The Heathen Voice
The Heathen Voice
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My Christian Testimony and the Norse Gods
Abandon Stones and take up Understanding.
This is my Christian testimony as well as my workings with the Norse gods. I hope you enjoy the tale I have sung.
Asatru. Hail to the gods!
The song used is called "Helvegen" by the group Wardruna. I claim no ownership of their music.
Переглядів: 123 571



  • @jimfloisand6817
    @jimfloisand6817 3 місяці тому

    Where's the rest of the videos?

  • @RemainRealProductions
    @RemainRealProductions 9 місяців тому

    I often re-watch this. I see a comment from myself 9 years ago! Whats the latest mate? Still heathen?

  • @Vulfheim
    @Vulfheim 10 місяців тому

    Please make more videos, you've saved me

  • @TheBlahman3
    @TheBlahman3 Рік тому

    This was pretty much like listening to a summary of my life so far

  • @theviralviking5113
    @theviralviking5113 Рік тому

    Make your own destiny. Some of us are mortal others are meant to be immortal. The cboice is yours.

  • @nordicnaturenerd6328
    @nordicnaturenerd6328 Рік тому

    Proud Heathen, raised Catholic. I despise Abrahamic religions now, especially Judaism (boundless ethnic self-interest and greed) and Christianity (judgemental people and mental slavery). Never forget what the Christians did to us.

  • @CillianRangarsson-yk9xk
    @CillianRangarsson-yk9xk Рік тому

    I am a really proud Norse pagan from Dublin Ireland lord Odin and lord Thor are my gods I know when I die I will be going to Valhalla I am going to earn my place in Valhalla by trying to be a better man everyday skal peace people all hail lord Odin and all hail lord Thor all hail the Norse gods of Valhalla skal peace people

  • @hatncloak45
    @hatncloak45 Рік тому

    I still come back to this video. Know that there are yet more of us! You are never alone, Odin is within you!

  • @loupnoir3647
    @loupnoir3647 Рік тому

    Christianity is dictatorship.🖤

  • @TheRealValus
    @TheRealValus Рік тому

    Oscar Wilde, 'De Profundis': "I had said of Christ that he ranks with the poets. That is true. Shelley and Sophocles are of his company. But his entire life also is the most wonderful of poems. For 'pity and terror' there is nothing in the entire cycle of Greek tragedy to touch it. The absolute purity of the protagonist raises the entire scheme to a height of romantic art from which the sufferings of Thebes and Pelops' line are by their very horror excluded, and shows how wrong Aristotle was when he said in his treatise on the drama that it would be impossible to bear the spectacle of one blameless in pain. Nor in Aeschylus nor Dante, those stern masters of tenderness, in Shakespeare, the most purely human of all the great artists, in the whole of Celtic myth and legend, where the loveliness of the world is shown through a mist of tears, and the life of a man is no more than the life of a flower, is there anything that, for sheer simplicity of pathos wedded and made one with sublimity of tragic effect, can be said to equal or even approach the last act of Christ's passion. The little supper with his companions, one of whom has already sold him for a price; the anguish in the quiet moon-lit garden; the false friend coming close to him so as to betray him with a kiss; the friend who still believed in him, and on whom as on a rock he had hoped to build a house of refuge for Man, denying him as the bird cried to the dawn; his own utter loneliness, his submission, his acceptance of everything; and along with it all such scenes as the high priest of orthodoxy rending his raiment in wrath, and the magistrate of civil justice calling for water in the vain hope of cleansing himself of that stain of innocent blood that makes him the scarlet figure of history; the coronation ceremony of sorrow, one of the most wonderful things in the whole of recorded time; the crucifixion of the Innocent One before the eyes of his mother and of the disciple whom he loved; the soldiers gambling and throwing dice for his clothes; the terrible death by which he gave the world its most eternal symbol; and his final burial in the tomb of the rich man, his body swathed in Egyptian linen with costly spices and perfumes as though he had been a king's son. When one contemplates all this from the point of view of art alone one cannot but be grateful that the supreme office of the Church should be the playing of the tragedy without the shedding of blood: the mystical presentation, by means of dialogue and costume and gesture even, of the Passion of her Lord; and it is always a source of pleasure and awe to me to remember that the ultimate survival of the Greek chorus, lost elsewhere to art, is to be found in the servitor answering the priest at Mass."

