Striding Edge Games
Striding Edge Games
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Huge changes to army building! - Army lists review for the new edition
Army lists and army building might be the biggest single change, certainly this edition, and perhaps for several editions! Worried about where your army or units have gone? Don't worry, we walk you through what the changes are and what will be coming in the future.
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Переглядів: 2 072


New Edition! What has changed? And new launch box review!
Переглядів 43816 годин тому
Join us as we go through the new Battle of Edoras launch box, what you can expect if you jump into MESBG right now and most importantly, what has changed in this brand new version of the game! . . . You can follow us on all the usual places; Instagram: stridingedgegames Twitter: Facebook: groups/901014811010499/
Riders of Theoden vs Army of Dunland - Middle Earth SBG Matched Play 500pts Battle Report
Переглядів 1,2 тис.14 днів тому
As a last goodbye to the current edition of MESBG, and a celebration of the new edition just round the corner, we have a classic match up of the Riders of Theoden Legendary Legion vs The Army of Dunland Legendary Legion, with special strikes galore. Theoden has ridden out from Dunharrow and been ambushed by a vengeful group of Dunlendings on the way to the relief of Mundburg - will he cast down...
Kingdom of Moria vs Goblin Town - Middle Earth SBG 600pt Matched Play battle report
Переглядів 64014 днів тому
Can Balin and his expedition survive an ambush by the Goblin King and his horde of critters? Or will he be overrun and sent back to Erebor? Find out in our latest matched play battle report. The new edition is just around the corner so hold tight for many more battle reports, narrative games and hobby how-tos to come! You can follow us on all the usual places; Instagram: stridinge...
Build your own Bree - Converting Lake-Town houses for Middle Earth
Переглядів 4,6 тис.Місяць тому
Want to know how to quickly build your own version of Bree? Follow along with our first hobby guide where we take you through the steps to build your very own. You can follow us on all the usual places; Instagram: stridingedgegames Twitter: Facebook: groups/901014811010499/ Chapters 00:00 - Intro 00:40 - Prep & Assembly 02:26 - Plaster 04:51 - P...
Campaign Overview - Quest of the Ringbearer
Переглядів 884Місяць тому
What is a narrative campaign anyway? How do the points work? Who even is the Ringbearer? Join us as we discuss the Quest of the Ringbearer campaign and how we plan to run through it. You can follow us on all the usual places; Instagram: stridingedgegames Twitter: Facebook: groups/901014811010499/
Farmer Maggots Crop - Mission 1 - Quest of the Ring Bearer - Narrative battle report
Переглядів 1,2 тис.Місяць тому
The very start of our Quest of the Ringbearer journey, can the Hobbits brave Farmer Maggot and his hounds and escape with some of his crop? Or will they be seen off with bruised egos and backsides? Want to know how we're running the campaign? You can watch our campaign overview video here: You can follow us on all the usual places; Instagram:
Breaking of the Fellowship Vs Lurtz's Scouts - MESBG 600pts Battle Report
Переглядів 3,5 тис.Місяць тому
The Fellowship go up against Lurtz and his Uruk-Hai scouts, can they escape the Hand of Saruman and protect the Ringbearer? Or will Lurtz bring a mighty prize back to his master? 600 points battle it out in our first Matched Play battle report. We have been working on making some of the best battle reports we can make for a while now, so we're really excited to start sharing them with everyone,...


  • @r31n0ut
    @r31n0ut 3 дні тому

    I just want to see whoever draws the short straw tell sauron that he's not allowed to take catapults in his army.

  • @GlennMusson
    @GlennMusson 3 дні тому

    I notice that your pile of old edition supplements is missing a few books! 🙂

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 3 дні тому

      Haha yes, some were elsewhere for filming, and some we are still hunting for!

  • @philipbarber5636
    @philipbarber5636 4 дні тому

    As a very old person who has only recently returned to Middle Earth I found this really useful. Haven't bought the box but got the rule book and the armies book and a nice box of Dunlanders. One little thing... this is the second of your videos I have watched and, having grown up with Ant & Dec, I was sort of expecting to find you sitting in the same positions as the other one, but you have swapped chairs! Was this a deliberate choice thing?

