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It Gets Better, I Promise.
For Dan Savage's It Gets Better Project, a message to the gay youth who feel lost.
If you need someone to talk to:
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  • @FryNOOB
    @FryNOOB 5 років тому

    This video saved my life in 2011

  • @Missmartineable
    @Missmartineable 9 років тому

    I don't know if you had my email. But it came back.

  • @mantrixify
    @mantrixify 10 років тому

    Thankyou! <3

  • @matthewnetting714
    @matthewnetting714 11 років тому

    Touching,sincere video,thank you.

  • @augurelite
    @augurelite 11 років тому

    I watch this when I'm sad, thank you for this video! I love you :')

  • @888zsolti
    @888zsolti 11 років тому

    I just wanna say..You're HOT! :)

  • @pantherbabe4ever
    @pantherbabe4ever 12 років тому

    Woohoo Billy wonderful video so heartfelt....

  • @bluemew88888
    @bluemew88888 12 років тому

    what episode of power rangers? and what did you think when you found out david yost blue mmpr is gay and reason he left zeo rangers was because of being called a faggot? im stil a fan of power rangers and cant wait for mega force this year (2013) celebrating 20 years of rangers. being gay and liking power rangers what more could a person do or be to get picked on lol.

  • @josephmolloy1024
    @josephmolloy1024 12 років тому

    please make more videos of yourself as you're already an intriguing beautiful guy, first time i heard your voice wow! i was in ecstasy!. thank you

  • @NXTST
    @NXTST 12 років тому

    My coming out was the last 12 years, although it might still leave a trouble with my brother until now. And you know why? the catholic school we used to go is the culprit of it! But never mind, who cares about if a local group of puppy, unemployment,and beggars in your area tell bad things about you.

  • @VonDivaTheRebel
    @VonDivaTheRebel 12 років тому

    I LOVE YOU BACK!!! ^_^ Thank you for this video!

  • @roykhosravi7621
    @roykhosravi7621 12 років тому


  • @augurelite
    @augurelite 12 років тому


  • @augurelite
    @augurelite 12 років тому


  • @SaswkiBS
    @SaswkiBS 12 років тому

    FUCK U

  • @penguinderos
    @penguinderos 12 років тому

    so why you here?

  • @josephmolloy1024
    @josephmolloy1024 12 років тому

    You are "Pulchritudinous"

  • @jamallfigaro
    @jamallfigaro 12 років тому

    It's so funny how gays get more attention from the opposite sex than those who are straight

  • @Karottenpunsch
    @Karottenpunsch 12 років тому

    You're like ME!!!! Thanks for the vid.. That's so sweet!

  • @davidnorris3477
    @davidnorris3477 12 років тому

    What a great story... we've all had a different version... I love the way you told the story!

  • @whattheflyingfrigde
    @whattheflyingfrigde 12 років тому

    You are amazing- inspirational. Recently I met the only person that has ever made me feel so loved- a man, yes- but growing-up I never cared about gender and vaguely recognized it. Though I have only come out to my friends, fiance, and mother, my sister somehow found out and asked my mother, "aren't you going to stop her?" But my mom has always been supportive luckily- yes in school I got made fun of- lesbian, *itch, butch. It's only through love and encouragement that I made it- I love you so.

  • @Instinct245
    @Instinct245 12 років тому

    lovrly vid

  • @MrMusickey
    @MrMusickey 12 років тому

    @looser5157 so did you make the 'CHOICE' to be straight?

  • @TheBeautifulDead37
    @TheBeautifulDead37 12 років тому

    @XxTeeJayexX Shut the fuck up. Dont judge. So what if he is gay. You are so ignorant for saying that comment. You should be a shamed of yourself. Seriously. If you make fun of people who for being gay, and they kill themself. You did that. You killed them. Not literary but you did in some kind of way. I hope you get what you deserve!

  • @firecatforty
    @firecatforty 12 років тому

    @AllThingsGay3 No, the Bible doesn't say gay people go to Hell. Those stories are about inhospitality and prostitution and rape. That love part is right on, though!

  • @Perthorn
    @Perthorn 12 років тому

    @XxTeeJayexX yeah, he says so in the video and he looks proud of it, so what´s the point of your comment anyway?

  • @XipXena
    @XipXena 12 років тому

    I student teach, and I know the openly gay kids in my class are suffering from bullying. It's heartbreaking and frustrating, and I've been wishing I could do more than just remind them that it won't always be like this. I can't wait to show them this. Your video is so affirming, and I want my kids to hear another voice reminding them that it will get better. Have you ever considered being an inspirational speaker? And not just to the LGBT community but in general? I think you'd be great at it.

