Yosías Warhola
Yosías Warhola
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  • 1 151 850
"Confutatis Maledictis"
Amadeus, es una película estadounidense de cine de época del año 1984, dirigida por Miloš Forman, vagamente basada en la vida de los compositores Antonio Salieri y Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
"Copyright Disclaimer Bajo la Sección 107 de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual de 1976, se tiene en cuenta para el" uso justo "para propósitos tales como crítica, comentario de noticias, la enseñanza, el estudio y la investigación.
Yosias Warhola
Переглядів: 1 151 827



  • @altekamerad
    @altekamerad 2 дні тому

    I used to watch this exact video with my father when I was about 6 or 7. Time flies, I guess.

  • @mollyvarnum7762
    @mollyvarnum7762 7 місяців тому

    I'm sorry.... "what time?".... duh. If not specified: obviously common 😊

  • @julienbraudel7109
    @julienbraudel7109 10 місяців тому

    No one lies better than Hollywood.. plus, the accents of the actors are ridiculous.

  • @froggofood2307
    @froggofood2307 10 місяців тому

    literally one of the best film scenes of all time

  • @deodate2995
    @deodate2995 11 місяців тому

    through a shared language they can read and hear fluently, which most of their peers can't (at that level), the gap between them closes briefly. salieri gets to relish in the glory of God as he understands it and mozart shares his toil, gets to escape the isolation of The Very Top

  • @deodate2995
    @deodate2995 11 місяців тому

    if no one else is gonna say it i will. this whole movie and this scene especially is terribly romantic

  • @claudiavaladez3885
    @claudiavaladez3885 Рік тому

    Mozart is the best

  • @Evaanderson_1
    @Evaanderson_1 Рік тому

    What is this movie called

  • @josephq2228
    @josephq2228 Рік тому

    💚2023✨planting seeds...........🎶 #MillenniumLanceAndTheOpenScroll 🌹 🎠🌈🌈💍🌈🌈🔥 Daniel 12 Revelation 21 keeping the Faith 💜😎

  • @DUFMAN123
    @DUFMAN123 Рік тому

    I just watched the film for the first time and while I can't say I really loved it overly much, this scene was an absolutely spellbinding and masterful culmination.

  • @amvlabs5339
    @amvlabs5339 Рік тому

    0:36 this moment is so gripping, surreal and eerie: on his deathbed, playing his own eulogy in his mind, giving notes as if he were giving dictation to Salieri, the music playing in his mind as if he had a full 7.1 surround sound setup around him with everything pre recorded.

  • @Vort317545
    @Vort317545 Рік тому

    Most people fail the realize how much of a musical genius Mozart was. Many of his original sheets of music still survive to this day. They are first drafts with very very few corrections. So much so he didn't need any more drafts or revisions. Mozart was six when he wrote his first full Opera!

  • @sands7779
    @sands7779 Рік тому

    Replaying this scene as I love it, especially Mozart humming the choral piece.

  • @carlos10571
    @carlos10571 Рік тому

    "Cinema!" - Martin Scorsese

  • @jamesboulger8705
    @jamesboulger8705 Рік тому

    Salieri could have learned a lot from Mozart if he tried to work with him a lot sooner rather than fight him.

  • @markusmuller6173
    @markusmuller6173 Рік тому

    It's already an open secret that Salieri made Mozart suffer in order to gain fame with his Requiem before ultimately killing him... Nowadays I would like to know what happened to Clemens Arvay recently. Why hasn't his hair been examined for (unwanted) substances like those of Beethoven? How many swamp creatures are there in Vienna and the surrounding area these days?

  • @ohno837
    @ohno837 Рік тому

    Whoever wrote this is a genius

  • @westhawk9599
    @westhawk9599 Рік тому

    Salieri could never understand the genius mind of Mozart. Mozart composed entire orchestral masterpieces, choir included. Salieri was in a race with time. Mozart was dying. Salieri attempted to push Mozart as much as possible, to get Mozart's genius on paper. Salieri's dream was to get the credit for the final composition. Thankfully, this did not happen.

