paul greenspan
paul greenspan
  • 3
  • 3 898
SeaCast Poured Transom Installation Failure
EcoWolf, maker of SeaCast claims their product is almost 3 times stronger than a marine plywood transom, that you must replace all the wood and Use Seacast™ as directed for a safe and permanent repair. I had EcoWolf/SeaCast replace the transom on my 1970 Aquasport 22-2 Flatback using their product. The transom has failed. They did not install it correctly according to their instruction manual and they will not honor the warranty claiming that I hit something with my boat and/or the boat is designed wrong? I did not strike anything with my boat nor did anything hit my boat. I am very disappointed with the people at EcoWolf/SeaCast for not standing behind their work or honoring the warranty.
Переглядів: 3 850


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