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The Promiseland: God's blessings to Abram and his descendants
In Genesis 13, Abram and Lot, his nephew, return from Egypt to the land of Canaan. Due to their growing wealth and increasing herds, conflicts arise between their herdsmen. To avoid strife, Abram offers Lot the first choice of land. Lot chooses the fertile plain of the Jordan, near Sodom, while Abram remains in Canaan. After their separation, God reaffirms His promise to Abram, declaring that his descendants will inherit the land as far as he can see, and they will be as numerous as the dust of the earth.
#genesis13 #biblestories #bookofgenesis #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #christianstories #Abraham #promiseland
Переглядів: 164


圣经创世纪 |亚伯兰前往应许之地:妻子萨莱被埃及法老带进王宫
Переглядів 39День тому
创世记 12 章介绍了亚伯兰(后来改名为亚伯拉罕),上帝呼召他离开故土,前往祂将要指示他的土地。上帝应许使亚伯兰成为一个大国,赐福给他,使他名声显赫。亚伯兰遵从了上帝的旨意,前往迦南,上帝应许将这片土地赐给他的后代。一场饥荒迫使亚伯兰逃往埃及。因为担心自己的生命安全,他在那里告诉法老,撒莱(他的妻子)是他的妹妹。法老带走了撒莱,但上帝介入,降下瘟疫。法老发现了真相,把亚伯兰和撒莱送走了,但这也让他们富裕起来。 @NewCreationImage #genesis12 #biblestories #bookofgenesis #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #christianstories #abraham
Abram's journey started: Sarai was taken into Pharaoh's palace as Abram's sister
Переглядів 1,5 тис.14 днів тому
Genesis 12 introduces Abram (later Abraham), whom God calls to leave his homeland for a land He will show him. God promises to make Abram a great nation, bless him, and make his name great. Abram obeys, travelling to Canaan, where God promises the land to his descendants. A famine forces Abram to Egypt, where he tells Pharaoh that Sarai (his wife) is his sister, fearing for his life. Pharaoh ta...
圣经创世纪 |巴别塔:人类的傲慢导致上帝混淆天下的语言
Переглядів 3421 день тому
《创世记》第 11 章描述了人类齐心协力建造巴别塔的过程。巴别塔是一座通天之塔,象征着人类的骄傲和对权力的渴望。上帝对他们的傲慢感到不满,于是扰乱了他们的语言,使他们说着不同的语言,并将他们分散到世界各地。这导致了巴别塔的废弃和不同国家的诞生。 #genesis11 #biblestories #bookofgenesis #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #christianstories #babel #babeltower #confusion #languages
Tower of Babel: Human's pride causing their languages being confused by God
Переглядів 209Місяць тому
Genesis 11 describes humanity’s unified effort to build the Tower of Babel, a city with a tower reaching the heavens, symbolizing human pride and desire for power. God, displeased with their arrogance, confuses their language, causing them to speak different tongues and scattering them across the earth. This leads to the abandonment of the tower and the creation of diverse nations. #genesis11 #...
圣经创世纪 | 彩虹的约定:上帝祝福对诺亚和他的后代
Переглядів 24Місяць тому
创世记 9 章记述了洪水之后上帝与诺亚的约定。上帝赐福诺亚和他的家人,教导他们繁衍生息。他与所有生物立约,承诺不再用洪水毁灭地球,并以彩虹作为约定的标志。上帝还制定了有关生命神圣性的律法。本章以诺亚在一次令人不安的事件后诅咒他儿子含的后代(迦南)并祝福他的其他儿子闪和雅弗结束。 #genesis9 #biblestories #bookofgenesis #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #christianstories #rainbow #covenant #Noah
Covenant of the rainbow: God's promises to Noah and his three sons
Переглядів 682Місяць тому
Genesis 9 recounts God’s covenant with Noah after the flood. God blesses Noah and his family, instructing them to be fruitful and multiply. He establishes a covenant with all living creatures, promising never to destroy the earth with a flood again, and sets the rainbow as a sign of this covenant. God also establishes laws regarding the sanctity of life. The chapter concludes with Noah cursing ...
圣经创世纪 | 希望新世界:上帝承诺不再用洪水毁灭世界
Переглядів 27Місяць тому
在《创世记》第 8 章中,洪水退去,上帝纪念诺亚,让方舟停在亚拉拉山上。 40 天后,诺亚放出一只乌鸦,然后放出一只鸽子去检查是否有干燥的土地。鸽子最终带着一片橄榄叶返回。诺亚和他的家人以及动物们离开方舟,标志着洪水的结束,诺亚建造了一座祭坛向上帝献祭,上帝承诺不再用洪水毁灭地球,并与所有生物立约。 @NewCreationImage #genesis8 #biblestories #bookofgenesis #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #christianstories #greatflood #flood
Hope of a new world: God promises never to destroy the earth with a flood again
Переглядів 1612 місяці тому
