federico ortiz
federico ortiz
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VTS 05 1
VTS 05 1
Переглядів: 131


Переглядів 5512 років тому
corte papel
Переглядів 1,9 тис.18 років тому
corte papel asociacion italiana HG
master lee
Переглядів 3,4 тис.18 років тому
corte periodicos fuente: asociacion hg Italia
Bercy 04 master Han
Переглядів 3,7 тис.18 років тому
corte manzana para mas informacion for more info visit www.haidong-gumdo.it/
Bercy 04 forma
Переглядів 1,5 тис.18 років тому
demo fuente asociacion hg Italia
Moviminetos Basicos HG
Переглядів 21 тис.18 років тому
Movimientos Básicos de Haidong Gumdo, no son formas (katas) son los básicos de hg www.haidong-gumdo.it/
Pasos de combate
Переглядів 2,1 тис.18 років тому
Pasos de combate, Fuente Pagina de la Asociación de hg Italia
Переглядів 1,4 тис.18 років тому
realizada por un maestro Fuente: asociación Italiana de HG
sumo mas efectivo que el karate
Переглядів 3,7 тис.18 років тому
un video simpatico
campeonato Haidong Gumdo
Переглядів 50 тис.18 років тому
fuente pagina de la asociacion de Haidong gumdo italia


  • @altaisubhotaihulagu.3439
    @altaisubhotaihulagu.3439 4 роки тому

    Como se llama el fondo musical?

  • @HammerFraan
    @HammerFraan 11 років тому

    Quisedecir, federico.

  • @HammerFraan
    @HammerFraan 11 років тому

    Oye rodrigo, supongo que al menos reconoces que el gumdo es una copia del estilo tradicional japonés. Gumdo tiene orígenes muy recientes, como en los 80 o 90, no es un arte marcial coreano.

  • @NaziShepherd
    @NaziShepherd 12 років тому

    typical korean copy from japan

  • @MrAllmightyCornholioz
    @MrAllmightyCornholioz 12 років тому

    This is gumdo? I dont see how this is practical like kendo.

  • @tengachaya49
    @tengachaya49 12 років тому


  • @BuffonSarutobi
    @BuffonSarutobi 12 років тому

    They pretend to be Japanese but calling it Korean. What kind of paranoia is that?

    • @estebanflores210
      @estebanflores210 Рік тому

      this is the result of that time when Japan shared culture with Korea when was added to Japan...

  • @jonydictado
    @jonydictado 12 років тому

    Los japoneses no tienen nada tan espectacular con la espada... el Iaido no está mal pero no tiene nada que ver con esto...

  • @shrimpchocolate
    @shrimpchocolate 13 років тому

    i don't want hear my favorite KODO's drum music on this fake video.

  • @wolfpack13000
    @wolfpack13000 13 років тому

    For 李氏朝鮮 Korea 500 years of the Confucian country, I idealized the political idea of Confucius. Therefore it deviated from the mainstream, and the military officer who I regarded a civil officer as important, and diminished the position of the military officer low went out of fashion. The martial arts do not develop in such an environment, too. (as for what there was only as for police function)

  • @hosozoku
    @hosozoku 13 років тому

    GUMDO IS FAKE OF KENDO Koreans always steal japanese and chinese cultures

  • @lrodrigomoreno
    @lrodrigomoreno 13 років тому

    @toro1 Me agrada que no lo tomes a mal. No estoy muy seguro de a que te refieres con tu pregunta. Me lo podrías aclarar por favor? Para no contestar babosadas.

  • @toro1
    @toro1 13 років тому

    @lrodrigomoreno ok rodrigo respeto tu opinion aunque si se pued eme gustaria saber en detalle cuales consideras los mas estilizados a mi me gusta la critica constructiva GRACIAS

  • @lrodrigomoreno
    @lrodrigomoreno 13 років тому

    @toro1 Estoy de acuerdo contigo; uno no puede criticar lo que no conoce, pero hasta cierto punto un kendoka se puede dar idea sobre el haidong gumdo. Por ejemplo, lo movimientos son demasiado estilizados y gastan energía de manera poco útil, lo cual lo hace poco práctico como arte marcial. De lo demás no comento porque no sé.

