  • 16
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Ballroom Mocap Performance
Kora & Simeon Stoynov perform an amazing dance routine they choreographed for the 3D animated student short film "The Last Dance of Nadine Green" produced, directed and animated by Joe Green
Переглядів: 117


The Space Flag
Переглядів 1856 років тому
The Space Flag documentary film by Canadian Artist Joe Green about his 3 PPCLI flag going into orbit, his military anthology memorial book April 17th, In the Name of Canada, painting with Canadian Astronaut and Canadian soldiers and attacking the Taliban through paint. Thank you to Col Peter Dawe, Col Pat Stogran, Major Mark Campbell, Dr. Steve MacLean, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light In...
Col. Peter Dawe, CO, 3 PPCLI on Space Flag Unveiling
Переглядів 1,5 тис.6 років тому
There are no words to express the magnitude of class, grace, intelligence, respect and strength this gentleman elicits. Thank you Col Dawe for the wonderful experience.-2009
The History of the Taliban
Переглядів 1876 років тому
Here is a brief history of the Taliban by terrorism, expert, Dr. Tom Butko at the Third Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry RHQ. -2009
3 PPCLI Space Flag Repatriation Ceremony at the Canadian Space Agency
Переглядів 906 років тому
Canadian Artist Joe Green presents Dr. Steve MacLean with the painting "The Stuff of Patricia's" as thanks for taking his flag into orbit on STS-115/12A.
3 PPCLI Battle Group Flag Presentation to Joe Green
Переглядів 1386 років тому
Signed 3 PPCLIBG camp flag presented to Joe Green at Edmonton Garrison.
CBC News Interview
Переглядів 696 років тому
Joe Green is interviewed about being presented with a flag signed by members of Third Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group in Afghanistan during Operation Apollo.
AVROCAR Presentation
Переглядів 1,7 тис.9 років тому
Avro Car Research & Development Program Presentation Video Produced by Avro.
CF-105 Avro Arrow Wind Tunnel Testing
Переглядів 15 тис.9 років тому
CF-105 Wind Tunnel Testing Produced by the Avro Arrow Photographic Department. C.1957 15 second sound delay.
Avro Arrow CF-105 Preliminary Report
Переглядів 9 тис.9 років тому
Avro Arrow Preliminary Report. Produced by Avro Photographic Department for the RCAF. C.1957.
The Avro Arrow: Supersonic Sentinel
Переглядів 7 тис.9 років тому
Avro Arrow Supersonic Sentinel. Produced by Avro Canada Photographic Department.
The Avro Arrow
Переглядів 1,2 тис.9 років тому
First Flight of the Avro Arrow.
Arrow In The Sky
Переглядів 4,1 тис.9 років тому
A report filed by James Doohan (Engineer Scotty from Star Trek) about the Avro Arrow.
Super Arrow Dusk Flight
Переглядів 27 тис.10 років тому
Super Arrow dusk flight produced by Beaverworks. X-Plane 10 aircraft simulator Super Arrow aircraft designed by Joe Green X-Plane model built by Bluesman.
Super Arrow First Flight
Переглядів 246 тис.10 років тому
Super Arrow First Flight


  • @ur_a_buS
    @ur_a_buS Рік тому

    How dare the Canadian government destroy this. We are forever a rich country run by idiots.

  • @Phil-b2k
    @Phil-b2k Рік тому

    Got 2 make it more realistic than that guys

  • @sfloydk
    @sfloydk Рік тому

    A bird told me that PM JT sent his goons to quiet you

  • @kmjsjeheh1417
    @kmjsjeheh1417 Рік тому


  • @pwc7475
    @pwc7475 Рік тому

    With the advent of supersonic missiles from China and long range nuclear cruise missiles from the USSR what else could catch them. Maybe a bomarc missile? Bring her back. We are Canadians, we can do it

  • @swordslayer5602
    @swordslayer5602 Рік тому

    Incredible how a model of the most advance fighter in developement were sent to a American firm for wind tunnel design. No one ever thought , that theft was occuring and the designs were copied and Avro Canada was getting robbed of its delopement program. The 105 was in American hands before the first rivit was ever installed.

    • @agnosticsaint
      @agnosticsaint Рік тому

      Stop with the BS conspiracy. What technology did the US steal from Canada? Absolutely none. The Arrow wouldn't even have made the drawing board without substantial US assistance. The 105 was designed on IBM computers leased from the US. As described here, it had to be tested in the US as Canada didn't have advanced wind tunnels. The powered flights were conducted with US engines. The air testing of the Iroquois engines were conducted on a US B-47. The weapons system was the Hughes Sparrow 3 which was develeoped in conjuction with the US Navy. The reality is the concept was obsolete before it could enter service. Even the US did not produce a dedicated interceptor after 1959.

  • @isabellegaudreault7103
    @isabellegaudreault7103 Рік тому

    Peter!!! Hi!!! 😊

  • @Danielpakuts
    @Danielpakuts Рік тому

    The cables look like fibre optics? Was it?

  • @ur_a_buS
    @ur_a_buS Рік тому

    Thank you for posting this. Incredible.