In Genesis chapter 8, the floodwaters recede as God remembers Noah, causing the ark to rest on Mount Ararat. After 40 days, Noah sends out a raven and then a dove to check for dry land. The dove eventually returns with an olive leaf, signaling the flood's end. Noah, his family, and the animals leave the ark, and Noah builds an altar to offer sacrifices to God. God promises never to destroy the ...
圣经创世纪 |灭世大洪水:地上的生命都被灭绝,唯有诺亚和方舟里面的人和动物幸存
Переглядів 812 місяці тому
在创世记第 7 章中,上帝命令诺亚带着他的家人和所有生物成对进入方舟,以度过即将到来的洪水。本章描述了洪水上涨了四十天,覆盖了地球,甚至淹没了最高的山脉。方舟外的所有生命都灭亡了。方舟漂浮了 150 天,保护了诺亚、他的家人和动物。本章强调了上帝对腐败世界的审判以及他对忠诚之人的供给。 @NewCreationImage #Genesis7 #biblestories #bookofgenesis #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #christianstories #greatflood #flood
The Great Flood: Everything on earth was wiped out except for Noah and those with him in the ark
Переглядів 3842 місяці тому
In Genesis chapter 7, God commands Noah to enter the ark with his family and pairs of all living creatures to survive the coming flood. The chapter describes the floodwaters rising for forty days, covering the earth and submerging even the highest mountains. All life outside the ark perishes. The ark remains afloat for 150 days, preserving Noah, his family, and the animals. This chapter highlig...
圣经创世纪 | 大洪水的警告:堕天使败坏了人类种族,上帝意欲毁灭大地上的一切
Переглядів 2782 місяці тому
创世记第 6 章描述了人类日益增长的邪恶,促使上帝后悔创造人类。随着腐败和暴力的蔓延,上帝决定用大洪水净化地球。在这其中,诺亚以他的正义脱颖而出。上帝指示诺亚建造一艘方舟,召集他的家人和每种动物的配偶来保护生命。这一章为即将到来的大洪水奠定了基础,强调了上帝的审判和怜悯的主题。 @newcreationimage #genesis6 #biblestories #bookofgenesis #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #christianstories
Warning of great flood: Fallen angels corrupted human and God planned to destroy everything on earth
Переглядів 2,4 тис.2 місяці тому
Genesis Chapter 6 describes humanity's increasing wickedness, prompting God to regret creating mankind. As corruption and violence spread, God decides to cleanse the earth with a great flood. Amidst this, Noah stands out for his righteousness. God instructs Noah to build an ark and gather his family and pairs of every animal to preserve life. This chapter sets the stage for the coming deluge, e...
圣经创世纪 |嫉妒之恶:该隐因为献祭不蒙悦纳而杀死了弟弟
Переглядів 603 місяці тому
在《创世纪》第 4 章中,我们看到了亚当和夏娃的儿子该隐和亚伯的故事。农夫该隐和牧羊人亚伯都向上帝献祭,但上帝更喜欢亚伯的祭品。该隐在嫉妒和愤怒中杀死了亚伯,犯下了第一起谋杀案。上帝质问该隐,他否认了责 ,但被惩罚过着流浪的生活。尽管该隐犯了罪,但上帝还是给他做了记号,以保护他免遭杀害。本章以亚当和夏娃的另一个儿子塞特的出生结束,象征着人类的希望和延续。 @newcreationimage #bibleanimation #animatedbiblestories #biblestories #genesis4
The sin of jealousy: Cain killed his younger brother because his offering was not accepted
Переглядів 2,5 тис.3 місяці тому
In Genesis Chapter 4, we see the story of Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve. Cain, a farmer, and Abel, a shepherd, both offer sacrifices to God, but God favors Abel's offering. In jealousy and anger, Cain kills Abel, committing the first murder. God confronts Cain, who denies responsibility, but is punished to a life of wandering. Despite his sin, God marks Cain to protect him from being ...
圣经创世纪 |上帝唯一的要求:不能吃的果子,亚当和夏娃偏偏吃了
Переглядів 1943 місяці тому
圣经创世纪 |上帝唯一的要求:不能吃的果子,亚当和夏娃偏偏吃了
The Forbidden Fruit: the One thing God told Adam and Eve not to eat (Yet they ate it anyway)
Переглядів 13 тис.3 місяці тому
The Forbidden Fruit: the One thing God told Adam and Eve not to eat (Yet they ate it anyway)
圣经创世纪 | 亚当与夏娃的第一次见面:他被她惊艳了 | 中文圣经故事
Переглядів 1954 місяці тому
圣经创世纪 | 亚当与夏娃的第一次见面:他被她惊艳了 | 中文圣经故事
When Adam met Eve: He was blown away by her | Bible stories Genesis 2
Переглядів 18 тис.4 місяці тому
When Adam met Eve: He was blown away by her | Bible stories Genesis 2
圣经创世纪 | 世界的起源, 神创造天地 | 中文圣经故事
Переглядів 864 місяці тому
圣经创世纪 | 世界的起源, 神创造天地 | 中文圣经故事
The Birth of a World: The Cosmic Symphony of Creation | Bible stories come alive
Переглядів 5654 місяці тому
The Birth of a World: The Cosmic Symphony of Creation | Bible stories come alive


