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Belt Grinder Attachment for Bench Grinder
In this video, a custom belt grinder attachment is built for a Bosch bench grinder, but the method is largely brand-agnostic, making it adaptable for other bench grinder models as well-except for the location of the mounting bolts attaching the attachment to the grinder body. This project offers improved functionality and versatility, covering key techniques like welding the frame, adding pivot holes for adjustable belt tension, compensating for paint thickness, smoothing edges for a clean finish, and refining the design to accommodate variations in belt length.
A knife sharpening demonstration is also featured using the belt grinder attachment, although stropping is not performed in this video. At the end of the day, whether you're a seasoned fabricator or just getting started, this project is designed to elevate your bench grinder's capabilities. Please note, this is not a step-by-step tutorial, but rather a demonstration of the process and techniques used to build and use this belt grinder attachment.
#diy #diyprojects #diyproject
Music: Scary Horror Trailer
Musician: AlexGrohl
Music: Fumblerooski
Musician: LAB HITS-Felix Manzi
Music: Manifest It
Musician: NEFFEX
Music: Manifest It (Instrumental)
Musician: NEFFEX
Music: Til I Hear'em Say (Instrumental)
Musician: NEFFEX
Music: The Itch (Instrumental)
Musician: NEFFEX
Music: Losing Your Marbles
Musician: The Soundlings
Music: Mariachi Madness
Musician: Jimena Contreras
Переглядів: 522


Lost Vape - Ursa Nano Cartridge Recoil 0 8 Ohm
Переглядів 194 тис.Рік тому
There is one problem doing this, I tend to break the black terminal bracket (the housing of magnets). It doesn't matter if I do it carefully or not, I usually break the sides of the bracket leaving the magnet partially exposed. When this happen I simply apply a bit of super glue on the magnets. In this video, I managed not to touch this brittle part but apparently still ended up with some visib...


  • @iatianiani9933
    @iatianiani9933 5 днів тому


  • @Rosina2727
    @Rosina2727 10 днів тому

    omg i havent used my ursa nano yet, but if i did what he did i wouldnt know how to put it back together again! Think i would just replace the pod lol haha, but every expertly done!

  • @Putuarnawa-o6q
    @Putuarnawa-o6q 21 день тому

    bli sperpatnya dimana bang

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 20 днів тому

      @@Putuarnawa-o6q di tokopedia. link nya ada di deskripsi harga sekitar 30 ribuan.

  • @CacaCaca-n2c
    @CacaCaca-n2c 25 днів тому

    Ko ga d tunjukin cara ngasah nya

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 25 днів тому

      ya ngasahnya cuma begitu doang, ditempel ke amplasnya trus di geser kiri kanan kaya di awal video. cuman begitu doang. cuma beberapa detik aja, langsung tajam. emang kepotong sih videonya, soalnya soundtrack nya ga cukup kalo videonya kepanjangan.

    • @CacaCaca-n2c
      @CacaCaca-n2c 21 день тому

      @@jsvpit ooh iya a.

  • @CacaCaca-n2c
    @CacaCaca-n2c 25 днів тому

    Mantap a bagus Peralatan nya komplit

  • @margarethwidya457
    @margarethwidya457 26 днів тому

    Video yg mengajarkan dng baik jg detailnya. 👍

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 25 днів тому

      thank you 🙏

  • @tetisuhaeti3611
    @tetisuhaeti3611 26 днів тому

    Videonya bagus a👍

  • @shantiwidjaja8995
    @shantiwidjaja8995 29 днів тому

    A good Tutorial very detail and clear. Waiting for your next tutorial.

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 25 днів тому

      thank you 🙏 please be patient, still working on it, the idea that is 😁

  • @m_nauval13
    @m_nauval13 Місяць тому

    apakah itu bisa dipasang untuk e plus rba?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Місяць тому

      setau saya, e plus rba itu ga perlu repot untuk ganti koil. rba = rebuildable atomizer. jadi memang di disain untuk bisa ganti koil sendiri. untuk koil e plus itu bisa pakai khantal yg banyak dijual di pasaran.

    • @m_nauval13
      @m_nauval13 Місяць тому

      @@jsvpit aku berpikir tentang mouthpiece nya

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Місяць тому

      @@m_nauval13 wah, kalo itu jujur saya gak tahu soalnya gak punya referensi-nya. saya udah ga punya cartridge ursa nano dan belum pernah pegang e plus rba. saya tahu e plus rba aja dari anda bro. saya malah tertarik sama e plus rba ini. ada rencana mo beli tapi harus ngumpulin dana dulu :P soalnya harus beli thelema elite nya juga.

