And please take note of how Ito, at the end of her performance, takes her time to curtesy PROPERLY. What we are seeing today cheapens the moment. We see a lot of melodramatic pacing around the ice, and the audience has to wait 5 minutes for skaters to finally take their bow - after a mediocre performance, mind you. Brian Boitano didn't take that long to take his bows at the 88 Olympics, and that was, arguably, one of the most technically and artistically complete programs in men's figure skating history!!!! Today, when the ladies take their bow, it's a sort of moving lunge. Please! STOP. STAND STILL and BOW. If you need a template, watch any Michelle Kwan video, or look at Ito. If you do it this way, it adds a regal-ness to your presence on the ice.
Midori’s downfall here was not that she did not move like a ballet dancer…it was compulsory figures. She 1st in both the short program and the free skating…but 10th in figures. The gold went to the person who was 1st in figures but only 5th in short program and 2nd in free skating.
My fave Midori free skate. I think she was just such a powerful skater and Scheherazade is such epic music and I know skating is more than jumps but the technical content here is just so impressive like that moment when she lands the triple axel right on the music is just such an iconic moment for me like why do I have such goosebumbs watching this in 2021?
おかしい リンクが狭く見える😅
She did a double toe triple toe because no one else could even touch her. Crazy.
The true gold medalist in Calgary. Period.
The best woman skater ever.
全ての理屈をぶっ飛ばす結果を問答無用で魅せてくれる それが真のカリスマですよね!
Graźu ...,
Wonderful performance! Brilliant artistry and musicality!
Midori's synchronicity with music is wonderful and artistic.
再生速度を速めてしまったのでは?と途中何度も確認しました。 スピードと展開の迫力が桁違い。会場の方々は本当にラッキーでしたね。
Spectacle to watch! Such a joyful and the best skater she has been even today 2023!
完璧な 演技に観客は魅了されましたね🎉❤
まさに一人で21世紀の女子フィギュアを変えた選手でした。こんなに高いジャンプは、今でも誰もとべない!!金字塔を打ち立てたレジェンドスケーター もう彼女のようなスケーターは現れないだろう
Mau Asata can do it not as clean as that though. Tonya harding did a Triple axle
2022年も見ています! 素晴らしいものは色褪せないですね (*´ ω`*)excellent♡
The commentator actually foresaw Midori jumping out of the rink lol
And please take note of how Ito, at the end of her performance, takes her time to curtesy PROPERLY. What we are seeing today cheapens the moment. We see a lot of melodramatic pacing around the ice, and the audience has to wait 5 minutes for skaters to finally take their bow - after a mediocre performance, mind you. Brian Boitano didn't take that long to take his bows at the 88 Olympics, and that was, arguably, one of the most technically and artistically complete programs in men's figure skating history!!!! Today, when the ladies take their bow, it's a sort of moving lunge. Please! STOP. STAND STILL and BOW. If you need a template, watch any Michelle Kwan video, or look at Ito. If you do it this way, it adds a regal-ness to your presence on the ice.
Best triple axel ever performed male or female
Easily. She got like 3 feet off the ice and covered about 12 to 15 feet in distance with such an easy looking landing.
La gioia di pattinare!Salti giganti non quelli che si vedono oggi! Midori TOP FOREVER!
Midori’s downfall here was not that she did not move like a ballet dancer…it was compulsory figures. She 1st in both the short program and the free skating…but 10th in figures. The gold went to the person who was 1st in figures but only 5th in short program and 2nd in free skating.
1987年だよ!1987年!! 凄すぎる! ジャンプだけとか言う人いるけど この高さと飛距離のジャンプ 今現在なんて誰も出来ない!
if she was in this era she would be Olympics champion. She was before her time
My fave Midori free skate. I think she was just such a powerful skater and Scheherazade is such epic music and I know skating is more than jumps but the technical content here is just so impressive like that moment when she lands the triple axel right on the music is just such an iconic moment for me like why do I have such goosebumbs watching this in 2021?
Absolutely gorgeous!
Sempre os mesmos saltos com perfeição , mas não muda nada em suas apresentações com coreografias novas.
2020年です。紀平選手が4回転を成功させました! 彼女の美しさは比類ないけれど、でもやっぱり伊藤みどり選手のジャンプの方が昂揚します。なぜだろう。
みどりさんは、この頃は技術点に比べて、芸術点が少し下がるという印象がジャッジの中にまだあったこと。 途中、スローパートの3サルコウが2回転になってしまい、前半や後半に比べて少しスローパートに締まりがない演技に感じられ満点を出して貰える程の内容にはならなかった。 みどりさんの直後に滑る、優勝したトレナリーが芸術性を評価されている選手なので、その選手を残しているので、いくらか点数を抑えられた部分があるかもしれない。 あとは、もしかしたらメイクや髪型はNHK杯の時のようにアップにして、アイシャドーの色も違った方が良かったのでは?と個人的には思います。 などが重なって、芸術点で満点が出なかったんだと思います。
89年のNHK 杯で6.0出ましたよ。(^-^)
最初の3Aが凄すぎて笑ってしまった😂 全てのジャンプが今なら+5が並ぶジャンプですね😂 トゥ系のジャンプ、勢いがありすぎて本当に壁にスレスレ…笑 最後の2Aなんて今でもあんな入りしてる選手居ませんよ😥 ロシア勢もびっくり🤯
誰か難しいかもしれないけど今の採点で点数出してくれませんか? 是非お願いしたいです。
もしかしたらもうご存じかもですがよろしければ あくまでもざっくりだそうなので、その点ご了承下さい
Midori Ito! <3 <3 <3
御本人は規定演技が苦手とおっしゃってましたけど、普通に確かなスケーティング技術をベースにしてるなぁと素人目にも感じられますね。めちゃくちゃスピードが速いし、ジャンプに関しても、現代のジャッジならほぼ全てに高得点の出来映え点がつくと思われる。 お遊びで、伊藤さんの演技を現在のジャッジに当ててみたら、て動画がありましたが(ジャンプの回数とか規制が異なるので大分大まかで乱暴ではあるようですが)、技術点は男子と上位争い出来そうな位でした(てか、伊藤さんなら4回転もいけたのでは?…)
この演技を実際に見たかった( ´ ꒳ ` )