- 6
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Приєднався 1 чер 2008
Thedhekey Thedhekey
Maldivian singer Aishath Naseera makes a comeback with this music video on healthy ageing, her gift to NGO Manfaa. Written by Ahmed Naseer with music by Ahmed Nashid (of Zero Degree Atoll), it concludes Club Hulhevi's trilogy of public service announcement music videos. The video was shot on location in Fiyori and Rathafandhoo and stars non-actors.
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Heyva Heyva
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Popular Maldivian singer Zoona sings the maternal mortality awareness campaign music video which turned into a musical phenomena in 2002. A Club Hulhevi production for UNFPA with music by Ahmed Amir and Ahmed Affal of MAARStudio.
Fahu Huvafen (The Last Dream)
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Maldivian Singers Fazeela Amir and brother Ahmed Amir sings this popular duet from the original soundtrack of Club Hulhevi's 2002 feature 30 Dhuvas (30 Days). Music by MAARStudio.
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Maldivian singer Ahmed Amir's haunting song from the album Fanvaiy has one-time popular actress Sajna in her first performance. Produced in 2000, this is Club Hulhevi's first music video and the start of its partnership with MAARStudio.
Ossey Iru (The Setting Sun)
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Maldivian singer Ahmed Amir sings his award-winning composition from the original soundtrack of Club Hulhevi's feature film 30 Dhuvas (30 days) about a drifter living on the edge in post-millennium Maldives.
Vehey Iru (Make Hay While The Sun Shines)
Переглядів 28 тис.16 років тому
An adoloscent awareness PSA/music video, this song, sung by popular singer Unoosha, depicts old Maldivian custom of "libaas-levvun" or robing girls on reaching puberty. Produced in 2005 by Club Hulhevi for UNFPA. Music by Ahmed Amir and Ahmed Affal of MAARStudio.
Nice song, male vocal outstanding
Ĺĺllĺl Ll L L Llll
It’s showing flashbacks of the old lady in her time and the life of her granddaughter. And a little back story of how she had a crush on that boy but got married to a another man but their love still stayed the same even after ma at years it’s not an insult
Never really understood the meaning behind the video when i watched it on tv as a kid. So tragic i feel so bad for her.
Kabe kabee
Ooof Boi, yes it is difficult to understand. It's about a pregnant woman being difficult to give birth. Her grief.
Need to make more of these awareness songs for this generation.
How was my acting?
2022 still listening 🥰❤️
Good to know Because legends like u are very few nowadays
I don't know this had a video
Varah chaalu furihama lava eh
Ahmed amir is just legendary, incomparable.
Woww. I always used to listen to this song since it was released and when i was a teen. And now I'm again listening to this in 2021😊
Wanted to here poetry so wonderfull
life is bittersweet although it's alright.
A very nice song,
what have happened to this world. nothing comes close to these songs.❤️
Seems technological advancements and shit happened making things unnatural.
As I kid I loved this song I didn’t know why. It feels nostalgic to come back here
@@mohamedbahaman9869for real ❤
I was in grade 4, now I'm 29 years old 😢... Still remember those days when this song was popular....
Love this song
The poetry of this song is deep and only a true maldivian can fully understand every verse.