  • @ddawgdmitri
    @ddawgdmitri Рік тому

    Beautiful peice, beautiful scene. Absolutely fantastic

  • @reinhardtristaneugen9113
    @reinhardtristaneugen9113 Рік тому

    Nachtrag: ...übrigens tradiert der confutatis maledictis-Teil des Requiem die Überzeugung der Tatsache von uns Christen, dass es für gewisse < specimen > auf dieser Erde kein eschachtologisches Heil gibt, indem die deutsche Übersetzung folgende ist ( ...eine mögliche... ): Wird die Hölle ohne Schonung, den Verdammten zur Belohnung, ruf mich in die Selg'en Wohnung Le p'tit Daniel, und ist es nicht wunder-wunder-schön? das Proletenkind, und seine Eigenschaft die Wahrheit zu überbringen? ...ich möchte bitte Fish-Mäc's und Fritten haben...

  • @reinhardtristaneugen9113
    @reinhardtristaneugen9113 Рік тому

    Weil ja Filme überhaupt nicht zur Mythenbildung beitragen ( ...übrigens sind die USA auf Platz 1 im Haltet- die-Schn... - Wettbewerb - und - kümmert - euch - um - euren - eigenen - Sch... ...was sollen denn solche Filme????🖕 ) folgende Anmerkungen: Der Film amplifiziert den Mythos des Boten des Todes, der Mozart, eingedenk des eigenen Todes, der unmittelbar bevorstand, über selbigen informiert haben soll... ...der Mythos ist das und das ist die Wahrheit: Es gab keinen < grauen Boten >, wohl aber einen < unbekannten Boten >, der den Auftrag zum Werk Mozart übergab. Das war ein Kanzlist eines Wiener Rechtsanwaltes, der im Auftrag des Grafen Franz von Walsegg, der 1827 verstarb, arbeitete. Graf Walsegg wollte ein Requiem unter eigenem Namen für seine Frau Anna, die mit nur 21 Jahren 1791 verstarb, aufführen. Der Arbeitsauftrag an Mozart wurde ihm im Sommer 1791 überbracht und bis zu seinem Tode am 5.12 des Jahres arbeitete er daran, bekanntlich bis zum Lacrymosa kommend, wobei das Werk von Franz Xaver Süßmayr - engster Mozartkreis - fertiggestellt wurde, vermutlich, damit seine Witwe Konstanze das Honorar entgegennehmen konnte, indem sie schließlich zwei Kinder hatte, aber kaum pekuniäre Möglichkeiten. Die Uraufführung geschah am 2.1.1793 und am 14. 12. 1793 führte Walsegg das Requiem für seine verstorbene Frau als Requiem in der Seelenmesse Ihrer auf. Interessantester musikwissenschaftlicher Forschungsgegenstand für mich ist der Eigenanteil Mozarts über das Lacrymosa hinaus, indem eigentlich bekannt ist, dass Werke nicht linear von Anfang bis Ende komponiert werden, sondern über eine Prinzipalparadigmatisierung, die das ganze Werk umfasst, integrativ vervollständigt werden. Mythen entstehen immer, wenn die Menschen Erklärungen brauchen, um ein Geschehen emotional fassen zu können, weil es ihnen dadurch leichter fällt dieses zu verarbeiten, wobei das beim frühen Tode Mozarts wohl genau so gewesen ist. Auch die im Film kolportierte Feindschaft zu Salieri dürfte so kaum Bestand gehabt haben. Ein Beispiel aus der rezenten Geschichte sei der Tod Kennedys, wobei die Verschwörungstheorien wohl den gerade beschriebenen Grund haben. Die schlichte Wahrheit, dass ein Ex-Marine, der schießen konnte, aber konstruktivistisch in einem autosuggestiven Spin diese Fähigkeit missbraucht hat, ist wohl vielen in den USA bis heute nicht erträglich ( ...übrigens können die von mir schon verschrifteten - mir nachvollziehbar sehr verdrießlichen Details zu Kennedys Leben - kaum der Grund für Lee Harvey Oswald gewesen sein, seine tödlichen Schüsse anzubringen, indem diese Details zu dem Zeitpunkt praktisch nicht bekannt waren... ), sodass die Verschwörungstheorien auch nicht aufhören zu sein, obwohl sie sehr sehr haltlos sind. Auch in dem Fall sorgte Hollywood für Amplifizierungen, die den Menschen als subjektives Konstrukt eines einzelnen nicht zugänglich sind, weil sich bei ihnen selbst eine Fehlwahrheit unter Eindruck der Filme absetzt, die sie seltsamerweise auch nicht abschütteln können... ( ihnen die Wahrheit sagen? ...ja also das klappt immer großartig... ...man erntet nur Unverständnis und wird beleidigt ) Le p'tit Daniel😇🐕...ich möchte bitte Fish-Mäc's mit Fritten haben...

