三人日常 Thruple Daily
三人日常 Thruple Daily
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Gay couple Birthday PRANK! 生日整人大作戰 有人被整哭了?!
Grayn's birthday is coming up!
This year, Jeremy and Adam have carefully prepared a series of "mini-events" to make sure Grayn has a fun and exciting birthday month.
Come and check out what we've been working on!
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三人日常約會 充滿幸福家庭感的一天 Daily Date: A Day Filled with the Feeling of a Happy Family
Переглядів 53 тис.21 годину тому
我們的廁所由「冰雪浴室」規劃 🎉 創新的微水模第三代技術具有防霉、防臭、防水功能 並且耐震、防滑,保障安全與舒適 舊有磁磚不用拆卸,減少施工噪音與灰塵的問題 還享有八年保固及二十年以上的耐用效果! 從廚房到浴室都能應用的創新材料 環保、功能性強又有質感的居家翻新解決方案 真心推薦給大家 家裡想要除舊佈新可以馬上免費諮詢喔👇🏻 www.clearwater1980.com.tw 這集我們到了彰化還有台中梧棲 走走晃晃吃美食 還買了海鮮回家料理 好天氣讓更有一種幸福感 回家好好泡了一個舒服的澡 跟大家介紹我們全新改造的浴室! In this episode, we visited Changhua and Wuqi, Taichung. We strolled around, enjoyed some delicious food, and bought seafood to cook ...
真實BL語言 你一定要知道的內行用語 💬 The REAL BL Language: Insider Terms You Need to Know!
Переглядів 36 тис.14 днів тому
我們正式啟動了全新單元「男男戀愛指南」! 帶大家一窺真實男男世界的溝通語言與文化 平時在男同志口中聽到但不太理解的詞彙 在這個單元我們都會跟你一一解釋! 歡迎大家踴躍留言分享你聽過但不知道是什麼意思的Gay語 或是分享你的國家或文化中的「專屬語言」 讓我們一起來交流更多有趣的資訊! We have officially launched a brand-new segment: "BL Guidance"! Take a peek into the real world of gay communication and culture. In this segment, we’ll explain the terms you often hear in conversations among gay men but might not fully understand! Feel f...
寶貝我要把你剝光光 🐑Baby, I want to rip you off.
Переглядів 21 тис.21 день тому
這集我們來到清境農場 好久沒有拍這樣的出遊影片了 大家是否懷念呢? 我們餵食了許多羊咩咩 目睹了被脫衣服的綿羊 感受他們柔軟的嘴唇 在小瑞士度過了悠閒又歡樂的一天 In this episode, we visit Qingjing Farm. It's been a while since we filmed an outing like this-do you all miss it? We fed many sheep, witnessed a sheep getting its clothes taken off, and felt their soft lips. We spent a relaxing and joyful day in Little Switzerland. 🎉 加入會員頻道看更多我們的故事!Join our membership to know us ...
夏日戲水男友溪邊特輯-誰洗了「黃金浴?!」 The Boyfriends Stream Special - Who Took the "Golden Shower?!"
Переглядів 52 тис.Місяць тому
🔮 算命 APP:HiSeer,準確、專業、貼心! 🔮 趕快來試試HiSeer功能全面的算命 APP! 無論你身處何地,HiSeer 都能隨時為你提供每日運勢、情感、事業、財運等獨家預測報告,還有 1 對 1 諮詢服務! 👍🏻特別推薦:愛情合盤測驗 有別與以往算命侷限於異性之間 在Hiseer中無論是哪種性別取向 都能為你完整的解析愛情合拍度! 👉🏻使用三人日常專屬代碼 ✨「Thruple520」✨ 享愛情合盤 6 折優惠 💕 ✨「Thruple1314」✨ 獲得免費人格報告分析 快來探索自己還不認識的自己吧! iOS & Android 下載 hiseer.onelink.me/JeBb/e7qpfdr4?pid=srrc&c=s01 這集我們來到溪邊玩水 做點夏天需要做的事 冰涼的溪水把炎熱的感受都帶走了 假日在溪邊的野餐格外的愜意舒適呢 大家最喜歡裡面的哪一幕呢? In thi...
透露太多的快問快答!三人關係的眾多疑惑一次解密 Revealing too much Q&A! Unveiling our three-person relationship all at once.
Переглядів 154 тис.Місяць тому
這集我們來回答大家的快問快答! 眾多朋友們的提問一次為大家解密 好像還不小心透露了一些額外的資訊(? 你覺得哪個問題最有趣呢? In this episode, we answer everyone's quick questions! We'll be unveiling the mysteries behind our friends' numerous inquiries all at once. It seems we may have accidentally revealed some extra information (?). Which question do you think is the most interesting? 🎉 加入會員頻道看更多我們的故事!Join our membership to know us more! 🎉 ua-cam.com/ch...
