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I am the son of Larry Norman
This is the story of Jennifer and Daniel Robinson, who for the last 19 years have been trying to get Larry Norman to admit that he fathered Daniel.
If you wish to assist their cause, please go to:
Переглядів: 48 111



  • @mamagg2444
    @mamagg2444 26 днів тому

    Can they legally deny a paternity test?

  • @tomliemohn624
    @tomliemohn624 3 місяці тому

    That really stinks. I am sorry he blew you off like that. The more I hear about Larry, the less I like him as a person.

  • @user-ph6yh4hs9z
    @user-ph6yh4hs9z 3 місяці тому

    DNA TEST would settle this pronto.

  • @maninthewilderness3208
    @maninthewilderness3208 7 місяців тому

    The making of this video is to seemingly convey that Larry is not to be idolized. I guess his need to feed his narcissism was greater than his desire to be a father. Being fatherless all I can say is crap happens and it sucks, but you got to learn to be the best man or lady you can be. Adopting the attributes of Christ gives one a solid foundation. Life’s not easy.

  • @conniedrake3733
    @conniedrake3733 7 місяців тому

    So happy to find your story. I believe the proof has come out that you are his son since this was released?

  • @danieljdick
    @danieljdick 11 місяців тому

    The problem is not with Christ or the Bible or the principles or even the fact the Bible speaks of the real problem which is that religious and irreligious people alike excuse refusing to live by God’s principles, ethics, morals, or by His love or righteousness or justice but rather live like hypocritical, prideful, cowardly, selfish, unfaithful fools.

  • @happyandblessed5640
    @happyandblessed5640 Рік тому

    Daniel looks like Larry.

  • @ralphbuschman3364
    @ralphbuschman3364 Рік тому

    A sad but revealing story of falling apart as being a believer. Sad to be seeing how far some of us fall.

  • @pnutbutrncrackers
    @pnutbutrncrackers Рік тому

    I was as big a Christian music fan during the 70's & 80's as you could find. Though Larry Norman wasn't one of my favorite artists, I certainly liked some of his songs and saw him in concert. His album "In Another Land" (1976) is very good indeed. However, the 'Larry-praise' in this comments section is very strange to me. The plain truth is that he did all kinds of things that were wrong, weird, and inexcusable. He had major problems; maybe even paranoia. The blind idolizing evidenced by some in this column is actually disturbing. Personally, I believe this (late) woman's story, and it's very sad.

  • @noname-by3qz
    @noname-by3qz Рік тому

    I also think the lawyer was bluffing about the birth certificate. If they could find a decent lawyer in the US, they could probably sue the family and demand dna. Another thing is I'd wish they'd contact CC Moore. She's excellent at finding people without DNA. She's a genetic detective.

  • @noname-by3qz
    @noname-by3qz Рік тому

    On top of all this disgraceful behavior, Larry told another woman that the situation was he met a girl at camp who was practicing witchcraft and she seduced him that way. Of course I'm sure it was nothing of the sort! Liar the liar strikes again and again and again!!

  • @noname-by3qz
    @noname-by3qz Рік тому

    How did I miss this one? I'm so mad when I see this people praising Larry in the comments of his videos. I always leave links to FALLEN ANGEL. It shows his insanity that he was angry she simply told the truth! A pure narcissist!!! 😡😡😡

  • @jeannienickel7
    @jeannienickel7 Рік тому

    Christians are known foe leaving their wounded for dead….sad

  • @jeannienickel7
    @jeannienickel7 Рік тому

    Ever heard of King David? God uses all kinds of humans. Grace has given us LIFE

  • @johnqueripel2001
    @johnqueripel2001 2 роки тому

    Amazing story. Larry Norman was just such a charismatic figure I can well believe this. Then of course there was the breakup with Randy Stonehill. The genetics look pretty good though appearance is no definite proof.

  • @annab5961
    @annab5961 2 роки тому

    I watch this many years ago. And wondering what has happened to Jenny and her son anyone know? I heard that she passed away is that true or not?

  • @ComedianBobFarrell
    @ComedianBobFarrell 2 роки тому

    Sorry that you and your son had to deal with this. Remember what he did and didn't do is not JESUS. To quote a Wayne Watson song" That's not JESUS. HE doesn't carry on that way. It's flesh and blood like you and me somehow gone astray." May GOD be the best FATHER to you.