  • @sebastianurrutia2881
    @sebastianurrutia2881 Рік тому

    The lasdt piece of The Requiem compossed by Mozart is Lacrimosa no Confutatis the rest of the requiem has compossed by her aptrentice....sussmayer

  • @Troels_T_Kjoeller
    @Troels_T_Kjoeller Рік тому

    I’ve just come home from watching Amadeus as a play at The Royal Danish Theatre. This scene wasn’t in it, but it was a moving performance. I had to look this up as I’m winding down.

  • @theverdict4322
    @theverdict4322 Рік тому

    brilliant music

  • @aakkoin
    @aakkoin Рік тому

    First bassoon, with the tenor trombones, doubling the vocals

  • @sergiobollana
    @sergiobollana 2 роки тому

    A "Masterpiece" in this case is not enough. What they did is bring Mozart to all generations after this movie. Well deserved Oscars for both and for the movie. I saw F. Murray Abrahams get surprised these past few days when he saw people cheering for him in an awards ceremony, and it seemed a little sad to me. He shouldn't be surprised. He played one of the most iconic parts in any movie from the last 50 years. Well deserved praise for the rest of his life.

  • @ryans7570
    @ryans7570 2 роки тому

    This scene perfectly demonstrates the significance of the gap between the two. Salieri is struggling to keep up with Mozart as he frantically writes down the composition all while he asks him question after question to try and understand. Salieri’s inability to see the best progress for the piece as Mozart does frustrates him but he can’t help but be in awe as it finally begins to make sense. There is also two big moments in this scene that really makes Mozart’s genius stand out that I think goes unnoticed. The first being at 2:10 when Salieri states “that’s all”. This displays how his mind works as a composer, he gets a point where the piece is good but never thinks to push the envelope to enhance it even further. This is ultimately why he was never an innovator and could never reach the artistic levels of the peer he so despised. The second being Mozart’s constant ask for affirmation that Salieri is in fact following as he ask “do you have it?” several times. Mozart was the only one who could see a vision of true musical masterclass and he know it…. He knew Salieri could never see it in his own

  • @rickym6301
    @rickym6301 2 роки тому

    I first saw this scene around 10 or 11 years old with my dad. I didn’t understand a lot of this movie but this is one of the few scenes I got the premise of - that Salieri was writing the music for Mozart. I remember vividly being moved almost to tears when he says “let me see it” and the scene cuts to the horse carriage as the piece plays. Something clicked in me. I think I finally appriciated how brilliant, intricate, and profound music was. That cut always hits me now.

  • @nerdburger234
    @nerdburger234 2 роки тому

    1:45 Mozart = My Teacher giving a Lecture.. Salieri = Me trying to take notes…

  • @神子実
    @神子実 2 роки тому


  • @chakib4391
    @chakib4391 2 роки тому

    This IS the first Movie when there are two major actors and the both deserved an Oscar

  • @luckyspurs
    @luckyspurs 2 роки тому

    You can feel the energy Salieri's getting from realising how serious Mozart is about his actual music. For all the fooling around.