一日BL情節 曖昧的互動大合輯 這樣撩就對了 BL Scenarios: Flirty Interactions - This is how to charm them right
Переглядів 50 тис.Місяць тому
一日BL演員上線啦! 曖昧中的對象做什麼事情最加分呢? 甜蜜的BL劇情一次看個夠(還是我們演的一點都不浪漫? 那就看《彈一場完美戀愛》吧! 劇中充滿浪漫的劇情和滿滿的狗糧 最適合熱愛BL劇的你 第一集現在可以在UA-cam和GagaOOLala平台免費觀看 👉ua-cam.com/video/yiBZliNm0Ow/v-deo.html 剩餘級數可以到GagaOOLala官網收看 👉pse.is/69tnt6 趕快來和我們一起看劇! One-day BL actors are online! What actions score the most points when someone is being flirtatious? Enjoy plenty of sweet BL scenes all in one go (or did we not act romantically ...
不對的人就放手吧!如何讓感情順利? Let go of the wrong person! How can we make relationships work smoothly?
Переглядів 35 тис.Місяць тому
「三人信箱」歡迎小明治們繼續分享遇到的問題或故事。 “Thruple's Corner” The little sandwiches, please continue to share your problems or stories. forms.gle/Jisosj3VnaXuQyaf9 這集我們來聊三個問題: 1. BL作品是否能呈現多元的價值? 2. 崇拜跟愛情的喜歡該怎麼分辨? 3. 交往九年的對象交了女友,我變成了第三者 In this episode, we'll discuss three questions: 1. Can BL works present diverse values? 2. How can one distinguish between admiration and romantic love? 3. My nine years partner ...
糖果不接吻挑戰來啦!想親又親不到好痛苦呀🍬 Candy No-Kiss Challenge EP2! So painful to want to kiss but not be able to
Переглядів 148 тис.Місяць тому
大家期待的糖果挑戰第二集來啦! 這次我們選擇了許多長條形的糖果來玩遊戲 誰能用最近的距離不接吻到就獲勝 不知道這個畫面究竟是好看還是不好看呢 The second episode of the much-anticipated candy challenge is here! This time, we chose many long-shaped candies for the game. Whoever can get the closest without kissing wins. I wonder if this scene will look good or not. 🎉 加入會員頻道看更多我們的故事!Join our membership to know us more! 🎉 ua-cam.com/channels/W-uAKQdOqfDx4w7zKKNECQ.html...
異國奇特體驗 如釋重負的回臺灣 Exotic experiences abroad, lightened returning to Taiwan
Переглядів 27 тис.2 місяці тому
香港的最後一天我們一樣在吃吃喝喝 還去體驗了奇特的民俗文化「打小人!」 不知道這世界的哪的角落的哪個人被打到了呢? 大家嘗試過哪些民間的傳統信仰可以跟我們分享! 快樂的香港行結束了 謝謝每位朋友真誠款待❤️ On our last day in Hong Kong, we continued to eat and drink, and even experienced the unique local custom of "beating the villain!" Who knows who in the world was targeted by this ritual? Have you tried any traditional folk beliefs that you can share with us? Our joyful trip to Hong Kong has ...
臺灣香港的差異 感受到小小的文化衝擊 Differences between Taiwan and Hong Kong, feeling a bit of cultural shock.
Переглядів 34 тис.2 місяці тому
臺灣香港的差異 感受到小小的文化衝擊 Differences between Taiwan and Hong Kong, feeling a bit of cultural shock.
三人出沒在香港啦!吃爆港式美食靚仔變肥仔 Thruple in Hong Kong! Feasting on Hong Kong-style cuisine
Переглядів 47 тис.2 місяці тому
三人出沒在香港啦!吃爆港式美食靚仔變肥仔 Thruple in Hong Kong! Feasting on Hong Kong-style cuisine
夏天不熱的秘密!勇闖36°C的南部 🌡️ 36°C summer in south Taiwan but not so hot?!
Переглядів 58 тис.2 місяці тому
夏天不熱的秘密!勇闖36°C的南部 🌡️ 36°C summer in south Taiwan but not so hot?!
誰偷用交友軟體?! 抓到藝術館去懺悔 Who's caught using a dating app?! Now off to the museum for a confession
Переглядів 65 тис.3 місяці тому
誰偷用交友軟體?! 抓到藝術館去懺悔 Who's caught using a dating app?! Now off to the museum for a confession
我們道別的生日 一個難忘的日子 A Goodbye Birthday for Jeremy, an unforgettable day