  • @have-a-wonderful-day
    @have-a-wonderful-day 2 роки тому

    That is Sad I never knew he had any kid. He should have Helped. Raised. His Son. So was. Larry A christian or no? Or a fake

  • @paulcorrea1613
    @paulcorrea1613 4 роки тому

    From an interview with Larry's brother Charles: "Mike: She was with you and the band Q.Stone in Scandinavia October-November 1988. Charles: I wasn't in Scandinavia. I went to Helsinki, then I went to Tallinn. I wasn't on that tour. I was in Finland and Estonia, but that's not a tour, that's two dates. Larry's tour was like six weeks long. When I talked to Jennifer on the phone I said, 'When are you claiming you got pregnant?' She said, 'After Finland. Right after the gig in Estonia, Larry and I went to England.' I said, 'Really? You went straight from Helsinki to England?' She said, 'Yes. We were there for several weeks, and that's when I got pregnant.' I said, 'That's really interesting, because that's not what happened with Larry. Larry and I stayed in Helsinki for a week, week and a half - we were very sick. Then we ended up in Sweden, and Larry and I were in Sweden for three or four weeks after that. Larry didn't go to England.' When I pointed that out to her, she said, 'Maybe it was another time.' That's what I keep on getting from her. This open letter she wrote to the media said she was on a six-week tour of Russia - or 10-week tour, something like that - and I pointed out there's no such thing. Larry and I never did a 10-week tour of Russia. Then she changed her story again. Mike: She was on the dates in Finland and Estonia, and Daniel was born July '89, nine months later, so biologically it is very possible. Charles: Time-wise, it's possible. Mike: When did you first hear about Daniel Robinson? Charles: I don't know, several years ago. I heard a rumour in Holland, years ago. There's a rumour that Larry had a child in Australia, and I said, 'OK, there's lots of rumours about all sorts of wacky stuff.' But I didn't talk to Jennifer until right after Larry died. Larry had demanded a DNA test. When Daniel was like 15 or 16 years old, Larry had been sending him emails and birthday presents, so Larry finally wrote to Daniel and said, 'You're old enough to now to know the truth, and you need to talk to your mom about this. You're not my son, and you can't keep on writing letters to me saying, Dad. We need to get a DNA test.' So Larry repeatedly demanded a DNA test, and that went nowhere. They say that that didn't happen; I have the emails that prove it did happen, and Daniel responded to Larry - so there was correspondence there. There's no way to fake what's called the long-header in an email. Every single email has a unique identifying number. I've got those emails, and if they want to contest that, say that Larry never demanded a DNA test, I can show them the emails."

  • @Jonsmama1
    @Jonsmama1 5 років тому

    That is too bad that Larry dealt with his sin in that way. He fathered a child and should have taken responsibility. If he would have asked forgiveness from the Lord he would have received it. Then God could have taken this situation and made it into something beautiful. No child is a mistake. I'm sorry it ended that way for you and your son with Larry, but God is and will be his father, even though Larry wouldn't. It's also sad that the Norman family won't even look at a DNA test. Let those people go and let God work in your life. You seem like sincere people. Don't let bitterness ruin your life. God bless you both!

  • @razorrob73
    @razorrob73 7 років тому

    I am so sorry Jennifer and Daniel. :`( Lord have mercy.

  • @susiejames9748
    @susiejames9748 8 років тому

    I wish the woman would speak clearly. Why are they telling the world about this. Surely, it is a private matter.

  • @songsalieri
    @songsalieri 9 років тому

    Speaking of imperfect, I meant no disrespect and was not cussing in previous post. My phone interprets an apostrophe as letters and symbols that look like cartoon cussing, sigh...Only on UA-cam and I know not why.

  • @songsalieri
    @songsalieri 9 років тому

    As for this story, too many holes in it. I think that short of DNA tests, one cannot be sure. I do not wish to be mean here but the fact that this video has a request for money with a focus on getting inderitance...makes it seem suspect. If this is really Larry's son, I feel for him, in any case, I pray that he can carry on as himself, not the son of a dad he never knew. People mess up, but our great Father in heaven is perfect, loving, faithful. Do not judge The Father by any imperfect person.

