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Use your vote. Or others will decide for you. European elections, 6-9 June 2024.
Democracy is a precious gift, passed on to us from previous generations. Use your vote at the European elections from 6 to 9 June 2024.
Sign up to get voting reminders here: elections.europa.eu/en/use-your-vote
Переглядів: 19


Melchior: Women are afraid of becoming politicians and running for office
Переглядів 314 днів тому
Danish Member of the European Parliament, Karen Melchior attended the Global Innovations in Democracy conference in Washington DC and spoke upon the pertinence of empowering women in and to join politics. “We need to not only empower women to be candidates and politicians but also make sure that we have women in power at all levels of power” - said Melchior. The European Parliament has passed n...
Danuta Huebner on the EU-US relations: We have to stick together
Переглядів 18Місяць тому
In the heart of Europe's capital, Brussels, the 88th Transatlantic Legislative Dialogue is set to unfold on April 4th and 5th, marking a pivotal moment for transatlantic relations. With issues ranging from Russia's aggression on Ukraine to global security and economic stability on the agenda, co-chair and EU legislator Danuta Huebner emphasizes the importance of unity and collaboration between ...
EU's AI Act: It's only the beginning of the journey
Переглядів 34Місяць тому
As technology evolves rapidly, the European Union finds itself at the forefront of shaping regulations to govern artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on society. Dragos Tudorache, a key EU legislator on the recently adopted AI Act, believes Europe's AI journey is just beginning. Watch a video where he explains what is next, the achievements of this term, and what to expect from the new E...
How the European Union has changed the digital market
Переглядів 10Місяць тому
The European Union has revolutionized digital rights over the last few years. Just two weeks ago, the European Parliament approved new rules on online advertising, and this week, it is set to vote on the new AI Act. Sandro Gozi, one of the leading EU legislators on digital affairs, explains the latest legislation and discusses future challenges.
Women in politics: parliamentarians from across the globe share their advice
Переглядів 1Місяць тому
2024 is a super election year. How does it look for women running for office? Do they feel silenced or empowered? We asked parliamentarians from around the globe about their experience and advice they could give to women considering a political career. We heard from Evin Incir, Member of the European Parliament; co-rapporteur on the EU directive on combating violence against women and domestic ...
Huebner on the EU-US relations
Переглядів 182 місяці тому
🇪🇺 🇺🇸 ‘’Strong alliances are built by strong allies’’ - believes Danuta Huebner, recently elected as a new chair of the European Parliament delegation for the relations with the US. Watch the video to find out her priorities.
What are the critical raw materials and what the EU plans to do with them?
Переглядів 323 місяці тому
Rising demand and geopolitical tensions can complicate access to resources vital for technology and industry.     The European Parliament has approved a new law to help secure supplies of raw materials needed for smartphones, electric vehicles, solar panels and more.        The Critical Raw Materials Act will boost the EU’s strategic autonomy, create jobs and drive the green and digital transit...
What is in the European AI regulation?
Переглядів 5734 місяці тому
The new EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act will have an impact globally, as well as in the US. What is in the newly agreed rules? One of the key EU legislators on this topic, Dragos Tudorache, explains in the video. In brief, the AI act includes: - Safeguards agreed on general purpose artificial intelligence - Limitation for the of use biometric identification systems by law enforcement - Bans on...
Sakharov Prize 2023: Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran
Переглядів 264 місяці тому
On Tuesday at 11:30 CET, President Roberta Metsola awarded the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Jina Mahsa Amini was a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman, who died in September 2022, following physical abuse at the hands of the Iranian security services, while in custody. Her death sparked massive women-led protests in ...
Are you our next intern?
Переглядів 186 місяців тому
Are you our next intern?
Are you smarter than a European studies student?
Переглядів 56 місяців тому
Are you smarter than a European studies student?
Travelling with a carry-on? European Parliament wants to tackle inconsistent rules for hand luggage
Переглядів 6016 місяців тому
Travelling with a carry-on? European Parliament wants to tackle inconsistent rules for hand luggage
How many languages do we speak? European Day of Languages at European Parliament office in DC
Переглядів 327 місяців тому
How many languages do we speak? European Day of Languages at European Parliament office in DC
The AI revolution: European Parliament leads the way, works closely with the US
Переглядів 137 місяців тому
The AI revolution: European Parliament leads the way, works closely with the US
How the European Parliament actually works?
Переглядів 8 тис.8 місяців тому
How the European Parliament actually works?
A day in the life of an intern in the European Parliament Washington DC office
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A day in the life of an intern in the European Parliament Washington DC office
Summer fun! Beach holidays in Europe safer than ever
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Summer fun! Beach holidays in Europe safer than ever
Europe's Artificial Intelligence Act will impact the US
Переглядів 1 тис.10 місяців тому
Europe's Artificial Intelligence Act will impact the US
Tudorache: The European Artificial Intelligence Act will have an impact on the US
Переглядів 2911 місяців тому
Tudorache: The European Artificial Intelligence Act will have an impact on the US
Happy Europe Day!
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Happy Europe Day!
What does the new EU Data Act bring to companies, innovators and how it impacts AI based services?
Переглядів 243Рік тому
What does the new EU Data Act bring to companies, innovators and how it impacts AI based services?
Biedron: Sexual and reproductive rights are fundamental human rights
Переглядів 63Рік тому
Biedron: Sexual and reproductive rights are fundamental human rights
Biedron: how to stop the backlash against women's rights
Переглядів 41Рік тому
Biedron: how to stop the backlash against women's rights
Tobé: Humanitarian support to Ukraine is key
Переглядів 144Рік тому
Tobé: Humanitarian support to Ukraine is key
Ukraine: One year on
Переглядів 184Рік тому
Ukraine: One year on
What does a trainee do in the European Parliament office in Washington?
Переглядів 44Рік тому
What does a trainee do in the European Parliament office in Washington?
President Zelenskyy says Russia is a grave threat to the European way of life
Переглядів 72 тис.Рік тому
President Zelenskyy says Russia is a grave threat to the European way of life
Gozi: Tougher rules for political ads can have a global impact
Переглядів 19Рік тому
Gozi: Tougher rules for political ads can have a global impact
Sikorski We need a strong EU US relationship
Переглядів 51Рік тому
Sikorski We need a strong EU US relationship