Переглядів 99 тис.3 місяці тому
我們道別的生日 一個難忘的日子 A Goodbye Birthday for Jeremy, an unforgettable day
熱暑玩水時節到☀️ 與狗狗們的清涼假日 Summer Water Play Season is Here ☀️ A Refreshing Holiday with the Dogs
Переглядів 66 тис.3 місяці тому
熱暑玩水時節到☀️ 與狗狗們的清涼假日 Summer Water Play Season is Here ☀️ A Refreshing Holiday with the Dogs
浪漫台南 吃吃喝喝談情說愛 Romantic Tainan: Eating, Drinking, and Talking About Love
Переглядів 105 тис.3 місяці тому
浪漫台南 吃吃喝喝談情說愛 Romantic Tainan: Eating, Drinking, and Talking About Love
被臺灣猛男圍繞的端午節 人生第一次滑龍舟🐲 Dragon Boat Festival surrounded by Taiwanese strong men 💪
Переглядів 42 тис.3 місяці тому
被臺灣猛男圍繞的端午節 人生第一次滑龍舟🐲 Dragon Boat Festival surrounded by Taiwanese strong men 💪
棒棒糖挑戰🍭 Lollipop Kissing Challenge 🍬
Переглядів 1,4 млн4 місяці тому
棒棒糖挑戰🍭 Lollipop Kissing Challenge 🍬
開箱10萬銀牌+票選主題大公開 Unboxing out 100k Silver Play Button + Revealing the Voted Topics!
Переглядів 36 тис.4 місяці тому
開箱10萬銀牌+票選主題大公開 Unboxing out 100k Silver Play Button Revealing the Voted Topics!
射得準的人才是贏家!遊樂場裡的大亂鬥 Best shooter wins the game! Brawl in the amusement arcade
Переглядів 33 тис.4 місяці тому
射得準的人才是贏家!遊樂場裡的大亂鬥 Best shooter wins the game! Brawl in the amusement arcade
該不該分手?感情遇到問題的我們要怎麼解決? Should we break up? How to solve the problems we encounter in relationships?
Переглядів 46 тис.4 місяці тому
該不該分手?感情遇到問題的我們要怎麼解決? Should we break up? How to solve the problems we encounter in relationships?
三個人的過去、現在與未來 The past, present, and future of the three of us
Переглядів 44 тис.4 місяці тому
三個人的過去、現在與未來 The past, present, and future of the three of us
我們有家了🏠 家裡就是要溫暖又乾淨🐶 We have a home! Home should be warm and clean, with care and love
Переглядів 61 тис.5 місяців тому
我們有家了🏠 家裡就是要溫暖又乾淨🐶 We have a home! Home should be warm and clean, with care and love
「不能吃太胖喔,會被殺掉的」我們來九份找千尋 "Just Don't Get Any Fatter Or They'll Eat You!" Finding Chihiro in Jiufen
Переглядів 40 тис.5 місяців тому
「不能吃太胖喔,會被殺掉的」我們來九份找千尋 "Just Don't Get Any Fatter Or They'll Eat You!" Finding Chihiro in Jiufen
宙學受傷了!來一趟療傷復健之旅 Adam got injured, embarking on a journey of healing and rehabilitation 🩹
Переглядів 180 тис.5 місяців тому
宙學受傷了!來一趟療傷復健之旅 Adam got injured, embarking on a journey of healing and rehabilitation 🩹
臺灣最臭的地方 可怕的臭豆腐之旅 The stinkiest place in Taiwan: The Fearsome Stinky Tofu Tour
Переглядів 47 тис.5 місяців тому
臺灣最臭的地方 可怕的臭豆腐之旅 The stinkiest place in Taiwan: The Fearsome Stinky Tofu Tour
愛上直男怎麼辦?! 那些愛情友情的難題 What should I do if I fall for a straight?
Переглядів 36 тис.6 місяців тому
愛上直男怎麼辦?! 那些愛情友情的難題 What should I do if I fall for a straight?
直接變成時尚超模 攝影師的魔法 Become top fashion models.The magic of the photographer
Переглядів 55 тис.6 місяців тому
直接變成時尚超模 攝影師的魔法 Become top fashion models.The magic of the photographer
出現第四人了?! 四人行台中旅遊指南 A Fourth Member Appears?! A Quartet's Travel Guide to Taichung
Переглядів 73 тис.6 місяців тому
出現第四人了?! 四人行台中旅遊指南 A Fourth Member Appears?! A Quartet's Travel Guide to Taichung