  • @TheRealValus
    @TheRealValus Рік тому

    Clive Barker, from his Introduction to IMAGICA: "People are constantly surprised that the figure of Jesus is of such importance to me. They look at The Hellbound Heart or at some of the stories in The Books of Blood and take me for a pagan who views Christianity as a pretty distraction from the business of suffering and dying. There is some truth in this. I certainly find the hypocritical cant and derisive dogmas of organized religion grotesque and oftentimes inhumane. Plainly the Vatican, for instance, cares more for its own authority than for the planet and the flock that grazes upon it. But the mythology that is still barely visible beneath the centuries-old encrustation of power plays and rituals -- the story of Jesus the crucified and resurrected; the shaman healer who walked on water and raised Lazarus -- is as moving to me as any story I have ever heard. "I found Christ as I found Dionysus or Coyote, through art. Blake showed him to me; so did Bellini and Gerard Manley Hopkins, and half a hundred others, each artist offering his or her own particular interpretation. And from very early on I wanted to find a way to write about Jesus myself; to fold his presence into a story of my own invention. It proved difficult. Most fantastique fiction has drawn inspiration from a pre-Christian world, retrieving from Faery, or Atlantis, or dreams of a Celtic twilight creatures that never heard of Communion. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but it always left me wondering if these authors weren't willfully denying their Christian roots out of frustration or disappointment. Having had no religious education, I harbored no such disappointment: I was drawn to the Christ figure as I was to Pan or Shiva, because the stories and images enlightened and enriched me. Christ is, after all, the central figure of Western mythology. I wanted to feel that my self-created pantheon could accomodate him, that my inventions were not too brittle to bear the weight of his presence. "I was further motivated by a desire to snatch this most complex and contradictory mystery from the clammy hands of the men who have claimed it for their own in recent years, especially here in America. The Falwells and the Robertsons, who, mouthing piety and sowing hatred, use the Bible to justify their plots against our self-discovery. Jesus does not belong to them. And it pains me that many imaginative people are so persuaded by these claims to possession that they turn their backs on the body of Western mysticism instead of reclaiming Christ for themselves."

  • @DrakariZargon
    @DrakariZargon Рік тому

    9:54 im heathen but raised by a catholic house, and to be fair, the bible has a lot of wisdom, the problem is as always with the preachers and how they use it to their benefit. For example, in Brazil a christian preacher abused his fanatics telling them; "My penis give the holy spirit to their mouths", yes, he literally said that.

  • @cillianrangarsson8636
    @cillianrangarsson8636 Рік тому

    I am a really proud Norse pagan from Dublin Ireland lord Odin and lord Thor are my gods they have been my gods my whole life I understand what it's like to grow up in a Christian house I never believed in that way of life I have been a heathen my whole life with the grace of our gods I will quit drinking

  • @mat-qh7sf
    @mat-qh7sf Рік тому

    Shame on you

  • @wolfgangweber2516
    @wolfgangweber2516 Рік тому

    dears - I am from münsterland, old brukterer/ cheruskerland, raised catholic (- charlemagne and the consequences). early in life I left the church, found india. often visited aurobindo ashram, pondicherry. after decades now - I understand : transcendence as also immanent, reincarnation, evolution. the all-one, das alleine, monism. in this monism there is big space for high and low, good and ugly, gods and asuric forces. very interesting: the older vedic gods seem to be identical with our own gemanic/celtic gods......... I like sri aurobindo´ s concept of the new manifestation of the divine , the manifestation of the supramental , the supermind, the new race. the divine mother said, that all gods are helping now for the new manisfestation. and: in this oneness I have a position ( and therefore a negation, in a relative dualism) , I am in the national party AfD, figthing against islamisation, africanisation, orientalisation of germany. I am doing good, healthy lifestyle, optimisitc, balanced mental. I love the divine, the gods, the great divine mother and I love myself. hope all of you find delight, beauty, freude, ananda in the manifestation of the endless divine. tüskes from münsterland, wolf

  • @NSAJ33
    @NSAJ33 Рік тому

    Well made man, I'm much like you. Former baptist/ Catholic. I'm researching this all. The preacher/ priest profession was a desire of mine also. But after I heard what Charlemagne did to my ancestors something in me is pushing me to know and study the ancient ways of the Germanic tribes. May the Gods of Old guide me in a powerful way. We shall see what takes place. But i want the Gods of old to show me their power unlike the God of the Hebrews that played me for years. Jesus is dead and YHWH is on a long vacation or a fabrication. Old Testament speaks against heathen gods. So I have a lot to retrain me thoughts and beliefs.