  • @songsalieri
    @songsalieri 9 років тому

    Bonnie Parker and anyone else who does not understand: When a person writes G_d it is out of the Utmost Respect. Some people believe that His name should not be spoken aloud, other think it should be declared daily. Some think G_d is more respectful and indicates the true and living creator over other gods. So NO, not hypocritical, just in awe of Him.

  • @2mikesalerno
    @2mikesalerno 9 років тому

    So sorry bro. Your story breaks my heart. I don't doubt it is true. Condolences for some of the comments below. I am 50 now and came to Christ during one of your father's concerts. There is a place in the church for the Hippie Christian Left. It's tragic that your dad wasn't a responsible part of it. We'll keep you and your mom in our prayers.

  • @bonnieparker198
    @bonnieparker198 9 років тому

    @Devon Capman; I find it odd how you spell God as G-d. Isn't that flippant and arrogant? And it contradicts your faith.

  • @Skip1965
    @Skip1965 10 років тому

    Hmmm, I have to disagree with O'Toole. Yea, we should forgive, but that doesn't mean suppressing the true human story. There's nothing unbiblical about exposing hypocrisy. It hurts the cause of Christ when Christians try to cover it up, even when it's done in the name of "forgiveness". I hope the Robinsons will receive some grace from Norman's family. BTW, I'm a huge fan of Larry's music.

  • @devoncapman3221
    @devoncapman3221 10 років тому

    I completely agree with Monty O'Toole. Christians live by a higher standard. There is little to no money in Christian Music. Larry's talents were ahead of his time. G-d richly blessed and the devil worked in and caused serious trouble. Heb 5:8 says that we are to learn obedience to G-d by what we suffer just like Jesus. Monty is right. The cross is the place where this belongs. I am sure Larry would have been able to do as he promised if the fame and fortune was as big as some think it was. I happen to know that Brian Duncan who has 10 great Albums has to tour over 200 dates a year because of the lack of money that Christian Music provides for his family. This video is a sad thing that happened, but the real enemy is we who give in to satans passions and desires and then act as if we have done nothing wrong or even worse, turn a good marriage (in some cases) into a profitable venture for the courts to rape one of the marriage partners that is earning a living to drive them into poverty. This is a fact stated by the US Government and revealed in a document by Stephen Baskerville in His 85 page article, "Is There a Fatherhood Crisis". That article is much worse that this video and show the real enemy. I challenge any of you to read that!

  • @2inchtube
    @2inchtube 10 років тому

    Hello Daniel, glad to hear mom did a pregnancy test, ok, but since it's so easy to get any gov' to run a DNA identity test [as I had to do], why not get one? His passing away in 2009 doesn’t hinder this, just do it and move on?

  • @larrydavidnormanfan
    @larrydavidnormanfan 10 років тому

    Reading back I suppose Billy Goat is David Donkey ... lol.

  • @joeanddebbiebecker3291
    @joeanddebbiebecker3291 10 років тому

    We have known Jenny for about 27 years, and we know this to be true.

    • @mrheckles1972
      @mrheckles1972 2 роки тому

      Lol..sure you do

    • @FredNerk57
      @FredNerk57 2 роки тому

      @@mrheckles1972 And how long have you known her? 28 years?

  • @jeffhughes9851
    @jeffhughes9851 10 років тому

    the savior relentlessly preached repentence. LarryNorman had no sorrow for his many sins. He perished because without repentence there is no remission of sin.

  • @larrydavidnormanfan
    @larrydavidnormanfan 10 років тому

    Billy, you're right. There's no evidence presented till date, which proves that Daniel is Larry's son. The only thing we know so far, is that Larry was denied a DNA test on more then one occasion. So I agree with you that this people should produce evidence before calling Larry or his family liars.

  • @DoomedandStoned
    @DoomedandStoned 10 років тому

    produce the evidence before you start calling people liars.

  • @DoomedandStoned
    @DoomedandStoned 10 років тому

    got proof of that? I think the last thing Larry wanted was a DNA test, lol.

  • @DoomedandStoned
    @DoomedandStoned 10 років тому

    Thank you for your courage in standing up to the Christian community and telling your story. From my experience inside the brainwashed movement, I know that they will always hoist up their idols as untouchable saints. They embrace "sinners"--except if those sinners come from their own flock, then it's chop and feast time. Keep standing strong against the haters! The doc is starting to get traction.