  • @Ken0Kyokuzitsu
    @Ken0Kyokuzitsu 13 років тому

    こんな酷い剣術見たことが無い。 おい韓国人、その汚い手で日本刀を握るな。

  • @TheMatrix1221
    @TheMatrix1221 13 років тому

    CAUTION!! Gumdo is a Korean of KENDO reading. And the KENDO historically has the origin in Japan. When the KENDO is a Korea origin, they are fabricating it !! They also are fabricating a story to them own advantage that all Japanese culture are Korean origins !! Everybody of intelligent foreigner ! PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT !!

  • @wolfpack13000
    @wolfpack13000 13 років тому

    Why does the Japanese accuse the forged Korea samurai and Korea martial arts? As for the reason, Korea samurai and the Korea martial arts of the imitation insist on a genuine Japanese samurai and the origin of the martial arts, and this is because it pollutes a Japanese samurai and the honor of the martial arts, and an usurption does Japan samurai culture.

  • @wolfpack13000
    @wolfpack13000 13 років тому

    There is not the Korean fact that the samurai existed in history. There is neither the society scenery created historically nor the inevitability. Though there is not the base which existed, the person forging Korea samurai spreads a lie. I imitate a Japanese samurai and divert castles of Japan to their HP and develop the false martial arts that I forged for an image of Japan.

  • @10250627
    @10250627 13 років тому

    so fake

  • @Sakra137
    @Sakra137 13 років тому

    I think you can watch ↓ watch?v=hG6tqGGZW8Y watch?v=iFBo-Zs_Dp8

  • @Daviysoh
    @Daviysoh 13 років тому

    Secondly, "do" of "Gum-do" means 'route' or 'path' in Chinese and 'principle' or 'way' in Japanese. But Korea never had conception of "do" in its history. It's the proof that gumdo is just copy of Kendo. I'm not accusing them for copying, but I just want them to stop lying and fabricating history.

  • @Daviysoh
    @Daviysoh 13 років тому

    First off,there is no principle in Haidon Gumdo. It doesn't have Iai or Kata because its style was not created for fighting but just dancing performance. 2:48 How can swordsman show his back to the enemy? Not practical at all.

  • @rene3x
    @rene3x 13 років тому

    what just a few people know is that haidong gumdo is the extraction of the ninja sword style and kendo is of the samurais you can just see it, look the diferences of this both beautiful ways of the sword. This info cant be founded on internet, event if you ask to a master he would lie you, I get the info travelilng the world and i decide to give it to the people ho is saying bad stuff about this art both art good arts they are just diferent THE TRUTH IS CLEARLY FOR THE ONE HO WANTS TO SEE IT XD

  • @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie
    @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie 13 років тому

    4. How about videos? Is there a film until 1980 showing HaedongKumdo? How about pictures? Is there a picture until 1980 showing HaedongKumdo? How about historical records? Since the 17th century many Westerners stayed in the Korean Peninsula. They wrote about Korean archery but any swordplay or unarmed martial art doesn't appear in those records. Don't you find this strange? You Koreans had better admit HaedongKumdo is a fraud and stop spreading lies immediately.

  • @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie
    @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie 13 років тому

    3. What Koreans are doing now is a creation based on Japanese Kendo. But because the new martial art required Koreans to make a difference from Kendo, they adopted flashy action stunts like jumping or spinning. First, you Koreans must set out the records of HaedongKumdo before 1970s if you can.