  • @zachattack_the_imperialist6065
    @zachattack_the_imperialist6065 2 роки тому

    "It been to long we have gone without our pride, without our dignity or our glory, and yet we can still only dream of the day that we will pick our feet up high and take a step of hope and courage into our bright and limitless future and return the pride, dignity and glory of our nation, this century could be ours full of prosperity and discovery but only if we have the courage to take the first step and seize, this century could be Canada's century but that is left in your hands that possibility is left in my hands, it's left in your hands, will you seize it?." -Myself I'm a sixteen almost seventeen year old Canadian boy and have loved aviation since I was very young. I am on my last to years of high school and have the grades to do pretty well any thing I want and study anywhere I want. I want to go into aerospace as a engineer, I want to design a plane, many planes to for my nation to improve her in every way I can. As it stand this dream is impossible I'm a young aspiring aerospace engineer in a first world nation but without a company in the entire nation that could allow me to achieve these goals, instead I will be forced to go abroad to achieve my full potential. "For now gone are the days of when the Canadian CF-100 was the back bone of NATO's all weather interceptor force, gone are the days when the C-102 became the first North American jet airliner beating both the United States of America and the Soviet Union and being only a few months behind Britain. In the past decades, long ago a brand new aircraft rolled out of a hanger for the first time a crowd was gathered to see it, nobody had seen anything quite like this new plane. This plane, well she was tall, long and sleek, the nose gear pushed her nose skyward looking up at her new domain, she had two of the most powerful engines ever put on a fighter up to that point, her wing well it was mounted high and swept back elegantly starting just past the air intakes and flowed all the way back to just passed her rear when they came back attaching at her tail forming two near perfect triangles, a delta wing. This plane, she was the CF-105 or to us and many around the world the Avro Arrow, are beautiful and perfect Arrow. She was truly perfect, the best in the world are we, not some foreign power or flaw in a design already ahead of its time, we, us her creators, we killed her. We killed our beautiful Arrow and she took are pride with her to the grave. Gone are the days of the CF-105 the most best and most advanced fighter/interceptor to that time ever built by any nation. I hope for these days to return, I hope we are given a second chance and I hope that if these days do come again we will seize them instead of turning our back, but these are just my hopes nothing more and most certainly nothing less." -Myself Excellent model even after many years I don't actually have this power clearly but if it doesn't already have a designation I would like to designate it CF-200. The Beaverworks Aerospace CF-200 Super Arrow, has a nice ring to it I think.

  • @BloodRaven744
    @BloodRaven744 2 роки тому

    It’s time we take back our country

  • @BiosWars
    @BiosWars 2 роки тому

    The Clowns in Ottawa will never support anything truly made in Canada. Eco Guards IES out of the Atlantic provinces, offered the Gov a real way of reclamation concerning all waste plastics in Canada each year. This 2.6 billion dollar over seven years program, could of created a 6 Trillion dollar in returns. Plus so much more, and Canadians would be the ones to show the rest of the world. All they did, was to suggest it be studied more by the RCC. If you have a dream, pursue it yourself, don't look to THEM. In the long run, they'll only kill it again.

  • @ronsindric4241
    @ronsindric4241 2 роки тому

    Are there any similarities ( differences ? ) between the Super Arrow and the Dark Star ?

  • @Dragon-Slay3r
    @Dragon-Slay3r 2 роки тому

    Crocodile making them fight?

  • @winternow2242
    @winternow2242 2 роки тому

    Was this film really claffified? If so, when was it declassified?

  • @w.s.2102
    @w.s.2102 2 роки тому

    We didn’t “Fail” in Afghanistan, we planted the “Seeds” ❤️🇨🇦….. signed an Afghan Vet

  • @coreyandnathanielchartier3749
    @coreyandnathanielchartier3749 2 роки тому

    This film does give one a small idea of the enormous complexity and details involved in the simplest portion of an aerospace project.

  • @kennethmorrison7689
    @kennethmorrison7689 2 роки тому

    The cancellation of the Arrow permanently included Canada into the ranks of puppets to the US.

  • @kentdegama1218
    @kentdegama1218 3 роки тому

    I say this first I am a proud Canadian The cancellation Or the Avro Arrow Is somewhat of a blackmark on our history. The decisions made at that time make some sense. But hindsight is 20 20. As much as I would love to see a new version fly again it simply won't happen. No Company claims to be developing one. A significant portion of Avrows top minds went to work for NASA.I would love nothing more than to see the idea happen again. It won't. Its a great peice of Canadian history that ended unfortunately. I could get this blocked for saying this. It's irresponsible to put forward the idea this will happen again. I would love it if it did, But this is a cartoon show, Don't be fooled by it.

  • @gregwilliams386
    @gregwilliams386 3 роки тому

    Is it true that the first Arrow's flight was on the same day as sputniks launch? The day that showed the future was rockets and not bombers.

    • @winternow2242
      @winternow2242 2 роки тому

      Not the 1st flight, which was in 1958, but the public rollout of Arrow the previous year.