  • @nikolegreen8242
    @nikolegreen8242 11 років тому

    (message, lol not massage)

  • @nikolegreen8242
    @nikolegreen8242 11 років тому

    The devil tried to trip up God's own apostles in the same way; hoping that it would somehow make their message about God's love any less true. It doesn't. In fact, it proves that God still loved Larry even though he was human like the rest of us....So instead of allowing the devil to win, let us not forget his massage, Love your brother, love the Lord, and be ready when he comes back to get his imperfect but faithful bride, us! I hope we'll all be ready..........

  • @nikolegreen8242
    @nikolegreen8242 11 років тому

    Right and no one is perfect, if he had been perfect he would not have needed a savior and I think we all know that "ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Even (and maybe especially) those in ministry because the devil loves to trip up a God loving person and try to use it to discredit them!

  • @larrydavidnormanfan
    @larrydavidnormanfan 11 років тому

    Larry didn't know if he was the father. Certainly Larry had his doubts after Ian, Jennifer's deluded ex-husband, contacted Larry and claimed that he was the father of Daniel. That's why Larry asked twice (!) for a DNA test. He specifically told Jennifer and Daniel to engage in the test, or to stop spreading this rumors. Twice Larry asked for a DNA test, twice these people promised to engage, and twice they broke their promise. Question: was Ian tested?

  • @gmdinformation
    @gmdinformation 11 років тому

    A bold faced liar? I can't be. My last name isn't Norman. You want to tell me more lies to refute the fact that so many people who knew LN said he admitted the boy was his son, like Denny Fridken for instance? watch?v=ch2MmC9z6Wo

  • @larrydavidnormanfan
    @larrydavidnormanfan 11 років тому

    I talked to both Andrew and Jennifer. They confirmed that Larry asked two times for a DNA test. They even have still have the e-mails from Larry concerning this issue, as have I! Jennifer stated that they didn't go along with the test, because her lawyer at the time advised her so. Which was a stupid advise. So mister gmdinformation, you're a bold face liar!

  • @gmdinformation
    @gmdinformation 11 років тому

    Christian rock sucks today. Is that your point? Christian rock would have happened with or without him. He didn't start it. This video was recorded because the mother of Larry's neglected boy didn't get a dime from him to help raise the kid.

  • @gmdinformation
    @gmdinformation 11 років тому

    Damn right it was Norman who refused the test, and everyone who knows both parties (like Randy Stonehill) will tell you so. Now his dufus brother and other family members are displaying his own propensity for telling lies.

  • @mrdcjohn
    @mrdcjohn 11 років тому

    yall realize larry is dead dont you? I think its been a few years now.

  • @mrdcjohn
    @mrdcjohn 11 років тому

    so let me get this straight, Youre saying it was norman who refused the .... oh cmon . people people people. do you even read your comments after pushing the send?

  • @mrdcjohn
    @mrdcjohn 11 років тому

    cant help but hear the guitar licks from "he th rock that doesnt roll" every time i see or hear the name Larry Norman. when i think of all the great songs i like to tap my feet to eg readers digest, 6 oclock news, great american novel, visting etc etc. Would these be missed had they never been written? No course not! Am i glad i got to hear them? you bet. can we just move on.? Or not. whatever works for you at this time. no judgement here.

  • @mrheckles1972
    @mrheckles1972 11 років тому

    Larry Normal was brilliant my question is "what is the point in bringing out all this on a man that has passed on to be with the Lord?" Lets remember him as a brilliant singer song writer who blew open the doors in christian rock. He is the grand daddy of christian rock n roll and if it wasnt for him lets face it christian rock would not be where it is.

  • @louisewaru4178
    @louisewaru4178 11 років тому

    Daniel and your Mum, I hope u know that although Larry made numerous grave mistakes, God doesnt. You are here for a reason. God himself says that everything evil done in secret will be brought to the limelight which is reassuring for us that all who have hurt us with evil will be punished. But we have to remember this includes us too, so try not to be the same in any way. I hope u can forgive this man for your own personal freedom and come to know that despite this wolf in sheeps clothing the t