  • @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie
    @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie 13 років тому

    2. The first time Koreans used the word "HaedongKumdo / 海東剣道" was in about 1982. It's not so long ago. In short, it's a fraud that they claim HaedongKumdo is a Korean traditional martial art. Incidentally, the parties have already pleaded guilty to the HaedongKumdo fraud in a Korean court. 해동검도재판기록 (HaedongKumdo trial record) blog(.)daum(.)net/_blog/BlogTypeView(.)do?blogid=06zf6&articleno=9050199&admin=#ajax_history_home

  • @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie
    @KukSoolWon-LieLieLie 13 років тому

    1. Kumdo/Gumdo is the Korean pronunciation of Kendo and it was introduced into the Korean Peninsula from Japan during the period of the Japanese protectorate and annexation (1895-1945). Before that martial arts didn't exist in Korea. So it's never a traditional Korean martial art from ancient times. It's true that Koreans began learning sword skills from Chinese and they called it 本國劍 / 本国剣 in the 18th century, but it didn't catch on. /watch?v=xcc3_iBmMyM

  • @jyogkuro
    @jyogkuro 13 років тому

    If "Fake Samurai & Kendo" is retrieved, you understand the truth.

  • @toro1
    @toro1 13 років тому

    @unkeihokusai Haidong Gumdo and Kumdo copied Kendo, a si? cuantas clases de Haidong has visto yo he visto muchas de kendo y te puedo decir que no tienen nada que ver una con la otra para criticar hay que saber lo que se critica to you? Haidong few classes I've seen seen a lot of kendo and I can tell you have nothing to do with each other to criticize is to know what is criticized

  • @sakura0jp0aikidodesu
    @sakura0jp0aikidodesu 13 років тому

    i must say Gumdo is just copied the surface of Japanese Kendo only without the reason(理)and Samurai spirits.this is not Budo(武道) anymore,Korean changed worst as Korean twiddle leaping dance. stop to exhibit fake Korean Budo in the Japan Expo in Paris!!!! watch?v=PVMwXztivL0 watch?v=7Hcq3kb792g (French) watch?v=C7BoI4gWXN4 watch?v=ImWL-N582ZU pls think and understand deeply the reason (理) and natural rule(自然法則).

  • @sakura0jp0aikidodesu
    @sakura0jp0aikidodesu 13 років тому

    why Japanese are confused to Korean Gumdo and Kumdo....pls image that if Japanese swing around rapier that French fencing sword like cheerleading with dressing English kelt,and then the playing would be popular and spread in many country....suddenly the Japanese make public like that "Japacing is Japanese traditional martial art,and Kelt is Japanese wear originally!! it is different art originally since Japacing doesn't wear any armor."

  • @sakura0jp0aikidodesu
    @sakura0jp0aikidodesu 13 років тому

    the Clans have their own form,we can answer the famous Samurai's name when seeing the form.for example,setting up Katana on right head is Musashi's form and forming the end of Katana downward to left side shoestring catch like quarter moon is Jyubei Yagyu,but its are glitz and eccentrically for the view of technic basically. Korean style is cool but its like TV show and the form is assembled discretely....

  • @sakura0jp0aikidodesu
    @sakura0jp0aikidodesu 13 років тому

    @toro1 hola! agradezca a Espana en el desastre de Fukushima.we like flamenco,many women learn the class in Japan.i have learned Aikido about 20 years and Iaido for a few years only.i am greenness it is shorter career then must study more.well,you mistook.people getting really angry are just regular people in Japan.since Bushido prohibit to pass judgment each other.then if my act come out to my teacher,i will be ban.

  • @toro1
    @toro1 13 років тому

    @sakura0jp0aikidodesu yo practico haidong gumdo desde hace 8 años y veo que algunos japoneses o practicantes de iaido o kendo critican nuestra tecnica, mi pregunta? como puedes criticar algo que no conoces Haidong Gumdo I practice for 8 years and I see some Japanese or iaido or kendo practitioners criticize our technique, my question? how can you criticize something you do not know

  • @sakura0jp0aikidodesu
    @sakura0jp0aikidodesu 13 років тому

    i am leaning Aikido and Iaido a liitle of bit. Japanese sword methods is separated about one hundred or more,Yagyu-shnganryu,Yagyu-shinkageryu,Muso-shindenryu,Jigo-tenshinryu etc...since the families or clans had developed respectively the sword method to fight against climate and climate in age of civil strife ;Sengoku era(戦国時代). i know Gumdo or Kumudo are style of Korean sword method,but why they didn't have any load...then they become play twiddle diddle dancing with Katana now?...