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 2 дні тому

      Glad to hear the video is helpful, we honestly just want to create stuff that people will enjoy and find useful. As for Ant & Dec, we certainly don't consciously change sides, but we definitely don't keep track of who was where last, enough to remember as it is 😅

  • @nilssaugen2303
    @nilssaugen2303 5 днів тому

    Great video, keeping a positive spin on s not so positive developement. While we’re transitioning from having a wide array of options for army building to a pool of 70-100 predefined lists, the reality is much worse than it seems. Most of these narrowly defined lists won’t even work at every point level, so the actual selection is laughably small. Once the community figures out which lists have the most overpowered bonus rules, you’ll end up seeing the same few lists over and over at tournaments. Sure, the specific lists might vary slightly depending on the points level, but the end result is the same: variation will be almost non-existent, and the game will get stale and boring faster than ever.

    • @jamesmaclennan4525
      @jamesmaclennan4525 4 дні тому

      I second this statement

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 3 дні тому

      Thanks, and yes I do see people's point, we have had a step backwards in terms of what is possible in list building at the moment. The question is whether the other improvements, and the upcoming book(s), will remedy that, we think there's a really good chance they will, and really hope everyone comes out happy in the end. Personally I really trust the overall judgement of the core rules writing team, GW's communications strategy, perhaps not.

  • @AustinBecht
    @AustinBecht 5 днів тому

    Worth noting that Rivendell Elves (and Galadhrim, for that matter) actually can take shield and sword. One of the very few instances that they have allowed something that the models don't. Also, GW themselves have said that Armies of Middle Earth will both bring some new lists and slot new profiles into the lists in these two books.

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 3 дні тому

      Ah that's really interesting! Something to keep an eye on for sure!

    • @sebastiencarrieres8825
      @sebastiencarrieres8825 2 дні тому

      Can you point out where they said so? I want to spread the words to my community!

  • @craig3111
    @craig3111 5 днів тому

    Rohan charging the fixed position and getting swamped was hard.

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 5 днів тому

      Sometimes the horn call compels you to charge! It would help winning one or two priority rolls though 😅

  • @Yomolink
    @Yomolink 6 днів тому

    Do you think Isengard Battlehost is a good place to start in MESBG 2025? I have never played a wargame before. Thanks a lot :)

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 5 днів тому

      If you're interested in Isengard as a thematic list, it's absolutely a great starting point, the groups of Uruk Hai are solid, and Saruman looks like a great caster this edition (plus a lovely model). And if you can find it elsewhere even cheaper it's a real bargain.

  • @gabethefish7585
    @gabethefish7585 6 днів тому

    Pelenor 2: Imrahil Boogaloo

  • @craig3111
    @craig3111 6 днів тому

    Wounding on 2s rerolling 1s is insane

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 6 днів тому

      Haha yeah it's certainly a unique situation, scary to be on the receiving end of!

  • @MrForsaken5
    @MrForsaken5 7 днів тому

    for an hour long show, it would be great if you guys added markers so new viewers could skip to the parts they wanted to hear about.

  • @hirmetrium1
    @hirmetrium1 7 днів тому

    The new launch box is amazing, love the new rohan warriors and the rohan princes.

  • @darraghcornally8900
    @darraghcornally8900 7 днів тому

    Great video guys! Nice to see such positivity about the new addition, I'm really looking forward to it. Unfortunately I don't have the books yet but I noticed in a leaked profile the dwarf King now has different states depending on the faction key word they get , don't know if its in the hobbit armies book but it seems to me dwarves might get a list like the realms of men where you can take dwarf kings with warriors from different factions, if this is the case then that is by far the army im most looking forward to! Hopefully we'll get that in the armies of middle earth book

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 6 днів тому

      Thanks! Our aim isn't to take a particular stance on any of this, we're genuinely really excited for a new edition and everything it'll bring, but acknowledging that it's a period of adjustment for a lot of folks and that's going to be a pain! Dwarfs (like Humans) do look like they have a list where they can be lead by 'Kings' which could be super interesting!

  • @darraghcornally8900
    @darraghcornally8900 7 днів тому

    Great video guys! Nice to see such positivity about the new addition, I'm really looking forward to it. Unfortunately I don't have the books yet but I noticed in a leaked profile the dwarf King now has different states depending on the faction key word they get , don't know if its in the hobbit armies book but it seems to me dwarves might get a list like the realms of men where you can take dwarf kings with warriors from different factions, if this is the case then that is by far the army im most looking forward to! Hopefully we'll get that in the armies of middle earth book

  • @GlennJackson-d8e
    @GlennJackson-d8e 7 днів тому

    GW uses new editions to force people to buy new books with slight changes.