  • @luckyspurs
    @luckyspurs 2 роки тому

    I like how Salieri can write Mozart's compositions without error. He can interpret Mozart's work perfectly, he just can't create it fully formed.

  • @KaosNova2
    @KaosNova2 2 роки тому

    The saddest part is that just when Salieri was beginning to enjoy working with Mozart, Mozart died.

  • @doriscristinahuamanlenes4777
    @doriscristinahuamanlenes4777 2 роки тому

    Mozart(Tom hulce)lo hizo tan perfecto,se entro en el personaje,aprendió a tocar el piano sin falla,no entiendo cómo no le dieron un Oscar,en cambio ganó Salieri.Pobre Tom Hulce cómo se habrá decepcionado

  • @kevinashley478
    @kevinashley478 2 роки тому

    A lot of genius musicians say things like, "it just comes to me". I think that these geniuses actually have the music fully completed in their heads before they ever write a note. The downside, and I was talking to my dad about this just the other day, is that genius seems to go hand in hand with mental issues. Does genius breed crazy, or do you have to be crazy to be a genius?

  • @ur-l4328
    @ur-l4328 2 роки тому

    My one of favorite scenes in this film. Very touching. Can't stay without tears. Love Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!

  • @clivedytor2069
    @clivedytor2069 3 роки тому

    Mozart was simply a genius…not possible to analyse, just adore his sublime gift.

  • @いのうえこういち-v6k
    @いのうえこういち-v6k 3 роки тому


  • @JosueQC
    @JosueQC 3 роки тому

    Salieri was in the sweet spot.... he´s smart enough to recognices geniality but not enough to create it....

  • @gabrielwright858
    @gabrielwright858 3 роки тому


  • @dragorn3212
    @dragorn3212 3 роки тому

    Yes Yes G sharp? Ofcourse too many notes

  • @rishidas7103
    @rishidas7103 3 роки тому

  • @jmk1966
    @jmk1966 3 роки тому

    The way this scene was written, the way the actors embodied their roles, the musical directory of this scene & also the cinematography; hands down THE BEST scene from this movie EVER!