  • @rondo533
    @rondo533 53 хвилини тому

    Che carini i nostri fratelli ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Helloitsmesmileyxd
    @Helloitsmesmileyxd 2 години тому

    You guys never fail to brighten my mood. Your videos truly make me believe in love. ❤

  • @凱淇-m3k
    @凱淇-m3k 4 години тому


  • @billywong2297
    @billywong2297 5 годин тому

    祝吳軍生日快樂,身體健康,愛情事業兩得意。 被prank了就一定要好好報復,for宇成一於給他全臭豆腐大餐或打破他的陶小朋友;for宙學則來個吃蘿蔔絲白粥三餐的生日慶祝吧

  • @elizabethmaart6950
    @elizabethmaart6950 7 годин тому

    Happy Birthday Grayn. Hope you have many more in the years to come

  • @hokira1019
    @hokira1019 7 годин тому

    Grayn Happy birthday 🎉😊

  • @tinashabani2397
    @tinashabani2397 7 годин тому

    Grayn❤ plssssss don't make him sad😢

  • @ar.she.yeah7310
    @ar.she.yeah7310 8 годин тому

    Omg, at 0:16 why is that leftmost guy looking like usak from the boyfriend, japanese reality tv show 😮. Idk i might be wrong ......but if i am right , what in the small world coincedence it is 😅

  • @JL-yt5hy
    @JL-yt5hy 9 годин тому

    Going to Vietnam next?

  • @Arnee.Channel
    @Arnee.Channel 9 годин тому


  • @LeslieGakpe-m4i
    @LeslieGakpe-m4i 11 годин тому

    Happy birthday Grayn

  • @danieltoh71
    @danieltoh71 12 годин тому

    The rest of the pranks are cute, I am scared for the fake cheating prank. It can be heartbreaking during the prank.

  • @aryanseth2773
    @aryanseth2773 14 годин тому

    I like this video❤

  • @edwigmanyire1942
    @edwigmanyire1942 15 годин тому

    I have never laughed hard like today you guys made my night

  • @John-yc8dh
    @John-yc8dh 17 годин тому


    • @thrupledaily
      @thrupledaily 15 годин тому


  • @kevin69412
    @kevin69412 18 годин тому

  • @kenfraza
    @kenfraza 19 годин тому

    But there’s no curtain for when someone takes a shower 🚿 !