  • @alexevalisova9841
    @alexevalisova9841 Рік тому

    It's been eight years, and i still didn't forget about this video

  • @panzerjagertigerpelefant
    @panzerjagertigerpelefant Рік тому

    I don't think the terms Pagan and Heathen are really positive. But I suppose you can call them what you want, the demonisation of and stereotyping of old faiths needs to stop, if you cherry-pick and misconstrew the old faiths all you will see is evil, anything can be called of the devil given enough incentive. But the truth lies in the middle. With the good, will be the bad. And with the bad will always be the good. For you, who only saw in Christianity pure good, the idea of it even being slightly bad killed your passion in it, and with the idea of Norse and other 'Pagan' faiths being not the houses of evil and cruelty they are made up to be, but kind and gentle people doing good (with the potential of ofcourse, both good and bad) in their own manner and belief, fostered it and in a way, enlightened you. My point is not concerning what is good and bad, but rather YOU, my reader, need to look past what you were told, into what you can FIND. The truth is never told, it is discovered.

  • @lakenstout7875
    @lakenstout7875 Рік тому

    i don’t know what you’re doing now eight years later but THANK YOU.

  • @Stella77_7
    @Stella77_7 Рік тому

    Christ Follower who don't believe in the 3 in 1 Cathic God but the One True Most High God of all Creation. With that said my faith as evolved and depend with more questions about our creator that the mainstream church or Religion would consider egotism or outright heathenism. I am drawn to my Ancestral history. My ancestors from Nothern Poland and Germany with a splash of Norse Sweden. I have personally witnessed miracles had personal Visons and dreams come to pass that were from our Creator. My relationship with all these things brings me to be rooted deep in the earth. I'm a sustainable Farmer who sees more of God, Love, Mercy, Honor in creation and in being one with her then I do I'm the so called church.

  • @Person-ry7iq
    @Person-ry7iq Рік тому

    If you rapped you whole die

  • @Eccatmenon
    @Eccatmenon Рік тому

    Yeh man, encourage kids to take puberty blocking hormons definitely shows deep respect to the nature in Sweden...

  • @sfbmod
    @sfbmod Рік тому

    So you disrespect your mother for being concerned your sister would cause a lifetime of conflict for herself and her own family while pretending the Scandinavians have fewer conflicts. The Vikings disappeared because those mass murderers found Christ, for real. Unlike yourself.

    • @Dice_roller
      @Dice_roller Рік тому

      What a bold faced lie.

    • @Vulfheim
      @Vulfheim Рік тому

      Damn, you really are fucking sick

    • @Dice_roller
      @Dice_roller Рік тому

      @@Vulfheim Agreed.

    • @Sab-Cat
      @Sab-Cat Рік тому

      They died out because of genocide caused by the catholics. This is the same story in many many many places around the globe. Kingdoms conquered the world and killed indigenous peoples (pagans) in the name of the Christian god.

  • @happymonk4206
    @happymonk4206 2 роки тому

    You make excellent points about Christianity. I like history but I like most white folks wasn't taught the truth, the gory details because they white wash it and that's not history. Every culture throughout history has wronged another culture. Christianity is no different. In that way we've been lied to throughout our childhood. Thank you for doing this.

  • @Person-ry7iq
    @Person-ry7iq 2 роки тому

    So your a heathen as well

  • @megmeg9461
    @megmeg9461 2 роки тому

    Why didn’t you make more videos?