  • @VogtTD
    @VogtTD Місяць тому

    I would have never bought a vape if I knew it would be such a pain in the ass. Back to cigarettes.

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Місяць тому

      i understand. especially if you deal with cartridge system. that's why i no longer use pods. i only use rba. i only recoil once every other month, and made my own liquid. i don't really care about the flavor as long as i can feel the throat hit like smoking, i'm fine. the only down-side is the size of it. you know, the old school battery mod gear :D

    • @VogtTD
      @VogtTD Місяць тому

      @@jsvpit what is rba?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 29 днів тому

      @@VogtTD rba = rebuildable atomizer.. usually refers to old-style atomizer, which much easier to deal with. its design for diy maintenance. on the other hand, pod style vaping devices, is supposed to disposable type, hence, not easy to do.

    • @SebastianEnriqueAlvarezTatuaży
      @SebastianEnriqueAlvarezTatuaży 2 дні тому

      You don't need to do all that, just get a new cartridge

  • @ImanuelRap
    @ImanuelRap Місяць тому

    Bg mau tanya kapasnya bisa pake tisu enggak

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Місяць тому

      @@ImanuelRap waduh, nggak tau ya. belum pernah coba pake tisu. tapi kalo mau coba ya silahkan. mungkin akan gampang hangus. mungkin bisa coba dengan bahan kain yg daya resapnya tinggi.spt bahan kanebo. atau pakai stainless mesh. kalo pake stainless mesh, mesh nya harus dibakar dulu ya sampe hitam supaya tidak korslet.

  • @jonaxjhoz5785
    @jonaxjhoz5785 2 місяці тому

    Qué tipo de alambre es el que usa ?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Місяць тому

      we don't use wire for this cartridge, it uses flat coil design especially for this kind of build, unfortunately.

  • @juandavidlabrador8814
    @juandavidlabrador8814 3 місяці тому

    Hello. One question, where did you buy the Rebuild Kit and how much did it cost you?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 3 місяці тому

      @@juandavidlabrador8814 i bought it at online shop but no worldwide shipping. i believe it came from china so it must be available in your country as well. try search using these keywords "ursa nano rebuild kit" in your favorite online store (or google), i'm sure you'll find it. here's the link to the product in my country so you can see how it looks:

  • @waliplays5136
    @waliplays5136 3 місяці тому

    I did everything but my new cotton is burning why?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 3 місяці тому

      @@waliplays5136 the most common reason why we burned our cotton is because the cotton is dry when the coil burns it. so always make sure it never happen otherwise you'll have to replace the cotton. once it burnt, the burnt taste stays until you replace it.

  • @neroxvvs
    @neroxvvs 3 місяці тому


  • @Guttwistah
    @Guttwistah 4 місяці тому

    not the first video with this cartridge but i don't understand why cartridge is leaking? 4-5 days and it's leaking. am i only one who buy 6 of it and all leaking? what the point in changining deatils if it leaks...

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 3 місяці тому

      @@Guttwistah if that happened to all 6 cartridges, identify the cause of the leaking. could be several reasons. i usually suspect the o rings but since this happen to all 6 after 4-6 days, then it could be the quality of the cartridges specifically the plastic material. these cartridges are supposedly disposable (not reusable) they may find a way to design them to break after tampering. i honestly don't know why, but you can inspect every leaking cartridge for damages or signs of wear and tears then go from there.

    • @szymek9994
      @szymek9994 3 місяці тому

      @@jsvpit I broke one of that metal frame for cotton with coil. Now my cotton wont soak well, you think that might be the cause? I want to know what i've done wrong when trying to rebuild it :/ I would like to do it good to save some money

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 3 місяці тому

      @@szymek9994 lucky i catch ur question in time 😀. i understand your situation, that's why i made this video in the first place. unfortunately, there's no workaround when you broke important parts. you have to replace it with the new one. doing this is not easy, especially if you don't use magnifier. i use magnifying glasses attached to my head (you don't see it in the video) and it's still quite tricky. its a good investment for diy, particularly this project. if saving money is ur concern, why not buy a cheap rebuildable atomizer? i use UD Bellus for years as my primary vaper. it's a bit chunky but its significantly cheaper than cartridge system. even if you can recoil cartridges successfully. besides, dealing with rebuildables is way easier. it's designed for saving money 💰.