  • @benschwikkard7006
    @benschwikkard7006 7 днів тому

    What is the convention on when you declare you are using a two handed weapon or not? As an observer it seems not fair to call it after the opponent as rolled as then you are making a decision based on their roll. (Unless this is how it works, I've never used 2H weapons). As a follow up question, does the side with priority roll the duel first or does it not matter?

    • @Hanrohan
      @Hanrohan 7 днів тому

      You are meant to call before any dice are rolled, unfortunately people sometimes get a bit overexcited and start rolling dice before you can get a chance

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 6 днів тому

      You are meant to call whether you shield/call special strikes/or any other rules that may impact the duel before any dice are rolled, though it can be easy to forget and get overexcited and roll before calls are made, especially if you are playing to time, but people generally are pretty good about being fair. In terms of sequence, again it generally doesn't hugely matter, often it'll be obvious depending on the situation what a model should be calling and often players will just agree that if one side calls a certain strike, the other will shield for example. Much like heroics, you can go back and forth between discussing/calling options until both sides are happy, its certainly not a situation where you have to declare in an exact sequence or you 'miss out' In terms of our videos, it may be that whole sequence occasionally gets lost in the edit, but we're generally pretty consistent in being fair to each other, even if it doesn't come across that way on camera!

  • @Jedi.Bricks
    @Jedi.Bricks 7 днів тому

    a wizard is never late!

  • @ajtame
    @ajtame 7 днів тому

    3 Rulebooks were made for the people, but they were all deceived, for there was a 4th rulebook an armybook to rule them all.

    • @Jedi.Bricks
      @Jedi.Bricks 7 днів тому


    • @gavinsmith51
      @gavinsmith51 7 днів тому

      Yea! Where can I find the list for angmar? I’m just getting into it and my new army manual doesnt include those stats and lists…

    • @Jedi.Bricks
      @Jedi.Bricks 7 днів тому

      @ new FAQ posted for angmar few days ago

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 6 днів тому

      Hopefully it really will rule! :D

  • @Competentetyler
    @Competentetyler 9 днів тому

    This was a really well done Battle Report. I enjoyed the style a lot as a viewer. Keep it up!

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 9 днів тому

      Thanks, means a lot! We're furiously working away with the new edition so there'll be more along soon!

  • @hirmetrium1
    @hirmetrium1 14 днів тому

    Always great seeing thematic battles, and I love 500pts games.

  • @GlennMusson
    @GlennMusson 14 днів тому

    I love how you explain your tactical choices. That's very useful for a novice watcher.

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 13 днів тому

      Thanks, that's good to hear! Always a struggle between not explaining at all, and talking far too much! Glad it's of help 🙂

  • @hirmetrium1
    @hirmetrium1 16 днів тому

    I do love a scribe. Goblins forever!

  • @Juddercreed
    @Juddercreed 19 днів тому

    Are more videos coming soon? I'm really, really enjoying them.

  • @lovinggiants
    @lovinggiants Місяць тому

    Game starts at 10.30 minutes for anyone who wants a time marker x

  • @RelentlessJuiced
    @RelentlessJuiced Місяць тому

    Really enjoyed this, looking forward for more

  • @jonreyes587
    @jonreyes587 Місяць тому

    Awesome conversion, very excited for this campaign.

  • @jonreyes587
    @jonreyes587 Місяць тому

    Very excited to see you guys play through the campaign!

  • @GloriousGrunt
    @GloriousGrunt Місяць тому

    Very nice, I want to convert a couple of these for Mordhiem/Warhammer do you think the scale would work?

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 7 днів тому

      Thanks, I think they'd absolutely work for Mordheim, especially if using the original models as they're a slightly smaller scale to the modern ranges :)

  • @tommymurphy6753
    @tommymurphy6753 Місяць тому

    Great report guys, just came across your channel, immediately subscribed! Also love the paint jobs of the Fellowship, especially the elven cloaks. Any chance you could share your recipe?

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames 7 днів тому

      Thanks thats very kind! I'm afraid the fellowship models were painted a fair while ago, so cant remember specific recipies, I think it was essentially blending of 2-3 colours, Army Painter ones if memory serves.

  • @Harridax
    @Harridax Місяць тому

    This is a great Battle Report! The cloaks on the fellowship are particularly amazing, any tips on what paints/tricks you used to get them looking that good?

  • @Modge17
    @Modge17 Місяць тому

    These looks great, would work well for Mordheim too!


    Does anyone have a winning strategy for the Hobbits? In the history of Middle Earth SBG have the Hobbits ever won this scenario?