  • @yamahanaya
    @yamahanaya 13 років тому

    The fake

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 13 років тому

    @heishomon Hey, assfuck, I don't have a drop of Korean blood in me. The Japanese government has been proven to have lied to it's people and to the world. So don't go blaming the Koreans for what your country does. And any history student knows History is written by the victorious. Why do you think Japan has rewritten history so much? If Japan hadn't lost WWII Korea may not even exist today. Blahblahblah, right? The Koreans deserved all they had coming to them, huh?

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 13 років тому

    @heishomon 1st: I AM NOT A KOREAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am an American with a history degree. 2nd: "no objection means consent"? That is the most backward, selfish, unenlightened argument I have ever heard. That's like saying the rape of a young girl by an older man is not rape because she didn't say the word "no" even though she was crying and obviously didn't want to have sex. 3rd: Neither one of us will convince the other. This debate is pointless. I am liberal, you are seemingly conservative. bye

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 13 років тому

    @heishomon How in the FUCK can you say that the annexation of an INDEPENDENT country like Korea by Japan was LEGAL?? Korea was NOT part of China (no matter what China might have thought in their pursuit of "One China"). Korea may have given tribute to China but it was never a COLONY! Korea was ALWAYS independent from China. Japan tried for centuries to conquer Korea in order to get to China. Come over here and see the torture camps of the Japanese and THEN say it was legal!!!

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 13 років тому

    @heishomon Korea was a hermit kingdom before Japan invaded. And if there is any lack of evidence it's Japan's fault. The Japanese tried to destroy the Korean language, culture, and history. So don't you DARE even IMPLY that Japan did any service to Korea by it's tyrannical 40 year ILLEGAL reign. And it doesn't make any damn sense for a country that has such a history of war to only be good at archery.

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 14 років тому

    @sanriuk Congratulations on your 1st Dan!!!!!!!!!! I should be able to test for mine later next year. I've been training for 8 months now and I'm really in love with it. My master is really incredible. She's a 2nd or 3rd Dan in Taekwando and Hapkido respectively, and she encourages me to learn one of them. Still debating. But HDGD is my 1st love. I never realized that martial arts were so popular in Mexico. I'm really happy about that though. Mexico is an intriguing country.

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 14 років тому

    @sanriuk No, I was unable to. I had only been learning for two months when the Championships rolled around. I see a lot of HDGD videos from Mexican martial artists. Is it really popular there??

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 14 років тому

    @sanriuk Thanks for backing me up. And it's great to meet a fellow student of HDGD. I think I have an advantage because I study here in Korea. Where do you study?

  • @Braveanglo
    @Braveanglo 14 років тому

    @marz12aug The movement is showy and unpolished???? Have you EVER known anyone who has studied this??? The movements are exact and precise, each one having a target on the body of the enemy. Japan, Korea, and China all have different kinds of clothes for different kinds of activities. And I wouldn't say any of this is an imitation. If there is anything not Korean then it's a result of Japan's 40 year long attempt to kill the Korean culture at the end of a gun.

  • @jishin99
    @jishin99 14 років тому

    @5gyupsal and right, all comes from china

  • @topdog2007
    @topdog2007 16 років тому

    right sword fighting is a art work not just swinging it around

  • @SuburbanNinja8000
    @SuburbanNinja8000 16 років тому

    Koreans Are the Forraner of that sword dude.

  • @1x93cm
    @1x93cm 17 років тому

    it seems korea takes many martial arts and suits them to their needs- tae kwon do is just a mix of karate and kungfu.. kumdo looks like a mix of wudang jian style with kenjutsu

  • @marz12aug
    @marz12aug 17 років тому

    You can argue against nothing about the document which I showed. kumdo shows no historic document. It is you that it is led by mistake. and u will suck. My document is declaration of intention of kendo-Association.

  • @marz12aug
    @marz12aug 17 років тому

    after all. You refuse informed of a fact after all. The ignorance is you.