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Diving on the Duckypoo wreck - Immersione sul relitto del Duckypoo -
After about seven years we returned to dive on the wreck of the Duckypoo plane, an excellent US F4 derived from a Lockheed P-38F, shot down and then sunk just off the coast of Cecina (LI), by German anti-aircraft during a reconnaissance in June 1944, during the Second World War. ...
Dopo circa sette anni siamo tornati ad immergerci sul relitto dell' aereo Duckypoo, un ottimo F4 statunitense derivato da un P-38F della Lockheed, abbattuto e poi affondato poco al largo di Cecina (LI), dalla contraerea tedesca durante una ricognizione Giugno del 1944, durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. ...
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Dogtooth tuna - Tonno dente di cane - Gymnosarda unicolor -
Переглядів 1011 годин тому
The Dogtooth tuna, Gymnosarda unicolor, also known as white tuna, is a species of pelagic marine fish which belongs to the family Scombridae. The dogtooth tuna can reach a length of 190 to 248 centimetres in males and a weight of 130 kilograms. The average length commonly observed is around 40 to 120 centimetres. They have 12 to 14 dorsal soft rays and 12 to 13 anal soft rays. The lateral line ...
Symbiosis between hermit crab and anemone - Simbiosi tra paguro e anemone -
Переглядів 4221 годину тому
Symbiosis is quite frequent in the underwater world and in recent days we have witnessed one of the most classic forms of symbiosis in our Mediterranean Sea, that between the Hermit Crab or Hermit Crab (Pagurus bernhardus) and the Hermit Crab Anemone or Actinia (Calliactis parasitica). ... La simbiosi è abbastanza frequente nel mondo sommerso ed in questi giorni abbiamo assistito ad una delle p...
Invasion of the Sea walnut Mnemiopsis leidyi
Переглядів 34День тому
Also this summer we are witnessing the invasion of the Mnemiopsis leidyi or Sea walnut. This year we are in early July and the sea water is slowly warming up as always in summer. Punctually after a short and intense sea storm we witness an invasion of jellyfish, plastic, tree trunks and branches, various floating debris and as now every year also the Mnemiopsis leidyi, the now infamous Sea waln...
School of Sand steenbras - Branco di Mormore - Lithognathus mormyrus -
Переглядів 1414 днів тому
The Sand Steenbras (Lithognathus mormyrus) is a beautiful elegant silver-colored fish with six very dark and highlighted vertical bands and an equal number of narrower and less evident bands, the body is long and compressed laterally, the profile is high and rounded. The lips are fleshy and the teeth are arranged in different rows; it can reach a length of 30 cm. and a weight that rarely reache...
Lichene marino o Alga corallina Lithophyllum stictiforme Red algae
Переглядів 2914 днів тому
it is one of the oldest marine organisms on Planet Earth, marine lichen or coral algae belongs to the Plant Kingdom and the division of Red Algae. Common in the Mediterranean Sea and also in other seas and oceans, in the video we filmed the Lithophyllum stictiforme, Coralline algae, Red Coralline algae, Sea lichen. ... Si tratta di uno degli organismi marini più antichi del Pianeta Terra, il li...
SOS marine warming - SOS riscaldamento dei mari -
Переглядів 4421 день тому
With the arrival of summer the coastal mucilage caused by marine warming promptly returns.. Nobody can deny that the warming of our planet Earth is now evident even to those who still harbor doubts and uncertainties. Climate change is present at all levels of our ecosystems: from tropical forests to the oceans. Effetti dei cambiamenti climatici nel Mediterraneo Con l’arrivo d...
Lined Surgeonfish - Pesce Chirurgo in pigiama - Acanthurus lineatus -
Переглядів 7121 день тому
Acanthurus lineatus, the lined surgeonfish, is a member of the family Acanthuridae, the surgeonfishes. Other common names include blue banded surgeonfish, blue-lined surgeonfish, clown surgeonfish, pyjama tang, striped surgeonfish, and zebra surgeonfish. Acanthurus lineatus occurs in the Indian Ocean from East Africa to the western Pacific Ocean to the Great Barrier Reef, Japan, Polynesia and H...
Yellowtail Amberjack Ricciola Seriola dumerili
Переглядів 3228 днів тому
In summer the amberjack (Seriola dumerili) approaches the coast from the open sea where it spends the winter. Both large and small specimens, after reproduction, only think about looking for food by practicing real raids among schools of gregarious fish such as mullet, garfish, ... In estate la Ricciola (Seriola dumerili) si avvicina alla costa dal mare aperto in cui passa l'inverno. Sia i gran...
Blue Crab invasion - Invasione di Granchio blu - Callinectes sapidus -
Переглядів 93Місяць тому
In Italy, public awareness of the detrimental impact of this species on local molluscs is rapidly growing and, especially in the Po delta area and on the Adriatic sea coast, eradication efforts are undergoing, both by local authorities and by local fishermen. From the 2000s until 2023 the species was reported throughout Italy. We met her, Callinectes sapidus, in Rosignano Solvay in the Province...