Mohamed Shauf I wish I could know
ޝާއިރު: ހދ. ކުޅުދުއްފުށީ ފާލްސާގޭ ޙަސަން އަޙްމަދު (މަޝްހޫރު ލަނގޮޑި މާލިމީ) ލިޔުން ނެގީ: ދިވެހި ޑައިޖެސްޓްގެ 32 ވަނަ ޢަދަދުން ***************************************************** ހޭވާ ހޭވާ ނެތިއޭ މިދަނީ (ހޭ، ވާ، ހޭ، ވާ ނެތިއޭ މިދަނީ) ހޭ ފަހެ މަދެނެއް ނުވިހާނޭ (ފަހެ މަ ދެނެއް ނުވިހާނޭހޭ؟) ފަން ފެންތަށްޓަށް ނުހަލާ މިވަރޭ (މީ ފަންފެން ތަށްޓަށް ނުހަލާވަރޭ) ކަން މިޔަ ނުއެނގޭ މޮޔަކަތުޑޭ (މިޔަ - ކަން، ނުއެނގޭ މޮޔަކަތުނޭ) ތައްމާ ގިނަ ކަށި ރަތް ހޯދައިގެން (ގިނަރަތް ކަށިމާތައް ހޯދައިގެން) ފަންޑިތަ ދަނޑުމަތިބެ ހަދާށޭ (ދަނޑުމަތިބެ ފަންޑިތަ ހަދާށޭ) ރެން އަފު ނަފުރާ ބޭނުން ނަމައީ (އަހުރެން ފުރާނަ ބޭނުން ނަމައީ) ފެންނަން އަހުރެން އޮތް ހިނދުގާ (އަހުރެން ފެންނަން އޮތް ހިނދުގާ) ލެއްމާ ކަށިލައި ޢުމަރު ކަތީބާ (ޢުމަރު ކަތީބާ! ކަށިމަލެއްލައި) ފެންތަށްޓެއް ބޮޑު ކިޔަވާށޭ (ބޮޑު ފެންތަށްޓެއް ކިޔަވާށޭ) މަންމާ އަހަރެންވޭތޯ މިނަޖާ (މަންމާ އަހަރެން މި ނަޖާވޭތޯ) ތަންމަތިމައްޗަށް ގެން މައުރާ (މަ ތަންމަތިމައްޗަށް އަރައިގެން) ކަންފަތްކައިރީ އިނދެގެން އަހުރެން (އަހުރެންގެ ކަންފަތް ކައިރީ އިނދެގެން) ލަންމާޖާފަނު ކިޔަވާށޭ (ލަންމާ ޖާފަނު ކިޔަވާށޭ!) ބިސްމިން އިޤްރައު ހަތްދިހަފަހަރަށް (އިޤްރައު ބިސްމިން ހަތްދިހަފަހަރަށް) ވިސްނުންތެރި ބާ މީދަ ކަތީ (މީދަ ވިސްނުންތެރި ކަތީބާ!) ފިސްފިސްނުވަނީސް މިކަމުން އަހަރެން (މިކަމުން އަހަރެން ފިސްފިސްނުވަނީސް) އިސްމުލް އަޢުޡަމް ކިޔަވާށޭ (އިސްމުލް އަޢުޡަމް ކިޔަވާށޭ!) ފުޅަކަށް ދަރިއެދި ހުރިނަމަ ތިޔައީ (ތިޔަދަރިފުޅަކަށް އެދިހުރި ނަމައީ) ހުޅަނގަށް ތިޔައިން ބާއެކަތީ (އެ ހުޅަނގަށް ތިޔައިން ކަތީބާ!) މުޅަޔަށް ނުވަނީސް މިކަމުން އަހަރެން (މިކަމުން އަހަރެން މުޅަޔަށް ނުވަނީސް) އުޅަލެއް ރަން އަތު މަ އަޅާށޭ! (މައަތު ރަންއުޅޭލެއް އަޅާށޭ!) ވަދެގެން ފޮތިގަނޑު އެތެރަށް މިތަނަށް (މިތަނަށް ފޮތިގަނޑު އެތެރަށް ވަދެގެން) ލަދެކޭ ނުހިތާ ހުތުރު މިވާ (މިވާ ހުތުރު ލަދެކޭ ނުހިތާ) ތަދެކޭ މިވަނީ މީނދަ ކަތީބާ! (މީނދަ ކަތީބާ! މިވަނީ ތަދެކޭ) މަދެކެން މިތަނަށް ވަންނާށޭ! (މަދެކެން މިތަނަށް ވަންނާށޭ!) ނޫހޭ ނަފުރާ އަހުރެން މިއެދޭ (އަހަރެން މިފުރާނަ އެދޭނޫހޭ؟) ނޫހޭ ބަލަބާ މީދަކަތީ (ނޫހޭ ބަލަ މީދަ ކަތީބާ!) ނޫރަން އެގުލޭ މާ ހޯދައިގެން (އެ ގުލޭނޫރަންމާ ހޯދައިގެން) ނޫރާނީ ހިރުޒު ކިޔަވާށޭ! (ނޫރާނީ ހިރުޒު ކިޔަވާށޭ!) ޙައިރާން ވެވިފާ ނުތިބެ މިތާނގާ (މިތާނގައި ހައިރާންވެވިފާ ނުތިބެ) ހާތިބި މިކަތުން ފޫ އެގަޅާ (މިތިބަހާ އެ، ކަތުން ފޫގަޅާ) ހާޒާރުގެ ގުލްމާ ހޯދިއްޔާ (ގުލްހަޒާރުގެ މާ ހޯދިއްޔާ) ވާނޭ މިކަމަށް އެބަފެނެޔޭ (މިކަމަށް ވާނޭ އެބަފެނެޔޭ) މަރިޔާދުމަތީ މީނދަ ކަތީބާ (މަރިޔާދުމަތީ މީނދަ ކަތީބާ!) މަރިޝާ ދުމުރާ ގެން މިހިފާ (މަރިޝާ މުރާދު ހިފައިގެން) މަރިޔަމް މާ ފެންތަށްޓަށް ލައިގެން (ފެންތަށްޓަށް މަރިޔަމް މާލައިގެން) މަރިޔަމު ސޫރަތް ކިޔަވާށޭ! (މަރިޔަމް ސޫރަތް ކިޔަވާށޭ!) ޙުރުމަތްތެރިވީ މީނދަ ކަތީބާ! (މީނދަ ޙުރުމަތްތެރިވި ކަތީބާ!) ދުރުނުވެ އަހުރެން ކައިރީގާ (ދުރުނުވެ އަހުރެން ކައިރީގައި) ޤުރުއާނުތެރޭން ވަކިކޮށް މިނާގާ (ވަކިކޮށް ޤުރުއާން ތެރޭން މިނަގާ) ސުރުޖީ ފައިދާ ކިޔަވާށޭ! (ސުރުޖީ ފައިދާ ކިޔަވާށޭ!) ޖިންނީން އަތުގައި