  • @RealLifesJourneyBecomingPinoy
    @RealLifesJourneyBecomingPinoy 3 роки тому

    I am waiting like every Canadian is, for the return of the Arrow to fly for Canada.

    • @edwardcarberry1095
      @edwardcarberry1095 2 роки тому

      Where are the 4 AV Roe Arrows stored? Time to display they to show the public how Canada aka Canadian have been Cheated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @LighthouseProductions1
    @LighthouseProductions1 3 роки тому

    Serious design, even in 2021 this thing should be in the air by now

  • @LighthouseProductions1
    @LighthouseProductions1 3 роки тому

    I'd buy this thing over all the F-35 models anyway, this to me looks more sophisticated and stealthy over the Chengdu J-20 and the J-31

  • @lib556
    @lib556 3 роки тому

    I skipped a bit, but, it should be noted that Peter lost a younger brother in Afghanistan. He personally understands the sacrifice.

  • @imapseudonym1403
    @imapseudonym1403 3 роки тому

    275 people too stupid to understand that the Avro Arrow was the greatest jet fighter of it's era. Or, they work for Mcdonnel Douglas...

  • @richardbatten4240
    @richardbatten4240 4 роки тому

    Turn this dream into reality

  • @NicoloEugelmi001
    @NicoloEugelmi001 4 роки тому

    Thank you for finding and posting these films!

  • @PointyTailofSatan
    @PointyTailofSatan 4 роки тому

    It looks almost identical to the upcoming 6th Gen fighters. Canada should join up with Sweden to build a 6th Gen fighter. We both have the same issues, like isolated bases in Arctic and sub-arctic climates, with less than ideal runways. Plus Canada has a unique issue with vast airspace requiring extended range.

  • @canadiantimberwolf1
    @canadiantimberwolf1 4 роки тому

    Not all are declassified as yet. A book was recently discovered and had to shipped to Brussels for NATO declassification.

  • @phil.l.1327
    @phil.l.1327 4 роки тому

    I would more than happily pick this over the f35.

  • @PierreaSweedieCat
    @PierreaSweedieCat 4 роки тому

    Not as gorgeous as the Original. And we know something of the capabilities of the First Arrow. How would this update compare? And have you seen the Virtual Environs Channel?

  • @orvywebster2598
    @orvywebster2598 4 роки тому

    This would be really nice to claim as Canadian bird.

  • @phil.l.1327
    @phil.l.1327 4 роки тому

    Our government officials are complete idiots for building this jet, thus would strengthen the Royal Canadian Air Force indefinitely.

  • @phil.l.1327
    @phil.l.1327 4 роки тому

    Our government officials are complete idiots for not building this jet, thus would strengthen the Royal Canadian Air Force indefinitely.

  • @darylvanderford4307
    @darylvanderford4307 4 роки тому


  • @freshrain777
    @freshrain777 4 роки тому

    Great to see you doing well! Say hi to Phil for platoon commander in 2PPCLI. Blessings

  • @williamheyman5439
    @williamheyman5439 4 роки тому

    I got taken in by the title, "Super Arrow First Flight." After looking for a few moments, I realized that it was not an actual Arrow, nor was it Super. Nor was it a First Flight. It was a cartoon. So if you have it "flying" why not fly it to the moon. Why not Jupiter or Mars? Let it play among the stars. In other words, "Hold my Molson."

  • @banditofthesky
    @banditofthesky 4 роки тому

    Is she back?

  • @banditofthesky
    @banditofthesky 4 роки тому

    She has risen, Fear no more dark skies. Our bird has returned home.

  • @edwardbreadman9473
    @edwardbreadman9473 4 роки тому

    Fantastic company footage. What it was, what it could have been, we will never know. Many thanks for sharing.

  • @glen6945
    @glen6945 4 роки тому

    thank you fellow canadians

  • @glen6945
    @glen6945 4 роки тому


  • @rajeshupadhyay8322
    @rajeshupadhyay8322 4 роки тому

    You have no real flight footege?

  • @laurencethornblade1195
    @laurencethornblade1195 4 роки тому

    Fantasy land

  • @DennyG
    @DennyG 4 роки тому

    Cgi? Really?

  • @letgodbetrueandeverymanali3656
    @letgodbetrueandeverymanali3656 4 роки тому

    At least the dream was realized in CG....🙄

  • @nitram419
    @nitram419 4 роки тому

    YF-23 with a delta wing.

  • @alanrogers7090
    @alanrogers7090 4 роки тому

    Looks like the original ARROW and the Northrop BLACK WIDOW II YF-23 mated and produced a Wonder Child. (I still say the YF-23 should have beaten the YF-22 in the fly-off. Oh well, it wasn't up to me and America is "stuck" with a limited number of planes that can't be used due to low numbers in the theaters they are needed in, as they are too valuable to lose in combat. Now they have the F-35 TRYING to replace it. Dumb.

  • @carlhursh505
    @carlhursh505 4 роки тому

    Drawings, UGH.mUse the original, it’ll do the job! You don’t “need” to spend a fortune on a new aircraft when the original will do 2.3 Mach.

  • @jeffpollard7304
    @jeffpollard7304 4 роки тому

    Spec’s please!