  • @wolfgangamadeusmozart8177
    @wolfgangamadeusmozart8177 4 роки тому

    *Oh how young I was..*

  • @javiercampos9212
    @javiercampos9212 4 роки тому

    Fake scene, no history real

  • @mastermusique3143
    @mastermusique3143 4 роки тому

    Best move Mozart ❤

  • @violinmaestroknight9347
    @violinmaestroknight9347 4 роки тому

    Imagine how people were 5,000 years ago without God’s True Book. How would they have known how they were supposed to live? How would they have known how they were supposed to be in order to please their Creator? So God gave the law of Moses back then. This law was for the people to know how to be. They saw what God expected out of them. God had high expectations from the Israelites. Why shouldn't He? Should He drop His expectations for love and grace? If He drops His expectations to accommodate what man wants, then He compromised His perfection for man’s imperfection. Does a Perfect God compromise His perfection? So God has expectations once He tells His creation how He wants things. His love and grace gives His creation time to change. He is willing to help them change if they ask Him. Then His creation, while repenting or changing to do His will, see His Beauty. This is a relationship formed now with the Creator. If He is the Most Beautiful Being, which He is, how can His creation not want to obey Him? How can His creation not want to please Him? The reason why is because of foolishness. Man loves his own foolishness rather than God’s wisdom, Jn 3:19. Man loves his sin. If anyone loves himself, he will stay in sin. So man who stays in sin rejects his perfect Creator or Father, and exchanges it for his own foolishness. So now fast forward to today where we have God’s True Book. We officially know what God wants. God gave His creation a big help, the Word, to show us how He wants us to live. If we follow His perfect teachings, we all live with perfect peace, love, joy and unity. This is His perfect design for His children's lives. When we go against His perfect design for what we want, sin, we throw away that perfect plan. We throw away that perfect peace, love, joy and unity. Giving up these things is foolish. So sinning against God proves to be the worst plan for us! God wanted to help mankind. God wanted to save man from his foolishness. He wanted to help us the best way possible because He is Good. The best and only way to do it, as God saw fit, was to give mankind His Son. Why? The Son is the Word, Jn 1:1. The Word always obeys the Father's will. The Father's will is spoken through His Word. The Word proceeds forth from the Father's will and mind. So the Word that God speaks is the pure sequel to what was inside the Father's mind and heart. Jesus is that perfection manifest. He is the physical embodiment of God's will and thought. God's will and thought is expressed through His Word. Jesus, the human part, is the perfect, physical expression of God. Jesus, the human part that walked this earth, came to teach us the perfect will of God. How? He did this by example. This is why Jesus walked this earth perfectly without sinning. So Jesus taught us perfectly. He even was willing to die not only death, but the death He did not deserve since He never sinned against God the Father. He chose to give His life. That's why Jesus says no man forces Him to lay down His life, He chose to lay it down, Jn 10:18. God wanted to save mankind. Jesus wants what the Father wants. The Word always obeys the will. He shed even His perfect, pure blood for us. His blood is the fulfillment of perfect obedience to the Father. Why? Because the Son asked 3 times in the Garden, "Take my cup not by my will but by yours." The Father said the Son still had to shed His blood on the cross. The Son obeyed the Father's will over His own. So the blood was shed for that purpose. Nobody else had that kind of blood. Nobody else pleased the Father perfectly like the Son. So now instead of the law of Moses showing us the way to live rightly in God's eyes, we have the Son. This is the New Covenant. In Jesus and His blood, we now obey Him instead of the Mosaic law as part of this new agreement between man and God. So as man wants to live rightly to please His Creator, man now must turn to the Word of the Creator. So obeying the perfect teachings of Jesus brings us to how God wants us to live. The Son conquered the grave. The grave is the end of all who sin. The grave is the payment for sin. Satan founded the grave. How? Because Satan started death by being the first to sin against Almighty God. Jesus destroyed Satan's creation and fulfills the very first prophecy spoken of the Savior in Genesis 3:15. That's why Jesus came to "...destroy the works of the devil," 1 Jn 3:8. Satan came to ruin God's Creation with sin. Jesus came to ruin Satan's creation, death, with perfect obedience, which His blood shed proves. That's why in His blood, there is life. So the Gospel is God's reconciliation with man. How? Only through the Son. If you disobey the Son, you disobey the Father. Jesus says, “He who has seen me has seen the Father,” Jn 14:9. Repent and accept Jesus as Your Lord NOW!!! Then start to read the Gospels and obey His commands. Follow Jesus only, no other man, no religion. Only Jesus. Joseph, Servant of God Sent by Christ to evangelize the whole world www.clevelandstreetpreachers.com UA-cam CLEVELAND STREET PREACHERS.,