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames Місяць тому

      I think their best chance is to win against the dogs early, send them back to their kennels, and then have unrestricted access the field for the tokens for a couple of turns. Would be good to see!

    • @nathand6467
      @nathand6467 Місяць тому

      Doesn't seem possible really. The first 3 rounds went about as good as it could for the Hobbits here, above average rolls.

  • @sonofhorus82
    @sonofhorus82 Місяць тому

    found this channel because the algo randomly decided I needed to see your Bree House build. Liked that so much that I delved deeper (but not too deep...). This campaign sounds amazing and I cant wait to see it play out. Now I just need to dig out my own QotRB book to follow along.

  • @PMMagro
    @PMMagro Місяць тому

    Very nice :)

  • @dartmart9263
    @dartmart9263 Місяць тому

    Stunning detail on those models. And your painting abilities brought out every one of those details! Too bad I can’t afford to make even a tiny hamlet out of them. GW has them now at around $52 USD a piece. So I am forced to go with the scratch building option. Q - Any chance you guys would come out with a tutorial for an DIY “Lake Town” house?

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames Місяць тому

      Ah that's certainly a possibility, we have built one or two from scratch but haven't filmed any. We'll look into it for the future though!

    • @dartmart9263
      @dartmart9263 Місяць тому

      @ Excellent, thanks!

  • @goforitpainting
    @goforitpainting Місяць тому

    Looks cool.

  • @RobBresnen
    @RobBresnen Місяць тому

    great stuff

  • @jackcade6344
    @jackcade6344 Місяць тому

    Only just discovered your channel and I’m so excited to follow your campaign! My fiancée and I were working our way through the QFTRB campaign… before our baby daughter then came along and it got put on hold… indefinitely 😂 So, at least I can live vicariously through your videos!

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames Місяць тому

      Happy to help! Hope you enjoy what's coming up! Also the real answer is to train your child to take part as well ;)

  • @JDWidhalm
    @JDWidhalm Місяць тому

    Hobbits can't roll to wound lol

  • @StevetheNPC1337
    @StevetheNPC1337 Місяць тому

    I've not played a game of MESBG yet, but I'm really excited for this campaign! I especially want to see Weathertop - if the Hobbits can survive long enough. Great video, gents.

  • @JDWidhalm
    @JDWidhalm Місяць тому

    Love the idea of trading off after each rest point! That way you each get a full stretch as Good or Evil

  • @JDWidhalm
    @JDWidhalm Місяць тому

    If Frodo ends up dying at some point (say in Osgiliath), I'd suggest definitely counting that as the conclusion of the Quest, but then still playing out the rest of the Scenarios as standalones (both for our enjoyment as your audience, and to get to showcase the minis and terrain you guys have prepared). Also, love the idea of pulling in some of the other key narrative scenarios with main Fellowship members!

  • @brianv769
    @brianv769 Місяць тому

    This is a great idea, thanks!! I picked up a set of Laketown houses and had planned on just using them for Bree…but I like this even better! Thanks again, subscribed.

  • @muesliman100
    @muesliman100 Місяць тому

    I think the scout captain piercing struck every chance he had but never actually rolled to lower his defense haha

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames Місяць тому

      Haha you're probably right, an easy one to forget, they were distracted by the fellowship obviously...

  • @twotreesgaming
    @twotreesgaming Місяць тому

    This is a great little guide, looking forward to your next one! 😁

  • @Gerhard_Schroeder
    @Gerhard_Schroeder Місяць тому

    Have fun!

  • @anthonylulham3473
    @anthonylulham3473 Місяць тому

    Looks sick, subbed

  • @Jedi.Bricks
    @Jedi.Bricks Місяць тому

    one of the best battle reports I have seen, throughly enjoying

  • @noqualitydioramas
    @noqualitydioramas Місяць тому

    Hey! New sub, good work!

  • @hellboy_bloodbowl7981
    @hellboy_bloodbowl7981 Місяць тому

    Really great guide. Lovely to hear how you guys brought the scenery to life. The hype is still very real for this campaign!

  • @craig3111
    @craig3111 Місяць тому

    Does Lurtz lose his +1 to defence after throwing the shield ?

    • @StridingEdgeGames
      @StridingEdgeGames Місяць тому

      No he keeps his full defence value even after throwing the shield, its one of the special rules from the Legendary Legion I guess as a bit of a bonus and to encourage you to use the rule. He does lose the shield as a piece of equipment, so I suppose he wouldn't be able to use the shielding rule afterwards, but he retains his defence value.