ކަމުގައި އެވިޔަސް (އެވީ ޖިންނީން އަތުގައި ކަމަށްވިޔަސް) ހިތްވަރު ހުރި މީނދަ ކަތީ (މީނދަ ހިތްވަރުހުރި ކަތީބާ!) ކިންކިރި ބޯޅަ އެމާ ހޯދައިގެން (ބޯޅަކިންކިރިމާ ހޯދައިގެން) ސިއްރު ޖަބާނުޒަ ކިޔަވާށޭ! (ސިއްރު ޖަބާނުޒަ ކިޔަވާށޭ!) ވާކިޔަ މިގެއެއް ފުއްޓަރުގަ އަޅާ (ފުއްޓަރުގައި ކިޔަވާގެއެއް އަޅައި) ސާޅީސް ހަވެލާ ބަނދެ ލަމުފާ (ފާލަމު ސާޅީސް ހަވެލާ ބަނދެ) މާ ހަތްވަހަރާ ކަސްތޫރި ދުމާ (ހަތްމާވަހަރާ ކަސްތޫރި ދުމާ) ޔާކިޔަ ޝާޒުލް ބަޙުރު ނަގާ (އެކިޔާ ޝާޒުލް ބަހުރު ނަގާ) ބަދުނާމެއް ނެތި މީދަކަތީބާ! (ބަދުނާމެއްނެތި މީދަ ކަތީބާ) ލަދުރަކިވެވިފާ ނުއިނދެ މިތާ (މިތާ ލަދުރަކިވެފާ ނުއިނދެ) ސަނދުބަރަކާ މާފެންތަށްޓަށްލައި (ފެންތަށްޓަށް ސަނދުބަރަކާމާ ލައި) ބަދުޝޭ މިދުޢާ ކިޔަވާށޭ! (ބަދުޝޭ މިދުއާ ކިޔަވާށޭ!) ސަހަރޯ ވަޅުލަން ތައްޔާރުކުރަން (ސަހަރޯ! ވަޅުލަން ތައްޔާރުކުރަން) ދަހަރޯ ދައިތާ މަންމަބަލައި (ދައިތާ މަންމަ ބަލައި ދަހަރޯ) ފަހުނޭވާ ހޮޅިއަށް އެޅިމިދަނީ (ފަހުނޭވާ މިދަނީ ހޮޅިއަށްއެޅި) އަހުރެންވާ ކުދިކުދި ވެއްޖޭ (އަހުރެން ވާ ކުދިކުދި ވެއްޖޭ)
@@mohamedraaifrushdhy6693# zzzaaa---@☆●x@@@@@
@@shi2222 joined I Loveu Ïll Look It to me nm look like me mum k k look look Lol lol look pcl MLB x dearm
nice song love it💖
Heyvaa Heyvaa Nethihey Midhanee Hey Fahe Madheneh Nuvihaaney Fan Fen Thahtah Nuhalaa Mivarey Kan Miye Nuengey Moya Thakuney Thah Maa Gina Kashi Hoadhaigen Fanditha Dhandumathbe Hadhaashey Ran Afuna Furaa Beynun Namaee Fennan Aharen Oiy Hindhugaa Gen Maa Kashilaa Umaru Katheebaa Fenthahteh Bodu Kiyavaashey Manmaa Aharen Veythoa Minajaa Thanmathi Mahchah Genma Araa Kanfaiy Kairee Indhegen Aharen Yanma Jaafanu Kiyavaashey Mariyaazu Mathee Meendha Katheebaa Marisaadhu Maraa Gen Mihifaa Mariyammaa Fenthahtah Laigen Mariyam Sooraiy Kiyavaashey Fulhakah Dhari Edhi Nama Huri Thiyaee Hulhangah Thiya In Baaekathee Mulha Ahnuvanees Mikamun Aharen Ulhaleh Ran Athama Alhaashey Bismin Iqrau Haiydhiha Faharah Visnun Theribaa Meendha Kathee Fisfis Nuvanees Mikamun Aharen Ismul Auzam Kiyavaashey Saharoa Valhulan Thayyaaru Kuran Dhaharey Dhaithaa Mamma Balaa Fahuneyvaa Holhiah Elhi Midhanee Aharenvaa Kudhikudhi Vehjey
how do i get the instrumental cover of this song..anyone.??
reminds me my childhood. those days dis song will b on TV always. haha. glad to hear it afta long tym
Beautiful song
anneyeonghaseyo thix son ix gud!
Reminds me of my childhood
Hisham Zaki same here... Miss those good old days 👍
anyone out there know the chords of the song ?
Nice song. Reminds me of my childhood. They used to show this song very often on TV back then. =D
this the real Maldives when their was love now there is no love or respect it looks like back then people where more educated. wish it was like this now
I just love it....
This made me call my grandmother back in Maldives. I miss my country and our traditions. A great piece of art! No wonder!
ikr 🤩