  • @cillianranngarsson2762
    @cillianranngarsson2762 2 роки тому

    The true god's never left

  • @auroralaverty548
    @auroralaverty548 2 роки тому

    I would love to hear more from you, as i can relate very deeply to this video. The only thing was that a took a spin that i wasn’t expecting. I followed Heathenry for many years, and that i felt a pull towards God. I found a light in Jesus, and his teachings. Now that i think more deeply on this pull, i wonder to myself, was this actually Odin trying to pull me towards him, the All Father, rather than the Father. I’ve come to wonder if really Odin is who the Christians worship as their God, but don’t recognize him as such. For there are so many similarities, that i find it almost impossible to ignore. I do go to church, but i wear my Mjölnir necklace to my church. I have many crosses on my walls, for i love Jesus Christ as the person he was, and the sacrifices he made. Do i think that he himself was a God, no i don’t, but rather I believe that he was a great person who had great teachings. Do i believe in a place called Valhalla, and in the nine realms, no, i see them as fables to try explain the unexplainable, in the same way that i view Genesis in the Bible. Is the Bible an important text, yes i do believe it is. Do i believe that it should be taken literally, no i do not.

  • @n3clar
    @n3clar 2 роки тому

    Still a religion ! All religions are of hate and control ! God is not in religion ... God is inside of you ! Instead of walking with God or walking with Satan, maybe we should walk between them, walk our own path !

  • @erincameron5702
    @erincameron5702 2 роки тому


  • @erincameron5702
    @erincameron5702 2 роки тому

    Ten thousand times louder . That statement says so much

  • @Justadudeman22
    @Justadudeman22 2 роки тому

    Your logic is ass.

  • @asatruarculture8115
    @asatruarculture8115 2 роки тому

    Someone told me a looooong time ago when I was on the fence on following asatru.. kinda torn between my prior faith and Asatru. He said, "before I found asatru I was lost and wandering, but when I found the path and Asatru I felt like I found my home."

  • @cillianranngarsson2762
    @cillianranngarsson2762 2 роки тому

    I hope your alive and well brother I am a Norse pagan from Dublin Ireland I love to speak with you brother

  • @brettpeterson7135
    @brettpeterson7135 2 роки тому

    Now I know why Jesus is white in American media. Lmao

  • @anniemouse111
    @anniemouse111 2 роки тому

    I had my DNA done since my mom was adopted and found I’m 50%+ English/Irish, 28%+ German, and 8%+ Polish so after that and finding out xtianity is false I embraced the Norse religion as my faith since it was most likely the faith of my ancestors.

  • @johnfal1849
    @johnfal1849 2 роки тому

    7:54 And dying "in battle" aka trying to take someone else's life. So peaceful and moral..

    • @Vulfheim
      @Vulfheim Рік тому

      Valhalla was a concept later on during the viking age and was never really a thing way back in Germanic times, and Valhalla is not the "viking heaven" as most media like to say. Fighting is not always an answer and honestly is foolish sometimes. Most people pass away due to old age or sickness and end up in Helheim, a place to rest.

  • @mnemonyss
    @mnemonyss 2 роки тому

    I would like to know what you've learned since making this.

  • @davidpatrick233
    @davidpatrick233 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this....I am just beginning to explore Asatru, and it's probably the last thing I would ever want or care to read about. I was looking for something along the lines of "How I came to be Asatru," and this fit the bill. Thanks again.

  • @cillianranngarsson2762
    @cillianranngarsson2762 2 роки тому

    I am a very proud Norse pagan from Dublin Ireland brother skal and happy Yule all hail lord Odin and all hail lord Thor I have found my great gods when I was 5 years old and I am getting own Thor's hammer necklace tomorrow skal brother

  • @epic-zc3oo
    @epic-zc3oo 2 роки тому

    Paganism is just a larp because, the text written about Norse Paganism was after the Christianisation of Scandanavia

  • @epic-zc3oo
    @epic-zc3oo 2 роки тому

    Northern Pagan religion has Human sacrifices.

  • @epic-zc3oo
    @epic-zc3oo 2 роки тому

    Pagans Also killed and plundered and invaded. Vikings too!

  • @thisbunnyquestionspsychiatry
    @thisbunnyquestionspsychiatry 2 роки тому

    paganism is universal anyway because þunor is in most pagan religions around the world, including japanese raijuu, slavic perun, and aboriginal mamaragan, they are all thunder gods with HAMMER/AXES!!!!