  • @user-ru6uq7dy3p
    @user-ru6uq7dy3p 6 днів тому

    HI good morning mate bagr I'm KPMG How is your responsibility 🏦 low WOLD Republic account information systems India Ocean Don please MRS Angela Merkel Team

  • @arlencarlson
    @arlencarlson 6 місяців тому

    Never going to happen. Don’t make European airlines like the cheap airlines that are despised in the US.

    • @epwashingtondc
      @epwashingtondc 6 місяців тому

      Thanks for your comment! The same was said about the common charger or common roaming rules or passengers rights and we have them in place. The EU makes it easier to travel!

  • @joaogoncalves7762
    @joaogoncalves7762 10 місяців тому

    It wont achieve anything unless the EU closes borders on the internet and the economy, wich obviously can't do. It only assures will only stay behind being a user but without any developer. The AI has risks, but is far riskier China, Russia, Iran, etc, developing their own AIs and Europe having nothing. This will have far reaching repercussions in the defense sector staying behind all other blocks in a new cold war getting hotter.

  • @fabriciozavarise7249
    @fabriciozavarise7249 10 місяців тому

    EU countries have no competence to create anything new nor revolutionizing but are very good at curbing evolution.

  • @radhakrishna1845
    @radhakrishna1845 10 місяців тому

    AI... Based on... Data on internet... Google.. Blocks.... Many... Many... So... Bots cannot.. Synthesize... Great things... On... ChatGPT.. ....?

  • @carkawalakhatulistiwa
    @carkawalakhatulistiwa 10 місяців тому

    Not in China , with 1,4 million people data

  • @greghall3150
    @greghall3150 10 місяців тому

    CARBON CLIMATE IS FANTASY. The truth will set you free! Methane and Co2 are short-lived in the atmosphere as they combine with water vapor and come back to earth as rain, where Methanotpic bacteria break it down to feed the soil and trees. It is an important natural part of the earth's biosystem and can be replicated scientifically. The Termite produces 20 million tonnes of methane a year, on top of that, all other insects are producing millions of tonnes of methane too. While Human carbon output is less than the termite. Also, The UN IPPC has made a statement that the carbon climate argument is overstated. Entropy all heat flows to cold and carbon dumps heat at night. Climate change is normal and determined by sunspot density, there were 3 climate changes last century. Carbon is the cornerstone of life!

  • @garymclaughin
    @garymclaughin Рік тому

    Annonmity news global so very proud. Sawadee Khap.🤠

  • @yayazonetoure3491
    @yayazonetoure3491 Рік тому


  • @yayazonetoure3491
    @yayazonetoure3491 Рік тому


  • @cynthcorcor126
    @cynthcorcor126 Рік тому


  • @garymclaughin
    @garymclaughin Рік тому

    Im watching ice road truckers my world north of 60 great place to go hunting of course women should take the reins now be a much safer place but you have to reach out be bold things and cultures you dont live in. No machine guns on the streets just watched a video on high powered jets they will land hop in there truck and head home do they expect some person with a machine gun in there neighborhood. I am aware of domestic abuse could maybe of come close to the line as well but the female did too. Get the weapons of war of the streets in suburban neighborhoods be a Top cop Procecuter for awhile go for it no dead babies anymore. Sawadee Khap🤠

  • @telmagarcia4620
    @telmagarcia4620 Рік тому


  • @leighsorrel3690
    @leighsorrel3690 Рік тому

    Human rights for women. Is that why Biden passed an executive order to put dangerous male offenders inside womens prisons if they ID as women. Obviously the dignity and safety of women prisoners do not count. Is that why you cannot define a woman. Is that why you are erasing womens language. Is that why you allow womens sports to be destroyed. Is that why men are allowed to invade womens crisis centers or change rooms. Is that why you support a fundamentally flawed idealogy over the rights of biological women. Is that why you think men have the right to claim womanhoood just because they say so. Is that why you deny science and deny that biological sex is imprinted in our DNA from the moment we are born. You are so full of it.

  • @bigbearhungry983
    @bigbearhungry983 Рік тому

    This is the women who was put in office only because she was Black.

  • @ralphrodriguez4757
    @ralphrodriguez4757 Рік тому

    You guys are foolish,. Worst vp

  • @orionm427
    @orionm427 Рік тому

    Believe in Jesus Christ and ask him for eternal life be blessed

  • @russellyoung1262
    @russellyoung1262 2 роки тому

    She reads very well

  • @Max-bo8lt
    @Max-bo8lt 2 роки тому

    Sassoli is a Rothschild's puppet

  • @joechilds1573
    @joechilds1573 3 роки тому

    Kamala Harris is pretty and pretty voice