Medusa mediterranea Rhizostoma pulmo - Big mediterranean barrel jellyfish -
Переглядів 299Місяць тому
Big mediterranean barrel jellyfish, Rhizostoma pulmo,, commonly known as the barrel jellyfish, the dustbin-lid jellyfish or the frilly-mouthed jellyfish, is a scyphomedusa in the family Rizostomatidae. It is found in the northeast Atlantic, and in the Mediterranean sea, Black Sea and Sea of Azov. It is also known from the southern Atlantic off the western South African coast and into False Bay ...
Carangoides ferdau - Blue Trevally - Carangide di Ferdau - Carangide blu -
Переглядів 27Місяць тому
The blue trevally (Carangoides ferdau), also known as the banded trevally, barred trevally, Ferdau's trevally or Forskaal's jackfish, is a common, widespread species of pelagic marine fish classified in the jack family Carangidae. The blue trevally is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific and central Pacific regions, ranging from South Africa in the west...
Brittle starfish Ophioderma longicauda Stella serpentina liscia
Переглядів 66Місяць тому
Brittle or Serpentine starfish, Ophioderma longicauda, ​​is an Echinoderm of the Ophiodermatidae species, it is one of the most common starfish in the Mediterranean Sea. In this video we see two specimens, one with a diameter of approximately 10 cm, while the second smaller one has a diameter of approximately 5/6 cm. ... La Stella serpentina liscia, Ophioderma longicauda, è un Echinoderma della...
Basket star in reproduction Stelle Gorgone in procreazione Astrospartus mediterraneus
Переглядів 36Місяць тому
In many years of scuba diving I have never encountered so many Basket star all at once. Surely there are precise reasons to justify this concentration. The reasons can be various, the most logical ones lead me to think that it is an appointment to reproduce and that in these rocks there are optimal conditions, of currents and plankton, for their life and feeding. This beautiful video, made in a...
Relitto Genepesca Wreck
Переглядів 39Місяць тому
Relitto Genepesca Wreck
Yellowmouth Barracuda - giovane Barracuda mediterraneo - Sphyraena viridensis -
Переглядів 40Місяць тому
Yellowmouth Barracuda - giovane Barracuda mediterraneo - Sphyraena viridensis -
Palelipped surgeonfish - Pesce chirurgo labbra chiare - Acanthurus leucocheilus -
Переглядів 80Місяць тому
Palelipped surgeonfish - Pesce chirurgo labbra chiare - Acanthurus leucocheilus -
Mediterranean lobster Palinurus elephas Aragosta mediterranea
Переглядів 432 місяці тому
Mediterranean lobster Palinurus elephas Aragosta mediterranea
High risk scuba diving - Immersione ad alto rischio -
Переглядів 622 місяці тому
High risk scuba diving - Immersione ad alto rischio -
Picarel fish - Spicara smaris - Zerro -
Переглядів 512 місяці тому
Picarel fish - Spicara smaris - Zerro -
Noah's Ark seashell - Arca di Noè o Mussolo - Arca noae -
Переглядів 482 місяці тому
Noah's Ark seashell - Arca di Noè o Mussolo - Arca noae -
Variable-lined fusilier - Caesio varilineata -
Переглядів 242 місяці тому
Variable-lined fusilier - Caesio varilineata -
Marine worm Filograna implexa - Salmacina incrustans -
Переглядів 962 місяці тому
Marine worm Filograna implexa - Salmacina incrustans -
Red-tuft Protula - Protula dal ciuffo rosso - Protula tubularia -
Переглядів 1022 місяці тому
Red-tuft Protula - Protula dal ciuffo rosso - Protula tubularia -
Do octopuses grow tentacles again? - Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ?
Переглядів 1443 місяці тому
Do octopuses grow tentacles again? - Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ?
Giant Trevally - Carango gigante indopacifico - Caranx ignobilis -
Переглядів 603 місяці тому
Giant Trevally - Carango gigante indopacifico - Caranx ignobilis -
Great Cormorant - Cormorano comune - Phalacrocorax Carbo -
Переглядів 183 місяці тому
Great Cormorant - Cormorano comune - Phalacrocorax Carbo -
Bigfin reef Squid - Calamaro di Lesson - Sepioteuthis lessoniana -
Переглядів 163 місяці тому
Bigfin reef Squid - Calamaro di Lesson - Sepioteuthis lessoniana -
Immersione sul Carmelo Noli Diving on Carmelo Noli' s wreck
Переглядів 173 місяці тому
Immersione sul Carmelo Noli Diving on Carmelo Noli' s wreck
Scuba diving near Gorgona Island - Immersione vicino alla Gorgona -
Переглядів 433 місяці тому
Scuba diving near Gorgona Island - Immersione vicino alla Gorgona -