  • @David_Ruck
    @David_Ruck 2 роки тому

    Yes, they do speak loud demonic voices are not quiet. God, Jesus, the Holy spirit, isn't a religion. You perceive it as such. You also blame God for the wicked acts of men. Catholicism, is not Christianity. It too is pagan. I feel it cousin. My ancestors come from the same region. The history is vibrant. These gods you worship are demons given control over regions of the world, but thier time is short. Demons, the nephilim, anti-christ, satan, and the false prophet will all perish. The corilation between norse myth and the book of revalations is intense to say the least. Norse mythology did not come to be till 700 years later after the book of revalations was written. The old Testament and its records go back much farther then that. You have half the story and have missed the mark of what our history with God is. Do you know of 7, 7 year prophecies? Do you know and understand the relationship between God, Jews, and the Gentiles? You have an eigth of the whole picture. The spiritual realm is much more vast, yet it is defined enough in scripture. I'll pray for your return to Christ. Your gods will not rule much longer. Don't let them decieve you.

    • @Vulfheim
      @Vulfheim 10 місяців тому

      You're wrong. The European Religion dates back far into the stone age with references to reincarnation, ancestoral veneration and burial mounds. You slander your own ancestors by calling them "demons", you slander your indigenous deities by calling them "emissaries of Satan", you even just lied right now or maybe you are misinformed about your sources because again, the Germanic religion has roots as far back as the stone age. Never claim you're from the "same region" if you spit on your own history and choose to follow a foreign desert god.

  • @macabrecomedy3101
    @macabrecomedy3101 2 роки тому

    This is the only video and that's sad.

  • @amethyst4990
    @amethyst4990 2 роки тому

    Lol I was in Awana too had the best and everything.

  • @graylad
    @graylad 2 роки тому

    1 John 2:19 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

  • @CapitolPilot
    @CapitolPilot 2 роки тому

    I wish you would make another video. This was absolutely fantastic.

  • @michaelangelttt2235
    @michaelangelttt2235 2 роки тому

    Why would the gods or god punish people for being in the wrong religion. Makes no since i think everyone should just stay in the religion that you grew up with and who ever is god will connect with you through the religion you are in. People will never know what the true religion is thats why its best to just stay in your religion i dong care if your hindu muslim Christian its simple stay in the religion you grew up with and who ever the true gods or god is will try to help you or connect with you through the religion you are in even if its a false religion. In the end we are just human its not our fault that we dont know what the true religion is . Im shur the gods or god can see that they are smarter then us they designed us. Its almost as if they allowed different religions maybe the true god wanted their to be multible religions think about it god is god god can do what ever he wants if he wanted to he could have stoped all these new religions from forming but he didnt maybe he believed it would be good if their were different religions . If someone dousnt believe that god can do what he wants then that person is blind. The only people who believe in a false god are the ones who dont believe that god or gods can do what they want, these people doubt gods power. Thats mainly what we are brain washed to think that god cant do what he wants. People look if god cant do what he wants then their is no god. But im shur their is a god and if their is a god he can do what he wants. I think people only suffer because their are to many people in this world and god cant keep up with everyone thats why he allowed medicine and doctors. Douse god know who i am maybe not he knows i exist but hes bussy, i think the only person whos with me and remmbers me is my guardian angel, but our guardian angel isnt god their for they cant heal you or do anything for you all they can do is guide you to the right path so yes its true angels dont have power to heal . I think in order to find peace we must accept that god isnt with us because hes bussy their are to many people in this world hes bussy with all those people however our gurdian angel is with us. Truth is their are some things our guardian angel can and cant do, like they can heal at times and even save you from death but it depends on the illness you habe for example if yoi have a infection the angel cant cure that only god can, i think its more easy for an angel to protect somone from a killer or a bullet then to cure someone with a infection inside their body like cancer, or uti. Truth is angels are complicated at first it dousnt make since but then it douse the more you think about it, to me it makes since why angels can easly protect people from death or serious injuries but cant heal infections its because they cant go inside you or give you a new organ only god can. But like i said dont underestimate an angels power because they do have the power to protect you from things that can harm you in the external world like a shrapnel or a car crash or a bullet, thats why we always hear about storys on how some people by some miracle made it out of that accident witn just a small Bruce or scratch