  • @mayli4197
    @mayli4197 7 днів тому

    So good

  • @dannycalloway4360
    @dannycalloway4360 12 днів тому

    Also, as a Chronomancer, I would travel back in time to the Garden of Eden, bring back modern day weapons, guns, knives, etc. then proceed to kill the serpent before it has the chance to tempt Eve into eating the forbidden fruit and causing humans to enter a fallen state. After eliminating the serpent, I would proceed to take my own life as I am in a fallen state, thus leaving Adam and Eve, man and woman, to forever live in peace.

    • @NewCreationImage
      @NewCreationImage 9 днів тому

      I like the idea of going back and killing the serpent, haha😆 However, the serpent (Satan) is a spiritual being, and hence cannot be killed by modern-day physical weapons. On the other hand, Jesus won the victory and defeated Satan by dying on the cross and being resurrected three days later. Jesus did this to save us humans; And now whoever believes in Jesus doesn't have to die but can gain eternal life (including love, joy, and peace)!

  • @dannycalloway4360
    @dannycalloway4360 12 днів тому

    Eve was innocent. When she tempted man to eat the forbidden fruit, it was not out of malevolence, unlike the serpent when it tempted her. The serpent deceived Eve, and she genuinely believed that what she was doing was not wrong. I compare it to a friend finding a treasure chest filled with gold coins and then sharing half with their friend. Eve’s motives and intentions were to share something good with man and let him in on a secret she believed she had discovered. In no way did Eve mean to cause harm to man as the serpent had done to her.

    • @NewCreationImage
      @NewCreationImage 9 днів тому

      I believe so. I think Eve loves her man and wants to share what she thought was good with him. However, she forgot that God had told them not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When the serpent tried to confuse her, she fell into the trap and made a mistake which caused the human race to fall. :'(

  • @MatildeFerrer-d9d
    @MatildeFerrer-d9d 19 днів тому


  • @qasimalmani647
    @qasimalmani647 2 місяці тому

    God cannot be a human so how can He have sons, Believe in One God. God don't eat or drink He is not born nor He tastes death and there is nothing like Him.

  • @kenowens9021
    @kenowens9021 2 місяці тому

    So was Lucifer the Archangel. Because of that, he caused the Fall.

    • @NewCreationImage
      @NewCreationImage 2 місяці тому

      According to the Bible teaching, Lucifer was one of the highest angel that led worship. But later he wanted to take God's glory and place. He also hated human (who were created in God's image) and tempted human to fall.

  • @michellepilote1118
    @michellepilote1118 3 місяці тому

    No one was there, these stories are mostly teaching tools. Eve was not Adam's first wife, Lilith was. If in the begining there was jyst Adam and Eve, where did Can's wife came frome? Adam and Eve are supposed to be the first man and woman on earth...Even if Can traveled to the land of Nod, how could he find other humans? Aren't all human lived in Eden? It does not make sense. I understand the clame of the jewish people calling themselves "The chosen ones" but elsewhere other civilization were strating all over the new world. Yes they were pagans but still were children of God. We all have a different image of him.

    • @NewCreationImage
      @NewCreationImage 3 місяці тому

      Thanks for the comment. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work". --2 Timothy 3:16-17🙏☺

  • @DaisyChitalu-o4e
    @DaisyChitalu-o4e 3 місяці тому

    Wow am watching from Zambia

    • @NewCreationImage
      @NewCreationImage 3 місяці тому

      Praise the Lord🙏🙏Thank you for watching. Enjoy the Bible stories! 🙌✌

  • @christophesutter1844
    @christophesutter1844 3 місяці тому

    Alléluia 🔥💜🔥

  • @LingoLewi-27
    @LingoLewi-27 4 місяці тому

    Amazing work! I will share ❤🎉

    • @NewCreationImage
      @NewCreationImage 4 місяці тому

      Thank you! Please subscribe to help sharing the channel. God bless! ☺❤🙏

  • @JasmineYang-j6z
    @JasmineYang-j6z 4 місяці тому


  • @JasmineYang-j6z
    @JasmineYang-j6z 4 місяці тому