AWESOME AUDIO SONG...but what the fuck is video talking about?? This is an insult to maldivian traditions and some people just keep smiling...frking disgusting....the only things these clowns are showing in the video is dont marry early ZINEY KURAMUN DHUVAASHEY....UNFPA is fucking up maldivian traditions...they can send their message without insulting my grandmothers!!!
I say u are narrow minded if u think so. The message is not about getting married or not married.. it's about telling the forecoming generations about how knowledge was less in the past and how people had to move quite fast and choiceless in the past..and for we have it now, the video messages not to take what we have in life for granted and to get more out of life whilst when we can.. P.s. it shows the wedding traditions of then and now. The difference. The awareness people have with it. And being given the choice when and how they wanna do it.
this song is just so amazing. brings back some good memories :)
@gutt3rflow3r ya u alone...bcoz u cant think of men and women as equals...valhu ves hikkan jeheynee...mizamaanu ga hama evvaru...
This is really nice video song from fazeela
Awesome song I like it
naseera haadha fakkale inge thi lava vidhaalhuvefa in goi. kanbuloya hama saabahey buneveyni
is it just me that finds it disturbing that the man stands while two old women rowed?
That's the navigator, the Maldivian islands are quite close together, sometimes only a dozen or so meters, reefs between the islands are quite treacherous, so if you don't have an experienced navigator on guard at all times it is highly unlikely that you will make it. Also, in the traditional Maldivian society, everyone had equal rights and everyone worked, so I don't find it surprising given that Maldivian ladies will not yield easily to the men. I assure you, Maldivian ladies will not yield easily to the men, they are a force of their own...
@@hussainshaihaan4406 Its still so true.. My mother is such an example
a great piece of work ! totally admire it
a great piece of work! totally admire it
she is the same person who sang the song, minivan vayaa!! congratulations nazee.. great piece of work :)
i loooove the song!! i can listen to it over and over again for a thousandth time! but its the first time i watched the video...
great work!!!
First of, we believe the song will be remembered for a long time. The vocal was outstanding. Overall, the song was touching and a very IMPORTANT presentation.
Nice video n song, its good to see some of the things in our culture that we wudnt see ever again, and i applaud u and the UNFPA for doing this work, thank you!
This is a wonderful and a great piece of music and video! also a great way of giving a awareness about healthy aging.