  • @violinmaestroknight9347
    @violinmaestroknight9347 4 роки тому

    Imagine how people were 5,000 years ago without God’s True Book. How would they have known how they were supposed to live? How would they have known how they were supposed to be in order to please their Creator? So God gave the law of Moses back then. This law was for the people to know how to be. They saw what God expected out of them. God had high expectations from the Israelites. Why shouldn't He? Should He drop His expectations for love and grace? If He drops His expectations to accommodate what man wants, then He compromised His perfection for man’s imperfection. Does a Perfect God compromise His perfection? So God has expectations once He tells His creation how He wants things. His love and grace gives His creation time to change. He is willing to help them change if they ask Him. Then His creation, while repenting or changing to do His will, see His Beauty. This is a relationship formed now with the Creator. If He is the Most Beautiful Being, which He is, how can His creation not want to obey Him? How can His creation not want to please Him? The reason why is because of foolishness. Man loves his own foolishness rather than God’s wisdom, Jn 3:19. Man loves his sin. If anyone loves himself, he will stay in sin. So man who stays in sin rejects his perfect Creator or Father, and exchanges it for his own foolishness. So now fast forward to today where we have God’s True Book. We officially know what God wants. God gave His creation a big help, the Word, to show us how He wants us to live. If we follow His perfect teachings, we all live with perfect peace, love, joy and unity. This is His perfect design for His children's lives. When we go against His perfect design for what we want, sin, we throw away that perfect plan. We throw away that perfect peace, love, joy and unity. Giving up these things is foolish. So sinning against God proves to be the worst plan for us! God wanted to help mankind. God wanted to save man from his foolishness. He wanted to help us the best way possible because He is Good. The best and only way to do it, as God saw fit, was to give mankind His Son. Why? The Son is the Word, Jn 1:1. The Word always obeys the Father's will. The Father's will is spoken through His Word. The Word proceeds forth from the Father's will and mind. So the Word that God speaks is the pure sequel to what was inside the Father's mind and heart. Jesus is that perfection manifest. He is the physical embodiment of God's will and thought. God's will and thought is expressed through His Word. Jesus, the human part, is the perfect, physical expression of God. Jesus, the human part that walked this earth, came to teach us the perfect will of God. How? He did this by example. This is why Jesus walked this earth perfectly without sinning. So Jesus taught us perfectly. He even was willing to die not only death, but the death He did not deserve since He never sinned against God the Father. He chose to give His life. That's why Jesus says no man forces Him to lay down His life, He chose to lay it down, Jn 10:18. God wanted to save mankind. Jesus wants what the Father wants. The Word always obeys the will. He shed even His perfect, pure blood for us. His blood is the fulfillment of perfect obedience to the Father. Why? Because the Son asked 3 times in the Garden, "Take my cup not by my will but by yours." The Father said the Son still had to shed His blood on the cross. The Son obeyed the Father's will over His own. So the blood was shed for that purpose. Nobody else had that kind of blood. Nobody else pleased the Father perfectly like the Son. So now instead of the law of Moses showing us the way to live rightly in God's eyes, we have the Son. This is the New Covenant. In Jesus and His blood, we now obey Him instead of the Mosaic law as part of this new agreement between man and God. So as man wants to live rightly to please His Creator, man now must turn to the Word of the Creator. So obeying the perfect teachings of Jesus brings us to how God wants us to live. The Son conquered the grave. The grave is the end of all who sin. The grave is the payment for sin. Satan founded the grave. How? Because Satan started death by being the first to sin against Almighty God. Jesus destroyed Satan's creation and fulfills the very first prophecy spoken of the Savior in Genesis 3:15. That's why Jesus came to "...destroy the works of the devil," 1 Jn 3:8. Satan came to ruin God's Creation with sin. Jesus came to ruin Satan's creation, death, with perfect obedience, which His blood shed proves. That's why in His blood, there is life. So the Gospel is God's reconciliation with man. How? Only through the Son. If you disobey the Son, you disobey the Father. Jesus says, “He who has seen me has seen the Father,” Jn 14:9. Repent and accept Jesus as Your Lord NOW!!! Then start to read the Gospels and obey His commands. Follow Jesus only, no other man, no religion. Only Jesus. Joseph, Servant of God Sent by Christ to evangelize the whole world www.clevelandstreetpreachers.com UA-cam CLEVELAND STREET PREACHERS,.

  • @lynn1464
    @lynn1464 4 роки тому

    Hollywood did not get their history right here is an article showing this did not happen. www.mentalfloss.com/article/547532/facts-about-wolfgang-amadeus-mozart Mozart died before it was finished and it shows who finished it. Here is more facts about the movie Mozart.screenrant.com/amadeus-scenes-dramaticize-fiction-real-life/ and handelandhaydn.org/amadeus-fact-fiction/ If you going to make a movie about somebody get your facts rights.

    • @mars5709
      @mars5709 3 роки тому

      Lol that's no fun, they don't say it's finished here or anything. It's just a movie not a documentary

    • @deodate2995
      @deodate2995 11 місяців тому

      square alert square alert someone get the horse and cart