    • @thrupledaily
      @thrupledaily 15 годин тому

      It’s okay! The floor dries fast (Jeremy

  • @inshuca23
    @inshuca23 19 годин тому


  • @Brendah-wk9iw
    @Brendah-wk9iw 20 годин тому

    Grayn crying was so cute

  • @人间清醒-d3s
    @人间清醒-d3s 21 годину тому


  • @moodyga40
    @moodyga40 22 години тому

    Fabulous ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @carlasilva6965
    @carlasilva6965 22 години тому

    Que fofooos os três combinadinhos 😍

  • @rossanabenitez9079
    @rossanabenitez9079 День тому

    Feliz feliz cumple Wu Jun... tu dia fue lleno de sorpresas con tus dos bebes traviesos 🤭.... la primera broma se me partio el corazon sique te vi muy triste con esa broma🥺.... pero seque que jamas harian algo malo... un cariño para los tres❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @geegee9538
    @geegee9538 День тому


  • @sherievaughn6475
    @sherievaughn6475 День тому

    Careful! Some pranks are ok but going straight to the heart of a relationship to cause the deepest fear and then humiliation by showing it publicly can cause resentment later on.

  • @ShammaKhadem-w5u
    @ShammaKhadem-w5u День тому

    10:50 grayn dimple is so cute adam and jeremy you guys are so lucky to have grayn❤❤

  • @jessicalin1521
    @jessicalin1521 День тому


  • @cailalaalvarez9231
    @cailalaalvarez9231 День тому


  • @GuriyaKhatun-jx2bv
    @GuriyaKhatun-jx2bv День тому

    Happy Birthday dear Grayn❤❤🎉🎉, love from India 😊

  • @AnshaMathew-up6hk
    @AnshaMathew-up6hk День тому

    First time I saw grayn cute more than Adam❤😅🥹🥹🥹🥹

  • @吃好喝好长生不老
    @吃好喝好长生不老 День тому


  • @yangxitham6926
    @yangxitham6926 День тому


  • @taniamaradossantos1126
    @taniamaradossantos1126 День тому

    Muito bom 😂😂

  • @ilovestar6
    @ilovestar6 День тому

    這集是可愛吳軍特輯吧 也太可愛 被整好可黏喔 生日快樂啊吳軍 ❤

  • @JoyAnn-cp8mq
    @JoyAnn-cp8mq День тому


  • @shao1069
    @shao1069 День тому


    • @thrupledaily
      @thrupledaily 15 годин тому


  • @chyility
    @chyility День тому


  • @KK-.-
    @KK-.- День тому

    天秤 魔羯 獅子

  • @RejinaThami
    @RejinaThami День тому


  • @rosalindaaparece902
    @rosalindaaparece902 День тому

    The hickey prank is so cute hehehe,more prank please hehe lovely watching u both guys, 💕💕💕

  • @marygracesabiaga7535
    @marygracesabiaga7535 День тому

    ❤❤❤happy birthday🎉🎉😂

  • @patriciachaplain994
    @patriciachaplain994 День тому

    joyeux anniversaire Grayn 🎂🥳😘😘😘bisous de France

  • @aurora196612
    @aurora196612 День тому

    Ha sido muy divertido y gracioso , espero que hayas pasado un bonito cumpleaños. ❤❤❤

  • @finamendes527
    @finamendes527 День тому

    Parabéns e muito❤❤❤❤❤❤😂

  • @willm9612
    @willm9612 День тому

    So cute, I felt so bad for Grayn on the first prank when he thought one was cheating, his heart broke, And when he cried I cried too ❤

  • @berenisecarpede9806
    @berenisecarpede9806 День тому

    Happy birthday Grayn. But Adam I just love you u are the best❤❤

  • @k.rystyl4084
    @k.rystyl4084 День тому

    making grayn cry my heart would break before i even tried 😭😭😭

  • @LilaSeti-q3l
    @LilaSeti-q3l День тому

    Love from Nepal❤❤❤

  • @ВладЯкимов-и2т
    @ВладЯкимов-и2т День тому

    I don't like such jokes. It's cruel