  • @alottaprada
    @alottaprada 12 років тому

    Your video literally made me cry tears of joy.. :) Your video made me rethink so many things in my life. Life really does get better

  • @darrenholcomb42
    @darrenholcomb42 12 років тому

    Simple human decency-you either have it or you don't. Condemning other people for things you know nothing about proves you don't. By the way, hate is so gay.

  • @hayMateyha
    @hayMateyha 12 років тому

    @looser5157 attention seeker

  • @Gabe992
    @Gabe992 12 років тому

    love it<3

  • @girlsnightout2412
    @girlsnightout2412 13 років тому

    * hugs for everyone*

  • @girlsnightout2412
    @girlsnightout2412 13 років тому

    * hugs for everyone*

  • @girlsnightout2412
    @girlsnightout2412 13 років тому

    Such a good message it does better it really does

  • @loveisallyouneedxoxo
    @loveisallyouneedxoxo 13 років тому

    You are truly inspiring and beautiful. Fuck all those haters and ignorant people. You are no different from any one I know and I'm so glad you're helping people allow them to accept who they are. I'm not gay or a lesbian but I support all of you. :)

  • @SavannahDress
    @SavannahDress 13 років тому

    You are so inspirational to so many people. Thank you for taking time out of your day to get your message across. It's good to know that there are so many positive, smiling people like you still out there. Your video made my day <3

  • @flilguy
    @flilguy 13 років тому

    As a 42 year old from the Bible Belt of Southern Illinois, it's nice to know that you realize other people have it worse.

  • @uniquekid98
    @uniquekid98 13 років тому

    Thank you so much ! People like you are an inspiration to me You are an amazing person and I love you to Thank you so much 4 this video it has certainly changed my life . :)

  • @x0habiib0x
    @x0habiib0x 13 років тому

    the best thing you said is, "We love you without even knowing you." That gives me so much hope for our youth, moreso than anything my relatives have told me...Hey! Trini was cool! Way to keep it real with the pr0n. ;) I tooootally used "bi" as a stepping stone. haha. high five! Thank you so much, Love.

  • @BringOnTheRainxx3
    @BringOnTheRainxx3 13 років тому

    YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY I HAVE EVER SEEN. and im a lesbian. ahaha but for real, i wish i could hug you right now.

  • @JustFindRyan
    @JustFindRyan 13 років тому

    So much thought went in to your video but even more obvious, you are very believable and I people can trust you. Thanks for putting your story out there for our youth. Ryan in NYC

  • @Markstubation01
    @Markstubation01 13 років тому

    Well, I dont like theatre so what the fuck am I suppose to do?

  • @zerogullibility
    @zerogullibility 13 років тому

    The fact that natural sexual attractions (whether to members of the opposite or same sex) is even an issue in the 21st Century is sad. It shows how science, and education in general are suppressed in favor of ideological mythology. We KNOW that sexual attractions are genetic and will never change. We KNOW you can't "catch gay" or turn straight through prayer. We KNOW these things, yet we allow loopholes for BELIEVING whatever we want whenever we want to. Hate is big business. How perverse.

  • @1malldoc1
    @1malldoc1 13 років тому

    HUG Thanks for making the video! You are beautiful! William, what a nice message. hehe the haters are going to miss all of the beautiful theater and arts and how wonderful we gays are making what they call hell. The BEST part is that the HATERS will be burning somewhere else and we never need to hear thier bullshit again! YEA I can't wait!

  • @1malldoc1
    @1malldoc1 13 років тому

    HUG Thanks for making the video! You are beautiful! William, what a nice message.

  • @1malldoc1
    @1malldoc1 13 років тому

    HUG Thanks for making the video! You are beautiful!

  • @CJGatsby
    @CJGatsby 13 років тому

    @WhitePimpBlackhoes There's a party down in hell, and all the cool kids are coming :D

  • @yehkyahorahahai22
    @yehkyahorahahai22 13 років тому

    @BillyNillesDUH Thanks for the encouraging words . Every gay who lives in a Homophobic society has to face a lot many troubles and then such videos really and the Internet really helps

  • @dougear
    @dougear 13 років тому

    If he was manly as he is inside out. I would ask him in marriage ... = X

  • @meonlynooneealse
    @meonlynooneealse 13 років тому

    @looser5157 thank you for your opinion, but im not gay but my sisters best freind is gay you make him cry she will beat you up you make her and you might lose a few limbs. (i like gay people, they are awsome enouph to edmit the like the same sex and also brave enouph to put up through your peoples abuse) again thank you for your opinion ^-^