about the remake
LotGH isn't particularly "deep" but it is very mature and very intelligent, especially for a TV show anime or not. It's a joy to watch.
I agree People make it seem like it so deep but there's high chance it's elementary level school history typo stuff. Nothing particularly mindfucking that will make me ponder on it.
I thought it was Jan Wen Lee
Jan is a Western name, and not one common within the Chinese community.
Yang talking about the military becoming its own power structure is just him describing the history of Latin America.
Or Southeast Asia
❤️✨ART✨ ❤️
My god... I wish politicians were this based.
It took me so long to watch this show because I got a brain of a goldfish
That weird looking cat is really distracting.
The big reality that needs be faced in our republics blasted with the woe of dishonest politicians freely elected. These creatures are not friends, let alone allies. I admit I have no solution but these beasts must make themselves removed from public business.
We can accuse Russian fascist 🇷🇺 and Putin by 🖊.
And we can criticize Zelensky and his shutting down of opposition parties like we can oppose Abraham Lincoln suspending Habeas Corpus
@@bobbinsthethirdsure, but enjoy being on the wrong side of history.
@@marshmallowcello7528 The people who are tearing down statues of people because they had slaves will have their own statues torn down because they support abortion
“For as long as human history goes on, the past will continue to accumulate.” That’s a banger. Time and humanity doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s all connected and a part of us.
If dread had it's own theme this would be it.
Most of this track is just slow, creeping, inexhorable terror and then the chorus kicks in and reminds you of the scale at which the Borg will inflict horror on humanity.
Synthesized chorus really works well thematically for the Borg.
_"We have engaged the Coronavirus!"_
「それをやろうとして、失敗した奴らがいる」 ここで真っ先にアフガニスタンに対してのアメリカが浮かぶ。 暴力だけでアフガニスタンを制圧しようとしてアメリカはまたしても戦争に負けた。あのベトナムの時と同じくね。 それが良きにせよ悪しきにせよ、暴力は歴史の流れを止めることはできるが、動かすことはできない。歴史を動かすのは多くの人間自身の意思だからだ。 暴力とは抑圧の言い換えでもあり、その人間たちが抑圧によって支配されているのでは、物事は動きようがない。 多くの人間自身の主体的な意思によって初めて歴史とは動くものだ。