    • @szymek9994
      @szymek9994 3 місяці тому

      @@jsvpit I know there are better atomizers than ursa nano kit but I got mine from my girlfriend on by birthday and I'm very attached to it because it was gift from her. I'll try to rebuild these better. I also have 0.6 waiting for test which I gave my girlfriend

  • @mohammadrezarashidi987
    @mohammadrezarashidi987 4 місяці тому

    Hello! Oh I can't find the rebuild kit here in Iran to repair mine too! 😔😔😔 But thanks so much for the video! 🙏🏻

  • @brittokhan5278
    @brittokhan5278 4 місяці тому

    I don't get the flavor correctly

  • @brittokhan5278
    @brittokhan5278 4 місяці тому

    Can anyone give me the update if this process works well or not ?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 4 місяці тому

      if you have the same cartridges, and can find the correct consumables (the coils and cottons) sure it will works.

  • @spooky499
    @spooky499 4 місяці тому

    Czemu mi magnez nie przyciaga kartridż? pomocy

    • @kingrlje6393
      @kingrlje6393 4 місяці тому

      magnes* ma dwie strony wariacie polacz kropki

  • @makssharay
    @makssharay 5 місяців тому

    Шо робити якщо на катриджі ватка біла але вкус ніби як гарік

    • @_Nikitosik_3350q
      @_Nikitosik_3350q 28 днів тому

      Тоже самое , поменял вату и сеточку , по итогу вкусопередача плохая , к тому же вкус Гарика

  • @faifek5577
    @faifek5577 5 місяців тому

    When i rebuild and try to use it my ursa nano is flashing pink/white what does it mean and how to fix it? Pls help

    • @RafałKaflik
      @RafałKaflik Місяць тому

      Got same problem.. as the manual says it indicates 'shirtcircuit'.. so might be we've done something wrong or the coil is not adequate

  • @daviddavidowsky7981
    @daviddavidowsky7981 5 місяців тому

    It's good idea but don't use aluminum because it's toxic. Stainless steel will be a lot better to health

  • @attilabalaton981
    @attilabalaton981 5 місяців тому

    I hope you know that you are a godsend. Thank you!

  • @migueltoledo5252
    @migueltoledo5252 5 місяців тому


  • @cqdeina9876
    @cqdeina9876 7 місяців тому

    Is the same flavor???

  • @q_ab4
    @q_ab4 7 місяців тому

    I do it but my ursa baby give me a white light

  • @q_ab4
    @q_ab4 7 місяців тому

    I do it but my ursa baby give me a white light

    • @gabedestellano
      @gabedestellano 6 місяців тому

      U fucked it up

    • @q_ab4
      @q_ab4 4 місяці тому

      @@gabedestellano no bro I jast cut the catreg wire 😄

    • @szymek9994
      @szymek9994 3 місяці тому

      @@q_ab4 white light means short circuit

  • @7win26
    @7win26 7 місяців тому

    ของผมทำเเล้ว ไหม้ตลอดเลย

  • @St0necreek3r
    @St0necreek3r 7 місяців тому

    this is ff8 music right?

  • @airboiable
    @airboiable 7 місяців тому

    bro i usually hate people who make vidoes with no talking and just stupid music but you get TRIPLE THUMBS UPP from me. lol not only was the recoiling done clearly but the background music is what makes me rewatch this video every time i do it myself lol. FFVIII had one of the best OSTs in the series ever

  • @mahyarnedaee
    @mahyarnedaee 8 місяців тому

    Great job 👏🏻

  • @aku5164
    @aku5164 8 місяців тому

    beli rbk di mana bang

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 8 місяців тому

      beli di tokopedia bro. di toko online lain juga pasti ada. cari aja "rbk ursa nano 0.8". ini salah satu link yg jual rbk:

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 8 місяців тому

      sori ga langsung jawab. soalnya jarang online. harap maklum.

    @АРБОЛЕТЫ 9 місяців тому

    Это не работоет

  • @potatwo6461
    @potatwo6461 10 місяців тому

    I accidentally bought a coil for orion mini, do you think it is compatible for ursa nano pro? It's 0.8 ohms too.

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 10 місяців тому

      i can't tell you whether or not they're compatible since i don't have them. but i don't think they're compatible, sorry.

    • @potatwo6461
      @potatwo6461 10 місяців тому

      @@jsvpit Update: It fits just fine and it is even better than the original coil itself! No more leaking and it doesn't burn so fast. Thanks for the reply.

  • @ThriftyTV
    @ThriftyTV 11 місяців тому

    the bottom cover cracked. what happened? is it the pressure from the pliers?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit 11 місяців тому

      i wish that's the case. this bottom cap will always cracking no matter what. i don't think its the pressure, its more likely because of the design. these things break at the same area even when it hasn't been opened yet.

  • @YeZaw-u4x
    @YeZaw-u4x Рік тому


    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      sorry, don't understand what you're saying. what language are you speaking? interesting characters you have there 🤔

  • @superman-kr5rn
    @superman-kr5rn Рік тому

    how making cotton ?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      i didn't make the cotton. it came with the coils.

  • @geralddaligdig685
    @geralddaligdig685 Рік тому

    Nalinget kala amo mairap ya ekalen hahaha

  • @niv1537
    @niv1537 Рік тому

    can someone explain why my coil broken immediately? i brought 2 new coiles and one worked for week fine but suddenly I started feeling smell of burning and i changed to another and this one immediately started taste burned

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      most of the time, burning taste has nothing to do with the coil, usually because of burning wick or cotton. make sure the wick always soaked by the juice. once you forget to refill an almost empty cartridge, the chance are u got burnt taste simply because the coil trying to heat a dry cotton. once that happen, there is no cure, you gotta change the cotton which means you also gotta do the recoiling 😗

  • @salvadorurbina5776
    @salvadorurbina5776 Рік тому

    Not work, The cables are in bad position, one is positive the other negative, they can not go on the same pole connected, missing remove the bolt in the middle of the pod to pass a cable there

  • @lenakuschel2525
    @lenakuschel2525 Рік тому

    which rebuild kit do you use? is there any difference to other we have to look at?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      coil master rbk 0.8 ohm. i think its widely available internationally. please check the link in the desc if you want to see the pics at the store so you have idea what u looking for.

  • @timeaszummer9403
    @timeaszummer9403 Рік тому

    Can somebody tell me why my cartidge is leaking? The silicone part is fine where you refill it with liquid, as l found out it is leaking from the bottom of the head where the two holes are...first l thought it is only the original cartidge but l ordered some additional cartidges and the same problem occurs after a week...someone please help😅 thank you😊

    • @filippiec6342
      @filippiec6342 Рік тому

      I think it may be a problem with overfilling the cartridge. I have the same problem with every cartridge I buy, but lately my friend told me to not fill it to the top, but to the 3/4 and it may stop, if not then you have to buy a new one. I don't know if it works, but I'm testing it right now.

  • @adamporada7422
    @adamporada7422 Рік тому

    u,yjk soe

  • @adamporada7422
    @adamporada7422 Рік тому

    u8 j merz6yj

  • @adamporada7422
    @adamporada7422 Рік тому

    de.biv jesytess tuylle

  • @adamporada7422
    @adamporada7422 Рік тому

    gdzie żeś to złamał

  • @TheFreyand
    @TheFreyand Рік тому

    Untuk rasa, hasil rebuilt yg materialnya beda sama yg bawaan pabrik gimana om?!apa perbedaan’y mencolok?!

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      material coil hanya mempengaruhi efektifitas daya atw suhu dan tidak seharusnya mempengaruhi secara kimiawi atau rasa. kalau ada perbedaan rasa kemungkinan disebabkan oleh faktor lain.

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      bedanya dengan pabrikan cuma proses perakitannya. di cina dgn alat yg canggih. kalo recoil sendiri, gampang banget rusak ato pecah sana sini.

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      satu2nya kemungkinan beda ada di kapas. kapas pabrikan biasanya materialnya kuat, seprti kain perban. seratnya kuat ga kaya kapas. dan ga ada di pasaran. jadi kalo beli rebuild kit kita dapat material pabrikan. hampir bisa dipastikan, mereka berasal dari sumber yg sama.

    • @TheFreyand
      @TheFreyand Рік тому

      @@jsvpit makasih om penjelasan’y maklum pengguna baru

  • @juanitaapoli6884
    @juanitaapoli6884 Рік тому

    I got the xros rebuild kit, will that fit sir?

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      iif the mesh coil look identical it should be okay, as long as the negative and positive terminals don't meet when you roll it. basically, if you don't short it, it will work. its the main principle when come to this stuff.

    • @juanitaapoli6884
      @juanitaapoli6884 Рік тому

      @@jsvpit yes sir, i got the same .8 ohm mesh coil kanthal

  • @GiegX
    @GiegX Рік тому

    I tried the same, and smashed metal coil cover :( need to buy new one insert. Its the hardest stage to open tubes with pliers

    • @jsvpit
      @jsvpit Рік тому

      true. pliers is the most annoying part on this business.